Initial state
This commit is contained in:
Executable file
Executable file
@ -0,0 +1,137 @@
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
require 'cmxl' # for parsing the MT940 file
require 'roo' # for parsing the Excel file
require 'humanize' # for converting numbers to words
Humanize.configure do |config|
config.default_locale = :de # [:en, :es, :fr, :tr, :de, :id], default: :en
config.decimals_as = :number # [:digits, :number], default: :digits
# usage ./beitragsquittung.rb <MT940 file> <Excel file> <member id>
# the member ID is optional. If not provided, all members are processed
# the time range is used from the MT940 file
def generate_reciept(mitgliedsnummer, name, vorname, strasse, hausnummer, plz, ort, betrag, betrag_in_worten, start_datum, end_datum, payments)
puts "Generating reciept for #{mitgliedsnummer} #{name} #{vorname} #{strasse} #{hausnummer} #{plz} #{ort} #{betrag} #{betrag_in_worten} #{start_datum} #{end_datum}"
# create a csv file with the payments
|"payments.csv", "wb") do |csv|
csv << ["datum", "betrag", "type", "verzicht"]
payments.each do |payment|
csv << [payment[:date], payment[:amount], payment[:type], payment[:verzicht]]
# call latex to generate the pdf
system("pdflatex \"\\newcommand{\\vorname}{#{vorname}} \\newcommand{\\nachname}{#{name}} \\newcommand{\\strasse}{#{strasse + " " + hausnummer.to_s}} \\newcommand{\\plz}{#{plz}} \\newcommand{\\ort}{#{ort}} \\newcommand{\\betrag}{#{betrag}} \\newcommand{\\betraginworten}{#{betrag_in_worten}} \\newcommand{\\startdatum}{#{start_datum}} \\newcommand{\\findatum}{#{end_datum}} \\newcommand{\\mitgliedsnummer}{#{mitgliedsnummer}} \\input{document.tex}\"")
def get_payments_from_member_id(mitgliedsnummer)
Cmxl.config[:statement_separator] = /\n-.\n/m
Cmxl.config[:raise_line_format_errors] = true
# get the filename from the command line arguments
filename = ARGV[0]
# check if the filename is valid or not presented
if filename.nil? || !File.exists?(filename)
puts "Enter the filename of the MT940 statement to parse"
filename = gets.chomp
# parse the MT940 file
statements = Cmxl.parse(, :encoding => 'ISO-8859-1')
# The statement contains transactions called Mitgliedsbeitrag. They are labled like this: "MREF"=>"Mitgliedsbeitrag Nr. 17" where 17 is the mitgliedsnummer.
# for each payment of the mitgliedsbeitrag create an entry with the date and amount in the following datastructure
payments = []
statements.each do |s|
s.transactions.each do |t|
reference = ""
t.sepa.each do |sf|
# add the second entry of the sepa reference (sf) to the reference string if the first entry contans "MREF"
if sf[0] == "MREF"
reference = sf[1]
# if the mitgliedsnummer is a single digit number, the reference is "Mitgliedsbeitrag Nr. 01" and not "Mitgliedsbeitrag Nr. 1"
# so we have to check for both cases
if reference.include?("Mitgliedsbeitrag Nr. #{mitgliedsnummer.to_s.rjust(2, '0')}") || reference.include?("Mitgliedsbeitrag Nr. #{mitgliedsnummer}")
# puts t.entry_date
# puts t.amount
payment = {
date: t.entry_date,
amount: t.amount,
type: "Mitgliedsbeitrag",
verzicht: "nein"
payments << payment
# puts
# get the start and end date of the statements
start_datum = statements[0]"%d.%m.%Y")
end_datum = statements[statements.length() -1]"%d.%m.%Y")
return payments, start_datum, end_datum
def get_member_details_from_mitgliedsnummer(mitgliedsnummer)
# get the member details from the excel file
# the member details are stored in the first sheet
# the first row contains the headings of the columns
# the second row contains the values for the first member
# the headings are: Nr., Nachname, Vorname, Geburtsdatum, Straße, Hausnummer, Postleitzahl, Ort
# the values are: 1, Mustermann, Max, 01.01.1970, Musterstraße, 1, 12345, Musterstadt
xlsx =[1])
# create data structure
member = {
name: xlsx.sheet(0).row(mitgliedsnummer+1)[1],
vorname: xlsx.sheet(0).row(mitgliedsnummer+1)[2],
strasse: xlsx.sheet(0).row(mitgliedsnummer+1)[4],
hausnummer: xlsx.sheet(0).row(mitgliedsnummer+1)[5],
plz: xlsx.sheet(0).row(mitgliedsnummer+1)[6],
ort: xlsx.sheet(0).row(mitgliedsnummer+1)[7]
return member
mitgliedsnummer = ARGV[2].to_i
if mitgliedsnummer.nil?
