Initial state

This commit is contained in:
XSQRL 2024-03-19 12:46:28 +01:00
commit 3253d8c94f
25 changed files with 8729 additions and 0 deletions

beitragsquittung.rb Executable file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,137 @@
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
require 'cmxl' # for parsing the MT940 file
require 'roo' # for parsing the Excel file
require 'humanize' # for converting numbers to words
Humanize.configure do |config|
config.default_locale = :de # [:en, :es, :fr, :tr, :de, :id], default: :en
config.decimals_as = :number # [:digits, :number], default: :digits
# usage ./beitragsquittung.rb <MT940 file> <Excel file> <member id>
# the member ID is optional. If not provided, all members are processed
# the time range is used from the MT940 file
def generate_reciept(mitgliedsnummer, name, vorname, strasse, hausnummer, plz, ort, betrag, betrag_in_worten, start_datum, end_datum, payments)
puts "Generating reciept for #{mitgliedsnummer} #{name} #{vorname} #{strasse} #{hausnummer} #{plz} #{ort} #{betrag} #{betrag_in_worten} #{start_datum} #{end_datum}"
# create a csv file with the payments"payments.csv", "wb") do |csv|
csv << ["datum", "betrag", "type", "verzicht"]
payments.each do |payment|
csv << [payment[:date], payment[:amount], payment[:type], payment[:verzicht]]
# call latex to generate the pdf
system("pdflatex \"\\newcommand{\\vorname}{#{vorname}} \\newcommand{\\nachname}{#{name}} \\newcommand{\\strasse}{#{strasse + " " + hausnummer.to_s}} \\newcommand{\\plz}{#{plz}} \\newcommand{\\ort}{#{ort}} \\newcommand{\\betrag}{#{betrag}} \\newcommand{\\betraginworten}{#{betrag_in_worten}} \\newcommand{\\startdatum}{#{start_datum}} \\newcommand{\\findatum}{#{end_datum}} \\newcommand{\\mitgliedsnummer}{#{mitgliedsnummer}} \\input{document.tex}\"")
def get_payments_from_member_id(mitgliedsnummer)
Cmxl.config[:statement_separator] = /\n-.\n/m
Cmxl.config[:raise_line_format_errors] = true
# get the filename from the command line arguments
filename = ARGV[0]
# check if the filename is valid or not presented
if filename.nil? || !File.exists?(filename)
puts "Enter the filename of the MT940 statement to parse"
filename = gets.chomp
# parse the MT940 file
statements = Cmxl.parse(, :encoding => 'ISO-8859-1')
# The statement contains transactions called Mitgliedsbeitrag. They are labled like this: "MREF"=>"Mitgliedsbeitrag Nr. 17" where 17 is the mitgliedsnummer.
# for each payment of the mitgliedsbeitrag create an entry with the date and amount in the following datastructure
payments = []
statements.each do |s|
s.transactions.each do |t|
reference = ""
t.sepa.each do |sf|
# add the second entry of the sepa reference (sf) to the reference string if the first entry contans "MREF"
if sf[0] == "MREF"
reference = sf[1]
# if the mitgliedsnummer is a single digit number, the reference is "Mitgliedsbeitrag Nr. 01" and not "Mitgliedsbeitrag Nr. 1"
# so we have to check for both cases
if reference.include?("Mitgliedsbeitrag Nr. #{mitgliedsnummer.to_s.rjust(2, '0')}") || reference.include?("Mitgliedsbeitrag Nr. #{mitgliedsnummer}")
# puts t.entry_date
# puts t.amount
payment = {
date: t.entry_date,
amount: t.amount,
type: "Mitgliedsbeitrag",
verzicht: "nein"
payments << payment
# puts
# get the start and end date of the statements
start_datum = statements[0]"%d.%m.%Y")
end_datum = statements[statements.length() -1]"%d.%m.%Y")
return payments, start_datum, end_datum
def get_member_details_from_mitgliedsnummer(mitgliedsnummer)
# get the member details from the excel file
# the member details are stored in the first sheet
# the first row contains the headings of the columns
# the second row contains the values for the first member
# the headings are: Nr., Nachname, Vorname, Geburtsdatum, Straße, Hausnummer, Postleitzahl, Ort
# the values are: 1, Mustermann, Max, 01.01.1970, Musterstraße, 1, 12345, Musterstadt
xlsx =[1])
# create data structure
member = {
name: xlsx.sheet(0).row(mitgliedsnummer+1)[1],
vorname: xlsx.sheet(0).row(mitgliedsnummer+1)[2],
strasse: xlsx.sheet(0).row(mitgliedsnummer+1)[4],
hausnummer: xlsx.sheet(0).row(mitgliedsnummer+1)[5],
plz: xlsx.sheet(0).row(mitgliedsnummer+1)[6],
ort: xlsx.sheet(0).row(mitgliedsnummer+1)[7]
return member
mitgliedsnummer = ARGV[2].to_i
if mitgliedsnummer.nil?
# get number of members from the excel file it is the first value of the last row
xlsx =[1])
anzahl_members = xlsx.sheet(0).last_row[0]
puts "Number of members: #{anzahl_members}"
# loop over all members
for mitgliedsnummer in 1..anzahl_members
puts "Processing member #{mitgliedsnummer}"
generate_reciept(mitgliedsnummer, name, vorname, strasse, plz, ort, betrag, betrag_in_worten, start_datum, end_datum)
# get the payments from the MT940 file
payments, start_datum, end_datum = get_payments_from_member_id(mitgliedsnummer)
puts "Payments:"
total_payment = 0
payments.each do |payment|
puts payment[:date] + " " + payment[:amount].to_s
total_payment += payment[:amount]
# convert the total payment to a string in german
betrag_in_worten = total_payment.humanize
puts "Total payment:" + total_payment.to_s + " in worten: " + betrag_in_worten
member = get_member_details_from_mitgliedsnummer(mitgliedsnummer)
generate_reciept(mitgliedsnummer, member[:name], member[:vorname], member[:strasse], member[:hausnummer], member[:plz], member[:ort], total_payment, betrag_in_worten, start_datum, end_datum, payments)

