Die Projektdokumentation zum Pflanzensensor Workshop. https://curious.bio/2022/11/remote-chaos-experience/
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Sebastian Wendel 484d4a0fb6
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2022-12-20 13:45:03 +01:00
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ESP Pflanzensensor Workshop

Die Projektdokumentation zum Pflanzensensor Workshop.




Luftfeuchtigkeits- und Temperatursensor





esphome --help
usage: esphome [-h] [-v] [-q] [-s key value] command ...

positional arguments:
  command               Command to run:
    config              Validate the configuration and spit it out.
    compile             Read the configuration and compile a program.
    upload              Validate the configuration and upload the latest binary.
    logs                Validate the configuration and show all logs.
    run                 Validate the configuration, create a binary, upload it, and start logs.
    clean-mqtt          Helper to clear retained messages from an MQTT topic.
    wizard              A helpful setup wizard that will guide you through setting up ESPHome.
    mqtt-fingerprint    Get the SSL fingerprint from a MQTT broker.
    version             Print the ESPHome version and exit.
    clean               Delete all temporary build files.
    dashboard           Create a simple web server for a dashboard.
    rename              Rename a device in YAML, compile the binary and upload it.

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -v, --verbose         Enable verbose ESPHome logs.
  -q, --quiet           Disable all ESPHome logs.
  -s key value, --substitution key value
                        Add a substitution
esphome compile esphome.yaml
esphome upload esphome.yaml