# IoT Platform ## Docker First install DockerDesktop and `docker-compose`: - https://www.docker.com/products/docker-desktop/ - https://docs.docker.com/compose/install/ Then you can export a path to mount as a volume and spin up the containers: ```sh export DATA_DIR = /some/path/to/mount docker-compose --file software/container/docker-compose.yml up ``` ### Mosquitto ```sh mosquitto_sub -h localhost -t '#' -p 1883 mosquitto_pub -h localhost -p 1883 -t '/' -m $(date --utc +%s) ``` ### Grafana You can login to Grafana: http://localhost:3000/login (admin:admin) ### Node-RED NodeRed is running here: http://localhost:1880/ A simple introduction to Node-RED can be found in [this repository](./software/flow/README.md). ## Hardware We are using HelTec Automation Wirelsess Sticks ESP32 Dev-Boards. ### PinOut The PinOut of our version 3 modules can be found here: https://docs.heltec.org/en/node/esp32/dev-board/hardware_update_log.html#wifi-lora-32-hardware-update-logs ![PinOut](https://resource.heltec.cn/download/Wireless_Stick_V3/HTIT-WS_V3.png "PinOut") ### License For some parts of the Heltec board you need a ["license"](https://docs.heltec.org/general/view_limited_technical_data.html#esp32-lora-series). ### USB-C Our HelTec Automation Wirelsess Sticks ESP32 Dev-Boards already have USB-C. But they do not support Power Deliver (PD). If your computer tries to do PD, just plug a cheap USB hub between the board and your computer. ### Arduino IDE HelTecs GitHub repo can be found here: https://github.com/HelTecAutomation/Heltec_ESP32 I had to install VCP Drivers, first: https://www.silabs.com/developers/usb-to-uart-bridge-vcp-drivers?tab=downloads You can add their Board Manager to the boards managers URLs: https://github.com/HelTecAutomation/Heltec_ESP32/blob/master/library.json and find their libraries in the IDE (Sketch -> Include Library -> Manage Libraries... Search for "heltec esp32"). > These boards are already *V3* boards, so be careful selecting the right board and port (VCP). ![Arduino IDE](docs/images/flash-with-arduino.png "select the right board and port") ### Install esptool Esptool is a Pyhton program to flash ESP32. As it's a Pyhton tool you can install it using `pip`: ```sh pip install esptool ``` ### Find the port Usually you can find the used port using `esptool.py`: ```sh esptool.py write_flash_status --non-volatile 0 ``` #### Using MicroPython Download the firmware: https://micropython.org/download/ Flash it using `esptool`: https://micropython.org/download/GENERIC_S3/ ```sh esptool.py --chip esp32s3 write_flash -z 0 ~/Desktop/GENERIC_S3-20220117-v1.18.bin ``` ## Hardware sensors * [Energy Monitor](./software/firmware/energy-monitor/README.md) * [Shelly Example](./software/firmware/shelly-monitor/README.md) ## Tutorials * A great tutorial can be found at [microcontrollerlab.com](https://microcontrollerslab.com/esp32-mqtt-publish-multiple-sensor-readings-node-red/)