--- site_name: iot-backend site_description: An Open-Source prototype for collecting, working with and displaying sensor data from MQTT enabled IoT devices. repo_name: iot-backend repo_url: https://code.curious.bio/curious.bio/iot-backend nav: - Home: README.md theme: logo: images/logos/iot-platform.svg language: en name: material font: text: Roboto code: Roboto Mono features: - content.code.annotate - navigation.sections - navigation.expand - navigation.tabs - navigation.tabs.sticky - navigation.instant palette: - media: "(prefers-color-scheme: dark)" scheme: slate primary: indigo accent: indigo toggle: icon: material/weather-night name: Switch to light mode - media: "(prefers-color-scheme: light)" scheme: default primary: indigo accent: indigo toggle: icon: material/weather-sunny name: Switch to dark mode plugins: - glightbox - minify: minify_html: true markdown_extensions: - admonition - attr_list - md_in_html - tables - toc: permalink: true - pymdownx.details - pymdownx.superfences: custom_fences: - name: mermaid class: mermaid format: !!python/name:pymdownx.superfences.fence_code_format - pymdownx.emoji: emoji_index: !!python/name:materialx.emoji.twemoji emoji_generator: !!python/name:materialx.emoji.to_svg options: custom_icons: - overrides/.icons - pymdownx.tasklist: custom_checkbox: true copyright: > Copyright © 2023 Curious Community Labs e. V.