var _ = require('lodash'); module.exports = function (RED) { "use strict"; var Influx = require('influx'); var { InfluxDB, Point } = require('@influxdata/influxdb-client'); const VERSION_1X = '1.x'; const VERSION_18_FLUX = '1.8-flux'; const VERSION_20 = '2.0'; /** * Config node. Currently we only connect to one host. */ function InfluxConfigNode(n) { RED.nodes.createNode(this, n); this.hostname = n.hostname; this.port = n.port; this.database = n.database; =; var clientOptions = null; if (!n.influxdbVersion) { n.influxdbVersion = VERSION_1X; } if (n.influxdbVersion === VERSION_1X) { this.usetls = n.usetls; if (typeof this.usetls === 'undefined') { this.usetls = false; } // for backward compatibility with old 'protocol' setting if (n.protocol === 'https') { this.usetls = true; } if (this.usetls && n.tls) { var tlsNode = RED.nodes.getNode(n.tls); if (tlsNode) { this.hostOptions = {}; tlsNode.addTLSOptions(this.hostOptions); } } this.client = new Influx.InfluxDB({ hosts: [{ host: this.hostname, port: this.port, protocol: this.usetls ? "https" : "http", options: this.hostOptions }], database: this.database, username: this.credentials.username, password: this.credentials.password }); } else if (n.influxdbVersion === VERSION_18_FLUX || n.influxdbVersion === VERSION_20) { const token = n.influxdbVersion === VERSION_18_FLUX ? `${this.credentials.username}:${this.credentials.password}` : this.credentials.token; clientOptions = { url: n.url, rejectUnauthorized: n.rejectUnauthorized, token } this.client = new InfluxDB(clientOptions); } this.influxdbVersion = n.influxdbVersion; } RED.nodes.registerType("influxdb", InfluxConfigNode, { credentials: { username: { type: "text" }, password: { type: "password" }, token: { type: "password" } } }); function isIntegerString(value) { return /^-?\d+i$/.test(value); } function setFieldIntegers(fields) { for (const prop in fields) { const value = fields[prop]; if (isIntegerString(value)) { fields[prop] = parseInt(value.substring(0,value.length-1)); } } } function addFieldToPoint(point, name, value) { if (name === 'time') { point.timestamp(value); } else if (typeof value === 'number') { point.floatField(name, value); } else if (typeof value === 'string') { // string values with numbers ending with 'i' are considered integers if (isIntegerString(value)) { value = parseInt(value.substring(0,value.length-1)); point.intField(name, value); } else { point.stringField(name, value); } } else if (typeof value === 'boolean') { point.booleanField(name, value); } } function addFieldsToPoint(point, fields) { for (const prop in fields) { const value = fields[prop]; addFieldToPoint(point, prop, value); } } // write using influx-client-js function writePoints(msg, node, done) { var measurement = msg.hasOwnProperty('measurement') ? msg.measurement : node.measurement; if (!measurement) { return done(RED._("influxdb.errors.nomeasurement")); } try { if (_.isArray(msg.payload) && msg.payload.length > 0) { // array of arrays: multiple points with fields and tags if (_.isArray(msg.payload[0]) && msg.payload[0].length > 0) { msg.payload.forEach(element => { let point = new Point(measurement); let fields = element[0]; addFieldsToPoint(point, fields); let tags = element[1]; for (const prop in tags) { point.tag(prop, tags[prop]); } node.client.writePoint(point); }); } else { // array of non-arrays: one point with both fields and tags let point = new Point(measurement); let fields = msg.payload[0]; addFieldsToPoint(point, fields); const tags = msg.payload[1]; for (const prop in tags) { point.tag(prop, tags[prop]); } node.client.writePoint(point) } } else { // single object: fields only if (_.isPlainObject(msg.payload)) { let point = new Point(measurement); let fields = msg.payload; addFieldsToPoint(point, fields); node.client.writePoint(point); } else { // just a value let point = new Point(measurement); let value = msg.payload; addFieldToPoint(point, 'value', value); node.client.writePoint(point); } } node.client.flush(true).then(() => { done(); }).catch(error => { msg.influx_error = { errorMessage: error }; done(error); }); } catch (error) { msg.influx_error = { errorMessage: error }; done(error); } } /** * Output node to write to a single influxdb measurement */ function InfluxOutNode(n) { RED.nodes.createNode(this, n); this.measurement = n.measurement; this.influxdb = n.influxdb; this.influxdbConfig = RED.nodes.getNode(this.influxdb); this.precision = n.precision; this.retentionPolicy = n.retentionPolicy; // 1.8 and 2.0 only this.database = n.database; this.precisionV18FluxV20 = n.precisionV18FluxV20; this.retentionPolicyV18Flux = n.retentionPolicyV18Flux; =; this.bucket = n.bucket; if (!this.influxdbConfig) { this.error(RED._("influxdb.errors.missingconfig")); return; } let version = this.influxdbConfig.influxdbVersion; var node = this; if (version === VERSION_1X) { var client = this.influxdbConfig.client; node.on("input", function (msg, send, done) { var measurement; var writeOptions = {}; var measurement = msg.hasOwnProperty('measurement') ? msg.measurement : node.measurement; if (!measurement) { return done(RED._("influxdb.errors.nomeasurement")); } var precision = msg.hasOwnProperty('precision') ? msg.precision : node.precision; var retentionPolicy = msg.hasOwnProperty('retentionPolicy') ? msg.retentionPolicy : node.retentionPolicy; if (precision) { writeOptions.precision = precision; } if (retentionPolicy) { writeOptions.retentionPolicy = retentionPolicy; } // format payload to match new writePoints API var points = []; var point; if (_.isArray(msg.payload) && msg.payload.length > 0) { // array of arrays if (_.isArray(msg.payload[0]) && msg.payload[0].length > 0) { msg.payload.forEach(function (nodeRedPoint) { let fields = _.clone(nodeRedPoint[0]) point = { measurement: measurement, fields, tags: nodeRedPoint[1] } setFieldIntegers(point.fields) if (point.fields.time) { point.timestamp = point.fields.time; delete point.fields.time; } points.push(point); }); } else { // array of non-arrays, assume one point with both fields and tags let fields = _.clone(msg.payload[0]) point = { measurement: measurement, fields, tags: msg.payload[1] }; setFieldIntegers(point.fields) if (point.fields.time) { point.timestamp = point.fields.time; delete point.fields.time; } points.push(point); } } else { // fields only if (_.isPlainObject(msg.payload)) { let fields = _.clone(msg.payload) point = { measurement: measurement, fields, }; setFieldIntegers(point.fields) if (point.fields.time) { point.timestamp = point.fields.time; delete point.fields.time; } } else { // just a value point = { measurement: measurement, fields: { value: msg.payload } }; setFieldIntegers(point.fields) } points.push(point); } client.writePoints(points, writeOptions).then(() => { done(); }).catch(function (err) { msg.influx_error = { statusCode: err.res ? err.res.statusCode : 503 } done(err); }); }); } else if (version === VERSION_18_FLUX || version === VERSION_20) { let bucket = this.bucket; if (version === VERSION_18_FLUX) { let retentionPolicy = this.retentionPolicyV18Flux ? this.retentionPolicyV18Flux : 'autogen'; bucket = `${this.database}/${retentionPolicy}`; } let org = version === VERSION_18_FLUX ? '' :; this.client = this.influxdbConfig.client.getWriteApi(org, bucket, this.precisionV18FluxV20); node.on("input", function (msg, send, done) { writePoints(msg, node, done); }); } } RED.nodes.registerType("influxdb out", InfluxOutNode); /** * Output node to write to multiple InfluxDb measurements */ function InfluxBatchNode(n) { RED.nodes.createNode(this, n); this.influxdb = n.influxdb; this.influxdbConfig = RED.nodes.getNode(this.influxdb); this.precision = n.precision; this.retentionPolicy = n.retentionPolicy; // 1.8 and 2.0 this.database = n.database; this.precisionV18FluxV20 = n.precisionV18FluxV20; this.retentionPolicyV18Flux = n.retentionPolicyV18Flux; =; this.bucket = n.bucket; if (!this.influxdbConfig) { this.error(RED._("influxdb.errors.missingconfig")); return; } let