2019-12-02 05:56:45 +01:00
.. _install:
2019-12-02 05:56:22 +01:00
2019-12-02 06:00:41 +01:00
2019-12-02 05:56:22 +01:00
2019-12-02 05:54:40 +01:00
2019-12-02 05:57:16 +01:00
If you are using the `Raspbian`_ distro, it is best to install picamera using
the system's package manager: apt. This will ensure that picamera is easy to
keep up to date, and easy to remove should you wish to do so. It will also make
picamera available for all users on the system. To install picamera using apt
2019-12-02 05:59:41 +01:00
2019-12-02 06:02:50 +01:00
Import the librairies needed to execute the script
2019-12-02 05:59:41 +01:00
If you are using the `Raspbian`_ distro, it is best to install picamera using
the system's package manager: apt. This will ensure that picamera is easy to
keep up to date, and easy to remove should you wish to do so. It will also make
picamera available for all users on the system. To install picamera using apt
from gpiozero import LED
import smbus2 as smbus
from time import sleep
from picamera import PiCamera
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
import os
2019-12-02 06:02:50 +01:00
Define the used pinout
2019-12-02 05:59:41 +01:00
2019-12-02 06:02:04 +01:00
If you are using the `Raspbian`_ distro, it is best to install picamera using
the system's package manager: apt. This will ensure that picamera is easy to
keep up to date, and easy to remove should you wish to do so. It will also make
picamera available for all users on the system. To install picamera using apt
2019-12-02 05:59:41 +01:00
RED = LED(12)
BLUE = LED(26)
2019-12-02 06:02:50 +01:00
Configuration file
2019-12-02 05:59:41 +01:00
2019-12-02 06:02:04 +01:00
If you are using the `Raspbian`_ distro, it is best to install picamera using
the system's package manager: apt. This will ensure that picamera is easy to
keep up to date, and easy to remove should you wish to do so. It will also make
picamera available for all users on the system. To install picamera using apt
2019-12-02 05:59:41 +01:00
camera = PiCamera()
camera.resolution = (2592, 1944)
camera.iso = 60
camera.exposure_mode = 'off'
camera.shutter_speed = 100
camera.awb_mode = 'off'
camera.awb_gains = (2,1)
duration_loading=120 #(sec)
duration_flushing=20 #(sec)
duration_aeration=30 #(sec)
2019-12-02 06:02:50 +01:00
Define simple sequence for I2C modules (Valves and pump)
2019-12-02 05:59:41 +01:00
2019-12-02 06:02:04 +01:00
If you are using the `Raspbian`_ distro, it is best to install picamera using
the system's package manager: apt. This will ensure that picamera is easy to
keep up to date, and easy to remove should you wish to do so. It will also make
picamera available for all users on the system. To install picamera using apt
2019-12-02 05:59:41 +01:00
def pump(state, verbose=True):
if state is 'forward':
# Stop pumping
bus.write_byte(0x30, 1)
if feedback == 1:
if verbose is True:
print("Pumping : Forward")
if state is 'backward':
# Stop pumping
bus.write_byte(0x30, 2)
if feedback == 2:
if verbose is True:
print("Pumping : Backward")
if state is 'stop':
# Stop pumping
bus.write_byte(0x30, 0)
if feedback == 0:
if verbose is True:
print("Pumping : Stop")
if state is 'slow':
# Start pumping
bus.write_byte(0x30, 3)
if feedback == 3:
if verbose is True:
print("Pumping : Slow")
if state is 'medium':
# Start pumping
bus.write_byte(0x30, 5)
if feedback == 5:
if verbose is True:
print("Pumping : Medium")
if state is 'fast':
# Start pumping
bus.write_byte(0x30, 9)
if feedback == 9:
if verbose is True:
print("Pumping : Fast")