csvsimple/ Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,421 @@
# Changelog
All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on
[Keep a Changelog](,
and this project adheres to
[Semantic Versioning](
## [Unreleased]
### Added
### Changed
### Deprecated
### Removed
### Fixed
### Security
## [2.5.0] - 2023-10-16
### Added
- New survey tables (issue #29):
- `\csvautotabularray`
- `\csvautotabularray*`
- `\csvautolongtabularray`
- `\csvautolongtabularray*`
- New corresponding options (issue #29)
- `autotabularray`
- `autotabularray*`
- `autolongtabularray`
- `autolongtabularray*`
### Changed
- Documentation typos fixed (issue #30)
- Survey tables moved into a separate section
### Fixed
- `collect data` does not collect `after first line` (issue #28)
## [2.4.0] - 2023-05-09
### Added
- New additive filter options (issue #24):
- `and filter bool`
- `and filter fp`
- `and filter strcmp`
- `and filter not strcmp`
- `or filter bool`
- `or filter fp`
- `or filter strcmp`
- `or filter not strcmp`
- Hook `csvsimple/csvline` added with example for doublequote replacement (issue #19)
- Option setting `separator = space` (issue #20)
### Changed
- The content of `range` is now expanded before processing it
- Implementation of `filter bool`, `filter fp`, `filter strcmp`, `filter not strcmp`
## [2.3.2] - 2022-09-20
### Fixed
- The `\ifcsvfirstrow` command doesn't work (issue #23)
## [2.3.1] - 2022-06-21
### Fixed
- Documentation: placeholder names corrected (issue #21)
- Use built-in constants instead of integers for boolexpr (issue #22)
## [2.3.0] - 2022-02-01
### Added
- Option `column names detection` (related to issue #16)
- Documentation: csvautotabular inspired example for tabularray.
### Changed
- `\csvlinetotablerow` changed to be expandable and to be
usable inside a *Data Collection* (issue #16)
- Options `autotabular`, `autobooktabular`, `autolongtable`, `autobooklongtable`
use `column names detection=false` now.
## [2.2.1] - 2022-01-07
### Fixed
- Option `late after first line` ignored for `csvsimple-l3` (issue #17)
## [2.2.0] - 2021-09-09
### Added
- Configurable usage of tabular-like environments (issue #12)
- Option `table centered`
- Option `generic table`
- Option `generic collected table`
- Option `generic table options`
### Changed
- The implementation of all tabular-like environments uses the new
generic environments now internally. Should be unnoticeable for a user.
### Fixed
- documentation typo correction and small improvents (issue #15)
- Option `long tabularray`
## [2.1.0] - 2021-07-06
### Added
- Support for (limited) data collection (issue #15)
- Support for package `tabularray` (part of issue #12)
- Option `after filter`
- Option `collect data`
- Option `data collection`
- Option `tabularray`
- Option `centered tabularray`
- `\csvdatacollection`
- `\csvexpval`
- `\csvexpnot`
- `\csvcollectn`
- `\csvcollectx`
- `\csvcollectV`
### Fixed
- Line Range was not resetted
- Wrong link and word inside documentation `csvsimple.pdf` (issue #13, issue #15)
- Several inconsistent local/global assignment errors
## [2.0.0] - 2021-06-29
### Added
- New documentation `csvsimple-l3.pdf` for the new LaTeX3 version
(revised, adapted and extended from the old documentation)
- `\thecsvcolumncount`
- Option `autotabular*`
- Option `autobooktabular*`
- Option `autolongtable*`
- Option `autobooklongtable*`
- Option `filter bool`
- Option `filter fp`
- Option `range`
- `\csvautotabular*`
- `\csvautobooktabular*`
- `\csvautolongtable*`
- `\csvautobooklongtable*`
- `\csvfilterbool`
- `\ifcsvfirstrow`
- `\ifcsvoddrow`
- `\ifcsvfpcmp`
- `\ifcsvintcmp`
- `\csvsortingrule`
### Changed
- Complete re-implementation of the hitherto existing latex package
as LaTeX3 package using the expl3 interface. From now on, three package
files are provided:
** `csvsimple-legacy.sty` identical to csvsimple until version 1.22 **
** `csvsimple-l3.sty` LaTeX3 package of csvsimple **
** `csvsimple.sty` stub to select `l3` or `legacy` (default) **
- The LaTeX2e version (`csvsimple-legacy`) will be maintained in its
current state with no intended changes with exceptions of bug fixes.
- The LaTeX3 version (`csvsimple-l3`) is regarded to be the main package
and may receive feature upgrades in the future
- Existing documents using csvsimple v1.22 need no change since loading
`csvsimple` will load `csvsimple-legacy`.
- `cvsimple-l3` is a *nearly* drop-in replacement for `csvsimple-legacy`.
Only very few things phased out and the user interface is quite identical.
The most significant difference is that `l3keys` are used instead of `pgfkeys`
which may need adaptions on user side (for examples, if .styles are used)
- New documents are encouraged to apply `cvsimple-l3` instead of `csvsimple-legacy`.
- For the complete package is valid: do not upgrade from version 1.22, if your
TeX installation has no current LateX3/expl3 support a.k.a *is too old*
- `csvinputline` and `csvrow` are no longer LaTeX2e counters
- The hitherto existing documentation `csvsimple.pdf` is now `csvsimple-legacy.pdf`
- `csvsimple.pdf` documents the stub package and differences
between `csvsimple-l3.sty` and `csvsimple-legacy.sty`
- `column count = 0` means automatic column number detection for CSV files without head
- Option `head` does not change option `check column count` anymore
- Changelog moved from CHANGES to and adapted to
[Keep a Changelog](
- From now on version numbers adhere to
[Semantic Versioning](
### Deprecated
- `\csviffirstrow`
- `\csvifoddrow`
### Removed
- `\csvheadset`
- Option `filter`
- Option `nofilter`
- Option `nohead`
## [1.22] - 2021-06-07
### Added
- Option `head to column names prefix` (issue #7)
### Changed
- Due to changes in the LaTeX kernel 2021-06-01, the empty line
detection of csvsimple had to be adapted. Updating csvsimple is
essential to avoid problems with kernel 2021-06-01. (issue #11)
## [1.21] - 2019-04-09
### Changed
- Package `pgfrcs` added as required package
- Introduction augmented with additional hints for first time users (issue #3)
### Fixed
- Spurious blank in sorting code removed
## [1.20] - 2016-07-01
### Added
- New string comparison macros:
- `\ifcsvstrequal`
- `\ifcsvprostrequal`
- `\ifcsvstrcmp`
- `\ifcsvnotstrcmp`
- New filter options:
- Option `filter ifthen`
- Option `filter test`
- Option `filter expr`
- Option `full filter`
- Option `filter strcmp`
- Option `filter not strcmp`
### Changed
- Implementation changed from `\roman` to `\romannumeral`
- `\write18` replaced by `\ShellEscape` from the shellesc package
- `\csvlinetotablerow` implemented more efficiently
- `\csvloop` made long
- Code optimizations
- Documentation revised
## [1.12] - 2014-07-14
### Added
- Option `csvsorter token`
- Documentation extended with siunitx examples
### Changed
- Success of CSV-Sorter call is checked (Note: Update to CSV-Sorter v0.94 or newer!)
- Encircling column entry braces removed for all entries for better siunitx compatibility
- Documentation revised
### Fixed
- CSV-Sorter call incompatibilities with the ngerman package (not babel)
## [1.11] - 2014-07-08
### Changed
- If a CSV file with an empty first line is found, csvsimple
stops with an error message
### Fixed
- Sorting preprocessor overwrites the input data in some combinations
## [1.10] - 2014-07-07
### Added
- `\csvautobooktabular`
- `\csvautobooklongtable`
- External sorting specifically supported for the CSV-Sorter tool with the new options
- Option `csvsorter command`
- Option `csvsorter configpath`
- Option `csvsorter log`
- Option `sort by`
- Option `new sorting rule`
- New keys for respecting special characters:
- Option `respect tab`
- Option `respect percent`
- Option `respect sharp`
- Option `respect dollar`
- Option `respect and`
- Option `respect backslash`
- Option `respect underscore`
- Option `respect tilde`
- Option `respect circumflex`
- Option `respect leftbrace`
- Option `respect rightbrace`
- Option `respect all`
- Option `respect none`
- Option setting `separator = tab`
### Changed
- If a CSV file is not found, csvsimple stops with an error message instead of a warning
### Fixed
- Table head names in curly brackets were not recognized for some cases
## [1.07] - 2013-09-25
### Added
- Option `separator` to set the data value separator to
`comma`, `semicolon`, or `pipe`
### Changed
- Internal macro `\TrimSpaces` renamed to avoid name clashed with `xparse`
## [1.06] - 2012-11-08
### Changed
- Implementation for line breaking changed from full macro expansion to
token expansion. This allows quite arbitrary macro code inside the data.
Note that this may be a breaking change if your application expects
expanded column values.
- Option values added for `\csvautotabular` and `\csvautolongtable`
## [1.05] - 2012-03-12
### Added
- Source code of the documentation added
- Provision of the file for easier installation
- Option `preprocessed file`
- Option `preprocessor`
- Option `no preprocessing`
### Changed
- Documentation language changed from German to English
- Option `nocheckcolumncount` renamed to `no check column count`
- Option `nofilter` renamed to `no check column count`
- Option `nocheckcolumncount` renamed to `no filter`
- Option `nohead` renamed to `no head`
### Deprecated
- Option `nofilter`
- Option `nohead`
### Removed
- Option `@table` removed from the documentation
### Fixed
- Error in `nocheckcolumncount` corrected and key renamed to 'no check column count'
## [1.04] - 2011-11-11
### Added
- Option `head to column names` (automatic column names)
- Option `no table`
- Column numbers can now be used for column macro definitions
### Changed
- Internal behaviour of `before reading` and `after reading`
changed for tables
### Fixed
- documentation update and correction
## [1.03] - 2011-11-04
### Fixed
- Processing error for lines starting with '00' corrected
## [1.02] - 2011-04-04
### Added
- `\csvfilteraccept`
- `\csvfilterreject`
- Option `filter accept all`
- Option `filter reject all`
### Fixed
- Error in the documentation for longtable und tabbing corrected
## [1.01] - 2010-11-10
### Added
- Option `after first line`
- Option `late after first line`
- New example for key evaluation in the documentation
### Changed
- Documentation of some options clarified
## [1.00] - 2010-07-28
### Added
- Initial public release

