938 lines
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938 lines
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# Practical Libraries
# Logger library compatible with multiprocessing
from loguru import logger
# Library to get date and time for folder name and filename
import datetime
# Library to be able to sleep for a given duration
import time
# Libraries manipulate json format, execute bash commands
import json, shutil, os
# Library for starting processes
import multiprocessing
import io
import threading
import functools
import select
# Basic planktoscope libraries
import planktoscope.mqtt
import planktoscope.segmenter.operations
import planktoscope.segmenter.encoder
import planktoscope.segmenter.streamer
import planktoscope.segmenter.ecotaxa
# Morphocut Libraries
# import morphocut
# import morphocut.file
# import morphocut.image
# import morphocut.stat
# import morphocut.stream
# import morphocut.str
# import morphocut.contrib.zooprocess
# Other image processing Libraries
import skimage.util
import skimage.transform
import skimage.measure
import cv2
import scipy.stats
import numpy as np
import PIL.Image
import math
logger.info("planktoscope.segmenter is loaded")
# Main Segmenter class
class SegmenterProcess(multiprocessing.Process):
"""This class contains the main definitions for the segmenter of the PlanktoScope"""
def __init__(self, event, data_path):
"""Initialize the Segmenter class
event (multiprocessing.Event): shutdown event
super(SegmenterProcess, self).__init__(name="segmenter")
logger.info("planktoscope.segmenter is initialising")
self.stop_event = event
self.__pipe = None
self.segmenter_client = None
# Where captured images are saved
self.__img_path = os.path.join(data_path, "img/")
# To save export folders
self.__export_path = os.path.join(data_path, "export/")
# To save objects to export
self.__objects_root = os.path.join(data_path, "objects/")
# To save debug masks
self.__debug_objects_root = os.path.join(data_path, "clean/")
self.__ecotaxa_path = os.path.join(self.__export_path, "ecotaxa")
self.__global_metadata = None
# path for current folder being segmented
self.__working_path = ""
# combination of self.__objects_root and actual sample folder name
self.__working_obj_path = ""
# combination of self.__ecotaxa_path and actual sample folder name
self.__working_ecotaxa_path = ""
# combination of self.__debug_objects_root and actual sample folder name
self.__working_debug_path = ""
self.__archive_fn = ""
self.__flat = None
self.__mask_array = None
self.__mask_to_remove = None
self.__save_debug_img = True
# create all base path
for path in [
if not os.path.exists(path):
# create the path!
logger.success("planktoscope.segmenter is initialised and ready to go!")
def _find_files(self, path, extension):
for _, _, filenames in os.walk(path, topdown=True):
if filenames:
filenames = sorted(filenames)
return [fn for fn in filenames if fn.endswith(extension)]
def _manual_median(self, array_of_5):
return array_of_5[2]
def _save_image(self, image, path):
PIL.Image.fromarray(cv2.cvtColor(image, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB)).save(path)
def _save_mask(self, mask, path):
def _calculate_flat(self, images_list, images_number, images_root_path):
# TODO make this calculation optional if a flat already exists
# make sure image number is smaller than image list
if images_number > len(images_list):
"The image number can't be bigger than the lenght of the provided list!"