# get number of members from the excel file it is the first value of the last row
xlsx =[1])
anzahl_members = xlsx.sheet(0).last_row[0]
puts "Number of members: #{anzahl_members}"
# loop over all members
for mitgliedsnummer in 1..anzahl_members
puts "Processing member #{mitgliedsnummer}"
generate_reciept(mitgliedsnummer, name, vorname, strasse, plz, ort, betrag, betrag_in_worten, start_datum, end_datum)
# get the payments from the MT940 file
payments, start_datum, end_datum = get_payments_from_member_id(mitgliedsnummer)
puts "Payments:"
total_payment = 0
payments.each do |payment|
puts payment[:date] + " " + payment[:amount].to_s
total_payment += payment[:amount]
# convert the total payment to a string in german
betrag_in_worten = total_payment.humanize
puts "Total payment:" + total_payment.to_s + " in worten: " + betrag_in_worten
member = get_member_details_from_mitgliedsnummer(mitgliedsnummer)
generate_reciept(mitgliedsnummer, member[:name], member[:vorname], member[:strasse], member[:hausnummer], member[:plz], member[:ort], total_payment, betrag_in_worten, start_datum, end_datum, payments)
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,421 @@
# Changelog
All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on
[Keep a Changelog](,
and this project adheres to
[Semantic Versioning](
## [Unreleased]
### Added
### Changed
### Deprecated
### Removed
### Fixed
### Security
## [2.5.0] - 2023-10-16
### Added
- New survey tables (issue #29):
- `\csvautotabularray`
- `\csvautotabularray*`
- `\csvautolongtabularray`
- `\csvautolongtabularray*`
- New corresponding options (issue #29)
- `autotabularray`
- `autotabularray*`
- `autolongtabularray`
- `autolongtabularray*`
### Changed
- Documentation typos fixed (issue #30)
- Survey tables moved into a separate section
### Fixed
- `collect data` does not collect `after first line` (issue #28)
## [2.4.0] - 2023-05-09
### Added
- New additive filter options (issue #24):
- `and filter bool`
- `and filter fp`
- `and filter strcmp`
- `and filter not strcmp`
- `or filter bool`
- `or filter fp`
- `or filter strcmp`
- `or filter not strcmp`
- Hook `csvsimple/csvline` added with example for doublequote replacement (issue #19)
- Option setting `separator = space` (issue #20)
### Changed
- The content of `range` is now expanded before processing it
- Implementation of `filter bool`, `filter fp`, `filter strcmp`, `filter not strcmp`
## [2.3.2] - 2022-09-20
### Fixed
- The `\ifcsvfirstrow` command doesn't work (issue #23)
## [2.3.1] - 2022-06-21
### Fixed
- Documentation: placeholder names corrected (issue #21)
- Use built-in constants instead of integers for boolexpr (issue #22)
## [2.3.0] - 2022-02-01
### Added
- Option `column names detection` (related to issue #16)
- Documentation: csvautotabular inspired example for tabularray.
### Changed
- `\csvlinetotablerow` changed to be expandable and to be
usable inside a *Data Collection* (issue #16)
- Options `autotabular`, `autobooktabular`, `autolongtable`, `autobooklongtable`
use `column names detection=false` now.
## [2.2.1] - 2022-01-07
### Fixed
- Option `late after first line` ignored for `csvsimple-l3` (issue #17)
## [2.2.0] - 2021-09-09
### Added
- Configurable usage of tabular-like environments (issue #12)
- Option `table centered`
- Option `generic table`
- Option `generic collected table`
- Option `generic table options`
### Changed
- The implementation of all tabular-like environments uses the new
generic environments now internally. Should be unnoticeable for a user.
### Fixed
- documentation typo correction and small improvents (issue #15)
- Option `long tabularray`
## [2.1.0] - 2021-07-06
### Added
- Support for (limited) data collection (issue #15)
- Support for package `tabularray` (part of issue #12)
- Option `after filter`
- Option `collect data`
- Option `data collection`
- Option `tabularray`
- Option `centered tabularray`
- `\csvdatacollection`
- `\csvexpval`
- `\csvexpnot`
- `\csvcollectn`
- `\csvcollectx`
- `\csvcollectV`
### Fixed
- Line Range was not resetted
- Wrong link and word inside documentation `csvsimple.pdf` (issue #13, issue #15)
- Several inconsistent local/global assignment errors
## [2.0.0] - 2021-06-29
### Added
- New documentation `csvsimple-l3.pdf` for the new LaTeX3 version
(revised, adapted and extended from the old documentation)
- `\thecsvcolumncount`
- Option `autotabular*`
- Option `autobooktabular*`
- Option `autolongtable*`
- Option `autobooklongtable*`
- Option `filter bool`
- Option `filter fp`
- Option `range`
- `\csvautotabular*`
- `\csvautobooktabular*`
- `\csvautolongtable*`
- `\csvautobooklongtable*`
- `\csvfilterbool`
- `\ifcsvfirstrow`
- `\ifcsvoddrow`
- `\ifcsvfpcmp`
- `\ifcsvintcmp`
- `\csvsortingrule`
### Changed
- Complete re-implementation of the hitherto existing latex package
as LaTeX3 package using the expl3 interface. From now on, three package
files are provided:
** `csvsimple-legacy.sty` identical to csvsimple until version 1.22 **
** `csvsimple-l3.sty` LaTeX3 package of csvsimple **
** `csvsimple.sty` stub to select `l3` or `legacy` (default) **
- The LaTeX2e version (`csvsimple-legacy`) will be maintained in its
current state with no intended changes with exceptions of bug fixes.
- The LaTeX3 version (`csvsimple-l3`) is regarded to be the main package
and may receive feature upgrades in the future
- Existing documents using csvsimple v1.22 need no change since loading
`csvsimple` will load `csvsimple-legacy`.
- `cvsimple-l3` is a *nearly* drop-in replacement for `csvsimple-legacy`.
Only very few things phased out and the user interface is quite identical.
The most significant difference is that `l3keys` are used instead of `pgfkeys`
which may need adaptions on user side (for examples, if .styles are used)
- New documents are encouraged to apply `cvsimple-l3` instead of `csvsimple-legacy`.
- For the complete package is valid: do not upgrade from version 1.22, if your
TeX installation has no current LateX3/expl3 support a.k.a *is too old*
- `csvinputline` and `csvrow` are no longer LaTeX2e counters
- The hitherto existing documentation `csvsimple.pdf` is now `csvsimple-legacy.pdf`
- `csvsimple.pdf` documents the stub package and differences
between `csvsimple-l3.sty` and `csvsimple-legacy.sty`
- `column count = 0` means automatic column number detection for CSV files without head
- Option `head` does not change option `check column count` anymore
- Changelog moved from CHANGES to and adapted to
[Keep a Changelog](
- From now on version numbers adhere to
[Semantic Versioning](
### Deprecated
- `\csviffirstrow`
- `\csvifoddrow`
### Removed
- `\csvheadset`
- Option `filter`
- Option `nofilter`
- Option `nohead`
## [1.22] - 2021-06-07
### Added
- Option `head to column names prefix` (issue #7)
### Changed
- Due to changes in the LaTeX kernel 2021-06-01, the empty line
detection of csvsimple had to be adapted. Updating csvsimple is
essential to avoid problems with kernel 2021-06-01. (issue #11)
## [1.21] - 2019-04-09
### Changed
- Package `pgfrcs` added as required package
- Introduction augmented with additional hints for first time users (issue #3)
### Fixed
- Spurious blank in sorting code removed
## [1.20] - 2016-07-01
### Added
- New string comparison macros:
- `\ifcsvstrequal`
- `\ifcsvprostrequal`
- `\ifcsvstrcmp`
- `\ifcsvnotstrcmp`
- New filter options:
- Option `filter ifthen`
- Option `filter test`
- Option `filter expr`
- Option `full filter`
- Option `filter strcmp`
- Option `filter not strcmp`
### Changed
- Implementation changed from `\roman` to `\romannumeral`
- `\write18` replaced by `\ShellEscape` from the shellesc package
- `\csvlinetotablerow` implemented more efficiently
- `\csvloop` made long
- Code optimizations
- Documentation revised
## [1.12] - 2014-07-14
### Added
- Option `csvsorter token`
- Documentation extended with siunitx examples
### Changed
- Success of CSV-Sorter call is checked (Note: Update to CSV-Sorter v0.94 or newer!)