csvsimple/ Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
# The LaTeX package csvsimple - version 2.5.0 (2023/10/16)
> Copyright (c) 2008-2023 by Prof. Dr. Dr. Thomas F. Sturm <thomas dot sturm at unibw dot de>
> This work may be distributed and/or modified under the
> conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License, either version 1.3
> of this license or (at your option) any later version.
> The latest version of this license is in
> and version 1.3 or later is part of all distributions of LaTeX
> version 2005/12/01 or later.
> This work has the LPPL maintenance status `author-maintained`.
> This work consists of all files listed in
`csvsimple` provides a simple *LaTeX* interface for the processing of files
with comma separated values (CSV). `csvsimple` relies heavily on a key value
syntax which results in an easy way of usage. Filtering and table generation
is especially supported. Since the package is considered as a lightweight
tool, there is no support for data sorting or data base storage.
## Contents of the package
- `` this file
- `` log of changes (history)
- `csvsimple.sty` LaTeX package file (style file)
- `csvsimple-l3.sty` LaTeX package file (style file)
- `csvsimple-legacy.sty` LaTeX package file (style file)
- `csvsimple.pdf` Documentation for csvsimple
- `csvsimple-l3.pdf` Documentation for csvsimple (LaTeX3)
- `csvsimple-legacy.pdf` Documentation for csvsimple (Legacy)
- `csvsimple.tex` Source code of the documentation
- `csvsimple-l3.tex` Source code of the documentation
- `csvsimple-legacy.tex` Source code of the documentation
- `csvsimple-doc.sty` Source code of the documentation
- `csvsimple-title.png` Picture for the documentation
- `csvsimple-example.tex` Example file for package usage
- `csvsimple-example.csv` CSV file as part of the example
- `csvsimple-example.pdf` Compiled example
- `amountsort.xml` csvsorter configuration file (example)
- `catsort.xml` csvsorter configuration file (example)
- `encoding.xml` csvsorter configuration file (example)
- `gradesort.xml` csvsorter configuration file (example)
- `matriculationsort.xml` csvsorter configuration file (example)
- `namesort.xml` csvsorter configuration file (example)
- `transform.xml` csvsorter configuration file (example)
## Installation
Copy the contents of the `` from CTAN to your local TeX file tree.
Alternatively, put the files to their respective locations within the TeX installation:
- `csvsimple.sty` -> /tex/latex/csvsimple
- `csvsimple-l3.sty` -> /tex/latex/csvsimple
- `csvsimple-legacy.sty` -> /tex/latex/csvsimple
- all other files -> /doc/latex/csvsimple

