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Interrupted\n Publish only\n - status/focus : State of the focus stage\n Is one of Start, Done, Interrupted\n Publish only\n - status/imager : State of the imager\n Is one of Start, Completed or 12_11_15_0.1.jpg has been imaged.\n Publish only\n - status/segmentation : Status of the segmentation\n - status/segmentation/name\n - status/segmentation/object_id\n - status/segmentation/metric\n", "category": "", "in": [], "out": [], "env": [], "color": "#F3B567", "icon": "node-red/bridge.svg" }, { "id": "9c3e6ad4.7471a8", "type": "subflow", "name": "System Commands", "info": "", "category": "", "in": [], "out": [], "env": [], "color": "#FFCC66", "icon": "node-red-dashboard/ui_button.png" }, { "id": "1a447be0.198674", "type": "subflow", "name": "Object metadata", "info": "", "category": "", "in": [ { "x": 60, "y": 160, "wires": [ { "id": "5cdbcd15.17ec94" }, { "id": "c2ccc2e1.a697f8" }, { "id": "b3e8d04.7c83d3" } ] } ], "out": [ { "x": 1060, "y": 159, "wires": [ { "id": "f435f66d.26d73", 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entry :\";\n msg.payload = \"Number of step in between two frames\";\n \n}else if (nb_frame === undefined || nb_frame === \"\" || nb_frame === null) {\n msg.topic = \"Missing entry :\";\n msg.payload = \"Number of image to save\";\n \n}else {\n msg.payload={\"action\":\"image\", \n \"sleep\":sleep_before,\n \"volume\":nb_step,\n \"nb_frame\":nb_frame,\n }\n}\n\nreturn msg;", "outputs": 1, "noerr": 0, "initialize": "", "finalize": "", "x": 560, "y": 100, "wires": [ [ "d6ebaa2.ea21d58" ] ], "info": "### Focusing\n##### focus.py `nb_step` `orientation`\n\n- `nb_step` : **integer** (from 1 to 100000) - number of step to perform by the stage (about 31um/step)\n- `orientation` : **string** - orientation of the focus either `up` or `down`\n\nExample:\n\n python3.7 $HOME/PlanktonScope/scripts/focus.py 650 up\n" }, { "id": "d6ebaa2.ea21d58", "type": "switch", "z": "130e0533.4f1813", "name": "", "property": "topic", "propertyType": "msg", "rules": [ { "t": "eq", "v": "imager/image", "vt": "str" 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Math.sqrt(msg.payload.epx**2+msg.payload.epy**2)\n\nmsg.payload = {\n \"name\":\"sailboat\",\n \"lat\":msg.payload.lat,\n \"lon\":msg.payload.lon,\n \"speed\":msg.payload.speed,\n \"bearing\":msg.payload.track,\n \"icon\":\"ship\",\n \"accuracy\":error,\n \"command\": { \"lat\":msg.payload.lat, \"lon\":msg.payload.lon,\n grid : {showgrid: true,\n opt: { showLabel:true, dashArray:[5, 5], fontColor:\"#900\" }\n }\n }\n};\n\nreturn msg;", "outputs": 1, "noerr": 0, "initialize": "", "finalize": "", "x": 350, "y": 200, "wires": [ [ "f7ae988c.184598" ] ] }, { "id": "9c08f843.b1e1b", "type": "function", "z": "1a447be0.198674", "name": "set object_time", "func": "var time = new Date(msg.payload);\n\nvar hour = time.getUTCHours();\nif (hour<10){hour = \"0\"+hour;}\nvar minute = time.getUTCMinutes();\nif (minute<10){minute = \"0\"+minute;}\n\nvar time_UTC = \"\"+hour+minute;\nglobal.set('object_time',time_UTC);\nreturn msg;", "outputs": 1, "noerr": 0, "initialize": "", "finalize": "", "x": 620, "y": 80, "wires": [ [] ] }, { "id": "157ba5ca.c88a52", "type": "function", "z": "1a447be0.198674", "name": "set object_date", "func": "var date = new