- Encircling column entry braces removed for all entries for better siunitx compatibility
- Documentation revised
### Fixed
- CSV-Sorter call incompatibilities with the ngerman package (not babel)
## [1.11] - 2014-07-08
### Changed
- If a CSV file with an empty first line is found, csvsimple
stops with an error message
### Fixed
- Sorting preprocessor overwrites the input data in some combinations
## [1.10] - 2014-07-07
### Added
- `\csvautobooktabular`
- `\csvautobooklongtable`
- External sorting specifically supported for the CSV-Sorter tool with the new options
- Option `csvsorter command`
- Option `csvsorter configpath`
- Option `csvsorter log`
- Option `sort by`
- Option `new sorting rule`
- New keys for respecting special characters:
- Option `respect tab`
- Option `respect percent`
- Option `respect sharp`
- Option `respect dollar`
- Option `respect and`
- Option `respect backslash`
- Option `respect underscore`
- Option `respect tilde`
- Option `respect circumflex`
- Option `respect leftbrace`
- Option `respect rightbrace`
- Option `respect all`
- Option `respect none`
- Option setting `separator = tab`
### Changed
- If a CSV file is not found, csvsimple stops with an error message instead of a warning
### Fixed
- Table head names in curly brackets were not recognized for some cases
## [1.07] - 2013-09-25
### Added
- Option `separator` to set the data value separator to
`comma`, `semicolon`, or `pipe`
### Changed
- Internal macro `\TrimSpaces` renamed to avoid name clashed with `xparse`
## [1.06] - 2012-11-08
### Changed
- Implementation for line breaking changed from full macro expansion to
token expansion. This allows quite arbitrary macro code inside the data.
Note that this may be a breaking change if your application expects
expanded column values.
- Option values added for `\csvautotabular` and `\csvautolongtable`
## [1.05] - 2012-03-12
### Added
- Source code of the documentation added
- Provision of the file for easier installation
- Option `preprocessed file`
- Option `preprocessor`
- Option `no preprocessing`
### Changed
- Documentation language changed from German to English
- Option `nocheckcolumncount` renamed to `no check column count`
- Option `nofilter` renamed to `no check column count`
- Option `nocheckcolumncount` renamed to `no filter`
- Option `nohead` renamed to `no head`
### Deprecated
- Option `nofilter`
- Option `nohead`
### Removed
- Option `@table` removed from the documentation
### Fixed
- Error in `nocheckcolumncount` corrected and key renamed to 'no check column count'
## [1.04] - 2011-11-11
### Added
- Option `head to column names` (automatic column names)
- Option `no table`
- Column numbers can now be used for column macro definitions
### Changed
- Internal behaviour of `before reading` and `after reading`
changed for tables
### Fixed
- documentation update and correction
## [1.03] - 2011-11-04
### Fixed
- Processing error for lines starting with '00' corrected
## [1.02] - 2011-04-04
### Added
- `\csvfilteraccept`
- `\csvfilterreject`
- Option `filter accept all`
- Option `filter reject all`
### Fixed
- Error in the documentation for longtable und tabbing corrected
## [1.01] - 2010-11-10
### Added
- Option `after first line`
- Option `late after first line`
- New example for key evaluation in the documentation
### Changed
- Documentation of some options clarified
## [1.00] - 2010-07-28
### Added
- Initial public release
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
# The LaTeX package csvsimple - version 2.5.0 (2023/10/16)
> Copyright (c) 2008-2023 by Prof. Dr. Dr. Thomas F. Sturm <thomas dot sturm at unibw dot de>
> This work may be distributed and/or modified under the
> conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License, either version 1.3
> of this license or (at your option) any later version.
> The latest version of this license is in
> and version 1.3 or later is part of all distributions of LaTeX
> version 2005/12/01 or later.
> This work has the LPPL maintenance status `author-maintained`.
> This work consists of all files listed in
`csvsimple` provides a simple *LaTeX* interface for the processing of files
with comma separated values (CSV). `csvsimple` relies heavily on a key value
syntax which results in an easy way of usage. Filtering and table generation
is especially supported. Since the package is considered as a lightweight
tool, there is no support for data sorting or data base storage.
## Contents of the package
- `` this file
- `` log of changes (history)
- `csvsimple.sty` LaTeX package file (style file)
- `csvsimple-l3.sty` LaTeX package file (style file)
- `csvsimple-legacy.sty` LaTeX package file (style file)
- `csvsimple.pdf` Documentation for csvsimple
- `csvsimple-l3.pdf` Documentation for csvsimple (LaTeX3)
- `csvsimple-legacy.pdf` Documentation for csvsimple (Legacy)
- `csvsimple.tex` Source code of the documentation
- `csvsimple-l3.tex` Source code of the documentation
- `csvsimple-legacy.tex` Source code of the documentation
- `csvsimple-doc.sty` Source code of the documentation
- `csvsimple-title.png` Picture for the documentation
- `csvsimple-example.tex` Example file for package usage
- `csvsimple-example.csv` CSV file as part of the example
- `csvsimple-example.pdf` Compiled example
- `amountsort.xml` csvsorter configuration file (example)
- `catsort.xml` csvsorter configuration file (example)
- `encoding.xml` csvsorter configuration file (example)
- `gradesort.xml` csvsorter configuration file (example)
- `matriculationsort.xml` csvsorter configuration file (example)
- `namesort.xml` csvsorter configuration file (example)
- `transform.xml` csvsorter configuration file (example)
## Installation
Copy the contents of the `` from CTAN to your local TeX file tree.