csvsimple/amountsort.xml Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<bracket empty="true" />
<column name="amount" order="descending" type="double"/>
<column name="land" order="ascending" type="string"/>

csvsimple/catsort.xml Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<bracket empty="true" />
<column name="cats" order="ascending" type="double"/>

csvsimple/csvsimple-doc.sty Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,115 @@
% !TeX encoding=UTF-8
%% The LaTeX package csvsimple - version 2.5.0 (2023/10/16)
%% csvsimple-doc.sty: style file for the documentation
%% -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
%% Copyright (c) 2008-2023 by Prof. Dr. Dr. Thomas F. Sturm <thomas dot sturm at unibw dot de>
%% -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
%% This work may be distributed and/or modified under the
%% conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License, either version 1.3
%% of this license or (at your option) any later version.
%% The latest version of this license is in
%% and version 1.3 or later is part of all distributions of LaTeX
%% version 2005/12/01 or later.
%% This work has the LPPL maintenance status `author-maintained'.
%% This work consists of all files listed in
% prevent hypdoc from loading (sets hyperindex=false)
minted options={fontsize=\footnotesize},
doc head={colback=yellow!10!white,interior style=fill},
doc head key={colback=magenta!5!white,interior style=fill},
color key=DarkViolet,
color value=Teal,
color color=Teal,
color counter=Orange!85!black,
color length=Orange!85!black,
index colorize,
index annotate,
beforeafter example/.style={
before skip=4pt plus 2pt minus 1pt,
after skip=8pt plus 4pt minus 2pt
beforeafter example,
arc is angular,fonttitle=\bfseries,
drop fuzzy shadow=green!25!yellow!50!black,
listing engine=minted,
documentation minted style=colorful,
documentation minted options={fontsize=\footnotesize},
\renewcommand*{\tcbdocnew}[1]{\textcolor{green!50!black}{\sffamily\bfseries N} #1}
\renewcommand*{\tcbdocupdated}[1]{\textcolor{blue!75!black}{\sffamily\bfseries U} #1}
\newtcbinputlisting{\csvlisting}[1]{docexample,minted options={fontsize=\footnotesize},minted language=latex,
fonttitle=\bfseries,listing only,title={CSV file \flqq\texttt{\detokenize{#1.csv}}\frqq},listing file=#1.csv}
\newtcbinputlisting{\xmllisting}[1]{docexample,minted options={fontsize=\footnotesize},minted language=xml,
fonttitle=\bfseries,listing only,title={Configuration file \flqq\texttt{\detokenize{#1.xml}}\frqq},listing file=#1.xml}
\NewTotalTCBox{\verbbox}{m}{enhanced,on line,size=fbox,frame empty,colback=red!5!white,

View file

@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
last name,first name,address,zip,telephone,year of birth
Brown,Carl,Midsomer Garden,MD-945,555-2423,1982
1 last name first name address zip telephone year of birth
2 Appleby Anne Shrimpsbury SH-124 555-4455 1960
3 Brown Carl Midsomer Garden MD-945 555-2423 1982
4 Smith John Shrimpsbury SH-123 555-4584 1978
5 Underwood Mary Oglsby OG-345 555-3434 1956

Binary file not shown.

View file

@ -0,0 +1,110 @@
%% The LaTeX package csvsimple - version 2.5.0 (2023/10/16)
%% csvsimple-example.tex: an example for csvsimple
%% -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
%% Copyright (c) 2008-2023 by Prof. Dr. Dr. Thomas F. Sturm <thomas dot sturm at unibw dot de>
%% -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
%% This work may be distributed and/or modified under the
%% conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License, either version 1.3
%% of this license or (at your option) any later version.
%% The latest version of this license is in
%% and version 1.3 or later is part of all distributions of LaTeX
%% version 2005/12/01 or later.
%% This work has the LPPL maintenance status `author-maintained'.
%% This work consists of all files listed in
\IfFileExists{csvsimple-doc.cfg}{\input{csvsimple-doc.cfg}}{}% ignore this line
\providecommand\csvpkgprefix{} % ignore this line
\usepackage{\csvpkgprefix csvsimple-l3}% \usepackage{csvsimple-l3}
\section{Automatic table generation (for testing)}
\section{My first CSV table}
table head=\hline\multicolumn{2}{|c|}{\bfseries My telephone book}\\\hline
\bfseries Name & \bfseries Number\\\hline\hline,
late after line=\\\hline]%
{csvsimple-example.csv}{last name=\surname,first name=\givenname,telephone=\telephone}{%
\givenname\ \surname & \telephone
\section{Remembering the names}
\csvnames{my names}{last name=\surname,first name=\givenname,address=\address,zip=\zip,telephone=\telephone,year of birth=\birthyear}
\csvreader[my names, late after line=\\, late after last line=]%
\givenname\ was born in \birthyear\ and lives in \address.
\section{Filter fun}
\csvreader[my names, filter equal={\address}{Shrimpsbury}, tabbing,
table head=\bfseries Shrimpsbury friends: \=\hspace*{3cm}\=\+\kill,
before first line=\<\bfseries Shrimpsbury friends:\>]%
\surname, \givenname \> \telephone
\section{More filter fun}
\csvreader[my names, filter ifthen=\birthyear<1980, centered tabular=rllr,
table head=\multicolumn{4}{c}{\bfseries People born before 1980}\\\toprule
\# & Name & Postal address & input line no.\\\midrule,
late after line=\\, late after last line=\\\bottomrule]%
\thecsvrow & \givenname\ \surname & \zip\ \address & \thecsvinputline
\section{Again and again}
\csvstyle{my table}{my names,
centered tabular=|r|l|l|l|,
table head=\hline\multicolumn{4}{|c|}{\bfseries #1}\\\hline
\# & Name & Telephone & Postal address\\\hline\hline,
late after line=\\, late after last line=\\\hline}
\csvreader[my table=Predefined table]{csvsimple-example.csv}{}{%
\thecsvrow & \givenname\ \surname & \telephone & \zip\ \address
\csvreader[my table=Filtering for Smith, filter equal={\surname}{Smith}]%
\thecsvrow & \givenname\ \surname & \telephone & \zip\ \address
\csvstyle{all and everything}{my table=#1, file={csvsimple-example.csv},
command=\thecsvrow & \givenname\ \surname & \telephone & \zip\ \address}
\csvloop{all and everything=Loop instead of reader}
\csvloop{all and everything=With Shrimpsbury filter, filter equal={\address}{Shrimpsbury}}
\csvloop{all and everything=A little modification, late after line=\\\hline}

csvsimple/csvsimple-l3.pdf Normal file

Binary file not shown.

csvsimple/csvsimple-l3.sty Normal file

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load diff

csvsimple/csvsimple-l3.tex Normal file

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load diff

Binary file not shown.

