
254 lines
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Change log
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**Table of Contents** *generated with [DocToc](*
- [v0.6.4-dev (upcoming changes)](#v064-dev-upcoming-changes)
- [v0.6.4 (2020-02-17)](#v064-2020-02-17)
- [v0.6.3 (2020-02-05)](#v063-2020-02-05)
- [v0.6.2 (2020-02-03)](#v062-2020-02-03)
- [v0.6.1 (2020-02-02)](#v061-2020-02-02)
- [v0.6.0 (2019-12-24)](#v060-2019-12-24)
- [v0.5.5 (2019-11-27)](#v055-2019-11-27)
- [v0.5.4 (2019-11-26)](#v054-2019-11-26)
- [v0.5.3 (2019-11-20)](#v053-2019-11-20)
- [v0.5.2 (2019-11-13)](#v052-2019-11-13)
- [v0.5.1 (2019-11-07)](#v051-2019-11-07)
- [v0.5.0 (2019-11-06)](#v050-2019-11-06)
- [v0.4.0 (2018-05-11)](#v040-2018-05-11)
- [v0.3.0 (2017-04-21)](#v030-2017-04-21)
- [v0.2.6 (2016-08-17)](#v026-2016-08-17)
- [v0.2.5 (2016-03-02)](#v025-2016-03-02)
- [v0.2.4 (2016-02-15)](#v024-2016-02-15)
- [v0.2.3 (2015-06-23)](#v023-2015-06-23)
- [v0.2.2 (2014-12-23)](#v022-2014-12-23)
- [v0.2.1 (2014-12-09)](#v021-2014-12-09)
- [v0.2.0 (2014-11-30)](#v020-2014-11-30)
- [v0.1.0 (2014-11-18)](#v010-2014-11-18)
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## v0.6.4-dev (upcoming changes)
## v0.6.4 (2020-02-17)
- fix [#540]( WebComponent support: CSS file now insert before grid instead of 'head'
- fix [#1143]( nested grids with different `acceptWidgets` class
- fix [#1142]( add/remove widget will also trigger change events when it should.
- optimized `change` callback to save original x,y,w,h values and only call those that changed [1148](
- delete `bower` since [dead]( for a while now
## v0.6.3 (2020-02-05)
- fix [#1132]( oneColumnMode missing CSS to do layout
- del `oneColumnModeClass` / `.grid-stack-one-column-mode` and associated code. If you depended on this, use class `.grid-stack-1` instead since it is 1 column layout anyway [1134](
## v0.6.2 (2020-02-03)
- add `oneColumnModeDomSort` true|false to let you specify a custom layout (use dom order instead of x,y) for oneColumnMode `setColumn(1)` [#713](
- fix oneColumnMode to only restore if we auto went to it as window sizes up [#1125](
- editing in 1 column (or few columns) does a better job updating higher layout (track before and after and move items accordingly).
Tracking item swap would be even better still. [#1127](
## v0.6.1 (2020-02-02)
- fix [#37]( oneColumnMode (<768px by default) now simply calls `setColumn(1)` and remembers prev columns (so we can restore). This gives
us full resize/re-order of items capabilities rather than a locked CSS only layout (see prev rev changes). [#1120](
- fix [responsive.html]( demo [#1121](
## v0.6.0 (2019-12-24)
- add `float(val)` to set/get the grid float mode, which will relayout [#1088](
- add `compact()` to reclaim any empty space and relayout grid items [#1101](
- add `options.dragOut` to let user drag nested grid items out of a parent or not (default false)
and jQuery UI `draggable.containment` can now be specified in options. You can now drag&drop between 2 nested grids [#1105](
- add `%` as a valid unit for height [#1093]( thank you
[@trevisanweb]( [@aureality](
- fix callbacks to get either `added, removed, change` or combination if adding a node require also to change its (x,y) for example.
Also you can now call `batchUpdate()` before calling a bunch of `addWidget()` and get a single event callback (more efficient).