Alternatively, put the files to their respective locations within the TeX installation:
- `csvsimple.sty` -> /tex/latex/csvsimple
- `csvsimple-l3.sty` -> /tex/latex/csvsimple
- `csvsimple-legacy.sty` -> /tex/latex/csvsimple
- all other files -> /doc/latex/csvsimple
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<bracket empty="true" />
<column name="amount" order="descending" type="double"/>
<column name="land" order="ascending" type="string"/>
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<bracket empty="true" />
<column name="cats" order="ascending" type="double"/>
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,115 @@
% !TeX encoding=UTF-8
%% The LaTeX package csvsimple - version 2.5.0 (2023/10/16)
%% csvsimple-doc.sty: style file for the documentation
%% -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
%% Copyright (c) 2008-2023 by Prof. Dr. Dr. Thomas F. Sturm <thomas dot sturm at unibw dot de>
%% -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
%% This work may be distributed and/or modified under the
%% conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License, either version 1.3
%% of this license or (at your option) any later version.
%% The latest version of this license is in
%% and version 1.3 or later is part of all distributions of LaTeX
%% version 2005/12/01 or later.
%% This work has the LPPL maintenance status `author-maintained'.
%% This work consists of all files listed in
% prevent hypdoc from loading (sets hyperindex=false)
minted options={fontsize=\footnotesize},
doc head={colback=yellow!10!white,interior style=fill},
doc head key={colback=magenta!5!white,interior style=fill},
color key=DarkViolet,
color value=Teal,
color color=Teal,
color counter=Orange!85!black,
color length=Orange!85!black,
index colorize,
index annotate,
beforeafter example/.style={
before skip=4pt plus 2pt minus 1pt,
after skip=8pt plus 4pt minus 2pt
beforeafter example,
arc is angular,fonttitle=\bfseries,
drop fuzzy shadow=green!25!yellow!50!black,
listing engine=minted,
documentation minted style=colorful,
documentation minted options={fontsize=\footnotesize},
\renewcommand*{\tcbdocnew}[1]{\textcolor{green!50!black}{\sffamily\bfseries N} #1}
\renewcommand*{\tcbdocupdated}[1]{\textcolor{blue!75!black}{\sffamily\bfseries U} #1}
\newtcbinputlisting{\csvlisting}[1]{docexample,minted options={fontsize=\footnotesize},minted language=latex,
fonttitle=\bfseries,listing only,title={CSV file \flqq\texttt{\detokenize{#1.csv}}\frqq},listing file=#1.csv}
\newtcbinputlisting{\xmllisting}[1]{docexample,minted options={fontsize=\footnotesize},minted language=xml,
fonttitle=\bfseries,listing only,title={Configuration file \flqq\texttt{\detokenize{#1.xml}}\frqq},listing file=#1.xml}
\NewTotalTCBox{\verbbox}{m}{enhanced,on line,size=fbox,frame empty,colback=red!5!white,
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
last name,first name,address,zip,telephone,year of birth
Brown,Carl,Midsomer Garden,MD-945,555-2423,1982
Normal file
Normal file
Binary file not shown.
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,110 @@
%% The LaTeX package csvsimple - version 2.5.0 (2023/10/16)
%% csvsimple-example.tex: an example for csvsimple
%% -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
%% Copyright (c) 2008-2023 by Prof. Dr. Dr. Thomas F. Sturm <thomas dot sturm at unibw dot de>
%% -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
%% This work may be distributed and/or modified under the
%% conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License, either version 1.3
%% of this license or (at your option) any later version.
%% The latest version of this license is in
%% and version 1.3 or later is part of all distributions of LaTeX
%% version 2005/12/01 or later.
%% This work has the LPPL maintenance status `author-maintained'.
%% This work consists of all files listed in
\IfFileExists{csvsimple-doc.cfg}{\input{csvsimple-doc.cfg}}{}% ignore this line
\providecommand\csvpkgprefix{} % ignore this line
\usepackage{\csvpkgprefix csvsimple-l3}% \usepackage{csvsimple-l3}
\section{Automatic table generation (for testing)}
\section{My first CSV table}
table head=\hline\multicolumn{2}{|c|}{\bfseries My telephone book}\\\hline
\bfseries Name & \bfseries Number\\\hline\hline,
late after line=\\\hline]%
{csvsimple-example.csv}{last name=\surname,first name=\givenname,telephone=\telephone}{%
\givenname\ \surname & \telephone
\section{Remembering the names}
\csvnames{my names}{last name=\surname,first name=\givenname,address=\address,zip=\zip,telephone=\telephone,year of birth=\birthyear}
\csvreader[my names, late after line=\\, late after last line=]%
\givenname\ was born in \birthyear\ and lives in \address.
\section{Filter fun}
\csvreader[my names, filter equal={\address}{Shrimpsbury}, tabbing,
table head=\bfseries Shrimpsbury friends: \=\hspace*{3cm}\=\+\kill,
before first line=\<\bfseries Shrimpsbury friends:\>]%
\surname, \givenname \> \telephone
\section{More filter fun}
\csvreader[my names, filter ifthen=\birthyear<1980, centered tabular=rllr,
table head=\multicolumn{4}{c}{\bfseries People born before 1980}\\\toprule
\# & Name & Postal address & input line no.\\\midrule,
late after line=\\, late after last line=\\\bottomrule]%
\thecsvrow & \givenname\ \surname & \zip\ \address & \thecsvinputline
\section{Again and again}
\csvstyle{my table}{my names,
centered tabular=|r|l|l|l|,
table head=\hline\multicolumn{4}{|c|}{\bfseries #1}\\\hline
\# & Name & Telephone & Postal address\\\hline\hline,
late after line=\\, late after last line=\\\hline}
\csvreader[my table=Predefined table]{csvsimple-example.csv}{}{%
\thecsvrow & \givenname\ \surname & \telephone & \zip\ \address
\csvreader[my table=Filtering for Smith, filter equal={\surname}{Smith}]%
\thecsvrow & \givenname\ \surname & \telephone & \zip\ \address
\csvstyle{all and everything}{my table=#1, file={csvsimple-example.csv},
command=\thecsvrow & \givenname\ \surname & \telephone & \zip\ \address}
\csvloop{all and everything=Loop instead of reader}
\csvloop{all and everything=With Shrimpsbury filter, filter equal={\address}{Shrimpsbury}}
\csvloop{all and everything=A little modification, late after line=\\\hline}
Normal file
Normal file
Binary file not shown.