View file

@ -0,0 +1,795 @@
%% The LaTeX package csvsimple - version 2.5.0 (2023/10/16)
%% csvsimple-legacy.sty: Simple LaTeX CSV file processing (LaTeX2e)
%% -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
%% Copyright (c) 2008-2023 by Prof. Dr. Dr. Thomas F. Sturm <thomas dot sturm at unibw dot de>
%% -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
%% This work may be distributed and/or modified under the
%% conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License, either version 1.3
%% of this license or (at your option) any later version.
%% The latest version of this license is in
%% and version 1.3 or later is part of all distributions of LaTeX
%% version 2005/12/01 or later.
%% This work has the LPPL maintenance status `author-maintained'.
%% This work consists of all files listed in
\ProvidesPackage{csvsimple-legacy}[2023/10/16 version 2.5.0 LaTeX2e CSV file processing]
%---- check package
\cs_if_exist:NT \c__csvsim_package_expl_bool
\msg_new:nnn { csvsimple }{ legacy / package-loaded }
{ Package~'csvsimple-l3'~seems~already~be~loaded!~
\msg_warning:nn { csvsimple }{ legacy / package-loaded }
\bool_const:Nn \c__csvsim_package_expl_bool { \c_false_bool }
%---- general
\global\c@csvcol 1\relax%
\xdef\csvlinetotablerow{\expandonce{\csname csvcol\romannumeral\c@csvcol\endcsname}}%
\global\advance\c@csvcol 1\relax%
\xappto\csvlinetotablerow{\noexpand&\expandonce{\csname csvcol\romannumeral\c@csvcol\endcsname}}%
%---- breaking lines
% This command removes leading and trailing spaces from <Token>. I found
% the original code on the web. The original author was Michael Downes, who
% provided the code as an answer to 'around the bend' question #15.
\expandafter\csv@trimb\expandafter\noexpand#1Q Q}%
\def\csv@trimb#1 Q{\csv@trimc#1Q}
\def\csv@trimc#1Q#2{\afterassignment\endgroup \vfuzz\the\vfuzz#1}
\global\advance\c@csvcol 1\relax%
\expandafter\xdef\csname csvcol\romannumeral\c@csvcol\endcsname{\the\toks@}%
% comma
\global\c@csvcol 0\relax%
% semi colon
\global\c@csvcol 0\relax%
% pipe
\global\c@csvcol 0\relax%
% tab
\global\c@csvcol 0\relax%
% expands a CSV line and scans content
\typeout{<sort \csv@passivquotes#2\csv@passivquotes\space by \csv@passivquotes#1\csv@passivquotes>}%
\immediate\write\csv@out{\string\makeatletter\string\csv@error{Call of CSV-Sorter failed! Use '-shell-escape' option or check log file '\csv@csvsorter@log'.}{}}%
-c \csv@passivquotes#1\csv@passivquotes\space
-l \csv@passivquotes\csv@csvsorter@log\csv@passivquotes\space
-t \csv@passivquotes\csv@csvsorter@token\csv@passivquotes\space
-i \csv@passivquotes#2\csv@passivquotes\space
-o \csv@passivquotes#3\csv@passivquotes\space -q 1}%
%---- the loop
\def\csv@current@col{\csname csvcol\romannumeral\c@csvcol\endcsname}
% auto head names
\toks1=\expandafter{\csname csvcol\romannumeral\c@csvcol\endcsname}%
% head names and numbers
\toks1=\expandafter{\csname csvcol\romannumeral\c@csvcol\endcsname}%
\begingroup\edef\csv@temp{\endgroup\noexpand\pgfkeysdef{/csv head/\csv@current@col}{\the\toks0{\the\toks1}\noexpand\csv@AtEndLoop{\the\toks0{}}}}%
\begingroup\edef\csv@temp{\endgroup\noexpand\pgfkeysdef{/csv head/\thecsvcol}{\the\toks0{\the\toks1}\noexpand\csv@AtEndLoop{\the\toks0{}}}}%
% head line
\csv@error{File '\csv@input@filename' starts with an empty line!}{}%
\global\c@csvcol 0\relax%
\global\advance\c@csvcol 1\relax%
\edef\csv@processkeys{\noexpand\pgfkeys{/csv head/.cd,\the\toks@}}%
% head numbers for no head
\toks1=\expandafter{\csname csvcol\romannumeral\c@csvcol\endcsname}%
\begingroup\edef\csv@temp{\endgroup\noexpand\pgfkeysdef{/csv head/\thecsvcol}{\the\toks0{\the\toks1}\noexpand\csv@AtEndLoop{\the\toks0{}}}}%
% no head line
\global\c@csvcol 0\relax%
\global\advance\c@csvcol 1\relax%
\edef\csv@processkeys{\noexpand\pgfkeys{/csv head/.cd,\the\toks@}}%
% check filter
% check columns
% normal line
\global\read\csv@file to\csvline%
% reads and processes a CSV file
% reset
% options
\csvset{default,every csv,#1}%
% start reading
\csv@error{File '\csv@input@filename' not existent, not readable, or empty!}{}%
% the head line
% command for the reading loop
% check and decide
% do or do not
% user command
\csvloop{#1,file={#2},column names={#3},command=\csv@@body}%
%---- keys
\pgfkeys{/handlers/.gstore in/.code=\pgfkeysalso{\pgfkeyscurrentpath/.code=\gdef#1{##1}}}
\pgfkeys{/csv/.is family}
\pgfkeys{/csv head/.is family}
\def\csvheadset{\pgfqkeys{/csv head}}
file/.gstore in=\csv@filename,%
preprocessed file/.gstore in=\csv@ppfilename,%
no preprocessing/.code={\let\csv@preprocss=\csv@preprocss@none},
column names reset/.code={\gdef\csv@columnnames{}},%
column names/.code={%
command/.gstore in=\csv@body,%
check column count/.is choice,%
check column count/.default=true,%
check column count/true/.code={\global\let\csv@opt@checkcolumncount=\csv@checkcolumncount},%
check column count/false/.code={\global\let\csv@opt@checkcolumncount=\csv@nocheckcolumncount},%
on column count error/.gstore in=\csv@columncounterror,
head/.is choice,%
\pgfkeysalso{check column count}},%
\pgfkeysalso{check column count=false,late after head=}},%
head to column names prefix/.store in=\csv@headnameprefix,%
head to column names/.is choice,%
head to column names/.default=true,%
head to column names/true/.code={\global\let\csv@opt@headtocolumnames=\set@csv@autohead},%
head to column names/false/.code={\global\let\csv@opt@headtocolumnames=\csv@empty},%
column count/.gstore in=\csv@columncount,%
filter ifthen/.code={\gdef\csv@iffilter{\ifthenelse{#1}}},
filter test/.code={\gdef\csv@iffilter{#1}},
filter expr/.code={\gdef\csv@iffilter{\ifboolexpr{#1}}},
no filter/.code={\csvfilteraccept},