Date(msg.payload);\n\nvar year = date.getUTCFullYear();\nvar month = date.getUTCMonth()+1;\nif (month<10){month = \"0\"+month;}\nvar day = date.getUTCDate();\nif (day<10){day = \"0\"+day;}\n\nvar date_UTC = \"\"+year+month+day;\nglobal.set('object_date',date_UTC);\n\nreturn msg;", "outputs": 1, "noerr": 0, "initialize": "", "finalize": "", "x": 620, "y": 40, "wires": [ [] ] }, { "id": "701120fd.c5516", "type": "function", "z": "758bc08f.c57318", "name": "set optical config", "func": "global.set(msg.topic,msg.payload);\nvar acq_fnumber_objective = String(global.get(msg.topic));\n\nswitch(acq_fnumber_objective) {\n case \"25\":\n global.set(\"acq_magnification\",0.6);\n global.set(\"process_pixel\",1.86);\n global.set(\"sug_min\",60);\n global.set(\"sug_max\",670);\n global.set(\"sug_flowrate\",3);\n break;\n case \"16\":\n global.set(\"acq_magnification\",0.94);\n global.set(\"process_pixel\",1.19);\n global.set(\"sug_min\",40);\n global.set(\"sug_max\",430);\n global.set(\"sug_flowrate\",2.4);\n break;\n case \"12\":\n global.set(\"acq_magnification\",1.20);\n global.set(\"process_pixel\",0.94);\n global.set(\"sug_min\",30);\n global.set(\"sug_max\",340);\n global.set(\"sug_flowrate\",1.25);\n break;\n case \"8\":\n global.set(\"acq_magnification\",1.78);\n global.set(\"process_pixel\",0.63);\n global.set(\"sug_min\",20);\n global.set(\"sug_max\",230);\n global.set(\"sug_flowrate\",0.42);\n break;\n case \"6\":\n global.set(\"acq_magnification\",2.36);\n global.set(\"process_pixel\",0.48);\n global.set(\"sug_min\",15);\n global.set(\"sug_max\",170);\n global.set(\"sug_flowrate\",0.32);\n break;\n}\nreturn msg;", "outputs": 1, "noerr": 0, "x": 750, "y": 360, "wires": [ [] ] }, { "id": "2554ff8e.8cf1a8", "type": "ui_dropdown", "z": "758bc08f.c57318", "name": "acq_fnumber_objective", "label": "M12 Lens*", "tooltip": "", "place": "Select option", "group": "4361c3b6.e2b7a4", "order": 3, "width": 0, "height": 0, "passthru": true, "options": [ { "label": "f 25mm 1/2\" 5MP IR", "value": 25, "type": "num" }, { "label": "f 16mm 1/2.5\" 5MP IR", "value": 16, "type": "num" }, { "label": "f 12mm 1/2.5\" 5MP IR", "value": 12, "type": "num" }, { "label": "f 8mm 1/2.5\" 5MP IR", "value": 8, "type": "num" }, { "label": "f 6mm 1/2.5\" 5MP IR", "value": 6, "type": "num" } ], "payload": "", "topic": "acq_fnumber_objective", "x": 526, "y": 360, "wires": [ [ "701120fd.c5516" ] ] }, { "id": "2f9ae002.b4c96", "type": "ui_numeric", "z": "758bc08f.c57318", "name": "acq_minimum_mesh", "label": "Min fraction size (μm)", "tooltip": "", "group": "4361c3b6.e2b7a4", "order": 8, "width": 0, "height": 0, "wrap": false, "passthru": true, "topic": "acq_minimum_mesh", "format": "{{value}}", "min": 0, "max": "300", "step": "10", "x": 536, "y": 160, "wires": [ [] ] }, { "id": "c86d98d4.c56538", "type": "ui_numeric", "z": 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"758bc08f.c57318", "name": "get acq_id", "func": "msg.payload = msg.payload.acq_id+1;\nreturn msg;", "outputs": 1, "noerr": 0, "x": 210, "y": 40, "wires": [ [ "98d1f331.a06938" ] ] }, { "id": "5acd51d4.4ab13", "type": "function", "z": "758bc08f.c57318", "name": "get acq_instrument", "func": "msg.payload = msg.payload.acq_instrument;\nreturn msg;", "outputs": 1, "noerr": 0, "x": 230, "y": 80, "wires": [ [ "3b9700c4.b93ec" ] ] }, { "id": "de2c90cf.b73b08", "type": "function", "z": "758bc08f.c57318", "name": "get acq_celltype", "func": "msg.payload = msg.payload.acq_celltype;\nreturn msg;", "outputs": 1, "noerr": 0, "x": 220, "y": 120, "wires": [ [ "42505cbd.f02b1c" ] ] }, { "id": "5e3dec55.881074", "type": "function", "z": "758bc08f.c57318", "name": "get acq_minimum_mesh", "func": "msg.payload = msg.payload.acq_minimum_mesh;\nreturn msg;", "outputs": 1, "noerr": 0, "x": 250, "y": 160, "wires": [ [ "2f9ae002.b4c96" ] ] }, { "id": "d3ca8847.4d1ae", "type": "function", "z": "758bc08f.c57318", "name": "get acq_maximum_mesh", "func": "msg.payload = msg.payload.acq_maximum_mesh;\nreturn msg;", "outputs": 1, "noerr": 0, "x": 250, "y": 200, "wires": [ [ "c86d98d4.c56538" ] ] }, { "id": "1f133196.96564e", "type": "function", "z": "758bc08f.c57318", "name": "get acq_volume", "func": "msg.payload = msg.payload.acq_volume;\nreturn msg;", "outputs": 1, "noerr": 0, "x": 220, "y": 240, "wires": [ [ "13b51e1e.1f603a" ] ] }, { "id": "68fa1227.dbdd5c", "type": "function", "z": "758bc08f.c57318", "name": "get acq_fnumber_objective", "func": "msg.payload = msg.payload.acq_fnumber_objective;\nreturn msg;", "outputs": 1, "noerr": 0, "x": 260, "y": 360, "wires": [ [ "2554ff8e.8cf1a8" ] ] }, { "id": "6c391d10.2f9744", "type": "ui_numeric", "z": "758bc08f.c57318", "name": "acq_min_esd", "label": "Minimum size to segment (μm)", "tooltip": "", "group": "4361c3b6.e2b7a4", "order": 9, "width": 0, "height": 0, "wrap": false, "passthru": true, "topic": "acq_min_esd", "format": "{{value}}", "min": 0, "max": "300", "step": "5", "x": 566, "y": 280, "wires": [ [] ] }, { "id": "163df12e.f73f5f", "type": "ui_numeric", "z": "758bc08f.c57318", "name": "acq_max_esd", "label": "Maximum size to segment (μm)", "tooltip": "", "group": "4361c3b6.e2b7a4", "order": 5, "width": 0, "height": 0, "wrap": false, "passthru": true, "topic": "acq_max_esd", "format": "{{value}}", "min": "100", "max": "2000", "step": "5", "x": 556, "y": 320, "wires": [ [] ] }, { "id": "3414b477.4d711c", "type": "function", "z": "758bc08f.c57318", "name": "get acq_min_esd", "func": "msg.payload = msg.payload.acq_min_esd;\nreturn msg;", "outputs": 1, "noerr": 0, "x": 230, "y": 280, "wires": [ [ "6c391d10.2f9744" ] ] }, { "id": "a52e7caf.6bde48", "type": "function", "z": "758bc08f.c57318", "name": "get acq_max_esd", "func": "msg.payload = msg.payload.acq_max_esd;\nreturn msg;", "outputs": 1, "noerr": 0, "x": 230, "y": 320, "wires": [ [ "163df12e.f73f5f" ] ] }, { "id": "3cb96380.e575ec", "type": "function", "z": "977131e7.c2e76", "name": "pump.js", "func": "state = global.get(\"state\");\n\nif (state == null){state=\"free\"}\n\nvar manual_volume= global.get(\"pump_manual_volume\");\nvar flowrate= global.get(\"pump_flowrate\");\n\nif (manual_volume === undefined || manual_volume === \"\" || manual_volume === null) {\n msg.topic = \"Missing entry :\"\n msg.payload = \"Volume to pass\";\n \n}else if (flowrate === undefined || flowrate === \"\" || flowrate === null) {\n msg.topic = \"Missing entry :\"\n msg.payload = \"Flowrate\";\n \n}else {\n volume = global.get(\"pump_manual_volume\");\n msg.volume = volume;\n flowrate = global.get(\"pump_flowrate\");\n msg.topic = \"actuator/pump\";\n \n if(state===\"free\"){\n // msg.payload is FORWARD or BACKWARD here\n