/** * gridstack.js 0.6.4 * https://gridstackjs.com/ * (c) 2014-2020 Alain Dumesny, Dylan Weiss, Pavel Reznikov * gridstack.js may be freely distributed under the MIT license. * @preserve */ (function(factory) { if (typeof define === 'function' && define.amd) { define(['jquery', 'exports'], factory); } else if (typeof exports !== 'undefined') { var jQueryModule; try { jQueryModule = require('jquery'); } catch (e) {} factory(jQueryModule || window.jQuery, exports); } else { factory(window.jQuery, window); } })(function($, scope) { // checks for obsolete method names var obsolete = function(f, oldName, newName, rev) { var wrapper = function() { console.warn('gridstack.js: Function `' + oldName + '` is deprecated in ' + rev + ' and has been replaced ' + 'with `' + newName + '`. It will be **completely** removed in v1.0'); return f.apply(this, arguments); }; wrapper.prototype = f.prototype; return wrapper; }; // checks for obsolete grid options (can be used for any fields, but msg is about options) var obsoleteOpts = function(opts, oldName, newName, rev) { if (opts[oldName] !== undefined) { opts[newName] = opts[oldName]; console.warn('gridstack.js: Option `' + oldName + '` is deprecated in ' + rev + ' and has been replaced with `' + newName + '`. It will be **completely** removed in v1.0'); } }; // checks for obsolete grid options which are gone var obsoleteOptsDel = function(opts, oldName, rev, info) { if (opts[oldName] !== undefined) { console.warn('gridstack.js: Option `' + oldName + '` is deprecated in ' + rev + info); } }; // checks for obsolete Jquery element attributes var obsoleteAttr = function(el, oldName, newName, rev) { var oldAttr = el.attr(oldName); if (oldAttr !== undefined) { el.attr(newName, oldAttr); console.warn('gridstack.js: attribute `' + oldName + '`=' + oldAttr + ' is deprecated on this object in ' + rev + ' and has been replaced with `' + newName + '`. It will be **completely** removed in v1.0'); } }; var Utils = { isIntercepted: function(a, b) { return !(a.x + a.width <= b.x || b.x + b.width <= a.x || a.y + a.height <= b.y || b.y + b.height <= a.y); }, sort: function(nodes, dir, column) { if (!column) { var widths = nodes.map(function(node) { return node.x + node.width; }); column = Math.max.apply(Math, widths); } if (dir === -1) return Utils.sortBy(nodes, function(n) { return -(n.x + n.y * column); }); else return Utils.sortBy(nodes, function(n) { return (n.x + n.y * column); }); }, createStylesheet: function(id, parent) { var style = document.createElement('style'); style.setAttribute('type', 'text/css'); style.setAttribute('data-gs-style-id', id); if (style.styleSheet) { style.styleSheet.cssText = ''; } else { style.appendChild(document.createTextNode('')); } if (!parent) { parent = document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0]; } // default to head parent.insertBefore(style, parent.firstChild); return style.sheet; }, removeStylesheet: function(id) { $('STYLE[data-gs-style-id=' + id + ']').remove(); }, insertCSSRule: function(sheet, selector, rules, index) { if (typeof sheet.insertRule === 'function') { sheet.insertRule(selector + '{' + rules + '}', index); } else if (typeof sheet.addRule === 'function') { sheet.addRule(selector, rules, index); } }, toBool: function(v) { if (typeof v === 'boolean') { return v; } if (typeof v === 'string') { v = v.toLowerCase(); return !(v === '' || v === 'no' || v === 'false' || v === '0'); } return Boolean(v); }, _collisionNodeCheck: function(n) { return n !== this.node && Utils.isIntercepted(n, this.nn); }, _didCollide: function(bn) { return Utils.isIntercepted({x: this.n.x, y: this.newY, width: this.n.width, height: this.n.height}, bn); }, _isAddNodeIntercepted: function(n) { return Utils.isIntercepted({x: this.x, y: this.y, width: this.node.width, height: this.node.height}, n); }, parseHeight: function(val) { var height = val; var heightUnit = 'px'; if (height && typeof height === 'string') { var match = height.match(/^(-[0-9]+\.[0-9]+|[0-9]*\.[0-9]+|-[0-9]+|[0-9]+)(px|em|rem|vh|vw|%)?$/); if (!match) { throw new Error('Invalid height'); } heightUnit = match[2] || 'px'; height = parseFloat(match[1]); } return {height: height, unit: heightUnit}; }, without: function(array, item) { var index = array.indexOf(item); if (index !== -1) { array = array.slice(0); array.splice(index, 1); } return array; }, sortBy: function(array, getter) { return array.slice(0).sort(function(left, right) { var valueLeft = getter(left); var valueRight = getter(right); if (valueRight === valueLeft) { return 0; } return valueLeft > valueRight ? 1 : -1; }); }, defaults: function(target) { var sources = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 1); sources.forEach(function(source) { for (var prop in source) { if (source.hasOwnProperty(prop) && (!target.hasOwnProperty(prop) || target[prop] === undefined)) { target[prop] = source[prop]; } } }); return target; }, clone: function(target) { return $.extend({}, target); }, throttle: function(callback, delay) { var isWaiting = false; return function() { if (!isWaiting) { callback.apply(this, arguments); isWaiting = true; setTimeout(function() { isWaiting = false; }, delay); } }; }, removePositioningStyles: function(el) { var style = el[0].style; if (style.position) { style.removeProperty('position'); } if (style.left) { style.removeProperty('left'); } if (style.top) { style.removeProperty('top'); } if (style.width) { style.removeProperty('width'); } if (style.height) { style.removeProperty('height'); } }, getScrollParent: function(el) { var returnEl; if (el === null) { returnEl = null; } else if (el.scrollHeight > el.clientHeight) { returnEl = el; } else { returnEl = Utils.getScrollParent(el.parentNode); } return returnEl; }, updateScrollPosition: function(el, ui, distance) { // is widget in view? var rect = el.getBoundingClientRect(); var innerHeightOrClientHeight = (window.innerHeight || document.documentElement.clientHeight); if (rect.top < 0 || rect.bottom > innerHeightOrClientHeight ) { // set scrollTop of first parent that scrolls // if parent is larger than el, set as low as possible // to get entire widget on screen var offsetDiffDown = rect.bottom - innerHeightOrClientHeight; var offsetDiffUp = rect.top; var scrollEl = Utils.getScrollParent(el); if (scrollEl !== null) { var prevScroll = scrollEl.scrollTop; if (rect.top < 0 && distance < 0) { // moving up if (el.offsetHeight > innerHeightOrClientHeight) { scrollEl.scrollTop += distance; } else { scrollEl.scrollTop += Math.abs(offsetDiffUp) > Math.abs(distance) ? distance : offsetDiffUp; } } else if (distance > 0) { // moving down if (el.offsetHeight > innerHeightOrClientHeight) { scrollEl.scrollTop += distance; } else { scrollEl.scrollTop += offsetDiffDown > distance ? distance : offsetDiffDown; } } // move widget y by amount scrolled ui.position.top += scrollEl.scrollTop - prevScroll; } } } }; /** * @class GridStackDragDropPlugin * Base class for drag'n'drop plugin. */ function GridStackDragDropPlugin(grid) { this.grid = grid; } GridStackDragDropPlugin.registeredPlugins = []; GridStackDragDropPlugin.registerPlugin = function(pluginClass) { GridStackDragDropPlugin.registeredPlugins.push(pluginClass); }; GridStackDragDropPlugin.prototype.resizable = function(el, opts) { return this; }; GridStackDragDropPlugin.prototype.draggable = function(el, opts) { return this; }; GridStackDragDropPlugin.prototype.droppable = function(el, opts) { return this; }; GridStackDragDropPlugin.prototype.isDroppable = function(el) { return false; }; GridStackDragDropPlugin.prototype.on = function(el, eventName, callback) { return this; }; var idSeq = 0; var GridStackEngine = function(column, onchange, float, maxRow, items) { this.column = column || 12; this.float = float || false; this.maxRow = maxRow || 0; this.nodes = items || []; this.onchange = onchange || function() {}; this._addedNodes = []; this._removedNodes = []; this._batchMode = false; }; GridStackEngine.prototype.batchUpdate = function() { if (this._batchMode) return; this._batchMode = true; this._prevFloat = this.float; this.float = true; // let things go anywhere for now... commit() will restore and possibly reposition }; GridStackEngine.prototype.commit = function() { if (!this._batchMode) return; this._batchMode = false; this.float = this._prevFloat; delete this._prevFloat; this._packNodes(); this._notify(); }; // For Meteor support: https://github.com/gridstack/gridstack.js/pull/272 GridStackEngine.prototype.getNodeDataByDOMEl = function(el) { return this.nodes.find(function(n) { return el.get(0) === n.el.get(0); }); }; GridStackEngine.prototype._fixCollisions = function(node) { var self = this; this._sortNodes(-1); var nn = node; var hasLocked = Boolean(this.nodes.find(function(n) { return n.locked; })); if (!this.float && !hasLocked) { nn = {x: 0, y: node.y, width: this.column, height: node.height}; } while (true) { var collisionNode = this.nodes.find(Utils._collisionNodeCheck, {node: node, nn: nn}); if (!collisionNode) { return; } this.moveNode(collisionNode, collisionNode.x, node.y + node.height, collisionNode.width, collisionNode.height, true); } }; GridStackEngine.prototype.isAreaEmpty = function(x, y, width, height) { var nn = {x: x || 0, y: y || 0, width: width || 1, height: height || 1}; var collisionNode = this.nodes.find(function(n) { return Utils.isIntercepted(n, nn); }); return !collisionNode; }; GridStackEngine.prototype._sortNodes = function(dir) { this.nodes = Utils.sort(this.nodes, dir, this.column); }; GridStackEngine.prototype._packNodes = function() { this._sortNodes(); if (this.float) { this.nodes.forEach(function(n, i) { if (n._updating || n._packY === undefined || n.y === n._packY) { return; } var newY = n.y; while (newY >= n._packY) { var collisionNode = this.nodes .slice(0, i) .find(Utils._didCollide, {n: n, newY: newY}); if (!collisionNode) { n._dirty = true; n.y = newY; } --newY; } }, this); } else { this.nodes.forEach(function(n, i) { if (n.locked) { return; } while (n.y > 0) { var newY = n.y - 1; var canBeMoved = i === 0; if (i > 0) { var collisionNode = this.nodes .slice(0, i) .find(Utils._didCollide, {n: n, newY: newY}); canBeMoved = collisionNode === undefined; } if (!canBeMoved) { break; } // Note: must be dirty (from last position) for GridStack::OnChange CB to update positions // and move items back. The user 'change' CB should detect changes from the original // starting position instead. n._dirty = (n.y !== newY); n.y = newY; } }, this); } }; GridStackEngine.prototype._prepareNode = function(node, resizing) { node = node || {}; // if we're missing position, have the grid position us automatically (before we set them to 0,0) if (node.x === undefined || node.y === undefined || node.x === null || node.y === null) { node.autoPosition = true; } // assign defaults for missing required fields var defaults = {width: 1, height: 1, x: 0, y: 0}; node = Utils.defaults(node, defaults); // convert any strings over node.x = parseInt(node.x); node.y = parseInt(node.y); node.width = parseInt(node.width); node.height = parseInt(node.height); node.autoPosition = node.autoPosition || false; node.noResize = node.noResize || false; node.noMove = node.noMove || false; // check for NaN (in case messed up strings were passed. can't do parseInt() || defaults.x above as 0 is valid #) if (Number.isNaN(node.x)) { node.x = defaults.x; node.autoPosition = true; } if (Number.isNaN(node.y)) { node.y = defaults.y; node.autoPosition = true; } if (Number.isNaN(node.width)) { node.width = defaults.width; } if (Number.isNaN(node.height)) { node.height = defaults.height; } if (node.width > this.column) { node.width = this.column; } else if (node.width < 1) { node.width = 1; } if (node.height < 1) { node.height = 1; } if (node.x < 0) { node.x = 0; } if (node.x + node.width > this.column) { if (resizing) { node.width = this.column - node.x; } else { node.x = this.column - node.width; } } if (node.y < 0) { node.y = 0; } return node; }; GridStackEngine.prototype._notify = function() { if (this._batchMode) { return; } var args = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 0); args[0] = (args[0] === undefined ? [] : (Array.isArray(args[0]) ? args[0] : [args[0]]) ); args[1] = (args[1] === undefined ? true : args[1]); var dirtyNodes = args[0].concat(this.getDirtyNodes()); this.onchange(dirtyNodes, args[1]); }; GridStackEngine.prototype.cleanNodes = function() { if (this._batchMode) { return; } this.nodes.forEach(function(n) { delete n._dirty; }); }; GridStackEngine.prototype.getDirtyNodes = function(verify) { // compare original X,Y,W,H (or entire node?) instead as _dirty can be a temporary state if (verify) { var dirtNodes = []; this.nodes.forEach(function (n) { if (n._dirty) { if (n.y === n._origY && n.x === n._origX && n.width === n._origW && n.height === n._origH) { delete n._dirty; } else { dirtNodes.push(n); } } }); return dirtNodes; } return this.nodes.filter(function(n) { return n._dirty; }); }; GridStackEngine.prototype.addNode = function(node, triggerAddEvent) { node = this._prepareNode(node); if (node.maxWidth !== undefined) { node.width = Math.min(node.width, node.maxWidth); } if (node.maxHeight !== undefined) { node.height = Math.min(node.height, node.maxHeight); } if (node.minWidth !== undefined) { node.width = Math.max(node.width, node.minWidth); } if (node.minHeight !== undefined) { node.height = Math.max(node.height, node.minHeight); } node._id = node._id || ++idSeq; if (node.autoPosition) { this._sortNodes(); for (var i = 0;; ++i) { var x = i % this.column; var y = Math.floor(i / this.column); if (x + node.width > this.column) { continue; } if (!this.nodes.find(Utils._isAddNodeIntercepted, {x: x, y: y, node: node})) { node.x = x; node.y = y; delete node.autoPosition; // found our slot break; } } } this.nodes.push(node); if (triggerAddEvent) { this._addedNodes.push(node); } this._fixCollisions(node); this._packNodes(); this._notify(); return node; }; GridStackEngine.prototype.removeNode = function(node, detachNode) { detachNode = (detachNode === undefined ? true : detachNode); this._removedNodes.push(node); node._id = null; // hint that node is being removed this.nodes = Utils.without(this.nodes, node); this._packNodes(); this._notify(node, detachNode); }; GridStackEngine.prototype.removeAll = function(detachNode) { delete this._layouts; if (this.nodes.length === 0) { return; } detachNode = (detachNode === undefined ? true : detachNode); this.nodes.forEach(function(n) { n._id = null; }); // hint that node is being removed this._removedNodes = this.nodes; this.nodes = []; this._notify(this._removedNodes, detachNode); }; GridStackEngine.prototype.canMoveNode = function(node, x, y, width, height) { if (!this.isNodeChangedPosition(node, x, y, width, height)) { return false; } var hasLocked = Boolean(this.nodes.find(function(n) { return n.locked; })); if (!this.maxRow && !hasLocked) { return true; } var clonedNode; var clone = new GridStackEngine( this.column, null, this.float, 0, this.nodes.map(function(n) { if (n === node) { clonedNode = $.extend({}, n); return clonedNode; } return $.extend({}, n); })); if (!clonedNode) { return true;} clone.moveNode(clonedNode, x, y, width, height); var res = true; if (hasLocked) { res &= !Boolean(clone.nodes.find(function(n) { return n !