filter reject all/.code={\csvfilterreject},
filter accept all/.code={\csvfilteraccept},
before filter/.gstore in=\csv@prefiltercommand,
full filter/.gstore in=\csv@prefiltercommand,
before first line/.gstore in=\csv@prefirstline,
before line/.code={\gdef\csv@preline{#1}\pgfkeysalso{before first line=#1}},
after first line/.gstore in=\csv@postfirstline,
after line/.code={\gdef\csv@postline{#1}\pgfkeysalso{after first line=#1}},
late after first line/.gstore in=\csv@latepostfirstline,
late after last line/.gstore in=\csv@latepostlastline,
late after line/.code={\gdef\csv@latepostline{#1}\pgfkeysalso{late after first line=#1,late after last line=#1}},
after head/.gstore in=\csv@posthead,
late after head/.gstore in=\csv@lateposthead,
before reading/.gstore in=\csv@prereading,
after reading/.gstore in=\csv@postreading,
before table/.gstore in=\csv@pretable,
after table/.gstore in=\csv@posttable,
table head/.gstore in=\csv@tablehead,
table foot/.gstore in=\csv@tablefoot,
@table/.code 2 args={\gdef\csv@table@begin{#1}\gdef\csv@table@end{#2}},
no table/.style={@table={}{}},
separator/.is choice,
\csvset{respect tab}},
csvsorter command/.store in=\csv@csvsorter@command,
csvsorter configpath/.store in=\csv@csvsorter@configpath,
sort by/.style={preprocessor={\csv@preprocessor@csvsorter{\csv@csvsorter@configpath/#1}}},
new sorting rule/.style 2 args={sort by #1/.style={sort by={#2}}},
csvsorter log/.store in=\csv@csvsorter@log,
csvsorter token/.store in=\csv@csvsorter@token,
csvsorter command=csvsorter,
csvsorter configpath=.,
preprocessed file={\jobname_sorted._csv},
csvsorter log={csvsorter.log},
csvsorter token={\jobname.csvtoken},
% default for reset
no preprocessing,
column names reset,
head to column names prefix=,
head to column names=false,
column count=10,
on column count error=,
no filter,
before filter=,
before line=,
after line=,
late after line=,
after head=,
late after head=,
before reading=,
after reading=,
before table=,
after table=,
table head=,
table foot=,
no table,
% styles
every csv/.style={},
no head/.style={head=false},
no check column count/.style={check column count=false},
warn on column count error/.style={on column count error={\csv@warning{>\thecsvcol< instead of >\csv@columncount< columns for input line >\thecsvinputline< of file >\csv@ppfilename<}}},
filter equal/.style 2 args={filter ifthen=\equal{#1}{#2}},
filter not equal/.style 2 args={filter ifthen=\not\equal{#1}{#2}},
filter strcmp/.style 2 args={filter test=\ifcsvstrcmp{#1}{#2}},
filter not strcmp/.style 2 args={filter test=\ifcsvnotstrcmp{#1}{#2}},
late after line=\\},
centered tabular/.style={
late after line=\\},
late after line=\\},
late after line=\\,
late after last line=},
centered tabbing/.style={
late after line=\\,
late after last line=},
after head=\csv@pretable\begin{tabular}{|*{\csv@columncount}{l|}}\csv@tablehead,
table head=\hline\csvlinetotablerow\\\hline,
late after line=\\,
table foot=\\\hline,
late after last line=\csv@tablefoot\end{tabular}\csv@posttable,
after head=\csv@pretable\begin{longtable}{|*{\csv@columncount}{l|}}\csv@tablehead,
table head=\hline\csvlinetotablerow\\\hline\endhead\hline\endfoot,
late after line=\\,
late after last line=\csv@tablefoot\end{longtable}\csv@posttable,
after head=\csv@pretable\begin{tabular}{*{\csv@columncount}{l}}\csv@tablehead,
table head=\toprule\csvlinetotablerow\\\midrule,
late after line=\\,
table foot=\\\bottomrule,
late after last line=\csv@tablefoot\end{tabular}\csv@posttable,
after head=\csv@pretable\begin{longtable}{*{\csv@columncount}{l}}\csv@tablehead,
table head=\toprule\csvlinetotablerow\\\midrule\endhead\bottomrule\endfoot,
late after line=\\,
late after last line=\csv@tablefoot\end{longtable}\csv@posttable,
% deprecated keys
nofilter/.style=no filter,
nohead/.style=no head,
% catcodes
respect tab/.is choice,
respect tab/true/.code={%
respect tab/false/.code={%
respect tab/.default=true,
respect percent/.is choice,
respect percent/true/.code={%
respect percent/false/.code={%
respect percent/.default=true,
respect sharp/.is choice,
respect sharp/true/.code={%
respect sharp/false/.code={%
respect sharp/.default=true,
respect dollar/.is choice,
respect dollar/true/.code={%
respect dollar/false/.code={%
respect dollar/.default=true,
respect and/.is choice,
respect and/true/.code={%
respect and/false/.code={%
respect and/.default=true,
respect backslash/.is choice,
respect backslash/true/.code={%
respect backslash/false/.code={%
respect backslash/.default=true,
respect underscore/.is choice,
respect underscore/true/.code={%
respect underscore/false/.code={%
respect underscore/.default=true,
respect tilde/.is choice,
respect tilde/true/.code={%
respect tilde/false/.code={%
respect tilde/.default=true,
respect circumflex/.is choice,
respect circumflex/true/.code={%
respect circumflex/false/.code={%
respect circumflex/.default=true,
respect leftbrace/.is choice,
respect leftbrace/true/.code={%
respect leftbrace/false/.code={%
respect leftbrace/.default=true,
respect rightbrace/.is choice,
respect rightbrace/true/.code={%
respect rightbrace/false/.code={%
respect rightbrace/.default=true,
respect all/.style={respect tab,respect percent,respect sharp,respect dollar,
respect and,respect backslash,respect underscore,respect tilde,respect circumflex,
respect leftbrace,respect rightbrace},
respect none/.style={respect tab=false,respect percent=false,respect sharp=false,
respect dollar=false,respect and=false,respect backslash=false,
respect underscore=false,respect tilde=false,respect circumflex=false,
respect leftbrace=false,respect rightbrace=false},
respect none
\def\csvnames#1#2{\csvset{#1/.style={column names={#2}}}}
% string comparison

