
6744 lines
178 KiB
Raw Normal View History

2020-01-08 14:32:46 +01:00
2020-11-24 17:25:15 +01:00
"id": "eaae323a.31b3",
2020-09-15 17:33:49 +02:00
"type": "tab",
2020-11-24 17:25:15 +01:00
"label": "Home",
2020-09-15 17:33:49 +02:00
"disabled": false,
"info": ""
2020-11-24 17:25:15 +01:00
"id": "b771c342.49603",
"type": "tab",
"label": "Sample",
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2020-09-15 17:33:49 +02:00
2020-11-24 17:25:15 +01:00
"id": "bccd1f23.87219",
"type": "tab",
"label": "Optic Configuration",
"disabled": false,
"info": ""
2020-01-08 14:32:46 +01:00
2020-11-24 17:25:15 +01:00
"id": "baa1e3d9.cb29d",
"type": "tab",
"label": "Fluidic Acquisition",
"disabled": false,
"info": ""
2020-07-14 18:22:31 +02:00
2020-11-24 17:25:15 +01:00
"id": "cb95299c.2817c8",
"type": "tab",
"label": "Segmentation",
"disabled": false,
"info": ""
2020-09-15 17:33:49 +02:00
2020-11-27 11:30:57 +01:00
"id": "1371dec5.76e671",
"type": "tab",
"label": "Settings",
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2020-09-15 17:33:49 +02:00
2020-11-24 17:25:15 +01:00
"id": "c1660bc.e7ff7f8",
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"label": "Gallery",
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2020-09-15 17:33:49 +02:00
2020-11-27 11:30:57 +01:00
"id": "9a22e67a.378818",
2020-11-24 17:25:15 +01:00
"type": "tab",
2020-11-27 11:30:57 +01:00
"label": "MQTT Receive",
2020-11-24 17:25:15 +01:00
"disabled": false,
"info": ""
2020-09-15 17:33:49 +02:00
2020-11-24 17:25:15 +01:00
"id": "1c24ad9c.bebec2",
2020-09-15 17:33:49 +02:00
"type": "subflow",
2020-11-24 17:25:15 +01:00
"name": "Config",
"info": "An input to this subflow will get the configuration to be saved to disk.\n\nOn startup, this node outputs the loaded configuration",
2020-09-15 17:33:49 +02:00
"category": "",
"in": [
2020-11-24 17:25:15 +01:00
"x": 440,
"y": 860,
2020-09-15 17:33:49 +02:00
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2020-11-27 11:30:57 +01:00
"id": "cdc75496.45f748"
2020-09-15 17:33:49 +02:00
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2020-11-24 17:25:15 +01:00
"x": 1240,
"y": 300,
2020-09-15 17:33:49 +02:00
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2020-11-24 17:25:15 +01:00
"id": "ad541674.4791c8",
2020-09-15 17:33:49 +02:00
"port": 0
2020-07-14 18:22:31 +02:00
2020-09-15 17:33:49 +02:00
"env": [],
"color": "#DDAA99"
2020-07-14 18:22:31 +02:00
2020-11-27 11:30:57 +01:00
"id": "20ae9e26.17d73a",
"type": "subflow",
"name": "Get global for config.json",
"info": "",
"category": "",
"in": [
"x": 60,
"y": 80,
"wires": [
"id": "b584292a.24b08"
"out": [
"x": 340,
"y": 80,
"wires": [
"id": "b584292a.24b08",
"port": 0
"env": [],
"color": "#DDAA99"
2020-09-15 17:33:49 +02:00
2020-11-24 17:25:15 +01:00
"id": "833bc5bb.217ba8",
"type": "ui_group",
2020-11-27 11:30:57 +01:00
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2020-11-24 17:25:15 +01:00
"name": "Preview",
"tab": "181bb236.1e94be",
"order": 1,
"disp": true,
2020-11-27 11:30:57 +01:00
"width": 18,
2020-11-24 17:25:15 +01:00
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2020-09-15 17:33:49 +02:00
2020-11-24 17:25:15 +01:00
"id": "3a6bb13f.c9703e",
"type": "ui_tab",
"name": "Home",
"icon": "home",
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2020-09-15 17:33:49 +02:00
2020-11-24 17:25:15 +01:00
"id": "181bb236.1e94be",
"type": "ui_tab",
"name": "Optic Configuration",
"icon": "fa-eye",
"order": 3,
"disabled": false,
"hidden": false
2020-09-15 17:33:49 +02:00
2020-11-24 17:25:15 +01:00
"id": "c9194f02.9d5e9",
"type": "ui_tab",
"name": "Fluidic Acquisition",
"icon": "fa-flask",
"order": 4,
"disabled": false,
"hidden": false
Extraction and refactor of the python code from node-red flow The rationale for this rewrite is to improve the readability, the modularity, the reliability and the future-proofing of the main python script. All in all, this is now 124 commits that are going to be squashed and merged together, spanning more than two weeks of development and testing. Please test away this release and break things. An upgrading guide will be published in the coming days, along with a new image for people to use if they don't want to upgrade on their own. Read along if you want to know all the goodies! As a starter, the python script was extracted from the main flow, and now lives in its own files at `PlantonScope/scripts/*`. We set up the auto formatting of the code by using [Black]( This make the code clearer and uniform. We are using the default settings, so if you just install Black and set your editor to format on save using it, you should be good to go. The code is separated in four main processes, each with a specific set of responsibilities: - The main process controls all the others, starts everything up and cleans up on shutdown - The stepper process manages the stepper movements. It's now possible to have simultaneous movements of both motors (this closes #38 ). - The imager process controls the camera and the streaming server via a state machine. - The segmenter process manages the segmentation and its outputs. The segmentation happens recursively in all folders in `/home/pi/PlanktonScope/img/`. Each folder has its own output archive, and bug #26 is now closed. Those processes communicates together using MQTT and json messages. Each message is adressed to one topic. The high level topic controls which process receives the message. The details of each topic is at the end of this commit message. Every imaging sessions has now its own folder, under the `img` root. Metadata are saved individually for every session, in a JSON file in the same directory as the pictures. The configuration is not parsed from `config.json` anymore and passed directly through MQTT messages to the concerned process. A new configuration file has been created: `hardware.json`. This file contains information related to your specific hardware configuration. You can choose to reverse the connection of the motors for example, but you can also define specific speed limits and steps number for your pump and focus stage. This will make it easier for people who wants to experiment with different kind of hardware. It's not necessary to have this file though. If it doesn't exists, the default configuration will be applied. The code is architectured around 6 modules and about 10 classes. I encourage you to have a look at the files, they're pretty straightforward to understand. There is a lot of work left around the node-red code refactoring, dashboard ui improvements, better and clearer LED messages, OLED screen integration and finer control of the segmentation process, but this is quite good for now. Here is the topic lists for MQTT and the corresponding messages. - actuator : This topic adresses the stepper control thread No publication under this topic should happen from the python process - actuator/pump : Control of the pump The message is a json object {"action":"move", "direction":"FORWARD", "volume":10, "flowrate":1} to move 10mL forward at 1mL/min action can be "move" or "stop" Receive only - actuator/focus : Control of the focus stage The message is a json object, speed is optional {"action":"move", "direction":"UP", "distance":0.26, "speed":1} to move up 10mm action can be "move" or "stop" Receive only - imager/image : This topic adresses the imaging thread Is a json object with {"action":"image","sleep":5,"volume":1,"nb_frame":200} sleep in seconds, volume in mL Can also receive a config update message: {"action":"config","config":[...]} Can also receive a camera settings message: {"action":"settings","iso":100,"shutter_speed":40} Receive only - segmenter/segment : This topic adresses the segmenter process Is a json object with {"action":"segment"} Receive only - status : This topics sends feedback to Node-Red No publication or receive at this level - status/pump : State of the pump Is a json object with {"status":"Start", "time_left":25} Status is one of Started, Ready, Done, Interrupted Publish only - status/focus : State of the focus stage Is a json object with {"status":"Start", "time_left":25} Status is one of Started, Ready, Done, Interrupted Publish only - status/imager : State of the imager Is a json object with {"status":"Start", "time_left":25} Status is one of Started, Ready, Completed or 12_11_15_0.1.jpg has been imaged. Publish only - status/segmenter : Status of the segmentation - status/segmenter/name - status/segmenter/object_id - status/segmenter/metric Here is the original commit history: * Extract python from flow * Fix bug in server addresses These addresses should be the loopback device instead of the network address of the device. Using the loopback address will not necessitate to update the script when the network address changes. * clean up picamera import * changes to main python and flow: update MQTT requests address to localhost (bugfix) update streaming output address to nothing update main flow to remove python script references and location * Automatically initialise imaging led on startup to off state. * Add the ability to invert outputs of the motor We added a key to config.json "hardware_config" with a subkey "stepper_reverse". If this key is present in the config file and set to 1, the output of the motors are inversed (stepper2 becomes the pump motor and stepper1 the focus motor) * move all non main script to a subfolder * add to package * light module rewrite * json cleanup and absolute path for config file * forgot to import subprocess #oups * Add command to turn the leds off * Auto formatting of I've used Black with default settings, see * First commit of Pump parameters still needs to be checked and tuned. * addition of hardware details in config.json * Introduce hardware.json to replace the `hardware_config` of config.json * calibration, typos * creates the MQTT_Client class * pump_max_speed is now in ml/min to help readability * forgot to add self to the class def * addition of threading capabilities to (UNTESTED) * mqtt: fix topic bug * remove counter * mqtt add doc about topics * creates an "actuator/*/state" topic * rename mqtt_client to pump_client * add details about topics * rename pump_client to actuator_client * topic was not split properly and a part was lost * switch to f-strings for * cosmetic update * folder name will be planktoscope change calls * hardware.json became more straightforward * syntax bugs * addition of a received stop command * update to max travel distance * several typos here * rename folder * reword to reflect folder rename * remove logic that has been moved to and * update to add mqtt imaging client * make command and args local to class and output more verbose * make a class * instantiate stepper class and call it * name mqtt client * update to main.json to reflect changes * fix bugs around pump control * update flows to latest version from Thibault * distance can be a small value, and definitevely should be a float. * unify mqtt topics * unify mqtt output in the main flow * first logger implementation, uses loguru * mqtt: add reason to on_connect * mqtt: add on_disconnect handler * stepper: add more logger calls for debug mainly * main: add levels for logger * first move of the imager logic * imager: time import cleanup * imager: morphocut import cleanup * imager: skimage import cleanup * imager: finishing import cleanup * imager: Class creation - WIP Also provides a fix for #26 (see line 190). * imager: threading is needed for Condition() * streamer: get the streamer server its own file * imager: creates start_camera and get the server creation out * imager: subclass multiprocessing.Process * imager: get Pipeline creation its own function * imager: cleanup of self calls * main: code removal and corresponding calls to newly created classes * imager: various formatting changes * main: management of signal shutdown * add requirements.txt * mqtt: messages are now json objects Also, addition of a flag on receiving a new message * mqtt: make message private and add logic to synchronise * stepper: creates the stepper class * stepper: use the new class * stepper: uses the new logic * stepper: add the shutdown event * stepper: add shutdown method * main: add shutdown event * imager: graceful shutdown * stepper: nicer way of checking the Eevnt * self is a required first argument for a method in a class Especially if you use said class private members! * python: various typos and small errors in import * stepper: create mqtt client during init * stepper: instanciate the mqtt client inside run Otherwise it's not accessible from inside the loop. It's a PITA, more information at * stepper: little bugs and typos all around * mqtt: add shutdown method * mqtt: add connect in init * stepper: fix bugs, sanitize inputs * stepper: work on delay prediction improvements * stepper: json is mean, double quote are mandatory inside * mqtt: add details about message exchanged * imager: first implementation of json messages * main.json: add new tab for RPi management + json for payloads * imager: add state_machine class * stepper: publish last will * imager: major refactor * main: make streaming server process a daemon * mqtt: insert debug statement on close * main: reorder imports * imager: make it work! Reinsert the streaming server logic in there, because there is a problem with the synchronisation part otherwise. Also, eventually, StreamingOuput() will have to be made not global Final very critical learning: it's super duper important to make sure the memory split is at least 256Meg for the GPU. Chaos ensues otherwise * main: changes to accomodate the streamer/imager fusino * imager_state_machine: insert states transition description * stepper: cleanup of code * segmenter: creation of the class * python: include segmenter changes * remove unused files * stepper: check existence of hardware.json * main.json: changes to reflect the python script evolution * remove unecessary TODOs and add some others * main: add check for config and directories * imager: update_config is implemented and we have better management of directories now * segmenter: now work recursively in all folders * flow: the configuration is now sent via mqtt * segmenter: better manage pipeline error * segmenter: declaration of archive_fn in init * imager: small bugs and typos * main: add uniqueID output * imager: add the camera settings message We can now update the ISO, shutter speed and resolution from Node-Red * package.json: update dependencies
2020-09-28 11:05:27 +02:00
2020-11-24 17:25:15 +01:00
"id": "8d16beb8.9b3fb",
"type": "ui_tab",
"name": "Segmentation",
"icon": "fa-crop",
"order": 5,
"disabled": false,
"hidden": false
Extraction and refactor of the python code from node-red flow The rationale for this rewrite is to improve the readability, the modularity, the reliability and the future-proofing of the main python script. All in all, this is now 124 commits that are going to be squashed and merged together, spanning more than two weeks of development and testing. Please test away this release and break things. An upgrading guide will be published in the coming days, along with a new image for people to use if they don't want to upgrade on their own. Read along if you want to know all the goodies! As a starter, the python script was extracted from the main flow, and now lives in its own files at `PlantonScope/scripts/*`. We set up the auto formatting of the code by using [Black]( This make the code clearer and uniform. We are using the default settings, so if you just install Black and set your editor to format on save using it, you should be good to go. The code is separated in four main processes, each with a specific set of responsibilities: - The main process controls all the others, starts everything up and cleans up on shutdown - The stepper process manages the stepper movements. It's now possible to have simultaneous movements of both motors (this closes #38 ). - The imager process controls the camera and the streaming server via a state machine. - The segmenter process manages the segmentation and its outputs. The segmentation happens recursively in all folders in `/home/pi/PlanktonScope/img/`. Each folder has its own output archive, and bug #26 is now closed. Those processes communicates together using MQTT and json messages. Each message is adressed to one topic. The high level topic controls which process receives the message. The details of each topic is at the end of this commit message. Every imaging sessions has now its own folder, under the `img` root. Metadata are saved individually for every session, in a JSON file in the same directory as the pictures. The configuration is not parsed from `config.json` anymore and passed directly through MQTT messages to the concerned process. A new configuration file has been created: `hardware.json`. This file contains information related to your specific hardware configuration. You can choose to reverse the connection of the motors for example, but you can also define specific speed limits and steps number for your pump and focus stage. This will make it easier for people who wants to experiment with different kind of hardware. It's not necessary to have this file though. If it doesn't exists, the default configuration will be applied. The code is architectured around 6 modules and about 10 classes. I encourage you to have a look at the files, they're pretty straightforward to understand. There is a lot of work left around the node-red code refactoring, dashboard ui improvements, better and clearer LED messages, OLED screen integration and finer control of the segmentation process, but this is quite good for now. Here is the topic lists for MQTT and the corresponding messages. - actuator : This topic adresses the stepper control thread No publication under this topic should happen from the python process - actuator/pump : Control of the pump The message is a json object {"action":"move", "direction":"FORWARD", "volume":10, "flowrate":1} to move 10mL forward at 1mL/min action can be "move" or "stop" Receive only - actuator/focus : Control of the focus stage The message is a json object, speed is optional {"action":"move", "direction":"UP", "distance":0.26, "speed":1} to move up 10mm action can be "move" or "stop" Receive only - imager/image : This topic adresses the imaging thread Is a json object with {"action":"image","sleep":5,"volume":1,"nb_frame":200} sleep in seconds, volume in mL Can also receive a config update message: {"action":"config","config":[...]} Can also receive a camera settings message: {"action":"settings","iso":100,"shutter_speed":40} Receive only - segmenter/segment : This topic adresses the segmenter process Is a json object with {"action":"segment"} Receive only - status : This topics sends feedback to Node-Red No publication or receive at this level - status/pump : State of the pump Is a json object with {"status":"Start", "time_left":25} Status is one of Started, Ready, Done, Interrupted Publish only - status/focus : State of the focus stage Is a json object with {"status":"Start", "time_left":25} Status is one of Started, Ready, Done, Interrupted Publish only - status/imager : State of the imager Is a json object with {"status":"Start", "time_left":25} Status is one of Started, Ready, Completed or 12_11_15_0.1.jpg has been imaged. Publish only - status/segmenter : Status of the segmentation - status/segmenter/name - status/segmenter/object_id - status/segmenter/metric Here is the original commit history: * Extract python from flow * Fix bug in server addresses These addresses should be the loopback device instead of the network address of the device. Using the loopback address will not necessitate to update the script when the network address changes. * clean up picamera import * changes to main python and flow: update MQTT requests address to localhost (bugfix) update streaming output address to nothing update main flow to remove python script references and location * Automatically initialise imaging led on startup to off state. * Add the ability to invert outputs of the motor We added a key to config.json "hardware_config" with a subkey "stepper_reverse". If this key is present in the config file and set to 1, the output of the motors are inversed (stepper2 becomes the pump motor and stepper1 the focus motor) * move all non main script to a subfolder * add to package * light module rewrite * json cleanup and absolute path for config file * forgot to import subprocess #oups * Add command to turn the leds off * Auto formatting of I've used Black with default settings, see * First commit of Pump parameters still needs to be checked and tuned. * addition of hardware details in config.json * Introduce hardware.json to replace the `hardware_config` of config.json * calibration, typos * creates the MQTT_Client class * pump_max_speed is now in ml/min to help readability * forgot to add self to the class def * addition of threading capabilities to (UNTESTED) * mqtt: fix topic bug * remove counter * mqtt add doc about topics * creates an "actuator/*/state" topic * rename mqtt_client to pump_client * add details about topics * rename pump_client to actuator_client * topic was not split properly and a part was lost * switch to f-strings for * cosmetic update * folder name will be planktoscope change calls * hardware.json became more straightforward * syntax bugs * addition of a received stop command * update to max travel distance * several typos here * rename folder * reword to reflect folder rename * remove logic that has been moved to and * update to add mqtt imaging client * make command and args local to class and output more verbose * make a class * instantiate stepper class and call it * name mqtt client * update to main.json to reflect changes * fix bugs around pump control * update flows to latest version from Thibault * distance can be a small value, and definitevely should be a float. * unify mqtt topics * unify mqtt output in the main flow * first logger implementation, uses loguru * mqtt: add reason to on_connect * mqtt: add on_disconnect handler * stepper: add more logger calls for debug mainly * main: add levels for logger * first move of the imager logic * imager: time import cleanup * imager: morphocut import cleanup * imager: skimage import cleanup * imager: finishing import cleanup * imager: Class creation - WIP Also provides a fix for #26 (see line 190). * imager: threading is needed for Condition() * streamer: get the streamer server its own file * imager: creates start_camera and get the server creation out * imager: subclass multiprocessing.Process * imager: get Pipeline creation its own function * imager: cleanup of self calls * main: code removal and corresponding calls to newly created classes * imager: various formatting changes * main: management of signal shutdown * add requirements.txt * mqtt: messages are now json objects Also, addition of a flag on receiving a new message * mqtt: make message private and add logic to synchronise * stepper: creates the stepper class * stepper: use the new class * stepper: uses the new logic * stepper: add the shutdown event * stepper: add shutdown method * main: add shutdown event * imager: graceful shutdown * stepper: nicer way of checking the Eevnt * self is a required first argument for a method in a class Especially if you use said class private members! * python: various typos and small errors in import * stepper: create mqtt client during init * stepper: instanciate the mqtt client inside run Otherwise it's not accessible from inside the loop. It's a PITA, more information at * stepper: little bugs and typos all around * mqtt: add shutdown method * mqtt: add connect in init * stepper: fix bugs, sanitize inputs * stepper: work on delay prediction improvements * stepper: json is mean, double quote are mandatory inside * mqtt: add details about message exchanged * imager: first implementation of json messages * main.json: add new tab for RPi management + json for payloads * imager: add state_machine class * stepper: publish last will * imager: major refactor * main: make streaming server process a daemon * mqtt: insert debug statement on close * main: reorder imports * imager: make it work! Reinsert the streaming server logic in there, because there is a problem with the synchronisation part otherwise. Also, eventually, StreamingOuput() will have to be made not global Final very critical learning: it's super duper important to make sure the memory split is at least 256Meg for the GPU. Chaos ensues otherwise * main: changes to accomodate the streamer/imager fusino * imager_state_machine: insert states transition description * stepper: cleanup of code * segmenter: creation of the class * python: include segmenter changes * remove unused files * stepper: check existence of hardware.json * main.json: changes to reflect the python script evolution * remove unecessary TODOs and add some others * main: add check for config and directories * imager: update_config is implemented and we have better management of directories now * segmenter: now work recursively in all folders * flow: the configuration is now sent via mqtt * segmenter: better manage pipeline error * segmenter: declaration of archive_fn in init * imager: small bugs and typos * main: add uniqueID output * imager: add the camera settings message We can now update the ISO, shutter speed and resolution from Node-Red * package.json: update dependencies
2020-09-28 11:05:27 +02:00
2020-10-06 17:22:25 +02:00
2020-11-24 17:25:15 +01:00
"id": "d9cd733b.ab73d",
"type": "ui_tab",
"name": "Settings",
"icon": "fa-cogs",
"order": 7,
"disabled": false,
"hidden": false
2020-10-06 17:22:25 +02:00
Extraction and refactor of the python code from node-red flow The rationale for this rewrite is to improve the readability, the modularity, the reliability and the future-proofing of the main python script. All in all, this is now 124 commits that are going to be squashed and merged together, spanning more than two weeks of development and testing. Please test away this release and break things. An upgrading guide will be published in the coming days, along with a new image for people to use if they don't want to upgrade on their own. Read along if you want to know all the goodies! As a starter, the python script was extracted from the main flow, and now lives in its own files at `PlantonScope/scripts/*`. We set up the auto formatting of the code by using [Black]( This make the code clearer and uniform. We are using the default settings, so if you just install Black and set your editor to format on save using it, you should be good to go. The code is separated in four main processes, each with a specific set of responsibilities: - The main process controls all the others, starts everything up and cleans up on shutdown - The stepper process manages the stepper movements. It's now possible to have simultaneous movements of both motors (this closes #38 ). - The imager process controls the camera and the streaming server via a state machine. - The segmenter process manages the segmentation and its outputs. The segmentation happens recursively in all folders in `/home/pi/PlanktonScope/img/`. Each folder has its own output archive, and bug #26 is now closed. Those processes communicates together using MQTT and json messages. Each message is adressed to one topic. The high level topic controls which process receives the message. The details of each topic is at the end of this commit message. Every imaging sessions has now its own folder, under the `img` root. Metadata are saved individually for every session, in a JSON file in the same directory as the pictures. The configuration is not parsed from `config.json` anymore and passed directly through MQTT messages to the concerned process. A new configuration file has been created: `hardware.json`. This file contains information related to your specific hardware configuration. You can choose to reverse the connection of the motors for example, but you can also define specific speed limits and steps number for your pump and focus stage. This will make it easier for people who wants to experiment with different kind of hardware. It's not necessary to have this file though. If it doesn't exists, the default configuration will be applied. The code is architectured around 6 modules and about 10 classes. I encourage you to have a look at the files, they're pretty straightforward to understand. There is a lot of work left around the node-red code refactoring, dashboard ui improvements, better and clearer LED messages, OLED screen integration and finer control of the segmentation process, but this is quite good for now. Here is the topic lists for MQTT and the corresponding messages. - actuator : This topic adresses the stepper control thread No publication under this topic should happen from the python process - actuator/pump : Control of the pump The message is a json object {"action":"move", "direction":"FORWARD", "volume":10, "flowrate":1} to move 10mL forward at 1mL/min action can be "move" or "stop" Receive only - actuator/focus : Control of the focus stage The message is a json object, speed is optional {"action":"move", "direction":"UP", "distance":0.26, "speed":1} to move up 10mm action can be "move" or "stop" Receive only - imager/image : This topic adresses the imaging thread Is a json object with {"action":"image","sleep":5,"volume":1,"nb_frame":200} sleep in seconds, volume in mL Can also receive a config update message: {"action":"config","config":[...]} Can also receive a camera settings message: {"action":"settings","iso":100,"shutter_speed":40} Receive only - segmenter/segment : This topic adresses the segmenter process Is a json object with {"action":"segment"} Receive only - status : This topics sends feedback to Node-Red No publication or receive at this level - status/pump : State of the pump Is a json object with {"status":"Start", "time_left":25} Status is one of Started, Ready, Done, Interrupted Publish only - status/focus : State of the focus stage Is a json object with {"status":"Start", "time_left":25} Status is one of Started, Ready, Done, Interrupted Publish only - status/imager : State of the imager Is a json object with {"status":"Start", "time_left":25} Status is one of Started, Ready, Completed or 12_11_15_0.1.jpg has been imaged. Publish only - status/segmenter : Status of the segmentation - status/segmenter/name - status/segmenter/object_id - status/segmenter/metric Here is the original commit history: * Extract python from flow * Fix bug in server addresses These addresses should be the loopback device instead of the network address of the device. Using the loopback address will not necessitate to update the script when the network address changes. * clean up picamera import * changes to main python and flow: update MQTT requests address to localhost (bugfix) update streaming output address to nothing update main flow to remove python script references and location * Automatically initialise imaging led on startup to off state. * Add the ability to invert outputs of the motor We added a key to config.json "hardware_config" with a subkey "stepper_reverse". If this key is present in the config file and set to 1, the output of the motors are inversed (stepper2 becomes the pump motor and stepper1 the focus motor) * move all non main script to a subfolder * add to package * light module rewrite * json cleanup and absolute path for config file * forgot to import subprocess #oups * Add command to turn the leds off * Auto formatting of I've used Black with default settings, see * First commit of Pump parameters still needs to be checked and tuned. * addition of hardware details in config.json * Introduce hardware.json to replace the `hardware_config` of config.json * calibration, typos * creates the MQTT_Client class * pump_max_speed is now in ml/min to help readability * forgot to add self to the class def * addition of threading capabilities to (UNTESTED) * mqtt: fix topic bug * remove counter * mqtt add doc about topics * creates an "actuator/*/state" topic * rename mqtt_client to pump_client * add details about topics * rename pump_client to actuator_client * topic was not split properly and a part was lost * switch to f-strings for * cosmetic update * folder name will be planktoscope change calls * hardware.json became more straightforward * syntax bugs * addition of a received stop command * update to max travel distance * several typos here * rename folder * reword to reflect folder rename * remove logic that has been moved to and * update to add mqtt imaging client * make command and args local to class and output more verbose * make a class * instantiate stepper class and call it * name mqtt client * update to main.json to reflect changes * fix bugs around pump control * update flows to latest version from Thibault * distance can be a small value, and definitevely should be a float. * unify mqtt topics * unify mqtt output in the main flow * first logger implementation, uses loguru * mqtt: add reason to on_connect * mqtt: add on_disconnect handler * stepper: add more logger calls for debug mainly * main: add levels for logger * first move of the imager logic * imager: time import cleanup * imager: morphocut import cleanup * imager: skimage import cleanup * imager: finishing import cleanup * imager: Class creation - WIP Also provides a fix for #26 (see line 190). * imager: threading is needed for Condition() * streamer: get the streamer server its own file * imager: creates start_camera and get the server creation out * imager: subclass multiprocessing.Process * imager: get Pipeline creation its own function * imager: cleanup of self calls * main: code removal and corresponding calls to newly created classes * imager: various formatting changes * main: management of signal shutdown * add requirements.txt * mqtt: messages are now json objects Also, addition of a flag on receiving a new message * mqtt: make message private and add logic to synchronise * stepper: creates the stepper class * stepper: use the new class * stepper: uses the new logic * stepper: add the shutdown event * stepper: add shutdown method * main: add shutdown event * imager: graceful shutdown * stepper: nicer way of checking the Eevnt * self is a required first argument for a method in a class Especially if you use said class private members! * python: various typos and small errors in import * stepper: create mqtt client during init * stepper: instanciate the mqtt client inside run Otherwise it's not accessible from inside the loop. It's a PITA, more information at * stepper: little bugs and typos all around * mqtt: add shutdown method * mqtt: add connect in init * stepper: fix bugs, sanitize inputs * stepper: work on delay prediction improvements * stepper: json is mean, double quote are mandatory inside * mqtt: add details about message exchanged * imager: first implementation of json messages * main.json: add new tab for RPi management + json for payloads * imager: add state_machine class * stepper: publish last will * imager: major refactor * main: make streaming server process a daemon * mqtt: insert debug statement on close * main: reorder imports * imager: make it work! Reinsert the streaming server logic in there, because there is a problem with the synchronisation part otherwise. Also, eventually, StreamingOuput() will have to be made not global Final very critical learning: it's super duper important to make sure the memory split is at least 256Meg for the GPU. Chaos ensues otherwise * main: changes to accomodate the streamer/imager fusino * imager_state_machine: insert states transition description * stepper: cleanup of code * segmenter: creation of the class * python: include segmenter changes * remove unused files * stepper: check existence of hardware.json * main.json: changes to reflect the python script evolution * remove unecessary TODOs and add some others * main: add check for config and directories * imager: update_config is implemented and we have better management of directories now * segmenter: now work recursively in all folders * flow: the configuration is now sent via mqtt * segmenter: better manage pipeline error * segmenter: declaration of archive_fn in init * imager: small bugs and typos * main: add uniqueID output * imager: add the camera settings message We can now update the ISO, shutter speed and resolution from Node-Red * package.json: update dependencies
2020-09-28 11:05:27 +02:00
2020-11-24 17:25:15 +01:00
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2020-09-15 17:33:49 +02:00
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2020-11-24 17:25:15 +01:00
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2020-11-24 17:25:15 +01:00
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2020-09-15 17:33:49 +02:00
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2020-11-24 17:25:15 +01:00
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2020-09-15 17:33:49 +02:00
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2020-09-15 17:33:49 +02:00
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2020-11-24 17:25:15 +01:00
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2020-09-15 17:33:49 +02:00
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2020-11-24 17:25:15 +01:00
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2020-11-24 17:25:15 +01:00
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2020-09-15 17:33:49 +02:00
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2020-11-24 17:25:15 +01:00
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2020-09-15 17:33:49 +02:00
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2020-11-24 17:25:15 +01:00
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Extraction and refactor of the python code from node-red flow The rationale for this rewrite is to improve the readability, the modularity, the reliability and the future-proofing of the main python script. All in all, this is now 124 commits that are going to be squashed and merged together, spanning more than two weeks of development and testing. Please test away this release and break things. An upgrading guide will be published in the coming days, along with a new image for people to use if they don't want to upgrade on their own. Read along if you want to know all the goodies! As a starter, the python script was extracted from the main flow, and now lives in its own files at `PlantonScope/scripts/*`. We set up the auto formatting of the code by using [Black]( This make the code clearer and uniform. We are using the default settings, so if you just install Black and set your editor to format on save using it, you should be good to go. The code is separated in four main processes, each with a specific set of responsibilities: - The main process controls all the others, starts everything up and cleans up on shutdown - The stepper process manages the stepper movements. It's now possible to have simultaneous movements of both motors (this closes #38 ). - The imager process controls the camera and the streaming server via a state machine. - The segmenter process manages the segmentation and its outputs. The segmentation happens recursively in all folders in `/home/pi/PlanktonScope/img/`. Each folder has its own output archive, and bug #26 is now closed. Those processes communicates together using MQTT and json messages. Each message is adressed to one topic. The high level topic controls which process receives the message. The details of each topic is at the end of this commit message. Every imaging sessions has now its own folder, under the `img` root. Metadata are saved individually for every session, in a JSON file in the same directory as the pictures. The configuration is not parsed from `config.json` anymore and passed directly through MQTT messages to the concerned process. A new configuration file has been created: `hardware.json`. This file contains information related to your specific hardware configuration. You can choose to reverse the connection of the motors for example, but you can also define specific speed limits and steps number for your pump and focus stage. This will make it easier for people who wants to experiment with different kind of hardware. It's not necessary to have this file though. If it doesn't exists, the default configuration will be applied. The code is architectured around 6 modules and about 10 classes. I encourage you to have a look at the files, they're pretty straightforward to understand. There is a lot of work left around the node-red code refactoring, dashboard ui improvements, better and clearer LED messages, OLED screen integration and finer control of the segmentation process, but this is quite good for now. Here is the topic lists for MQTT and the corresponding messages. - actuator : This topic adresses the stepper control thread No publication under this topic should happen from the python process - actuator/pump : Control of the pump The message is a json object {"action":"move", "direction":"FORWARD", "volume":10, "flowrate":1} to move 10mL forward at 1mL/min action can be "move" or "stop" Receive only - actuator/focus : Control of the focus stage The message is a json object, speed is optional {"action":"move", "direction":"UP", "distance":0.26, "speed":1} to move up 10mm action can be "move" or "stop" Receive only - imager/image : This topic adresses the imaging thread Is a json object with {"action":"image","sleep":5,"volume":1,"nb_frame":200} sleep in seconds, volume in mL Can also receive a config update message: {"action":"config","config":[...]} Can also receive a camera settings message: {"action":"settings","iso":100,"shutter_speed":40} Receive only - segmenter/segment : This topic adresses the segmenter process Is a json object with {"action":"segment"} Receive only - status : This topics sends feedback to Node-Red No publication or receive at this level - status/pump : State of the pump Is a json object with {"status":"Start", "time_left":25} Status is one of Started, Ready, Done, Interrupted Publish only - status/focus : State of the focus stage Is a json object with {"status":"Start", "time_left":25} Status is one of Started, Ready, Done, Interrupted Publish only - status/imager : State of the imager Is a json object with {"status":"Start", "time_left":25} Status is one of Started, Ready, Completed or 12_11_15_0.1.jpg has been imaged. Publish only - status/segmenter : Status of the segmentation - status/segmenter/name - status/segmenter/object_id - status/segmenter/metric Here is the original commit history: * Extract python from flow * Fix bug in server addresses These addresses should be the loopback device instead of the network address of the device. Using the loopback address will not necessitate to update the script when the network address changes. * clean up picamera import * changes to main python and flow: update MQTT requests address to localhost (bugfix) update streaming output address to nothing update main flow to remove python script references and location * Automatically initialise imaging led on startup to off state. * Add the ability to invert outputs of the motor We added a key to config.json "hardware_config" with a subkey "stepper_reverse". If this key is present in the config file and set to 1, the output of the motors are inversed (stepper2 becomes the pump motor and stepper1 the focus motor) * move all non main script to a subfolder * add to package * light module rewrite * json cleanup and absolute path for config file * forgot to import subprocess #oups * Add command to turn the leds off * Auto formatting of I've used Black with default settings, see * First commit of Pump parameters still needs to be checked and tuned. * addition of hardware details in config.json * Introduce hardware.json to replace the `hardware_config` of config.json * calibration, typos * creates the MQTT_Client class * pump_max_speed is now in ml/min to help readability * forgot to add self to the class def * addition of threading capabilities to (UNTESTED) * mqtt: fix topic bug * remove counter * mqtt add doc about topics * creates an "actuator/*/state" topic * rename mqtt_client to pump_client * add details about topics * rename pump_client to actuator_client * topic was not split properly and a part was lost * switch to f-strings for * cosmetic update * folder name will be planktoscope change calls * hardware.json became more straightforward * syntax bugs * addition of a received stop command * update to max travel distance * several typos here * rename folder * reword to reflect folder rename * remove logic that has been moved to and * update to add mqtt imaging client * make command and args local to class and output more verbose * make a class * instantiate stepper class and call it * name mqtt client * update to main.json to reflect changes * fix bugs around pump control * update flows to latest version from Thibault * distance can be a small value, and definitevely should be a float. * unify mqtt topics * unify mqtt output in the main flow * first logger implementation, uses loguru * mqtt: add reason to on_connect * mqtt: add on_disconnect handler * stepper: add more logger calls for debug mainly * main: add levels for logger * first move of the imager logic * imager: time import cleanup * imager: morphocut import cleanup * imager: skimage import cleanup * imager: finishing import cleanup * imager: Class creation - WIP Also provides a fix for #26 (see line 190). * imager: threading is needed for Condition() * streamer: get the streamer server its own file * imager: creates start_camera and get the server creation out * imager: subclass multiprocessing.Process * imager: get Pipeline creation its own function * imager: cleanup of self calls * main: code removal and corresponding calls to newly created classes * imager: various formatting changes * main: management of signal shutdown * add requirements.txt * mqtt: messages are now json objects Also, addition of a flag on receiving a new message * mqtt: make message private and add logic to synchronise * stepper: creates the stepper class * stepper: use the new class * stepper: uses the new logic * stepper: add the shutdown event * stepper: add shutdown method * main: add shutdown event * imager: graceful shutdown * stepper: nicer way of checking the Eevnt * self is a required first argument for a method in a class Especially if you use said class private members! * python: various typos and small errors in import * stepper: create mqtt client during init * stepper: instanciate the mqtt client inside run Otherwise it's not accessible from inside the loop. It's a PITA, more information at * stepper: little bugs and typos all around * mqtt: add shutdown method * mqtt: add connect in init * stepper: fix bugs, sanitize inputs * stepper: work on delay prediction improvements * stepper: json is mean, double quote are mandatory inside * mqtt: add details about message exchanged * imager: first implementation of json messages * main.json: add new tab for RPi management + json for payloads * imager: add state_machine class * stepper: publish last will * imager: major refactor * main: make streaming server process a daemon * mqtt: insert debug statement on close * main: reorder imports * imager: make it work! Reinsert the streaming server logic in there, because there is a problem with the synchronisation part otherwise. Also, eventually, StreamingOuput() will have to be made not global Final very critical learning: it's super duper important to make sure the memory split is at least 256Meg for the GPU. Chaos ensues otherwise * main: changes to accomodate the streamer/imager fusino * imager_state_machine: insert states transition description * stepper: cleanup of code * segmenter: creation of the class * python: include segmenter changes * remove unused files * stepper: check existence of hardware.json * main.json: changes to reflect the python script evolution * remove unecessary TODOs and add some others * main: add check for config and directories * imager: update_config is implemented and we have better management of directories now * segmenter: now work recursively in all folders * flow: the configuration is now sent via mqtt * segmenter: better manage pipeline error * segmenter: declaration of archive_fn in init * imager: small bugs and typos * main: add uniqueID output * imager: add the camera settings message We can now update the ISO, shutter speed and resolution from Node-Red * package.json: update dependencies