== clonedNode && Boolean(n.locked) && Boolean(n._dirty); })); } if (this.maxRow) { res &= clone.getGridHeight() <= this.maxRow; } return res; }; GridStackEngine.prototype.canBePlacedWithRespectToHeight = function(node) { if (!this.maxRow) { return true; } var clone = new GridStackEngine( this.column, null, this.float, 0, this.nodes.map(function(n) { return $.extend({}, n); })); clone.addNode(node); return clone.getGridHeight() <= this.maxRow; }; GridStackEngine.prototype.isNodeChangedPosition = function(node, x, y, width, height) { if (typeof x !== 'number') { x = node.x; } if (typeof y !== 'number') { y = node.y; } if (typeof width !== 'number') { width = node.width; } if (typeof height !== 'number') { height = node.height; } if (node.maxWidth !== undefined) { width = Math.min(width, node.maxWidth); } if (node.maxHeight !== undefined) { height = Math.min(height, node.maxHeight); } if (node.minWidth !== undefined) { width = Math.max(width, node.minWidth); } if (node.minHeight !== undefined) { height = Math.max(height, node.minHeight); } if (node.x === x && node.y === y && node.width === width && node.height === height) { return false; } return true; }; GridStackEngine.prototype.moveNode = function(node, x, y, width, height, noPack) { if (typeof x !== 'number') { x = node.x; } if (typeof y !== 'number') { y = node.y; } if (typeof width !== 'number') { width = node.width; } if (typeof height !== 'number') { height = node.height; } if (node.maxWidth !== undefined) { width = Math.min(width, node.maxWidth); } if (node.maxHeight !== undefined) { height = Math.min(height, node.maxHeight); } if (node.minWidth !== undefined) { width = Math.max(width, node.minWidth); } if (node.minHeight !== undefined) { height = Math.max(height, node.minHeight); } if (node.x === x && node.y === y && node.width === width && node.height === height) { return node; } var resizing = node.width !== width; node._dirty = true; node.x = x; node.y = y; node.width = width; node.height = height; node.lastTriedX = x; node.lastTriedY = y; node.lastTriedWidth = width; node.lastTriedHeight = height; node = this._prepareNode(node, resizing); this._fixCollisions(node); if (!noPack) { this._packNodes(); this._notify(); } return node; }; GridStackEngine.prototype.getGridHeight = function() { return this.nodes.reduce(function(memo, n) { return Math.max(memo, n.y + n.height); }, 0); }; GridStackEngine.prototype.beginUpdate = function(node) { if (node._updating) return; node._updating = true; this.nodes.forEach(function(n) { n._packY = n.y; }); }; GridStackEngine.prototype.endUpdate = function() { var n = this.nodes.find(function(n) { return n._updating; }); if (n) { n._updating = false; this.nodes.forEach(function(n) { delete n._packY; }); } }; /** * Construct a grid from the given element and options * @param {GridStackElement} el * @param {GridstackOptions} opts */ var GridStack = function(el, opts) { var self = this; var oneColumnMode, _prevColumn, isAutoCellHeight; opts = opts || {}; this.container = $(el); obsoleteOpts(opts, 'width', 'column', 'v0.5.3'); obsoleteOpts(opts, 'height', 'maxRow', 'v0.5.3'); obsoleteOptsDel(opts, 'oneColumnModeClass', 'v0.6.3', '. Use class `.grid-stack-1` instead'); // container attributes obsoleteAttr(this.container, 'data-gs-width', 'data-gs-column', 'v0.5.3'); obsoleteAttr(this.container, 'data-gs-height', 'data-gs-max-row', 'v0.5.3'); opts.itemClass = opts.itemClass || 'grid-stack-item'; var isNested = this.container.closest('.' + opts.itemClass).length > 0; this.opts = Utils.defaults(opts, { column: parseInt(this.container.attr('data-gs-column')) || 12, maxRow: parseInt(this.container.attr('data-gs-max-row')) || 0, itemClass: 'grid-stack-item', placeholderClass: 'grid-stack-placeholder', placeholderText: '', handle: '.grid-stack-item-content', handleClass: null, cellHeight: 60, verticalMargin: 20, auto: true, minWidth: 768, float: false, staticGrid: false, _class: 'grid-stack-instance-' + (Math.random() * 10000).toFixed(0), animate: Boolean(this.container.attr('data-gs-animate')) || false, alwaysShowResizeHandle: opts.alwaysShowResizeHandle || false, resizable: Utils.defaults(opts.resizable || {}, { autoHide: !(opts.alwaysShowResizeHandle || false), handles: 'se' }), draggable: Utils.defaults(opts.draggable || {}, { handle: (opts.handleClass ? '.' + opts.handleClass : (opts.handle ? opts.handle : '')) || '.grid-stack-item-content', scroll: false, appendTo: 'body' }), disableDrag: opts.disableDrag || false, disableResize: opts.disableResize || false, rtl: 'auto', removable: false, removableOptions: Utils.defaults(opts.removableOptions || {}, { accept: '.' + opts.itemClass }), removeTimeout: 2000, verticalMarginUnit: 'px', cellHeightUnit: 'px', disableOneColumnMode: opts.disableOneColumnMode || false, oneColumnModeDomSort: opts.oneColumnModeDomSort, ddPlugin: null }); if (this.opts.ddPlugin === false) { this.opts.ddPlugin = GridStackDragDropPlugin; } else if (this.opts.ddPlugin === null) { this.opts.ddPlugin = GridStackDragDropPlugin.registeredPlugins[0] || GridStackDragDropPlugin; } this.dd = new this.opts.ddPlugin(this); if (this.opts.rtl === 'auto') { this.opts.rtl = this.container.css('direction') === 'rtl'; } if (this.opts.rtl) { this.container.addClass('grid-stack-rtl'); } this.opts.isNested = isNested; isAutoCellHeight = (this.opts.cellHeight === 'auto'); if (isAutoCellHeight) { // make the cell square initially self.cellHeight(self.cellWidth(), true); } else { this.cellHeight(this.opts.cellHeight, true); } this.verticalMargin(this.opts.verticalMargin, true); this.container.addClass(this.opts._class); this._setStaticClass(); if (isNested) { this.container.addClass('grid-stack-nested'); } this._initStyles(); this.grid = new GridStackEngine(this.opts.column, function(nodes, detachNode) { detachNode = (detachNode === undefined ? true : detachNode); var maxHeight = 0; this.nodes.forEach(function(n) { maxHeight = Math.max(maxHeight, n.y + n.height); }); nodes.forEach(function(n) { if (detachNode && n._id === null) { if (n.el) { n.el.remove(); } } else { n.el .attr('data-gs-x', n.x) .attr('data-gs-y', n.y) .attr('data-gs-width', n.width) .attr('data-gs-height', n.height); } }); self._updateStyles(maxHeight + 10); }, this.opts.float, this.opts.maxRow); if (this.opts.auto) { var elements = []; var _this = this; this.container.children('.' + this.opts.itemClass + ':not(.' + this.opts.placeholderClass + ')') .each(function(index, el) { el = $(el); var x = parseInt(el.attr('data-gs-x')); var y = parseInt(el.attr('data-gs-y')); elements.push({ el: el, // if x,y are missing (autoPosition) add them to end of list - but keep their respective DOM order i: (Number.isNaN(x) ? 1000 : x) + (Number.isNaN(y) ? 1000 : y) * _this.opts.column }); }); Utils.sortBy(elements, function(x) { return x.i; }).forEach(function(item) { this._prepareElement(item.el); }, this); } this.grid._saveInitial(); // initial start of items this.setAnimation(this.opts.animate); this.placeholder = $( '