images_number = len(images_list)
logger.debug("Opening images")
# start = time.monotonic()
# Read images and build array
images_array = np.array(
os.path.join(images_root_path, images_list[i]),
for i in range(images_number)
# logger.debug(time.monotonic() - start)
logger.success("Opening images")
logger.info("Manual median calc")
# start = time.monotonic()
self.__flat = self._manual_median(images_array)
# self.__flat = _numpy_median(images_array)
# logger.debug(time.monotonic() - start)
logger.success("Manual median calc")
# cv2.imshow("flat_color", self.__flat.astype("uint8"))
# cv2.waitKey(0)
return self.__flat
def _open_and_apply_flat(self, filepath, flat_ref):
logger.info("Opening images")
start = time.monotonic()
# logger.debug(resource.getrusage(resource.RUSAGE_SELF).ru_maxrss)
# Read images
image = cv2.imread(filepath)
# print(image)
# logger.debug(resource.getrusage(resource.RUSAGE_SELF).ru_maxrss)
# logger.debug(time.monotonic() - start)
logger.success("Opening images")
logger.info("Flat calc")
# start = time.monotonic()
# logger.debug(resource.getrusage(resource.RUSAGE_SELF).ru_maxrss)
# Correct image
image = image / self.__flat
# adding one black pixel top left
image[0][0] = [0, 0, 0]
# logger.debug(resource.getrusage(resource.RUSAGE_SELF).ru_maxrss)
# logger.debug(time.monotonic() - start)
image = skimage.exposure.rescale_intensity(
image, in_range=(0, 1.04), out_range="uint8"
# logger.debug(resource.getrusage(resource.RUSAGE_SELF).ru_maxrss)
logger.debug(time.monotonic() - start)
logger.success("Flat calc")
# cv2.imshow("img", img.astype("uint8"))
# cv2.waitKey(0)
if self.__save_debug_img:
os.path.join(self.__working_debug_path, "cleaned_image.jpg"),
return image
def _create_mask(self, img, debug_saving_path):
logger.info("Starting the mask creation")
pipeline = [
mask = img
for i, transformation in enumerate(pipeline):
function = getattr(
planktoscope.segmenter.operations, transformation
) # Retrieves the actual operation
mask = function(mask)
# cv2.imshow(f"mask {transformation}", mask)
# cv2.waitKey(0)
if self.__save_debug_img:
os.path.join(debug_saving_path, f"mask_{i}_{transformation}.jpg")
logger.success("Mask created")
return mask
def _get_color_info(self, bgr_img, mask):
# bgr_mean, bgr_stddev = cv2.meanStdDev(bgr_img, mask=mask)
# (b_channel, g_channel, r_channel) = cv2.split(bgr_img)
quartiles = [0, 0.05, 0.25, 0.50, 0.75, 0.95, 1]
# b_quartiles = np.quantile(b_channel, quartiles)
# g_quartiles = np.quantile(g_channel, quartiles)
# r_quartiles = np.quantile(r_channel, quartiles)
hsv_img = cv2.cvtColor(bgr_img, cv2.COLOR_BGR2HSV)
(h_channel, s_channel, v_channel) = cv2.split(hsv_img)
# hsv_mean, hsv_stddev = cv2.meanStdDev(hsv_img, mask=mask)
h_mean = np.mean(h_channel, where=mask)
s_mean = np.mean(s_channel, where=mask)
v_mean = np.mean(v_channel, where=mask)
h_stddev = np.std(h_channel, where=mask)
s_stddev = np.std(s_channel, where=mask)
v_stddev = np.std(v_channel, where=mask)
# TODO Add skewness and kurtosis calculation (with scipy) here
# using https://docs.scipy.org/doc/scipy/reference/generated/scipy.stats.skew.html#scipy.stats.skew
# and https://docs.scipy.org/doc/scipy/reference/generated/scipy.stats.kurtosis.html#scipy.stats.kurtosis
# h_quartiles = np.quantile(h_channel, quartiles)
# s_quartiles = np.quantile(s_channel, quartiles)
# v_quartiles = np.quantile(v_channel, quartiles)
return {