- `removeAll()` is now much faster (no relayout) and calls `removed` event just once with a list [#1097](
- `setColumn()` complete re-write and is no longer "Experimental". We now do a reasonable job at sizing/position the widgets (especially 1 column) and
also now cache each column layout so you can go back to say 12 column and not loose original layout. [#1098](
- fix `addWidget(el)` (no data) would not render item at correct location, and overlap item at (0,0) [#1098](
- you can now pre-define size of dragable elements from a sidebar using standard `data-gs-width` and `data-gs-height` - fix
[#413](, [#914](, [#918](,
[#922](, [#933](
thanks [@ermcgrat]( and others for pointing out code issue.
## v0.5.5 (2019-11-27)
- min files include rev number/license [#1075](
- npm package fix to exclude more temporary content [#1078](
- removed `jquery-ui/*` requirements from AMD packing in `gridstack.jQueryUI.js` as it was causing App compile missing errors now that we include a subset of jquery-ui
## v0.5.4 (2019-11-26)
- fix for griditems with x=0 placement wrong order (introduced by [#1017]( ([#1054](
- fix `cellHeight(val)` not working due to style change (introduced by [#937]( ([#1068](
- add `gridstack-poly.js` for IE and older browsers, removed `core-js` lib from samples (<1k vs 85k), and all IE8 mentions ([#1061](
- add `jquery-ui.js` (and min.js) as minimal subset we need (55k vs 248k), which is now part of `gridstack.all.js`. Include individual parts if you need your own lib instead of all.js
- changed jquery dependency to lowest we can use (>=1.8) ([#629](
- add advance demo from web site ([#1073](
## v0.5.3 (2019-11-20)
- grid options `width` is now `column`, `height` now `maxRow`, and `setGridWidth()` now `setColumn()` to match what they are. Old names are still supported (console warnings). Various fixes for custom # of column and re-wrote entire doc section ([#1053](
- fix widgets not animating when `animate: true` is used. on every move, styles were recreated-fix should slightly improve gridstack.js speed ([#937](
- fix moving widgets when having multiple grids. jquery-ui workaround ([#1043](
- switch to eslint ([#763]( thanks [@rwstoneback](
- fix null values `addWidget()` options ([#1042](
## v0.5.2 (2019-11-13)
- fix undefined `x,y` position messes up grid ([#1017](
- changed code to 2 spaces.
- fix minHeight during `onStartMoving()` ([#999](
- add `gridstack.d.ts` TypeScript definition file now included - no need to include `@types/gridstack`, easier to update ([#1036](
- add `addWidget(el, options)` to pass object so you don't have to spell 10 params. ([#907](
## v0.5.1 (2019-11-07)
- reduced npm package size from 672k to 324k (drop demo, src and extra files)
## v0.5.0 (2019-11-06)
- emit `dropped` event when a widget is dropped from one grid into another ([#823](
- don't throw error if no bounding scroll element is found ([#891](
- don't push locked widgets even if they are at the top of the grid ([#882](
- RequireJS and CommonJS now export on the `exports` module fix ([#643](
- automatically scroll page when widget is moving beyond viewport ([#827](
- removed lodash dependencies ([#693](
- don't overwrite globals jQuery when in a modular environment ([#974](
- removed z-index from `.grid-stack-item-content` causing child modal dialog clipping ([#984](
- convert project to use yarn ([#983](
## v0.4.0 (2018-05-11)
- widgets can have their own resize handles. Use `data-gs-resize-handles` element attribute to use. For example, `data-gs-resize-handles="e,w"` will make the particular widget only resize west and east. ([#494](
- enable sidebar items to be duplicated properly. Pass `helper: 'clone'` in `draggable` options. ([#661](, [#396](, [#499](
- fix `staticGrid` grid option ([#743](
- preserve inline styles when moving/cloning items (thanks [@silverwind](
- fix bug causing heights not to get set ([#744](
- allow grid to have min-height, fixes ([#628]( thanks [@adumesny](
- widget x and y are now ints (thanks [@DonnchaC](
- allow all droppable options (thanks [@vigor-vlad](
- properly track mouse position in `getCellFromPixel` (thanks [@aletorrado](
- remove instance of `!important` (thanks [@krilllind](
- scroll when moving widget up or down out of viewport ([#827](
## v0.3.0 (2017-04-21)
- remove placeholder when dragging widget below grid (already worked when dragging left, above, and to the right of grid).