2020-09-28 11:05:27 +02:00
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2020-07-14 18:27:49 +02:00
2020-09-15 17:33:49 +02:00
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2020-07-14 18:27:49 +02:00
Extraction and refactor of the python code from node-red flow The rationale for this rewrite is to improve the readability, the modularity, the reliability and the future-proofing of the main python script. All in all, this is now 124 commits that are going to be squashed and merged together, spanning more than two weeks of development and testing. Please test away this release and break things. An upgrading guide will be published in the coming days, along with a new image for people to use if they don't want to upgrade on their own. Read along if you want to know all the goodies! As a starter, the python script was extracted from the main flow, and now lives in its own files at `PlantonScope/scripts/*`. We set up the auto formatting of the code by using [Black]( This make the code clearer and uniform. We are using the default settings, so if you just install Black and set your editor to format on save using it, you should be good to go. The code is separated in four main processes, each with a specific set of responsibilities: - The main process controls all the others, starts everything up and cleans up on shutdown - The stepper process manages the stepper movements. It's now possible to have simultaneous movements of both motors (this closes #38 ). - The imager process controls the camera and the streaming server via a state machine. - The segmenter process manages the segmentation and its outputs. The segmentation happens recursively in all folders in `/home/pi/PlanktonScope/img/`. Each folder has its own output archive, and bug #26 is now closed. Those processes communicates together using MQTT and json messages. Each message is adressed to one topic. The high level topic controls which process receives the message. The details of each topic is at the end of this commit message. Every imaging sessions has now its own folder, under the `img` root. Metadata are saved individually for every session, in a JSON file in the same directory as the pictures. The configuration is not parsed from `config.json` anymore and passed directly through MQTT messages to the concerned process. A new configuration file has been created: `hardware.json`. This file contains information related to your specific hardware configuration. You can choose to reverse the connection of the motors for example, but you can also define specific speed limits and steps number for your pump and focus stage. This will make it easier for people who wants to experiment with different kind of hardware. It's not necessary to have this file though. If it doesn't exists, the default configuration will be applied. The code is architectured around 6 modules and about 10 classes. I encourage you to have a look at the files, they're pretty straightforward to understand. There is a lot of work left around the node-red code refactoring, dashboard ui improvements, better and clearer LED messages, OLED screen integration and finer control of the segmentation process, but this is quite good for now. Here is the topic lists for MQTT and the corresponding messages. - actuator : This topic adresses the stepper control thread No publication under this topic should happen from the python process - actuator/pump : Control of the pump The message is a json object {"action":"move", "direction":"FORWARD", "volume":10, "flowrate":1} to move 10mL forward at 1mL/min action can be "move" or "stop" Receive only - actuator/focus : Control of the focus stage The message is a json object, speed is optional {"action":"move", "direction":"UP", "distance":0.26, "speed":1} to move up 10mm action can be "move" or "stop" Receive only - imager/image : This topic adresses the imaging thread Is a json object with {"action":"image","sleep":5,"volume":1,"nb_frame":200} sleep in seconds, volume in mL Can also receive a config update message: {"action":"config","config":[...]} Can also receive a camera settings message: {"action":"settings","iso":100,"shutter_speed":40} Receive only - segmenter/segment : This topic adresses the segmenter process Is a json object with {"action":"segment"} Receive only - status : This topics sends feedback to Node-Red No publication or receive at this level - status/pump : State of the pump Is a json object with {"status":"Start", "time_left":25} Status is one of Started, Ready, Done, Interrupted Publish only - status/focus : State of the focus stage Is a json object with {"status":"Start", "time_left":25} Status is one of Started, Ready, Done, Interrupted Publish only - status/imager : State of the imager Is a json object with {"status":"Start", "time_left":25} Status is one of Started, Ready, Completed or 12_11_15_0.1.jpg has been imaged. Publish only - status/segmenter : Status of the segmentation - status/segmenter/name - status/segmenter/object_id - status/segmenter/metric Here is the original commit history: * Extract python from flow * Fix bug in server addresses These addresses should be the loopback device instead of the network address of the device. Using the loopback address will not necessitate to update the script when the network address changes. * clean up picamera import * changes to main python and flow: update MQTT requests address to localhost (bugfix) update streaming output address to nothing update main flow to remove python script references and location * Automatically initialise imaging led on startup to off state. * Add the ability to invert outputs of the motor We added a key to config.json "hardware_config" with a subkey "stepper_reverse". If this key is present in the config file and set to 1, the output of the motors are inversed (stepper2 becomes the pump motor and stepper1 the focus motor) * move all non main script to a subfolder * add to package * light module rewrite * json cleanup and absolute path for config file * forgot to import subprocess #oups * Add command to turn the leds off * Auto formatting of I've used Black with default settings, see * First commit of Pump parameters still needs to be checked and tuned. * addition of hardware details in config.json * Introduce hardware.json to replace the `hardware_config` of config.json * calibration, typos * creates the MQTT_Client class * pump_max_speed is now in ml/min to help readability * forgot to add self to the class def * addition of threading capabilities to (UNTESTED) * mqtt: fix topic bug * remove counter * mqtt add doc about topics * creates an "actuator/*/state" topic * rename mqtt_client to pump_client * add details about topics * rename pump_client to actuator_client * topic was not split properly and a part was lost * switch to f-strings for * cosmetic update * folder name will be planktoscope change calls * hardware.json became more straightforward * syntax bugs * addition of a received stop command * update to max travel distance * several typos here * rename folder * reword to reflect folder rename * remove logic that has been moved to and * update to add mqtt imaging client * make command and args local to class and output more verbose * make a class * instantiate stepper class and call it * name mqtt client * update to main.json to reflect changes * fix bugs around pump control * update flows to latest version from Thibault * distance can be a small value, and definitevely should be a float. * unify mqtt topics * unify mqtt output in the main flow * first logger implementation, uses loguru * mqtt: add reason to on_connect * mqtt: add on_disconnect handler * stepper: add more logger calls for debug mainly * main: add levels for logger * first move of the imager logic * imager: time import cleanup * imager: morphocut import cleanup * imager: skimage import cleanup * imager: finishing import cleanup * imager: Class creation - WIP Also provides a fix for #26 (see line 190). * imager: threading is needed for Condition() * streamer: get the streamer server its own file * imager: creates start_camera and get the server creation out * imager: subclass multiprocessing.Process * imager: get Pipeline creation its own function * imager: cleanup of self calls * main: code removal and corresponding calls to newly created classes * imager: various formatting changes * main: management of signal shutdown * add requirements.txt * mqtt: messages are now json objects Also, addition of a flag on receiving a new message * mqtt: make message private and add logic to synchronise * stepper: creates the stepper class * stepper: use the new class * stepper: uses the new logic * stepper: add the shutdown event * stepper: add shutdown method * main: add shutdown event * imager: graceful shutdown * stepper: nicer way of checking the Eevnt * self is a required first argument for a method in a class Especially if you use said class private members! * python: various typos and small errors in import * stepper: create mqtt client during init * stepper: instanciate the mqtt client inside run Otherwise it's not accessible from inside the loop. It's a PITA, more information at * stepper: little bugs and typos all around * mqtt: add shutdown method * mqtt: add connect in init * stepper: fix bugs, sanitize inputs * stepper: work on delay prediction improvements * stepper: json is mean, double quote are mandatory inside * mqtt: add details about message exchanged * imager: first implementation of json messages * main.json: add new tab for RPi management + json for payloads * imager: add state_machine class * stepper: publish last will * imager: major refactor * main: make streaming server process a daemon * mqtt: insert debug statement on close * main: reorder imports * imager: make it work! Reinsert the streaming server logic in there, because there is a problem with the synchronisation part otherwise. Also, eventually, StreamingOuput() will have to be made not global Final very critical learning: it's super duper important to make sure the memory split is at least 256Meg for the GPU. Chaos ensues otherwise * main: changes to accomodate the streamer/imager fusino * imager_state_machine: insert states transition description * stepper: cleanup of code * segmenter: creation of the class * python: include segmenter changes * remove unused files * stepper: check existence of hardware.json * main.json: changes to reflect the python script evolution * remove unecessary TODOs and add some others * main: add check for config and directories * imager: update_config is implemented and we have better management of directories now * segmenter: now work recursively in all folders * flow: the configuration is now sent via mqtt * segmenter: better manage pipeline error * segmenter: declaration of archive_fn in init * imager: small bugs and typos * main: add uniqueID output * imager: add the camera settings message We can now update the ISO, shutter speed and resolution from Node-Red * package.json: update dependencies
2020-09-28 11:05:27 +02:00
2020-11-24 17:25:15 +01:00
"id": "36739a35.7cce36",
Extraction and refactor of the python code from node-red flow The rationale for this rewrite is to improve the readability, the modularity, the reliability and the future-proofing of the main python script. All in all, this is now 124 commits that are going to be squashed and merged together, spanning more than two weeks of development and testing. Please test away this release and break things. An upgrading guide will be published in the coming days, along with a new image for people to use if they don't want to upgrade on their own. Read along if you want to know all the goodies! As a starter, the python script was extracted from the main flow, and now lives in its own files at `PlantonScope/scripts/*`. We set up the auto formatting of the code by using [Black]( This make the code clearer and uniform. We are using the default settings, so if you just install Black and set your editor to format on save using it, you should be good to go. The code is separated in four main processes, each with a specific set of responsibilities: - The main process controls all the others, starts everything up and cleans up on shutdown - The stepper process manages the stepper movements. It's now possible to have simultaneous movements of both motors (this closes #38 ). - The imager process controls the camera and the streaming server via a state machine. - The segmenter process manages the segmentation and its outputs. The segmentation happens recursively in all folders in `/home/pi/PlanktonScope/img/`. Each folder has its own output archive, and bug #26 is now closed. Those processes communicates together using MQTT and json messages. Each message is adressed to one topic. The high level topic controls which process receives the message. The details of each topic is at the end of this commit message. Every imaging sessions has now its own folder, under the `img` root. Metadata are saved individually for every session, in a JSON file in the same directory as the pictures. The configuration is not parsed from `config.json` anymore and passed directly through MQTT messages to the concerned process. A new configuration file has been created: `hardware.json`. This file contains information related to your specific hardware configuration. You can choose to reverse the connection of the motors for example, but you can also define specific speed limits and steps number for your pump and focus stage. This will make it easier for people who wants to experiment with different kind of hardware. It's not necessary to have this file though. If it doesn't exists, the default configuration will be applied. The code is architectured around 6 modules and about 10 classes. I encourage you to have a look at the files, they're pretty straightforward to understand. There is a lot of work left around the node-red code refactoring, dashboard ui improvements, better and clearer LED messages, OLED screen integration and finer control of the segmentation process, but this is quite good for now. Here is the topic lists for MQTT and the corresponding messages. - actuator : This topic adresses the stepper control thread No publication under this topic should happen from the python process - actuator/pump : Control of the pump The message is a json object {"action":"move", "direction":"FORWARD", "volume":10, "flowrate":1} to move 10mL forward at 1mL/min action can be "move" or "stop" Receive only - actuator/focus : Control of the focus stage The message is a json object, speed is optional {"action":"move", "direction":"UP", "distance":0.26, "speed":1} to move up 10mm action can be "move" or "stop" Receive only - imager/image : This topic adresses the imaging thread Is a json object with {"action":"image","sleep":5,"volume":1,"nb_frame":200} sleep in seconds, volume in mL Can also receive a config update message: {"action":"config","config":[...]} Can also receive a camera settings message: {"action":"settings","iso":100,"shutter_speed":40} Receive only - segmenter/segment : This topic adresses the segmenter process Is a json object with {"action":"segment"} Receive only - status : This topics sends feedback to Node-Red No publication or receive at this level - status/pump : State of the pump Is a json object with {"status":"Start", "time_left":25} Status is one of Started, Ready, Done, Interrupted Publish only - status/focus : State of the focus stage Is a json object with {"status":"Start", "time_left":25} Status is one of Started, Ready, Done, Interrupted Publish only - status/imager : State of the imager Is a json object with {"status":"Start", "time_left":25} Status is one of Started, Ready, Completed or 12_11_15_0.1.jpg has been imaged. Publish only - status/segmenter : Status of the segmentation - status/segmenter/name - status/segmenter/object_id - status/segmenter/metric Here is the original commit history: * Extract python from flow * Fix bug in server addresses These addresses should be the loopback device instead of the network address of the device. Using the loopback address will not necessitate to update the script when the network address changes. * clean up picamera import * changes to main python and flow: update MQTT requests address to localhost (bugfix) update streaming output address to nothing update main flow to remove python script references and location * Automatically initialise imaging led on startup to off state. * Add the ability to invert outputs of the motor We added a key to config.json "hardware_config" with a subkey "stepper_reverse". If this key is present in the config file and set to 1, the output of the motors are inversed (stepper2 becomes the pump motor and stepper1 the focus motor) * move all non main script to a subfolder * add to package * light module rewrite * json cleanup and absolute path for config file * forgot to import subprocess #oups * Add command to turn the leds off * Auto formatting of I've used Black with default settings, see * First commit of Pump parameters still needs to be checked and tuned. * addition of hardware details in config.json * Introduce hardware.json to replace the `hardware_config` of config.json * calibration, typos * creates the MQTT_Client class * pump_max_speed is now in ml/min to help readability * forgot to add self to the class def * addition of threading capabilities to (UNTESTED) * mqtt: fix topic bug * remove counter * mqtt add doc about topics * creates an "actuator/*/state" topic * rename mqtt_client to pump_client * add details about topics * rename pump_client to actuator_client * topic was not split properly and a part was lost * switch to f-strings for * cosmetic update * folder name will be planktoscope change calls * hardware.json became more straightforward * syntax bugs * addition of a received stop command * update to max travel distance * several typos here * rename folder * reword to reflect folder rename * remove logic that has been moved to and * update to add mqtt imaging client * make command and args local to class and output more verbose * make a class * instantiate stepper class and call it * name mqtt client * update to main.json to reflect changes * fix bugs around pump control * update flows to latest version from Thibault * distance can be a small value, and definitevely should be a float. * unify mqtt topics * unify mqtt output in the main flow * first logger implementation, uses loguru * mqtt: add reason to on_connect * mqtt: add on_disconnect handler * stepper: add more logger calls for debug mainly * main: add levels for logger * first move of the imager logic * imager: time import cleanup * imager: morphocut import cleanup * imager: skimage import cleanup * imager: finishing import cleanup * imager: Class creation - WIP Also provides a fix for #26 (see line 190). * imager: threading is needed for Condition() * streamer: get the streamer server its own file * imager: creates start_camera and get the server creation out * imager: subclass multiprocessing.Process * imager: get Pipeline creation its own function * imager: cleanup of self calls * main: code removal and corresponding calls to newly created classes * imager: various formatting changes * main: management of signal shutdown * add requirements.txt * mqtt: messages are now json objects Also, addition of a flag on receiving a new message * mqtt: make message private and add logic to synchronise * stepper: creates the stepper class * stepper: use the new class * stepper: uses the new logic * stepper: add the shutdown event * stepper: add shutdown method * main: add shutdown event * imager: graceful shutdown * stepper: nicer way of checking the Eevnt * self is a required first argument for a method in a class Especially if you use said class private members! * python: various typos and small errors in import * stepper: create mqtt client during init * stepper: instanciate the mqtt client inside run Otherwise it's not accessible from inside the loop. It's a PITA, more information at * stepper: little bugs and typos all around * mqtt: add shutdown method * mqtt: add connect in init * stepper: fix bugs, sanitize inputs * stepper: work on delay prediction improvements * stepper: json is mean, double quote are mandatory inside * mqtt: add details about message exchanged * imager: first implementation of json messages * main.json: add new tab for RPi management + json for payloads * imager: add state_machine class * stepper: publish last will * imager: major refactor * main: make streaming server process a daemon * mqtt: insert debug statement on close * main: reorder imports * imager: make it work! Reinsert the streaming server logic in there, because there is a problem with the synchronisation part otherwise. Also, eventually, StreamingOuput() will have to be made not global Final very critical learning: it's super duper important to make sure the memory split is at least 256Meg for the GPU. Chaos ensues otherwise * main: changes to accomodate the streamer/imager fusino * imager_state_machine: insert states transition description * stepper: cleanup of code * segmenter: creation of the class * python: include segmenter changes * remove unused files * stepper: check existence of hardware.json * main.json: changes to reflect the python script evolution * remove unecessary TODOs and add some others * main: add check for config and directories * imager: update_config is implemented and we have better management of directories now * segmenter: now work recursively in all folders * flow: the configuration is now sent via mqtt * segmenter: better manage pipeline error * segmenter: declaration of archive_fn in init * imager: small bugs and typos * main: add uniqueID output * imager: add the camera settings message We can now update the ISO, shutter speed and resolution from Node-Red * package.json: update dependencies
2020-09-28 11:05:27 +02:00
"type": "ui_tab",
2020-11-25 16:58:32 +01:00
"z": "",
2020-11-24 17:25:15 +01:00
"name": "Gallery",
"icon": "fa fa-file-image-o",
"order": 6,
2020-11-25 16:58:32 +01:00
"disabled": true,
"hidden": true
Extraction and refactor of the python code from node-red flow The rationale for this rewrite is to improve the readability, the modularity, the reliability and the future-proofing of the main python script. All in all, this is now 124 commits that are going to be squashed and merged together, spanning more than two weeks of development and testing. Please test away this release and break things. An upgrading guide will be published in the coming days, along with a new image for people to use if they don't want to upgrade on their own. Read along if you want to know all the goodies! As a starter, the python script was extracted from the main flow, and now lives in its own files at `PlantonScope/scripts/*`. We set up the auto formatting of the code by using [Black]( This make the code clearer and uniform. We are using the default settings, so if you just install Black and set your editor to format on save using it, you should be good to go. The code is separated in four main processes, each with a specific set of responsibilities: - The main process controls all the others, starts everything up and cleans up on shutdown - The stepper process manages the stepper movements. It's now possible to have simultaneous movements of both motors (this closes #38 ). - The imager process controls the camera and the streaming server via a state machine. - The segmenter process manages the segmentation and its outputs. The segmentation happens recursively in all folders in `/home/pi/PlanktonScope/img/`. Each folder has its own output archive, and bug #26 is now closed. Those processes communicates together using MQTT and json messages. Each message is adressed to one topic. The high level topic controls which process receives the message. The details of each topic is at the end of this commit message. Every imaging sessions has now its own folder, under the `img` root. Metadata are saved individually for every session, in a JSON file in the same directory as the pictures. The configuration is not parsed from `config.json` anymore and passed directly through MQTT messages to the concerned process. A new configuration file has been created: `hardware.json`. This file contains information related to your specific hardware configuration. You can choose to reverse the connection of the motors for example, but you can also define specific speed limits and steps number for your pump and focus stage. This will make it easier for people who wants to experiment with different kind of hardware. It's not necessary to have this file though. If it doesn't exists, the default configuration will be applied. The code is architectured around 6 modules and about 10 classes. I encourage you to have a look at the files, they're pretty straightforward to understand. There is a lot of work left around the node-red code refactoring, dashboard ui improvements, better and clearer LED messages, OLED screen integration and finer control of the segmentation process, but this is quite good for now. Here is the topic lists for MQTT and the corresponding messages. - actuator : This topic adresses the stepper control thread No publication under this topic should happen from the python process - actuator/pump : Control of the pump The message is a json object {"action":"move", "direction":"FORWARD", "volume":10, "flowrate":1} to move 10mL forward at 1mL/min action can be "move" or "stop" Receive only - actuator/focus : Control of the focus stage The message is a json object, speed is optional {"action":"move", "direction":"UP", "distance":0.26, "speed":1} to move up 10mm action can be "move" or "stop" Receive only - imager/image : This topic adresses the imaging thread Is a json object with {"action":"image","sleep":5,"volume":1,"nb_frame":200} sleep in seconds, volume in mL Can also receive a config update message: {"action":"config","config":[...]} Can also receive a camera settings message: {"action":"settings","iso":100,"shutter_speed":40} Receive only - segmenter/segment : This topic adresses the segmenter process Is a json object with {"action":"segment"} Receive only - status : This topics sends feedback to Node-Red No publication or receive at this level - status/pump : State of the pump Is a json object with {"status":"Start", "time_left":25} Status is one of Started, Ready, Done, Interrupted Publish only - status/focus : State of the focus stage Is a json object with {"status":"Start", "time_left":25} Status is one of Started, Ready, Done, Interrupted Publish only - status/imager : State of the imager Is a json object with {"status":"Start", "time_left":25} Status is one of Started, Ready, Completed or 12_11_15_0.1.jpg has been imaged. Publish only - status/segmenter : Status of the segmentation - status/segmenter/name - status/segmenter/object_id - status/segmenter/metric Here is the original commit history: * Extract python from flow * Fix bug in server addresses These addresses should be the loopback device instead of the network address of the device. Using the loopback address will not necessitate to update the script when the network address changes. * clean up picamera import * changes to main python and flow: update MQTT requests address to localhost (bugfix) update streaming output address to nothing update main flow to remove python script references and location * Automatically initialise imaging led on startup to off state. * Add the ability to invert outputs of the motor We added a key to config.json "hardware_config" with a subkey "stepper_reverse". If this key is present in the config file and set to 1, the output of the motors are inversed (stepper2 becomes the pump motor and stepper1 the focus motor) * move all non main script to a subfolder * add to package * light module rewrite * json cleanup and absolute path for config file * forgot to import subprocess #oups * Add command to turn the leds off * Auto formatting of I've used Black with default settings, see * First commit of Pump parameters still needs to be checked and tuned. * addition of hardware details in config.json * Introduce hardware.json to replace the `hardware_config` of config.json * calibration, typos * creates the MQTT_Client class * pump_max_speed is now in ml/min to help readability * forgot to add self to the class def * addition of threading capabilities to (UNTESTED) * mqtt: fix topic bug * remove counter * mqtt add doc about topics * creates an "actuator/*/state" topic * rename mqtt_client to pump_client * add details about topics * rename pump_client to actuator_client * topic was not split properly and a part was lost * switch to f-strings for * cosmetic update * folder name will be planktoscope change calls * hardware.json became more straightforward * syntax bugs * addition of a received stop command * update to max travel distance * several typos here * rename folder * reword to reflect folder rename * remove logic that has been moved to and * update to add mqtt imaging client * make command and args local to class and output more verbose * make a class * instantiate stepper class and call it * name mqtt client * update to main.json to reflect changes * fix bugs around pump control * update flows to latest version from Thibault * distance can be a small value, and definitevely should be a float. * unify mqtt topics * unify mqtt output in the main flow * first logger implementation, uses loguru * mqtt: add reason to on_connect * mqtt: add on_disconnect handler * stepper: add more logger calls for debug mainly * main: add levels for logger * first move of the imager logic * imager: time import cleanup * imager: morphocut import cleanup * imager: skimage import cleanup * imager: finishing import cleanup * imager: Class creation - WIP Also provides a fix for #26 (see line 190). * imager: threading is needed for Condition() * streamer: get the streamer server its own file * imager: creates start_camera and get the server creation out * imager: subclass multiprocessing.Process * imager: get Pipeline creation its own function * imager: cleanup of self calls * main: code removal and corresponding calls to newly created classes * imager: various formatting changes * main: management of signal shutdown * add requirements.txt * mqtt: messages are now json objects Also, addition of a flag on receiving a new message * mqtt: make message private and add logic to synchronise * stepper: creates the stepper class * stepper: use the new class * stepper: uses the new logic * stepper: add the shutdown event * stepper: add shutdown method * main: add shutdown event * imager: graceful shutdown * stepper: nicer way of checking the Eevnt * self is a required first argument for a method in a class Especially if you use said class private members! * python: various typos and small errors in import * stepper: create mqtt client during init * stepper: instanciate the mqtt client inside run Otherwise it's not accessible from inside the loop. It's a PITA, more information at * stepper: little bugs and typos all around * mqtt: add shutdown method * mqtt: add connect in init * stepper: fix bugs, sanitize inputs * stepper: work on delay prediction improvements * stepper: json is mean, double quote are mandatory inside * mqtt: add details about message exchanged * imager: first implementation of json messages * main.json: add new tab for RPi management + json for payloads * imager: add state_machine class * stepper: publish last will * imager: major refactor * main: make streaming server process a daemon * mqtt: insert debug statement on close * main: reorder imports * imager: make it work! Reinsert the streaming server logic in there, because there is a problem with the synchronisation part otherwise. Also, eventually, StreamingOuput() will have to be made not global Final very critical learning: it's super duper important to make sure the memory split is at least 256Meg for the GPU. Chaos ensues otherwise * main: changes to accomodate the streamer/imager fusino * imager_state_machine: insert states transition description * stepper: cleanup of code * segmenter: creation of the class * python: include segmenter changes * remove unused files * stepper: check existence of hardware.json * main.json: changes to reflect the python script evolution * remove unecessary TODOs and add some others * main: add check for config and directories * imager: update_config is implemented and we have better management of directories now * segmenter: now work recursively in all folders * flow: the configuration is now sent via mqtt * segmenter: better manage pipeline error * segmenter: declaration of archive_fn in init * imager: small bugs and typos * main: add uniqueID output * imager: add the camera settings message We can now update the ISO, shutter speed and resolution from Node-Red * package.json: update dependencies
2020-09-28 11:05:27 +02:00
2020-11-24 17:25:15 +01:00
"id": "c0ebfc57.42527",
Extraction and refactor of the python code from node-red flow The rationale for this rewrite is to improve the readability, the modularity, the reliability and the future-proofing of the main python script. All in all, this is now 124 commits that are going to be squashed and merged together, spanning more than two weeks of development and testing. Please test away this release and break things. An upgrading guide will be published in the coming days, along with a new image for people to use if they don't want to upgrade on their own. Read along if you want to know all the goodies! As a starter, the python script was extracted from the main flow, and now lives in its own files at `PlantonScope/scripts/*`. We set up the auto formatting of the code by using [Black]( This make the code clearer and uniform. We are using the default settings, so if you just install Black and set your editor to format on save using it, you should be good to go. The code is separated in four main processes, each with a specific set of responsibilities: - The main process controls all the others, starts everything up and cleans up on shutdown - The stepper process manages the stepper movements. It's now possible to have simultaneous movements of both motors (this closes #38 ). - The imager process controls the camera and the streaming server via a state machine. - The segmenter process manages the segmentation and its outputs. The segmentation happens recursively in all folders in `/home/pi/PlanktonScope/img/`. Each folder has its own output archive, and bug #26 is now closed. Those processes communicates together using MQTT and json messages. Each message is adressed to one topic. The high level topic controls which process receives the message. The details of each topic is at the end of this commit message. Every imaging sessions has now its own folder, under the `img` root. Metadata are saved individually for every session, in a JSON file in the same directory as the pictures. The configuration is not parsed from `config.json` anymore and passed directly through MQTT messages to the concerned process. A new configuration file has been created: `hardware.json`. This file contains information related to your specific hardware configuration. You can choose to reverse the connection of the motors for example, but you can also define specific speed limits and steps number for your pump and focus stage. This will make it easier for people who wants to experiment with different kind of hardware. It's not necessary to have this file though. If it doesn't exists, the default configuration will be applied. The code is architectured around 6 modules and about 10 classes. I encourage you to have a look at the files, they're pretty straightforward to understand. There is a lot of work left around the node-red code refactoring, dashboard ui improvements, better and clearer LED messages, OLED screen integration and finer control of the segmentation process, but this is quite good for now. Here is the topic lists for MQTT and the corresponding messages. - actuator : This topic adresses the stepper control thread No publication under this topic should happen from the python process - actuator/pump : Control of the pump The message is a json object {"action":"move", "direction":"FORWARD", "volume":10, "flowrate":1} to move 10mL forward at 1mL/min action can be "move" or "stop" Receive only - actuator/focus : Control of the focus stage The message is a json object, speed is optional {"action":"move", "direction":"UP", "distance":0.26, "speed":1} to move up 10mm action can be "move" or "stop" Receive only - imager/image : This topic adresses the imaging thread Is a json object with {"action":"image","sleep":5,"volume":1,"nb_frame":200} sleep in seconds, volume in mL Can also receive a config update message: {"action":"config","config":[...]} Can also receive a camera settings message: {"action":"settings","iso":100,"shutter_speed":40} Receive only - segmenter/segment : This topic adresses the segmenter process Is a json object with {"action":"segment"} Receive only - status : This topics sends feedback to Node-Red No publication or receive at this level - status/pump : State of the pump Is a json object with {"status":"Start", "time_left":25} Status is one of Started, Ready, Done, Interrupted Publish only - status/focus : State of the focus stage Is a json object with {"status":"Start", "time_left":25} Status is one of Started, Ready, Done, Interrupted Publish only - status/imager : State of the imager Is a json object with {"status":"Start", "time_left":25} Status is one of Started, Ready, Completed or 12_11_15_0.1.jpg has been imaged. Publish only - status/segmenter : Status of the segmentation - status/segmenter/name - status/segmenter/object_id - status/segmenter/metric Here is the original commit history: * Extract python from flow * Fix bug in server addresses These addresses should be the loopback device instead of the network address of the device. Using the loopback address will not necessitate to update the script when the network address changes. * clean up picamera import * changes to main python and flow: update MQTT requests address to localhost (bugfix) update streaming output address to nothing update main flow to remove python script references and location * Automatically initialise imaging led on startup to off state. * Add the ability to invert outputs of the motor We added a key to config.json "hardware_config" with a subkey "stepper_reverse". If this key is present in the config file and set to 1, the output of the motors are inversed (stepper2 becomes the pump motor and stepper1 the focus motor) * move all non main script to a subfolder * add to package * light module rewrite * json cleanup and absolute path for config file * forgot to import subprocess #oups * Add command to turn the leds off * Auto formatting of I've used Black with default settings, see * First commit of Pump parameters still needs to be checked and tuned. * addition of hardware details in config.json * Introduce hardware.json to replace the `hardware_config` of config.json * calibration, typos * creates the MQTT_Client class * pump_max_speed is now in ml/min to help readability * forgot to add self to the class def * addition of threading capabilities to (UNTESTED) * mqtt: fix topic bug * remove counter * mqtt add doc about topics * creates an "actuator/*/state" topic * rename mqtt_client to pump_client * add details about topics * rename pump_client to actuator_client * topic was not split properly and a part was lost * switch to f-strings for * cosmetic update * folder name will be planktoscope change calls * hardware.json became more straightforward * syntax bugs * addition of a received stop command * update to max travel distance * several typos here * rename folder * reword to reflect folder rename * remove logic that has been moved to and * update to add mqtt imaging client * make command and args local to class and output more verbose * make a class * instantiate stepper class and call it * name mqtt client * update to main.json to reflect changes * fix bugs around pump control * update flows to latest version from Thibault * distance can be a small value, and definitevely should be a float. * unify mqtt topics * unify mqtt output in the main flow * first logger implementation, uses loguru * mqtt: add reason to on_connect * mqtt: add on_disconnect handler * stepper: add more logger calls for debug mainly * main: add levels for logger * first move of the imager logic * imager: time import cleanup * imager: morphocut import cleanup * imager: skimage import cleanup * imager: finishing import cleanup * imager: Class creation - WIP Also provides a fix for #26 (see line 190). * imager: threading is needed for Condition() * streamer: get the streamer server its own file * imager: creates start_camera and get the server creation out * imager: subclass multiprocessing.Process * imager: get Pipeline creation its own function * imager: cleanup of self calls * main: code removal and corresponding calls to newly created classes * imager: various formatting changes * main: management of signal shutdown * add requirements.txt * mqtt: messages are now json objects Also, addition of a flag on receiving a new message * mqtt: make message private and add logic to synchronise * stepper: creates the stepper class * stepper: use the new class * stepper: uses the new logic * stepper: add the shutdown event * stepper: add shutdown method * main: add shutdown event * imager: graceful shutdown * stepper: nicer way of checking the Eevnt * self is a required first argument for a method in a class Especially if you use said class private members! * python: various typos and small errors in import * stepper: create mqtt client during init * stepper: instanciate the mqtt client inside run Otherwise it's not accessible from inside the loop. It's a PITA, more information at * stepper: little bugs and typos all around * mqtt: add shutdown method * mqtt: add connect in init * stepper: fix bugs, sanitize inputs * stepper: work on delay prediction improvements * stepper: json is mean, double quote are mandatory inside * mqtt: add details about message exchanged * imager: first implementation of json messages * main.json: add new tab for RPi management + json for payloads * imager: add state_machine class * stepper: publish last will * imager: major refactor * main: make streaming server process a daemon * mqtt: insert debug statement on close * main: reorder imports * imager: make it work! Reinsert the streaming server logic in there, because there is a problem with the synchronisation part otherwise. Also, eventually, StreamingOuput() will have to be made not global Final very critical learning: it's super duper important to make sure the memory split is at least 256Meg for the GPU. Chaos ensues otherwise * main: changes to accomodate the streamer/imager fusino * imager_state_machine: insert states transition description * stepper: cleanup of code * segmenter: creation of the class * python: include segmenter changes * remove unused files * stepper: check existence of hardware.json * main.json: changes to reflect the python script evolution * remove unecessary TODOs and add some others * main: add check for config and directories * imager: update_config is implemented and we have better management of directories now * segmenter: now work recursively in all folders * flow: the configuration is now sent via mqtt * segmenter: better manage pipeline error * segmenter: declaration of archive_fn in init * imager: small bugs and typos * main: add uniqueID output * imager: add the camera settings message We can now update the ISO, shutter speed and resolution from Node-Red * package.json: update dependencies
2020-09-28 11:05:27 +02:00
"type": "ui_group",
2020-11-24 17:25:15 +01:00
"name": "Group 1",
"tab": "36739a35.7cce36",
"order": 1,