# "object_MeanRedLevel": bgr_mean[2][0],
# "object_MeanGreenLevel": bgr_mean[1][0],
# "object_MeanBlueLevel": bgr_mean[0][0],
# "object_StdRedLevel": bgr_stddev[2][0],
# "object_StdGreenLevel": bgr_stddev[1][0],
# "object_StdBlueLevel": bgr_stddev[0][0],
# "object_minRedLevel": r_quartiles[0],
# "object_Q05RedLevel": r_quartiles[1],
# "object_Q25RedLevel": r_quartiles[2],
# "object_Q50RedLevel": r_quartiles[3],
# "object_Q75RedLevel": r_quartiles[4],
# "object_Q95RedLevel": r_quartiles[5],
# "object_maxRedLevel": r_quartiles[6],
# "object_minGreenLevel": g_quartiles[0],
# "object_Q05GreenLevel": g_quartiles[1],
# "object_Q25GreenLevel": g_quartiles[2],
# "object_Q50GreenLevel": g_quartiles[3],
# "object_Q75GreenLevel": g_quartiles[4],
# "object_Q95GreenLevel": g_quartiles[5],
# "object_maxGreenLevel": g_quartiles[6],
# "object_minBlueLevel": b_quartiles[0],
# "object_Q05BlueLevel": b_quartiles[1],
# "object_Q25BlueLevel": b_quartiles[2],
# "object_Q50BlueLevel": b_quartiles[3],
# "object_Q75BlueLevel": b_quartiles[4],
# "object_Q95BlueLevel": b_quartiles[5],
# "object_maxBlueLevel": b_quartiles[6],
"MeanHue": h_mean,
"MeanSaturation": s_mean,
"MeanValue": v_mean,
"StdHue": h_stddev,
"StdSaturation": s_stddev,
"StdValue": v_stddev,
# "object_minHue": h_quartiles[0],
# "object_Q05Hue": h_quartiles[1],
# "object_Q25Hue": h_quartiles[2],
# "object_Q50Hue": h_quartiles[3],
# "object_Q75Hue": h_quartiles[4],
# "object_Q95Hue": h_quartiles[5],
# "object_maxHue": h_quartiles[6],
# "object_minSaturation": s_quartiles[0],
# "object_Q05Saturation": s_quartiles[1],
# "object_Q25Saturation": s_quartiles[2],
# "object_Q50Saturation": s_quartiles[3],
# "object_Q75Saturation": s_quartiles[4],
# "object_Q95Saturation": s_quartiles[5],
# "object_maxSaturation": s_quartiles[6],
# "object_minValue": v_quartiles[0],
# "object_Q05Value": v_quartiles[1],
# "object_Q25Value": v_quartiles[2],
# "object_Q50Value": v_quartiles[3],
# "object_Q75Value": v_quartiles[4],
# "object_Q95Value": v_quartiles[5],
# "object_maxValue": v_quartiles[6],
def _extract_metadata_from_regionprop(self, prop):
return {
"label": prop.label,
# width of the smallest rectangle enclosing the object
"width": prop.bbox[3] - prop.bbox[1],
# height of the smallest rectangle enclosing the object
"height": prop.bbox[2] - prop.bbox[0],
# X coordinates of the top left point of the smallest rectangle enclosing the object
"bx": prop.bbox[1],
# Y coordinates of the top left point of the smallest rectangle enclosing the object
"by": prop.bbox[0],
# circularity : (4∗π ∗Area)/Perim^2 a value of 1 indicates a perfect circle, a value approaching 0 indicates an increasingly elongated polygon
"circ.": (4 * np.pi * prop.filled_area) / prop.perimeter ** 2,
# Surface area of the object excluding holes, in square pixels (=Area*(1-(%area/100))
"area_exc": prop.area,
# Surface area of the object in square pixels
"area": prop.filled_area,
# Percentage of object’s surface area that is comprised of holes, defined as the background grey level
"%area": 1 - (prop.area / prop.filled_area),
# Primary axis of the best fitting ellipse for the object
"major": prop.major_axis_length,
# Secondary axis of the best fitting ellipse for the object
"minor": prop.minor_axis_length,
# Y position of the center of gravity of the object
"y": prop.centroid[0],
# X position of the center of gravity of the object
"x": prop.centroid[1],
# The area of the smallest polygon within which all points in the objet fit
"convex_area": prop.convex_area,
# # Minimum grey value within the object (0 = black)
# "min": prop.min_intensity,
# # Maximum grey value within the object (255 = white)
# "max": prop.max_intensity,
# # Average grey value within the object ; sum of the grey values of all pixels in the object divided by the number of pixels
# "mean": prop.mean_intensity,
# # Integrated density. The sum of the grey values of the pixels in the object (i.e. = Area*Mean)
# "intden": prop.filled_area * prop.mean_intensity,
# The length of the outside boundary of the object
"perim.": prop.perimeter,