Normal file
Normal file
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load diff
Normal file
Normal file
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load diff
Normal file
Normal file
Binary file not shown.
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,795 @@
%% The LaTeX package csvsimple - version 2.5.0 (2023/10/16)
%% csvsimple-legacy.sty: Simple LaTeX CSV file processing (LaTeX2e)
%% -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
%% Copyright (c) 2008-2023 by Prof. Dr. Dr. Thomas F. Sturm <thomas dot sturm at unibw dot de>
%% -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
%% This work may be distributed and/or modified under the
%% conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License, either version 1.3
%% of this license or (at your option) any later version.
%% The latest version of this license is in
%% and version 1.3 or later is part of all distributions of LaTeX
%% version 2005/12/01 or later.
%% This work has the LPPL maintenance status `author-maintained'.
%% This work consists of all files listed in
\ProvidesPackage{csvsimple-legacy}[2023/10/16 version 2.5.0 LaTeX2e CSV file processing]
%---- check package
\cs_if_exist:NT \c__csvsim_package_expl_bool
\msg_new:nnn { csvsimple }{ legacy / package-loaded }
{ Package~'csvsimple-l3'~seems~already~be~loaded!~
\msg_warning:nn { csvsimple }{ legacy / package-loaded }
\bool_const:Nn \c__csvsim_package_expl_bool { \c_false_bool }
%---- general
\global\c@csvcol 1\relax%
\xdef\csvlinetotablerow{\expandonce{\csname csvcol\romannumeral\c@csvcol\endcsname}}%
\global\advance\c@csvcol 1\relax%
\xappto\csvlinetotablerow{\noexpand&\expandonce{\csname csvcol\romannumeral\c@csvcol\endcsname}}%
%---- breaking lines
% This command removes leading and trailing spaces from <Token>. I found
% the original code on the web. The original author was Michael Downes, who
% provided the code as an answer to 'around the bend' question #15.
\expandafter\csv@trimb\expandafter\noexpand#1Q Q}%
\def\csv@trimb#1 Q{\csv@trimc#1Q}
\def\csv@trimc#1Q#2{\afterassignment\endgroup \vfuzz\the\vfuzz#1}
\global\advance\c@csvcol 1\relax%
\expandafter\xdef\csname csvcol\romannumeral\c@csvcol\endcsname{\the\toks@}%
% comma
\global\c@csvcol 0\relax%
% semi colon
\global\c@csvcol 0\relax%
% pipe
\global\c@csvcol 0\relax%
% tab
\global\c@csvcol 0\relax%
% expands a CSV line and scans content
\typeout{<sort \csv@passivquotes#2\csv@passivquotes\space by \csv@passivquotes#1\csv@passivquotes>}%
\immediate\write\csv@out{\string\makeatletter\string\csv@error{Call of CSV-Sorter failed! Use '-shell-escape' option or check log file '\csv@csvsorter@log'.}{}}%
-c \csv@passivquotes#1\csv@passivquotes\space
-l \csv@passivquotes\csv@csvsorter@log\csv@passivquotes\space
-t \csv@passivquotes\csv@csvsorter@token\csv@passivquotes\space
-i \csv@passivquotes#2\csv@passivquotes\space
-o \csv@passivquotes#3\csv@passivquotes\space -q 1}%
%---- the loop
\def\csv@current@col{\csname csvcol\romannumeral\c@csvcol\endcsname}
% auto head names
\toks1=\expandafter{\csname csvcol\romannumeral\c@csvcol\endcsname}%
% head names and numbers
\toks1=\expandafter{\csname csvcol\romannumeral\c@csvcol\endcsname}%
\begingroup\edef\csv@temp{\endgroup\noexpand\pgfkeysdef{/csv head/\csv@current@col}{\the\toks0{\the\toks1}\noexpand\csv@AtEndLoop{\the\toks0{}}}}%
\begingroup\edef\csv@temp{\endgroup\noexpand\pgfkeysdef{/csv head/\thecsvcol}{\the\toks0{\the\toks1}\noexpand\csv@AtEndLoop{\the\toks0{}}}}%
% head line
\csv@error{File '\csv@input@filename' starts with an empty line!}{}%
\global\c@csvcol 0\relax%
\global\advance\c@csvcol 1\relax%
\edef\csv@processkeys{\noexpand\pgfkeys{/csv head/.cd,\the\toks@}}%
% head numbers for no head
\toks1=\expandafter{\csname csvcol\romannumeral\c@csvcol\endcsname}%
\begingroup\edef\csv@temp{\endgroup\noexpand\pgfkeysdef{/csv head/\thecsvcol}{\the\toks0{\the\toks1}\noexpand\csv@AtEndLoop{\the\toks0{}}}}%
% no head line
\global\c@csvcol 0\relax%
\global\advance\c@csvcol 1\relax%
\edef\csv@processkeys{\noexpand\pgfkeys{/csv head/.cd,\the\toks@}}%
% check filter
% check columns
% normal line
\global\read\csv@file to\csvline%
% reads and processes a CSV file
% reset
% options
\csvset{default,every csv,#1}%
% start reading
\csv@error{File '\csv@input@filename' not existent, not readable, or empty!}{}%
% the head line
% command for the reading loop
% check and decide
% do or do not
% user command
\csvloop{#1,file={#2},column names={#3},command=\csv@@body}%
%---- keys
\pgfkeys{/handlers/.gstore in/.code=\pgfkeysalso{\pgfkeyscurrentpath/.code=\gdef#1{##1}}}
\pgfkeys{/csv/.is family}
\pgfkeys{/csv head/.is family}
\def\csvheadset{\pgfqkeys{/csv head}}
file/.gstore in=\csv@filename,%
preprocessed file/.gstore in=\csv@ppfilename,%
no preprocessing/.code={\let\csv@preprocss=\csv@preprocss@none},
column names reset/.code={\gdef\csv@columnnames{}},%
column names/.code={%
command/.gstore in=\csv@body,%
check column count/.is choice,%
check column count/.default=true,%
check column count/true/.code={\global\let\csv@opt@checkcolumncount=\csv@checkcolumncount},%
check column count/false/.code={\global\let\csv@opt@checkcolumncount=\csv@nocheckcolumncount},%
on column count error/.gstore in=\csv@columncounterror,
head/.is choice,%
\pgfkeysalso{check column count}},%
\pgfkeysalso{check column count=false,late after head=}},%
head to column names prefix/.store in=\csv@headnameprefix,%
head to column names/.is choice,%
head to column names/.default=true,%
head to column names/true/.code={\global\let\csv@opt@headtocolumnames=\set@csv@autohead},%
head to column names/false/.code={\global\let\csv@opt@headtocolumnames=\csv@empty},%
column count/.gstore in=\csv@columncount,%
filter ifthen/.code={\gdef\csv@iffilter{\ifthenelse{#1}}},
filter test/.code={\gdef\csv@iffilter{#1}},
filter expr/.code={\gdef\csv@iffilter{\ifboolexpr{#1}}},
