# Welcome to the PlanktoScope build and use documentation ![PlanktoScope](../images/readme/planktoscope_cad.webp) You can find here more information about how to build your own PlanktoScope. ## Setup - [How to setup your PlanktoScope the easy way](../software/easy_install.md) - [How to setup your PlanktoScope the hard way (also known as the Expert's path)](../software/expert_setup.md) - [Some information about how to setup a remote access](../usage/remote_access.md) ## Build your machine - [Assembly Guide](../hardware/assembly_guide.md) ## Usage - [Information about collection devices](../hardware/collection_devices.md) ## Under the hood - [Software architecture](../contribute/software_architecture.md) - [MQTT Messages](../usage/mqtt_messages.md) - [Create Master SD Card or backup your PlanktoScope](../software/create_sd.md) - How does the segmentation works (soon) ## Changelog - [Changelog](../changelog.md) ## Contribute - [Find out how to contribute to this documentation and help edit it](../contribute/writing_documentation.md) - [Contribute to the code, here is the getting started](../contribute/software_development.md) ## License of our work - [More information about the licenses that we use](../license.md) ## Design History ## Architecture