Extraction and refactor of the python code from node-red flow The rationale for this rewrite is to improve the readability, the modularity, the reliability and the future-proofing of the main python script. All in all, this is now 124 commits that are going to be squashed and merged together, spanning more than two weeks of development and testing. Please test away this release and break things. An upgrading guide will be published in the coming days, along with a new image for people to use if they don't want to upgrade on their own. Read along if you want to know all the goodies! As a starter, the python script was extracted from the main flow, and now lives in its own files at `PlantonScope/scripts/*`. We set up the auto formatting of the code by using [Black]( This make the code clearer and uniform. We are using the default settings, so if you just install Black and set your editor to format on save using it, you should be good to go. The code is separated in four main processes, each with a specific set of responsibilities: - The main process controls all the others, starts everything up and cleans up on shutdown - The stepper process manages the stepper movements. It's now possible to have simultaneous movements of both motors (this closes #38 ). - The imager process controls the camera and the streaming server via a state machine. - The segmenter process manages the segmentation and its outputs. The segmentation happens recursively in all folders in `/home/pi/PlanktonScope/img/`. Each folder has its own output archive, and bug #26 is now closed. Those processes communicates together using MQTT and json messages. Each message is adressed to one topic. The high level topic controls which process receives the message. The details of each topic is at the end of this commit message. Every imaging sessions has now its own folder, under the `img` root. Metadata are saved individually for every session, in a JSON file in the same directory as the pictures. The configuration is not parsed from `config.json` anymore and passed directly through MQTT messages to the concerned process. A new configuration file has been created: `hardware.json`. This file contains information related to your specific hardware configuration. You can choose to reverse the connection of the motors for example, but you can also define specific speed limits and steps number for your pump and focus stage. This will make it easier for people who wants to experiment with different kind of hardware. It's not necessary to have this file though. If it doesn't exists, the default configuration will be applied. The code is architectured around 6 modules and about 10 classes. I encourage you to have a look at the files, they're pretty straightforward to understand. There is a lot of work left around the node-red code refactoring, dashboard ui improvements, better and clearer LED messages, OLED screen integration and finer control of the segmentation process, but this is quite good for now. Here is the topic lists for MQTT and the corresponding messages. - actuator : This topic adresses the stepper control thread No publication under this topic should happen from the python process - actuator/pump : Control of the pump The message is a json object {"action":"move", "direction":"FORWARD", "volume":10, "flowrate":1} to move 10mL forward at 1mL/min action can be "move" or "stop" Receive only - actuator/focus : Control of the focus stage The message is a json object, speed is optional {"action":"move", "direction":"UP", "distance":0.26, "speed":1} to move up 10mm action can be "move" or "stop" Receive only - imager/image : This topic adresses the imaging thread Is a json object with {"action":"image","sleep":5,"volume":1,"nb_frame":200} sleep in seconds, volume in mL Can also receive a config update message: {"action":"config","config":[...]} Can also receive a camera settings message: {"action":"settings","iso":100,"shutter_speed":40} Receive only - segmenter/segment : This topic adresses the segmenter process Is a json object with {"action":"segment"} Receive only - status : This topics sends feedback to Node-Red No publication or receive at this level - status/pump : State of the pump Is a json object with {"status":"Start", "time_left":25} Status is one of Started, Ready, Done, Interrupted Publish only - status/focus : State of the focus stage Is a json object with {"status":"Start", "time_left":25} Status is one of Started, Ready, Done, Interrupted Publish only - status/imager : State of the imager Is a json object with {"status":"Start", "time_left":25} Status is one of Started, Ready, Completed or 12_11_15_0.1.jpg has been imaged. Publish only - status/segmenter : Status of the segmentation - status/segmenter/name - status/segmenter/object_id - status/segmenter/metric Here is the original commit history: * Extract python from flow * Fix bug in server addresses These addresses should be the loopback device instead of the network address of the device. Using the loopback address will not necessitate to update the script when the network address changes. * clean up picamera import * changes to main python and flow: update MQTT requests address to localhost (bugfix) update streaming output address to nothing update main flow to remove python script references and location * Automatically initialise imaging led on startup to off state. * Add the ability to invert outputs of the motor We added a key to config.json "hardware_config" with a subkey "stepper_reverse". If this key is present in the config file and set to 1, the output of the motors are inversed (stepper2 becomes the pump motor and stepper1 the focus motor) * move all non main script to a subfolder * add to package * light module rewrite * json cleanup and absolute path for config file * forgot to import subprocess #oups * Add command to turn the leds off * Auto formatting of I've used Black with default settings, see * First commit of Pump parameters still needs to be checked and tuned. * addition of hardware details in config.json * Introduce hardware.json to replace the `hardware_config` of config.json * calibration, typos * creates the MQTT_Client class * pump_max_speed is now in ml/min to help readability * forgot to add self to the class def * addition of threading capabilities to (UNTESTED) * mqtt: fix topic bug * remove counter * mqtt add doc about topics * creates an "actuator/*/state" topic * rename mqtt_client to pump_client * add details about topics * rename pump_client to actuator_client * topic was not split properly and a part was lost * switch to f-strings for * cosmetic update * folder name will be planktoscope change calls * hardware.json became more straightforward * syntax bugs * addition of a received stop command * update to max travel distance * several typos here * rename folder * reword to reflect folder rename * remove logic that has been moved to and * update to add mqtt imaging client * make command and args local to class and output more verbose * make a class * instantiate stepper class and call it * name mqtt client * update to main.json to reflect changes * fix bugs around pump control * update flows to latest version from Thibault * distance can be a small value, and definitevely should be a float. * unify mqtt topics * unify mqtt output in the main flow * first logger implementation, uses loguru * mqtt: add reason to on_connect * mqtt: add on_disconnect handler * stepper: add more logger calls for debug mainly * main: add levels for logger * first move of the imager logic * imager: time import cleanup * imager: morphocut import cleanup * imager: skimage import cleanup * imager: finishing import cleanup * imager: Class creation - WIP Also provides a fix for #26 (see line 190). * imager: threading is needed for Condition() * streamer: get the streamer server its own file * imager: creates start_camera and get the server creation out * imager: subclass multiprocessing.Process * imager: get Pipeline creation its own function * imager: cleanup of self calls * main: code removal and corresponding calls to newly created classes * imager: various formatting changes * main: management of signal shutdown * add requirements.txt * mqtt: messages are now json objects Also, addition of a flag on receiving a new message * mqtt: make message private and add logic to synchronise * stepper: creates the stepper class * stepper: use the new class * stepper: uses the new logic * stepper: add the shutdown event * stepper: add shutdown method * main: add shutdown event * imager: graceful shutdown * stepper: nicer way of checking the Eevnt * self is a required first argument for a method in a class Especially if you use said class private members! * python: various typos and small errors in import * stepper: create mqtt client during init * stepper: instanciate the mqtt client inside run Otherwise it's not accessible from inside the loop. It's a PITA, more information at * stepper: little bugs and typos all around * mqtt: add shutdown method * mqtt: add connect in init * stepper: fix bugs, sanitize inputs * stepper: work on delay prediction improvements * stepper: json is mean, double quote are mandatory inside * mqtt: add details about message exchanged * imager: first implementation of json messages * main.json: add new tab for RPi management + json for payloads * imager: add state_machine class * stepper: publish last will * imager: major refactor * main: make streaming server process a daemon * mqtt: insert debug statement on close * main: reorder imports * imager: make it work! Reinsert the streaming server logic in there, because there is a problem with the synchronisation part otherwise. Also, eventually, StreamingOuput() will have to be made not global Final very critical learning: it's super duper important to make sure the memory split is at least 256Meg for the GPU. Chaos ensues otherwise * main: changes to accomodate the streamer/imager fusino * imager_state_machine: insert states transition description * stepper: cleanup of code * segmenter: creation of the class * python: include segmenter changes * remove unused files * stepper: check existence of hardware.json * main.json: changes to reflect the python script evolution * remove unecessary TODOs and add some others * main: add check for config and directories * imager: update_config is implemented and we have better management of directories now * segmenter: now work recursively in all folders * flow: the configuration is now sent via mqtt * segmenter: better manage pipeline error * segmenter: declaration of archive_fn in init * imager: small bugs and typos * main: add uniqueID output * imager: add the camera settings message We can now update the ISO, shutter speed and resolution from Node-Red * package.json: update dependencies
2020-09-28 11:05:27 +02:00
"disp": true,
2020-11-24 17:25:15 +01:00
"width": 6
"id": "737ec584.2eea2c",
"type": "ui_tab",
2020-11-27 11:30:57 +01:00
"z": "",
2020-11-24 17:25:15 +01:00
"name": "Sample",
"icon": "fa-eyedropper",
"order": 2,
"disabled": false,
"hidden": false
"id": "6f97e7ae.270c48",
"type": "ui_group",
"name": "Group 1",
"tab": "3a6bb13f.c9703e",
"order": 1,
"disp": false,
"width": "4",
2020-10-06 17:22:25 +02:00
"collapse": false
2020-11-24 17:25:15 +01:00
"id": "3e1ba03d.f01d8",
2020-10-06 17:22:25 +02:00
"type": "ui_group",
2020-11-24 17:25:15 +01:00
"name": "Sample Identification",
"tab": "737ec584.2eea2c",
"order": 1,
2020-10-06 17:22:25 +02:00
"disp": true,
2020-11-27 11:30:57 +01:00
"width": 11,
Extraction and refactor of the python code from node-red flow The rationale for this rewrite is to improve the readability, the modularity, the reliability and the future-proofing of the main python script. All in all, this is now 124 commits that are going to be squashed and merged together, spanning more than two weeks of development and testing. Please test away this release and break things. An upgrading guide will be published in the coming days, along with a new image for people to use if they don't want to upgrade on their own. Read along if you want to know all the goodies! As a starter, the python script was extracted from the main flow, and now lives in its own files at `PlantonScope/scripts/*`. We set up the auto formatting of the code by using [Black]( This make the code clearer and uniform. We are using the default settings, so if you just install Black and set your editor to format on save using it, you should be good to go. The code is separated in four main processes, each with a specific set of responsibilities: - The main process controls all the others, starts everything up and cleans up on shutdown - The stepper process manages the stepper movements. It's now possible to have simultaneous movements of both motors (this closes #38 ). - The imager process controls the camera and the streaming server via a state machine. - The segmenter process manages the segmentation and its outputs. The segmentation happens recursively in all folders in `/home/pi/PlanktonScope/img/`. Each folder has its own output archive, and bug #26 is now closed. Those processes communicates together using MQTT and json messages. Each message is adressed to one topic. The high level topic controls which process receives the message. The details of each topic is at the end of this commit message. Every imaging sessions has now its own folder, under the `img` root. Metadata are saved individually for every session, in a JSON file in the same directory as the pictures. The configuration is not parsed from `config.json` anymore and passed directly through MQTT messages to the concerned process. A new configuration file has been created: `hardware.json`. This file contains information related to your specific hardware configuration. You can choose to reverse the connection of the motors for example, but you can also define specific speed limits and steps number for your pump and focus stage. This will make it easier for people who wants to experiment with different kind of hardware. It's not necessary to have this file though. If it doesn't exists, the default configuration will be applied. The code is architectured around 6 modules and about 10 classes. I encourage you to have a look at the files, they're pretty straightforward to understand. There is a lot of work left around the node-red code refactoring, dashboard ui improvements, better and clearer LED messages, OLED screen integration and finer control of the segmentation process, but this is quite good for now. Here is the topic lists for MQTT and the corresponding messages. - actuator : This topic adresses the stepper control thread No publication under this topic should happen from the python process - actuator/pump : Control of the pump The message is a json object {"action":"move", "direction":"FORWARD", "volume":10, "flowrate":1} to move 10mL forward at 1mL/min action can be "move" or "stop" Receive only - actuator/focus : Control of the focus stage The message is a json object, speed is optional {"action":"move", "direction":"UP", "distance":0.26, "speed":1} to move up 10mm action can be "move" or "stop" Receive only - imager/image : This topic adresses the imaging thread Is a json object with {"action":"image","sleep":5,"volume":1,"nb_frame":200} sleep in seconds, volume in mL Can also receive a config update message: {"action":"config","config":[...]} Can also receive a camera settings message: {"action":"settings","iso":100,"shutter_speed":40} Receive only - segmenter/segment : This topic adresses the segmenter process Is a json object with {"action":"segment"} Receive only - status : This topics sends feedback to Node-Red No publication or receive at this level - status/pump : State of the pump Is a json object with {"status":"Start", "time_left":25} Status is one of Started, Ready, Done, Interrupted Publish only - status/focus : State of the focus stage Is a json object with {"status":"Start", "time_left":25} Status is one of Started, Ready, Done, Interrupted Publish only - status/imager : State of the imager Is a json object with {"status":"Start", "time_left":25} Status is one of Started, Ready, Completed or 12_11_15_0.1.jpg has been imaged. Publish only - status/segmenter : Status of the segmentation - status/segmenter/name - status/segmenter/object_id - status/segmenter/metric Here is the original commit history: * Extract python from flow * Fix bug in server addresses These addresses should be the loopback device instead of the network address of the device. Using the loopback address will not necessitate to update the script when the network address changes. * clean up picamera import * changes to main python and flow: update MQTT requests address to localhost (bugfix) update streaming output address to nothing update main flow to remove python script references and location * Automatically initialise imaging led on startup to off state. * Add the ability to invert outputs of the motor We added a key to config.json "hardware_config" with a subkey "stepper_reverse". If this key is present in the config file and set to 1, the output of the motors are inversed (stepper2 becomes the pump motor and stepper1 the focus motor) * move all non main script to a subfolder * add to package * light module rewrite * json cleanup and absolute path for config file * forgot to import subprocess #oups * Add command to turn the leds off * Auto formatting of I've used Black with default settings, see * First commit of Pump parameters still needs to be checked and tuned. * addition of hardware details in config.json * Introduce hardware.json to replace the `hardware_config` of config.json * calibration, typos * creates the MQTT_Client class * pump_max_speed is now in ml/min to help readability * forgot to add self to the class def * addition of threading capabilities to (UNTESTED) * mqtt: fix topic bug * remove counter * mqtt add doc about topics * creates an "actuator/*/state" topic * rename mqtt_client to pump_client * add details about topics * rename pump_client to actuator_client * topic was not split properly and a part was lost * switch to f-strings for * cosmetic update * folder name will be planktoscope change calls * hardware.json became more straightforward * syntax bugs * addition of a received stop command * update to max travel distance * several typos here * rename folder * reword to reflect folder rename * remove logic that has been moved to and * update to add mqtt imaging client * make command and args local to class and output more verbose * make a class * instantiate stepper class and call it * name mqtt client * update to main.json to reflect changes * fix bugs around pump control * update flows to latest version from Thibault * distance can be a small value, and definitevely should be a float. * unify mqtt topics * unify mqtt output in the main flow * first logger implementation, uses loguru * mqtt: add reason to on_connect * mqtt: add on_disconnect handler * stepper: add more logger calls for debug mainly * main: add levels for logger * first move of the imager logic * imager: time import cleanup * imager: morphocut import cleanup * imager: skimage import cleanup * imager: finishing import cleanup * imager: Class creation - WIP Also provides a fix for #26 (see line 190). * imager: threading is needed for Condition() * streamer: get the streamer server its own file * imager: creates start_camera and get the server creation out * imager: subclass multiprocessing.Process * imager: get Pipeline creation its own function * imager: cleanup of self calls * main: code removal and corresponding calls to newly created classes * imager: various formatting changes * main: management of signal shutdown * add requirements.txt * mqtt: messages are now json objects Also, addition of a flag on receiving a new message * mqtt: make message private and add logic to synchronise * stepper: creates the stepper class * stepper: use the new class * stepper: uses the new logic * stepper: add the shutdown event * stepper: add shutdown method * main: add shutdown event * imager: graceful shutdown * stepper: nicer way of checking the Eevnt * self is a required first argument for a method in a class Especially if you use said class private members! * python: various typos and small errors in import * stepper: create mqtt client during init * stepper: instanciate the mqtt client inside run Otherwise it's not accessible from inside the loop. It's a PITA, more information at * stepper: little bugs and typos all around * mqtt: add shutdown method * mqtt: add connect in init * stepper: fix bugs, sanitize inputs * stepper: work on delay prediction improvements * stepper: json is mean, double quote are mandatory inside * mqtt: add details about message exchanged * imager: first implementation of json messages * main.json: add new tab for RPi management + json for payloads * imager: add state_machine class * stepper: publish last will * imager: major refactor * main: make streaming server process a daemon * mqtt: insert debug statement on close * main: reorder imports * imager: make it work! Reinsert the streaming server logic in there, because there is a problem with the synchronisation part otherwise. Also, eventually, StreamingOuput() will have to be made not global Final very critical learning: it's super duper important to make sure the memory split is at least 256Meg for the GPU. Chaos ensues otherwise * main: changes to accomodate the streamer/imager fusino * imager_state_machine: insert states transition description * stepper: cleanup of code * segmenter: creation of the class * python: include segmenter changes * remove unused files * stepper: check existence of hardware.json * main.json: changes to reflect the python script evolution * remove unecessary TODOs and add some others * main: add check for config and directories * imager: update_config is implemented and we have better management of directories now * segmenter: now work recursively in all folders * flow: the configuration is now sent via mqtt * segmenter: better manage pipeline error * segmenter: declaration of archive_fn in init * imager: small bugs and typos * main: add uniqueID output * imager: add the camera settings message We can now update the ISO, shutter speed and resolution from Node-Red * package.json: update dependencies
2020-09-28 11:05:27 +02:00
"collapse": false
2020-11-24 17:25:15 +01:00
"id": "4e0cd5ea.17e59c",
2020-10-06 17:22:25 +02:00
"type": "ui_group",
2020-11-24 17:25:15 +01:00
"name": "Group 2",
"tab": "3a6bb13f.c9703e",
"order": 2,
"disp": false,
"width": "4",
"collapse": false
"id": "ef590206.24f6",
"type": "ui_group",
"name": "Group 3",
"tab": "3a6bb13f.c9703e",
"order": 3,
"disp": false,
"width": "4",
"collapse": false
"id": "ae8f6620.073358",
"type": "ui_group",
"name": "Group 4",
"tab": "3a6bb13f.c9703e",
"order": 4,
"disp": false,
"width": "4",
"collapse": false
"id": "196518b2.4d53b7",
"type": "ui_group",
"name": "Group 5",
"tab": "3a6bb13f.c9703e",
"order": 5,
"disp": false,
"width": "4",
"collapse": false
"id": "777a7c33.fcd804",
"type": "ui_group",
"name": "Group 6",
"tab": "3a6bb13f.c9703e",
2020-10-06 17:22:25 +02:00
"order": 6,
2020-11-24 17:25:15 +01:00
"disp": false,
"width": "4",
"collapse": false
"id": "cef1e703.bcf3c8",
"type": "ui_group",
"z": "",
"name": "Sample Location",
2020-11-24 17:25:15 +01:00
"tab": "737ec584.2eea2c",
"order": 2,
2020-10-06 17:22:25 +02:00
"disp": true,
"width": "10",
2020-11-24 17:25:15 +01:00
"collapse": false
2020-10-06 17:22:25 +02:00
Extraction and refactor of the python code from node-red flow The rationale for this rewrite is to improve the readability, the modularity, the reliability and the future-proofing of the main python script. All in all, this is now 124 commits that are going to be squashed and merged together, spanning more than two weeks of development and testing. Please test away this release and break things. An upgrading guide will be published in the coming days, along with a new image for people to use if they don't want to upgrade on their own. Read along if you want to know all the goodies! As a starter, the python script was extracted from the main flow, and now lives in its own files at `PlantonScope/scripts/*`. We set up the auto formatting of the code by using [Black]( This make the code clearer and uniform. We are using the default settings, so if you just install Black and set your editor to format on save using it, you should be good to go. The code is separated in four main processes, each with a specific set of responsibilities: - The main process controls all the others, starts everything up and cleans up on shutdown - The stepper process manages the stepper movements. It's now possible to have simultaneous movements of both motors (this closes #38 ). - The imager process controls the camera and the streaming server via a state machine. - The segmenter process manages the segmentation and its outputs. The segmentation happens recursively in all folders in `/home/pi/PlanktonScope/img/`. Each folder has its own output archive, and bug #26 is now closed. Those processes communicates together using MQTT and json messages. Each message is adressed to one topic. The high level topic controls which process receives the message. The details of each topic is at the end of this commit message. Every imaging sessions has now its own folder, under the `img` root. Metadata are saved individually for every session, in a JSON file in the same directory as the pictures. The configuration is not parsed from `config.json` anymore and passed directly through MQTT messages to the concerned process. A new configuration file has been created: `hardware.json`. This file contains information related to your specific hardware configuration. You can choose to reverse the connection of the motors for example, but you can also define specific speed limits and steps number for your pump and focus stage. This will make it easier for people who wants to experiment with different kind of hardware. It's not necessary to have this file though. If it doesn't exists, the default configuration will be applied. The code is architectured around 6 modules and about 10 classes. I encourage you to have a look at the files, they're pretty straightforward to understand. There is a lot of work left around the node-red code refactoring, dashboard ui improvements, better and clearer LED messages, OLED screen integration and finer control of the segmentation process, but this is quite good for now. Here is the topic lists for MQTT and the corresponding messages. - actuator : This topic adresses the stepper control thread No publication under this topic should happen from the python process - actuator/pump : Control of the pump The message is a json object {"action":"move", "direction":"FORWARD", "volume":10, "flowrate":1} to move 10mL forward at 1mL/min action can be "move" or "stop" Receive only - actuator/focus : Control of the focus stage The message is a json object, speed is optional {"action":"move", "direction":"UP", "distance":0.26, "speed":1} to move up 10mm action can be "move" or "stop" Receive only - imager/image : This topic adresses the imaging thread Is a json object with {"action":"image","sleep":5,"volume":1,"nb_frame":200} sleep in seconds, volume in mL Can also receive a config update message: {"action":"config","config":[...]} Can also receive a camera settings message: {"action":"settings","iso":100,"shutter_speed":40} Receive only - segmenter/segment : This topic adresses the segmenter process Is a json object with {"action":"segment"} Receive only - status : This topics sends feedback to Node-Red No publication or receive at this level - status/pump : State of the pump Is a json object with {"status":"Start", "time_left":25} Status is one of Started, Ready, Done, Interrupted Publish only - status/focus : State of the focus stage Is a json object with {"status":"Start", "time_left":25} Status is one of Started, Ready, Done, Interrupted Publish only - status/imager : State of the imager Is a json object with {"status":"Start", "time_left":25} Status is one of Started, Ready, Completed or 12_11_15_0.1.jpg has been imaged. Publish only - status/segmenter : Status of the segmentation - status/segmenter/name - status/segmenter/object_id - status/segmenter/metric Here is the original commit history: * Extract python from flow * Fix bug in server addresses These addresses should be the loopback device instead of the network address of the device. Using the loopback address will not necessitate to update the script when the network address changes. * clean up picamera import * changes to main python and flow: update MQTT requests address to localhost (bugfix) update streaming output address to nothing update main flow to remove python script references and location * Automatically initialise imaging led on startup to off state. * Add the ability to invert outputs of the motor We added a key to config.json "hardware_config" with a subkey "stepper_reverse". If this key is present in the config file and set to 1, the output of the motors are inversed (stepper2 becomes the pump motor and stepper1 the focus motor) * move all non main script to a subfolder * add to package * light module rewrite * json cleanup and absolute path for config file * forgot to import subprocess #oups * Add command to turn the leds off * Auto formatting of I've used Black with default settings, see * First commit of Pump parameters still needs to be checked and tuned. * addition of hardware details in config.json * Introduce hardware.json to replace the `hardware_config` of config.json * calibration, typos * creates the MQTT_Client class * pump_max_speed is now in ml/min to help readability * forgot to add self to the class def * addition of threading capabilities to (UNTESTED) * mqtt: fix topic bug * remove counter * mqtt add doc about topics * creates an "actuator/*/state" topic * rename mqtt_client to pump_client * add details about topics * rename pump_client to actuator_client * topic was not split properly and a part was lost * switch to f-strings for * cosmetic update * folder name will be planktoscope change calls * hardware.json became more straightforward * syntax bugs * addition of a received stop command * update to max travel distance * several typos here * rename folder * reword to reflect folder rename * remove logic that has been moved to and * update to add mqtt imaging client * make command and args local to class and output more verbose * make a class * instantiate stepper class and call it * name mqtt client * update to main.json to reflect changes * fix bugs around pump control * update flows to latest version from Thibault * distance can be a small value, and definitevely should be a float. * unify mqtt topics * unify mqtt output in the main flow * first logger implementation, uses loguru * mqtt: add reason to on_connect * mqtt: add on_disconnect handler * stepper: add more logger calls for debug mainly * main: add levels for logger * first move of the imager logic * imager: time import cleanup * imager: morphocut import cleanup * imager: skimage import cleanup * imager: finishing import cleanup * imager: Class creation - WIP Also provides a fix for #26 (see line 190). * imager: threading is needed for Condition() * streamer: get the streamer server its own file * imager: creates start_camera and get the server creation out * imager: subclass multiprocessing.Process * imager: get Pipeline creation its own function * imager: cleanup of self calls * main: code removal and corresponding calls to newly created classes * imager: various formatting changes * main: management of signal shutdown * add requirements.txt * mqtt: messages are now json objects Also, addition of a flag on receiving a new message * mqtt: make message private and add logic to synchronise * stepper: creates the stepper class * stepper: use the new class * stepper: uses the new logic * stepper: add the shutdown event * stepper: add shutdown method * main: add shutdown event * imager: graceful shutdown * stepper: nicer way of checking the Eevnt * self is a required first argument for a method in a class Especially if you use said class private members! * python: various typos and small errors in import * stepper: create mqtt client during init * stepper: instanciate the mqtt client inside run Otherwise it's not accessible from inside the loop. It's a PITA, more information at * stepper: little bugs and typos all around * mqtt: add shutdown method * mqtt: add connect in init * stepper: fix bugs, sanitize inputs * stepper: work on delay prediction improvements * stepper: json is mean, double quote are mandatory inside * mqtt: add details about message exchanged * imager: first implementation of json messages * main.json: add new tab for RPi management + json for payloads * imager: add state_machine class * stepper: publish last will * imager: major refactor * main: make streaming server process a daemon * mqtt: insert debug statement on close * main: reorder imports * imager: make it work! Reinsert the streaming server logic in there, because there is a problem with the synchronisation part otherwise. Also, eventually, StreamingOuput() will have to be made not global Final very critical learning: it's super duper important to make sure the memory split is at least 256Meg for the GPU. Chaos ensues otherwise * main: changes to accomodate the streamer/imager fusino * imager_state_machine: insert states transition description * stepper: cleanup of code * segmenter: creation of the class * python: include segmenter changes * remove unused files * stepper: check existence of hardware.json * main.json: changes to reflect the python script evolution * remove unecessary TODOs and add some others * main: add check for config and directories * imager: update_config is implemented and we have better management of directories now * segmenter: now work recursively in all folders * flow: the configuration is now sent via mqtt * segmenter: better manage pipeline error * segmenter: declaration of archive_fn in init * imager: small bugs and typos * main: add uniqueID output * imager: add the camera settings message We can now update the ISO, shutter speed and resolution from Node-Red * package.json: update dependencies
2020-09-28 11:05:27 +02:00
2020-11-24 17:25:15 +01:00
"id": "5517c651.b2f668",
Extraction and refactor of the python code from node-red flow The rationale for this rewrite is to improve the readability, the modularity, the reliability and the future-proofing of the main python script. All in all, this is now 124 commits that are going to be squashed and merged together, spanning more than two weeks of development and testing. Please test away this release and break things. An upgrading guide will be published in the coming days, along with a new image for people to use if they don't want to upgrade on their own. Read along if you want to know all the goodies! As a starter, the python script was extracted from the main flow, and now lives in its own files at `PlantonScope/scripts/*`. We set up the auto formatting of the code by using [Black]( This make the code clearer and uniform. We are using the default settings, so if you just install Black and set your editor to format on save using it, you should be good to go. The code is separated in four main processes, each with a specific set of responsibilities: - The main process controls all the others, starts everything up and cleans up on shutdown - The stepper process manages the stepper movements. It's now possible to have simultaneous movements of both motors (this closes #38 ). - The imager process controls the camera and the streaming server via a state machine. - The segmenter process manages the segmentation and its outputs. The segmentation happens recursively in all folders in `/home/pi/PlanktonScope/img/`. Each folder has its own output archive, and bug #26 is now closed. Those processes communicates together using MQTT and json messages. Each message is adressed to one topic. The high level topic controls which process receives the message. The details of each topic is at the end of this commit message. Every imaging sessions has now its own folder, under the `img` root. Metadata are saved individually for every session, in a JSON file in the same directory as the pictures. The configuration is not parsed from `config.json` anymore and passed directly through MQTT messages to the concerned process. A new configuration file has been created: `hardware.json`. This file contains information related to your specific hardware configuration. You can choose to reverse the connection of the motors for example, but you can also define specific speed limits and steps number for your pump and focus stage. This will make it easier for people who wants to experiment with different kind of hardware. It's not necessary to have this file though. If it doesn't exists, the default configuration will be applied. The code is architectured around 6 modules and about 10 classes. I encourage you to have a look at the files, they're pretty straightforward to understand. There is a lot of work left around the node-red code refactoring, dashboard ui improvements, better and clearer LED messages, OLED screen integration and finer control of the segmentation process, but this is quite good for now. Here is the topic lists for MQTT and the corresponding messages. - actuator : This topic adresses the stepper control thread No publication under this topic should happen from the python process - actuator/pump : Control of the pump The message is a json object {"action":"move", "direction":"FORWARD", "volume":10, "flowrate":1} to move 10mL forward at 1mL/min action can be "move" or "stop" Receive only - actuator/focus : Control of the focus stage The message is a json object, speed is optional {"action":"move", "direction":"UP", "distance":0.26, "speed":1} to move up 10mm action can be "move" or "stop" Receive only - imager/image : This topic adresses the imaging thread Is a json object with {"action":"image","sleep":5,"volume":1,"nb_frame":200} sleep in seconds, volume in mL Can also receive a config update message: {"action":"config","config":[...]} Can also receive a camera settings message: {"action":"settings","iso":100,"shutter_speed":40} Receive only - segmenter/segment : This topic adresses the segmenter process Is a json object with {"action":"segment"} Receive only - status : This topics sends feedback to Node-Red No publication or receive at this level - status/pump : State of the pump Is a json object with {"status":"Start", "time_left":25} Status is one of Started, Ready, Done, Interrupted Publish only - status/focus : State of the focus stage Is a json object with {"status":"Start", "time_left":25} Status is one of Started, Ready, Done, Interrupted Publish only - status/imager : State of the imager Is a json object with {"status":"Start", "time_left":25} Status is one of Started, Ready, Completed or 12_11_15_0.1.jpg has been imaged. Publish only - status/segmenter : Status of the segmentation - status/segmenter/name - status/segmenter/object_id - status/segmenter/metric Here is the original commit history: * Extract python from flow * Fix bug in server addresses These addresses should be the loopback device instead of the network address of the device. Using the loopback address will not necessitate to update the script when the network address changes. * clean up picamera import * changes to main python and flow: update MQTT requests address to localhost (bugfix) update streaming output address to nothing update main flow to remove python script references and location * Automatically initialise imaging led on startup to off state. * Add the ability to invert outputs of the motor We added a key to config.json "hardware_config" with a subkey "stepper_reverse". If this key is present in the config file and set to 1, the output of the motors are inversed (stepper2 becomes the pump motor and stepper1 the focus motor) * move all non main script to a subfolder * add to package * light module rewrite * json cleanup and absolute path for config file * forgot to import subprocess #oups * Add command to turn the leds off * Auto formatting of I've used Black with default settings, see * First commit of Pump parameters still needs to be checked and tuned. * addition of hardware details in config.json * Introduce hardware.json to replace the `hardware_config` of config.json * calibration, typos * creates the MQTT_Client class * pump_max_speed is now in ml/min to help readability * forgot to add self to the class def * addition of threading capabilities to (UNTESTED) * mqtt: fix topic bug * remove counter * mqtt add doc about topics * creates an "actuator/*/state" topic * rename mqtt_client to pump_client * add details about topics * rename pump_client to actuator_client * topic was not split properly and a part was lost * switch to f-strings for * cosmetic update * folder name will be planktoscope change calls * hardware.json became more straightforward * syntax bugs * addition of a received stop command * update to max travel distance * several typos here * rename folder * reword to reflect folder rename * remove logic that has been moved to and * update to add mqtt imaging client * make command and args local to class and output more verbose * make a class * instantiate stepper class and call it * name mqtt client * update to main.json to reflect changes * fix bugs around pump control * update flows to latest version from Thibault * distance can be a small value, and definitevely should be a float. * unify mqtt topics * unify mqtt output in the main flow * first logger implementation, uses loguru * mqtt: add reason to on_connect * mqtt: add on_disconnect handler * stepper: add more logger calls for debug mainly * main: add levels for logger * first move of the imager logic * imager: time import cleanup * imager: morphocut import cleanup * imager: skimage import cleanup * imager: finishing import cleanup * imager: Class creation - WIP Also provides a fix for #26 (see line 190). * imager: threading is needed for Condition() * streamer: get the streamer server its own file * imager: creates start_camera and get the server creation out * imager: subclass multiprocessing.Process * imager: get Pipeline creation its own function * imager: cleanup of self calls * main: code removal and corresponding calls to newly created classes * imager: various formatting changes * main: management of signal shutdown * add requirements.txt * mqtt: messages are now json objects Also, addition of a flag on receiving a new message * mqtt: make message private and add logic to synchronise * stepper: creates the stepper class * stepper: use the new class * stepper: uses the new logic * stepper: add the shutdown event * stepper: add shutdown method * main: add shutdown event * imager: graceful shutdown * stepper: nicer way of checking the Eevnt * self is a required first argument for a method in a class Especially if you use said class private members! * python: various typos and small errors in import * stepper: create mqtt client during init * stepper: instanciate the mqtt client inside run Otherwise it's not accessible from inside the loop. It's a PITA, more information at * stepper: little bugs and typos all around * mqtt: add shutdown method * mqtt: add connect in init * stepper: fix bugs, sanitize inputs * stepper: work on delay prediction improvements * stepper: json is mean, double quote are mandatory inside * mqtt: add details about message exchanged * imager: first implementation of json messages * main.json: add new tab for RPi management + json for payloads * imager: add state_machine class * stepper: publish last will * imager: major refactor * main: make streaming server process a daemon * mqtt: insert debug statement on close * main: reorder imports * imager: make it work! Reinsert the streaming server logic in there, because there is a problem with the synchronisation part otherwise. Also, eventually, StreamingOuput() will have to be made not global Final very critical learning: it's super duper important to make sure the memory split is at least 256Meg for the GPU. Chaos ensues otherwise * main: changes to accomodate the streamer/imager fusino * imager_state_machine: insert states transition description * stepper: cleanup of code * segmenter: creation of the class * python: include segmenter changes * remove unused files * stepper: check existence of hardware.json * main.json: changes to reflect the python script evolution * remove unecessary TODOs and add some others * main: add check for config and directories * imager: update_config is implemented and we have better management of directories now * segmenter: now work recursively in all folders * flow: the configuration is now sent via mqtt * segmenter: better manage pipeline error * segmenter: declaration of archive_fn in init * imager: small bugs and typos * main: add uniqueID output * imager: add the camera settings message We can now update the ISO, shutter speed and resolution from Node-Red * package.json: update dependencies
2020-09-28 11:05:27 +02:00
"type": "ui_group",
2020-11-24 17:25:15 +01:00
"name": "Validation",
"tab": "737ec584.2eea2c",
2020-10-06 17:22:25 +02:00
"order": 4,
2020-11-24 17:25:15 +01:00
"disp": false,
2020-11-27 11:30:57 +01:00
"width": 10,
2020-11-24 17:25:15 +01:00
"collapse": false
"id": "fbd92986.1028c8",
"type": "ui_group",
"name": "Focus Adjustment",
"tab": "181bb236.1e94be",
2020-11-27 11:30:57 +01:00
"order": 4,
Extraction and refactor of the python code from node-red flow The rationale for this rewrite is to improve the readability, the modularity, the reliability and the future-proofing of the main python script. All in all, this is now 124 commits that are going to be squashed and merged together, spanning more than two weeks of development and testing. Please test away this release and break things. An upgrading guide will be published in the coming days, along with a new image for people to use if they don't want to upgrade on their own. Read along if you want to know all the goodies! As a starter, the python script was extracted from the main flow, and now lives in its own files at `PlantonScope/scripts/*`. We set up the auto formatting of the code by using [Black]( This make the code clearer and uniform. We are using the default settings, so if you just install Black and set your editor to format on save using it, you should be good to go. The code is separated in four main processes, each with a specific set of responsibilities: - The main process controls all the others, starts everything up and cleans up on shutdown - The stepper process manages the stepper movements. It's now possible to have simultaneous movements of both motors (this closes #38 ). - The imager process controls the camera and the streaming server via a state machine. - The segmenter process manages the segmentation and its outputs. The segmentation happens recursively in all folders in `/home/pi/PlanktonScope/img/`. Each folder has its own output archive, and bug #26 is now closed. Those processes communicates together using MQTT and json messages. Each message is adressed to one topic. The high level topic controls which process receives the message. The details of each topic is at the end of this commit message. Every imaging sessions has now its own folder, under the `img` root. Metadata are saved individually for every session, in a JSON file in the same directory as the pictures. The configuration is not parsed from `config.json` anymore and passed directly through MQTT messages to the concerned process. A new configuration file has been created: `hardware.json`. This file contains information related to your specific hardware configuration. You can choose to reverse the connection of the motors for example, but you can also define specific speed limits and steps number for your pump and focus stage. This will make it easier for people who wants to experiment with different kind of hardware. It's not necessary to have this file though. If it doesn't exists, the default configuration will be applied. The code is architectured around 6 modules and about 10 classes. I encourage you to have a look at the files, they're pretty straightforward to understand. There is a lot of work left around the node-red code refactoring, dashboard ui improvements, better and clearer LED messages, OLED screen integration and finer control of the segmentation process, but this is quite good for now. Here is the topic lists for MQTT and the corresponding messages. - actuator : This topic adresses the stepper control thread No publication under this topic should happen from the python process - actuator/pump : Control of the pump The message is a json object {"action":"move", "direction":"FORWARD", "volume":10, "flowrate":1} to move 10mL forward at 1mL/min action can be "move" or "stop" Receive only - actuator/focus : Control of the focus stage The message is a json object, speed is optional {"action":"move", "direction":"UP", "distance":0.26, "speed":1} to move up 10mm action can be "move" or "stop" Receive only - imager/image : This topic adresses the imaging thread Is a json object with {"action":"image","sleep":5,"volume":1,"nb_frame":200} sleep in seconds, volume in mL Can also receive a config update message: {"action":"config","config":[...]} Can also receive a camera settings message: {"action":"settings","iso":100,"shutter_speed":40} Receive only - segmenter/segment : This topic adresses the segmenter process Is a json object with {"action":"segment"} Receive only - status : This topics sends feedback to Node-Red No publication or receive at this level - status/pump : State of the pump Is a json object with {"status":"Start", "time_left":25} Status is one of Started, Ready, Done, Interrupted Publish only - status/focus : State of the focus stage Is a json object with {"status":"Start", "time_left":25} Status is one of Started, Ready, Done, Interrupted Publish only - status/imager : State of the imager Is a json object with {"status":"Start", "time_left":25} Status is one of Started, Ready, Completed or 12_11_15_0.1.jpg has been imaged. Publish only - status/segmenter : Status of the segmentation - status/segmenter/name - status/segmenter/object_id - status/segmenter/metric Here is the original commit history: * Extract python from flow * Fix bug in server addresses These addresses should be the loopback device instead of the network address of the device. Using the loopback address will not necessitate to update the script when the network address changes. * clean up picamera import * changes to main python and flow: update MQTT requests address to localhost (bugfix) update streaming output address to nothing update main flow to remove python script references and location * Automatically initialise imaging led on startup to off state. * Add the ability to invert outputs of the motor We added a key to config.json "hardware_config" with a subkey "stepper_reverse". If this key is present in the config file and set to 1, the output of the motors are inversed (stepper2 becomes the pump motor and stepper1 the focus motor) * move all non main script to a subfolder * add to package * light module rewrite * json cleanup and absolute path for config file * forgot to import subprocess #oups * Add command to turn the leds off * Auto formatting of I've used Black with default settings, see * First commit of Pump parameters still needs to be checked and tuned. * addition of hardware details in config.json * Introduce hardware.json to replace the `hardware_config` of config.json * calibration, typos * creates the MQTT_Client class * pump_max_speed is now in ml/min to help readability * forgot to add self to the class def * addition of threading capabilities to (UNTESTED) * mqtt: fix topic bug * remove counter * mqtt add doc about topics * creates an "actuator/*/state" topic * rename mqtt_client to pump_client * add details about topics * rename pump_client to actuator_client * topic was not split properly and a part was lost * switch to f-strings for * cosmetic update * folder name will be planktoscope change calls * hardware.json became more straightforward * syntax bugs * addition of a received stop command * update to max travel distance * several typos here * rename folder * reword to reflect folder rename * remove logic that has been moved to and * update to add mqtt imaging client * make command and args local to class and output more verbose * make a class * instantiate stepper class and call it * name mqtt client * update to main.json to reflect changes * fix bugs around pump control * update flows to latest version from Thibault * distance can be a small value, and definitevely should be a float. * unify mqtt topics * unify mqtt output in the main flow * first logger implementation, uses loguru * mqtt: add reason to on_connect * mqtt: add on_disconnect handler * stepper: add more logger calls for debug mainly * main: add levels for logger * first move of the imager logic * imager: time import cleanup * imager: morphocut import cleanup * imager: skimage import cleanup * imager: finishing import cleanup * imager: Class creation - WIP Also provides a fix for #26 (see line 190). * imager: threading is needed for Condition() * streamer: get the streamer server its own file * imager: creates start_camera and get the server creation out * imager: subclass multiprocessing.Process * imager: get Pipeline creation its own function * imager: cleanup of self calls * main: code removal and corresponding calls to newly created classes * imager: various formatting changes * main: management of signal shutdown * add requirements.txt * mqtt: messages are now json objects Also, addition of a flag on receiving a new message * mqtt: make message private and add logic to synchronise * stepper: creates the stepper class * stepper: use the new class * stepper: uses the new logic * stepper: add the shutdown event * stepper: add shutdown method * main: add shutdown event * imager: graceful shutdown * stepper: nicer way of checking the Eevnt * self is a required first argument for a method in a class Especially if you use said class private members! * python: various typos and small errors in import * stepper: create mqtt client during init * stepper: instanciate the mqtt client inside run Otherwise it's not accessible from inside the loop. It's a PITA, more information at * stepper: little bugs and typos all around * mqtt: add shutdown method * mqtt: add connect in init * stepper: fix bugs, sanitize inputs * stepper: work on delay prediction improvements * stepper: json is mean, double quote are mandatory inside * mqtt: add details about message exchanged * imager: first implementation of json messages * main.json: add new tab for RPi management + json for payloads * imager: add state_machine class * stepper: publish last will * imager: major refactor * main: make streaming server process a daemon * mqtt: insert debug statement on close * main: reorder imports * imager: make it work! Reinsert the streaming server logic in there, because there is a problem with the synchronisation part otherwise. Also, eventually, StreamingOuput() will have to be made not global Final very critical learning: it's super duper important to make sure the memory split is at least 256Meg for the GPU. Chaos ensues otherwise * main: changes to accomodate the streamer/imager fusino * imager_state_machine: insert states transition description * stepper: cleanup of code * segmenter: creation of the class * python: include segmenter changes * remove unused files * stepper: check existence of hardware.json * main.json: changes to reflect the python script evolution * remove unecessary TODOs and add some others * main: add check for config and directories * imager: update_config is implemented and we have better management of directories now * segmenter: now work recursively in all folders * flow: the configuration is now sent via mqtt * segmenter: better manage pipeline error * segmenter: declaration of archive_fn in init * imager: small bugs and typos * main: add uniqueID output * imager: add the camera settings message We can now update the ISO, shutter speed and resolution from Node-Red * package.json: update dependencies