' + '
' + this.opts.placeholderText + '
').hide(); this._updateContainerHeight(); this._updateHeightsOnResize = Utils.throttle(function() { self.cellHeight(self.cellWidth(), false); }, 100); /** * called when we are being resized - check if the one Column Mode needs to be turned on/off * and remember the prev columns we used. */ this.onResizeHandler = function() { if (isAutoCellHeight) { self._updateHeightsOnResize(); } if (self.opts.staticGrid) { return; } if (!self.opts.disableOneColumnMode && (window.innerWidth || document.documentElement.clientWidth || document.body.clientWidth) <= self.opts.minWidth) { if (self.oneColumnMode) { return; } self.oneColumnMode = true; self.setColumn(1); } else { if (!self.oneColumnMode) { return; } self.oneColumnMode = false; self.setColumn(self._prevColumn); } }; $(window).resize(this.onResizeHandler); this.onResizeHandler(); if (!self.opts.staticGrid && typeof self.opts.removable === 'string') { var trashZone = $(self.opts.removable); if (!this.dd.isDroppable(trashZone)) { this.dd.droppable(trashZone, self.opts.removableOptions); } this.dd .on(trashZone, 'dropover', function(event, ui) { var el = $(ui.draggable); var node = el.data('_gridstack_node'); if (!node || node._grid !== self) { return; } el.data('inTrashZone', true); self._setupRemovingTimeout(el); }) .on(trashZone, 'dropout', function(event, ui) { var el = $(ui.draggable); var node = el.data('_gridstack_node'); if (!node || node._grid !== self) { return; } el.data('inTrashZone', false); self._clearRemovingTimeout(el); }); } if (!self.opts.staticGrid && self.opts.acceptWidgets) { var draggingElement = null; var onDrag = function(event, ui) { var el = draggingElement; var node = el.data('_gridstack_node'); var pos = self.getCellFromPixel({left: event.pageX, top: event.pageY}, true); var x = Math.max(0, pos.x); var y = Math.max(0, pos.y); if (!node._added) { node._added = true; node.el = el; node.autoPosition = true; node.x = x; node.y = y; self.grid.cleanNodes(); self.grid.beginUpdate(node); self.grid.addNode(node); self.container.append(self.placeholder); self.placeholder .attr('data-gs-x', node.x) .attr('data-gs-y', node.y) .attr('data-gs-width', node.width) .attr('data-gs-height', node.height) .show(); node.el = self.placeholder; node._beforeDragX = node.x; node._beforeDragY = node.y; self._updateContainerHeight(); } if (!self.grid.canMoveNode(node, x, y)) { return; } self.grid.moveNode(node, x, y); self._updateContainerHeight(); }; this.dd .droppable(self.container, { accept: function(el) { el = $(el); var node = el.data('_gridstack_node'); if (node && node._grid === self) { return false; } return el.is(self.opts.acceptWidgets === true ? '.grid-stack-item' : self.opts.acceptWidgets); } }) .on(self.container, 'dropover', function(event, ui) { var el = $(ui.draggable); var width, height; // see if we already have a node with widget/height and check for attributes var origNode = el.data('_gridstack_node'); if (!origNode || !origNode.width || !origNode.height) { var w = parseInt(el.attr('data-gs-width')); if (w > 0) { origNode = origNode || {}; origNode.width = w; } var h = parseInt(el.attr('data-gs-height')); if (h > 0) { origNode = origNode || {}; origNode.height = h; } } // if not calculate the grid size based on element outer size // height: Each row is cellHeight + verticalMargin, until last one which has no margin below var cellWidth = self.cellWidth(); var cellHeight = self.cellHeight(); var verticalMargin = self.opts.verticalMargin; width = origNode && origNode.width ? origNode.width : Math.ceil(el.outerWidth() / cellWidth); height = origNode && origNode.height ? origNode.height : Math.round((el.outerHeight() + verticalMargin) / (cellHeight + verticalMargin)); draggingElement = el; var node = self.grid._prepareNode({width: width, height: height, _added: false, _temporary: true}); node.isOutOfGrid = true; el.data('_gridstack_node', node); el.data('_gridstack_node_orig', origNode); el.on('drag', onDrag); return false; // prevent parent from receiving msg (which may be grid as well) }) .on(self.container, 'dropout', function(event, ui) { // jquery-ui bug. Must verify widget is being dropped out // check node variable that gets set when widget is out of grid var el = $(ui.draggable); if (!el.data('_gridstack_node')) { return; } var node = el.data('_gridstack_node'); if (!node.isOutOfGrid) { return; } el.unbind('drag', onDrag); node.el = null; self.grid.removeNode(node); self.placeholder.detach(); self._updateContainerHeight(); el.data('_gridstack_node', el.data('_gridstack_node_orig')); return false; // prevent parent from receiving msg (which may be grid as well) }) .on(self.container, 'drop', function(event, ui) { self.placeholder.detach(); var node = $(ui.draggable).data('_gridstack_node'); node.isOutOfGrid = false; node._grid = self; var el = $(ui.draggable).clone(false); el.data('_gridstack_node', node); var originalNode = $(ui.draggable).data('_gridstack_node_orig'); if (originalNode !== undefined && originalNode._grid !== undefined) { originalNode._grid._triggerRemoveEvent(); } $(ui.helper).remove(); node.el = el; self.placeholder.hide(); Utils.removePositioningStyles(el); el.find('div.ui-resizable-handle').remove(); el .attr('data-gs-x', node.x) .attr('data-gs-y', node.y) .attr('data-gs-width', node.width) .attr('data-gs-height', node.height) .addClass(self.opts.itemClass) .enableSelection() .removeData('draggable') .removeClass('ui-draggable ui-draggable-dragging ui-draggable-disabled') .unbind('drag', onDrag); self.container.append(el); self._prepareElementsByNode(el, node); self._updateContainerHeight(); self.grid._addedNodes.push(node); self._triggerAddEvent(); self._triggerChangeEvent(); self.grid.endUpdate(); $(ui.draggable).unbind('drag', onDrag); $(ui.draggable).removeData('_gridstack_node'); $(ui.draggable).removeData('_gridstack_node_orig'); self.container.trigger('dropped', [originalNode, node]); return false; // prevent parent from receiving msg (which may be grid as well) }); } }; GridStack.prototype._triggerChangeEvent = function(/*forceTrigger*/) { if (this.grid._batchMode) { return; } var elements = this.grid.getDirtyNodes(true); // verify they really changed if (elements && elements.length) { this.grid._layoutsNodesChange(elements); this.container.trigger('change', [elements]); } this.grid._saveInitial(); // we called, now reset initial values & dirty flags }; GridStack.prototype._triggerAddEvent = function() { if (this.grid._batchMode) { return; } if (this.grid._addedNodes && this.grid._addedNodes.length > 0) { this.grid._layoutsNodesChange(this.grid._addedNodes); // prevent added nodes from also triggering 'change' event (which is called next) this.grid._addedNodes.forEach(function (n) { delete n._dirty; }); this.container.trigger('added', [this.grid._addedNodes]); this.grid._addedNodes = []; } }; GridStack.prototype._triggerRemoveEvent = function() { if (this.grid._batchMode) { return; } if (this.grid._removedNodes && this.grid._removedNodes.length > 0) { this.container.trigger('removed', [this.grid._removedNodes]); this.grid._removedNodes = []; } }; GridStack.prototype._initStyles = function() { if (this._stylesId) { Utils.removeStylesheet(this._stylesId); } this._stylesId = 'gridstack-style-' + (Math.random() * 100000).toFixed(); // insert style to parent (instead of 'head') to support WebComponent this._styles = Utils.createStylesheet(this._stylesId, this.container.get(0).parentNode); if (this._styles !