msg.payload={\"action\":\"move\", \n \"direction\":msg.payload,\n \"volume\":volume,\n \"flowrate\":flowrate};\n }\n}\nreturn msg;", "outputs": 1, "noerr": 0, "initialize": "", "finalize": "", "x": 640, "y": 140, "wires": [ [ "43fa762d.35bcb" ] ], "info": "### Focusing\n##### focus.py `nb_step` `orientation`\n\n- `nb_step` : **integer** (from 1 to 100000) - number of step to perform by the stage (about 31um/step)\n- `orientation` : **string** - orientation of the focus either `up` or `down`\n\nExample:\n\n python3.7 $HOME/PlanktonScope/scripts/focus.py 650 up\n" }, { "id": "517efd7f.811f44", "type": "ui_button", "z": "977131e7.c2e76", "name": "BACKWARD", "group": "34f03c4a.abdf94", "order": 2, "width": 6, "height": 1, "passthru": false, "label": "", "tooltip": "", "color": "", "bgcolor": "", "icon": "arrow_back", "payload": "BACKWARD", "payloadType": "str", "topic": "actuator/pump", "x": 470, "y": 120, "wires": [ [ "3cb96380.e575ec" ] ] }, { "id": "d5de2fb4.dc9d8", "type": "ui_button", "z": "977131e7.c2e76", "name": "FORWARD", "group": "34f03c4a.abdf94", "order": 4, "width": 6, "height": 1, "passthru": true, "label": "", "tooltip": "", "color": "", "bgcolor": "", "icon": "arrow_forward", "payload": 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"icon": "", "payload": "{\"action\":\"stop\"}", "payloadType": "json", "topic": "actuator/pump", "x": 470, "y": 200, "wires": [ [ "c38103c0.9aaa18" ] ] }, { "id": "bdc8ce57.de1f08", "type": "mqtt out", "z": "977131e7.c2e76", "name": "", "topic": "", "qos": "", "retain": "", "broker": "8dc3722c.06efa8", "x": 910, "y": 120, "wires": [] }, { "id": "c38103c0.9aaa18", "type": "mqtt out", "z": "977131e7.c2e76", "name": "", "topic": "", "qos": "", "retain": "", "broker": "8dc3722c.06efa8", "x": 610, "y": 200, "wires": [] }, { "id": "f1b85f22.ac673", "type": "ui_text_input", "z": "977131e7.c2e76", "name": "pump_manual_volume", "label": "Volume to pass (ml)", "tooltip": "", "group": "34f03c4a.abdf94", "order": 3, "width": 8, "height": 1, "passthru": true, "mode": "number", "delay": 300, "topic": "pump_manual_volume", "x": 510, "y": 80, "wires": [ [] ] }, { "id": "8ae06f9a.4b253", "type": "function", "z": "977131e7.c2e76", "name": "get pump_manual_volume", "func": "msg.payload = msg.payload.pump_manual_volume;\nreturn msg;", "outputs": 1, "noerr": 0, "x": 220, "y": 80, "wires": [ [ "f1b85f22.ac673" ] ] }, { "id": "b8bf2a9.be099d8", "type": "ui_slider", "z": "977131e7.c2e76", "name": "pump_flowrate", "label": "Flowrate (ml/min)*", "tooltip": "", "group": "34f03c4a.abdf94", "order": 1, "width": 0, "height": 0, "passthru": true, "outs": "end", "topic": "pump_flowrate", "min": "0.1", "max": "10", "step": "0.1", "x": 480, "y": 40, "wires": [ [] ] }, { "id": "cc757614.c8fc58", "type": "function", "z": "977131e7.c2e76", "name": "get pump_flowrate", "func": "msg.payload = msg.payload.pump_flowrate;\nreturn msg;", "outputs": 1, "noerr": 0, "x": 190, "y": 40, "wires": [ [ "b8bf2a9.be099d8" ] ] }, { "id": "f49b3397.2599f8", "type": "ui_text_input", "z": "a0f9bde.423644", "name": "focus_distance", "label": "Distance in µm", "tooltip": "This will be rounded to the nearest 25µm", "group": "de7c8e82.7faa98", "order": 8, "width": 8, "height": 1, "passthru": true, "mode": "number", "delay": 300, "topic": "focus_distance", "x": 540, "y": 