# major/minor
"elongation": np.divide(prop.major_axis_length, prop.minor_axis_length),
# max-min
# "range": prop.max_intensity - prop.min_intensity,
# perim/area_exc
"perimareaexc": prop.perimeter / prop.area,
# perim/major
"perimmajor": prop.perimeter / prop.major_axis_length,
# (4 ∗ π ∗ Area_exc)/perim 2
"circex": np.divide(4 * np.pi * prop.area, prop.perimeter ** 2),
# Angle between the primary axis and a line parallel to the x-axis of the image
"angle": prop.orientation / np.pi * 180 + 90,
# # X coordinate of the top left point of the image
# 'xstart': data_object['raw_img']['meta']['xstart'],
# # Y coordinate of the top left point of the image
# 'ystart': data_object['raw_img']['meta']['ystart'],
# Maximum feret diameter, i.e. the longest distance between any two points along the object boundary
# 'feret': data_object['raw_img']['meta']['feret'],
# feret/area_exc
# 'feretareaexc': data_object['raw_img']['meta']['feret'] / property.area,
# perim/feret
# 'perimferet': property.perimeter / data_object['raw_img']['meta']['feret'],
"bounding_box_area": prop.bbox_area,
"eccentricity": prop.eccentricity,
"equivalent_diameter": prop.equivalent_diameter,
"euler_number": prop.euler_number,
"extent": prop.extent,
"local_centroid_col": prop.local_centroid[1],
"local_centroid_row": prop.local_centroid[0],
"solidity": prop.solidity,
def _stream(self, img):
def pipe_full(conn):
r, w, x = select.select([], [conn], [], 0.0)
return len(w) == 0
img_object = io.BytesIO()
PIL.Image.fromarray(cv2.cvtColor(img, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB)).save(
img_object, format="JPEG"
logger.debug("Sending the object in the pipe!")
if not pipe_full(planktoscope.segmenter.streamer.sender):
def _slice_image(self, img, name, mask, start_count=0):
"""Slice a given image using give mask
img (img array): Image to slice
name (string): name of the original image
mask (mask binary array): mask to use slice with
start_count (int, optional): count start to number the objects, so each one is unique. Defaults to 0.
tuple: (Number of saved objects, original number of objects before size filtering)
def __augment_slice(dim_slice, max_dims, size=10):
# transform tuple in list
dim_slice = list(dim_slice)
# dim_slice[0] is the vertical component
# dim_slice[1] is the horizontal component
# dim_slice[1].start,dim_slice[0].start is the top left corner
for i in range(2):
if dim_slice[i].start < size:
dim_slice[i] = slice(0, dim_slice[i].stop)
dim_slice[i] = slice(dim_slice[i].start - size, dim_slice[i].stop)
# dim_slice[1].stop,dim_slice[0].stop is the bottom right corner
for i in range(2):
if dim_slice[i].stop + size == max_dims[i]:
dim_slice[i] = slice(dim_slice[i].start, max_dims[i])
dim_slice[i] = slice(dim_slice[i].start, dim_slice[i].stop + size)
# transform back list in tuple
dim_slice = tuple(dim_slice)
return dim_slice
# TODO retrieve here all those from the global metadata
minESD = 40 # microns
minArea = math.pi * (minESD / 2) * (minESD / 2)
pixel_size = 1.01 # to be retrieved from metadata
# minsizepix = minArea / pixel_size / pixel_size
minsizepix = (minESD / pixel_size) ** 2
labels, nlabels = skimage.measure.label(mask, return_num=True)
regionprops = skimage.measure.regionprops(labels)
regionprops_filtered = [
region for region in regionprops if region.bbox_area >= minsizepix
object_number = len(regionprops_filtered)
logger.debug(f"Found {nlabels} labels, or {object_number} after size filtering")
for (i, region) in enumerate(regionprops_filtered):