== null) { this._styles._max = 0; } }; GridStack.prototype._updateStyles = function(maxHeight) { if (this._styles === null || this._styles === undefined) { return; } var prefix = '.' + this.opts._class + ' .' + this.opts.itemClass; var self = this; var getHeight; if (maxHeight === undefined) { maxHeight = this._styles._max; } this._initStyles(); this._updateContainerHeight(); if (!this.opts.cellHeight) { // The rest will be handled by CSS return ; } if (this._styles._max !== 0 && maxHeight <= this._styles._max) { // Keep this._styles._max increasing return ; } if (!this.opts.verticalMargin || this.opts.cellHeightUnit === this.opts.verticalMarginUnit) { getHeight = function(nbRows, nbMargins) { return (self.opts.cellHeight * nbRows + self.opts.verticalMargin * nbMargins) + self.opts.cellHeightUnit; }; } else { getHeight = function(nbRows, nbMargins) { if (!nbRows || !nbMargins) { return (self.opts.cellHeight * nbRows + self.opts.verticalMargin * nbMargins) + self.opts.cellHeightUnit; } return 'calc(' + ((self.opts.cellHeight * nbRows) + self.opts.cellHeightUnit) + ' + ' + ((self.opts.verticalMargin * nbMargins) + self.opts.verticalMarginUnit) + ')'; }; } if (this._styles._max === 0) { Utils.insertCSSRule(this._styles, prefix, 'min-height: ' + getHeight(1, 0) + ';', 0); } if (maxHeight > this._styles._max) { for (var i = this._styles._max; i < maxHeight; ++i) { Utils.insertCSSRule(this._styles, prefix + '[data-gs-height="' + (i + 1) + '"]', 'height: ' + getHeight(i + 1, i) + ';', i ); Utils.insertCSSRule(this._styles, prefix + '[data-gs-min-height="' + (i + 1) + '"]', 'min-height: ' + getHeight(i + 1, i) + ';', i ); Utils.insertCSSRule(this._styles, prefix + '[data-gs-max-height="' + (i + 1) + '"]', 'max-height: ' + getHeight(i + 1, i) + ';', i ); Utils.insertCSSRule(this._styles, prefix + '[data-gs-y="' + i + '"]', 'top: ' + getHeight(i, i) + ';', i ); } this._styles._max = maxHeight; } }; GridStack.prototype._updateContainerHeight = function() { if (this.grid._batchMode) { return; } var height = this.grid.getGridHeight(); // check for css min height. Each row is cellHeight + verticalMargin, until last one which has no margin below var cssMinHeight = parseInt(this.container.css('min-height')); if (cssMinHeight > 0) { var verticalMargin = this.opts.verticalMargin; var minHeight = Math.round((cssMinHeight + verticalMargin) / (this.cellHeight() + verticalMargin)); if (height < minHeight) { height = minHeight; } } this.container.attr('data-gs-current-height', height); if (!this.opts.cellHeight) { return ; } if (!this.opts.verticalMargin) { this.container.css('height', (height * (this.opts.cellHeight)) + this.opts.cellHeightUnit); } else if (this.opts.cellHeightUnit === this.opts.verticalMarginUnit) { this.container.css('height', (height * (this.opts.cellHeight + this.opts.verticalMargin) - this.opts.verticalMargin) + this.opts.cellHeightUnit); } else { this.container.css('height', 'calc(' + ((height * (this.opts.cellHeight)) + this.opts.cellHeightUnit) + ' + ' + ((height * (this.opts.verticalMargin - 1)) + this.opts.verticalMarginUnit) + ')'); } }; GridStack.prototype._setupRemovingTimeout = function(el) { var self = this; var node = $(el).data('_gridstack_node'); if (node._removeTimeout || !self.opts.removable) { return; } node._removeTimeout = setTimeout(function() { el.addClass('grid-stack-item-removing'); node._isAboutToRemove = true; }, self.opts.removeTimeout); }; GridStack.prototype._clearRemovingTimeout = function(el) { var node = $(el).data('_gridstack_node'); if (!node._removeTimeout) { return; } clearTimeout(node._removeTimeout); node._removeTimeout = null; el.removeClass('grid-stack-item-removing'); node._isAboutToRemove = false; }; GridStack.prototype._prepareElementsByNode = function(el, node) { var self = this; var cellWidth; var cellHeight; var dragOrResize = function(event, ui) { var x = Math.round(ui.position.left / cellWidth); var y = Math.floor((ui.position.top + cellHeight / 2) / cellHeight); var width; var height; if (event.type !== 'drag') { width = Math.round(ui.size.width / cellWidth); height = Math.round(ui.size.height / cellHeight); } if (event.type === 'drag') { var distance = ui.position.top - node._prevYPix; node._prevYPix = ui.position.top; Utils.updateScrollPosition(el[0], ui, distance); if (el.data('inTrashZone') || x < 0 || x >= self.grid.column || y < 0 || (!self.grid.float && y > self.grid.getGridHeight())) { if (!node._temporaryRemoved) { if (self.opts.removable === true) { self._setupRemovingTimeout(el); } x = node._beforeDragX; y = node._beforeDragY; self.placeholder.detach(); self.placeholder.hide(); self.grid.removeNode(node); self._updateContainerHeight(); node._temporaryRemoved = true; } else { return; } } else { self._clearRemovingTimeout(el); if (node._temporaryRemoved) { self.grid.addNode(node); self.placeholder .attr('data-gs-x', x) .attr('data-gs-y', y) .attr('data-gs-width', width) .attr('data-gs-height', height) .show(); self.container.append(self.placeholder); node.el = self.placeholder; node._temporaryRemoved = false; } } } else if (event.type === 'resize') { if (x < 0) { return; } } // width and height are undefined if not resizing var lastTriedWidth = width !== undefined ? width : node.lastTriedWidth; var lastTriedHeight = height !== undefined ? height : node.lastTriedHeight; if (!self.grid.canMoveNode(node, x, y, width, height) || (node.lastTriedX === x && node.lastTriedY === y && node.lastTriedWidth === lastTriedWidth && node.lastTriedHeight === lastTriedHeight)) { return; } node.lastTriedX = x; node.lastTriedY = y; node.lastTriedWidth = width; node.lastTriedHeight = height; self.grid.moveNode(node, x, y, width, height); self._updateContainerHeight(); if (event.type === 'resize') { $(event.target).trigger('gsresize', node); } }; var onStartMoving = function(event, ui) { self.container.append(self.placeholder); var o = $(this); self.grid.cleanNodes(); self.grid.beginUpdate(node); cellWidth = self.cellWidth(); var strictCellHeight = self.cellHeight(); // TODO: cellHeight = cellHeight() causes issue (i.e. remove strictCellHeight above) otherwise // when sizing up we jump almost right away to next size instead of half way there. Not sure // why as we don't use ceil() in many places but round() instead. cellHeight = self.container.height() / parseInt(self.container.attr('data-gs-current-height')); self.placeholder .attr('data-gs-x', o.attr('data-gs-x')) .attr('data-gs-y', o.attr('data-gs-y')) .attr('data-gs-width', o.attr('data-gs-width')) .attr('data-gs-height', o.attr('data-gs-height')) .show(); node.el = self.placeholder; node._beforeDragX = node.x; node._beforeDragY = node.y; node._prevYPix = ui.position.top; var minHeight = (node.minHeight || 1); var verticalMargin = self.opts.verticalMargin; // mineHeight - Each row is cellHeight + verticalMargin, until last one which has no margin below self.dd.resizable(el, 'option', 'minWidth', cellWidth * (node.minWidth || 1)); self.dd.resizable(el, 'option', 'minHeight', (strictCellHeight * minHeight) + (minHeight - 1) * verticalMargin); if (event.type === 'resizestart') { o.find('.grid-stack-item').trigger('resizestart'); } }; var onEndMoving = function(event, ui) { var o = $(this); if (!o.data('_gridstack_node')) { return; } // var forceNotify = false; what is the point of calling 'change' event with no data, when the 'removed' event is