40, "wires": [ [ "b69e435f.b93558" ] ] }, { "id": "411211be.745ef8", "type": "function", "z": "a0f9bde.423644", "name": "get focus_distance", "func": "msg.payload = msg.payload.focus_distance;\nreturn msg;", "outputs": 1, "noerr": 0, "initialize": "", "finalize": "", "x": 220, "y": 40, "wires": [ [ "f49b3397.2599f8", "d9930546.489a58" ] ] }, { "id": "30718b7.3986b74", "type": "ui_button", "z": "a0f9bde.423644", "name": "DOWN", "group": "de7c8e82.7faa98", "order": 4, "width": 3, "height": 1, "passthru": true, "label": "", "tooltip": "", "color": "", "bgcolor": "", "icon": "arrow_downward", "payload": "DOWN", "payloadType": "str", "topic": "actuator/focus", "x": 280, "y": 320, "wires": [ [ "ee01103f.f91b28" ] ] }, { "id": "e0e433da.64e4e8", "type": "ui_button", "z": "a0f9bde.423644", "name": "UP", "group": "de7c8e82.7faa98", "order": 2, "width": 3, "height": 1, "passthru": false, "label": "", "tooltip": "", "color": "", "bgcolor": "", "icon": "arrow_upwards", "payload": "UP", "payloadType": "str", "topic": "actuator/focus", "x": 290, "y": 281, "wires": [ [ "ee01103f.f91b28" ] ] }, { "id": "c46d3379.54e17", "type": "switch", "z": "a0f9bde.423644", "name": "", "property": "topic", "propertyType": "msg", "rules": [ { "t": "eq", "v": "actuator/focus", "vt": "str" }, { "t": "eq", "v": "Missing entry :", "vt": "str" } ], "checkall": "true", "repair": false, "outputs": 2, "x": 570, "y": 300, "wires": [ [ "a8dfcfd1.c5863" ], [ "6e5f2b4e.fcbeac" ] ] }, { "id": "6e5f2b4e.fcbeac", "type": "ui_toast", "z": "a0f9bde.423644", "position": "dialog", "displayTime": "3", "highlight": "", "sendall": true, "outputs": 1, "ok": "OK", "cancel": "", "raw": false, "topic": "", "name": "", "x": 730, "y": 340, "wires": [ [] ] }, { "id": "ee01103f.f91b28", "type": "function", "z": "a0f9bde.423644", "name": "focus.js", "func": "state = global.get(\"state\");\n\nif (state == null){state=\"free\"}\n\nvar distance = global.get(\"focus_distance\");\n\nif (distance === undefined || distance === \"\" || distance === null) {\n msg.topic = \"Missing entry :\"\n msg.payload = \"Distance\";\n}else {\n distance = global.get(\"focus_distance\");\n if(state===\"free\"){\n // msg.payload is UP or DOWN here\n msg.payload={\"action\":\"move\", \n \"direction\":msg.payload,\n \"distance\":(distance/1000)};\n }\n}\nreturn msg;", "outputs": 1, "noerr": 0, "initialize": "", "finalize": "", "x": 420, "y": 300, "wires": [ [ "c46d3379.54e17" ] ] }, { "id": "b8a2ecb3.f4f5f", "type": "ui_button", "z": "a0f9bde.423644", "name": "stop focus", "group": "de7c8e82.7faa98", "order": 6, "width": 4, "height": 1, "passthru": true, "label": "STOP FOCUS", "tooltip": "", "color": "", "bgcolor": "#AD1625", "icon": "", "payload": "{\"action\":\"stop\"}", "payloadType": "json", "topic": "actuator/focus", "x": 270, "y": 400, "wires": [ [ "2c100d73.ac6fba" ] ] }, { "id": "a8dfcfd1.c5863", "type": "mqtt out", "z": "a0f9bde.423644", "name": "", "topic": "", "qos": "", "retain": "", "broker": "8dc3722c.06efa8", "x": 710, "y": 280, "wires": [] }, { "id": "2c100d73.ac6fba", "type": "mqtt out", "z": "a0f9bde.423644", "name": "", "topic": "", "qos": "", "retain": "", "broker": "8dc3722c.06efa8", "x": 410, "y": 400, "wires": [] }, { "id": "67fc8b3f.96c6cc", "type": "ui_text_input", "z": "81483277.2521e", "name": "sample_ship", "label": "Name