# Node-RED If you boot up our tech stack using `docker-compose` you already have a Node-RED instance running on [your local machine](http://localhost:1880/). ## First steps For debuging I allready Node-RED's own dashboard (sure, we are going to use Grafana, later). ![Overview](./docs/images/1-overview.png) The dashboard should be visible on the righmost menu item in Node-RED. ![Dashboard item](./docs/images/dashboard.png) In Node-RED you can add a MQQT node to receive values from the power monitor. ![MQTT Node](./docs/images/2-mqtt-node.png) To simply display the values in a gauge (or chart) you can hook it up to a gauge node. ![Gauge Node](./docs/images/3-gauge-node.png) In the dasboard section you have to create a tab. Inside this tab you have to create a group. ![Dashboard Settings](./docs/images/4-dashboard-node.png) The tricky part is putting the gauges in the group. This is done in the gauge's settings (not in the dashboard's settings). ![Gauge Node](./docs/images/3-gauge-node.png) You can view the dashboard in an (also mobile) web browser. ![Mobile view](./docs/images/5-dashboard.png) Have a look at the flow also in [this repository](./00-dashboard-example/dashboard.json).