2020-09-28 11:05:27 +02:00
"disp": true,
2020-11-24 17:25:15 +01:00
"width": 10,
Extraction and refactor of the python code from node-red flow The rationale for this rewrite is to improve the readability, the modularity, the reliability and the future-proofing of the main python script. All in all, this is now 124 commits that are going to be squashed and merged together, spanning more than two weeks of development and testing. Please test away this release and break things. An upgrading guide will be published in the coming days, along with a new image for people to use if they don't want to upgrade on their own. Read along if you want to know all the goodies! As a starter, the python script was extracted from the main flow, and now lives in its own files at `PlantonScope/scripts/*`. We set up the auto formatting of the code by using [Black]( This make the code clearer and uniform. We are using the default settings, so if you just install Black and set your editor to format on save using it, you should be good to go. The code is separated in four main processes, each with a specific set of responsibilities: - The main process controls all the others, starts everything up and cleans up on shutdown - The stepper process manages the stepper movements. It's now possible to have simultaneous movements of both motors (this closes #38 ). - The imager process controls the camera and the streaming server via a state machine. - The segmenter process manages the segmentation and its outputs. The segmentation happens recursively in all folders in `/home/pi/PlanktonScope/img/`. Each folder has its own output archive, and bug #26 is now closed. Those processes communicates together using MQTT and json messages. Each message is adressed to one topic. The high level topic controls which process receives the message. The details of each topic is at the end of this commit message. Every imaging sessions has now its own folder, under the `img` root. Metadata are saved individually for every session, in a JSON file in the same directory as the pictures. The configuration is not parsed from `config.json` anymore and passed directly through MQTT messages to the concerned process. A new configuration file has been created: `hardware.json`. This file contains information related to your specific hardware configuration. You can choose to reverse the connection of the motors for example, but you can also define specific speed limits and steps number for your pump and focus stage. This will make it easier for people who wants to experiment with different kind of hardware. It's not necessary to have this file though. If it doesn't exists, the default configuration will be applied. The code is architectured around 6 modules and about 10 classes. I encourage you to have a look at the files, they're pretty straightforward to understand. There is a lot of work left around the node-red code refactoring, dashboard ui improvements, better and clearer LED messages, OLED screen integration and finer control of the segmentation process, but this is quite good for now. Here is the topic lists for MQTT and the corresponding messages. - actuator : This topic adresses the stepper control thread No publication under this topic should happen from the python process - actuator/pump : Control of the pump The message is a json object {"action":"move", "direction":"FORWARD", "volume":10, "flowrate":1} to move 10mL forward at 1mL/min action can be "move" or "stop" Receive only - actuator/focus : Control of the focus stage The message is a json object, speed is optional {"action":"move", "direction":"UP", "distance":0.26, "speed":1} to move up 10mm action can be "move" or "stop" Receive only - imager/image : This topic adresses the imaging thread Is a json object with {"action":"image","sleep":5,"volume":1,"nb_frame":200} sleep in seconds, volume in mL Can also receive a config update message: {"action":"config","config":[...]} Can also receive a camera settings message: {"action":"settings","iso":100,"shutter_speed":40} Receive only - segmenter/segment : This topic adresses the segmenter process Is a json object with {"action":"segment"} Receive only - status : This topics sends feedback to Node-Red No publication or receive at this level - status/pump : State of the pump Is a json object with {"status":"Start", "time_left":25} Status is one of Started, Ready, Done, Interrupted Publish only - status/focus : State of the focus stage Is a json object with {"status":"Start", "time_left":25} Status is one of Started, Ready, Done, Interrupted Publish only - status/imager : State of the imager Is a json object with {"status":"Start", "time_left":25} Status is one of Started, Ready, Completed or 12_11_15_0.1.jpg has been imaged. Publish only - status/segmenter : Status of the segmentation - status/segmenter/name - status/segmenter/object_id - status/segmenter/metric Here is the original commit history: * Extract python from flow * Fix bug in server addresses These addresses should be the loopback device instead of the network address of the device. Using the loopback address will not necessitate to update the script when the network address changes. * clean up picamera import * changes to main python and flow: update MQTT requests address to localhost (bugfix) update streaming output address to nothing update main flow to remove python script references and location * Automatically initialise imaging led on startup to off state. * Add the ability to invert outputs of the motor We added a key to config.json "hardware_config" with a subkey "stepper_reverse". If this key is present in the config file and set to 1, the output of the motors are inversed (stepper2 becomes the pump motor and stepper1 the focus motor) * move all non main script to a subfolder * add to package * light module rewrite * json cleanup and absolute path for config file * forgot to import subprocess #oups * Add command to turn the leds off * Auto formatting of I've used Black with default settings, see * First commit of Pump parameters still needs to be checked and tuned. * addition of hardware details in config.json * Introduce hardware.json to replace the `hardware_config` of config.json * calibration, typos * creates the MQTT_Client class * pump_max_speed is now in ml/min to help readability * forgot to add self to the class def * addition of threading capabilities to (UNTESTED) * mqtt: fix topic bug * remove counter * mqtt add doc about topics * creates an "actuator/*/state" topic * rename mqtt_client to pump_client * add details about topics * rename pump_client to actuator_client * topic was not split properly and a part was lost * switch to f-strings for * cosmetic update * folder name will be planktoscope change calls * hardware.json became more straightforward * syntax bugs * addition of a received stop command * update to max travel distance * several typos here * rename folder * reword to reflect folder rename * remove logic that has been moved to and * update to add mqtt imaging client * make command and args local to class and output more verbose * make a class * instantiate stepper class and call it * name mqtt client * update to main.json to reflect changes * fix bugs around pump control * update flows to latest version from Thibault * distance can be a small value, and definitevely should be a float. * unify mqtt topics * unify mqtt output in the main flow * first logger implementation, uses loguru * mqtt: add reason to on_connect * mqtt: add on_disconnect handler * stepper: add more logger calls for debug mainly * main: add levels for logger * first move of the imager logic * imager: time import cleanup * imager: morphocut import cleanup * imager: skimage import cleanup * imager: finishing import cleanup * imager: Class creation - WIP Also provides a fix for #26 (see line 190). * imager: threading is needed for Condition() * streamer: get the streamer server its own file * imager: creates start_camera and get the server creation out * imager: subclass multiprocessing.Process * imager: get Pipeline creation its own function * imager: cleanup of self calls * main: code removal and corresponding calls to newly created classes * imager: various formatting changes * main: management of signal shutdown * add requirements.txt * mqtt: messages are now json objects Also, addition of a flag on receiving a new message * mqtt: make message private and add logic to synchronise * stepper: creates the stepper class * stepper: use the new class * stepper: uses the new logic * stepper: add the shutdown event * stepper: add shutdown method * main: add shutdown event * imager: graceful shutdown * stepper: nicer way of checking the Eevnt * self is a required first argument for a method in a class Especially if you use said class private members! * python: various typos and small errors in import * stepper: create mqtt client during init * stepper: instanciate the mqtt client inside run Otherwise it's not accessible from inside the loop. It's a PITA, more information at * stepper: little bugs and typos all around * mqtt: add shutdown method * mqtt: add connect in init * stepper: fix bugs, sanitize inputs * stepper: work on delay prediction improvements * stepper: json is mean, double quote are mandatory inside * mqtt: add details about message exchanged * imager: first implementation of json messages * main.json: add new tab for RPi management + json for payloads * imager: add state_machine class * stepper: publish last will * imager: major refactor * main: make streaming server process a daemon * mqtt: insert debug statement on close * main: reorder imports * imager: make it work! Reinsert the streaming server logic in there, because there is a problem with the synchronisation part otherwise. Also, eventually, StreamingOuput() will have to be made not global Final very critical learning: it's super duper important to make sure the memory split is at least 256Meg for the GPU. Chaos ensues otherwise * main: changes to accomodate the streamer/imager fusino * imager_state_machine: insert states transition description * stepper: cleanup of code * segmenter: creation of the class * python: include segmenter changes * remove unused files * stepper: check existence of hardware.json * main.json: changes to reflect the python script evolution * remove unecessary TODOs and add some others * main: add check for config and directories * imager: update_config is implemented and we have better management of directories now * segmenter: now work recursively in all folders * flow: the configuration is now sent via mqtt * segmenter: better manage pipeline error * segmenter: declaration of archive_fn in init * imager: small bugs and typos * main: add uniqueID output * imager: add the camera settings message We can now update the ISO, shutter speed and resolution from Node-Red * package.json: update dependencies
2020-09-28 11:05:27 +02:00
"collapse": false
2020-11-24 17:25:15 +01:00
"id": "707d9797.c8e798",
Extraction and refactor of the python code from node-red flow The rationale for this rewrite is to improve the readability, the modularity, the reliability and the future-proofing of the main python script. All in all, this is now 124 commits that are going to be squashed and merged together, spanning more than two weeks of development and testing. Please test away this release and break things. An upgrading guide will be published in the coming days, along with a new image for people to use if they don't want to upgrade on their own. Read along if you want to know all the goodies! As a starter, the python script was extracted from the main flow, and now lives in its own files at `PlantonScope/scripts/*`. We set up the auto formatting of the code by using [Black]( This make the code clearer and uniform. We are using the default settings, so if you just install Black and set your editor to format on save using it, you should be good to go. The code is separated in four main processes, each with a specific set of responsibilities: - The main process controls all the others, starts everything up and cleans up on shutdown - The stepper process manages the stepper movements. It's now possible to have simultaneous movements of both motors (this closes #38 ). - The imager process controls the camera and the streaming server via a state machine. - The segmenter process manages the segmentation and its outputs. The segmentation happens recursively in all folders in `/home/pi/PlanktonScope/img/`. Each folder has its own output archive, and bug #26 is now closed. Those processes communicates together using MQTT and json messages. Each message is adressed to one topic. The high level topic controls which process receives the message. The details of each topic is at the end of this commit message. Every imaging sessions has now its own folder, under the `img` root. Metadata are saved individually for every session, in a JSON file in the same directory as the pictures. The configuration is not parsed from `config.json` anymore and passed directly through MQTT messages to the concerned process. A new configuration file has been created: `hardware.json`. This file contains information related to your specific hardware configuration. You can choose to reverse the connection of the motors for example, but you can also define specific speed limits and steps number for your pump and focus stage. This will make it easier for people who wants to experiment with different kind of hardware. It's not necessary to have this file though. If it doesn't exists, the default configuration will be applied. The code is architectured around 6 modules and about 10 classes. I encourage you to have a look at the files, they're pretty straightforward to understand. There is a lot of work left around the node-red code refactoring, dashboard ui improvements, better and clearer LED messages, OLED screen integration and finer control of the segmentation process, but this is quite good for now. Here is the topic lists for MQTT and the corresponding messages. - actuator : This topic adresses the stepper control thread No publication under this topic should happen from the python process - actuator/pump : Control of the pump The message is a json object {"action":"move", "direction":"FORWARD", "volume":10, "flowrate":1} to move 10mL forward at 1mL/min action can be "move" or "stop" Receive only - actuator/focus : Control of the focus stage The message is a json object, speed is optional {"action":"move", "direction":"UP", "distance":0.26, "speed":1} to move up 10mm action can be "move" or "stop" Receive only - imager/image : This topic adresses the imaging thread Is a json object with {"action":"image","sleep":5,"volume":1,"nb_frame":200} sleep in seconds, volume in mL Can also receive a config update message: {"action":"config","config":[...]} Can also receive a camera settings message: {"action":"settings","iso":100,"shutter_speed":40} Receive only - segmenter/segment : This topic adresses the segmenter process Is a json object with {"action":"segment"} Receive only - status : This topics sends feedback to Node-Red No publication or receive at this level - status/pump : State of the pump Is a json object with {"status":"Start", "time_left":25} Status is one of Started, Ready, Done, Interrupted Publish only - status/focus : State of the focus stage Is a json object with {"status":"Start", "time_left":25} Status is one of Started, Ready, Done, Interrupted Publish only - status/imager : State of the imager Is a json object with {"status":"Start", "time_left":25} Status is one of Started, Ready, Completed or 12_11_15_0.1.jpg has been imaged. Publish only - status/segmenter : Status of the segmentation - status/segmenter/name - status/segmenter/object_id - status/segmenter/metric Here is the original commit history: * Extract python from flow * Fix bug in server addresses These addresses should be the loopback device instead of the network address of the device. Using the loopback address will not necessitate to update the script when the network address changes. * clean up picamera import * changes to main python and flow: update MQTT requests address to localhost (bugfix) update streaming output address to nothing update main flow to remove python script references and location * Automatically initialise imaging led on startup to off state. * Add the ability to invert outputs of the motor We added a key to config.json "hardware_config" with a subkey "stepper_reverse". If this key is present in the config file and set to 1, the output of the motors are inversed (stepper2 becomes the pump motor and stepper1 the focus motor) * move all non main script to a subfolder * add to package * light module rewrite * json cleanup and absolute path for config file * forgot to import subprocess #oups * Add command to turn the leds off * Auto formatting of I've used Black with default settings, see * First commit of Pump parameters still needs to be checked and tuned. * addition of hardware details in config.json * Introduce hardware.json to replace the `hardware_config` of config.json * calibration, typos * creates the MQTT_Client class * pump_max_speed is now in ml/min to help readability * forgot to add self to the class def * addition of threading capabilities to (UNTESTED) * mqtt: fix topic bug * remove counter * mqtt add doc about topics * creates an "actuator/*/state" topic * rename mqtt_client to pump_client * add details about topics * rename pump_client to actuator_client * topic was not split properly and a part was lost * switch to f-strings for * cosmetic update * folder name will be planktoscope change calls * hardware.json became more straightforward * syntax bugs * addition of a received stop command * update to max travel distance * several typos here * rename folder * reword to reflect folder rename * remove logic that has been moved to and * update to add mqtt imaging client * make command and args local to class and output more verbose * make a class * instantiate stepper class and call it * name mqtt client * update to main.json to reflect changes * fix bugs around pump control * update flows to latest version from Thibault * distance can be a small value, and definitevely should be a float. * unify mqtt topics * unify mqtt output in the main flow * first logger implementation, uses loguru * mqtt: add reason to on_connect * mqtt: add on_disconnect handler * stepper: add more logger calls for debug mainly * main: add levels for logger * first move of the imager logic * imager: time import cleanup * imager: morphocut import cleanup * imager: skimage import cleanup * imager: finishing import cleanup * imager: Class creation - WIP Also provides a fix for #26 (see line 190). * imager: threading is needed for Condition() * streamer: get the streamer server its own file * imager: creates start_camera and get the server creation out * imager: subclass multiprocessing.Process * imager: get Pipeline creation its own function * imager: cleanup of self calls * main: code removal and corresponding calls to newly created classes * imager: various formatting changes * main: management of signal shutdown * add requirements.txt * mqtt: messages are now json objects Also, addition of a flag on receiving a new message * mqtt: make message private and add logic to synchronise * stepper: creates the stepper class * stepper: use the new class * stepper: uses the new logic * stepper: add the shutdown event * stepper: add shutdown method * main: add shutdown event * imager: graceful shutdown * stepper: nicer way of checking the Eevnt * self is a required first argument for a method in a class Especially if you use said class private members! * python: various typos and small errors in import * stepper: create mqtt client during init * stepper: instanciate the mqtt client inside run Otherwise it's not accessible from inside the loop. It's a PITA, more information at * stepper: little bugs and typos all around * mqtt: add shutdown method * mqtt: add connect in init * stepper: fix bugs, sanitize inputs * stepper: work on delay prediction improvements * stepper: json is mean, double quote are mandatory inside * mqtt: add details about message exchanged * imager: first implementation of json messages * main.json: add new tab for RPi management + json for payloads * imager: add state_machine class * stepper: publish last will * imager: major refactor * main: make streaming server process a daemon * mqtt: insert debug statement on close * main: reorder imports * imager: make it work! Reinsert the streaming server logic in there, because there is a problem with the synchronisation part otherwise. Also, eventually, StreamingOuput() will have to be made not global Final very critical learning: it's super duper important to make sure the memory split is at least 256Meg for the GPU. Chaos ensues otherwise * main: changes to accomodate the streamer/imager fusino * imager_state_machine: insert states transition description * stepper: cleanup of code * segmenter: creation of the class * python: include segmenter changes * remove unused files * stepper: check existence of hardware.json * main.json: changes to reflect the python script evolution * remove unecessary TODOs and add some others * main: add check for config and directories * imager: update_config is implemented and we have better management of directories now * segmenter: now work recursively in all folders * flow: the configuration is now sent via mqtt * segmenter: better manage pipeline error * segmenter: declaration of archive_fn in init * imager: small bugs and typos * main: add uniqueID output * imager: add the camera settings message We can now update the ISO, shutter speed and resolution from Node-Red * package.json: update dependencies
2020-09-28 11:05:27 +02:00
"type": "ui_group",
2020-11-24 17:25:15 +01:00
"name": "Fluidic Manual Manipulation",
"tab": "181bb236.1e94be",
2020-11-27 11:30:57 +01:00
"order": 5,
Extraction and refactor of the python code from node-red flow The rationale for this rewrite is to improve the readability, the modularity, the reliability and the future-proofing of the main python script. All in all, this is now 124 commits that are going to be squashed and merged together, spanning more than two weeks of development and testing. Please test away this release and break things. An upgrading guide will be published in the coming days, along with a new image for people to use if they don't want to upgrade on their own. Read along if you want to know all the goodies! As a starter, the python script was extracted from the main flow, and now lives in its own files at `PlantonScope/scripts/*`. We set up the auto formatting of the code by using [Black]( This make the code clearer and uniform. We are using the default settings, so if you just install Black and set your editor to format on save using it, you should be good to go. The code is separated in four main processes, each with a specific set of responsibilities: - The main process controls all the others, starts everything up and cleans up on shutdown - The stepper process manages the stepper movements. It's now possible to have simultaneous movements of both motors (this closes #38 ). - The imager process controls the camera and the streaming server via a state machine. - The segmenter process manages the segmentation and its outputs. The segmentation happens recursively in all folders in `/home/pi/PlanktonScope/img/`. Each folder has its own output archive, and bug #26 is now closed. Those processes communicates together using MQTT and json messages. Each message is adressed to one topic. The high level topic controls which process receives the message. The details of each topic is at the end of this commit message. Every imaging sessions has now its own folder, under the `img` root. Metadata are saved individually for every session, in a JSON file in the same directory as the pictures. The configuration is not parsed from `config.json` anymore and passed directly through MQTT messages to the concerned process. A new configuration file has been created: `hardware.json`. This file contains information related to your specific hardware configuration. You can choose to reverse the connection of the motors for example, but you can also define specific speed limits and steps number for your pump and focus stage. This will make it easier for people who wants to experiment with different kind of hardware. It's not necessary to have this file though. If it doesn't exists, the default configuration will be applied. The code is architectured around 6 modules and about 10 classes. I encourage you to have a look at the files, they're pretty straightforward to understand. There is a lot of work left around the node-red code refactoring, dashboard ui improvements, better and clearer LED messages, OLED screen integration and finer control of the segmentation process, but this is quite good for now. Here is the topic lists for MQTT and the corresponding messages. - actuator : This topic adresses the stepper control thread No publication under this topic should happen from the python process - actuator/pump : Control of the pump The message is a json object {"action":"move", "direction":"FORWARD", "volume":10, "flowrate":1} to move 10mL forward at 1mL/min action can be "move" or "stop" Receive only - actuator/focus : Control of the focus stage The message is a json object, speed is optional {"action":"move", "direction":"UP", "distance":0.26, "speed":1} to move up 10mm action can be "move" or "stop" Receive only - imager/image : This topic adresses the imaging thread Is a json object with {"action":"image","sleep":5,"volume":1,"nb_frame":200} sleep in seconds, volume in mL Can also receive a config update message: {"action":"config","config":[...]} Can also receive a camera settings message: {"action":"settings","iso":100,"shutter_speed":40} Receive only - segmenter/segment : This topic adresses the segmenter process Is a json object with {"action":"segment"} Receive only - status : This topics sends feedback to Node-Red No publication or receive at this level - status/pump : State of the pump Is a json object with {"status":"Start", "time_left":25} Status is one of Started, Ready, Done, Interrupted Publish only - status/focus : State of the focus stage Is a json object with {"status":"Start", "time_left":25} Status is one of Started, Ready, Done, Interrupted Publish only - status/imager : State of the imager Is a json object with {"status":"Start", "time_left":25} Status is one of Started, Ready, Completed or 12_11_15_0.1.jpg has been imaged. Publish only - status/segmenter : Status of the segmentation - status/segmenter/name - status/segmenter/object_id - status/segmenter/metric Here is the original commit history: * Extract python from flow * Fix bug in server addresses These addresses should be the loopback device instead of the network address of the device. Using the loopback address will not necessitate to update the script when the network address changes. * clean up picamera import * changes to main python and flow: update MQTT requests address to localhost (bugfix) update streaming output address to nothing update main flow to remove python script references and location * Automatically initialise imaging led on startup to off state. * Add the ability to invert outputs of the motor We added a key to config.json "hardware_config" with a subkey "stepper_reverse". If this key is present in the config file and set to 1, the output of the motors are inversed (stepper2 becomes the pump motor and stepper1 the focus motor) * move all non main script to a subfolder * add to package * light module rewrite * json cleanup and absolute path for config file * forgot to import subprocess #oups * Add command to turn the leds off * Auto formatting of I've used Black with default settings, see * First commit of Pump parameters still needs to be checked and tuned. * addition of hardware details in config.json * Introduce hardware.json to replace the `hardware_config` of config.json * calibration, typos * creates the MQTT_Client class * pump_max_speed is now in ml/min to help readability * forgot to add self to the class def * addition of threading capabilities to (UNTESTED) * mqtt: fix topic bug * remove counter * mqtt add doc about topics * creates an "actuator/*/state" topic * rename mqtt_client to pump_client * add details about topics * rename pump_client to actuator_client * topic was not split properly and a part was lost * switch to f-strings for * cosmetic update * folder name will be planktoscope change calls * hardware.json became more straightforward * syntax bugs * addition of a received stop command * update to max travel distance * several typos here * rename folder * reword to reflect folder rename * remove logic that has been moved to and * update to add mqtt imaging client * make command and args local to class and output more verbose * make a class * instantiate stepper class and call it * name mqtt client * update to main.json to reflect changes * fix bugs around pump control * update flows to latest version from Thibault * distance can be a small value, and definitevely should be a float. * unify mqtt topics * unify mqtt output in the main flow * first logger implementation, uses loguru * mqtt: add reason to on_connect * mqtt: add on_disconnect handler * stepper: add more logger calls for debug mainly * main: add levels for logger * first move of the imager logic * imager: time import cleanup * imager: morphocut import cleanup * imager: skimage import cleanup * imager: finishing import cleanup * imager: Class creation - WIP Also provides a fix for #26 (see line 190). * imager: threading is needed for Condition() * streamer: get the streamer server its own file * imager: creates start_camera and get the server creation out * imager: subclass multiprocessing.Process * imager: get Pipeline creation its own function * imager: cleanup of self calls * main: code removal and corresponding calls to newly created classes * imager: various formatting changes * main: management of signal shutdown * add requirements.txt * mqtt: messages are now json objects Also, addition of a flag on receiving a new message * mqtt: make message private and add logic to synchronise * stepper: creates the stepper class * stepper: use the new class * stepper: uses the new logic * stepper: add the shutdown event * stepper: add shutdown method * main: add shutdown event * imager: graceful shutdown * stepper: nicer way of checking the Eevnt * self is a required first argument for a method in a class Especially if you use said class private members! * python: various typos and small errors in import * stepper: create mqtt client during init * stepper: instanciate the mqtt client inside run Otherwise it's not accessible from inside the loop. It's a PITA, more information at * stepper: little bugs and typos all around * mqtt: add shutdown method * mqtt: add connect in init * stepper: fix bugs, sanitize inputs * stepper: work on delay prediction improvements * stepper: json is mean, double quote are mandatory inside * mqtt: add details about message exchanged * imager: first implementation of json messages * main.json: add new tab for RPi management + json for payloads * imager: add state_machine class * stepper: publish last will * imager: major refactor * main: make streaming server process a daemon * mqtt: insert debug statement on close * main: reorder imports * imager: make it work! Reinsert the streaming server logic in there, because there is a problem with the synchronisation part otherwise. Also, eventually, StreamingOuput() will have to be made not global Final very critical learning: it's super duper important to make sure the memory split is at least 256Meg for the GPU. Chaos ensues otherwise * main: changes to accomodate the streamer/imager fusino * imager_state_machine: insert states transition description * stepper: cleanup of code * segmenter: creation of the class * python: include segmenter changes * remove unused files * stepper: check existence of hardware.json * main.json: changes to reflect the python script evolution * remove unecessary TODOs and add some others * main: add check for config and directories * imager: update_config is implemented and we have better management of directories now * segmenter: now work recursively in all folders * flow: the configuration is now sent via mqtt * segmenter: better manage pipeline error * segmenter: declaration of archive_fn in init * imager: small bugs and typos * main: add uniqueID output * imager: add the camera settings message We can now update the ISO, shutter speed and resolution from Node-Red * package.json: update dependencies
2020-09-28 11:05:27 +02:00
"disp": true,
2020-11-27 11:30:57 +01:00
"width": 10,
2020-11-24 17:25:15 +01:00
"collapse": false
2020-10-06 17:22:25 +02:00
2020-11-24 17:25:15 +01:00
"id": "7a0b4877.a5d268",
"type": "ui_group",
"z": "",
"name": "Navigation",
2020-11-24 17:25:15 +01:00
"tab": "181bb236.1e94be",
2020-11-27 11:30:57 +01:00
"order": 6,
2020-11-24 17:25:15 +01:00
"disp": false,
"width": "10",
"collapse": false
2020-10-06 17:22:25 +02:00
2020-11-24 17:25:15 +01:00
"id": "404c301a.19c4e",
"type": "ui_group",
2020-11-24 17:25:15 +01:00
"name": "Fraction size",
"tab": "c9194f02.9d5e9",
"order": 2,
"disp": true,
"width": "10",
"collapse": false
"id": "4322c187.e73e5",
"type": "ui_group",
"name": "Acquisition",
"tab": "c9194f02.9d5e9",
"order": 3,
2020-11-24 17:25:15 +01:00
"disp": true,
"width": 10,
"collapse": false
"id": "b7919ae2.c01788",
"type": "ui_group",
"z": "",
2020-11-24 17:25:15 +01:00
"name": "Navigation",
"tab": "c9194f02.9d5e9",
"order": 6,
"disp": false,
"width": "10",
2020-11-24 17:25:15 +01:00
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2020-11-24 17:25:15 +01:00
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2020-11-24 17:25:15 +01:00
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Extraction and refactor of the python code from node-red flow The rationale for this rewrite is to improve the readability, the modularity, the reliability and the future-proofing of the main python script. All in all, this is now 124 commits that are going to be squashed and merged together, spanning more than two weeks of development and testing. Please test away this release and break things. An upgrading guide will be published in the coming days, along with a new image for people to use if they don't want to upgrade on their own. Read along if you want to know all the goodies! As a starter, the python script was extracted from the main flow, and now lives in its own files at `PlantonScope/scripts/*`. We set up the auto formatting of the code by using [Black]( This make the code clearer and uniform. We are using the default settings, so if you just install Black and set your editor to format on save using it, you should be good to go. The code is separated in four main processes, each with a specific set of responsibilities: - The main process controls all the others, starts everything up and cleans up on shutdown - The stepper process manages the stepper movements. It's now possible to have simultaneous movements of both motors (this closes #38 ). - The imager process controls the camera and the streaming server via a state machine. - The segmenter process manages the segmentation and its outputs. The segmentation happens recursively in all folders in `/home/pi/PlanktonScope/img/`. Each folder has its own output archive, and bug #26 is now closed. Those processes communicates together using MQTT and json messages. Each message is adressed to one topic. The high level topic controls which process receives the message. The details of each topic is at the end of this commit message. Every imaging sessions has now its own folder, under the `img` root. Metadata are saved individually for every session, in a JSON file in the same directory as the pictures. The configuration is not parsed from `config.json` anymore and passed directly through MQTT messages to the concerned process. A new configuration file has been created: `hardware.json`. This file contains information related to your specific hardware configuration. You can choose to reverse the connection of the motors for example, but you can also define specific speed limits and steps number for your pump and focus stage. This will make it easier for people who wants to experiment with different kind of hardware. It's not necessary to have this file though. If it doesn't exists, the default configuration will be applied. The code is architectured around 6 modules and about 10 classes. I encourage you to have a look at the files, they're pretty straightforward to understand. There is a lot of work left around the node-red code refactoring, dashboard ui improvements, better and clearer LED messages, OLED screen integration and finer control of the segmentation process, but this is quite good for now. Here is the topic lists for MQTT and the corresponding messages. - actuator : This topic adresses the stepper control thread No publication under this topic should happen from the python process - actuator/pump : Control of the pump The message is a json object {"action":"move", "direction":"FORWARD", "volume":10, "flowrate":1} to move 10mL forward at 1mL/min action can be "move" or "stop" Receive only - actuator/focus : Control of the focus stage The message is a json object, speed is optional {"action":"move", "direction":"UP", "distance":0.26, "speed":1} to move up 10mm action can be "move" or "stop" Receive only - imager/image : This topic adresses the imaging thread Is a json object with {"action":"image","sleep":5,"volume":1,"nb_frame":200} sleep in seconds, volume in mL Can also receive a config update message: {"action":"config","config":[...]} Can also receive a camera settings message: {"action":"settings","iso":100,"shutter_speed":40} Receive only - segmenter/segment : This topic adresses the segmenter process Is a json object with {"action":"segment"} Receive only - status : This topics sends feedback to Node-Red No publication or receive at this level - status/pump : State of the pump Is a json object with {"status":"Start", "time_left":25} Status is one of Started, Ready, Done, Interrupted Publish only - status/focus : State of the focus stage Is a json object with {"status":"Start", "time_left":25} Status is one of Started, Ready, Done, Interrupted Publish only - status/imager : State of the imager Is a json object with {"status":"Start", "time_left":25} Status is one of Started, Ready, Completed or 12_11_15_0.1.jpg has been imaged. Publish only - status/segmenter : Status of the segmentation - status/segmenter/name - status/segmenter/object_id - status/segmenter/metric Here is the original commit history: * Extract python from flow * Fix bug in server addresses These addresses should be the loopback device instead of the network address of the device. Using the loopback address will not necessitate to update the script when the network address changes. * clean up picamera import * changes to main python and flow: update MQTT requests address to localhost (bugfix) update streaming output address to nothing update main flow to remove python script references and location * Automatically initialise imaging led on startup to off state. * Add the ability to invert outputs of the motor We added a key to config.json "hardware_config" with a subkey "stepper_reverse". If this key is present in the config file and set to 1, the output of the motors are inversed (stepper2 becomes the pump motor and stepper1 the focus motor) * move all non main script to a subfolder * add to package * light module rewrite * json cleanup and absolute path for config file * forgot to import subprocess #oups * Add command to turn the leds off * Auto formatting of I've used Black with default settings, see * First commit of Pump parameters still needs to be checked and tuned. * addition of hardware details in config.json * Introduce hardware.json to replace the `hardware_config` of config.json * calibration, typos * creates the MQTT_Client class * pump_max_speed is now in ml/min to help readability * forgot to add self to the class def * addition of threading capabilities to (UNTESTED) * mqtt: fix topic bug * remove counter * mqtt add doc about topics * creates an "actuator/*/state" topic * rename mqtt_client to pump_client * add details about topics * rename pump_client to actuator_client * topic was not split properly and a part was lost * switch to f-strings for * cosmetic update * folder name will be planktoscope change calls * hardware.json became more straightforward * syntax bugs * addition of a received stop command * update to max travel distance * several typos here * rename folder * reword to reflect folder rename * remove logic that has been moved to and * update to add mqtt imaging client * make command and args local to class and output more verbose * make a class * instantiate stepper class and call it * name mqtt client * update to main.json to reflect changes * fix bugs around pump control * update flows to latest version from Thibault * distance can be a small value, and definitevely should be a float. * unify mqtt topics * unify mqtt output in the main flow * first logger implementation, uses loguru * mqtt: add reason to on_connect * mqtt: add on_disconnect handler * stepper: add more logger calls for debug mainly * main: add levels for logger * first move of the imager logic * imager: time import cleanup * imager: morphocut import cleanup * imager: skimage import cleanup * imager: finishing import cleanup * imager: Class creation - WIP Also provides a fix for #26 (see line 190). * imager: threading is needed for Condition() * streamer: get the streamer server its own file * imager: creates start_camera and get the server creation out * imager: subclass multiprocessing.Process * imager: get Pipeline creation its own function * imager: cleanup of self calls * main: code removal and corresponding calls to newly created classes * imager: various formatting changes * main: management of signal shutdown * add requirements.txt * mqtt: messages are now json objects Also, addition of a flag on receiving a new message * mqtt: make message private and add logic to synchronise * stepper: creates the stepper class * stepper: use the new class * stepper: uses the new logic * stepper: add the shutdown event * stepper: add shutdown method * main: add shutdown event * imager: graceful shutdown * stepper: nicer way of checking the Eevnt * self is a required first argument for a method in a class Especially if you use said class private members! * python: various typos and small errors in import * stepper: create mqtt client during init * stepper: instanciate the mqtt client inside run Otherwise it's not accessible from inside the loop. It's a PITA, more information at * stepper: little bugs and typos all around * mqtt: add shutdown method * mqtt: add connect in init * stepper: fix bugs, sanitize inputs * stepper: work on delay prediction improvements * stepper: json is mean, double quote are mandatory inside * mqtt: add details about message exchanged * imager: first implementation of json messages * main.json: add new tab for RPi management + json for payloads * imager: add state_machine class * stepper: publish last will * imager: major refactor * main: make streaming server process a daemon * mqtt: insert debug statement on close * main: reorder imports * imager: make it work! Reinsert the streaming server logic in there, because there is a problem with the synchronisation part otherwise. Also, eventually, StreamingOuput() will have to be made not global Final very critical learning: it's super duper important to make sure the memory split is at least 256Meg for the GPU. Chaos ensues otherwise * main: changes to accomodate the streamer/imager fusino * imager_state_machine: insert states transition description * stepper: cleanup of code * segmenter: creation of the class * python: include segmenter changes * remove unused files * stepper: check existence of hardware.json * main.json: changes to reflect the python script evolution * remove unecessary TODOs and add some others * main: add check for config and directories * imager: update_config is implemented and we have better management of directories now * segmenter: now work recursively in all folders * flow: the configuration is now sent via mqtt * segmenter: better manage pipeline error * segmenter: declaration of archive_fn in init * imager: small bugs and typos * main: add uniqueID output * imager: add the camera settings message We can now update the ISO, shutter speed and resolution from Node-Red * package.json: update dependencies