already called ? self.placeholder.detach(); node.el = o; self.placeholder.hide(); if (node._isAboutToRemove) { // forceNotify = true; var gridToNotify = el.data('_gridstack_node')._grid; gridToNotify._triggerRemoveEvent(); el.removeData('_gridstack_node'); el.remove(); } else { self._clearRemovingTimeout(el); if (!node._temporaryRemoved) { Utils.removePositioningStyles(o); o .attr('data-gs-x', node.x) .attr('data-gs-y', node.y) .attr('data-gs-width', node.width) .attr('data-gs-height', node.height); } else { Utils.removePositioningStyles(o); o .attr('data-gs-x', node._beforeDragX) .attr('data-gs-y', node._beforeDragY) .attr('data-gs-width', node.width) .attr('data-gs-height', node.height); node.x = node._beforeDragX; node.y = node._beforeDragY; node._temporaryRemoved = false; self.grid.addNode(node); } } self._updateContainerHeight(); self._triggerChangeEvent(/*forceNotify*/); self.grid.endUpdate(); var nestedGrids = o.find('.grid-stack'); if (nestedGrids.length && event.type === 'resizestop') { nestedGrids.each(function(index, el) { $(el).data('gridstack').onResizeHandler(); }); o.find('.grid-stack-item').trigger('resizestop'); o.find('.grid-stack-item').trigger('gsresizestop'); } if (event.type === 'resizestop') { self.container.trigger('gsresizestop', o); } }; this.dd .draggable(el, { start: onStartMoving, stop: onEndMoving, drag: dragOrResize }) .resizable(el, { start: onStartMoving, stop: onEndMoving, resize: dragOrResize }); if (node.noMove || this.opts.disableDrag || this.opts.staticGrid) { this.dd.draggable(el, 'disable'); } if (node.noResize || this.opts.disableResize || this.opts.staticGrid) { this.dd.resizable(el, 'disable'); } this._writeAttr(el, node); }; GridStack.prototype._prepareElement = function(el, triggerAddEvent) { triggerAddEvent = triggerAddEvent !== undefined ? triggerAddEvent : false; var self = this; el = $(el); el.addClass(this.opts.itemClass); var node = this._readAttr(el, {el: el, _grid: self}); node = self.grid.addNode(node, triggerAddEvent); el.data('_gridstack_node', node); this._prepareElementsByNode(el, node); }; /** call to write any default attributes back to element */ GridStack.prototype._writeAttr = function(el, node) { el = $(el); node = node || {}; // Note: passing null removes the attr in jquery if (node.x !== undefined) { el.attr('data-gs-x', node.x); } if (node.y !== undefined) { el.attr('data-gs-y', node.y); } if (node.width !== undefined) { el.attr('data-gs-width', node.width); } if (node.height !== undefined) { el.attr('data-gs-height', node.height); } if (node.autoPosition !== undefined) { el.attr('data-gs-auto-position', node.autoPosition ? true : null); } if (node.minWidth !== undefined) { el.attr('data-gs-min-width', node.minWidth); } if (node.maxWidth !== undefined) { el.attr('data-gs-max-width', node.maxWidth); } if (node.minHeight !== undefined) { el.attr('data-gs-min-height', node.minHeight); } if (node.maxHeight !== undefined) { el.attr('data-gs-max-height', node.maxHeight); } if (node.noResize !== undefined) { el.attr('data-gs-no-resize', node.noResize ? true : null); } if (node.noMove !== undefined) { el.attr('data-gs-no-move', node.noMove ? true : null); } if (node.locked !== undefined) { el.attr('data-gs-locked', node.locked ? true : null); } if (node.resizeHandles !== undefined) { el.attr('data-gs-resize-handles', node.resizeHandles); } if (node.id !== undefined) { el.attr('data-gs-id', node.id); } }; /** call to write any default attributes back to element */ GridStack.prototype._readAttr = function(el, node) { el = $(el); node = node || {}; node.x = el.attr('data-gs-x'); node.y = el.attr('data-gs-y'); node.width = el.attr('data-gs-width'); node.height = el.attr('data-gs-height'); node.autoPosition = Utils.toBool(el.attr('data-gs-auto-position')); node.maxWidth = el.attr('data-gs-max-width'); node.minWidth = el.attr('data-gs-min-width'); node.maxHeight = el.attr('data-gs-max-height'); node.minHeight = el.attr('data-gs-min-height'); node.noResize = Utils.toBool(el.attr('data-gs-no-resize')); node.noMove = Utils.toBool(el.attr('data-gs-no-move')); node.locked = Utils.toBool(el.attr('data-gs-locked')); node.resizeHandles = el.attr('data-gs-resize-handles'); node.id = el.attr('data-gs-id'); return node; }; GridStack.prototype.setAnimation = function(enable) { if (enable) { this.container.addClass('grid-stack-animate'); } else { this.container.removeClass('grid-stack-animate'); } }; GridStack.prototype.addWidget = function(el, node, y, width, height, autoPosition, minWidth, maxWidth, minHeight, maxHeight, id) { // new way of calling with an object - make sure all items have been properly initialized if (node === undefined || typeof node === 'object') { // Tempting to initialize the passed in node with default and valid values, but this break knockout demos // as the actual value are filled in when _prepareElement() calls el.attr('data-gs-xyz) before adding the node. // node = this.grid._prepareNode(node); node = node || {}; } else { // old legacy way of calling with items spelled out - call us back with single object instead (so we can properly initialized values) return this.addWidget(el, {x: node, y: y, width: width, height: height, autoPosition: autoPosition, minWidth: minWidth, maxWidth: maxWidth, minHeight: minHeight, maxHeight: maxHeight, id: id}); } el = $(el); this._writeAttr(el, node); this.container.append(el); return this.makeWidget(el); }; GridStack.prototype.makeWidget = function(el) { el = $(el); this._prepareElement(el, true); this._updateContainerHeight(); this._triggerAddEvent(); this._triggerChangeEvent(true); // trigger any other changes return el; }; GridStack.prototype.willItFit = function(x, y, width, height, autoPosition) { var node = {x: x, y: y, width: width, height: height, autoPosition: autoPosition}; return this.grid.canBePlacedWithRespectToHeight(node); }; GridStack.prototype.removeWidget = function(el, detachNode) { detachNode = (detachNode === undefined ? true : detachNode); el = $(el); var node = el.data('_gridstack_node'); // For Meteor support: https://github.com/gridstack/gridstack.js/pull/272 if (!node) { node = this.grid.getNodeDataByDOMEl(el); } el.removeData('_gridstack_node'); this.grid.removeNode(node, detachNode); this._triggerRemoveEvent(); this._triggerChangeEvent(true); // trigger any other changes }; GridStack.prototype.removeAll = function(detachNode) { if (detachNode !== false) { // remove our data structure before list gets emptied and DOM elements stay behind this.grid.nodes.forEach(function(node) { node.el.removeData('_gridstack_node') }); } this.grid.removeAll(detachNode); this._triggerRemoveEvent(); }; GridStack.prototype.destroy = function(detachGrid) { $(window).off('resize', this.onResizeHandler); this.disable(); if (detachGrid !== undefined && !detachGrid) { this.removeAll(false); this.container.removeData('gridstack'); } else { this.container.remove(); } Utils.removeStylesheet(this._stylesId); if (this.grid) { this.grid = null; } }; GridStack.prototype.resizable = function(el, val) { var self = this; el = $(el); el.each(function(index, el) { el = $(el); var node = el.data('_gridstack_node'); if (!node) { return; } node.noResize = !(val || false); if (node.noResize) { self.dd.resizable(el, 'disable'); } else { self.dd.resizable(el, 'enable'); } }); return this; }; GridStack.prototype.movable = function(el, val) { var self = this; el = $(el); el.each(function(index, el) { el = $(el); var node = el.data('_gridstack_node'); if (!node) { return; } node.noMove = !