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context.set(\"lastinput\",lastinput);\n}\nif(msg.topic === \"up\"){\n\n nb_step = String(lastinput);\n\n orientation = \"up\";\n\n msg.payload = nb_step.concat(' ', orientation);\n return msg;\n}\nif(msg.topic === \"down\"){\n \n nb_step = String(lastinput);\n\n orientation = \"down\";\n msg.payload = nb_step.concat(' ', orientation);\n\n return msg;\n}\n\n", + "outputs": 1, + "noerr": 0, + "x": 930, + "y": 680, + "wires": [ + [ + "ada728bd.8e7818" + ] + ] + }, + { + "id": "ada728bd.8e7818", + "type": "exec", + "z": "7f885510.6173fc", + "command": "python3.7 $HOME\/PlanktonScope\/scripts\/focus.py", + "addpay": true, + "append": "", + "useSpawn": "false", + "timer": "", + "oldrc": false, + "name": "Focus.py", + "x": 1060, + "y": 680, + "wires": [ + [], + [], + [] + ] + }, + { + "id": "d9dea2bc.47097", + "type": "exec", + "z": "7f885510.6173fc", + "command": "bash $HOME\/PlanktonScope\/scripts\/killer.sh focus.py && bash $HOME\/PlanktonScope\/scripts\/killer.sh focus.py", + "addpay": false, + "append": "", + "useSpawn": "false", + "timer": "", + "oldrc": false, + "name": "Kill Focus", + "x": 960, + "y": 780, + "wires": [ + [], + [], + [] + ] + }, + { + "id": "6bf10b4c.c83c84", + "type": "ui_button", + "z": "7f885510.6173fc", + "name": "start", + "group": "c62ffbd3.787ef8", + "order": 7, + "width": 6, + "height": 1, + "passthru": false, + "label": "Start Acquisition", + "tooltip": "", + "color": "", + "bgcolor": "", + "icon": "play_circle_fill", + "payload": "", + "payloadType": "str", + "topic": "start", + "x": 750, + "y": 900, + "wires": [ + [ + "5e6e3b80.1068d4" + ] + ] + }, + { + "id": "2c9498e7.bf0c38", + "type": "ui_button", + "z": "7f885510.6173fc", + "name": "stop", + "group": "c62ffbd3.787ef8", + "order": 8, + "width": 6, + "height": 1, + "passthru": false, + "label": "Stop Acquisition", + "tooltip": "", + "color": "#AD1625", + "bgcolor": "#333333", + "icon": "pause_circle_filled", + "payload": "", + "payloadType": "str", + "topic": "stop", + "x": 750, + 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"type": "ui_template", + "z": "7f885510.6173fc", + "group": "c627ea8d.f886e8", + "name": "", + "order": 5, + "width": 0, + "height": 0, + "format": "
<\/div>", + "storeOutMessages": true, + "fwdInMessages": true, + "templateScope": "local", + "x": 1260, + "y": 1180, + "wires": [ + [] + ] + }, + { + "id": "bf51ed75.15f7f", + "type": "function", + "z": "7f885510.6173fc", + "name": "get magnification", + "func": "var array = String(msg.payload);\n\nvar items = array.split(' ');\n\nmsg.payload = items[1];\n\nreturn msg;", + "outputs": 1, + "noerr": 0, + "x": 550, + "y": 780, + "wires": [ + [ + "72d57e31.59234" + ] + ] + }, + { + "id": "9599b953.529c28", + "type": "ui_template", + "z": "7f885510.6173fc", + "group": "832434ce.ebe498", + "name": "process_pixel", + "order": 2, + "width": 0, + "height": 0, + "format": "
\n Pixel resolution :\n <\/span>\n \u03bcm\n<\/div>", + "storeOutMessages": true, + "fwdInMessages": true, + "templateScope": "local", + "x": 580, + "y": 900, + "wires": [ + [] + ] + }, + { + "id": "1c966729.d952b9", + "type": "function", + "z": "7f885510.6173fc", + "name": "get process_pixel", + "func": "var array = String(msg.payload);\n\nvar items = array.split(' ');\n\nmsg.payload = items[2];\n\nreturn msg;", + "outputs": 1, + "noerr": 0, + "x": 550, + "y": 860, + "wires": [ + [ + "9599b953.529c28" + ] + ] + }, + { + "id": "612e2b9b.ed1684", + "type": "ui_template", + "z": "7f885510.6173fc", + "group": "832434ce.ebe498", + "name": "min_size", + "order": 2, + "width": 0, + "height": 0, + "format": "
\n Smallest cells to explore :\n <\/span>\n \u03bcm\n<\/div>", + "storeOutMessages": true, + "fwdInMessages": true, + "templateScope": "local", + "x": 560, + "y": 980, + "wires": [ + [] + ] + }, + { + "id": "e7ef7709.ba3f88", + "type": "function", + "z": "7f885510.6173fc", + "name": "get min size", + "func": "var array = String(msg.payload);\n\nvar items = array.split(' ');\n\nmsg.payload = items[3];\n\nreturn msg;", + "outputs": 1, + "noerr": 0, + "x": 530, + "y": 940, + "wires": [ + [ + "612e2b9b.ed1684" + ] + ] + }, + { + "id": "f84ab57a.556df8", + "type": "ui_template", + "z": "7f885510.6173fc", + "group": "832434ce.ebe498", + "name": "max_size", + "order": 2, + "width": 0, + "height": 0, + "format": "
\n Biggest cells to explore :\n <\/span>\n \u03bcm\n<\/div>", + "storeOutMessages": true, + "fwdInMessages": true, + "templateScope": "local", + "x": 560, + "y": 1060, + "wires": [ + [] + ] + }, + { + "id": "1ae4f566.e9182b", + "type": "function", + "z": "7f885510.6173fc", + "name": "get max size", + "func": "var array = String(msg.payload);\n\nvar items = array.split(' ');\n\nmsg.payload = items[4];\n\nreturn msg;", + "outputs": 1, + "noerr": 0, + "x": 530, + "y": 1020, + "wires": [ + [ + "f84ab57a.556df8" + ] + ] + }, + { + "id": "45f53656.d631e8", + "type": "ui_template", + "z": "7f885510.6173fc", + "group": "832434ce.ebe498", + "name": "flowrate", + "order": 2, + "width": 0, + "height": 0, + "format": "
\n Flowrate :\n <\/span>\n ml\/min\n<\/div>", + "storeOutMessages": true, + "fwdInMessages": true, + "templateScope": "local", + "x": 560, + "y": 1140, + "wires": [ + [] + ] + }, + { + "id": "578b63e7.8a675c", + "type": "function", + "z": "7f885510.6173fc", + "name": "get flowrate", + "func": "var array = String(msg.payload);\n\nvar items = array.split(' ');\n\nmsg.payload = items[5];\n\nreturn msg;", + "outputs": 1, + "noerr": 0, + "x": 530, + "y": 1100, + "wires": [ + [ + "45f53656.d631e8" + ] + ] + } +]