2020-09-28 11:05:27 +02:00
2020-11-24 17:25:15 +01:00
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2020-11-25 16:58:32 +01:00
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2020-11-25 16:58:32 +01:00
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2020-11-24 17:25:15 +01:00
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2020-11-25 16:58:32 +01:00
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2020-11-25 16:58:32 +01:00
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2020-11-24 17:25:15 +01:00
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2020-11-25 16:58:32 +01:00
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2020-11-24 17:25:15 +01:00
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2020-11-25 16:58:32 +01:00
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2020-11-24 17:25:15 +01:00
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2020-09-15 17:33:49 +02:00
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2020-11-24 17:25:15 +01:00
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2020-11-25 16:58:32 +01:00
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2020-11-24 17:25:15 +01:00
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2020-11-25 16:58:32 +01:00
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2020-11-24 17:25:15 +01:00
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2020-11-25 16:58:32 +01:00
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2020-11-24 17:25:15 +01:00
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2020-09-15 17:33:49 +02:00
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2020-11-24 17:25:15 +01:00
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2020-09-15 17:33:49 +02:00
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2020-11-24 17:25:15 +01:00
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2020-11-24 17:25:15 +01:00
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2020-09-15 17:33:49 +02:00
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2020-11-24 17:25:15 +01:00
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2020-09-15 17:33:49 +02:00
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2020-11-25 16:58:32 +01:00
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2020-11-24 17:25:15 +01:00
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2020-09-15 17:33:49 +02:00
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2020-11-24 17:25:15 +01:00
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2020-09-15 17:33:49 +02:00
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2020-11-24 17:25:15 +01:00
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2020-11-24 17:25:15 +01:00
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2020-11-25 16:58:32 +01:00
"x": 570,
2020-11-24 17:25:15 +01:00
"y": 320,
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2020-09-15 17:33:49 +02:00
2020-11-24 17:25:15 +01:00
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2020-11-25 16:58:32 +01:00
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2020-11-24 17:25:15 +01:00
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2020-11-25 16:58:32 +01:00
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2020-11-24 17:25:15 +01:00
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2020-09-15 17:33:49 +02:00
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2020-11-24 17:25:15 +01:00
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2020-11-25 16:58:32 +01:00
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2020-11-24 17:25:15 +01:00
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2020-09-15 17:33:49 +02:00
2020-11-24 17:25:15 +01:00
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2020-11-25 16:58:32 +01:00
"name": "update: 15s",
2020-11-24 17:25:15 +01:00
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2020-11-25 16:58:32 +01:00
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2020-11-24 17:25:15 +01:00
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2020-11-25 16:58:32 +01:00
"vt": "str"
2020-11-24 17:25:15 +01:00
2020-11-25 16:58:32 +01:00
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2020-11-24 17:25:15 +01:00
"crontab": "",
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"payload": "",
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2020-07-14 18:22:31 +02:00
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2020-11-24 17:25:15 +01:00
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"z": "1371dec5.76e671",
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"type": "python3-function",
"z": "1371dec5.76e671",
"name": "",
"func": "#!/usr/bin/python\nimport smbus\nimport sys\n\nstate = msg[\"payload\"]\n\nbus = smbus.SMBus(1)\n\nDEVICE_ADDRESS = 0x0d\n\nif state == \"off\":\n bus.write_byte_data(DEVICE_ADDRESS, 0x08, 0x00)\n bus.write_byte_data(DEVICE_ADDRESS, 0x08, 0x00)\nif state == \"on\":\n bus.write_byte_data(DEVICE_ADDRESS, 0x08, 0x01)\n bus.write_byte_data(DEVICE_ADDRESS, 0x08, 0x01)",
"outputs": 1,
"x": 1090,
"y": 40,
"wires": [
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"type": "ui_button",
"z": "1371dec5.76e671",
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"passthru": false,
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"tooltip": "",
"color": "",
"bgcolor": "#AD1625",
"icon": "refresh",
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"payloadType": "str",
"topic": "reboot",
2020-11-27 11:30:57 +01:00
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2020-11-24 17:25:15 +01:00
"wires": [
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"addpay": true,
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2020-11-27 11:30:57 +01:00
"x": 510,
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2020-11-24 17:25:15 +01:00
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2020-07-14 18:22:31 +02:00
2020-11-24 17:25:15 +01:00
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"name": "",
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"height": 1,
"passthru": false,
"label": "Shutdown",
"tooltip": "",
"color": "",
"bgcolor": "#AD1625",
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"payloadType": "str",
"topic": "shutdown",
2020-11-27 11:30:57 +01:00
"x": 120,
"y": 1080,
2020-11-24 17:25:15 +01:00
"wires": [
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"type": "python3-function",
"z": "1371dec5.76e671",
"name": "action",
"func": "#!/usr/bin/python\nimport smbus\nimport time\nbus = smbus.SMBus(1)\ntime.sleep(1)\n#turn off fan RGB\nbus.write_byte_data(0x0d, 0x07, 0x00)\nbus.write_byte_data(0x0d, 0x07, 0x00)\n\n#msg[\"payload\"] = str(msg[\"topic\"])+' now'\nreturn msg",
2020-09-15 17:33:49 +02:00
"outputs": 1,
2020-11-27 11:30:57 +01:00
"x": 330,
"y": 1040,
2020-09-15 17:33:49 +02:00
"wires": [
2020-11-24 17:25:15 +01:00
2020-07-14 18:22:31 +02:00
2020-11-24 17:25:15 +01:00
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2020-11-27 12:50:35 +01:00
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2020-11-27 11:30:57 +01:00
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2020-01-08 14:32:46 +01:00
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2020-11-24 17:25:15 +01:00
2020-09-15 17:33:49 +02:00
2020-01-08 14:32:46 +01:00
2020-11-24 17:25:15 +01:00
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2020-09-15 17:33:49 +02:00
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2020-11-24 17:25:15 +01:00
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2020-01-08 14:32:46 +01:00
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2020-09-15 17:33:49 +02:00
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2020-11-25 16:58:32 +01:00
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2020-09-15 17:33:49 +02:00
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2020-10-06 17:22:25 +02:00
"v": "35",
2020-09-15 17:33:49 +02:00
"vt": "num"
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"repair": false,
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2020-11-24 17:25:15 +01:00
"x": 570,
"y": 40,
2020-01-08 14:32:46 +01:00
"wires": [
2020-11-24 17:25:15 +01:00
2020-09-15 17:33:49 +02:00
2020-11-24 17:25:15 +01:00
2020-01-08 14:32:46 +01:00
2020-11-24 17:25:15 +01:00
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2020-09-15 17:33:49 +02:00
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2020-11-24 17:25:15 +01:00
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2020-11-25 16:58:32 +01:00
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2020-09-15 17:33:49 +02:00
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2020-11-25 16:58:32 +01:00
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2020-11-24 17:25:15 +01:00
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2020-07-14 18:27:49 +02:00
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2020-11-24 17:25:15 +01:00
2020-07-14 18:27:49 +02:00
2020-11-24 17:25:15 +01:00
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2020-11-25 16:58:32 +01:00
"name": "Set ON",
2020-11-24 17:25:15 +01:00
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2020-11-25 16:58:32 +01:00
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2020-11-24 17:25:15 +01:00
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2020-07-14 18:27:49 +02:00
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2020-11-24 17:25:15 +01:00
2020-07-14 18:27:49 +02:00
2020-11-24 17:25:15 +01:00
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2020-11-27 11:30:57 +01:00
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2020-11-27 12:45:22 +01:00
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2020-11-24 17:25:15 +01:00
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2020-07-14 18:27:49 +02:00
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2020-11-24 17:25:15 +01:00
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2020-09-15 17:33:49 +02:00
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2020-07-14 18:27:49 +02:00
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2020-11-24 17:25:15 +01:00
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2020-09-15 17:33:49 +02:00
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2020-11-24 17:25:15 +01:00
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2020-09-15 17:33:49 +02:00
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2020-11-24 17:25:15 +01:00
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2020-07-14 18:22:31 +02:00
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2020-11-24 17:25:15 +01:00
2020-07-14 18:22:31 +02:00
2020-11-24 17:25:15 +01:00
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2020-07-14 18:22:31 +02:00
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2020-09-15 17:33:49 +02:00
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2020-11-24 17:25:15 +01:00
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2020-07-14 18:22:31 +02:00
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2020-11-24 17:25:15 +01:00
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2020-07-14 18:22:31 +02:00
2020-11-24 17:25:15 +01:00
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2020-11-25 16:58:32 +01:00
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2020-11-24 17:25:15 +01:00
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2020-07-14 18:22:31 +02:00
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2020-11-24 17:25:15 +01:00
2020-11-27 11:30:57 +01:00
2020-11-24 17:25:15 +01:00
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2020-11-24 17:25:15 +01:00
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2020-09-15 17:33:49 +02:00
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2020-11-24 17:25:15 +01:00
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2020-07-14 18:22:31 +02:00
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2020-11-24 17:25:15 +01:00
2020-07-14 18:22:31 +02:00
2020-11-24 17:25:15 +01:00
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2020-07-14 18:22:31 +02:00
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2020-11-24 17:25:15 +01:00
2020-07-14 18:22:31 +02:00
2020-11-24 17:25:15 +01:00
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2020-09-15 17:33:49 +02:00
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2020-11-24 17:25:15 +01:00
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2020-07-14 18:22:31 +02:00
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2020-11-24 17:25:15 +01:00
2020-07-14 18:22:31 +02:00
2020-11-24 17:25:15 +01:00
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2020-07-14 18:22:31 +02:00
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2020-11-24 17:25:15 +01:00
2020-07-14 18:22:31 +02:00
2020-11-24 17:25:15 +01:00
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2020-07-14 18:22:31 +02:00
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2020-11-24 17:25:15 +01:00
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2020-11-27 18:39:09 +01:00
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2020-11-24 17:25:15 +01:00
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2020-11-24 17:25:15 +01:00
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2020-01-08 14:32:46 +01:00
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2020-11-24 17:25:15 +01:00
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2020-01-08 14:32:46 +01:00
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2020-09-15 17:33:49 +02:00
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2020-11-24 17:25:15 +01:00
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2020-01-08 14:32:46 +01:00
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2020-11-24 17:25:15 +01:00
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2020-11-27 18:39:09 +01:00
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2020-11-24 17:25:15 +01:00
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2020-11-25 16:58:32 +01:00
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2020-11-24 17:25:15 +01:00
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2020-01-08 14:32:46 +01:00
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2020-11-24 17:25:15 +01:00
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2020-11-27 11:30:57 +01:00
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2020-11-24 17:25:15 +01:00
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2020-11-24 17:25:15 +01:00
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2020-11-27 11:30:57 +01:00
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2020-11-24 17:25:15 +01:00
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2020-09-15 17:33:49 +02:00
2020-11-24 17:25:15 +01:00
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"type": "str"
2020-09-15 17:33:49 +02:00
2020-11-24 17:25:15 +01:00
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"type": "str"
"label": "Niskin bottle 24L",
"value": "niskin_24L",
"type": "str"
"label": "Pass Hull",
"value": "pass_hull",
"type": "str"
2020-09-15 17:33:49 +02:00
2020-11-24 17:25:15 +01:00
"payload": "",
"topic": "sample_sampling_gear",
"x": 640,
2020-11-24 17:25:15 +01:00
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2020-01-08 14:32:46 +01:00
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2020-09-15 17:33:49 +02:00
2020-09-15 17:33:49 +02:00
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2020-11-24 17:25:15 +01:00
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2020-09-15 17:33:49 +02:00
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2020-11-24 17:25:15 +01:00
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2020-11-24 17:25:15 +01:00
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2020-01-08 14:32:46 +01:00
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2020-11-27 11:30:57 +01:00
2020-01-08 14:32:46 +01:00
2020-11-24 17:25:15 +01:00
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2020-07-14 18:22:31 +02:00
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2020-11-24 17:25:15 +01:00
"z": "b771c342.49603",
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"label": "Name of the project*",
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2020-01-08 14:32:46 +01:00
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2020-07-14 18:22:31 +02:00
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2020-11-24 17:25:15 +01:00
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2020-07-14 18:22:31 +02:00
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2020-11-24 17:25:15 +01:00
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2020-11-27 11:30:57 +01:00
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2020-11-24 17:25:15 +01:00
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2020-01-08 14:32:46 +01:00
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2020-11-24 17:25:15 +01:00
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2020-07-14 18:22:31 +02:00
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2020-11-24 17:25:15 +01:00
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"label": "ID of the station*",
2020-07-14 18:22:31 +02:00
"tooltip": "",
2020-11-24 17:25:15 +01:00
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2020-07-14 18:22:31 +02:00
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2020-11-24 17:25:15 +01:00
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2020-07-14 18:22:31 +02:00
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2020-11-24 17:25:15 +01:00
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2020-11-24 17:25:15 +01:00
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2020-01-08 14:32:46 +01:00
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2020-01-08 14:32:46 +01:00
2020-11-24 17:25:15 +01:00
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2020-01-08 14:32:46 +01:00
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2020-11-24 17:25:15 +01:00
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2020-11-27 11:30:57 +01:00
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2020-01-08 14:32:46 +01:00
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2020-10-06 17:22:25 +02:00
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2020-11-27 11:30:57 +01:00
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2020-07-14 18:22:31 +02:00
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2020-11-24 17:25:15 +01:00
2020-07-14 18:22:31 +02:00
2020-11-24 17:25:15 +01:00
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2020-11-27 11:30:57 +01:00
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2020-11-24 17:25:15 +01:00
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"value": 200,
"type": "num"
"label": "400 μm µ-Slide I Luer",
"value": 400,
"type": "num"
"label": "600 μm µ-Slide I Luer",
"value": 600,
"type": "num"
"label": "800 μm µ-Slide I Luer",
"value": 800,
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2020-01-08 14:32:46 +01:00
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2020-11-27 11:30:57 +01:00
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2020-11-24 17:25:15 +01:00
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2020-07-14 18:22:31 +02:00
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2020-11-24 17:25:15 +01:00
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2020-11-27 11:30:57 +01:00
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2020-07-14 18:22:31 +02:00
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2020-11-24 17:25:15 +01:00
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2020-11-24 17:25:15 +01:00
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2020-07-14 18:22:31 +02:00
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2020-11-24 17:25:15 +01:00
2020-07-14 18:22:31 +02:00
2020-11-24 17:25:15 +01:00
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2020-07-14 18:22:31 +02:00
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2020-11-24 17:25:15 +01:00
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2020-07-14 18:22:31 +02:00
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2020-11-24 17:25:15 +01:00
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2020-07-14 18:22:31 +02:00
"type": "function",
2020-11-24 17:25:15 +01:00
"z": "b771c342.49603",
"name": "Check form",
"func": "var sample_project= global.get(\"sample_project\");\nvar sample_ship= global.get(\"sample_ship\");\nvar sample_id= global.get(\"sample_id\");\nvar sample_operator= global.get(\"sample_operator\");\nvar sample_sampling_gear= global.get(\"sample_sampling_gear\");\nvar object_lat= global.get(\"object_lat\");\nvar object_lon= global.get(\"object_lon\");\nvar object_date= global.get(\"object_date\");\nvar object_time= global.get(\"object_time\");\n\nif (sample_project === undefined || sample_project === \"\") {\n msg.topic = \"Missing entry :\"\n msg.payload = \"Sample project\"\n}\n\nelse if (sample_ship === undefined || sample_ship === \"\") {\n msg.topic = \"Missing entry :\"\n msg.payload = \"Sample ship\"\n}\n\nelse if (sample_id === undefined || sample_id === \"\") {\n msg.topic = \"Missing entry :\"\n msg.payload = \"Sample ID\"\n}\n\nelse if (sample_operator === undefined || sample_operator === \"\") {\n msg.topic = \"Missing entry :\"\n msg.payload = \"Sample operator\"\n}\n\nelse if (sample_sampling_gear === undefined || sample_sampling_gear === \"\") {\n msg.topic = \"Missing entry :\"\n msg.payload = \"Sample sampling gear\"\n}\n\nelse if (object_lat === undefined || object_lat === null) {\n msg.topic = \"Missing entry :\"\n msg.payload = \"Latitude of throw\"\n}\n\nelse if (object_lon === undefined || object_lon === null) {\n msg.topic = \"Missing entry :\"\n msg.payload = \"Longitude of throw\"\n}\n\nelse if (object_date === undefined || object_date === \"\") {\n msg.topic = \"Missing entry :\"\n msg.payload = \"Date of throw\"\n}\n\nelse if (object_time === undefined || object_time === \"\") {\n msg.topic = \"Missing entry :\"\n msg.payload = \"Time of throw\"\n}\nelse if (sample_sampling_gear == \"net\"){\n var object_lat_end= global.get(\"object_lat_end\");\n var object_lon_end= global.get(\"object_lon_end\");\n var object_date_end= global.get(\"object_date_end\");\n var object_time_end= global.get(\"object_time_end\");\n\n if (object_lat_end === undefined || object_lat_end === null) {\n msg.topic = \"Missing entry :\"\n msg.payload = \"Latitude of retrieval\"\n }\n \n else if (object_lon_end === undefined || object_lon_end === null) {\n msg.topic = \"Missing entry :\"\n msg.payload = \"Longitude of retrieval\"\n }\n \n else if (object_date_end === undefined || object_date_end === \"\") {\n msg.topic = \"Missing entry :\"\n msg.payload = \"Date of retrieval\"\n }\n \n else if (object_time_end === undefined || object_time_end === \"\") {\n msg.topic = \"Missing entry :\"\n msg.payload = \"Time of retrieval\"\n }\n}\nelse {\n msg.topic = \"Change Tab\"\n msg.payload={\"tab\":\"Optic Configuration\"};\n}\nreturn msg;\n",
2020-07-14 18:22:31 +02:00
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2020-11-27 11:30:57 +01:00
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2020-07-14 18:22:31 +02:00
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2020-11-24 17:25:15 +01:00
2020-07-14 18:22:31 +02:00
2020-11-24 17:25:15 +01:00
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2020-07-14 18:22:31 +02:00
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2020-11-24 17:25:15 +01:00
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2020-07-14 18:22:31 +02:00
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2020-11-24 17:25:15 +01:00
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2020-07-14 18:22:31 +02:00
2020-11-24 17:25:15 +01:00
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2020-07-14 18:22:31 +02:00
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2020-11-24 17:25:15 +01:00
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2020-07-14 18:22:31 +02:00
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2020-11-24 17:25:15 +01:00
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2020-07-14 18:22:31 +02:00
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2020-11-24 17:25:15 +01:00
"v": "Missing entry :",
2020-07-14 18:22:31 +02:00
"vt": "str"
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"repair": false,
2020-11-24 17:25:15 +01:00
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"x": 610,
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2020-07-14 18:22:31 +02:00
"wires": [
2020-11-24 17:25:15 +01:00
2020-07-14 18:22:31 +02:00
2020-11-24 17:25:15 +01:00
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2020-11-24 17:25:15 +01:00
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2020-11-27 11:30:57 +01:00
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2020-11-24 17:25:15 +01:00
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2020-11-27 11:30:57 +01:00
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2020-11-24 17:25:15 +01:00
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2020-11-27 11:30:57 +01:00
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2020-07-14 18:22:31 +02:00
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2020-11-24 17:25:15 +01:00
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2020-11-25 16:58:32 +01:00
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2020-11-27 11:30:57 +01:00
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2020-11-24 17:25:15 +01:00
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2020-07-14 18:22:31 +02:00
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2020-11-27 11:30:57 +01:00
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2020-11-24 17:25:15 +01:00
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2020-11-27 11:30:57 +01:00
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2020-11-27 11:30:57 +01:00
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2020-11-27 11:30:57 +01:00
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2020-11-24 17:25:15 +01:00
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2020-11-27 11:30:57 +01:00
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2020-11-24 17:25:15 +01:00
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2020-11-27 11:30:57 +01:00
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2020-07-14 18:22:31 +02:00
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2020-11-24 17:25:15 +01:00
2020-07-14 18:22:31 +02:00
2020-11-24 17:25:15 +01:00
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2020-11-27 11:30:57 +01:00
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2020-11-27 12:45:22 +01:00
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2020-07-14 18:22:31 +02:00
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2020-11-24 17:25:15 +01:00
2020-07-14 18:22:31 +02:00
2020-11-24 17:25:15 +01:00
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2020-07-14 18:22:31 +02:00
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2020-11-24 17:25:15 +01:00
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2020-11-27 12:45:22 +01:00
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2020-07-14 18:22:31 +02:00
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2020-11-24 17:25:15 +01:00
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2020-07-14 18:22:31 +02:00
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2020-11-24 17:25:15 +01:00
"z": "bccd1f23.87219",
"name": "Check form",
"func": "var acq_fnumber_objective= global.get(\"acq_fnumber_objective\");\n\nif (acq_fnumber_objective === undefined || acq_fnumber_objective === \"\") {\n msg.topic = \"Missing entry :\"\n msg.payload = \"Focal Length of the objective\"\n}\n\nelse {\n msg.topic = \"Change Tab\"\n msg.payload={\"tab\":\"Fluidic Acquisition\"};\n}\nreturn msg;\n",
2020-07-14 18:22:31 +02:00
"outputs": 1,
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2020-11-27 11:30:57 +01:00
"initialize": "",
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2020-11-24 17:25:15 +01:00
"x": 670,
2020-11-27 12:45:22 +01:00
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2020-07-14 18:22:31 +02:00
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2020-11-24 17:25:15 +01:00
2020-07-14 18:22:31 +02:00
2020-11-24 17:25:15 +01:00
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2020-07-14 18:22:31 +02:00
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2020-11-24 17:25:15 +01:00
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2020-11-27 12:45:22 +01:00
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2020-11-24 17:25:15 +01:00
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2020-07-14 18:22:31 +02:00
2020-11-24 17:25:15 +01:00
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"v": "Missing entry :",
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2020-07-14 18:22:31 +02:00
2020-11-24 17:25:15 +01:00
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2020-11-27 12:45:22 +01:00
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2020-07-14 18:22:31 +02:00
2020-11-24 17:25:15 +01:00
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2020-07-14 18:22:31 +02:00
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2020-11-24 17:25:15 +01:00
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2020-11-27 11:30:57 +01:00
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2020-09-15 17:33:49 +02:00
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2020-07-14 18:22:31 +02:00
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2020-11-24 17:25:15 +01:00
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2020-07-14 18:22:31 +02:00
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2020-11-24 17:25:15 +01:00
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2020-07-14 18:22:31 +02:00
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2020-11-24 17:25:15 +01:00
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2020-07-14 18:22:31 +02:00
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2020-11-24 17:25:15 +01:00
2020-07-14 18:22:31 +02:00
2020-11-24 17:25:15 +01:00
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2020-07-14 18:22:31 +02:00
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2020-11-24 17:25:15 +01:00
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2020-11-27 11:30:57 +01:00
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2020-09-15 17:33:49 +02:00
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2020-11-24 17:25:15 +01:00
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2020-07-14 18:22:31 +02:00
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2020-11-24 17:25:15 +01:00
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2020-07-14 18:22:31 +02:00
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2020-11-24 17:25:15 +01:00
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2020-07-14 18:22:31 +02:00
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2020-11-24 17:25:15 +01:00
2020-07-14 18:22:31 +02:00
2020-11-24 17:25:15 +01:00
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2020-07-14 18:27:49 +02:00
2020-11-24 17:25:15 +01:00
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2020-07-14 18:22:31 +02:00
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2020-11-24 17:25:15 +01:00
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2020-07-14 18:22:31 +02:00
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2020-11-24 17:25:15 +01:00
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"value": 16,
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"label": "f 8mm 1/2.5\" 5MP IR",
"value": 8,
"type": "num"
"label": "f 6mm 1/2.5\" 5MP IR",
"value": 6,
"type": "num"
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"topic": "acq_fnumber_objective",
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2020-07-14 18:22:31 +02:00
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2020-11-24 17:25:15 +01:00
2020-07-14 18:22:31 +02:00
2020-11-24 17:25:15 +01:00
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2020-07-14 18:22:31 +02:00
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2020-11-24 17:25:15 +01:00
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2020-11-27 11:30:57 +01:00
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2020-11-24 17:25:15 +01:00
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2020-07-14 18:22:31 +02:00
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2020-11-24 17:25:15 +01:00
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2020-07-14 18:22:31 +02:00
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2020-11-24 17:25:15 +01:00
"z": "bccd1f23.87219",
"name": "calculate",
2020-11-27 11:30:57 +01:00
"func": "global.set(msg.topic,msg.payload);\nvar acq_fnumber_objective = String(global.get(msg.topic));\n\nswitch(acq_fnumber_objective) {\n case \"25\":\n global.set(\"acq_magnification\",0.6);\n global.set(\"process_pixel\",1.86);\n global.set(\"sug_min\",60);\n global.set(\"sug_max\",670);\n global.set(\"sug_flowrate\",3);\n break;\n case \"16\":\n global.set(\"acq_magnification\",0.94);\n global.set(\"process_pixel\",1.19);\n global.set(\"sug_min\",40);\n global.set(\"sug_max\",430);\n global.set(\"sug_flowrate\",2.4);\n break;\n case \"12\":\n global.set(\"acq_magnification\",1.20);\n global.set(\"process_pixel\",0.94);\n global.set(\"sug_min\",30);\n global.set(\"sug_max\",340);\n global.set(\"sug_flowrate\",1.25);\n break;\n case \"8\":\n global.set(\"acq_magnification\",1.78);\n global.set(\"process_pixel\",0.63);\n global.set(\"sug_min\",20);\n global.set(\"sug_max\",230);\n global.set(\"sug_flowrate\",0.42);\n break;\n case \"6\":\n global.set(\"acq_magnification\",2.36);\n global.set(\"process_pixel\",0.48);\n global.set(\"sug_min\",15);\n global.set(\"sug_max\",170);\n global.set(\"sug_flowrate\",0.32);\n break;\n}\nreturn msg;",
2020-07-14 18:22:31 +02:00
"outputs": 1,
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2020-11-24 17:25:15 +01:00
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2020-07-14 18:22:31 +02:00
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2020-11-24 17:25:15 +01:00
2020-07-14 18:22:31 +02:00
2020-11-24 17:25:15 +01:00
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2020-07-14 18:22:31 +02:00
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2020-11-24 17:25:15 +01:00
2020-07-14 18:22:31 +02:00
2020-11-24 17:25:15 +01:00
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2020-07-14 18:22:31 +02:00
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2020-11-24 17:25:15 +01:00
"format": "<div>\n Smallest cells to explore :\n <span id=\"min_size\" ng-bind-html=\"msg.payload\"></span>\n μm\n</div>",
"storeOutMessages": true,
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2020-07-14 18:22:31 +02:00
2020-11-24 17:25:15 +01:00
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"width": 0,
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"format": "<div>\n Biggest cells to explore :\n <span id=\"max_size\" ng-bind-html=\"msg.payload\"></span>\n μm\n</div>",
"storeOutMessages": true,
"fwdInMessages": true,
"templateScope": "local",
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"id": "ad87820f.b1d1e",
2020-07-14 18:22:31 +02:00
"type": "function",
2020-11-24 17:25:15 +01:00
"z": "bccd1f23.87219",
"name": "get magnification",
2020-11-27 11:30:57 +01:00
"func": "var magnification = global.get(\"acq_magnification\");\nmsg.payload = magnification;\nreturn msg;",
2020-07-14 18:22:31 +02:00
"outputs": 1,
"noerr": 0,
2020-11-27 11:30:57 +01:00
"initialize": "",
"finalize": "",
2020-11-24 17:25:15 +01:00
"x": 1490,
"y": 100,
2020-07-14 18:22:31 +02:00
"wires": [
2020-11-24 17:25:15 +01:00
2020-07-14 18:22:31 +02:00
2020-11-24 17:25:15 +01:00
"id": "d68a52ee.82e8e",
2020-07-14 18:22:31 +02:00
"type": "function",
2020-11-24 17:25:15 +01:00
"z": "bccd1f23.87219",
"name": "get process_pixel",
"func": "var process_pixel = global.get(\"process_pixel\");\nmsg.payload = process_pixel;\nreturn msg;",
2020-07-14 18:22:31 +02:00
"outputs": 1,
"noerr": 0,
Extraction and refactor of the python code from node-red flow The rationale for this rewrite is to improve the readability, the modularity, the reliability and the future-proofing of the main python script. All in all, this is now 124 commits that are going to be squashed and merged together, spanning more than two weeks of development and testing. Please test away this release and break things. An upgrading guide will be published in the coming days, along with a new image for people to use if they don't want to upgrade on their own. Read along if you want to know all the goodies! As a starter, the python script was extracted from the main flow, and now lives in its own files at `PlantonScope/scripts/*`. We set up the auto formatting of the code by using [Black]( This make the code clearer and uniform. We are using the default settings, so if you just install Black and set your editor to format on save using it, you should be good to go. The code is separated in four main processes, each with a specific set of responsibilities: - The main process controls all the others, starts everything up and cleans up on shutdown - The stepper process manages the stepper movements. It's now possible to have simultaneous movements of both motors (this closes #38 ). - The imager process controls the camera and the streaming server via a state machine. - The segmenter process manages the segmentation and its outputs. The segmentation happens recursively in all folders in `/home/pi/PlanktonScope/img/`. Each folder has its own output archive, and bug #26 is now closed. Those processes communicates together using MQTT and json messages. Each message is adressed to one topic. The high level topic controls which process receives the message. The details of each topic is at the end of this commit message. Every imaging sessions has now its own folder, under the `img` root. Metadata are saved individually for every session, in a JSON file in the same directory as the pictures. The configuration is not parsed from `config.json` anymore and passed directly through MQTT messages to the concerned process. A new configuration file has been created: `hardware.json`. This file contains information related to your specific hardware configuration. You can choose to reverse the connection of the motors for example, but you can also define specific speed limits and steps number for your pump and focus stage. This will make it easier for people who wants to experiment with different kind of hardware. It's not necessary to have this file though. If it doesn't exists, the default configuration will be applied. The code is architectured around 6 modules and about 10 classes. I encourage you to have a look at the files, they're pretty straightforward to understand. There is a lot of work left around the node-red code refactoring, dashboard ui improvements, better and clearer LED messages, OLED screen integration and finer control of the segmentation process, but this is quite good for now. Here is the topic lists for MQTT and the corresponding messages. - actuator : This topic adresses the stepper control thread No publication under this topic should happen from the python process - actuator/pump : Control of the pump The message is a json object {"action":"move", "direction":"FORWARD", "volume":10, "flowrate":1} to move 10mL forward at 1mL/min action can be "move" or "stop" Receive only - actuator/focus : Control of the focus stage The message is a json object, speed is optional {"action":"move", "direction":"UP", "distance":0.26, "speed":1} to move up 10mm action can be "move" or "stop" Receive only - imager/image : This topic adresses the imaging thread Is a json object with {"action":"image","sleep":5,"volume":1,"nb_frame":200} sleep in seconds, volume in mL Can also receive a config update message: {"action":"config","config":[...]} Can also receive a camera settings message: {"action":"settings","iso":100,"shutter_speed":40} Receive only - segmenter/segment : This topic adresses the segmenter process Is a json object with {"action":"segment"} Receive only - status : This topics sends feedback to Node-Red No publication or receive at this level - status/pump : State of the pump Is a json object with {"status":"Start", "time_left":25} Status is one of Started, Ready, Done, Interrupted Publish only - status/focus : State of the focus stage Is a json object with {"status":"Start", "time_left":25} Status is one of Started, Ready, Done, Interrupted Publish only - status/imager : State of the imager Is a json object with {"status":"Start", "time_left":25} Status is one of Started, Ready, Completed or 12_11_15_0.1.jpg has been imaged. Publish only - status/segmenter : Status of the segmentation - status/segmenter/name - status/segmenter/object_id - status/segmenter/metric Here is the original commit history: * Extract python from flow * Fix bug in server addresses These addresses should be the loopback device instead of the network address of the device. Using the loopback address will not necessitate to update the script when the network address changes. * clean up picamera import * changes to main python and flow: update MQTT requests address to localhost (bugfix) update streaming output address to nothing update main flow to remove python script references and location * Automatically initialise imaging led on startup to off state. * Add the ability to invert outputs of the motor We added a key to config.json "hardware_config" with a subkey "stepper_reverse". If this key is present in the config file and set to 1, the output of the motors are inversed (stepper2 becomes the pump motor and stepper1 the focus motor) * move all non main script to a subfolder * add to package * light module rewrite * json cleanup and absolute path for config file * forgot to import subprocess #oups * Add command to turn the leds off * Auto formatting of I've used Black with default settings, see * First commit of Pump parameters still needs to be checked and tuned. * addition of hardware details in config.json * Introduce hardware.json to replace the `hardware_config` of config.json * calibration, typos * creates the MQTT_Client class * pump_max_speed is now in ml/min to help readability * forgot to add self to the class def * addition of threading capabilities to (UNTESTED) * mqtt: fix topic bug * remove counter * mqtt add doc about topics * creates an "actuator/*/state" topic * rename mqtt_client to pump_client * add details about topics * rename pump_client to actuator_client * topic was not split properly and a part was lost * switch to f-strings for * cosmetic update * folder name will be planktoscope change calls * hardware.json became more straightforward * syntax bugs * addition of a received stop command * update to max travel distance * several typos here * rename folder * reword to reflect folder rename * remove logic that has been moved to and * update to add mqtt imaging client * make command and args local to class and output more verbose * make a class * instantiate stepper class and call it * name mqtt client * update to main.json to reflect changes * fix bugs around pump control * update flows to latest version from Thibault * distance can be a small value, and definitevely should be a float. * unify mqtt topics * unify mqtt output in the main flow * first logger implementation, uses loguru * mqtt: add reason to on_connect * mqtt: add on_disconnect handler * stepper: add more logger calls for debug mainly * main: add levels for logger * first move of the imager logic * imager: time import cleanup * imager: morphocut import cleanup * imager: skimage import cleanup * imager: finishing import cleanup * imager: Class creation - WIP Also provides a fix for #26 (see line 190). * imager: threading is needed for Condition() * streamer: get the streamer server its own file * imager: creates start_camera and get the server creation out * imager: subclass multiprocessing.Process * imager: get Pipeline creation its own function * imager: cleanup of self calls * main: code removal and corresponding calls to newly created classes * imager: various formatting changes * main: management of signal shutdown * add requirements.txt * mqtt: messages are now json objects Also, addition of a flag on receiving a new message * mqtt: make message private and add logic to synchronise * stepper: creates the stepper class * stepper: use the new class * stepper: uses the new logic * stepper: add the shutdown event * stepper: add shutdown method * main: add shutdown event * imager: graceful shutdown * stepper: nicer way of checking the Eevnt * self is a required first argument for a method in a class Especially if you use said class private members! * python: various typos and small errors in import * stepper: create mqtt client during init * stepper: instanciate the mqtt client inside run Otherwise it's not accessible from inside the loop. It's a PITA, more information at * stepper: little bugs and typos all around * mqtt: add shutdown method * mqtt: add connect in init * stepper: fix bugs, sanitize inputs * stepper: work on delay prediction improvements * stepper: json is mean, double quote are mandatory inside * mqtt: add details about message exchanged * imager: first implementation of json messages * main.json: add new tab for RPi management + json for payloads * imager: add state_machine class * stepper: publish last will * imager: major refactor * main: make streaming server process a daemon * mqtt: insert debug statement on close * main: reorder imports * imager: make it work! Reinsert the streaming server logic in there, because there is a problem with the synchronisation part otherwise. Also, eventually, StreamingOuput() will have to be made not global Final very critical learning: it's super duper important to make sure the memory split is at least 256Meg for the GPU. Chaos ensues otherwise * main: changes to accomodate the streamer/imager fusino * imager_state_machine: insert states transition description * stepper: cleanup of code * segmenter: creation of the class * python: include segmenter changes * remove unused files * stepper: check existence of hardware.json * main.json: changes to reflect the python script evolution * remove unecessary TODOs and add some others * main: add check for config and directories * imager: update_config is implemented and we have better management of directories now * segmenter: now work recursively in all folders * flow: the configuration is now sent via mqtt * segmenter: better manage pipeline error * segmenter: declaration of archive_fn in init * imager: small bugs and typos * main: add uniqueID output * imager: add the camera settings message We can now update the ISO, shutter speed and resolution from Node-Red * package.json: update dependencies
2020-09-28 11:05:27 +02:00
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2020-11-24 17:25:15 +01:00
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2020-07-14 18:22:31 +02:00
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2020-11-24 17:25:15 +01:00
2020-07-14 18:22:31 +02:00
2020-11-24 17:25:15 +01:00
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2020-07-14 18:22:31 +02:00
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2020-11-24 17:25:15 +01:00
"z": "bccd1f23.87219",
"name": "get sug_min",
"func": "var sug_min = global.get(\"sug_min\");\nmsg.payload = sug_min;\nreturn msg;",
2020-07-14 18:22:31 +02:00
"outputs": 1,
"noerr": 0,
2020-11-24 17:25:15 +01:00
"x": 1470,
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2020-07-14 18:22:31 +02:00
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2020-11-24 17:25:15 +01:00
2020-07-14 18:22:31 +02:00
2020-11-24 17:25:15 +01:00
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2020-07-14 18:22:31 +02:00
"type": "function",
2020-11-24 17:25:15 +01:00
"z": "bccd1f23.87219",
"name": "get sug_max",
"func": "var sug_max = global.get(\"sug_max\");\nmsg.payload = sug_max;\nreturn msg;",
2020-07-14 18:22:31 +02:00
"outputs": 1,
"noerr": 0,
2020-11-24 17:25:15 +01:00
"x": 1470,
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2020-11-24 17:25:15 +01:00