of the ship", "tooltip": "", "group": "71c63dd4.311c44", "order": 3, "width": 0, "height": 0, "passthru": true, "mode": "text", "delay": 300, "topic": "sample_ship", "x": 590, "y": 160, "wires": [ [] ] }, { "id": "91a896c8.7c9fb8", "type": "ui_dropdown", "z": "81483277.2521e", "name": "sample_sampling_gear", "label": "Sampling gear", "tooltip": "", "place": "Select", "group": "71c63dd4.311c44", "order": 5, "width": 0, "height": 0, "passthru": true, "multiple": true, "options": [ { "label": "Plankton net", "value": "net", "type": "str" }, { "label": "Niskin bottle 12L", "value": "niskin_12L", "type": "str" }, { "label": "Niskin bottle 24L", "value": "niskin_24L", "type": "str" }, { "label": "Pass Hull", "value": "pass_hull", "type": "str" }, { "label": "Flask", "value": "flask", "type": "str" } ], "payload": "", "topic": "sample_sampling_gear", "x": 550, "y": 240, "wires": [ [] ] }, { "id": "8cc6c6f1.65bf28", "type": "ui_text_input", "z": "81483277.2521e", "name": "sample_operator", "label": "Name of the operator", "tooltip": "", "group": "71c63dd4.311c44", "order": 4, "width": 0, "height": 0, "passthru": true, "mode": "text", "delay": 300, "topic": "sample_operator", "x": 570, "y": 200, "wires": [ [] ] }, { "id": "adaccbb2.320458", "type": "ui_text_input", "z": "81483277.2521e", "name": "sample_project", "label": "Name of the project*", "tooltip": "", "group": "71c63dd4.311c44", "order": 2, "width": 0, "height": 0, "passthru": true, "mode": "text", "delay": 300, "topic": "sample_project", "x": 580, "y": 80, "wires": [ [] ] }, { "id": "a63c1b66.f9a77", "type": "ui_text_input", "z": "81483277.2521e", "name": "sample_id", "label": "ID of the station*", "tooltip": "", "group": "71c63dd4.311c44", "order": 6, "width": 0, "height": 0, "passthru": true, "mode": "number", "delay": 300, "topic": "sample_id", "x": 590, "y": 120, "wires": [ [] ] }, { "id": "d027a6bf.7049e8", "type": "function", "z": "81483277.2521e", "name": "get sample_projet", "func": "msg.payload = msg.payload.sample_project;\nreturn msg;", "outputs": 1, "noerr": 0, "x": 250, "y": 80, "wires": [ [ "adaccbb2.320458" ] ] }, { "id": "5a811caf.0f3144", "type": "function", "z": "81483277.2521e", "name": "get sample_ship", "func": "msg.payload = msg.payload.sample_ship;\nreturn msg;", "outputs": 1, "noerr": 0, "x": 250, "y": 160, "wires": [ [ "67fc8b3f.96c6cc" ] ] }, { "id": "45911c98.2bd83c", "type": "function", "z": "81483277.2521e", "name": "get sample_id", "func": "msg.payload = msg.payload.sample_id+1;\nreturn msg;", "outputs": 1, "noerr": 0, "x": 240, "y": 120, "wires": [ [ "a63c1b66.f9a77" ] ] }, { "id": "1e09a4ab.72996b", "type": "function", "z": "81483277.2521e", "name": "get sample_operator", "func": "msg.payload = msg.payload.sample_operator;\nreturn msg;", "outputs": 1, "noerr": 0, "x": 260, "y": 200, "wires": [ [ "8cc6c6f1.65bf28" ] ] }, { "id": "a3272681.f271c8", "type": "function", "z": "81483277.2521e", "name": "get sample_sampling_gear", "func": "msg.payload = msg.payload.sample_sampling_gear;\nreturn msg;", "outputs": 1, "noerr": 0, "x": 280, "y": 240, "wires": [ [ "91a896c8.7c9fb8" ] ] }, { "id": "10bfbbf.494c244", "type": "ui_template", "z": "81483277.2521e", "group": "71c63dd4.311c44", "name": "Information message", "order": 1, "width": 24, "height": "1", "format": "