# Logger library compatible with multiprocessing from loguru import logger import sys # multiprocessing module import multiprocessing # Time module so we can sleep import time # signal module is used to manage SINGINT/SIGTERM import signal # os module is used create paths import os # enqueue=True is necessary so we can log accross modules # rotation happens everyday at 01:00 if not restarted logger.add( # sys.stdout, "PlanktoScope_{time}.log", rotation="5 MB", retention="1 week", compression=".tar.gz", enqueue=True, level="DEBUG", ) # The available level for the logger are as follows: # Level name Severity Logger method # TRACE 5 logger.trace() # DEBUG 10 logger.debug() # INFO 20 logger.info() # SUCCESS 25 logger.success() # WARNING 30 logger.warning() # ERROR 40 logger.error() # CRITICAL 50 logger.critical() logger.info("Starting the PlanktoScope python script!") # Library for exchaning messages with Node-RED import planktoscope.mqtt # Import the planktonscope stepper module import planktoscope.stepper # Import the planktonscope imager module import planktoscope.imager # Import the planktonscope segmenter module import planktoscope.segmenter # Import the planktonscope LED module import planktoscope.light # Import the planktonscope uuidName module import planktoscope.uuidName # global variable that keeps the wheels spinning run = True def handler_stop_signals(signum, frame): """This handler simply stop the forever running loop in __main__""" global run run = False if __name__ == "__main__": logger.info("Welcome!") logger.info( "Initialising signals handling and sanitizing the directories (step 1/4)" ) signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, handler_stop_signals) signal.signal(signal.SIGTERM, handler_stop_signals) # check if gpu_mem configuration is at least 256Meg, otherwise the camera will not run properly with open("/boot/config.txt", "r") as config_file: for i, line in enumerate(config_file): if line.startswith("gpu_mem") and int(line.split("=")[1].strip()) < 256: logger.error( "The GPU memory size is less than 256, this will prevent the camera from running properly" ) logger.error( "Please edit the file /boot/config.txt to change the gpu_mem value to at least 256" ) logger.error( "or use raspi-config to change the memory split, in menu 7 Advanced Options, A3 Memory Split" ) sys.exit(1) # Let's make sure the used base path exists img_path = "/home/pi/PlanktonScope/img" # check if this path exists if not os.path.exists(img_path): # create the path! os.makedirs(img_path) export_path = "/home/pi/PlanktonScope/export" # check if this path exists if not os.path.exists(export_path): # create the path! os.makedirs(export_path) logger.info(f"This PlanktoScope unique ID is {planktoscope.uuidName.getSerial()}") # Prepare the event for a gracefull shutdown shutdown_event = multiprocessing.Event() shutdown_event.clear() # Starts the stepper process for actuators logger.info("Starting the stepper control process (step 2/4)") stepper_thread = planktoscope.stepper.StepperProcess(shutdown_event) stepper_thread.start() # Starts the imager control process logger.info("Starting the imager control process (step 3/4)") imager_thread = planktoscope.imager.ImagerProcess(shutdown_event) imager_thread.start() # Starts the segmenter process logger.info("Starting the segmenter control process (step 4/4)") segmenter_thread = planktoscope.segmenter.SegmenterProcess(shutdown_event) segmenter_thread.start() logger.success("Looks like everything is set up and running, have fun!") while run: # TODO look into ways of restarting the dead threads logger.trace("Running around in circles while waiting for someone to die!") if not stepper_thread.is_alive(): logger.error("The stepper process died unexpectedly! Oh no!") break if not imager_thread.is_alive(): logger.error("The imager process died unexpectedly! Oh no!") break if not segmenter_thread.is_alive(): logger.error("The segmenter process died unexpectedly! Oh no!") break time.sleep(1) logger.info("Shutting down the shop") shutdown_event.set() time.sleep(0.5) stepper_thread.join() imager_thread.join() segmenter_thread.join() stepper_thread.close() imager_thread.close() segmenter_thread.close() logger.info("Bye")