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2020-07-14 18:22:31 +02:00
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2020-11-24 17:25:15 +01:00
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2020-11-27 11:30:57 +01:00
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2020-11-24 17:25:15 +01:00
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2020-07-14 18:22:31 +02:00
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2020-11-24 17:25:15 +01:00
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2020-07-14 18:22:31 +02:00
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2020-11-24 17:25:15 +01:00
2020-07-14 18:22:31 +02:00
2020-11-24 17:25:15 +01:00
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2020-11-27 11:30:57 +01:00
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2020-11-24 17:25:15 +01:00
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2020-07-14 18:22:31 +02:00
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2020-11-24 17:25:15 +01:00
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2020-07-14 18:22:31 +02:00
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2020-11-24 17:25:15 +01:00
2020-07-14 18:22:31 +02:00
2020-11-24 17:25:15 +01:00
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2020-07-14 18:22:31 +02:00
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2020-11-24 17:25:15 +01:00
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2020-11-27 12:45:22 +01:00
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2020-07-14 18:22:31 +02:00
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2020-11-24 17:25:15 +01:00
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2020-11-27 12:45:22 +01:00
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2020-11-24 17:25:15 +01:00
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"label": "Previous",
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"color": "#097479",
"bgcolor": "white",
"icon": "keyboard_return",
"payload": "{\"tab\":\"Optic Configuration\"}",
"payloadType": "json",
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"x": 880,
"y": 80,
"wires": [
2020-07-14 18:22:31 +02:00
2020-11-24 17:25:15 +01:00
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2020-07-14 18:22:31 +02:00
"type": "ui_text_input",
2020-11-24 17:25:15 +01:00
"z": "baa1e3d9.cb29d",
"name": "acq_volume",
"label": "Volume to pass (ml)",
2020-07-14 18:22:31 +02:00
"tooltip": "",
2020-11-24 17:25:15 +01:00
"group": "4322c187.e73e5",
2020-11-25 16:58:32 +01:00
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2020-11-24 17:25:15 +01:00
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2020-07-14 18:22:31 +02:00
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2020-11-24 17:25:15 +01:00
"topic": "acq_volume",
"x": 630,
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2020-07-14 18:22:31 +02:00
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2020-11-24 17:25:15 +01:00
2020-07-14 18:22:31 +02:00
2020-11-25 16:58:32 +01:00
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2020-11-24 17:25:15 +01:00
"z": "baa1e3d9.cb29d",
2020-11-25 16:58:32 +01:00
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2020-11-27 11:30:57 +01:00
"format": "<div >\n <strong>Sample Project:</strong> <span id=\"max_size\" ng-bind-html=\"msg.payload.sample_project\"></span><br>\n <strong>Sample Ship:</strong> <span id=\"max_size\" ng-bind-html=\"msg.payload.sample_ship\"></span><br>\n <strong>sample operator:</strong> <span id=\"max_size\" ng-bind-html=\"msg.payload.sample_operator\"></span><br>\n <strong>sample id:</strong> <span id=\"max_size\" ng-bind-html=\"msg.payload.sample_id\"></span><br>\n <strong>sample sampling_gear:</strong> <span id=\"max_size\" ng-bind-html=\"msg.payload.sample_sampling_gear\"></span><br>\n\n <strong>acq id:</strong> <span id=\"max_size\" ng-bind-html=\"msg.payload.acq_id\"></span><br>\n <strong>acq instrument:</strong> <span id=\"max_size\" ng-bind-html=\"msg.payload.acq_instrument\"></span><br>\n <strong>acq instrument_id:</strong> <span id=\"max_size\" ng-bind-html=\"msg.payload.acq_instrument_id\"></span><br>\n <strong>acq camera:</strong> <span id=\"max_size\" ng-bind-html=\"msg.payload.acq_camera\"></span><br>\n <strong>acq celltype:</strong> <span id=\"max_size\" ng-bind-html=\"msg.payload.acq_celltype\"></span><br>\n <strong>acq minimum_mesh:</strong> <span id=\"max_size\" ng-bind-html=\"msg.payload.acq_minimum_mesh\"></span><br>\n <strong>acq maximum_mesh:</strong> <span id=\"max_size\" ng-bind-html=\"msg.payload.acq_maximum_mesh\"></span><br>\n <strong>acq min_esd:</strong> <span id=\"max_size\" ng-bind-html=\"msg.payload.acq_min_esd\"></span><br>\n <strong>acq max_esd:</strong> <span id=\"max_size\" ng-bind-html=\"msg.payload.acq_max_esd\"></span><br>\n <strong>acq volume:</strong> <span id=\"max_size\" ng-bind-html=\"msg.payload.acq_volume\"></span><br>\n <strong>acq magnification:</strong> <span id=\"max_size\" ng-bind-html=\"msg.payload.acq_magnification\"></span><br>\n <strong>acq fnumber_objective:</strong> <span id=\"max_size\" ng-bind-html=\"msg.payload.acq_fnumber_objective\"></span><br>\n <strong>acq software:</strong> <span id=\"max_size\" ng-bind-html=\"msg.payload.acq_software\"></span><br>\n <strong>acq flowrate:</strong> <span id=\"max_size\" ng-bind-html=\"msg.payload.sug_flowrate\"></span><br>\n\n <strong>object lat:</strong> <span id=\"max_size\" ng-bind-html=\"msg.payload.object_lat\"></span><br>\n <strong>object lon:</strong> <span id=\"max_size\" ng-bind-html=\"msg.payload.object_lon\"></span><br>\n <strong>object lat end:</strong> <span id=\"max_size\" ng-bind-html=\"msg.payload.object_lat_end\"></span><br>\n <strong>object lon end:</strong> <span id=\"max_size\" ng-bind-html=\"msg.payload.object_lon_end\"></span><br>\n <strong>object date:</strong> <span id=\"max_size\" ng-bind-html=\"msg.payload.object_date\"></span><br>\n <strong>object time:</strong> <span id=\"max_size\" ng-bind-html=\"msg.payload.object_time\"></span><br>\n <strong>object date end:</strong> <span id=\"max_size\" ng-bind-html=\"msg.payload.object_date_end\"></span><br>\n <strong>object time end:</strong> <span id=\"max_size\" ng-bind-html=\"msg.payload.object_time_end\"></span><br>\n <strong>object depth min:</strong> <span id=\"max_size\" ng-bind-html=\"msg.payload.object_depth_min\"></span><br>\n <strong>object depth max:</strong> <span id=\"max_size\" ng-bind-html=\"msg.payload.object_depth_max\"></span><br>\n\n <strong>process pixel:</strong> <span id=\"max_size\" ng-bind-html=\"msg.payload.process_pixel\"></span><br>\n <strong>process id:</strong> <span id=\"max_size\" ng-bind-html=\"msg.payload.process_id\"></span>\n</div>\n",
2020-11-25 16:58:32 +01:00
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"resendOnRefresh": false,
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"x": 950,
2020-11-27 11:30:57 +01:00
"y": 500,
2020-07-14 18:22:31 +02:00
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2020-11-25 16:58:32 +01:00
2020-07-14 18:22:31 +02:00
2020-11-25 16:58:32 +01:00
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2020-07-14 18:22:31 +02:00
"type": "function",
2020-11-24 17:25:15 +01:00
"z": "baa1e3d9.cb29d",
2020-11-25 16:58:32 +01:00
"name": "get global",
2020-11-27 11:30:57 +01:00
"func": "msg.payload = {\n \"sample_project\":global.get(\"sample_project\"),\n \"sample_ship\":global.get(\"sample_ship\"),\n \"sample_operator\":global.get(\"sample_operator\"),\n \"sample_id\":global.get(\"sample_id\"),\n \"sample_sampling_gear\":global.get(\"sample_sampling_gear\"),\n \n \"acq_id\":global.get(\"acq_id\"),\n \"acq_instrument\":global.get(\"acq_instrument\"),\n \"acq_instrument_id\":global.get(\"acq_instrument_id\"),\n \"acq_camera\":global.get(\"acq_camera\"),\n \"acq_celltype\":global.get(\"acq_celltype\"),\n \"acq_minimum_mesh\":global.get(\"acq_minimum_mesh\"),\n \"acq_maximum_mesh\":global.get(\"acq_maximum_mesh\"),\n \"acq_min_esd\":global.get(\"acq_min_esd\"),\n \"acq_max_esd\":global.get(\"acq_max_esd\"),\n \"acq_volume\":global.get(\"acq_volume\"),\n \"acq_magnification\":global.get(\"acq_magnification\"),\n \"acq_fnumber_objective\":global.get(\"acq_fnumber_objective\"),\n \"acq_software\":global.get(\"acq_software\"),\n \"acq_flowrate\":global.get(\"sug_flowrate\"),\n \n \"object_lat\":global.get(\"object_lat\"),\n \"object_lon\":global.get(\"object_lon\"),\n \"object_lat_end\":global.get(\"object_lat_end\"),\n \"object_lon_end\":global.get(\"object_lon_end\"),\n \"object_date\":global.get(\"object_date\"),\n \"object_time\":global.get(\"object_time\"),\n \"object_date_end\":global.get(\"object_date_end\"),\n \"object_time_end\":global.get(\"object_time_end\"),\n \"object_depth_min\":global.get(\"object_depth_min\"),\n \"object_depth_max\":global.get(\"object_depth_max\"),\n \n \"process_pixel\":global.get(\"process_pixel\"),\n \"process_id\":global.get(\"process_id\")\n \n}\n\nreturn msg;",
2020-07-14 18:22:31 +02:00
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2020-11-25 16:58:32 +01:00
"initialize": "",
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"x": 780,
2020-11-25 16:58:32 +01:00
"y": 500,
2020-07-14 18:22:31 +02:00
"wires": [
2020-11-27 11:30:57 +01:00
2020-07-14 18:22:31 +02:00
2020-11-24 17:25:15 +01:00
2020-11-25 16:58:32 +01:00
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"x": 450,
"y": 40,
"wires": []
"id": "3cb96380.e575ec",
2020-07-14 18:22:31 +02:00
"type": "function",
2020-11-25 16:58:32 +01:00
"z": "bccd1f23.87219",
"name": "pump.js",
"func": "state = global.get(\"state\");\n\nif (state == null){state=\"free\"}\n\nvar manual_volume= global.get(\"pump_manual_volume\");\nvar flowrate= global.get(\"pump_flowrate\");\n\nif (manual_volume === undefined || manual_volume === \"\" || manual_volume === null) {\n msg.topic = \"Missing entry :\"\n msg.payload = \"Volume to pass\";\n \n}else if (flowrate === undefined || flowrate === \"\" || flowrate === null) {\n msg.topic = \"Missing entry :\"\n msg.payload = \"Flowrate\";\n \n}else {\n volume = global.get(\"pump_manual_volume\");\n msg.volume = volume;\n flowrate = global.get(\"pump_flowrate\");\n msg.topic = \"actuator/pump\";\n \n if(state===\"free\"){\n // msg.payload is FORWARD or BACKWARD here\n msg.payload={\"action\":\"move\", \n \"direction\":msg.payload,\n \"volume\":volume,\n \"flowrate\":flowrate};\n }\n}\nreturn msg;",
2020-07-14 18:22:31 +02:00
"outputs": 1,
"noerr": 0,
2020-11-25 16:58:32 +01:00
"initialize": "",
"finalize": "",
"x": 360,
"y": 240,
"wires": [
"info": "### Focusing\n##### `nb_step` `orientation`\n\n- `nb_step` : **integer** (from 1 to 100000) - number of step to perform by the stage (about 31um/step)\n- `orientation` : **string** - orientation of the focus either `up` or `down`\n\nExample:\n\n python3.7 $HOME/PlanktonScope/scripts/ 650 up\n"
"id": "43fa762d.35bcb",
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"v": "actuator/pump",
"vt": "str"
"t": "eq",
"v": "Missing entry :",
"vt": "str"
"checkall": "true",
"repair": false,
"outputs": 2,
"x": 490,
"y": 240,
2020-07-14 18:22:31 +02:00
"wires": [
2020-11-25 16:58:32 +01:00
2020-07-14 18:22:31 +02:00
2020-11-25 16:58:32 +01:00
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2020-11-24 17:25:15 +01:00
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2020-11-25 16:58:32 +01:00
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2020-11-24 17:25:15 +01:00
"position": "dialog",
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"highlight": "",
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2020-07-14 18:22:31 +02:00
"outputs": 1,
2020-11-24 17:25:15 +01:00
"ok": "OK",
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"topic": "",
"name": "",
2020-11-25 16:58:32 +01:00
"x": 650,
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2020-11-24 17:25:15 +01:00
"wires": [
2020-11-25 16:58:32 +01:00
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"y": 220,
"wires": []
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"tooltip": "This will be rounded to the nearest 25µm",
"group": "fbd92986.1028c8",
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"width": 0,
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"topic": "focus_distance",
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"y": 440,
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2020-11-24 17:25:15 +01:00
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2020-11-25 16:58:32 +01:00
"z": "bccd1f23.87219",
2020-11-24 17:25:15 +01:00
"name": "",
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"rules": [
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2020-11-25 16:58:32 +01:00
"v": "actuator/focus",
2020-11-24 17:25:15 +01:00
"vt": "str"
"t": "eq",
2020-11-25 16:58:32 +01:00
"v": "Missing entry :",
2020-11-24 17:25:15 +01:00
"vt": "str"
"checkall": "true",
"repair": false,
"outputs": 2,
2020-11-25 16:58:32 +01:00
"x": 470,
2020-11-27 18:39:09 +01:00
"y": 720,
2020-07-14 18:22:31 +02:00
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2020-11-25 16:58:32 +01:00
2020-11-24 17:25:15 +01:00
2020-11-25 16:58:32 +01:00
2020-07-14 18:22:31 +02:00
2020-11-25 16:58:32 +01:00
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"ok": "OK",
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"topic": "",
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2020-11-27 18:39:09 +01:00
"x": 670,
"y": 740,
2020-11-24 17:25:15 +01:00
"wires": [
2020-11-25 16:58:32 +01:00
"id": "65ad39d.b6d4d48",
2020-07-14 18:22:31 +02:00
"type": "function",
2020-11-25 16:58:32 +01:00
"z": "bccd1f23.87219",
"name": "focus.js",
"func": "state = global.get(\"state\");\n\nif (state == null){state=\"free\"}\n\nvar distance = global.get(\"focus_distance\");\n\nif (distance === undefined || distance === \"\" || distance === null) {\n msg.topic = \"Missing entry :\"\n msg.payload = \"Distance\";\n}else {\n distance = global.get(\"focus_distance\");\n if(state===\"free\"){\n // msg.payload is UP or DOWN here\n msg.payload={\"action\":\"move\", \n \"direction\":msg.payload,\n \"distance\":(distance/1000)};\n }\n}\nreturn msg;",
2020-07-14 18:22:31 +02:00
"outputs": 1,
"noerr": 0,
2020-11-25 16:58:32 +01:00
"initialize": "",
"finalize": "",
"x": 320,
2020-11-27 18:39:09 +01:00
"y": 720,
2020-07-14 18:22:31 +02:00
"wires": [
2020-11-25 16:58:32 +01:00
2020-07-14 18:22:31 +02:00
2020-11-25 16:58:32 +01:00
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"type": "ui_button",
"z": "bccd1f23.87219",
"name": "stop focus",
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"width": 0,
"height": 0,
"passthru": true,
"label": "STOP FOCUS",
"tooltip": "",
"color": "",
"bgcolor": "#AD1625",
"icon": "",
"payload": "{\"action\":\"stop\"}",
"payloadType": "json",
"topic": "actuator/focus",
2020-11-27 18:39:09 +01:00
"x": 170,
"y": 580,
2020-11-24 17:25:15 +01:00
"wires": [
2020-11-27 18:39:09 +01:00
2020-11-24 17:25:15 +01:00
2020-11-25 16:58:32 +01:00
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"z": "bccd1f23.87219",
2020-11-24 17:25:15 +01:00
"name": "",
2020-11-25 16:58:32 +01:00
"topic": "",
"qos": "",
"retain": "",
"broker": "8dc3722c.06efa8",
2020-11-27 18:39:09 +01:00
"x": 650,
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2020-11-25 16:58:32 +01:00
"wires": []
"id": "dbd6bde.99db64",
"type": "function",
"z": "bccd1f23.87219",
"name": "round distance",
"func": "// Here we change the focus_distance to 25 µm increment\nif (msg.payload%25 <= 12.5){\n msg.payload = msg.payload - msg.payload%25\n}\nelse {\n msg.payload = msg.payload + msg.payload%25\n}\nreturn msg;",
2020-11-24 17:25:15 +01:00
"outputs": 1,
2020-11-25 16:58:32 +01:00
"noerr": 0,
"initialize": "",
"finalize": "",
"x": 620,
"y": 440,
2020-07-14 18:22:31 +02:00
"wires": [
2020-11-24 17:25:15 +01:00
2020-11-25 16:58:32 +01:00
2020-11-24 17:25:15 +01:00
2020-07-14 18:22:31 +02:00
2020-11-25 16:58:32 +01:00
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"passthru": false,
"label": "UP 1mm",
"tooltip": "",
"color": "",
"bgcolor": "",
"icon": "",
"payload": "{\"action\":\"move\",\"direction\":\"UP\",\"distance\":1}",
"payloadType": "json",
"topic": "actuator/focus",
"x": 180,
2020-11-27 18:39:09 +01:00
"y": 620,
2020-07-14 18:22:31 +02:00
"wires": [
2020-11-25 16:58:32 +01:00
2020-07-14 18:22:31 +02:00
2020-11-25 16:58:32 +01:00
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"width": 0,
"height": 0,
"passthru": false,
"label": "DOWN 1mm",
"tooltip": "",
"color": "",
"bgcolor": "",
"icon": "",
"payload": "{\"action\":\"move\",\"direction\":\"DOWN\",\"distance\":1}",
"payloadType": "json",
"topic": "actuator/focus",
"x": 170,
2020-11-27 18:39:09 +01:00
"y": 660,
2020-07-14 18:22:31 +02:00
"wires": [
2020-11-25 16:58:32 +01:00
2020-07-14 18:22:31 +02:00
2020-11-25 16:58:32 +01:00
"id": "69d4ea6c.4c1e2c",
"type": "ui_slider",
"z": "bccd1f23.87219",
"name": "focus_distance",
"label": "",
"tooltip": "in µm",
"group": "fbd92986.1028c8",
"order": 3,
"width": 0,
"height": 0,
"passthru": true,
"outs": "end",
"topic": "focus_distance",
"min": "25",
"max": "2000",
"step": "25",
"x": 400,
"y": 500,
2020-11-24 17:25:15 +01:00
"wires": [
2020-11-25 16:58:32 +01:00
2020-11-24 17:25:15 +01:00
2020-11-25 16:58:32 +01:00
"id": "71f55a58.d7eaf4",
"type": "inject",
"z": "bccd1f23.87219",
"name": "Default: 500µm",
"props": [
"p": "payload"
"repeat": "",
"crontab": "",
"once": true,
"onceDelay": 0.1,
"topic": "",
"payload": "500",
"payloadType": "num",
"x": 120,
"y": 440,
2020-11-24 17:25:15 +01:00
"wires": [
2020-11-25 16:58:32 +01:00
2020-11-24 17:25:15 +01:00
2020-11-25 16:58:32 +01:00
"id": "9a1d0e7c.2d5a1",
"type": "inject",
"z": "bccd1f23.87219",
"name": "Default: OFF",
"props": [
"p": "payload"
"repeat": "",
"crontab": "",
"once": true,
"onceDelay": 0.1,
"topic": "",
"payload": "false",
"payloadType": "bool",
"x": 110,
"y": 40,
2020-07-14 18:22:31 +02:00
"wires": [
2020-11-25 16:58:32 +01:00
2020-07-14 18:22:31 +02:00
2020-11-24 17:25:15 +01:00
2020-07-14 18:22:31 +02:00
2020-11-25 16:58:32 +01:00
"id": "16aa0238.209276",
"type": "ui_slider",
"z": "bccd1f23.87219",
"name": "Iso slider",
"label": "ISO",
"tooltip": "Possible values are 100, 200, 320, 400, 500, 640, 800. 500 by default.",
2020-11-27 11:30:57 +01:00
"group": "8c38a81e.9897a8",
"order": 2,
2020-11-25 16:58:32 +01:00
"width": 0,
"height": 0,
"passthru": true,
"outs": "end",
"topic": "imager/image",
"min": "100",
"max": "800",
"step": "20",
"x": 360,
"y": 820,
2020-11-24 17:25:15 +01:00
"wires": [
2020-11-25 16:58:32 +01:00
2020-11-24 17:25:15 +01:00
2020-11-25 16:58:32 +01:00
"id": "bb090334.1e21a8",
2020-11-24 17:25:15 +01:00
"type": "function",
2020-11-25 16:58:32 +01:00
"z": "bccd1f23.87219",
"name": "round iso",
"func": "// Iso should be one of 60, 100, 200, 320, 400, 500, 640, 800\n\nif (msg.payload <= 80){\n msg.payload = 60;\n return msg;\n}\n\nif (msg.payload <= 150){\n msg.payload = 100;\n return msg;\n}\n\nif (msg.payload <= 260){\n msg.payload = 200;\n return msg;\n}\n\nif (msg.payload <= 360){\n msg.payload = 320;\n return msg;\n}\n\nif (msg.payload <= 450){\n msg.payload = 400;\n return msg;\n}\n\nif (msg.payload <= 565){\n msg.payload = 500;\n return msg;\n}\n\nif (msg.payload <= 700){\n msg.payload = 640;\n return msg;\n}\n\n\nif (700 < msg.payload){\n msg.payload = 800;\n return msg;\n}\n",
2020-11-24 17:25:15 +01:00
"outputs": 1,
"noerr": 0,
2020-11-25 16:58:32 +01:00
"initialize": "",
"finalize": "",
"x": 520,
"y": 820,
2020-07-14 18:22:31 +02:00
"wires": [
2020-11-25 16:58:32 +01:00
2020-07-14 18:22:31 +02:00
2020-11-25 16:58:32 +01:00
"id": "8ea9dc9a.c7d87",
"type": "function",
"z": "bccd1f23.87219",
"name": "Encapsulate settings",
"func": "msg.payload = {\n \"action\":\"settings\", \n \"settings\":{\"iso\":msg.payload}\n}\nmsg.topic = \"imager/image\"\nreturn msg;",
"outputs": 1,
"noerr": 0,
"initialize": "",
"finalize": "",
"x": 720,
"y": 820,
2020-07-14 18:22:31 +02:00
"wires": [
2020-11-25 16:58:32 +01:00
2020-07-14 18:22:31 +02:00
2020-11-25 16:58:32 +01:00
"id": "5765a825.a595c8",
"type": "ui_slider",
"z": "bccd1f23.87219",
"name": "Shutter speed slider",
"label": "Shutter Speed",
2020-11-27 12:45:22 +01:00
"tooltip": "In microseconds, up to 1000µs, 1µs by default",
2020-11-27 11:30:57 +01:00
"group": "8c38a81e.9897a8",
"order": 1,
2020-11-25 16:58:32 +01:00
"width": 0,
"height": 0,
"passthru": true,
"outs": "end",
"topic": "imager/image",
2020-11-27 12:45:22 +01:00
"min": "1",
"max": "1000",
"step": "1",
2020-11-25 16:58:32 +01:00
"x": 390,
"y": 880,
2020-11-24 17:25:15 +01:00
"wires": [
2020-11-25 16:58:32 +01:00
2020-11-24 17:25:15 +01:00
2020-11-25 16:58:32 +01:00
"id": "c38509b.fb08af8",
2020-11-24 17:25:15 +01:00
"type": "function",
2020-11-25 16:58:32 +01:00
"z": "bccd1f23.87219",
"name": "Encapsulate settings",
"func": "msg.payload = {\n \"action\":\"settings\", \n \"settings\":{\"shutter_speed\":msg.payload}\n}\nmsg.topic = \"imager/image\"\nreturn msg;",
2020-11-24 17:25:15 +01:00
"outputs": 1,
"noerr": 0,
2020-11-25 16:58:32 +01:00
"initialize": "",
"finalize": "",
"x": 720,
"y": 880,
2020-07-14 18:22:31 +02:00
"wires": [
2020-11-25 16:58:32 +01:00
2020-07-14 18:22:31 +02:00
2020-11-25 16:58:32 +01:00
"id": "845e06e1.0d812",
"type": "mqtt out",
"z": "bccd1f23.87219",
2020-07-14 18:22:31 +02:00
"name": "",
2020-11-25 16:58:32 +01:00
"topic": "",
"qos": "",
"retain": "",
"broker": "8dc3722c.06efa8",
2020-11-27 18:39:09 +01:00
"x": 1010,
"y": 940,
2020-11-25 16:58:32 +01:00
"wires": []
"id": "2350e507.d4e302",
"type": "inject",
"z": "bccd1f23.87219",
2020-11-27 12:45:22 +01:00
"name": "Default: 1µs",
2020-11-25 16:58:32 +01:00
"props": [
"p": "payload"
"repeat": "",
"crontab": "",
"once": true,
"onceDelay": "1",
"topic": "",
2020-11-27 12:45:22 +01:00
"payload": "1",
2020-11-25 16:58:32 +01:00
"payloadType": "num",
"x": 110,
"y": 880,
2020-11-24 17:25:15 +01:00
"wires": [
2020-11-25 16:58:32 +01:00
2020-11-24 17:25:15 +01:00
2020-11-25 16:58:32 +01:00
"id": "2edd922b.a471a6",
"type": "inject",
"z": "bccd1f23.87219",
"name": "Default: ISO 100",
"props": [
"p": "payload"
"repeat": "",
"crontab": "",
"once": true,
"onceDelay": "1",
"topic": "",
"payload": "100",
"payloadType": "num",
2020-11-27 12:45:22 +01:00
"x": 110,
2020-11-25 16:58:32 +01:00
"y": 820,
2020-07-14 18:22:31 +02:00
"wires": [
2020-11-25 16:58:32 +01:00
2020-07-14 18:22:31 +02:00
2020-11-24 17:25:15 +01:00
2020-11-25 16:58:32 +01:00
"id": "f782a471.447748",
2020-11-24 17:25:15 +01:00
"type": "inject",
2020-11-25 16:58:32 +01:00
"z": "bccd1f23.87219",
"name": "Default: 5mL/min",
"props": [
"p": "payload"
2020-11-24 17:25:15 +01:00
"repeat": "",
"crontab": "",
2020-11-25 16:58:32 +01:00
"once": true,
2020-11-24 17:25:15 +01:00
"onceDelay": 0.1,
2020-07-14 18:22:31 +02:00
"topic": "",
2020-11-25 16:58:32 +01:00
"payload": "5",
"payloadType": "num",
"x": 130,
"y": 300,
2020-07-14 18:22:31 +02:00
"wires": [
2020-11-24 17:25:15 +01:00
2020-11-25 16:58:32 +01:00
2020-11-24 17:25:15 +01:00
2020-07-14 18:22:31 +02:00
2020-11-25 16:58:32 +01:00
"id": "73b8252a.5ca754",
"type": "inject",
2020-11-24 17:25:15 +01:00
"z": "bccd1f23.87219",
2020-11-25 16:58:32 +01:00
"name": "Default: 2mL",
"props": [
"p": "payload"
"repeat": "",
"crontab": "",
"once": true,
"onceDelay": 0.1,
"topic": "",
"payload": "2",
"payloadType": "num",
"x": 110,
"y": 340,
2020-07-14 18:22:31 +02:00
"wires": [
2020-11-24 17:25:15 +01:00
2020-11-25 16:58:32 +01:00
2020-11-24 17:25:15 +01:00
2020-07-14 18:22:31 +02:00
2020-11-25 16:58:32 +01:00
"id": "8ec68b82.17e3d8",
2020-11-24 17:25:15 +01:00
"type": "ui_button",
2020-11-25 16:58:32 +01:00
"z": "cb95299c.2817c8",
"name": "Start segmentation",
"group": "abeb6dad.635a2",
"order": 2,
"width": 5,
2020-11-25 16:58:32 +01:00
"height": 1,
"passthru": false,
"label": "Start segmentation",
"tooltip": "",
"color": "",
"bgcolor": "",
"icon": "",
"payload": "{\"action\":\"segment\"}",
"payloadType": "json",
"topic": "segmenter/segment",
"x": 370,
"y": 300,
2020-07-14 18:22:31 +02:00
"wires": [
2020-11-25 16:58:32 +01:00
2020-07-14 18:22:31 +02:00
2020-11-25 16:58:32 +01:00
"id": "27be7971.b3fbce",
2020-11-24 17:25:15 +01:00
"type": "ui_button",
2020-11-25 16:58:32 +01:00
"z": "cb95299c.2817c8",
"name": "Stop segmentation",
"group": "abeb6dad.635a2",
"order": 3,
"width": 5,
2020-11-25 16:58:32 +01:00
"height": 1,
"passthru": true,
"label": "Stop segmentation",
2020-11-24 17:25:15 +01:00
"tooltip": "",
"color": "",
2020-11-25 16:58:32 +01:00
"bgcolor": "#AD1625",
2020-11-24 17:25:15 +01:00
"icon": "",
2020-11-25 16:58:32 +01:00
"payload": "{\"action\":\"stop\"}",
2020-11-24 17:25:15 +01:00
"payloadType": "json",
2020-11-25 16:58:32 +01:00
"topic": "segmenter/segment",
"x": 370,
"y": 340,
2020-07-14 18:22:31 +02:00
"wires": [
2020-11-25 16:58:32 +01:00
2020-07-14 18:22:31 +02:00
2020-11-25 16:58:32 +01:00
"id": "16f3cef4.0acac9",
"type": "mqtt out",
"z": "cb95299c.2817c8",
2020-07-14 18:22:31 +02:00
"name": "",
2020-11-25 16:58:32 +01:00
"topic": "",
"qos": "",
"retain": "",
"broker": "8dc3722c.06efa8",
"x": 710,
"y": 320,
"wires": []
"id": "6b61b50c.7456d4",
"type": "ui_button",
"z": "1371dec5.76e671",
"name": "Update",
"group": "1be83144.4fe4bf",
"order": 3,
"width": 6,
"height": 1,
2020-11-24 17:25:15 +01:00
"passthru": false,
2020-11-25 16:58:32 +01:00
"label": "Update",
2020-11-24 17:25:15 +01:00
"tooltip": "",
"color": "",
"bgcolor": "",
2020-11-25 16:58:32 +01:00
"icon": "system_update",
"payload": "",
"payloadType": "str",
"topic": "update",
"x": 100,
"y": 520,
2020-07-14 18:22:31 +02:00
"wires": [
2020-11-24 17:25:15 +01:00
2020-11-25 16:58:32 +01:00
2020-11-24 17:25:15 +01:00
2020-07-14 18:22:31 +02:00
2020-11-25 16:58:32 +01:00
"id": "386ce65d.a15d52",
"type": "exec",
"z": "1371dec5.76e671",
2020-11-27 11:53:21 +01:00
"command": "bash /home/pi/PlanktonScope/scripts/bash/",
2020-11-25 16:58:32 +01:00
"addpay": false,
"append": "",
2020-11-27 12:50:35 +01:00
"useSpawn": "true",
"timer": "",
2020-11-25 16:58:32 +01:00
"oldrc": false,
"name": "Update",
"x": 300,
"y": 520,
2020-07-14 18:22:31 +02:00
"wires": [
2020-11-27 12:50:35 +01:00
2020-11-25 16:58:32 +01:00
2020-11-27 18:57:43 +01:00
2020-07-14 18:22:31 +02:00
2020-11-25 16:58:32 +01:00
"id": "9998aa86.74bb",
"type": "exec",
"z": "1371dec5.76e671",
"command": "python3 /home/pi/PlanktonScope/scripts/",
"addpay": false,
"append": "",
"useSpawn": "true",
"timer": "",
"oldrc": false,
"name": "",
"x": 860,
"y": 940,
2020-07-14 18:22:31 +02:00
"wires": [
2020-11-25 16:58:32 +01:00
2020-07-14 18:22:31 +02:00
2020-11-25 16:58:32 +01:00
2020-07-14 18:22:31 +02:00
2020-11-24 17:25:15 +01:00
2020-07-14 18:22:31 +02:00
2020-11-25 16:58:32 +01:00
"id": "672d89a8.4e6968",
"type": "exec",
"z": "1371dec5.76e671",
"d": true,
"command": "sudo killall -9 python3",
"addpay": true,
"append": "",
"useSpawn": "false",
"timer": "",
"oldrc": false,
"name": "Hard kill",
"x": 980,
2020-11-27 11:30:57 +01:00
"y": 880,
2020-07-14 18:22:31 +02:00
"wires": [
2020-11-25 16:58:32 +01:00
2020-11-24 17:25:15 +01:00
2020-07-14 18:22:31 +02:00
2020-11-25 16:58:32 +01:00
"id": "afa9f4b.2e77988",
"type": "delay",
"z": "1371dec5.76e671",
"name": "",
"pauseType": "delay",
"timeout": "5",
"timeoutUnits": "seconds",
"rate": "1",
"nbRateUnits": "1",
"rateUnits": "second",
"randomFirst": "1",
"randomLast": "5",
"randomUnits": "seconds",
"drop": false,
"x": 460,
"y": 940,
2020-07-14 18:22:31 +02:00
"wires": [
2020-11-25 16:58:32 +01:00
2020-07-14 18:22:31 +02:00
2020-11-25 16:58:32 +01:00
"id": "1df370a8.6c70ff",
"type": "ui_button",
"z": "1371dec5.76e671",
"name": "Restart Python",
"group": "1be83144.4fe4bf",
"order": 6,
"width": 6,
"height": 1,
"passthru": false,
"label": "Restart Python",
"tooltip": "",
"color": "",
"bgcolor": "#AD1625",
"icon": "refresh",
"payload": "",
"payloadType": "str",
"topic": "",
"x": 100,
"y": 940,
2020-07-14 18:22:31 +02:00
"wires": [
2020-11-25 16:58:32 +01:00
2020-07-14 18:22:31 +02:00
2020-11-25 16:58:32 +01:00
"id": "de4ba211.e1d3f",
"type": "debug",
"z": "1371dec5.76e671",
"name": "output",
"active": true,
"tosidebar": true,
"console": false,
"tostatus": false,
"complete": "payload",
"targetType": "msg",
"statusVal": "",
"statusType": "auto",
"x": 1210,
"y": 960,
"wires": []
2020-07-14 18:22:31 +02:00
2020-11-25 16:58:32 +01:00
"id": "7aa2e737.e16d98",
"type": "status",
"z": "1371dec5.76e671",
"name": "",
"scope": [
2020-11-27 11:30:57 +01:00
"x": 1220,
"y": 900,
2020-07-14 18:22:31 +02:00
"wires": [
2020-11-25 16:58:32 +01:00
2020-07-14 18:22:31 +02:00
2020-11-25 16:58:32 +01:00
"id": "439b952c.3e9cf4",
"type": "debug",
"z": "1371dec5.76e671",
"name": "status",
"active": true,
"tosidebar": true,
"console": false,
"tostatus": false,
"complete": "status",
"targetType": "msg",
"statusVal": "",
"statusType": "auto",
2020-11-27 11:30:57 +01:00
"x": 1450,
"y": 900,
2020-11-25 16:58:32 +01:00
"wires": []
"id": "35ea3cf0.a398ac",
"type": "exec",
"z": "1371dec5.76e671",
"command": "sudo killall -15 python3",
"addpay": true,
"append": "",
"useSpawn": "false",
"timer": "",
"oldrc": false,
"name": "Python soft kill",
"x": 480,
2020-11-24 17:25:15 +01:00
"y": 880,
2020-07-14 18:22:31 +02:00
"wires": [
2020-11-25 16:58:32 +01:00
2020-07-14 18:22:31 +02:00
2020-11-25 16:58:32 +01:00
"id": "a776b9fc.d542e8",
"type": "delay",
"z": "1371dec5.76e671",
"d": true,
2020-07-14 18:22:31 +02:00
"name": "",
2020-11-25 16:58:32 +01:00
"pauseType": "delay",
"timeout": "4",
"timeoutUnits": "seconds",
"rate": "1",
"nbRateUnits": "1",
"rateUnits": "second",
"randomFirst": "1",
"randomLast": "5",
"randomUnits": "seconds",
"drop": false,
"x": 740,
2020-11-27 11:30:57 +01:00
"y": 880,
2020-07-14 18:22:31 +02:00
"wires": [
2020-11-25 16:58:32 +01:00
2020-07-14 18:22:31 +02:00
2020-11-25 16:58:32 +01:00
"id": "569154a.b53182c",
2020-11-24 17:25:15 +01:00
"type": "inject",
2020-11-25 16:58:32 +01:00
"z": "1371dec5.76e671",
"name": "once",
2020-11-24 17:25:15 +01:00
"props": [
2020-11-25 16:58:32 +01:00
"p": "topic",
"vt": "str"
2020-11-24 17:25:15 +01:00
"repeat": "",
"crontab": "",
"once": true,
2020-11-25 16:58:32 +01:00
"onceDelay": "",
2020-11-24 17:25:15 +01:00
"topic": "",
2020-11-25 16:58:32 +01:00
"x": 130,
2020-11-24 17:25:15 +01:00
"y": 820,
2020-07-14 18:22:31 +02:00
"wires": [
2020-11-25 16:58:32 +01:00
2020-11-24 17:25:15 +01:00
2020-09-15 17:33:49 +02:00
2020-11-25 16:58:32 +01:00
"id": "3829adc.ccc87d2",
"type": "exec",
"z": "1371dec5.76e671",
"command": "sudo killall -15 raspimjpeg",
"addpay": true,
"append": "",
"useSpawn": "false",
"timer": "",
"oldrc": false,
"name": "Raspimjpeg soft kill",
"x": 490,
"y": 820,
2020-11-24 17:25:15 +01:00
"wires": [
2020-11-25 16:58:32 +01:00
2020-11-24 17:25:15 +01:00
Extraction and refactor of the python code from node-red flow The rationale for this rewrite is to improve the readability, the modularity, the reliability and the future-proofing of the main python script. All in all, this is now 124 commits that are going to be squashed and merged together, spanning more than two weeks of development and testing. Please test away this release and break things. An upgrading guide will be published in the coming days, along with a new image for people to use if they don't want to upgrade on their own. Read along if you want to know all the goodies! As a starter, the python script was extracted from the main flow, and now lives in its own files at `PlantonScope/scripts/*`. We set up the auto formatting of the code by using [Black]( This make the code clearer and uniform. We are using the default settings, so if you just install Black and set your editor to format on save using it, you should be good to go. The code is separated in four main processes, each with a specific set of responsibilities: - The main process controls all the others, starts everything up and cleans up on shutdown - The stepper process manages the stepper movements. It's now possible to have simultaneous movements of both motors (this closes #38 ). - The imager process controls the camera and the streaming server via a state machine. - The segmenter process manages the segmentation and its outputs. The segmentation happens recursively in all folders in `/home/pi/PlanktonScope/img/`. Each folder has its own output archive, and bug #26 is now closed. Those processes communicates together using MQTT and json messages. Each message is adressed to one topic. The high level topic controls which process receives the message. The details of each topic is at the end of this commit message. Every imaging sessions has now its own folder, under the `img` root. Metadata are saved individually for every session, in a JSON file in the same directory as the pictures. The configuration is not parsed from `config.json` anymore and passed directly through MQTT messages to the concerned process. A new configuration file has been created: `hardware.json`. This file contains information related to your specific hardware configuration. You can choose to reverse the connection of the motors for example, but you can also define specific speed limits and steps number for your pump and focus stage. This will make it easier for people who wants to experiment with different kind of hardware. It's not necessary to have this file though. If it doesn't exists, the default configuration will be applied. The code is architectured around 6 modules and about 10 classes. I encourage you to have a look at the files, they're pretty straightforward to understand. There is a lot of work left around the node-red code refactoring, dashboard ui improvements, better and clearer LED messages, OLED screen integration and finer control of the segmentation process, but this is quite good for now. Here is the topic lists for MQTT and the corresponding messages. - actuator : This topic adresses the stepper control thread No publication under this topic should happen from the python process - actuator/pump : Control of the pump The message is a json object {"action":"move", "direction":"FORWARD", "volume":10, "flowrate":1} to move 10mL forward at 1mL/min action can be "move" or "stop" Receive only - actuator/focus : Control of the focus stage The message is a json object, speed is optional {"action":"move", "direction":"UP", "distance":0.26, "speed":1} to move up 10mm action can be "move" or "stop" Receive only - imager/image : This topic adresses the imaging thread Is a json object with {"action":"image","sleep":5,"volume":1,"nb_frame":200} sleep in seconds, volume in mL Can also receive a config update message: {"action":"config","config":[...]} Can also receive a camera settings message: {"action":"settings","iso":100,"shutter_speed":40} Receive only - segmenter/segment : This topic adresses the segmenter process Is a json object with {"action":"segment"} Receive only - status : This topics sends feedback to Node-Red No publication or receive at this level - status/pump : State of the pump Is a json object with {"status":"Start", "time_left":25} Status is one of Started, Ready, Done, Interrupted Publish only - status/focus : State of the focus stage Is a json object with {"status":"Start", "time_left":25} Status is one of Started, Ready, Done, Interrupted Publish only - status/imager : State of the imager Is a json object with {"status":"Start", "time_left":25} Status is one of Started, Ready, Completed or 12_11_15_0.1.jpg has been imaged. Publish only - status/segmenter : Status of the segmentation - status/segmenter/name - status/segmenter/object_id - status/segmenter/metric Here is the original commit history: * Extract python from flow * Fix bug in server addresses These addresses should be the loopback device instead of the network address of the device. Using the loopback address will not necessitate to update the script when the network address changes. * clean up picamera import * changes to main python and flow: update MQTT requests address to localhost (bugfix) update streaming output address to nothing update main flow to remove python script references and location * Automatically initialise imaging led on startup to off state. * Add the ability to invert outputs of the motor We added a key to config.json "hardware_config" with a subkey "stepper_reverse". If this key is present in the config file and set to 1, the output of the motors are inversed (stepper2 becomes the pump motor and stepper1 the focus motor) * move all non main script to a subfolder * add to package * light module rewrite * json cleanup and absolute path for config file * forgot to import subprocess #oups * Add command to turn the leds off * Auto formatting of I've used Black with default settings, see * First commit of Pump parameters still needs to be checked and tuned. * addition of hardware details in config.json * Introduce hardware.json to replace the `hardware_config` of config.json * calibration, typos * creates the MQTT_Client class * pump_max_speed is now in ml/min to help readability * forgot to add self to the class def * addition of threading capabilities to (UNTESTED) * mqtt: fix topic bug * remove counter * mqtt add doc about topics * creates an "actuator/*/state" topic * rename mqtt_client to pump_client * add details about topics * rename pump_client to actuator_client * topic was not split properly and a part was lost * switch to f-strings for * cosmetic update * folder name will be planktoscope change calls * hardware.json became more straightforward * syntax bugs * addition of a received stop command * update to max travel distance * several typos here * rename folder * reword to reflect folder rename * remove logic that has been moved to and * update to add mqtt imaging client * make command and args local to class and output more verbose * make a class * instantiate stepper class and call it * name mqtt client * update to main.json to reflect changes * fix bugs around pump control * update flows to latest version from Thibault * distance can be a small value, and definitevely should be a float. * unify mqtt topics * unify mqtt output in the main flow * first logger implementation, uses loguru * mqtt: add reason to on_connect * mqtt: add on_disconnect handler * stepper: add more logger calls for debug mainly * main: add levels for logger * first move of the imager logic * imager: time import cleanup * imager: morphocut import cleanup * imager: skimage import cleanup * imager: finishing import cleanup * imager: Class creation - WIP Also provides a fix for #26 (see line 190). * imager: threading is needed for Condition() * streamer: get the streamer server its own file * imager: creates start_camera and get the server creation out * imager: subclass multiprocessing.Process * imager: get Pipeline creation its own function * imager: cleanup of self calls * main: code removal and corresponding calls to newly created classes * imager: various formatting changes * main: management of signal shutdown * add requirements.txt * mqtt: messages are now json objects Also, addition of a flag on receiving a new message * mqtt: make message private and add logic to synchronise * stepper: creates the stepper class * stepper: use the new class * stepper: uses the new logic * stepper: add the shutdown event * stepper: add shutdown method * main: add shutdown event * imager: graceful shutdown * stepper: nicer way of checking the Eevnt * self is a required first argument for a method in a class Especially if you use said class private members! * python: various typos and small errors in import * stepper: create mqtt client during init * stepper: instanciate the mqtt client inside run Otherwise it's not accessible from inside the loop. It's a PITA, more information at * stepper: little bugs and typos all around * mqtt: add shutdown method * mqtt: add connect in init * stepper: fix bugs, sanitize inputs * stepper: work on delay prediction improvements * stepper: json is mean, double quote are mandatory inside * mqtt: add details about message exchanged * imager: first implementation of json messages * main.json: add new tab for RPi management + json for payloads * imager: add state_machine class * stepper: publish last will * imager: major refactor * main: make streaming server process a daemon * mqtt: insert debug statement on close * main: reorder imports * imager: make it work! Reinsert the streaming server logic in there, because there is a problem with the synchronisation part otherwise. Also, eventually, StreamingOuput() will have to be made not global Final very critical learning: it's super duper important to make sure the memory split is at least 256Meg for the GPU. Chaos ensues otherwise * main: changes to accomodate the streamer/imager fusino * imager_state_machine: insert states transition description * stepper: cleanup of code * segmenter: creation of the class * python: include segmenter changes * remove unused files * stepper: check existence of hardware.json * main.json: changes to reflect the python script evolution * remove unecessary TODOs and add some others * main: add check for config and directories * imager: update_config is implemented and we have better management of directories now * segmenter: now work recursively in all folders * flow: the configuration is now sent via mqtt * segmenter: better manage pipeline error * segmenter: declaration of archive_fn in init * imager: small bugs and typos * main: add uniqueID output * imager: add the camera settings message We can now update the ISO, shutter speed and resolution from Node-Red * package.json: update dependencies
2020-09-28 11:05:27 +02:00
2020-11-25 16:58:32 +01:00
"id": "b55ed048.2418c8",
"type": "ui_template",
"z": "1371dec5.76e671",
"group": "1be83144.4fe4bf",
"name": "",
"order": 1,
"width": 0,
"height": 0,
2020-11-27 12:50:35 +01:00
"format": "<div><center>If you want to update to the latest code version of Node-Red and Python, please click here.\nWe are trying to save your configuration changes with git stash and restore them afterwards, but clearly, things may break!\nIf you have made changes to the flow, you will lose them. Please commit those changes from Node-Red interface, from the Project History tab.</center></div>",
2020-11-25 16:58:32 +01:00
"storeOutMessages": true,
"fwdInMessages": true,
"resendOnRefresh": true,
"templateScope": "local",
"x": 100,
"y": 460,
Extraction and refactor of the python code from node-red flow The rationale for this rewrite is to improve the readability, the modularity, the reliability and the future-proofing of the main python script. All in all, this is now 124 commits that are going to be squashed and merged together, spanning more than two weeks of development and testing. Please test away this release and break things. An upgrading guide will be published in the coming days, along with a new image for people to use if they don't want to upgrade on their own. Read along if you want to know all the goodies! As a starter, the python script was extracted from the main flow, and now lives in its own files at `PlantonScope/scripts/*`. We set up the auto formatting of the code by using [Black]( This make the code clearer and uniform. We are using the default settings, so if you just install Black and set your editor to format on save using it, you should be good to go. The code is separated in four main processes, each with a specific set of responsibilities: - The main process controls all the others, starts everything up and cleans up on shutdown - The stepper process manages the stepper movements. It's now possible to have simultaneous movements of both motors (this closes #38 ). - The imager process controls the camera and the streaming server via a state machine. - The segmenter process manages the segmentation and its outputs. The segmentation happens recursively in all folders in `/home/pi/PlanktonScope/img/`. Each folder has its own output archive, and bug #26 is now closed. Those processes communicates together using MQTT and json messages. Each message is adressed to one topic. The high level topic controls which process receives the message. The details of each topic is at the end of this commit message. Every imaging sessions has now its own folder, under the `img` root. Metadata are saved individually for every session, in a JSON file in the same directory as the pictures. The configuration is not parsed from `config.json` anymore and passed directly through MQTT messages to the concerned process. A new configuration file has been created: `hardware.json`. This file contains information related to your specific hardware configuration. You can choose to reverse the connection of the motors for example, but you can also define specific speed limits and steps number for your pump and focus stage. This will make it easier for people who wants to experiment with different kind of hardware. It's not necessary to have this file though. If it doesn't exists, the default configuration will be applied. The code is architectured around 6 modules and about 10 classes. I encourage you to have a look at the files, they're pretty straightforward to understand. There is a lot of work left around the node-red code refactoring, dashboard ui improvements, better and clearer LED messages, OLED screen integration and finer control of the segmentation process, but this is quite good for now. Here is the topic lists for MQTT and the corresponding messages. - actuator : This topic adresses the stepper control thread No publication under this topic should happen from the python process - actuator/pump : Control of the pump The message is a json object {"action":"move", "direction":"FORWARD", "volume":10, "flowrate":1} to move 10mL forward at 1mL/min action can be "move" or "stop" Receive only - actuator/focus : Control of the focus stage The message is a json object, speed is optional {"action":"move", "direction":"UP", "distance":0.26, "speed":1} to move up 10mm action can be "move" or "stop" Receive only - imager/image : This topic adresses the imaging thread Is a json object with {"action":"image","sleep":5,"volume":1,"nb_frame":200} sleep in seconds, volume in mL Can also receive a config update message: {"action":"config","config":[...]} Can also receive a camera settings message: {"action":"settings","iso":100,"shutter_speed":40} Receive only - segmenter/segment : This topic adresses the segmenter process Is a json object with {"action":"segment"} Receive only - status : This topics sends feedback to Node-Red No publication or receive at this level - status/pump : State of the pump Is a json object with {"status":"Start", "time_left":25} Status is one of Started, Ready, Done, Interrupted Publish only - status/focus : State of the focus stage Is a json object with {"status":"Start", "time_left":25} Status is one of Started, Ready, Done, Interrupted Publish only - status/imager : State of the imager Is a json object with {"status":"Start", "time_left":25} Status is one of Started, Ready, Completed or 12_11_15_0.1.jpg has been imaged. Publish only - status/segmenter : Status of the segmentation - status/segmenter/name - status/segmenter/object_id - status/segmenter/metric Here is the original commit history: * Extract python from flow * Fix bug in server addresses These addresses should be the loopback device instead of the network address of the device. Using the loopback address will not necessitate to update the script when the network address changes. * clean up picamera import * changes to main python and flow: update MQTT requests address to localhost (bugfix) update streaming output address to nothing update main flow to remove python script references and location * Automatically initialise imaging led on startup to off state. * Add the ability to invert outputs of the motor We added a key to config.json "hardware_config" with a subkey "stepper_reverse". If this key is present in the config file and set to 1, the output of the motors are inversed (stepper2 becomes the pump motor and stepper1 the focus motor) * move all non main script to a subfolder * add to package * light module rewrite * json cleanup and absolute path for config file * forgot to import subprocess #oups * Add command to turn the leds off * Auto formatting of I've used Black with default settings, see * First commit of Pump parameters still needs to be checked and tuned. * addition of hardware details in config.json * Introduce hardware.json to replace the `hardware_config` of config.json * calibration, typos * creates the MQTT_Client class * pump_max_speed is now in ml/min to help readability * forgot to add self to the class def * addition of threading capabilities to (UNTESTED) * mqtt: fix topic bug * remove counter * mqtt add doc about topics * creates an "actuator/*/state" topic * rename mqtt_client to pump_client * add details about topics * rename pump_client to actuator_client * topic was not split properly and a part was lost * switch to f-strings for * cosmetic update * folder name will be planktoscope change calls * hardware.json became more straightforward * syntax bugs * addition of a received stop command * update to max travel distance * several typos here * rename folder * reword to reflect folder rename * remove logic that has been moved to and * update to add mqtt imaging client * make command and args local to class and output more verbose * make a class * instantiate stepper class and call it * name mqtt client * update to main.json to reflect changes * fix bugs around pump control * update flows to latest version from Thibault * distance can be a small value, and definitevely should be a float. * unify mqtt topics * unify mqtt output in the main flow * first logger implementation, uses loguru * mqtt: add reason to on_connect * mqtt: add on_disconnect handler * stepper: add more logger calls for debug mainly * main: add levels for logger * first move of the imager logic * imager: time import cleanup * imager: morphocut import cleanup * imager: skimage import cleanup * imager: finishing import cleanup * imager: Class creation - WIP Also provides a fix for #26 (see line 190). * imager: threading is needed for Condition() * streamer: get the streamer server its own file * imager: creates start_camera and get the server creation out * imager: subclass multiprocessing.Process * imager: get Pipeline creation its own function * imager: cleanup of self calls * main: code removal and corresponding calls to newly created classes * imager: various formatting changes * main: management of signal shutdown * add requirements.txt * mqtt: messages are now json objects Also, addition of a flag on receiving a new message * mqtt: make message private and add logic to synchronise * stepper: creates the stepper class * stepper: use the new class * stepper: uses the new logic * stepper: add the shutdown event * stepper: add shutdown method * main: add shutdown event * imager: graceful shutdown * stepper: nicer way of checking the Eevnt * self is a required first argument for a method in a class Especially if you use said class private members! * python: various typos and small errors in import * stepper: create mqtt client during init * stepper: instanciate the mqtt client inside run Otherwise it's not accessible from inside the loop. It's a PITA, more information at * stepper: little bugs and typos all around * mqtt: add shutdown method * mqtt: add connect in init * stepper: fix bugs, sanitize inputs * stepper: work on delay prediction improvements * stepper: json is mean, double quote are mandatory inside * mqtt: add details about message exchanged * imager: first implementation of json messages * main.json: add new tab for RPi management + json for payloads * imager: add state_machine class * stepper: publish last will * imager: major refactor * main: make streaming server process a daemon * mqtt: insert debug statement on close * main: reorder imports * imager: make it work! Reinsert the streaming server logic in there, because there is a problem with the synchronisation part otherwise. Also, eventually, StreamingOuput() will have to be made not global Final very critical learning: it's super duper important to make sure the memory split is at least 256Meg for the GPU. Chaos ensues otherwise * main: changes to accomodate the streamer/imager fusino * imager_state_machine: insert states transition description * stepper: cleanup of code * segmenter: creation of the class * python: include segmenter changes * remove unused files * stepper: check existence of hardware.json * main.json: changes to reflect the python script evolution * remove unecessary TODOs and add some others * main: add check for config and directories * imager: update_config is implemented and we have better management of directories now * segmenter: now work recursively in all folders * flow: the configuration is now sent via mqtt * segmenter: better manage pipeline error * segmenter: declaration of archive_fn in init * imager: small bugs and typos * main: add uniqueID output * imager: add the camera settings message We can now update the ISO, shutter speed and resolution from Node-Red * package.json: update dependencies