region.label = i + start_count
# Publish the object_id to via MQTT to Node-RED
# First extract to get all the metadata about the image
obj_image = img[region.slice]
colors = self._get_color_info(obj_image, region.filled_image)
metadata = self._extract_metadata_from_regionprop(region)
# Second extract to get a bigger image for saving
obj_image = img[__augment_slice(region.slice, labels.shape, 10)]
object_id = f"{name}_{i}"
object_fn = os.path.join(self.__working_obj_path, f"{object_id}.jpg")
self._save_image(obj_image, object_fn)
if self.__save_debug_img:
os.path.join(self.__working_debug_path, f"obj_{i}_mask.jpg"),
object_metadata = {
"name": f"{object_id}",
"metadata": {**metadata, **colors},
# publish metrics about the found object
object_metadata, cls=planktoscope.segmenter.encoder.NpEncoder
if "objects" in self.__global_metadata:
self.__global_metadata.update({"objects": [object_metadata]})
# TODO make the TSV for ecotaxa
if self.__save_debug_img:
if object_number:
for region in regionprops_filtered:
tagged_image = cv2.drawMarker(
(int(region.centroid[1]), int(region.centroid[0])),
(0, 0, 255),
tagged_image = cv2.rectangle(
color=(150, 0, 200),
# contours = [region.bbox for region in regionprops_filtered]
# for contour in contours:
# tagged_image = cv2.rectangle(
# img, pt1=(contours[0][1],contours[0][0]), pt2=(contours[0][3],contours[0][2]), color=(0, 0, 255), thickness=2
# )
# contours = [region.coords for region in regionprops_filtered]
# for contour in contours:
# tagged_image = cv2.drawContours(
# img_erode_2, contour, -1, color=(0, 0, 255), thickness=2
# )
# cv2.imshow("tagged_image", tagged_image.astype("uint8"))
# cv2.waitKey(0)
os.path.join(self.__working_debug_path, "tagged.jpg"),
os.path.join(self.__working_debug_path, "tagged.jpg"),
return (object_number, len(regionprops))
def _pipe(self, ecotaxa_export):
logger.info("Finding images")
images_list = self._find_files(
self.__working_path, ("JPG", "jpg", "JPEG", "jpeg")
logger.debug(f"Images found are {images_list}")
images_count = len(images_list)
logger.debug(f"We found {images_count} images, good luck!")
first_start = time.monotonic()
self.__mask_to_remove = None
average = 0
total_objects = 0
average_objects = 0
recalculate_flat = True
# TODO check image list here to find if a flat exists
# we recalculate the flat every 10 pictures
if recalculate_flat:
"status/segmenter", '{"status":"Calculating flat"}'
if images_count < 10:
images_list[0:images_count], images_count, self.__working_path
self._calculate_flat(images_list[0:10], 10, self.__working_path)
recalculate_flat = False
if self.__save_debug_img:
os.path.join(self.__working_debug_path, "flat_color.jpg"),
average_time = 0
# TODO here would be a good place to parallelize the computation
for (i, filename) in enumerate(images_list):
name = os.path.splitext(filename)[0]
# Publish the object_id to via MQTT to Node-RED
"status/segmenter", f'{{"status":"Segmenting image {filename}"}}'
# we recalculate the flat if the heuristics detected we should
if recalculate_flat: # not i % 10 and i < (images_count - 10)
if i > (len(images_list) - 11):
# We are too close to the end of the list, take the previous 10 images instead of the next 10
flat = self._calculate_flat(
images_list[i - 10 : i], 10, self.__working_path
flat = self._calculate_flat(
images_list[i : i + 10], 10, self.__working_path
recalculate_flat = False
if self.__save_debug_img:
self.__working_debug_path = os.path.join(
logger.debug(f"The debug objects path is {self.__working_debug_path}")
# Create the debug objects path if needed
if self.__save_debug_img and not os.path.exists(self.__working_debug_path):