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load diff

Binary file not shown.


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csvsimple/csvsimple.pdf Normal file

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csvsimple/csvsimple.sty Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
%% The LaTeX package csvsimple - version 2.5.0 (2023/10/16)
%% csvsimple.sty: Simple LaTeX CSV file processing
%% -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
%% Copyright (c) 2008-2023 by Prof. Dr. Dr. Thomas F. Sturm <thomas dot sturm at unibw dot de>
%% -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
%% This work may be distributed and/or modified under the
%% conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License, either version 1.3
%% of this license or (at your option) any later version.
%% The latest version of this license is in
%% and version 1.3 or later is part of all distributions of LaTeX
%% version 2005/12/01 or later.
%% This work has the LPPL maintenance status `author-maintained'.
%% This work consists of all files listed in
{LaTeX CSV file processing}
\cs_if_exist:NT \c__csvsim_package_expl_bool
\msg_new:nnn { csvsimple }{ package-loaded }
{ Package~'#1'~seems~already~be~loaded! }
\bool_if:NTF \c__csvsim_package_expl_bool
\msg_warning:nn { csvsimple }{ package-loaded }{ csvsimple-l3 }
\msg_warning:nn { csvsimple }{ package-loaded }{ csvsimple-legacy }
\keys_define:nn { csvsimple }
l3 .code:n = \tl_set:Nn \l__csvsim_package_expl_tl { l3 },
legacy .code:n = \tl_set:Nn \l__csvsim_package_expl_tl { legacy },
\keys_set:nn { csvsimple } { legacy }
\ProcessKeysPackageOptions { csvsimple }

csvsimple/csvsimple.tex Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,175 @@
% \LaTeX-Main\
% !TeX encoding=UTF-8
%% The LaTeX package csvsimple - version 2.5.0 (2023/10/16)
%% csvsimple.tex: Manual
%% -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
%% Copyright (c) 2008-2023 by Prof. Dr. Dr. Thomas F. Sturm <thomas dot sturm at unibw dot de>
%% -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
%% This work may be distributed and/or modified under the
%% conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License, either version 1.3
%% of this license or (at your option) any later version.
%% The latest version of this license is in
%% and version 1.3 or later is part of all distributions of LaTeX
%% version 2005/12/01 or later.
%% This work has the LPPL maintenance status `author-maintained'.
%% This work consists of all files listed in
\usepackage{\csvpkgprefix csvsimple-legacy}
pdftitle={Manual for the csvsimple package},
pdfauthor={Thomas F. Sturm},
pdfsubject={csv file processing with LaTeX},
pdfkeywords={csv file, comma separated values, key value syntax}
drop lifted shadow=black!50!yellow,arc is angular,
{\bfseries\LARGE The \texttt{csvsimple} package}\\[3mm]
{\large Manual for version \version\ (\datum)}
{\large Thomas F.~Sturm%
\footnote{Prof.~Dr.~Dr.~Thomas F.~Sturm, Institut f\"{u}r Mathematik und Informatik,
University of the Bundeswehr Munich, D-85577 Neubiberg, Germany;
email: \href{}{}}\par\medskip
\begin{center}\bfseries Abstract\end{center}
|csvsimple| provides a simple \LaTeX\ interface for the processing of files with
comma separated values (CSV). |csvsimple| relies heavily on a key value
syntax which results in an easy way of usage.
Filtering and table generation is especially supported. Since the package
is considered as a lightweight tool, there is no support for data sorting
or data base storage.
\section{Package Options}%
|csvsimple| is a stub which merely selects to load exclusively one of the
following packages:
\item \href{csvsimple-l3.pdf}{\flqq The |csvsimple-l3| package\frqq}:\\
This is the pure \LaTeX3 version of |csvsimple|. It is considered
to be the \emph{current} version.
New documents are encouraged to use this package.\par
|csvsimple-l3| is loaded with \emph{one} of the following
alternatives inside the preamble:
% or alternatively (not simultaneously!)
\item \href{csvsimple-legacy.pdf}{\flqq The |csvsimple-legacy| package\frqq}:\\
This is the \LaTeXe{} version of |csvsimple|. It is considered
to be the \emph{superseded} version identical to version 1.22 of |csvsimple|.
Documents based on that former version do \emph{not have to be changed}
and stay compilable in future.\par
|csvsimple-legacy| is loaded with \emph{one} of the following
alternatives inside the preamble:
% or alternatively (not simultaneously!)
% or alternatively (not simultaneously!)
\section{Differences between \texttt{csvsimple-l3} and \texttt{csvsimple-legacy}}
This section is intended for users who know |csvsimple| before version~2.00.
|csvsimple-l3| is a \emph{nearly} drop-in replacement for
|csvsimple-legacy|. Although old documents have no \emph{need} to be changed,
adopting the new \LaTeX3 version for existing documents should impose not
too much effort. Actually, it depends on how intense |pgfkeys| specific
styles were used.
That brings us to the differences between the two packages and a more precise
understanding what \emph{nearly} drop-in replacement means. The following enumeration
does not list new features of \texttt{csvsimple-l3} (if any), but takes an
upgrade point of view.
\item Any patches or additions using undocumented internals of |csvsimple-legacy|
will stop to function, because |csvsimple-l3| has a completely implementation.
\item |csvsimple-l3| is programmed in |expl3| code using the \LaTeX3 interfaces.
No additional packages are loaded or needed with exception of several options
which allow to access methods from |ifthen|, |etoolbox|, |longtable|, etc.
On the other hand, |csvsimple-legacy| is programmed in \LaTeXe{} with
dirty tricks from here and there.
\item The most significant change of the user interface is that the key value
engine of |csvsimple-legacy| is |pgfkeys| (root \docAuxKey*[csv]{}) while |csvsimple-l3| uses
|l3keys| (root \docAuxKey*[csvsim]{}).
Names and usage of the keys are \emph{unchanged}.
But, if
you made own |pgfkeys| \emph{styles} using the |pgfkeys| style handler,
these \emph{styles} have to be adapted to |.meta| keys of |l3keys|.
The good news is that styles
made with \docAuxCommand*{csvstyle} become |.meta| keys automatically.
\item The macro \docAuxCommand*{csvheadset} is removed. It is not supportable
by the new implementation. I never used it and I forgot why I ever wrote it
-- I hope the same is true for you. If not, |csvsimple-legacy| can be
used for documents which needs it.
\item Option \docAuxKey*[csv]{filter} is removed. Instead, \docAuxKey*[csvsim]{filter ifthen}
can be used (also true with \docAuxKey*[csv]{filter ifthen} for the old version).
\item The deprecated options
\docAuxKey*[csv]{nofilter} and \docAuxKey*[csv]{nohead} are removed.
They were not documented any more since years. Obviously, use
\docAuxKey*[csvsim]{no filter} and \docAuxKey*[csvsim]{no head} instead.
\item Compilation problems are to be expected, if an |S| column of the |siunitx| package
is used as first or last column. Documents neglecting this rule successfully
for |csvsimple-legacy|, may fail to compile with |csvsimple-l3.|
\item The \LaTeX{} counters \docCounter*{csvinputline}
and \docCounter*{csvrow}
are replaced by \LaTeX3 integers
and \docCounter*{g_csvsim_row_int}, but accessors
\docAuxCommand*{thecsvinputline} and
\docAuxCommand*{thecsvrow} are still valid.
\item The packages |pgfrcs|, |pgfkeys|, |ifthen|, |etoolbox|, and |shellesc|
are not included anymore (include manually, if needed).
\docAuxCommand*{csviffirstrow} and
\docAuxCommand*{csvifoddrow} are deprecated and replaced by
which are more consistent in nomenclature.
\item For |csvsimple-l3|, data lines are allowed to begin with an backslash.
\item Assigned macros like |\myname| for e.g. the third column contain
not |\csvcoliii| anymore, but are equal to the content of |\csvcoliii| now.
\item Character code changes with \docAuxKey*[csvsim]{respect percent} etc.
and the tabulator as separator should work for |csvsimple-l3| as expected in every
situation (not always worked for |csvsimple-legacy|).
\item A drawback of |csvsimple-l3| against |csvsimple-legacy| is
a higher compilation time. This may vary by used compiler.
An example document of 5061 pages using a CSV file with 166 992 lines
took about 28 seconds with |csvsimple-legacy| and
about 51 seconds with |csvsimple-l3| on my machine
(just a singular observation, no scientific analysis at all).