2020-09-28 11:05:27 +02:00
"wires": [
2020-11-25 16:58:32 +01:00
Extraction and refactor of the python code from node-red flow The rationale for this rewrite is to improve the readability, the modularity, the reliability and the future-proofing of the main python script. All in all, this is now 124 commits that are going to be squashed and merged together, spanning more than two weeks of development and testing. Please test away this release and break things. An upgrading guide will be published in the coming days, along with a new image for people to use if they don't want to upgrade on their own. Read along if you want to know all the goodies! As a starter, the python script was extracted from the main flow, and now lives in its own files at `PlantonScope/scripts/*`. We set up the auto formatting of the code by using [Black]( This make the code clearer and uniform. We are using the default settings, so if you just install Black and set your editor to format on save using it, you should be good to go. The code is separated in four main processes, each with a specific set of responsibilities: - The main process controls all the others, starts everything up and cleans up on shutdown - The stepper process manages the stepper movements. It's now possible to have simultaneous movements of both motors (this closes #38 ). - The imager process controls the camera and the streaming server via a state machine. - The segmenter process manages the segmentation and its outputs. The segmentation happens recursively in all folders in `/home/pi/PlanktonScope/img/`. Each folder has its own output archive, and bug #26 is now closed. Those processes communicates together using MQTT and json messages. Each message is adressed to one topic. The high level topic controls which process receives the message. The details of each topic is at the end of this commit message. Every imaging sessions has now its own folder, under the `img` root. Metadata are saved individually for every session, in a JSON file in the same directory as the pictures. The configuration is not parsed from `config.json` anymore and passed directly through MQTT messages to the concerned process. A new configuration file has been created: `hardware.json`. This file contains information related to your specific hardware configuration. You can choose to reverse the connection of the motors for example, but you can also define specific speed limits and steps number for your pump and focus stage. This will make it easier for people who wants to experiment with different kind of hardware. It's not necessary to have this file though. If it doesn't exists, the default configuration will be applied. The code is architectured around 6 modules and about 10 classes. I encourage you to have a look at the files, they're pretty straightforward to understand. There is a lot of work left around the node-red code refactoring, dashboard ui improvements, better and clearer LED messages, OLED screen integration and finer control of the segmentation process, but this is quite good for now. Here is the topic lists for MQTT and the corresponding messages. - actuator : This topic adresses the stepper control thread No publication under this topic should happen from the python process - actuator/pump : Control of the pump The message is a json object {"action":"move", "direction":"FORWARD", "volume":10, "flowrate":1} to move 10mL forward at 1mL/min action can be "move" or "stop" Receive only - actuator/focus : Control of the focus stage The message is a json object, speed is optional {"action":"move", "direction":"UP", "distance":0.26, "speed":1} to move up 10mm action can be "move" or "stop" Receive only - imager/image : This topic adresses the imaging thread Is a json object with {"action":"image","sleep":5,"volume":1,"nb_frame":200} sleep in seconds, volume in mL Can also receive a config update message: {"action":"config","config":[...]} Can also receive a camera settings message: {"action":"settings","iso":100,"shutter_speed":40} Receive only - segmenter/segment : This topic adresses the segmenter process Is a json object with {"action":"segment"} Receive only - status : This topics sends feedback to Node-Red No publication or receive at this level - status/pump : State of the pump Is a json object with {"status":"Start", "time_left":25} Status is one of Started, Ready, Done, Interrupted Publish only - status/focus : State of the focus stage Is a json object with {"status":"Start", "time_left":25} Status is one of Started, Ready, Done, Interrupted Publish only - status/imager : State of the imager Is a json object with {"status":"Start", "time_left":25} Status is one of Started, Ready, Completed or 12_11_15_0.1.jpg has been imaged. Publish only - status/segmenter : Status of the segmentation - status/segmenter/name - status/segmenter/object_id - status/segmenter/metric Here is the original commit history: * Extract python from flow * Fix bug in server addresses These addresses should be the loopback device instead of the network address of the device. Using the loopback address will not necessitate to update the script when the network address changes. * clean up picamera import * changes to main python and flow: update MQTT requests address to localhost (bugfix) update streaming output address to nothing update main flow to remove python script references and location * Automatically initialise imaging led on startup to off state. * Add the ability to invert outputs of the motor We added a key to config.json "hardware_config" with a subkey "stepper_reverse". If this key is present in the config file and set to 1, the output of the motors are inversed (stepper2 becomes the pump motor and stepper1 the focus motor) * move all non main script to a subfolder * add to package * light module rewrite * json cleanup and absolute path for config file * forgot to import subprocess #oups * Add command to turn the leds off * Auto formatting of I've used Black with default settings, see * First commit of Pump parameters still needs to be checked and tuned. * addition of hardware details in config.json * Introduce hardware.json to replace the `hardware_config` of config.json * calibration, typos * creates the MQTT_Client class * pump_max_speed is now in ml/min to help readability * forgot to add self to the class def * addition of threading capabilities to (UNTESTED) * mqtt: fix topic bug * remove counter * mqtt add doc about topics * creates an "actuator/*/state" topic * rename mqtt_client to pump_client * add details about topics * rename pump_client to actuator_client * topic was not split properly and a part was lost * switch to f-strings for * cosmetic update * folder name will be planktoscope change calls * hardware.json became more straightforward * syntax bugs * addition of a received stop command * update to max travel distance * several typos here * rename folder * reword to reflect folder rename * remove logic that has been moved to and * update to add mqtt imaging client * make command and args local to class and output more verbose * make a class * instantiate stepper class and call it * name mqtt client * update to main.json to reflect changes * fix bugs around pump control * update flows to latest version from Thibault * distance can be a small value, and definitevely should be a float. * unify mqtt topics * unify mqtt output in the main flow * first logger implementation, uses loguru * mqtt: add reason to on_connect * mqtt: add on_disconnect handler * stepper: add more logger calls for debug mainly * main: add levels for logger * first move of the imager logic * imager: time import cleanup * imager: morphocut import cleanup * imager: skimage import cleanup * imager: finishing import cleanup * imager: Class creation - WIP Also provides a fix for #26 (see line 190). * imager: threading is needed for Condition() * streamer: get the streamer server its own file * imager: creates start_camera and get the server creation out * imager: subclass multiprocessing.Process * imager: get Pipeline creation its own function * imager: cleanup of self calls * main: code removal and corresponding calls to newly created classes * imager: various formatting changes * main: management of signal shutdown * add requirements.txt * mqtt: messages are now json objects Also, addition of a flag on receiving a new message * mqtt: make message private and add logic to synchronise * stepper: creates the stepper class * stepper: use the new class * stepper: uses the new logic * stepper: add the shutdown event * stepper: add shutdown method * main: add shutdown event * imager: graceful shutdown * stepper: nicer way of checking the Eevnt * self is a required first argument for a method in a class Especially if you use said class private members! * python: various typos and small errors in import * stepper: create mqtt client during init * stepper: instanciate the mqtt client inside run Otherwise it's not accessible from inside the loop. It's a PITA, more information at * stepper: little bugs and typos all around * mqtt: add shutdown method * mqtt: add connect in init * stepper: fix bugs, sanitize inputs * stepper: work on delay prediction improvements * stepper: json is mean, double quote are mandatory inside * mqtt: add details about message exchanged * imager: first implementation of json messages * main.json: add new tab for RPi management + json for payloads * imager: add state_machine class * stepper: publish last will * imager: major refactor * main: make streaming server process a daemon * mqtt: insert debug statement on close * main: reorder imports * imager: make it work! Reinsert the streaming server logic in there, because there is a problem with the synchronisation part otherwise. Also, eventually, StreamingOuput() will have to be made not global Final very critical learning: it's super duper important to make sure the memory split is at least 256Meg for the GPU. Chaos ensues otherwise * main: changes to accomodate the streamer/imager fusino * imager_state_machine: insert states transition description * stepper: cleanup of code * segmenter: creation of the class * python: include segmenter changes * remove unused files * stepper: check existence of hardware.json * main.json: changes to reflect the python script evolution * remove unecessary TODOs and add some others * main: add check for config and directories * imager: update_config is implemented and we have better management of directories now * segmenter: now work recursively in all folders * flow: the configuration is now sent via mqtt * segmenter: better manage pipeline error * segmenter: declaration of archive_fn in init * imager: small bugs and typos * main: add uniqueID output * imager: add the camera settings message We can now update the ISO, shutter speed and resolution from Node-Red * package.json: update dependencies
2020-09-28 11:05:27 +02:00
2020-11-25 16:58:32 +01:00
"id": "4b489713.ccde5",
2020-11-24 17:25:15 +01:00
"type": "ui_button",
2020-11-25 16:58:32 +01:00
"z": "baa1e3d9.cb29d",
"name": "",
"group": "4322c187.e73e5",
2020-11-27 11:30:57 +01:00
"order": 11,
2020-11-25 16:58:32 +01:00
"width": 5,
Extraction and refactor of the python code from node-red flow The rationale for this rewrite is to improve the readability, the modularity, the reliability and the future-proofing of the main python script. All in all, this is now 124 commits that are going to be squashed and merged together, spanning more than two weeks of development and testing. Please test away this release and break things. An upgrading guide will be published in the coming days, along with a new image for people to use if they don't want to upgrade on their own. Read along if you want to know all the goodies! As a starter, the python script was extracted from the main flow, and now lives in its own files at `PlantonScope/scripts/*`. We set up the auto formatting of the code by using [Black]( This make the code clearer and uniform. We are using the default settings, so if you just install Black and set your editor to format on save using it, you should be good to go. The code is separated in four main processes, each with a specific set of responsibilities: - The main process controls all the others, starts everything up and cleans up on shutdown - The stepper process manages the stepper movements. It's now possible to have simultaneous movements of both motors (this closes #38 ). - The imager process controls the camera and the streaming server via a state machine. - The segmenter process manages the segmentation and its outputs. The segmentation happens recursively in all folders in `/home/pi/PlanktonScope/img/`. Each folder has its own output archive, and bug #26 is now closed. Those processes communicates together using MQTT and json messages. Each message is adressed to one topic. The high level topic controls which process receives the message. The details of each topic is at the end of this commit message. Every imaging sessions has now its own folder, under the `img` root. Metadata are saved individually for every session, in a JSON file in the same directory as the pictures. The configuration is not parsed from `config.json` anymore and passed directly through MQTT messages to the concerned process. A new configuration file has been created: `hardware.json`. This file contains information related to your specific hardware configuration. You can choose to reverse the connection of the motors for example, but you can also define specific speed limits and steps number for your pump and focus stage. This will make it easier for people who wants to experiment with different kind of hardware. It's not necessary to have this file though. If it doesn't exists, the default configuration will be applied. The code is architectured around 6 modules and about 10 classes. I encourage you to have a look at the files, they're pretty straightforward to understand. There is a lot of work left around the node-red code refactoring, dashboard ui improvements, better and clearer LED messages, OLED screen integration and finer control of the segmentation process, but this is quite good for now. Here is the topic lists for MQTT and the corresponding messages. - actuator : This topic adresses the stepper control thread No publication under this topic should happen from the python process - actuator/pump : Control of the pump The message is a json object {"action":"move", "direction":"FORWARD", "volume":10, "flowrate":1} to move 10mL forward at 1mL/min action can be "move" or "stop" Receive only - actuator/focus : Control of the focus stage The message is a json object, speed is optional {"action":"move", "direction":"UP", "distance":0.26, "speed":1} to move up 10mm action can be "move" or "stop" Receive only - imager/image : This topic adresses the imaging thread Is a json object with {"action":"image","sleep":5,"volume":1,"nb_frame":200} sleep in seconds, volume in mL Can also receive a config update message: {"action":"config","config":[...]} Can also receive a camera settings message: {"action":"settings","iso":100,"shutter_speed":40} Receive only - segmenter/segment : This topic adresses the segmenter process Is a json object with {"action":"segment"} Receive only - status : This topics sends feedback to Node-Red No publication or receive at this level - status/pump : State of the pump Is a json object with {"status":"Start", "time_left":25} Status is one of Started, Ready, Done, Interrupted Publish only - status/focus : State of the focus stage Is a json object with {"status":"Start", "time_left":25} Status is one of Started, Ready, Done, Interrupted Publish only - status/imager : State of the imager Is a json object with {"status":"Start", "time_left":25} Status is one of Started, Ready, Completed or 12_11_15_0.1.jpg has been imaged. Publish only - status/segmenter : Status of the segmentation - status/segmenter/name - status/segmenter/object_id - status/segmenter/metric Here is the original commit history: * Extract python from flow * Fix bug in server addresses These addresses should be the loopback device instead of the network address of the device. Using the loopback address will not necessitate to update the script when the network address changes. * clean up picamera import * changes to main python and flow: update MQTT requests address to localhost (bugfix) update streaming output address to nothing update main flow to remove python script references and location * Automatically initialise imaging led on startup to off state. * Add the ability to invert outputs of the motor We added a key to config.json "hardware_config" with a subkey "stepper_reverse". If this key is present in the config file and set to 1, the output of the motors are inversed (stepper2 becomes the pump motor and stepper1 the focus motor) * move all non main script to a subfolder * add to package * light module rewrite * json cleanup and absolute path for config file * forgot to import subprocess #oups * Add command to turn the leds off * Auto formatting of I've used Black with default settings, see * First commit of Pump parameters still needs to be checked and tuned. * addition of hardware details in config.json * Introduce hardware.json to replace the `hardware_config` of config.json * calibration, typos * creates the MQTT_Client class * pump_max_speed is now in ml/min to help readability * forgot to add self to the class def * addition of threading capabilities to (UNTESTED) * mqtt: fix topic bug * remove counter * mqtt add doc about topics * creates an "actuator/*/state" topic * rename mqtt_client to pump_client * add details about topics * rename pump_client to actuator_client * topic was not split properly and a part was lost * switch to f-strings for * cosmetic update * folder name will be planktoscope change calls * hardware.json became more straightforward * syntax bugs * addition of a received stop command * update to max travel distance * several typos here * rename folder * reword to reflect folder rename * remove logic that has been moved to and * update to add mqtt imaging client * make command and args local to class and output more verbose * make a class * instantiate stepper class and call it * name mqtt client * update to main.json to reflect changes * fix bugs around pump control * update flows to latest version from Thibault * distance can be a small value, and definitevely should be a float. * unify mqtt topics * unify mqtt output in the main flow * first logger implementation, uses loguru * mqtt: add reason to on_connect * mqtt: add on_disconnect handler * stepper: add more logger calls for debug mainly * main: add levels for logger * first move of the imager logic * imager: time import cleanup * imager: morphocut import cleanup * imager: skimage import cleanup * imager: finishing import cleanup * imager: Class creation - WIP Also provides a fix for #26 (see line 190). * imager: threading is needed for Condition() * streamer: get the streamer server its own file * imager: creates start_camera and get the server creation out * imager: subclass multiprocessing.Process * imager: get Pipeline creation its own function * imager: cleanup of self calls * main: code removal and corresponding calls to newly created classes * imager: various formatting changes * main: management of signal shutdown * add requirements.txt * mqtt: messages are now json objects Also, addition of a flag on receiving a new message * mqtt: make message private and add logic to synchronise * stepper: creates the stepper class * stepper: use the new class * stepper: uses the new logic * stepper: add the shutdown event * stepper: add shutdown method * main: add shutdown event * imager: graceful shutdown * stepper: nicer way of checking the Eevnt * self is a required first argument for a method in a class Especially if you use said class private members! * python: various typos and small errors in import * stepper: create mqtt client during init * stepper: instanciate the mqtt client inside run Otherwise it's not accessible from inside the loop. It's a PITA, more information at * stepper: little bugs and typos all around * mqtt: add shutdown method * mqtt: add connect in init * stepper: fix bugs, sanitize inputs * stepper: work on delay prediction improvements * stepper: json is mean, double quote are mandatory inside * mqtt: add details about message exchanged * imager: first implementation of json messages * main.json: add new tab for RPi management + json for payloads * imager: add state_machine class * stepper: publish last will * imager: major refactor * main: make streaming server process a daemon * mqtt: insert debug statement on close * main: reorder imports * imager: make it work! Reinsert the streaming server logic in there, because there is a problem with the synchronisation part otherwise. Also, eventually, StreamingOuput() will have to be made not global Final very critical learning: it's super duper important to make sure the memory split is at least 256Meg for the GPU. Chaos ensues otherwise * main: changes to accomodate the streamer/imager fusino * imager_state_machine: insert states transition description * stepper: cleanup of code * segmenter: creation of the class * python: include segmenter changes * remove unused files * stepper: check existence of hardware.json * main.json: changes to reflect the python script evolution * remove unecessary TODOs and add some others * main: add check for config and directories * imager: update_config is implemented and we have better management of directories now * segmenter: now work recursively in all folders * flow: the configuration is now sent via mqtt * segmenter: better manage pipeline error * segmenter: declaration of archive_fn in init * imager: small bugs and typos * main: add uniqueID output * imager: add the camera settings message We can now update the ISO, shutter speed and resolution from Node-Red * package.json: update dependencies
2020-09-28 11:05:27 +02:00
"height": 1,
2020-11-24 17:25:15 +01:00
"passthru": false,
2020-11-25 16:58:32 +01:00
"label": "Start Acquisition",
2020-11-24 17:25:15 +01:00
"tooltip": "",
"color": "",
"bgcolor": "",
"icon": "",
2020-11-25 16:58:32 +01:00
"payload": "",
"payloadType": "str",
"topic": "imager/image",
"x": 520,
"y": 580,
2020-11-24 17:25:15 +01:00
"wires": [
2020-11-25 16:58:32 +01:00
2020-11-24 17:25:15 +01:00
Extraction and refactor of the python code from node-red flow The rationale for this rewrite is to improve the readability, the modularity, the reliability and the future-proofing of the main python script. All in all, this is now 124 commits that are going to be squashed and merged together, spanning more than two weeks of development and testing. Please test away this release and break things. An upgrading guide will be published in the coming days, along with a new image for people to use if they don't want to upgrade on their own. Read along if you want to know all the goodies! As a starter, the python script was extracted from the main flow, and now lives in its own files at `PlantonScope/scripts/*`. We set up the auto formatting of the code by using [Black]( This make the code clearer and uniform. We are using the default settings, so if you just install Black and set your editor to format on save using it, you should be good to go. The code is separated in four main processes, each with a specific set of responsibilities: - The main process controls all the others, starts everything up and cleans up on shutdown - The stepper process manages the stepper movements. It's now possible to have simultaneous movements of both motors (this closes #38 ). - The imager process controls the camera and the streaming server via a state machine. - The segmenter process manages the segmentation and its outputs. The segmentation happens recursively in all folders in `/home/pi/PlanktonScope/img/`. Each folder has its own output archive, and bug #26 is now closed. Those processes communicates together using MQTT and json messages. Each message is adressed to one topic. The high level topic controls which process receives the message. The details of each topic is at the end of this commit message. Every imaging sessions has now its own folder, under the `img` root. Metadata are saved individually for every session, in a JSON file in the same directory as the pictures. The configuration is not parsed from `config.json` anymore and passed directly through MQTT messages to the concerned process. A new configuration file has been created: `hardware.json`. This file contains information related to your specific hardware configuration. You can choose to reverse the connection of the motors for example, but you can also define specific speed limits and steps number for your pump and focus stage. This will make it easier for people who wants to experiment with different kind of hardware. It's not necessary to have this file though. If it doesn't exists, the default configuration will be applied. The code is architectured around 6 modules and about 10 classes. I encourage you to have a look at the files, they're pretty straightforward to understand. There is a lot of work left around the node-red code refactoring, dashboard ui improvements, better and clearer LED messages, OLED screen integration and finer control of the segmentation process, but this is quite good for now. Here is the topic lists for MQTT and the corresponding messages. - actuator : This topic adresses the stepper control thread No publication under this topic should happen from the python process - actuator/pump : Control of the pump The message is a json object {"action":"move", "direction":"FORWARD", "volume":10, "flowrate":1} to move 10mL forward at 1mL/min action can be "move" or "stop" Receive only - actuator/focus : Control of the focus stage The message is a json object, speed is optional {"action":"move", "direction":"UP", "distance":0.26, "speed":1} to move up 10mm action can be "move" or "stop" Receive only - imager/image : This topic adresses the imaging thread Is a json object with {"action":"image","sleep":5,"volume":1,"nb_frame":200} sleep in seconds, volume in mL Can also receive a config update message: {"action":"config","config":[...]} Can also receive a camera settings message: {"action":"settings","iso":100,"shutter_speed":40} Receive only - segmenter/segment : This topic adresses the segmenter process Is a json object with {"action":"segment"} Receive only - status : This topics sends feedback to Node-Red No publication or receive at this level - status/pump : State of the pump Is a json object with {"status":"Start", "time_left":25} Status is one of Started, Ready, Done, Interrupted Publish only - status/focus : State of the focus stage Is a json object with {"status":"Start", "time_left":25} Status is one of Started, Ready, Done, Interrupted Publish only - status/imager : State of the imager Is a json object with {"status":"Start", "time_left":25} Status is one of Started, Ready, Completed or 12_11_15_0.1.jpg has been imaged. Publish only - status/segmenter : Status of the segmentation - status/segmenter/name - status/segmenter/object_id - status/segmenter/metric Here is the original commit history: * Extract python from flow * Fix bug in server addresses These addresses should be the loopback device instead of the network address of the device. Using the loopback address will not necessitate to update the script when the network address changes. * clean up picamera import * changes to main python and flow: update MQTT requests address to localhost (bugfix) update streaming output address to nothing update main flow to remove python script references and location * Automatically initialise imaging led on startup to off state. * Add the ability to invert outputs of the motor We added a key to config.json "hardware_config" with a subkey "stepper_reverse". If this key is present in the config file and set to 1, the output of the motors are inversed (stepper2 becomes the pump motor and stepper1 the focus motor) * move all non main script to a subfolder * add to package * light module rewrite * json cleanup and absolute path for config file * forgot to import subprocess #oups * Add command to turn the leds off * Auto formatting of I've used Black with default settings, see * First commit of Pump parameters still needs to be checked and tuned. * addition of hardware details in config.json * Introduce hardware.json to replace the `hardware_config` of config.json * calibration, typos * creates the MQTT_Client class * pump_max_speed is now in ml/min to help readability * forgot to add self to the class def * addition of threading capabilities to (UNTESTED) * mqtt: fix topic bug * remove counter * mqtt add doc about topics * creates an "actuator/*/state" topic * rename mqtt_client to pump_client * add details about topics * rename pump_client to actuator_client * topic was not split properly and a part was lost * switch to f-strings for * cosmetic update * folder name will be planktoscope change calls * hardware.json became more straightforward * syntax bugs * addition of a received stop command * update to max travel distance * several typos here * rename folder * reword to reflect folder rename * remove logic that has been moved to and * update to add mqtt imaging client * make command and args local to class and output more verbose * make a class * instantiate stepper class and call it * name mqtt client * update to main.json to reflect changes * fix bugs around pump control * update flows to latest version from Thibault * distance can be a small value, and definitevely should be a float. * unify mqtt topics * unify mqtt output in the main flow * first logger implementation, uses loguru * mqtt: add reason to on_connect * mqtt: add on_disconnect handler * stepper: add more logger calls for debug mainly * main: add levels for logger * first move of the imager logic * imager: time import cleanup * imager: morphocut import cleanup * imager: skimage import cleanup * imager: finishing import cleanup * imager: Class creation - WIP Also provides a fix for #26 (see line 190). * imager: threading is needed for Condition() * streamer: get the streamer server its own file * imager: creates start_camera and get the server creation out * imager: subclass multiprocessing.Process * imager: get Pipeline creation its own function * imager: cleanup of self calls * main: code removal and corresponding calls to newly created classes * imager: various formatting changes * main: management of signal shutdown * add requirements.txt * mqtt: messages are now json objects Also, addition of a flag on receiving a new message * mqtt: make message private and add logic to synchronise * stepper: creates the stepper class * stepper: use the new class * stepper: uses the new logic * stepper: add the shutdown event * stepper: add shutdown method * main: add shutdown event * imager: graceful shutdown * stepper: nicer way of checking the Eevnt * self is a required first argument for a method in a class Especially if you use said class private members! * python: various typos and small errors in import * stepper: create mqtt client during init * stepper: instanciate the mqtt client inside run Otherwise it's not accessible from inside the loop. It's a PITA, more information at * stepper: little bugs and typos all around * mqtt: add shutdown method * mqtt: add connect in init * stepper: fix bugs, sanitize inputs * stepper: work on delay prediction improvements * stepper: json is mean, double quote are mandatory inside * mqtt: add details about message exchanged * imager: first implementation of json messages * main.json: add new tab for RPi management + json for payloads * imager: add state_machine class * stepper: publish last will * imager: major refactor * main: make streaming server process a daemon * mqtt: insert debug statement on close * main: reorder imports * imager: make it work! Reinsert the streaming server logic in there, because there is a problem with the synchronisation part otherwise. Also, eventually, StreamingOuput() will have to be made not global Final very critical learning: it's super duper important to make sure the memory split is at least 256Meg for the GPU. Chaos ensues otherwise * main: changes to accomodate the streamer/imager fusino * imager_state_machine: insert states transition description * stepper: cleanup of code * segmenter: creation of the class * python: include segmenter changes * remove unused files * stepper: check existence of hardware.json * main.json: changes to reflect the python script evolution * remove unecessary TODOs and add some others * main: add check for config and directories * imager: update_config is implemented and we have better management of directories now * segmenter: now work recursively in all folders * flow: the configuration is now sent via mqtt * segmenter: better manage pipeline error * segmenter: declaration of archive_fn in init * imager: small bugs and typos * main: add uniqueID output * imager: add the camera settings message We can now update the ISO, shutter speed and resolution from Node-Red * package.json: update dependencies
2020-09-28 11:05:27 +02:00
2020-11-25 16:58:32 +01:00
"id": "c9f510c0.7d1328",
"type": "function",
"z": "baa1e3d9.cb29d",
"name": "Image control",
2020-11-27 11:30:57 +01:00
"func": "state = global.get(\"state\");\nglobal.set('img_counter',0);\nglobal.set('obj_counter',0);\nif (state === null){state=\"free\"}\n\nvar nb_frame= global.get(\"nb_frame\");\nvar acq_celltype= global.get(\"acq_celltype\");\nvar acq_minimum_mesh= global.get(\"acq_minimum_mesh\");\nvar acq_maximum_mesh= global.get(\"acq_maximum_mesh\");\nvar acq_id= global.get(\"acq_id\");\nvar pump_direction= global.get(\"pump_direction\");\nvar imaging_pump_volume= global.get(\"imaging_pump_volume\");\n\nif (acq_celltype === undefined || acq_celltype === \"\") {\n msg.topic = \"Missing entry :\"\n msg.payload = \"Type of the flowcell\"\n}else if (acq_minimum_mesh === undefined || acq_minimum_mesh === \"\") {\n msg.topic = \"Missing entry :\"\n msg.payload = \"Lower fraction size\"\n}else if (acq_maximum_mesh === undefined || acq_maximum_mesh === \"\") {\n msg.topic = \"Missing entry :\"\n msg.payload = \"Upper fraction size\"\n}else if (imaging_pump_volume === undefined || imaging_pump_volume === \"\" || imaging_pump_volume === null) {\n msg.topic = \"Missing entry :\"\n msg.payload = \"Volume inbetween images\"\n}else if (acq_id === undefined || acq_id === \"\") {\n msg.topic = \"Missing entry :\"\n msg.payload = \"Acquisition ID\"\n}else if (nb_frame === undefined || nb_frame === \"\" || nb_frame === null) {\n msg.topic = \"Missing entry :\";\n msg.payload = \"Number of image to save\";\n \n}else if (pump_direction === undefined || pump_direction === \"\" || pump_direction === null) {\n msg.topic = \"Missing entry :\";\n msg.payload = \"Pump direction\";\n \n}else {\n msg.payload={\"action\":\"image\", \n \"sleep\":1,\n \"pump_direction\": pump_direction,\n \"volume\":imaging_pump_volume,\n \"nb_frame\":nb_frame,\n }\n}\n\nreturn msg;",
2020-11-25 16:58:32 +01:00
"outputs": 1,
"noerr": 0,
"initialize": "",
"finalize": "",
"x": 730,
2020-11-25 16:58:32 +01:00
"y": 580,
2020-11-24 17:25:15 +01:00
"wires": [
2020-11-25 16:58:32 +01:00
2020-11-27 18:57:43 +01:00
2020-11-25 16:58:32 +01:00
"info": "### Focusing\n##### `nb_step` `orientation`\n\n- `nb_step` : **integer** (from 1 to 100000) - number of step to perform by the stage (about 31um/step)\n- `orientation` : **string** - orientation of the focus either `up` or `down`\n\nExample:\n\n python3.7 $HOME/PlanktonScope/scripts/ 650 up\n"
"id": "d6ebaa2.ea21d58",
"type": "switch",
"z": "baa1e3d9.cb29d",
"name": "",
"property": "topic",
"propertyType": "msg",
"rules": [
"t": "eq",
"v": "imager/image",
"vt": "str"
"t": "eq",
"v": "Missing entry :",
"vt": "str"
"checkall": "true",
"repair": false,
"outputs": 2,
"x": 1090,
2020-11-25 16:58:32 +01:00
"y": 580,
"wires": [
2020-11-24 17:25:15 +01:00
Extraction and refactor of the python code from node-red flow The rationale for this rewrite is to improve the readability, the modularity, the reliability and the future-proofing of the main python script. All in all, this is now 124 commits that are going to be squashed and merged together, spanning more than two weeks of development and testing. Please test away this release and break things. An upgrading guide will be published in the coming days, along with a new image for people to use if they don't want to upgrade on their own. Read along if you want to know all the goodies! As a starter, the python script was extracted from the main flow, and now lives in its own files at `PlantonScope/scripts/*`. We set up the auto formatting of the code by using [Black]( This make the code clearer and uniform. We are using the default settings, so if you just install Black and set your editor to format on save using it, you should be good to go. The code is separated in four main processes, each with a specific set of responsibilities: - The main process controls all the others, starts everything up and cleans up on shutdown - The stepper process manages the stepper movements. It's now possible to have simultaneous movements of both motors (this closes #38 ). - The imager process controls the camera and the streaming server via a state machine. - The segmenter process manages the segmentation and its outputs. The segmentation happens recursively in all folders in `/home/pi/PlanktonScope/img/`. Each folder has its own output archive, and bug #26 is now closed. Those processes communicates together using MQTT and json messages. Each message is adressed to one topic. The high level topic controls which process receives the message. The details of each topic is at the end of this commit message. Every imaging sessions has now its own folder, under the `img` root. Metadata are saved individually for every session, in a JSON file in the same directory as the pictures. The configuration is not parsed from `config.json` anymore and passed directly through MQTT messages to the concerned process. A new configuration file has been created: `hardware.json`. This file contains information related to your specific hardware configuration. You can choose to reverse the connection of the motors for example, but you can also define specific speed limits and steps number for your pump and focus stage. This will make it easier for people who wants to experiment with different kind of hardware. It's not necessary to have this file though. If it doesn't exists, the default configuration will be applied. The code is architectured around 6 modules and about 10 classes. I encourage you to have a look at the files, they're pretty straightforward to understand. There is a lot of work left around the node-red code refactoring, dashboard ui improvements, better and clearer LED messages, OLED screen integration and finer control of the segmentation process, but this is quite good for now. Here is the topic lists for MQTT and the corresponding messages. - actuator : This topic adresses the stepper control thread No publication under this topic should happen from the python process - actuator/pump : Control of the pump The message is a json object {"action":"move", "direction":"FORWARD", "volume":10, "flowrate":1} to move 10mL forward at 1mL/min action can be "move" or "stop" Receive only - actuator/focus : Control of the focus stage The message is a json object, speed is optional {"action":"move", "direction":"UP", "distance":0.26, "speed":1} to move up 10mm action can be "move" or "stop" Receive only - imager/image : This topic adresses the imaging thread Is a json object with {"action":"image","sleep":5,"volume":1,"nb_frame":200} sleep in seconds, volume in mL Can also receive a config update message: {"action":"config","config":[...]} Can also receive a camera settings message: {"action":"settings","iso":100,"shutter_speed":40} Receive only - segmenter/segment : This topic adresses the segmenter process Is a json object with {"action":"segment"} Receive only - status : This topics sends feedback to Node-Red No publication or receive at this level - status/pump : State of the pump Is a json object with {"status":"Start", "time_left":25} Status is one of Started, Ready, Done, Interrupted Publish only - status/focus : State of the focus stage Is a json object with {"status":"Start", "time_left":25} Status is one of Started, Ready, Done, Interrupted Publish only - status/imager : State of the imager Is a json object with {"status":"Start", "time_left":25} Status is one of Started, Ready, Completed or 12_11_15_0.1.jpg has been imaged. Publish only - status/segmenter : Status of the segmentation - status/segmenter/name - status/segmenter/object_id - status/segmenter/metric Here is the original commit history: * Extract python from flow * Fix bug in server addresses These addresses should be the loopback device instead of the network address of the device. Using the loopback address will not necessitate to update the script when the network address changes. * clean up picamera import * changes to main python and flow: update MQTT requests address to localhost (bugfix) update streaming output address to nothing update main flow to remove python script references and location * Automatically initialise imaging led on startup to off state. * Add the ability to invert outputs of the motor We added a key to config.json "hardware_config" with a subkey "stepper_reverse". If this key is present in the config file and set to 1, the output of the motors are inversed (stepper2 becomes the pump motor and stepper1 the focus motor) * move all non main script to a subfolder * add to package * light module rewrite * json cleanup and absolute path for config file * forgot to import subprocess #oups * Add command to turn the leds off * Auto formatting of I've used Black with default settings, see * First commit of Pump parameters still needs to be checked and tuned. * addition of hardware details in config.json * Introduce hardware.json to replace the `hardware_config` of config.json * calibration, typos * creates the MQTT_Client class * pump_max_speed is now in ml/min to help readability * forgot to add self to the class def * addition of threading capabilities to (UNTESTED) * mqtt: fix topic bug * remove counter * mqtt add doc about topics * creates an "actuator/*/state" topic * rename mqtt_client to pump_client * add details about topics * rename pump_client to actuator_client * topic was not split properly and a part was lost * switch to f-strings for * cosmetic update * folder name will be planktoscope change calls * hardware.json became more straightforward * syntax bugs * addition of a received stop command * update to max travel distance * several typos here * rename folder * reword to reflect folder rename * remove logic that has been moved to and * update to add mqtt imaging client * make command and args local to class and output more verbose * make a class * instantiate stepper class and call it * name mqtt client * update to main.json to reflect changes * fix bugs around pump control * update flows to latest version from Thibault * distance can be a small value, and definitevely should be a float. * unify mqtt topics * unify mqtt output in the main flow * first logger implementation, uses loguru * mqtt: add reason to on_connect * mqtt: add on_disconnect handler * stepper: add more logger calls for debug mainly * main: add levels for logger * first move of the imager logic * imager: time import cleanup * imager: morphocut import cleanup * imager: skimage import cleanup * imager: finishing import cleanup * imager: Class creation - WIP Also provides a fix for #26 (see line 190). * imager: threading is needed for Condition() * streamer: get the streamer server its own file * imager: creates start_camera and get the server creation out * imager: subclass multiprocessing.Process * imager: get Pipeline creation its own function * imager: cleanup of self calls * main: code removal and corresponding calls to newly created classes * imager: various formatting changes * main: management of signal shutdown * add requirements.txt * mqtt: messages are now json objects Also, addition of a flag on receiving a new message * mqtt: make message private and add logic to synchronise * stepper: creates the stepper class * stepper: use the new class * stepper: uses the new logic * stepper: add the shutdown event * stepper: add shutdown method * main: add shutdown event * imager: graceful shutdown * stepper: nicer way of checking the Eevnt * self is a required first argument for a method in a class Especially if you use said class private members! * python: various typos and small errors in import * stepper: create mqtt client during init * stepper: instanciate the mqtt client inside run Otherwise it's not accessible from inside the loop. It's a PITA, more information at * stepper: little bugs and typos all around * mqtt: add shutdown method * mqtt: add connect in init * stepper: fix bugs, sanitize inputs * stepper: work on delay prediction improvements * stepper: json is mean, double quote are mandatory inside * mqtt: add details about message exchanged * imager: first implementation of json messages * main.json: add new tab for RPi management + json for payloads * imager: add state_machine class * stepper: publish last will * imager: major refactor * main: make streaming server process a daemon * mqtt: insert debug statement on close * main: reorder imports * imager: make it work! Reinsert the streaming server logic in there, because there is a problem with the synchronisation part otherwise. Also, eventually, StreamingOuput() will have to be made not global Final very critical learning: it's super duper important to make sure the memory split is at least 256Meg for the GPU. Chaos ensues otherwise * main: changes to accomodate the streamer/imager fusino * imager_state_machine: insert states transition description * stepper: cleanup of code * segmenter: creation of the class * python: include segmenter changes * remove unused files * stepper: check existence of hardware.json * main.json: changes to reflect the python script evolution * remove unecessary TODOs and add some others * main: add check for config and directories * imager: update_config is implemented and we have better management of directories now * segmenter: now work recursively in all folders * flow: the configuration is now sent via mqtt * segmenter: better manage pipeline error * segmenter: declaration of archive_fn in init * imager: small bugs and typos * main: add uniqueID output * imager: add the camera settings message We can now update the ISO, shutter speed and resolution from Node-Red * package.json: update dependencies