# create the path!
start = time.monotonic()
logger.info(f"Starting work on {name}, image {i+1}/{images_count}")
img = self._open_and_apply_flat(
os.path.join(self.__working_path, images_list[i]), self.__flat
# logger.debug(resource.getrusage(resource.RUSAGE_SELF).ru_maxrss)
# logger.debug(time.monotonic() - start)
# start = time.monotonic()
# logger.debug(resource.getrusage(resource.RUSAGE_SELF).ru_maxrss)
mask = self._create_mask(img, self.__working_debug_path)
# logger.debug(resource.getrusage(resource.RUSAGE_SELF).ru_maxrss)
# logger.debug(time.monotonic() - start)
# start = time.monotonic()
# logger.debug(resource.getrusage(resource.RUSAGE_SELF).ru_maxrss)
objects_count, _ = self._slice_image(img, name, mask, total_objects)
total_objects += objects_count
# Simple heuristic to detect a movement of the flow cell and a change in the resulting flat
if objects_count > average_objects + 20:
f"We need to recalculate a flat since we have {objects_count} new objects instead of the average of {average_objects}"
recalculate_flat = True
average_objects = (average_objects * i + objects_count) / (i + 1)
# logger.debug(resource.getrusage(resource.RUSAGE_SELF).ru_maxrss)
# logger.debug(time.monotonic() - start)
delay = time.monotonic() - start
average_time = (average_time * i + delay) / (i + 1)
f"Work on {name} is OVER! Done in {delay}s, average time is {average_time}s, average number of objects is {average_objects}"
f"We also found {objects_count} objects in this image, at a rate of {objects_count / delay} objects per second"
logger.success(f"So far we found {total_objects} objects")
total_duration = (time.monotonic() - first_start) / 60
f"{images_count} images done in {total_duration} minutes, or an average of {average_time}s per image or {total_duration*60/images_count}s per image"
f"We also found {total_objects} objects, or an average of {total_objects / (total_duration * 60)}objects per second"
if ecotaxa_export:
if "objects" in self.__global_metadata:
if planktoscope.segmenter.ecotaxa.ecotaxa_export(
logger.error("The ecotaxa export could not be completed")
logger.succes("Ecotaxa archive export completed for this folder")
logger.info("There are no objects to export")
logger.info("We are not creating the ecotaxa output archive for this folder")
# cleanup
# we're done free some mem
self.__flat = None
def segment_all(self, paths: list, force, ecotaxa_export):
"""Starts the segmentation in all the folders given recursively
paths (list, optional): path list to recursively explore. Defaults to [self.__img_path].
img_paths = []
for path in paths:
for x in os.walk(path):
if x[0] not in img_paths:
self.segment_list(img_paths, force, ecotaxa_export)
def segment_list(self, path_list: list, force=True, ecotaxa_export=True):
"""Starts the segmentation in the folders given
path_list (list): [description]
logger.info(f"The pipeline will be run in {len(path_list)} directories")
logger.debug(f"Those are {path_list}")
for path in path_list:
logger.debug(f"{path}: Checking for the presence of metadata.json")
if os.path.exists(os.path.join(path, "metadata.json")):
# The file exists, let's check if we force or not
if force:
# forcing, let's gooooo
if not self.segment_path(path, ecotaxa_export):
logger.error(f"There was en error while segmenting {path}")
# we need to check for the presence of done.txt in each folder
logger.debug(f"{path}: Checking for the presence of done.txt")
if os.path.exists(os.path.join(path, "done.txt")):
f"Moving to the next folder, {path} has already been segmented"
if not self.segment_path(path, ecotaxa_export):
logger.error(f"There was en error while segmenting {path}")
logger.debug(f"Moving to the next folder, {path} has no metadata.json")
# Publish the status "Done" to via MQTT to Node-RED
self.segmenter_client.client.publish("status/segmenter", '{"status":"Done"}')
def segment_path(self, path, ecotaxa_export):
"""Starts the segmentation in the given path
path (string): path of folder to do segmentation in
logger.info(f"Loading the metadata file for {path}")
with open(os.path.join(path, "metadata.json"), "r") as config_file:
self.__global_metadata = json.load(config_file)
logger.debug(f"Configuration loaded is {self.__global_metadata}")
# Remove all the key,value pairs that don't start with acq, sample, object or process (for Ecotaxa)
self.__global_metadata = dict(
lambda item: item[0].startswith(("acq", "sample", "object", "process")),
project = self.__global_metadata["sample_project"].replace(" ", "_")
date = datetime.datetime.utcnow().isoformat()
sample = self.__global_metadata["sample_id"].replace(" ", "_")
# TODO Add process informations to metadata here
# Define the name of the .zip file that will contain the images and the .tsv table for EcoTaxa
self.__archive_fn = os.path.join(
# filename includes project name, timestamp and sample id
self.__working_path = path
# recreate the subfolder img architecture of this folder inside objects
# when we split the working path with the base img path, we get the date/sample architecture back
# os.path.relpath("/home/pi/data/img/2020-10-17/5/5","/home/pi/data/img/") => '2020-10-17/5/5'
sample_path = os.path.relpath(self.__working_path, self.__img_path)
logger.debug(f"base obj path is {self.__objects_root}")
logger.debug(f"sample path is {sample_path}")
self.__working_obj_path = os.path.join(self.__objects_root, sample_path)
logger.debug(f"The working objects path is {self.__working_obj_path}")
self.__working_debug_path = os.path.join(self.__debug_objects_root, sample_path)
logger.debug(f"The debug objects path is {self.__working_debug_path}")
# Create the paths
for path in [self.__working_obj_path, self.__working_debug_path]:
if not os.path.exists(path):