(val || false); if (node.noMove) { self.dd.draggable(el, 'disable'); el.removeClass('ui-draggable-handle'); } else { self.dd.draggable(el, 'enable'); el.addClass('ui-draggable-handle'); } }); return this; }; GridStack.prototype.enableMove = function(doEnable, includeNewWidgets) { this.movable(this.container.children('.' + this.opts.itemClass), doEnable); if (includeNewWidgets) { this.opts.disableDrag = !doEnable; } }; GridStack.prototype.enableResize = function(doEnable, includeNewWidgets) { this.resizable(this.container.children('.' + this.opts.itemClass), doEnable); if (includeNewWidgets) { this.opts.disableResize = !doEnable; } }; GridStack.prototype.disable = function() { this.movable(this.container.children('.' + this.opts.itemClass), false); this.resizable(this.container.children('.' + this.opts.itemClass), false); this.container.trigger('disable'); }; GridStack.prototype.enable = function() { this.movable(this.container.children('.' + this.opts.itemClass), true); this.resizable(this.container.children('.' + this.opts.itemClass), true); this.container.trigger('enable'); }; GridStack.prototype.locked = function(el, val) { el = $(el); el.each(function(index, el) { el = $(el); var node = el.data('_gridstack_node'); if (!node) { return; } node.locked = (val || false); el.attr('data-gs-locked', node.locked ? 'yes' : null); }); return this; }; GridStack.prototype.maxHeight = function(el, val) { el = $(el); el.each(function(index, el) { el = $(el); var node = el.data('_gridstack_node'); if (!node) { return; } if (!isNaN(val)) { node.maxHeight = (val || false); el.attr('data-gs-max-height', val); } }); return this; }; GridStack.prototype.minHeight = function(el, val) { el = $(el); el.each(function(index, el) { el = $(el); var node = el.data('_gridstack_node'); if (!node) { return; } if (!isNaN(val)) { node.minHeight = (val || false); el.attr('data-gs-min-height', val); } }); return this; }; GridStack.prototype.maxWidth = function(el, val) { el = $(el); el.each(function(index, el) { el = $(el); var node = el.data('_gridstack_node'); if (!node) { return; } if (!isNaN(val)) { node.maxWidth = (val || false); el.attr('data-gs-max-width', val); } }); return this; }; GridStack.prototype.minWidth = function(el, val) { el = $(el); el.each(function(index, el) { el = $(el); var node = el.data('_gridstack_node'); if (!node) { return; } if (!isNaN(val)) { node.minWidth = (val || false); el.attr('data-gs-min-width', val); } }); return this; }; GridStack.prototype._updateElement = function(el, callback) { el = $(el).first(); var node = el.data('_gridstack_node'); if (!node) { return; } var self = this; self.grid.cleanNodes(); self.grid.beginUpdate(node); callback.call(this, el, node); self._updateContainerHeight(); self._triggerChangeEvent(); self.grid.endUpdate(); }; GridStack.prototype.resize = function(el, width, height) { this._updateElement(el, function(el, node) { width = (width !== null && width !== undefined) ? width : node.width; height = (height !== null && height !== undefined) ? height : node.height; this.grid.moveNode(node, node.x, node.y, width, height); }); }; GridStack.prototype.move = function(el, x, y) { this._updateElement(el, function(el, node) { x = (x !== null && x !== undefined) ? x : node.x; y = (y !== null && y !== undefined) ? y : node.y; this.grid.moveNode(node, x, y, node.width, node.height); }); }; GridStack.prototype.update = function(el, x, y, width, height) { this._updateElement(el, function(el, node) { x = (x !== null && x !== undefined) ? x : node.x; y = (y !== null && y !== undefined) ? y : node.y; width = (width !== null && width !== undefined) ? width : node.width; height = (height !== null && height !== undefined) ? height : node.height; this.grid.moveNode(node, x, y, width, height); }); }; /** * relayout grid items to reclaim any empty space */ GridStack.prototype.compact = function() { if (this.grid.nodes.length === 0) { return; } this.batchUpdate(); this.grid._sortNodes(); var nodes = this.grid.nodes; this.grid.nodes = []; // pretend we have no nodes to conflict layout to start with... nodes.forEach(function(node) { if (!node.noMove && !node.locked) { node.autoPosition = true; } this.grid.addNode(node, false); // 'false' for add event trigger... node._dirty = true; // force attr update }, this); this.commit(); }; GridStack.prototype.verticalMargin = function(val, noUpdate) { if (val === undefined) { return this.opts.verticalMargin; } var heightData = Utils.parseHeight(val); if (this.opts.verticalMarginUnit === heightData.unit && this.opts.maxRow === heightData.height) { return ; } this.opts.verticalMarginUnit = heightData.unit; this.opts.verticalMargin = heightData.height; if (!noUpdate) { this._updateStyles(); } }; /** set/get the current cell height value */ GridStack.prototype.cellHeight = function(val, noUpdate) { // getter - returns the opts stored height else compute it... if (val === undefined) { if (this.opts.cellHeight && this.opts.cellHeight !== 'auto') { return this.opts.cellHeight; } // compute the height taking margin into account (each row has margin other than last one) var o = this.container.children('.' + this.opts.itemClass).first(); var height = o.attr('data-gs-height'); var verticalMargin = this.opts.verticalMargin; return Math.round((o.outerHeight() - (height - 1) * verticalMargin) / height); } // setter - updates the cellHeight value if they changed var heightData = Utils.parseHeight(val); if (this.opts.cellHeightUnit === heightData.unit && this.opts.cellHeight === heightData.height) { return ; } this.opts.cellHeightUnit = heightData.unit; this.opts.cellHeight = heightData.height; if (!noUpdate) { this._updateStyles(); } }; GridStack.prototype.cellWidth = function() { // TODO: take margin into account ($horizontal_padding in .scss) to make cellHeight='auto' square ? (see 810-many-columns.html) return Math.round(this.container.outerWidth() / this.opts.column); }; GridStack.prototype.getCellFromPixel = function(position, useOffset) { var containerPos = (useOffset !== undefined && useOffset) ? this.container.offset() : this.container.position(); var relativeLeft = position.left - containerPos.left; var relativeTop = position.top - containerPos.top; var columnWidth = Math.floor(this.container.width() / this.opts.column); var rowHeight = Math.floor(this.container.height() / parseInt(this.container.attr('data-gs-current-height'))); return {x: Math.floor(relativeLeft / columnWidth), y: Math.floor(relativeTop / rowHeight)}; }; GridStack.prototype.batchUpdate = function() { this.grid.batchUpdate(); }; GridStack.prototype.commit = function() { this.grid.commit(); this._triggerRemoveEvent(); this._triggerAddEvent(); this._triggerChangeEvent(); }; GridStack.prototype.isAreaEmpty = function(x, y, width, height) { return this.grid.isAreaEmpty(x, y, width, height); }; GridStack.prototype.setStatic = function(staticValue) { this.opts.staticGrid = (staticValue === true); this.enableMove(!staticValue); this.enableResize(!staticValue); this._setStaticClass(); }; GridStack.prototype._setStaticClass = function() { var staticClassName = 'grid-stack-static'; if (this.opts.staticGrid === true) { this.container.addClass(staticClassName); } else { this.container.removeClass(staticClassName); } }; /** called whenever a node is added or moved - updates the cached layouts */ GridStackEngine.prototype._layoutsNodesChange = function(nodes) { if (!this._layouts || this._ignoreLayoutsNodeChange) return; // remove smaller layouts - we will re-generate those on the fly... larger ones need to update this._layouts.forEach(function(layout, column) { if (!layout || column === this.column) return; if (column < this.column) { this._layouts[column] = undefined; } else { // we save the original x,y,w (h isn't cached) to see what actually changed to propagate better. // Note: we don't need to check against out of bound scaling/moving as that will be done when using those cache values. nodes.forEach(function(node) { var n = layout.find(function(l) { return l._id === node._id }); if (!n) return; // no cache for new nodes. Will use those values. var ratio = column / this.column; // Y changed, push down same amount // TODO: detect doing item 'swaps' will help instead of move (especially in 1 column mode) if (node.y !