version = this.influxdbConfig.influxdbVersion; var node = this; if (version === VERSION_1X) { var client = this.influxdbConfig.client; node.on("input", function (msg, send, done) { var writeOptions = {}; var precision = msg.hasOwnProperty('precision') ? msg.precision : node.precision; var retentionPolicy = msg.hasOwnProperty('retentionPolicy') ? msg.retentionPolicy : node.retentionPolicy; if (precision) { writeOptions.precision = precision; } if (retentionPolicy) { writeOptions.retentionPolicy = retentionPolicy; } client.writePoints(msg.payload, writeOptions).then(() => { done(); }).catch(function (err) { msg.influx_error = { statusCode: err.res ? err.res.statusCode : 503 } done(err); }); }); } else if (version === VERSION_18_FLUX || version === VERSION_20) { let bucket = node.bucket; if (version === VERSION_18_FLUX) { let retentionPolicy = this.retentionPolicyV18Flux ? this.retentionPolicyV18Flux : 'autogen'; bucket = `${this.database}/${retentionPolicy}`; } let org = version === VERSION_18_FLUX ? '' :; var client = this.influxdbConfig.client.getWriteApi(org, bucket, this.precisionV18FluxV20); node.on("input", function (msg, send, done) { msg.payload.forEach(element => { let point = new Point(element.measurement); // time is reserved as a field name still! will be overridden by the timestamp below. addFieldsToPoint(point, element.fields); let tags = element.tags; if (tags) { for (const prop in tags) { point.tag(prop, tags[prop]); } } if (element.timestamp) { point.timestamp(element.timestamp); } client.writePoint(point); }); // ensure we write everything including scheduled retries client.flush(true).then(() => { done(); }).catch(error => { msg.influx_error = { errorMessage: error }; done(error); }); }); } } RED.nodes.registerType("influxdb batch", InfluxBatchNode); /** * Input node to make queries to influxdb */ function InfluxInNode(n) { RED.nodes.createNode(this, n); this.influxdb = n.influxdb; this.query = n.query; this.precision = n.precision; this.retentionPolicy = n.retentionPolicy; this.rawOutput = n.rawOutput; this.influxdbConfig = RED.nodes.getNode(this.influxdb); =; if (!this.influxdbConfig) { this.error(RED._("influxdb.errors.missingconfig")); return; } let version = this.influxdbConfig.influxdbVersion if (version === VERSION_1X) { var node = this; var client = this.influxdbConfig.client; node.on("input", function (msg, send, done) { var query; var rawOutput; var queryOptions = {}; var precision; var retentionPolicy; query = msg.hasOwnProperty('query') ? msg.query : node.query; if (!query) { return done(RED._("influxdb.errors.noquery")); } rawOutput = msg.hasOwnProperty('rawOutput') ? msg.rawOutput : node.rawOutput; precision = msg.hasOwnProperty('precision') ? msg.precision : node.precision; retentionPolicy = msg.hasOwnProperty('retentionPolicy') ? msg.retentionPolicy : node.retentionPolicy; if (precision) { queryOptions.precision = precision; } if (retentionPolicy) { queryOptions.retentionPolicy = retentionPolicy; } if (rawOutput) { var queryPromise = client.queryRaw(query, queryOptions); } else { var queryPromise = client.query(query, queryOptions); } queryPromise.then(function (results) { msg.payload = results; send(msg); done(); }).catch(function (err) { msg.influx_error = { statusCode: err.res ? err.res.statusCode : 503 } done(err); }); }); } else if (version === VERSION_18_FLUX || version === VERSION_20) { let org = version === VERSION_20 ? : '' this.client = this.influxdbConfig.client.getQueryApi(org); var node = this; node.on("input", function (msg, send, done) { var query = msg.hasOwnProperty('query') ? msg.query : node.query; if (!query) { return done(RED._("influxdb.errors.noquery")); } var output = []; node.client.queryRows(query, { next(row, tableMeta) { var o = tableMeta.toObject(row) output.push(o); }, error(error) { msg.influx_error = { errorMessage: error }; done(error); }, complete() { msg.payload = output; send(msg); done(); }, }); }); } } RED.nodes.registerType("influxdb in", InfluxInNode); }