no filter/.code={\csvfilteraccept},
filter reject all/.code={\csvfilterreject},
filter accept all/.code={\csvfilteraccept},
before filter/.gstore in=\csv@prefiltercommand,
full filter/.gstore in=\csv@prefiltercommand,
before first line/.gstore in=\csv@prefirstline,
before line/.code={\gdef\csv@preline{#1}\pgfkeysalso{before first line=#1}},
after first line/.gstore in=\csv@postfirstline,
after line/.code={\gdef\csv@postline{#1}\pgfkeysalso{after first line=#1}},
late after first line/.gstore in=\csv@latepostfirstline,
late after last line/.gstore in=\csv@latepostlastline,
late after line/.code={\gdef\csv@latepostline{#1}\pgfkeysalso{late after first line=#1,late after last line=#1}},
after head/.gstore in=\csv@posthead,
late after head/.gstore in=\csv@lateposthead,
before reading/.gstore in=\csv@prereading,
after reading/.gstore in=\csv@postreading,
before table/.gstore in=\csv@pretable,
after table/.gstore in=\csv@posttable,
table head/.gstore in=\csv@tablehead,
table foot/.gstore in=\csv@tablefoot,
@table/.code 2 args={\gdef\csv@table@begin{#1}\gdef\csv@table@end{#2}},
no table/.style={@table={}{}},
separator/.is choice,
\csvset{respect tab}},
csvsorter command/.store in=\csv@csvsorter@command,
csvsorter configpath/.store in=\csv@csvsorter@configpath,
sort by/.style={preprocessor={\csv@preprocessor@csvsorter{\csv@csvsorter@configpath/#1}}},
new sorting rule/.style 2 args={sort by #1/.style={sort by={#2}}},
csvsorter log/.store in=\csv@csvsorter@log,
csvsorter token/.store in=\csv@csvsorter@token,
csvsorter command=csvsorter,
csvsorter configpath=.,
preprocessed file={\jobname_sorted._csv},
csvsorter log={csvsorter.log},
csvsorter token={\jobname.csvtoken},
% default for reset
no preprocessing,
column names reset,
head to column names prefix=,
head to column names=false,
column count=10,
on column count error=,
no filter,
before filter=,
before line=,
after line=,
late after line=,
after head=,
late after head=,
before reading=,
after reading=,
before table=,
after table=,
table head=,
table foot=,
no table,
% styles
every csv/.style={},
no head/.style={head=false},
no check column count/.style={check column count=false},
warn on column count error/.style={on column count error={\csv@warning{>\thecsvcol< instead of >\csv@columncount< columns for input line >\thecsvinputline< of file >\csv@ppfilename<}}},
filter equal/.style 2 args={filter ifthen=\equal{#1}{#2}},
filter not equal/.style 2 args={filter ifthen=\not\equal{#1}{#2}},
filter strcmp/.style 2 args={filter test=\ifcsvstrcmp{#1}{#2}},
filter not strcmp/.style 2 args={filter test=\ifcsvnotstrcmp{#1}{#2}},
late after line=\\},
centered tabular/.style={
late after line=\\},
late after line=\\},
late after line=\\,
late after last line=},
centered tabbing/.style={
late after line=\\,
late after last line=},
after head=\csv@pretable\begin{tabular}{|*{\csv@columncount}{l|}}\csv@tablehead,
table head=\hline\csvlinetotablerow\\\hline,
late after line=\\,
table foot=\\\hline,
late after last line=\csv@tablefoot\end{tabular}\csv@posttable,
after head=\csv@pretable\begin{longtable}{|*{\csv@columncount}{l|}}\csv@tablehead,
table head=\hline\csvlinetotablerow\\\hline\endhead\hline\endfoot,
late after line=\\,
late after last line=\csv@tablefoot\end{longtable}\csv@posttable,
after head=\csv@pretable\begin{tabular}{*{\csv@columncount}{l}}\csv@tablehead,
table head=\toprule\csvlinetotablerow\\\midrule,
late after line=\\,
table foot=\\\bottomrule,
late after last line=\csv@tablefoot\end{tabular}\csv@posttable,
after head=\csv@pretable\begin{longtable}{*{\csv@columncount}{l}}\csv@tablehead,
table head=\toprule\csvlinetotablerow\\\midrule\endhead\bottomrule\endfoot,
late after line=\\,
late after last line=\csv@tablefoot\end{longtable}\csv@posttable,
% deprecated keys
nofilter/.style=no filter,
nohead/.style=no head,
% catcodes
respect tab/.is choice,
respect tab/true/.code={%
respect tab/false/.code={%
respect tab/.default=true,
respect percent/.is choice,
respect percent/true/.code={%
respect percent/false/.code={%
respect percent/.default=true,
respect sharp/.is choice,
respect sharp/true/.code={%
respect sharp/false/.code={%
respect sharp/.default=true,
respect dollar/.is choice,
respect dollar/true/.code={%
respect dollar/false/.code={%
respect dollar/.default=true,
respect and/.is choice,
respect and/true/.code={%
respect and/false/.code={%
respect and/.default=true,
respect backslash/.is choice,
respect backslash/true/.code={%
respect backslash/false/.code={%
respect backslash/.default=true,
respect underscore/.is choice,
respect underscore/true/.code={%
respect underscore/false/.code={%
respect underscore/.default=true,
respect tilde/.is choice,
respect tilde/true/.code={%
respect tilde/false/.code={%
respect tilde/.default=true,
respect circumflex/.is choice,
respect circumflex/true/.code={%
respect circumflex/false/.code={%
respect circumflex/.default=true,
respect leftbrace/.is choice,
respect leftbrace/true/.code={%
respect leftbrace/false/.code={%
respect leftbrace/.default=true,
respect rightbrace/.is choice,
respect rightbrace/true/.code={%
respect rightbrace/false/.code={%
respect rightbrace/.default=true,
respect all/.style={respect tab,respect percent,respect sharp,respect dollar,
respect and,respect backslash,respect underscore,respect tilde,respect circumflex,
respect leftbrace,respect rightbrace},
respect none/.style={respect tab=false,respect percent=false,respect sharp=false,
respect dollar=false,respect and=false,respect backslash=false,
respect underscore=false,respect tilde=false,respect circumflex=false,
respect leftbrace=false,respect rightbrace=false},
respect none
\def\csvnames#1#2{\csvset{#1/.style={column names={#2}}}}
% string comparison
Normal file
Normal file
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load diff
Normal file
Normal file
Binary file not shown.