== node._origY) { n.y += (node.y - node._origY); } // X changed, scale from new position if (node.x !== node._origX) { n.x = Math.round(node.x * ratio); } // width changed, scale from new width if (node.width !== node._origW) { n.width = Math.round(node.width * ratio); } // ...height always carries over from cache }, this); } }, this); } /** * Called to scale the widget width & position up/down based on the column change. * Note we store previous layouts (especially original ones) to make it possible to go * from say 12 -> 1 -> 12 and get back to where we were. * * oldColumn: previous number of columns * column: new column number * nodes?: different sorted list (ex: DOM order) instead of current list */ GridStackEngine.prototype._updateNodeWidths = function(oldColumn, column, nodes) { if (!this.nodes.length || oldColumn === column) { return; } // cache the current layout in case they want to go back (like 12 -> 1 -> 12) as it requires original data var copy = [this.nodes.length]; this.nodes.forEach(function(n, i) {copy[i] = {x: n.x, y: n.y, width: n.width, _id: n._id}}); // only thing we change is x,y,w and id to find it back this._layouts = this._layouts || []; // use array to find larger quick this._layouts[oldColumn] = copy; // if we're going to 1 column and using DOM order rather than default sorting, then generate that layout if (column === 1 && nodes && nodes.length) { var top = 0; nodes.forEach(function(n) { n.x = 0; n.width = 1; n.y = Math.max(n.y, top); top = n.y + n.height; }); } else { nodes = Utils.sort(this.nodes, -1, oldColumn); // current column reverse sorting so we can insert last to front (limit collision) } // see if we have cached previous layout. var cacheNodes = this._layouts[column] || []; // if not AND we are going up in size start with the largest layout as down-scaling is more accurate var lastIndex = this._layouts.length - 1; if (cacheNodes.length === 0 && column > oldColumn && column < lastIndex) { cacheNodes = this._layouts[lastIndex] || []; if (cacheNodes.length) { // pretend we came from that larger column by assigning those values as starting point oldColumn = lastIndex; cacheNodes.forEach(function(cacheNode) { var j = nodes.findIndex(function(n) {return n && n._id === cacheNode._id}); if (j !== -1) { // still current, use cache info positions nodes[j].x = cacheNode.x; nodes[j].y = cacheNode.y; nodes[j].width = cacheNode.width; } }); cacheNodes = []; // we still don't have new column cached data... will generate from larger one. } } // if we found cache re-use those nodes that are still current var newNodes = []; cacheNodes.forEach(function(cacheNode) { var j = nodes.findIndex(function(n) {return n && n._id === cacheNode._id}); if (j !== -1) { // still current, use cache info positions nodes[j].x = cacheNode.x; nodes[j].y = cacheNode.y; nodes[j].width = cacheNode.width; newNodes.push(nodes[j]); nodes[j] = null; // erase it so we know what's left } }); // ...and add any extra non-cached ones var ratio = column / oldColumn; nodes.forEach(function(node) { if (!node) return; node.x = (column === 1 ? 0 : Math.round(node.x * ratio)); node.width = ((column === 1 || oldColumn === 1) ? 1 : (Math.round(node.width * ratio) || 1)); newNodes.push(node); }); // finally relayout them in reverse order (to get correct placement) newNodes = Utils.sort(newNodes, -1, column); this._ignoreLayoutsNodeChange = true; this.batchUpdate(); this.nodes = []; // pretend we have no nodes to start with (we use same structures) to simplify layout newNodes.forEach(function(node) { this.addNode(node, false); // 'false' for add event trigger node._dirty = true; // force attr update }, this); this.commit(); delete this._ignoreLayoutsNodeChange; } /** called to save initial position/size */ GridStackEngine.prototype._saveInitial = function() { this.nodes.forEach(function(n) { n._origX = n.x; n._origY = n.y; n._origW = n.width; n._origH = n.height; delete n._dirty; }); } /** * Modify number of columns in the grid. Will attempt to update existing widgets * to conform to new number of columns. Requires `gridstack-extra.css` or `gridstack-extra.min.css` for [1-11], * else you will need to generate correct CSS (see https://github.com/gridstack/gridstack.js#change-grid-columns) * @param column - Integer > 0 (default 12). * @param doNotPropagate if true existing widgets will not be updated (optional) */ GridStack.prototype.setColumn = function(column, doNotPropagate) { if (this.opts.column === column) { return; } var oldColumn = this.opts.column; // if we go into 1 column mode (which happens if we're sized less than minWidth unless disableOneColumnMode is on) // then remember the original columns so we can restore. if (column === 1) { this._prevColumn = oldColumn; } else { delete this._prevColumn; } this.container.removeClass('grid-stack-' + oldColumn); this.container.addClass('grid-stack-' + column); this.opts.column = this.grid.column = column; if (doNotPropagate === true) { return; } // update the items now - see if the dom order nodes should be passed instead (else default to current list) var domNodes; if (this.opts.oneColumnModeDomSort && column === 1) { domNodes = []; this.container.children('.' + this.opts.itemClass).each(function(index, el) { var node = $(el).data('_gridstack_node'); if (node) { domNodes.push(node); } }); if (!domNodes.length) { domNodes = undefined; } } this.grid._updateNodeWidths(oldColumn, column, domNodes); // and trigger our event last... this.grid._ignoreLayoutsNodeChange = true; this._triggerChangeEvent(); delete this.grid._ignoreLayoutsNodeChange; }; GridStack.prototype.float = function(val) { // getter - returns the opts stored mode if (val === undefined) { return this.opts.float || false; } // setter - updates the mode and relayout if gravity is back on if (this.opts.float === val) { return; } this.opts.float = this.grid.float = val || false; if (!val) { this.grid._packNodes(); this.grid._notify(); this._triggerChangeEvent(); } }; // legacy method renames GridStack.prototype.setGridWidth = obsolete(GridStack.prototype.setColumn, 'setGridWidth', 'setColumn', 'v0.5.3'); scope.GridStackUI = GridStack; scope.GridStackUI.Utils = Utils; scope.GridStackUI.Engine = GridStackEngine; scope.GridStackUI.GridStackDragDropPlugin = GridStackDragDropPlugin; $.fn.gridstack = function(opts) { return this.each(function() { var o = $(this); if (!o.data('gridstack')) { o .data('gridstack', new GridStack(this, opts)); } }); }; return scope.GridStackUI; });