node-influx, an InfluxDB client for Node.js and Browsers

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## Installation For Node, simply: $ npm install --save influx For browsers, see the [browser setup]( instructions. ## Features - Simple API for nearly all Influx operations - Fully supported in Node and the browser - Performant, processing millions of rows/sec on modest hardware - Zero dependencies ## Compatibility Version 5.x.x is compatible with InfluxDB 1.x on Node 4 on onwards, and modern browsers Version 4.x.x is compatible with InfluxDB 0.9.x - 0.13.x on Node 0.12 and onwards Version 3.x.x is compatible with InfluxDB 0.8.x - 3.x will no longer have updates by core contributers, please consider upgrading. ## Usage - [API Documentation]( - [Tutorials & Examples]( - [Changelog]( - [Contributing](