#!/bin/bash log="logger -t update.sh -s " if [[ $# == 1 ]]; then BRANCH=$1 else BRANCH="master" fi ${log} "Updating the main repository to branch $BRANCH" function restart(){ sudo nginx -t && sudo systemctl reload nginx sudo systemctl restart nodered.service } function update(){ cd /home/pi/PlanktonScope || { echo "/home/pi/PlanktonScope does not exist"; exit 1; } sudo killall -15 raspimjpeg sudo killall -15 python3 git stash git checkout --force $BRANCH git checkout stash@'{0}' -- config.json hardware.json # TODO we need to change this to drop stash@{1} if changes made to the flow are to be restored by the user git stash drop } function special_before(){ cd /home/pi/.node-red || { echo "/home/pi/.node-red does not exist"; exit 1; } npm install copy-dependencies pip3 install --update adafruit-blinka adafruit-platformdetect loguru Pillow pyserial smbus2 matplotlib morphocut adafruit-circuitpython-motor adafruit-circuitpython-motorkit adafruit-circuitpython-pca9685 numpy paho-mqtt ${log} "Nothing else special to do before updating!" } function special_after(){ cd /home/pi/.node-red || { echo "/home/pi/.node-red does not exist"; exit 1; } node_modules/copy-dependencies/index.js projects/PlanktonScope ./ # updating and installing now whatever module has been added to package.json npm update sudo pip3 install -U -r /home/pi/PlanktonScope/requirements.txt python3 -m pip install -U scikit-image ${log} "Nothing else special to do after updating!" } cd /home/pi/PlanktonScope || { echo "/home/pi/PlanktonScope does not exist"; exit 1; } remote=$(git ls-remote -h origin $BRANCH | awk '{print $1}') local=$(git rev-parse HEAD) if [[ "$local" == "$remote" ]]; then ${log} "nothing to do!" else ${log} "Local and Remote are different, we have to update!" git fetch UPDATE=$(git diff --numstat origin/$BRANCH scripts/bash/update.sh | awk '/update.sh/ {print $NF}') if [[ -n "${UPDATE}" ]]; then # Update the file and restart the script git checkout origin/$BRANCH scripts/bash/update.sh exec scripts/bash/update.sh $BRANCH fi special_before update special_after restart ${log} "Done!" fi