_________________ ### Focusing ##### focus.py `nb_step` `orientation` - `nb_step` : **integer** (from 1 to 100000) - number of step to perform by the stage (about 31um/step) - `orientation` : **string** - orientation of the focus either `up` or `down` Example: python3.7 $HOME/PlanktonScope/scripts/focus.py 650 up _________________ ### Pumping ##### pump.py `volume` `flowrate` `action` - `volume` : **integer** - `flowrate` : **float** - `action` : **string** Example: python3.7 $HOME/PlanktonScope/scripts/pump.py 1 10 suck _________________ ### Image ##### image.py `in_path` `sample_project` `sample_id` `acq_id` `volume` `flowrate` - `in_path` : **string** - directory to store acquisitions **the path has to end with /** - `sample_project` : **string** - `sample_id` : **string** - `acq_id` : **string** - `volume` : **integer** - `flowrate` : **float** Example: python3.7 $HOME/PlanktonScope/scripts/image.py $HOME/PlanktonScope/Acquisitions/ tara_pacific station_125 exp_1 24 3.2 _________________ ### Light ##### light.py `state` - `state` : **string** Example: python3.7 $HOME/PlanktonScope/scripts/light.py on _________________ ### Killing Focus or Pump event ##### killer.sh `event_to_kill.py` - `event_to_kill.py` : **string** Example: bash $HOME/PlanktonScope/scripts/killer.sh pump.py _________________ ### Kill Image ##### kill_image.sh image.py `sample_project` `sample_id` `acq_id` - `sample_project` : **string** - `sample_id` : **string** - `acq_id` : **string** Example: bash $HOME/PlanktonScope/scripts/killer.sh image.py tara_pacific station_125 exp_1