# create the path!
logger.debug(f"The archive folder is {self.__archive_fn}")
logger.info(f"Starting the pipeline in {path}")
except Exception as e:
logger.exception(f"There was an error in the pipeline {e}")
return False
# Add file 'done' to path to mark the folder as already segmented
with open(os.path.join(self.__working_path, "done.txt"), "w") as done_file:
logger.info(f"Pipeline has been run for {path}")
return True
def treat_message(self):
last_message = {}
if self.segmenter_client.new_message_received():
logger.info("We received a new message")
last_message = self.segmenter_client.msg["payload"]
if "action" in last_message:
# If the command is "segment"
if last_message["action"] == "segment":
path = None
recursive = True
force = False
ecotaxa_export = True
# {"action":"segment"}
if "settings" in last_message:
if "force" in last_message["settings"]:
# force rework of already done folder
force = last_message["settings"]["force"]
if "recursive" in last_message["settings"]:
# parse folders recursively starting from the given parameter
recursive = last_message["settings"]["recursive"]
if "ecotaxa" in last_message["settings"]:
# generate ecotaxa output archive
ecotaxa_export = last_message["settings"]["ecotaxa"]
if "keep" in last_message["settings"]:
# keep debug images
self.__save_debug_img = last_message["settings"]["keep"]
# TODO eventually add customisation to segmenter parameters here
if "path" in last_message:
path = last_message["path"]
# Publish the status "Started" to via MQTT to Node-RED
"status/segmenter", '{"status":"Started"}'
if path:
if recursive:
self.segment_all(path, force, ecotaxa_export)
self.segment_list(path, force, ecotaxa_export)
elif last_message["action"] == "stop":
logger.info("The segmentation has been interrupted.")
# Publish the status "Interrupted" to via MQTT to Node-RED
"status/segmenter", '{"status":"Interrupted"}'
elif last_message["action"] == "update_config":
"We can't update the configuration while we are segmenting."
# Publish the status "Interrupted" to via MQTT to Node-RED
"status/segmenter", '{"status":"Busy"}'
elif last_message["action"] != "":
f"We did not understand the received request {action} - {last_message}"
# While loop for capturing commands from Node-RED
def run(self):
"""This is the function that needs to be started to create a thread"""
f"The segmenter control thread has been started in process {os.getpid()}"
# MQTT Service connection
self.segmenter_client = planktoscope.mqtt.MQTT_Client(
topic="segmenter/#", name="segmenter_client"
# Publish the status "Ready" to via MQTT to Node-RED
self.segmenter_client.client.publish("status/segmenter", '{"status":"Ready"}')
logger.info("Setting up the streaming server thread")
address = ("", 8001)
fps = 0.5
refresh_delay = 3 # was 1/fps
handler = functools.partial(
planktoscope.segmenter.streamer.StreamingHandler, refresh_delay
server = planktoscope.segmenter.streamer.StreamingServer(address, handler)
self.streaming_thread = threading.Thread(
target=server.serve_forever, daemon=True
# start streaming only when needed
logger.success("Segmenter is READY!")
# This is the loop
while not self.stop_event.is_set():
logger.info("Shutting down the segmenter process")
self.segmenter_client.client.publish("status/segmenter", '{"status":"Dead"}')
logger.success("Segmenter process shut down! See you!")
# This is called if this script is launched directly
if __name__ == "__main__":
# TODO This should be a test suite for this library
segmenter_thread = SegmenterProcess(
None, "/home/rbazile/Documents/pro/PlanktonPlanet/Planktonscope/Segmenter/data/"