475 lines
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475 lines
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# Practical Libraries
# Logger library compatible with multiprocessing
from loguru import logger
# Library for path and filesystem manipulations
import os
# Library to get date and time for folder name and filename
import datetime
import time
# Library to control the RaspiMJPEG process
import subprocess # nosec
# Class for the communication with RaspiMJPEG
class raspimjpeg(object):
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
self.__configfile = "/home/pi/PlanktonScope/scripts/raspimjpeg/raspimjpeg.conf"
self.__binary = "/home/pi/PlanktonScope/scripts/raspimjpeg/bin/raspimjpeg"
self.__statusfile = "/dev/shm/mjpeg/status_mjpeg.txt"
self.__pipe = "/home/pi/PlanktonScope/scripts/raspimjpeg/FIFO"
self.__sensor_name = ""
# make sure the status file exists and is empty
if not os.path.exists(self.__statusfile):
logger.debug("The status file does not exists, creating now")
# create the path!
os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(self.__statusfile), exist_ok=True)
# If the file does not exists, creates it
# otherwise make sure it's empty
with open(self.__statusfile, "w") as file:
# make sure the pipe exists
if not os.path.exists(self.__pipe):
logger.debug("The pipe does not exists, creating now")
os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(self.__pipe), exist_ok=True)
# make sure the config file exists
if not os.path.exists(self.__configfile):
logger.error("The config file does not exists!")
def start(self):
logger.debug("Starting up raspimjpeg")
# The input to this call are perfectly controlled
# hence the nosec comment to deactivate bandit error
self.__process = subprocess.Popen( # nosec
[self.__binary, "-c", self.__configfile],
bufsize=1, # means line buffered
# self.__process.stdout can be read as a file
# This will set the reads on stdout to be non-blocking
os.set_blocking(self.__process.stdout.fileno(), False)
name_string = self.__parse_output_for("Camera Name")
self.__sensor_name = name_string.rsplit(" ", 1)[1].upper().rstrip()
except TimeoutError as e:
f"A timeout happened while waiting for RaspiMJPEG to start: {e}"
width_string = self.__parse_output_for("Camera Max Width:")
self.__width = width_string.rsplit(" ", 1)[1]
except TimeoutError as e:
f"A timeout happened while waiting for RaspiMJPEG to start: {e}"
height_string = self.__parse_output_for("Camera Max Height")
self.__height = height_string.rsplit(" ", 1)[1]
except TimeoutError as e:
f"A timeout happened while waiting for RaspiMJPEG to start: {e}"
self.__wait_for_output("Starting command loop")
except TimeoutError as e:
f"A timeout happened while waiting for RaspiMJPEG to start: {e}"
def status(self):
return self.__get_status()
def __parse_output_for(self, text, timeout=5):
"""Blocking, waiting for specific output from process
Continously poll the process stdout file object.
text (string): String to wait for
timeout (int, optional): Timeout duration in seconds. Defaults to 5.
TimeoutError: A timeout happened before the required output showed up
logger.debug(f"Parsing the output for {text} for {timeout}s")
wait_until = datetime.datetime.now() + datetime.timedelta(seconds=timeout)
break_loop = False
while True:
for nextline in self.__process.stdout:
logger.trace(f"last read line is {nextline}")
if nextline.startswith(text):
return nextline
if wait_until < datetime.datetime.now():
# The timeout has been reached!
logger.error("A timeout has occured waiting for a RaspiMJPEG answer")
raise TimeoutError
def __wait_for_output(self, output, timeout=5):
"""Blocking, waiting for specific output from process
Continously poll the process stdout file object.
output (string): String to wait for
timeout (int, optional): Timeout duration in seconds. Defaults to 5.
TimeoutError: A timeout happened before the required output showed up
logger.debug(f"Waiting for {output} for {timeout}s")
wait_until = datetime.datetime.now() + datetime.timedelta(seconds=timeout)
break_loop = False
while True:
for nextline in self.__process.stdout:
logger.trace(f"last read line is {nextline}")
if nextline.startswith("Error:"):
logger.error(f"RaspiMJPEG error: {nextline}")
elif nextline.startswith(output):
if wait_until < datetime.datetime.now():
# The timeout has been reached!
logger.error("A timeout has occured waiting for a RaspiMJPEG answer")
raise TimeoutError
def __get_status(self):
"""Open and return the status file content
string: status of the process
logger.trace("Getting the status file")
with open(self.__statusfile, "r") as status:
status = status.read()
logger.trace(f"Read {status} from {self.__statusfile}")
return status
except FileNotFoundError as e:
f"The status file was not found, make sure the filesystem has not been corrupted"
return ""
def __wait_for_status(self, status, timeout=5):
"""Wait for a specific status. Blocking, obviously.
