Acquisition =========== #!/usr/bin/env python # coding: utf-8 ################################################################################ # A) Import the librairies needed to execute the script ################################################################################ #Activate pinout to control the LEDs and the RELAY from gpiozero import LED #Allow to access the I2C BUS from the Raspberry Pi import smbus2 as smbus #Time librairy in order to sleep when need from time import sleep #Picamera library to take images from picamera import PiCamera #Enable calculation of remaining duration and datetime from datetime import datetime, timedelta #Enable creation of new folders import os ################################################################################ # B) Define the used pinout ################################################################################ #Affiliate pin to var for the LEDs GREEN = LED(16) RED = LED(12) BLUE = LED(26) #Affiliate pin to var for the RELAY RELAY = LED(14) ################################################################################ # C) Configuration file ################################################################################ camera = PiCamera() camera.resolution = (2592, 1944) camera.iso = 60 camera.exposure_mode = 'off' camera.shutter_speed = 100 camera.awb_mode = 'off' camera.awb_gains = (2,1) nb_frame=300 duration_loading=120 #(sec) duration_flushing=20 #(sec) duration_aeration=30 #(sec) ################################################################################ # D) Define simple sequence for I2C modules (Valves and pump) ################################################################################ def pump(state, verbose=True): sleep(0.2) if state is 'forward': # Stop pumping bus.write_byte(0x30, 1) sleep(1) feedback=bus.read_byte(0x30) if feedback == 1: if verbose is True: print("Pumping : Forward") if state is 'backward': # Stop pumping bus.write_byte(0x30, 2) sleep(1) feedback=bus.read_byte(0x30) if feedback == 2: if verbose is True: print("Pumping : Backward") if state is 'stop': # Stop pumping bus.write_byte(0x30, 0) sleep(1) feedback=bus.read_byte(0x30) if feedback == 0: if verbose is True: print("Pumping : Stop") if state is 'slow': # Start pumping bus.write_byte(0x30, 3) sleep(1) feedback=bus.read_byte(0x30) if feedback == 3: if verbose is True: print("Pumping : Slow") if state is 'medium': # Start pumping bus.write_byte(0x30, 5) sleep(1) feedback=bus.read_byte(0x30) if feedback == 5: if verbose is True: print("Pumping : Medium") if state is 'fast': # Start pumping bus.write_byte(0x30, 9) sleep(1) feedback=bus.read_byte(0x30) if feedback == 9: if verbose is True: print("Pumping : Fast") ################################################################################ def valve(state, verbose=True): sleep(0.2) if state is 'open_all': bus.write_byte(0x20, 1) sleep(1) feedback=bus.read_byte(0x20) if feedback == 1: if verbose: print("Valve : All open") if state is 'close_all': bus.write_byte(0x20, 0) sleep(1) feedback=bus.read_byte(0x20) if feedback == 0: if verbose: print("Valve : All closed") if state is 'open_in_sample': bus.write_byte(0x20, 2) sleep(1) feedback=bus.read_byte(0x20) if feedback == 2: if verbose: print("Valve : In sample open") if state is 'close_in_sample': bus.write_byte(0x20, 3) sleep(1) feedback=bus.read_byte(0x20) if feedback == 3: if verbose: print("Valve : In sample closed") if state is 'open_in_air': bus.write_byte(0x20, 4) sleep(1) feedback=bus.read_byte(0x20) if feedback == 4: if verbose: print("Valve : In air open") if state is 'close_in_air': bus.write_byte(0x20, 5) sleep(1) feedback=bus.read_byte(0x20) if feedback == 5: if verbose: print("Valve : In air closed") if state is 'open_in_bleach': bus.write_byte(0x20, 6) sleep(1) feedback=bus.read_byte(0x20) if feedback == 6: if verbose: print("Valve : In bleach open") if state is 'close_in_bleach': bus.write_byte(0x20, 7) sleep(1) feedback=bus.read_byte(0x20) if feedback == 7: if verbose: print("Valve : In bleach closed") if state is 'open_out_bleach': bus.write_byte(0x20, 8) sleep(1) feedback=bus.read_byte(0x20) if feedback == 8: if verbose: print("Valve : Out bleach open") if state is 'close_out_bleach': bus.write_byte(0x20, 9) sleep(1) feedback=bus.read_byte(0x20) if feedback == 9: if verbose: print("Valve : Out bleach closed") if state is 'open_out_sample': bus.write_byte(0x20, 10) sleep(1) feedback=bus.read_byte(0x20) if feedback == 10: if verbose: print("Valve : Out sample open") if state is 'close_out_sample': bus.write_byte(0x20, 11) sleep(1) feedback=bus.read_byte(0x20) if feedback == 11: if verbose: print("Valve : Out sample closed") ################################################################################ # E) Define simple functions making the whole sequence ################################################################################ #First function to run in order to turn on the blue LED as well as the relay to make the I2C operationnal def start(): print("###############") print("STARTING") print("###############") #Inform on the statut of the operation print("Starting : engaged") #turn the blue LED ON (even if it's written off here) print("Led : Blue on") #turn the circuit ON (even if it's written off here) print("Relay : Activated") for i in range(3): print("Led : Green on") print("Led : Red on") sleep(0.1) GREEN.on() print("Led : Green off") RED.on() print("Led : Red off") sleep(0.1) directory="/pi/home/Desktop/PlanktonScope_acquisition/" #create a directory if the directory doesn't exist yet if not os.path.exists(directory): os.makedirs(directory) #Inform on the statut of the operation print("Starting : done") ################################################################################ #This function will prepare the pump and the valves to realize the loading operation def init(): print("###############") print("INITIALIZING") print("###############") #Inform on the statut of the operation print("Initializing : engaged") pump('forward', True) pump('stop', True) valve('open_in_sample', True) valve('open_out_sample', True) valve('close_in_air', True) valve('close_in_bleach', True) valve('close_out_bleach', True) #Inform on the statut of the operation print("Initializing : done") ################################################################################ #The load will simply load a sample by pumping fast during a long period def load(): print("###############") print("LOADING") print("###############") #Inform on the statut of the operation print("Loading : engaged") pump('fast', True) #wait to complete the loading process and print info on the terminal for i in range(duration_loading): print("Loading : "+str(i)+"/"+str(duration_loading)) sleep(1) #Inform on the statut of the operation print("Loading : done") ################################################################################ #flush will create some valving sequence to remove potential air trapped in the tubes def flush(): print("###############") print("FLUSHING") print("###############") #Inform on the statut of the operation print("Flushing : engaged") valve('close_in_sample', True) valve('open_in_sample', True) valve('close_in_sample', True) valve('open_in_sample', True) pump('slow', True) #wait to complete the flushing process and print info on the terminal for i in range(duration_flushing): print("Flushing : "+str(i)+"/"+str(duration_flushing)) sleep(1) #Inform on the statut of the operation print("Flushing : done") ################################################################################ #image is very a basci way to take images def image(): print("###############") print("IMAGING") print("###############") #Inform on the statut of the operation print("Imaging : engaged") #start the preview only during the acquisition camera.start_preview(fullscreen=False, window = (160, 0, 640, 480)) #allow the camera to warm up sleep(2) for frame in range(nb_frame): #turn the green LED ON (even if it's written off here) sleep(0.5) #get the actual date date ="%m_%d_%Y") directory="/pi/home/Desktop/PlanktonScope_acquisition/"+str(date) #create a directory if the directory doesn't exist yet if not os.path.exists(directory): os.makedirs(directory) #get the time now time ="%H_%M_%S_%f") #create a filename from the date and the time filename="/pi/home/Desktop/PlanktonScope_acquisition/"+str(date)+"/"+str(time)+".jpg" #capture an image with the specified filename camera.capture(filename) #wait to complete the imaging process and print info on the terminal print("Imaging : "+str(frame)+"/"+str(nb_frame)) #turn the green LED OFF (even if it's written on here) GREEN.on() sleep(0.5) #stop the preview during the rest of the sequence camera.stop_preview() pump('stop', True) #Inform on the statut of the operation print("Imaging : done") ################################################################################ #aeration will remove the liquid from the tube and replace it by air def aeration(): print("###############") print("AERATION") print("###############") #Inform on the statut of the operation print("Aeration : engaged") #remove liquid from tubes pump('stop', True) valve('close_all', True) valve('open_in_air', True) valve('open_out_sample', True) pump('medium', True) #wait to complete the aeration process and print info on the terminal for i in range(duration_aeration): print("Aerating : "+str(i)+"/"+str(duration_aeration)) sleep(1) pump('stop', True) #Inform on the statut of the operation print("Aeration : done") ################################################################################ #wait will make the pi sleep until the next hour def wait(): print("###############") print("WAITING") print("###############") #Inform on the statut of the operation print("Waiting : engaged") # Calculate the delay to the start of the next hour next_hour = ( + timedelta(hour=1)).replace( minute=0, second=0, microsecond=0) delay = (next_hour - #wait to complete the waiting process and print info on the terminal for i in range(delay): print("Waiting : "+str(i)+"/"+str(delay)) sleep(1) #Inform on the statut of the operation print("Waiting : done") ################################################################################ #stop will turn off the green LED and turn on the red one def stop(): GREEN.on() print("Led : Green off") print("Led : Red on") #Inform on the statut of the operation print("The sequence is done.") ################################################################################ # F) Execute the sequence ################################################################################ start() while True: init() load() flush() image() aeration() wait() stop()