After Width: | Height: | Size: 124 KiB |
Normal file
Normal file
Binary file not shown.
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
%% The LaTeX package csvsimple - version 2.5.0 (2023/10/16)
%% csvsimple.sty: Simple LaTeX CSV file processing
%% -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
%% Copyright (c) 2008-2023 by Prof. Dr. Dr. Thomas F. Sturm <thomas dot sturm at unibw dot de>
%% -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
%% This work may be distributed and/or modified under the
%% conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License, either version 1.3
%% of this license or (at your option) any later version.
%% The latest version of this license is in
%% and version 1.3 or later is part of all distributions of LaTeX
%% version 2005/12/01 or later.
%% This work has the LPPL maintenance status `author-maintained'.
%% This work consists of all files listed in
{LaTeX CSV file processing}
\cs_if_exist:NT \c__csvsim_package_expl_bool
\msg_new:nnn { csvsimple }{ package-loaded }
{ Package~'#1'~seems~already~be~loaded! }
\bool_if:NTF \c__csvsim_package_expl_bool
\msg_warning:nn { csvsimple }{ package-loaded }{ csvsimple-l3 }
\msg_warning:nn { csvsimple }{ package-loaded }{ csvsimple-legacy }
\keys_define:nn { csvsimple }
l3 .code:n = \tl_set:Nn \l__csvsim_package_expl_tl { l3 },
legacy .code:n = \tl_set:Nn \l__csvsim_package_expl_tl { legacy },
\keys_set:nn { csvsimple } { legacy }
\ProcessKeysPackageOptions { csvsimple }
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,175 @@
% \LaTeX-Main\
% !TeX encoding=UTF-8
%% The LaTeX package csvsimple - version 2.5.0 (2023/10/16)
%% csvsimple.tex: Manual
%% -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
%% Copyright (c) 2008-2023 by Prof. Dr. Dr. Thomas F. Sturm <thomas dot sturm at unibw dot de>
%% -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
%% This work may be distributed and/or modified under the
%% conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License, either version 1.3
%% of this license or (at your option) any later version.
%% The latest version of this license is in
%% and version 1.3 or later is part of all distributions of LaTeX
%% version 2005/12/01 or later.
%% This work has the LPPL maintenance status `author-maintained'.
%% This work consists of all files listed in
\usepackage{\csvpkgprefix csvsimple-legacy}
pdftitle={Manual for the csvsimple package},
pdfauthor={Thomas F. Sturm},
pdfsubject={csv file processing with LaTeX},
pdfkeywords={csv file, comma separated values, key value syntax}
drop lifted shadow=black!50!yellow,arc is angular,
{\bfseries\LARGE The \texttt{csvsimple} package}\\[3mm]
{\large Manual for version \version\ (\datum)}
{\large Thomas F.~Sturm%
\footnote{Prof.~Dr.~Dr.~Thomas F.~Sturm, Institut f\"{u}r Mathematik und Informatik,
University of the Bundeswehr Munich, D-85577 Neubiberg, Germany;
email: \href{}{}}\par\medskip
\begin{center}\bfseries Abstract\end{center}
|csvsimple| provides a simple \LaTeX\ interface for the processing of files with
comma separated values (CSV). |csvsimple| relies heavily on a key value
syntax which results in an easy way of usage.
Filtering and table generation is especially supported. Since the package
is considered as a lightweight tool, there is no support for data sorting
or data base storage.
\section{Package Options}%
|csvsimple| is a stub which merely selects to load exclusively one of the
following packages:
\item \href{csvsimple-l3.pdf}{\flqq The |csvsimple-l3| package\frqq}:\\
This is the pure \LaTeX3 version of |csvsimple|. It is considered
to be the \emph{current} version.
New documents are encouraged to use this package.\par
|csvsimple-l3| is loaded with \emph{one} of the following
alternatives inside the preamble:
% or alternatively (not simultaneously!)
\item \href{csvsimple-legacy.pdf}{\flqq The |csvsimple-legacy| package\frqq}:\\
This is the \LaTeXe{} version of |csvsimple|. It is considered
to be the \emph{superseded} version identical to version 1.22 of |csvsimple|.
Documents based on that former version do \emph{not have to be changed}
and stay compilable in future.\par
|csvsimple-legacy| is loaded with \emph{one} of the following
alternatives inside the preamble:
% or alternatively (not simultaneously!)
% or alternatively (not simultaneously!)
\section{Differences between \texttt{csvsimple-l3} and \texttt{csvsimple-legacy}}
This section is intended for users who know |csvsimple| before version~2.00.
|csvsimple-l3| is a \emph{nearly} drop-in replacement for
|csvsimple-legacy|. Although old documents have no \emph{need} to be changed,
adopting the new \LaTeX3 version for existing documents should impose not
too much effort. Actually, it depends on how intense |pgfkeys| specific
styles were used.
That brings us to the differences between the two packages and a more precise
understanding what \emph{nearly} drop-in replacement means. The following enumeration
does not list new features of \texttt{csvsimple-l3} (if any), but takes an
upgrade point of view.
\item Any patches or additions using undocumented internals of |csvsimple-legacy|
will stop to function, because |csvsimple-l3| has a completely implementation.