status (string): The status to wait for
logger.debug(f"Waiting for {status} for {timeout}s")
wait_until = datetime.datetime.now() + datetime.timedelta(seconds=timeout)
message = self.__get_status()
while True:
if message.startswith(status):
if wait_until < datetime.datetime.now():
# The timeout has been reached!
logger.error("A timeout has occured waiting for a RaspiMJPEG answer")
raise TimeoutError
logger.debug(f"not {status} yet")
message = self.__get_status()
def __send_command(self, command):
"""Sends a command to the RaspiMJPEG process
command (string): the command string to send
# TODO add check to make sure the pipe is open on the other side, otherwise this is blocking.
# Maybe just check that self.__process is still alive? :-)
logger.debug(f"Sending the command [{command}] to raspimjpeg")
with open(self.__pipe, "w") as pipe:
def sensor_name(self):
"""Sensor name of the connected camera
string: Sensor name. One of OV5647 (cam v1), IMX219 (cam v2.1), IMX477(ca HQ)
return self.__sensor_name
def width(self):
return self.__width
def height(self):
return self.__height
def resolution(self):
return self.__resolution
def resolution(self, resolution):
"""Change the camera image resolution
For a full FOV, allowable resolutions are:
- (3280,2464), (1640,1232), (1640,922) for Camera V2.1
- (2028,1520), (4056,3040) for HQ Camera
resolution (tuple of int): resolution to set the camera to
logger.debug(f"Setting the resolution to {resolution}")
if resolution in [
(3280, 2464),
(1640, 1232),
(1640, 922),
(2028, 1520),
(4056, 3040),
self.__resolution = resolution
f"px 1640 1232 15 15 {self.__resolution[0]} {self.__resolution[1]} 01"
logger.error(f"The resolution specified ({resolution}) is not valid")
raise ValueError
def iso(self):
return self.__iso
def iso(self, iso):
"""Change the camera iso number
Iso number will be rounded to the closest one of
0, 100, 200, 320, 400, 500, 640, 800.
If 0, Iso number will be chosen automatically by the camera
iso (int): Iso number
logger.debug(f"Setting the iso number to {iso}")
if 0 <= iso <= 800:
self.__iso = iso
self.__send_command(f"is {self.__iso}")
self.__wait_for_output("Change: iso")
logger.error(f"The ISO number specified ({iso}) is not valid")
raise ValueError
def shutter_speed(self):
return self.__shutter_speed
def shutter_speed(self, shutter_speed):
"""Change the camera shutter speed
shutter_speed (int): shutter speed in µs
logger.debug(f"Setting the shutter speed to {shutter_speed}")
if 0 < shutter_speed < 5000:
self.__shutter_speed = shutter_speed
self.__send_command(f"ss {self.__shutter_speed}")
self.__wait_for_output("Change: shutter_speed")
logger.error(f"The shutter speed specified ({shutter_speed}) is not valid")
raise ValueError
def exposure_mode(self):
return self.__exposure_mode
def exposure_mode(self, mode):
"""Change the camera exposure mode
Is one of off, auto, night, nightpreview, backlight, spotlight,
sports, snow, beach, verylong, fixedfps, antishake, fireworks
mode (string): exposure mode to use
logger.debug(f"Setting the exposure mode to {mode}")
if mode in [
self.__exposure_mode = mode
self.__send_command(f"em {self.__exposure_mode}")
logger.error(f"The exposure mode specified ({mode}) is not valid")
raise ValueError
def white_balance(self):
return self.__white_balance
def white_balance(self, mode):
"""Change the camera white balance mode
Is one of off, auto, sun, cloudy, shade, tungsten,
fluorescent, incandescent, flash, horizon
mode (string): white balance mode to use
logger.debug(f"Setting the white balance mode to {mode}")
if mode in [
self.__white_balance = mode
self.__send_command(f"wb {self.__white_balance}")
f"The camera white balance mode specified ({mode}) is not valid"
raise ValueError
def white_balance_gain(self):
return self.__white_balance_gain
def white_balance_gain(self, gain):
"""Change the camera white balance gain
The gain value should be a int between 0 and 300. By default the camera
is set to use 150 both for the red and the blue gain.
gain (tuple of int): Red gain and blue gain to use
logger.debug(f"Setting the white balance mode to {gain}")
if (0 < gain[0] < 800) and (0 < gain[1] < 800):
self.__white_balance_gain = gain
f"ag {self.__white_balance_gain[0]} {self.__white_balance_gain[1]}"
f"The camera white balance gain specified ({gain}) is not valid"
raise ValueError
def image_quality(self):
return self.__image_quality
def image_quality(self, image_quality):
"""Change the output image quality
image_quality (int): image quality [0,100]
logger.debug(f"Setting image quality to {image_quality}")
if 0 <= image_quality <= 100:
self.__image_quality = image_quality
self.__send_command(f"ss {self.__image_quality}")
f"The output image quality specified ({image_quality}) is not valid"
raise ValueError
def preview_quality(self):
return self.__preview_quality
def preview_quality(self, preview_quality):
"""Change the preview image quality
preview_quality (int): image quality [0,100]
logger.debug(f"Setting preview quality to {preview_quality}")
if 0 <= preview_quality <= 100:
self.__preview_quality = preview_quality
self.__send_command(f"pv {self.__preview_quality} 512 01")
f"The preview image quality specified ({preview_quality}) is not valid"
raise ValueError
def capture(self, path="", timeout=5):
"""Capture an image. Blocks for timeout seconds(5 by default) until the image is captured.
path (str, optional): Path to image file. Defaults to "".
timeout (int, optional): Timeout duration in seconds. Defaults to 5.
TimeoutError: A timeout happened before the required output showed up
logger.debug(f"Capturing an image to {path}")
if path == "":
self.__send_command(f"im {path}")
self.__wait_for_output("Capturing image", timeout / 2)
self.__wait_for_status("ready", timeout / 2)
def stop(self):
"""Halt and release the camera. """
logger.debug("Releasing the camera now")
self.__send_command(f"ru 0")
def close(self):
"""Kill the process."""
logger.debug("Killing raspimjpeg in a nice way")