csvsimple/encoding.xml Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<bracket empty="true"/>
<charset in="windows-1252" out="UTF-8"/>

csvsimple/gradesort.xml Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<bracket empty="true" />
<column name="grade" order="ascending" type="double"/>
<column name="name" order="ascending" type="string"/>
<column name="givenname" order="ascending" type="string"/>

View file

@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<bracket empty="true" />
<column name="matriculation" order="ascending" type="integer"/>

csvsimple/namesort.xml Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<bracket empty="true" />
<column name="name" order="ascending" type="string"/>
<column name="givenname" order="ascending" type="string"/>

csvsimple/transform.xml Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<bracket leftsymbol="doublequote" rightsymbol="doublequote" />
<delimiter signsymbol="semicolon" />
<outBracket leftsymbol="braceleft" rightsymbol="braceright" />
<outDelimiter signsymbol="comma" />

document.tex Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,114 @@
times, %% hier kann man die Schriftart einstellen
% Hier die Optionen fuer scrlttr2 eintragen.
% S.a. scrguide.pdf ab Seite 150
% Falls man das alte scrlettr vemisst, oder die Option
% "enlargefirstpage=true" aus den KOMAoptions
% benutzen will, muss man den folgenden Eintrag
% auskommentieren (einfach das %-Zeichen löschen).
% hier Name und darunter Anschrift einsetzen:
% hier die Signatur einsetzen:
\setkomavar{signature}{Sebastian Hinz}
% hier betreff einsetzen
% hier kommt dein Ort hin:
% die Signatur ist linksbuendig
% Manche finden, dass scrlttr2 so eine riesige Fußzeile hat
% einfach die nächste Zeile auskommentieren, dann wird sie kleiner:
% \setlength{\footskip}{-6pt}
% pdflatex \"\\newcommand{\\vorname}{#{vorname}}
% \\newcommand{\\nachname}{#{name}}
% \\newcommand{\\strasse}{#{strasse + " " + hausnummer.to_s}}
% \\newcommand{\\plz}{#{plz}}
% \\newcommand{\\ort}{#{ort}}
% \\newcommand{\\betrag}{#{betrag}}
% \\newcommand{\\betraginworten}{#{betrag_in_worten}}
% \\newcommand{\\startdatum}{#{start_datum}}
% \\newcommand{\\findatum}{#{end_datum}}
% \\newcommand{\\mitgliedsnummer}
% die Anschrift des Empfaengers
\begin{letter}{\vorname{} \nachname{} \\
\plz{} \ort{}}
\opening{Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren,}
Mitgliedsnummer: \mitgliedsnummer{}\\
Betrag: \betrag{} \euro{}\\
Betrag in worten: \betraginworten{}\\
Zeitraum: \startdatum{} - \findatum{}\\
table head=\hline \thead{ Datum der Zuwendung} & \thead{Art der Zuwendung \\ (Geldzuwendung/Mitgliedsbeitrag)} & \thead{Verzicht auf die Erstattung\\ von Aufwendungen (ja/nein)} & Betrag\\\hline,
late after line=\\\hline,
{\datum & \type & \verzicht &\betrag \euro{}}%
% {\csvcoli & \csvcolii}
\closing{Mit freundlichen Grüßen}