2020-01-16 16:19:03 +01:00

117 lines
4 KiB

"""Experiment on processing KOSMOS data using MorphoCut."""
import datetime
import os
from skimage.util import img_as_ubyte
from morphocut import Call
from morphocut.contrib.ecotaxa import EcotaxaWriter
from morphocut.contrib.zooprocess import CalculateZooProcessFeatures
from morphocut.core import Pipeline
from morphocut.file import Find
from morphocut.image import (
from morphocut.stat import RunningMedian
from morphocut.str import Format
from import TQDM, Enumerate
# import_path = "/data-ssd/mschroeder/Datasets/Pyrocystis_noctiluca/RAW"
import_path = "/home/pi/Desktop/PlanktonScope_acquisition/01_16_2020/afternoon/14_1"
export_path = "/home/pi/Desktop/PlanktonScope_acquisition/01_16_2020/14_1_export"
archive_fn = os.path.join(export_path, "")
# Meta data that is added to every object
global_metadata = {
"acq_instrument": "Planktoscope",
if __name__ == "__main__":
print("Processing images under {}...".format(import_path))
# Create export_path in case it doesn't exist
os.makedirs(export_path, exist_ok=True)
# Define processing pipeline
with Pipeline() as p:
# Recursively find .jpg files in import_path.
# Sort to get consective frames.
abs_path = Find(import_path, [".jpg"], sort=True, verbose=True)
# Extract name from abs_path
name = Call(lambda p: os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(p))[0], abs_path)
# Read image
img = ImageReader(abs_path)
# Apply running median to approximate the background image
flat_field = RunningMedian(img, 10)
# Correct image
img = img / flat_field
# Rescale intensities and convert to uint8 to speed up calculations
img = RescaleIntensity(img, in_range=(0, 1.1), dtype="uint8")
# Show progress bar for frames
TQDM(Format("Frame {name}", name=name))
# Convert image to uint8 gray
img_gray = RGB2Gray(img)
img_gray = Call(img_as_ubyte, img_gray)
# Apply threshold find objects
threshold = 204 # Call(skimage.filters.threshold_otsu, img_gray)
mask = img_gray < threshold
# Write corrected frames
frame_fn = Format(os.path.join(export_path, "{name}.jpg"), name=name)
ImageWriter(frame_fn, img)
# Find objects
regionprops = FindRegions(
mask, img_gray, min_area=100, padding=10, warn_empty=name
# For an object, extract a vignette/ROI from the image
roi_orig = ExtractROI(img, regionprops, bg_color=255)
roi_gray = ExtractROI(img_gray, regionprops, bg_color=255)
# Generate an object identifier
i = Enumerate()
object_id = Format("{name}_{i:d}", name=name, i=i)
# Calculate features. The calculated features are added to the global_metadata.
# Returns a Variable representing a dict for every object in the stream.
meta = CalculateZooProcessFeatures(
regionprops, prefix="object_", meta=global_metadata
# If CalculateZooProcessFeatures is not used, we need to copy global_metadata into the stream:
# meta = Call(lambda: global_metadata.copy())
# Add object_id to the metadata dictionary
meta["object_id"] = object_id
# Generate object filenames
orig_fn = Format("{object_id}.jpg", object_id=object_id)
gray_fn = Format("{object_id}-gray.jpg", object_id=object_id)
# Write objects to an EcoTaxa archive:
# roi image in original color, roi image in grayscale, metadata associated with each object
EcotaxaWriter(archive_fn, [(orig_fn, roi_orig), (gray_fn, roi_gray)], meta)
# Progress bar for objects
TQDM(Format("Object {object_id}", object_id=object_id))
# Execute pipeline