- prevent extra checks for removing widget when dragging off grid.
- trigger `added` when a widget is added via dropping from one grid to another.
- trigger `removed` when a widget is removed via dropping from one grid to another.
- trigger `removed` when a widget is removed via dropping on a removable zone ([#607]( and [#550](
- trigger custom event for `resizestop` called `gsresizestop` ([#577]( and [#398](
- prevent dragging/resizing in `oneColumnMode` ([#593](
- add `oneColumnModeClass` option to grid.
- remove 768px CSS styles, moved to grid-stack-one-column-mode class.
- add max-width override on grid-stck-one-column-mode ([#462](
- add internal function`isNodeChangedPosition`, minor optimization to move/drag.
- drag'n'drop plugin system. Move jQuery UI dependencies to separate plugin file.
## v0.2.6 (2016-08-17)
- update requirements to the latest versions of jQuery (v3.1.0+) and jquery-ui (v1.12.0+).
- fix jQuery `size()` ([#486](
- update `destroy([detachGrid])` call ([#422](
- don't mutate options when calling `draggable` and `resizable`. ([#505](
- update _notify to allow detach ([#411](
- fix code that checks for jquery-ui ([#481](
- fix `cellWidth` calculation on empty grid
## v0.2.5 (2016-03-02)
- update names to respect js naming convention.
- `cellHeight` and `verticalMargin` can now be string (e.g. '3em', '20px') (Thanks to @jlowcs).
- add `maxWidth`/`maxHeight` methods.
- add `enableMove`/`enableResize` methods.
- fix window resize issue [#331](
- add options `disableDrag` and `disableResize`.
- fix `batchUpdate`/`commit` (Thank to @radiolips)
- remove dependency of FontAwesome
- RTL support
- `'auto'` value for `cellHeight` option
- fix `setStatic` method
- add `setAnimation` method to API
- add `setColumn` method ([#227](
- add `removable`/`removeTimeout` *(experimental)*
- add `detachGrid` parameter to `destroy` method ([#216]( (thanks @jhpedemonte)
- add `useOffset` parameter to `getCellFromPixel` method ([#237](
- add `minWidth`, `maxWidth`, `minHeight`, `maxHeight`, `id` parameters to `addWidget` ([#188](
- add `added` and `removed` events for when a widget is added or removed, respectively. ([#54](
- add `acceptWidgets` parameter. Widgets can now be draggable between grids or from outside *(experimental)*
## v0.2.4 (2016-02-15)
- fix closure compiler/linter warnings
- add `staticGrid` option.
- add `minWidth`/`minHeight` methods (Thanks to @cvillemure)
- add `destroy` method (Thanks to @zspitzer)
- add `placeholderText` option (Thanks to @slauyama)
- add `handleClass` option.
- add `makeWidget` method.
- lodash v 4.x support (Thanks to @andrewr88)
## v0.2.3 (2015-06-23)
- gridstack-extra.css
- add support of lodash.js
- add `isAreaEmpty` method
- nested grids
- add `batchUpdate`/`commit` methods
- add `update` method
- allow to override `resizable`/`draggable` options
- add `disable`/`enable` methods
- add `getCellFromPixel` (thanks to @juchi)
- AMD support
- fix nodes sorting
- improved touch devices support
- add `alwaysShowResizeHandle` option
- minor fixes and improvements
## v0.2.2 (2014-12-23)
- fix grid initialization
- add `cellHeight`/`cellWidth` API methods
- fix boolean attributes ([#31](
## v0.2.1 (2014-12-09)
- add widgets locking ([#19](
- add `willItFit` API method
- fix auto-positioning ([#20](
- add animation (thanks to @ishields)
- fix `y` coordinate calculation when dragging ([#18](
- fix `removeWidget` ([#16](
- minor fixes
## v0.2.0 (2014-11-30)
- add `height` option
- auto-generate css rules (widgets `height` and `top`)
- add `GridStackUI.Utils.sort` utility function
- add `removeAll` API method
- add `resize` and `move` API methods
- add `resizable` and `movable` API methods
- add `data-gs-no-move` attribute
- add `float` option
- fix default css rule for inner content
- minor fixes
## v0.1.0 (2014-11-18)
Very first version.