\item |csvsimple-l3| is programmed in |expl3| code using the \LaTeX3 interfaces.
No additional packages are loaded or needed with exception of several options
which allow to access methods from |ifthen|, |etoolbox|, |longtable|, etc.
On the other hand, |csvsimple-legacy| is programmed in \LaTeXe{} with
dirty tricks from here and there.
\item The most significant change of the user interface is that the key value
engine of |csvsimple-legacy| is |pgfkeys| (root \docAuxKey*[csv]{}) while |csvsimple-l3| uses
|l3keys| (root \docAuxKey*[csvsim]{}).
Names and usage of the keys are \emph{unchanged}.
But, if
you made own |pgfkeys| \emph{styles} using the |pgfkeys| style handler,
these \emph{styles} have to be adapted to |.meta| keys of |l3keys|.
The good news is that styles
made with \docAuxCommand*{csvstyle} become |.meta| keys automatically.
\item The macro \docAuxCommand*{csvheadset} is removed. It is not supportable
by the new implementation. I never used it and I forgot why I ever wrote it
-- I hope the same is true for you. If not, |csvsimple-legacy| can be
used for documents which needs it.
\item Option \docAuxKey*[csv]{filter} is removed. Instead, \docAuxKey*[csvsim]{filter ifthen}
can be used (also true with \docAuxKey*[csv]{filter ifthen} for the old version).
\item The deprecated options
\docAuxKey*[csv]{nofilter} and \docAuxKey*[csv]{nohead} are removed.
They were not documented any more since years. Obviously, use
\docAuxKey*[csvsim]{no filter} and \docAuxKey*[csvsim]{no head} instead.
\item Compilation problems are to be expected, if an |S| column of the |siunitx| package
is used as first or last column. Documents neglecting this rule successfully
for |csvsimple-legacy|, may fail to compile with |csvsimple-l3.|
\item The \LaTeX{} counters \docCounter*{csvinputline}
and \docCounter*{csvrow}
are replaced by \LaTeX3 integers
and \docCounter*{g_csvsim_row_int}, but accessors
\docAuxCommand*{thecsvinputline} and
\docAuxCommand*{thecsvrow} are still valid.
\item The packages |pgfrcs|, |pgfkeys|, |ifthen|, |etoolbox|, and |shellesc|
are not included anymore (include manually, if needed).
\docAuxCommand*{csviffirstrow} and
\docAuxCommand*{csvifoddrow} are deprecated and replaced by
which are more consistent in nomenclature.
\item For |csvsimple-l3|, data lines are allowed to begin with an backslash.
\item Assigned macros like |\myname| for e.g. the third column contain
not |\csvcoliii| anymore, but are equal to the content of |\csvcoliii| now.
\item Character code changes with \docAuxKey*[csvsim]{respect percent} etc.
and the tabulator as separator should work for |csvsimple-l3| as expected in every
situation (not always worked for |csvsimple-legacy|).
\item A drawback of |csvsimple-l3| against |csvsimple-legacy| is
a higher compilation time. This may vary by used compiler.
An example document of 5061 pages using a CSV file with 166 992 lines
took about 28 seconds with |csvsimple-legacy| and
about 51 seconds with |csvsimple-l3| on my machine
(just a singular observation, no scientific analysis at all).
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Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<bracket empty="true"/>
<charset in="windows-1252" out="UTF-8"/>
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<bracket empty="true" />
<column name="grade" order="ascending" type="double"/>
<column name="name" order="ascending" type="string"/>
<column name="givenname" order="ascending" type="string"/>
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<bracket empty="true" />
<column name="matriculation" order="ascending" type="integer"/>
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<bracket empty="true" />
<column name="name" order="ascending" type="string"/>
<column name="givenname" order="ascending" type="string"/>
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<bracket leftsymbol="doublequote" rightsymbol="doublequote" />
<delimiter signsymbol="semicolon" />
<outBracket leftsymbol="braceleft" rightsymbol="braceright" />
<outDelimiter signsymbol="comma" />
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,114 @@
times, %% hier kann man die Schriftart einstellen
% Hier die Optionen fuer scrlttr2 eintragen.
% S.a. scrguide.pdf ab Seite 150
% Falls man das alte scrlettr vemisst, oder die Option
% "enlargefirstpage=true" aus den KOMAoptions
% benutzen will, muss man den folgenden Eintrag
% auskommentieren (einfach das %-Zeichen löschen).
% hier Name und darunter Anschrift einsetzen:
% hier die Signatur einsetzen:
\setkomavar{signature}{Sebastian Hinz}
% hier betreff einsetzen
% hier kommt dein Ort hin:
% die Signatur ist linksbuendig
% Manche finden, dass scrlttr2 so eine riesige Fußzeile hat
% einfach die nächste Zeile auskommentieren, dann wird sie kleiner:
% \setlength{\footskip}{-6pt}
% pdflatex \"\\newcommand{\\vorname}{#{vorname}}
% \\newcommand{\\nachname}{#{name}}
% \\newcommand{\\strasse}{#{strasse + " " + hausnummer.to_s}}
% \\newcommand{\\plz}{#{plz}}
% \\newcommand{\\ort}{#{ort}}
% \\newcommand{\\betrag}{#{betrag}}
% \\newcommand{\\betraginworten}{#{betrag_in_worten}}
% \\newcommand{\\startdatum}{#{start_datum}}
% \\newcommand{\\findatum}{#{end_datum}}
% \\newcommand{\\mitgliedsnummer}
% die Anschrift des Empfaengers
\begin{letter}{\vorname{} \nachname{} \\
\plz{} \ort{}}
\opening{Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren,}
Mitgliedsnummer: \mitgliedsnummer{}\\
Betrag: \betrag{} \euro{}\\
Betrag in worten: \betraginworten{}\\
Zeitraum: \startdatum{} - \findatum{}\\
table head=\hline \thead{ Datum der Zuwendung} & \thead{Art der Zuwendung \\ (Geldzuwendung/Mitgliedsbeitrag)} & \thead{Verzicht auf die Erstattung\\ von Aufwendungen (ja/nein)} & Betrag\\\hline,
late after line=\\\hline,
{\datum & \type & \verzicht &\betrag \euro{}}%
% {\csvcoli & \csvcolii}
\closing{Mit freundlichen Grüßen}
Reference in a new issue