2020-09-28 11:05:27 +02:00
2020-11-25 16:58:32 +01:00
"id": "20e0a8c8.edbeb",
"type": "ui_toast",
"z": "baa1e3d9.cb29d",
"position": "dialog",
"displayTime": "3",
"highlight": "",
"sendall": true,
"outputs": 1,
"ok": "OK",
"cancel": "",
"raw": false,
"topic": "",
"name": "",
"x": 1250,
2020-11-25 16:58:32 +01:00
"y": 620,
"wires": [
"id": "c3e50240.82aa58",
2020-11-24 17:25:15 +01:00
"type": "mqtt out",
2020-11-25 16:58:32 +01:00
"z": "baa1e3d9.cb29d",
2020-11-24 17:25:15 +01:00
"name": "",
"topic": "",
"qos": "",
"retain": "",
"broker": "8dc3722c.06efa8",
"x": 1230,
2020-11-25 16:58:32 +01:00
"y": 540,
Extraction and refactor of the python code from node-red flow The rationale for this rewrite is to improve the readability, the modularity, the reliability and the future-proofing of the main python script. All in all, this is now 124 commits that are going to be squashed and merged together, spanning more than two weeks of development and testing. Please test away this release and break things. An upgrading guide will be published in the coming days, along with a new image for people to use if they don't want to upgrade on their own. Read along if you want to know all the goodies! As a starter, the python script was extracted from the main flow, and now lives in its own files at `PlantonScope/scripts/*`. We set up the auto formatting of the code by using [Black]( This make the code clearer and uniform. We are using the default settings, so if you just install Black and set your editor to format on save using it, you should be good to go. The code is separated in four main processes, each with a specific set of responsibilities: - The main process controls all the others, starts everything up and cleans up on shutdown - The stepper process manages the stepper movements. It's now possible to have simultaneous movements of both motors (this closes #38 ). - The imager process controls the camera and the streaming server via a state machine. - The segmenter process manages the segmentation and its outputs. The segmentation happens recursively in all folders in `/home/pi/PlanktonScope/img/`. Each folder has its own output archive, and bug #26 is now closed. Those processes communicates together using MQTT and json messages. Each message is adressed to one topic. The high level topic controls which process receives the message. The details of each topic is at the end of this commit message. Every imaging sessions has now its own folder, under the `img` root. Metadata are saved individually for every session, in a JSON file in the same directory as the pictures. The configuration is not parsed from `config.json` anymore and passed directly through MQTT messages to the concerned process. A new configuration file has been created: `hardware.json`. This file contains information related to your specific hardware configuration. You can choose to reverse the connection of the motors for example, but you can also define specific speed limits and steps number for your pump and focus stage. This will make it easier for people who wants to experiment with different kind of hardware. It's not necessary to have this file though. If it doesn't exists, the default configuration will be applied. The code is architectured around 6 modules and about 10 classes. I encourage you to have a look at the files, they're pretty straightforward to understand. There is a lot of work left around the node-red code refactoring, dashboard ui improvements, better and clearer LED messages, OLED screen integration and finer control of the segmentation process, but this is quite good for now. Here is the topic lists for MQTT and the corresponding messages. - actuator : This topic adresses the stepper control thread No publication under this topic should happen from the python process - actuator/pump : Control of the pump The message is a json object {"action":"move", "direction":"FORWARD", "volume":10, "flowrate":1} to move 10mL forward at 1mL/min action can be "move" or "stop" Receive only - actuator/focus : Control of the focus stage The message is a json object, speed is optional {"action":"move", "direction":"UP", "distance":0.26, "speed":1} to move up 10mm action can be "move" or "stop" Receive only - imager/image : This topic adresses the imaging thread Is a json object with {"action":"image","sleep":5,"volume":1,"nb_frame":200} sleep in seconds, volume in mL Can also receive a config update message: {"action":"config","config":[...]} Can also receive a camera settings message: {"action":"settings","iso":100,"shutter_speed":40} Receive only - segmenter/segment : This topic adresses the segmenter process Is a json object with {"action":"segment"} Receive only - status : This topics sends feedback to Node-Red No publication or receive at this level - status/pump : State of the pump Is a json object with {"status":"Start", "time_left":25} Status is one of Started, Ready, Done, Interrupted Publish only - status/focus : State of the focus stage Is a json object with {"status":"Start", "time_left":25} Status is one of Started, Ready, Done, Interrupted Publish only - status/imager : State of the imager Is a json object with {"status":"Start", "time_left":25} Status is one of Started, Ready, Completed or 12_11_15_0.1.jpg has been imaged. Publish only - status/segmenter : Status of the segmentation - status/segmenter/name - status/segmenter/object_id - status/segmenter/metric Here is the original commit history: * Extract python from flow * Fix bug in server addresses These addresses should be the loopback device instead of the network address of the device. Using the loopback address will not necessitate to update the script when the network address changes. * clean up picamera import * changes to main python and flow: update MQTT requests address to localhost (bugfix) update streaming output address to nothing update main flow to remove python script references and location * Automatically initialise imaging led on startup to off state. * Add the ability to invert outputs of the motor We added a key to config.json "hardware_config" with a subkey "stepper_reverse". If this key is present in the config file and set to 1, the output of the motors are inversed (stepper2 becomes the pump motor and stepper1 the focus motor) * move all non main script to a subfolder * add to package * light module rewrite * json cleanup and absolute path for config file * forgot to import subprocess #oups * Add command to turn the leds off * Auto formatting of I've used Black with default settings, see * First commit of Pump parameters still needs to be checked and tuned. * addition of hardware details in config.json * Introduce hardware.json to replace the `hardware_config` of config.json * calibration, typos * creates the MQTT_Client class * pump_max_speed is now in ml/min to help readability * forgot to add self to the class def * addition of threading capabilities to (UNTESTED) * mqtt: fix topic bug * remove counter * mqtt add doc about topics * creates an "actuator/*/state" topic * rename mqtt_client to pump_client * add details about topics * rename pump_client to actuator_client * topic was not split properly and a part was lost * switch to f-strings for * cosmetic update * folder name will be planktoscope change calls * hardware.json became more straightforward * syntax bugs * addition of a received stop command * update to max travel distance * several typos here * rename folder * reword to reflect folder rename * remove logic that has been moved to and * update to add mqtt imaging client * make command and args local to class and output more verbose * make a class * instantiate stepper class and call it * name mqtt client * update to main.json to reflect changes * fix bugs around pump control * update flows to latest version from Thibault * distance can be a small value, and definitevely should be a float. * unify mqtt topics * unify mqtt output in the main flow * first logger implementation, uses loguru * mqtt: add reason to on_connect * mqtt: add on_disconnect handler * stepper: add more logger calls for debug mainly * main: add levels for logger * first move of the imager logic * imager: time import cleanup * imager: morphocut import cleanup * imager: skimage import cleanup * imager: finishing import cleanup * imager: Class creation - WIP Also provides a fix for #26 (see line 190). * imager: threading is needed for Condition() * streamer: get the streamer server its own file * imager: creates start_camera and get the server creation out * imager: subclass multiprocessing.Process * imager: get Pipeline creation its own function * imager: cleanup of self calls * main: code removal and corresponding calls to newly created classes * imager: various formatting changes * main: management of signal shutdown * add requirements.txt * mqtt: messages are now json objects Also, addition of a flag on receiving a new message * mqtt: make message private and add logic to synchronise * stepper: creates the stepper class * stepper: use the new class * stepper: uses the new logic * stepper: add the shutdown event * stepper: add shutdown method * main: add shutdown event * imager: graceful shutdown * stepper: nicer way of checking the Eevnt * self is a required first argument for a method in a class Especially if you use said class private members! * python: various typos and small errors in import * stepper: create mqtt client during init * stepper: instanciate the mqtt client inside run Otherwise it's not accessible from inside the loop. It's a PITA, more information at * stepper: little bugs and typos all around * mqtt: add shutdown method * mqtt: add connect in init * stepper: fix bugs, sanitize inputs * stepper: work on delay prediction improvements * stepper: json is mean, double quote are mandatory inside * mqtt: add details about message exchanged * imager: first implementation of json messages * main.json: add new tab for RPi management + json for payloads * imager: add state_machine class * stepper: publish last will * imager: major refactor * main: make streaming server process a daemon * mqtt: insert debug statement on close * main: reorder imports * imager: make it work! Reinsert the streaming server logic in there, because there is a problem with the synchronisation part otherwise. Also, eventually, StreamingOuput() will have to be made not global Final very critical learning: it's super duper important to make sure the memory split is at least 256Meg for the GPU. Chaos ensues otherwise * main: changes to accomodate the streamer/imager fusino * imager_state_machine: insert states transition description * stepper: cleanup of code * segmenter: creation of the class * python: include segmenter changes * remove unused files * stepper: check existence of hardware.json * main.json: changes to reflect the python script evolution * remove unecessary TODOs and add some others * main: add check for config and directories * imager: update_config is implemented and we have better management of directories now * segmenter: now work recursively in all folders * flow: the configuration is now sent via mqtt * segmenter: better manage pipeline error * segmenter: declaration of archive_fn in init * imager: small bugs and typos * main: add uniqueID output * imager: add the camera settings message We can now update the ISO, shutter speed and resolution from Node-Red * package.json: update dependencies
2020-09-28 11:05:27 +02:00
"wires": []
2020-11-25 16:58:32 +01:00
"id": "3a4450b1.4459a8",
2020-11-24 17:25:15 +01:00
"type": "ui_button",
2020-11-25 16:58:32 +01:00
"z": "baa1e3d9.cb29d",
"name": "Stop Acquisition",
"group": "4322c187.e73e5",
2020-11-27 11:30:57 +01:00
"order": 10,
2020-11-25 16:58:32 +01:00
"width": 5,
2020-11-24 17:25:15 +01:00
"height": 1,
2020-11-25 16:58:32 +01:00
"passthru": true,
2020-11-24 17:25:15 +01:00
"tooltip": "",
"color": "",
2020-11-25 16:58:32 +01:00
"bgcolor": "#AD1625",
"icon": "cancel",
"payload": "{\"action\":\"stop\"}",
"payloadType": "json",
"topic": "imager/image",
"x": 520,
"y": 620,
Extraction and refactor of the python code from node-red flow The rationale for this rewrite is to improve the readability, the modularity, the reliability and the future-proofing of the main python script. All in all, this is now 124 commits that are going to be squashed and merged together, spanning more than two weeks of development and testing. Please test away this release and break things. An upgrading guide will be published in the coming days, along with a new image for people to use if they don't want to upgrade on their own. Read along if you want to know all the goodies! As a starter, the python script was extracted from the main flow, and now lives in its own files at `PlantonScope/scripts/*`. We set up the auto formatting of the code by using [Black]( This make the code clearer and uniform. We are using the default settings, so if you just install Black and set your editor to format on save using it, you should be good to go. The code is separated in four main processes, each with a specific set of responsibilities: - The main process controls all the others, starts everything up and cleans up on shutdown - The stepper process manages the stepper movements. It's now possible to have simultaneous movements of both motors (this closes #38 ). - The imager process controls the camera and the streaming server via a state machine. - The segmenter process manages the segmentation and its outputs. The segmentation happens recursively in all folders in `/home/pi/PlanktonScope/img/`. Each folder has its own output archive, and bug #26 is now closed. Those processes communicates together using MQTT and json messages. Each message is adressed to one topic. The high level topic controls which process receives the message. The details of each topic is at the end of this commit message. Every imaging sessions has now its own folder, under the `img` root. Metadata are saved individually for every session, in a JSON file in the same directory as the pictures. The configuration is not parsed from `config.json` anymore and passed directly through MQTT messages to the concerned process. A new configuration file has been created: `hardware.json`. This file contains information related to your specific hardware configuration. You can choose to reverse the connection of the motors for example, but you can also define specific speed limits and steps number for your pump and focus stage. This will make it easier for people who wants to experiment with different kind of hardware. It's not necessary to have this file though. If it doesn't exists, the default configuration will be applied. The code is architectured around 6 modules and about 10 classes. I encourage you to have a look at the files, they're pretty straightforward to understand. There is a lot of work left around the node-red code refactoring, dashboard ui improvements, better and clearer LED messages, OLED screen integration and finer control of the segmentation process, but this is quite good for now. Here is the topic lists for MQTT and the corresponding messages. - actuator : This topic adresses the stepper control thread No publication under this topic should happen from the python process - actuator/pump : Control of the pump The message is a json object {"action":"move", "direction":"FORWARD", "volume":10, "flowrate":1} to move 10mL forward at 1mL/min action can be "move" or "stop" Receive only - actuator/focus : Control of the focus stage The message is a json object, speed is optional {"action":"move", "direction":"UP", "distance":0.26, "speed":1} to move up 10mm action can be "move" or "stop" Receive only - imager/image : This topic adresses the imaging thread Is a json object with {"action":"image","sleep":5,"volume":1,"nb_frame":200} sleep in seconds, volume in mL Can also receive a config update message: {"action":"config","config":[...]} Can also receive a camera settings message: {"action":"settings","iso":100,"shutter_speed":40} Receive only - segmenter/segment : This topic adresses the segmenter process Is a json object with {"action":"segment"} Receive only - status : This topics sends feedback to Node-Red No publication or receive at this level - status/pump : State of the pump Is a json object with {"status":"Start", "time_left":25} Status is one of Started, Ready, Done, Interrupted Publish only - status/focus : State of the focus stage Is a json object with {"status":"Start", "time_left":25} Status is one of Started, Ready, Done, Interrupted Publish only - status/imager : State of the imager Is a json object with {"status":"Start", "time_left":25} Status is one of Started, Ready, Completed or 12_11_15_0.1.jpg has been imaged. Publish only - status/segmenter : Status of the segmentation - status/segmenter/name - status/segmenter/object_id - status/segmenter/metric Here is the original commit history: * Extract python from flow * Fix bug in server addresses These addresses should be the loopback device instead of the network address of the device. Using the loopback address will not necessitate to update the script when the network address changes. * clean up picamera import * changes to main python and flow: update MQTT requests address to localhost (bugfix) update streaming output address to nothing update main flow to remove python script references and location * Automatically initialise imaging led on startup to off state. * Add the ability to invert outputs of the motor We added a key to config.json "hardware_config" with a subkey "stepper_reverse". If this key is present in the config file and set to 1, the output of the motors are inversed (stepper2 becomes the pump motor and stepper1 the focus motor) * move all non main script to a subfolder * add to package * light module rewrite * json cleanup and absolute path for config file * forgot to import subprocess #oups * Add command to turn the leds off * Auto formatting of I've used Black with default settings, see * First commit of Pump parameters still needs to be checked and tuned. * addition of hardware details in config.json * Introduce hardware.json to replace the `hardware_config` of config.json * calibration, typos * creates the MQTT_Client class * pump_max_speed is now in ml/min to help readability * forgot to add self to the class def * addition of threading capabilities to (UNTESTED) * mqtt: fix topic bug * remove counter * mqtt add doc about topics * creates an "actuator/*/state" topic * rename mqtt_client to pump_client * add details about topics * rename pump_client to actuator_client * topic was not split properly and a part was lost * switch to f-strings for * cosmetic update * folder name will be planktoscope change calls * hardware.json became more straightforward * syntax bugs * addition of a received stop command * update to max travel distance * several typos here * rename folder * reword to reflect folder rename * remove logic that has been moved to and * update to add mqtt imaging client * make command and args local to class and output more verbose * make a class * instantiate stepper class and call it * name mqtt client * update to main.json to reflect changes * fix bugs around pump control * update flows to latest version from Thibault * distance can be a small value, and definitevely should be a float. * unify mqtt topics * unify mqtt output in the main flow * first logger implementation, uses loguru * mqtt: add reason to on_connect * mqtt: add on_disconnect handler * stepper: add more logger calls for debug mainly * main: add levels for logger * first move of the imager logic * imager: time import cleanup * imager: morphocut import cleanup * imager: skimage import cleanup * imager: finishing import cleanup * imager: Class creation - WIP Also provides a fix for #26 (see line 190). * imager: threading is needed for Condition() * streamer: get the streamer server its own file * imager: creates start_camera and get the server creation out * imager: subclass multiprocessing.Process * imager: get Pipeline creation its own function * imager: cleanup of self calls * main: code removal and corresponding calls to newly created classes * imager: various formatting changes * main: management of signal shutdown * add requirements.txt * mqtt: messages are now json objects Also, addition of a flag on receiving a new message * mqtt: make message private and add logic to synchronise * stepper: creates the stepper class * stepper: use the new class * stepper: uses the new logic * stepper: add the shutdown event * stepper: add shutdown method * main: add shutdown event * imager: graceful shutdown * stepper: nicer way of checking the Eevnt * self is a required first argument for a method in a class Especially if you use said class private members! * python: various typos and small errors in import * stepper: create mqtt client during init * stepper: instanciate the mqtt client inside run Otherwise it's not accessible from inside the loop. It's a PITA, more information at * stepper: little bugs and typos all around * mqtt: add shutdown method * mqtt: add connect in init * stepper: fix bugs, sanitize inputs * stepper: work on delay prediction improvements * stepper: json is mean, double quote are mandatory inside * mqtt: add details about message exchanged * imager: first implementation of json messages * main.json: add new tab for RPi management + json for payloads * imager: add state_machine class * stepper: publish last will * imager: major refactor * main: make streaming server process a daemon * mqtt: insert debug statement on close * main: reorder imports * imager: make it work! Reinsert the streaming server logic in there, because there is a problem with the synchronisation part otherwise. Also, eventually, StreamingOuput() will have to be made not global Final very critical learning: it's super duper important to make sure the memory split is at least 256Meg for the GPU. Chaos ensues otherwise * main: changes to accomodate the streamer/imager fusino * imager_state_machine: insert states transition description * stepper: cleanup of code * segmenter: creation of the class * python: include segmenter changes * remove unused files * stepper: check existence of hardware.json * main.json: changes to reflect the python script evolution * remove unecessary TODOs and add some others * main: add check for config and directories * imager: update_config is implemented and we have better management of directories now * segmenter: now work recursively in all folders * flow: the configuration is now sent via mqtt * segmenter: better manage pipeline error * segmenter: declaration of archive_fn in init * imager: small bugs and typos * main: add uniqueID output * imager: add the camera settings message We can now update the ISO, shutter speed and resolution from Node-Red * package.json: update dependencies
2020-09-28 11:05:27 +02:00
"wires": [
2020-11-25 16:58:32 +01:00
Extraction and refactor of the python code from node-red flow The rationale for this rewrite is to improve the readability, the modularity, the reliability and the future-proofing of the main python script. All in all, this is now 124 commits that are going to be squashed and merged together, spanning more than two weeks of development and testing. Please test away this release and break things. An upgrading guide will be published in the coming days, along with a new image for people to use if they don't want to upgrade on their own. Read along if you want to know all the goodies! As a starter, the python script was extracted from the main flow, and now lives in its own files at `PlantonScope/scripts/*`. We set up the auto formatting of the code by using [Black]( This make the code clearer and uniform. We are using the default settings, so if you just install Black and set your editor to format on save using it, you should be good to go. The code is separated in four main processes, each with a specific set of responsibilities: - The main process controls all the others, starts everything up and cleans up on shutdown - The stepper process manages the stepper movements. It's now possible to have simultaneous movements of both motors (this closes #38 ). - The imager process controls the camera and the streaming server via a state machine. - The segmenter process manages the segmentation and its outputs. The segmentation happens recursively in all folders in `/home/pi/PlanktonScope/img/`. Each folder has its own output archive, and bug #26 is now closed. Those processes communicates together using MQTT and json messages. Each message is adressed to one topic. The high level topic controls which process receives the message. The details of each topic is at the end of this commit message. Every imaging sessions has now its own folder, under the `img` root. Metadata are saved individually for every session, in a JSON file in the same directory as the pictures. The configuration is not parsed from `config.json` anymore and passed directly through MQTT messages to the concerned process. A new configuration file has been created: `hardware.json`. This file contains information related to your specific hardware configuration. You can choose to reverse the connection of the motors for example, but you can also define specific speed limits and steps number for your pump and focus stage. This will make it easier for people who wants to experiment with different kind of hardware. It's not necessary to have this file though. If it doesn't exists, the default configuration will be applied. The code is architectured around 6 modules and about 10 classes. I encourage you to have a look at the files, they're pretty straightforward to understand. There is a lot of work left around the node-red code refactoring, dashboard ui improvements, better and clearer LED messages, OLED screen integration and finer control of the segmentation process, but this is quite good for now. Here is the topic lists for MQTT and the corresponding messages. - actuator : This topic adresses the stepper control thread No publication under this topic should happen from the python process - actuator/pump : Control of the pump The message is a json object {"action":"move", "direction":"FORWARD", "volume":10, "flowrate":1} to move 10mL forward at 1mL/min action can be "move" or "stop" Receive only - actuator/focus : Control of the focus stage The message is a json object, speed is optional {"action":"move", "direction":"UP", "distance":0.26, "speed":1} to move up 10mm action can be "move" or "stop" Receive only - imager/image : This topic adresses the imaging thread Is a json object with {"action":"image","sleep":5,"volume":1,"nb_frame":200} sleep in seconds, volume in mL Can also receive a config update message: {"action":"config","config":[...]} Can also receive a camera settings message: {"action":"settings","iso":100,"shutter_speed":40} Receive only - segmenter/segment : This topic adresses the segmenter process Is a json object with {"action":"segment"} Receive only - status : This topics sends feedback to Node-Red No publication or receive at this level - status/pump : State of the pump Is a json object with {"status":"Start", "time_left":25} Status is one of Started, Ready, Done, Interrupted Publish only - status/focus : State of the focus stage Is a json object with {"status":"Start", "time_left":25} Status is one of Started, Ready, Done, Interrupted Publish only - status/imager : State of the imager Is a json object with {"status":"Start", "time_left":25} Status is one of Started, Ready, Completed or 12_11_15_0.1.jpg has been imaged. Publish only - status/segmenter : Status of the segmentation - status/segmenter/name - status/segmenter/object_id - status/segmenter/metric Here is the original commit history: * Extract python from flow * Fix bug in server addresses These addresses should be the loopback device instead of the network address of the device. Using the loopback address will not necessitate to update the script when the network address changes. * clean up picamera import * changes to main python and flow: update MQTT requests address to localhost (bugfix) update streaming output address to nothing update main flow to remove python script references and location * Automatically initialise imaging led on startup to off state. * Add the ability to invert outputs of the motor We added a key to config.json "hardware_config" with a subkey "stepper_reverse". If this key is present in the config file and set to 1, the output of the motors are inversed (stepper2 becomes the pump motor and stepper1 the focus motor) * move all non main script to a subfolder * add to package * light module rewrite * json cleanup and absolute path for config file * forgot to import subprocess #oups * Add command to turn the leds off * Auto formatting of I've used Black with default settings, see * First commit of Pump parameters still needs to be checked and tuned. * addition of hardware details in config.json * Introduce hardware.json to replace the `hardware_config` of config.json * calibration, typos * creates the MQTT_Client class * pump_max_speed is now in ml/min to help readability * forgot to add self to the class def * addition of threading capabilities to (UNTESTED) * mqtt: fix topic bug * remove counter * mqtt add doc about topics * creates an "actuator/*/state" topic * rename mqtt_client to pump_client * add details about topics * rename pump_client to actuator_client * topic was not split properly and a part was lost * switch to f-strings for * cosmetic update * folder name will be planktoscope change calls * hardware.json became more straightforward * syntax bugs * addition of a received stop command * update to max travel distance * several typos here * rename folder * reword to reflect folder rename * remove logic that has been moved to and * update to add mqtt imaging client * make command and args local to class and output more verbose * make a class * instantiate stepper class and call it * name mqtt client * update to main.json to reflect changes * fix bugs around pump control * update flows to latest version from Thibault * distance can be a small value, and definitevely should be a float. * unify mqtt topics * unify mqtt output in the main flow * first logger implementation, uses loguru * mqtt: add reason to on_connect * mqtt: add on_disconnect handler * stepper: add more logger calls for debug mainly * main: add levels for logger * first move of the imager logic * imager: time import cleanup * imager: morphocut import cleanup * imager: skimage import cleanup * imager: finishing import cleanup * imager: Class creation - WIP Also provides a fix for #26 (see line 190). * imager: threading is needed for Condition() * streamer: get the streamer server its own file * imager: creates start_camera and get the server creation out * imager: subclass multiprocessing.Process * imager: get Pipeline creation its own function * imager: cleanup of self calls * main: code removal and corresponding calls to newly created classes * imager: various formatting changes * main: management of signal shutdown * add requirements.txt * mqtt: messages are now json objects Also, addition of a flag on receiving a new message * mqtt: make message private and add logic to synchronise * stepper: creates the stepper class * stepper: use the new class * stepper: uses the new logic * stepper: add the shutdown event * stepper: add shutdown method * main: add shutdown event * imager: graceful shutdown * stepper: nicer way of checking the Eevnt * self is a required first argument for a method in a class Especially if you use said class private members! * python: various typos and small errors in import * stepper: create mqtt client during init * stepper: instanciate the mqtt client inside run Otherwise it's not accessible from inside the loop. It's a PITA, more information at * stepper: little bugs and typos all around * mqtt: add shutdown method * mqtt: add connect in init * stepper: fix bugs, sanitize inputs * stepper: work on delay prediction improvements * stepper: json is mean, double quote are mandatory inside * mqtt: add details about message exchanged * imager: first implementation of json messages * main.json: add new tab for RPi management + json for payloads * imager: add state_machine class * stepper: publish last will * imager: major refactor * main: make streaming server process a daemon * mqtt: insert debug statement on close * main: reorder imports * imager: make it work! Reinsert the streaming server logic in there, because there is a problem with the synchronisation part otherwise. Also, eventually, StreamingOuput() will have to be made not global Final very critical learning: it's super duper important to make sure the memory split is at least 256Meg for the GPU. Chaos ensues otherwise * main: changes to accomodate the streamer/imager fusino * imager_state_machine: insert states transition description * stepper: cleanup of code * segmenter: creation of the class * python: include segmenter changes * remove unused files * stepper: check existence of hardware.json * main.json: changes to reflect the python script evolution * remove unecessary TODOs and add some others * main: add check for config and directories * imager: update_config is implemented and we have better management of directories now * segmenter: now work recursively in all folders * flow: the configuration is now sent via mqtt * segmenter: better manage pipeline error * segmenter: declaration of archive_fn in init * imager: small bugs and typos * main: add uniqueID output * imager: add the camera settings message We can now update the ISO, shutter speed and resolution from Node-Red * package.json: update dependencies
2020-09-28 11:05:27 +02:00
2020-11-25 16:58:32 +01:00
"id": "d74210ef.edc15",
"type": "mqtt out",
"z": "baa1e3d9.cb29d",
"name": "",
"topic": "",
"qos": "",
"retain": "",
"broker": "8dc3722c.06efa8",
"x": 710,
2020-11-25 16:58:32 +01:00
"y": 620,
"wires": []
Extraction and refactor of the python code from node-red flow The rationale for this rewrite is to improve the readability, the modularity, the reliability and the future-proofing of the main python script. All in all, this is now 124 commits that are going to be squashed and merged together, spanning more than two weeks of development and testing. Please test away this release and break things. An upgrading guide will be published in the coming days, along with a new image for people to use if they don't want to upgrade on their own. Read along if you want to know all the goodies! As a starter, the python script was extracted from the main flow, and now lives in its own files at `PlantonScope/scripts/*`. We set up the auto formatting of the code by using [Black]( This make the code clearer and uniform. We are using the default settings, so if you just install Black and set your editor to format on save using it, you should be good to go. The code is separated in four main processes, each with a specific set of responsibilities: - The main process controls all the others, starts everything up and cleans up on shutdown - The stepper process manages the stepper movements. It's now possible to have simultaneous movements of both motors (this closes #38 ). - The imager process controls the camera and the streaming server via a state machine. - The segmenter process manages the segmentation and its outputs. The segmentation happens recursively in all folders in `/home/pi/PlanktonScope/img/`. Each folder has its own output archive, and bug #26 is now closed. Those processes communicates together using MQTT and json messages. Each message is adressed to one topic. The high level topic controls which process receives the message. The details of each topic is at the end of this commit message. Every imaging sessions has now its own folder, under the `img` root. Metadata are saved individually for every session, in a JSON file in the same directory as the pictures. The configuration is not parsed from `config.json` anymore and passed directly through MQTT messages to the concerned process. A new configuration file has been created: `hardware.json`. This file contains information related to your specific hardware configuration. You can choose to reverse the connection of the motors for example, but you can also define specific speed limits and steps number for your pump and focus stage. This will make it easier for people who wants to experiment with different kind of hardware. It's not necessary to have this file though. If it doesn't exists, the default configuration will be applied. The code is architectured around 6 modules and about 10 classes. I encourage you to have a look at the files, they're pretty straightforward to understand. There is a lot of work left around the node-red code refactoring, dashboard ui improvements, better and clearer LED messages, OLED screen integration and finer control of the segmentation process, but this is quite good for now. Here is the topic lists for MQTT and the corresponding messages. - actuator : This topic adresses the stepper control thread No publication under this topic should happen from the python process - actuator/pump : Control of the pump The message is a json object {"action":"move", "direction":"FORWARD", "volume":10, "flowrate":1} to move 10mL forward at 1mL/min action can be "move" or "stop" Receive only - actuator/focus : Control of the focus stage The message is a json object, speed is optional {"action":"move", "direction":"UP", "distance":0.26, "speed":1} to move up 10mm action can be "move" or "stop" Receive only - imager/image : This topic adresses the imaging thread Is a json object with {"action":"image","sleep":5,"volume":1,"nb_frame":200} sleep in seconds, volume in mL Can also receive a config update message: {"action":"config","config":[...]} Can also receive a camera settings message: {"action":"settings","iso":100,"shutter_speed":40} Receive only - segmenter/segment : This topic adresses the segmenter process Is a json object with {"action":"segment"} Receive only - status : This topics sends feedback to Node-Red No publication or receive at this level - status/pump : State of the pump Is a json object with {"status":"Start", "time_left":25} Status is one of Started, Ready, Done, Interrupted Publish only - status/focus : State of the focus stage Is a json object with {"status":"Start", "time_left":25} Status is one of Started, Ready, Done, Interrupted Publish only - status/imager : State of the imager Is a json object with {"status":"Start", "time_left":25} Status is one of Started, Ready, Completed or 12_11_15_0.1.jpg has been imaged. Publish only - status/segmenter : Status of the segmentation - status/segmenter/name - status/segmenter/object_id - status/segmenter/metric Here is the original commit history: * Extract python from flow * Fix bug in server addresses These addresses should be the loopback device instead of the network address of the device. Using the loopback address will not necessitate to update the script when the network address changes. * clean up picamera import * changes to main python and flow: update MQTT requests address to localhost (bugfix) update streaming output address to nothing update main flow to remove python script references and location * Automatically initialise imaging led on startup to off state. * Add the ability to invert outputs of the motor We added a key to config.json "hardware_config" with a subkey "stepper_reverse". If this key is present in the config file and set to 1, the output of the motors are inversed (stepper2 becomes the pump motor and stepper1 the focus motor) * move all non main script to a subfolder * add to package * light module rewrite * json cleanup and absolute path for config file * forgot to import subprocess #oups * Add command to turn the leds off * Auto formatting of I've used Black with default settings, see * First commit of Pump parameters still needs to be checked and tuned. * addition of hardware details in config.json * Introduce hardware.json to replace the `hardware_config` of config.json * calibration, typos * creates the MQTT_Client class * pump_max_speed is now in ml/min to help readability * forgot to add self to the class def * addition of threading capabilities to (UNTESTED) * mqtt: fix topic bug * remove counter * mqtt add doc about topics * creates an "actuator/*/state" topic * rename mqtt_client to pump_client * add details about topics * rename pump_client to actuator_client * topic was not split properly and a part was lost * switch to f-strings for * cosmetic update * folder name will be planktoscope change calls * hardware.json became more straightforward * syntax bugs * addition of a received stop command * update to max travel distance * several typos here * rename folder * reword to reflect folder rename * remove logic that has been moved to and * update to add mqtt imaging client * make command and args local to class and output more verbose * make a class * instantiate stepper class and call it * name mqtt client * update to main.json to reflect changes * fix bugs around pump control * update flows to latest version from Thibault * distance can be a small value, and definitevely should be a float. * unify mqtt topics * unify mqtt output in the main flow * first logger implementation, uses loguru * mqtt: add reason to on_connect * mqtt: add on_disconnect handler * stepper: add more logger calls for debug mainly * main: add levels for logger * first move of the imager logic * imager: time import cleanup * imager: morphocut import cleanup * imager: skimage import cleanup * imager: finishing import cleanup * imager: Class creation - WIP Also provides a fix for #26 (see line 190). * imager: threading is needed for Condition() * streamer: get the streamer server its own file * imager: creates start_camera and get the server creation out * imager: subclass multiprocessing.Process * imager: get Pipeline creation its own function * imager: cleanup of self calls * main: code removal and corresponding calls to newly created classes * imager: various formatting changes * main: management of signal shutdown * add requirements.txt * mqtt: messages are now json objects Also, addition of a flag on receiving a new message * mqtt: make message private and add logic to synchronise * stepper: creates the stepper class * stepper: use the new class * stepper: uses the new logic * stepper: add the shutdown event * stepper: add shutdown method * main: add shutdown event * imager: graceful shutdown * stepper: nicer way of checking the Eevnt * self is a required first argument for a method in a class Especially if you use said class private members! * python: various typos and small errors in import * stepper: create mqtt client during init * stepper: instanciate the mqtt client inside run Otherwise it's not accessible from inside the loop. It's a PITA, more information at * stepper: little bugs and typos all around * mqtt: add shutdown method * mqtt: add connect in init * stepper: fix bugs, sanitize inputs * stepper: work on delay prediction improvements * stepper: json is mean, double quote are mandatory inside * mqtt: add details about message exchanged * imager: first implementation of json messages * main.json: add new tab for RPi management + json for payloads * imager: add state_machine class * stepper: publish last will * imager: major refactor * main: make streaming server process a daemon * mqtt: insert debug statement on close * main: reorder imports * imager: make it work! Reinsert the streaming server logic in there, because there is a problem with the synchronisation part otherwise. Also, eventually, StreamingOuput() will have to be made not global Final very critical learning: it's super duper important to make sure the memory split is at least 256Meg for the GPU. Chaos ensues otherwise * main: changes to accomodate the streamer/imager fusino * imager_state_machine: insert states transition description * stepper: cleanup of code * segmenter: creation of the class * python: include segmenter changes * remove unused files * stepper: check existence of hardware.json * main.json: changes to reflect the python script evolution * remove unecessary TODOs and add some others * main: add check for config and directories * imager: update_config is implemented and we have better management of directories now * segmenter: now work recursively in all folders * flow: the configuration is now sent via mqtt * segmenter: better manage pipeline error * segmenter: declaration of archive_fn in init * imager: small bugs and typos * main: add uniqueID output * imager: add the camera settings message We can now update the ISO, shutter speed and resolution from Node-Red * package.json: update dependencies
2020-09-28 11:05:27 +02:00
2020-11-25 16:58:32 +01:00
"id": "bb62da8a.ebc328",
"type": "ui_switch",
"z": "baa1e3d9.cb29d",
"name": "Pump direction",
"label": "Pump direction",
"tooltip": "BACKWARD / FORWARD",
"group": "4322c187.e73e5",
2020-11-27 11:30:57 +01:00
"order": 7,
2020-11-25 16:58:32 +01:00
"width": 5,
"height": 1,
"passthru": true,
"decouple": "false",
"topic": "pump_direction",
"style": "",
"onvalue": "FORWARD",
"onvalueType": "str",
"onicon": "",
"oncolor": "",
"offvalue": "BACKWARD",
"offvalueType": "str",
"officon": "",
"offcolor": "",
"x": 520,
"y": 660,
Extraction and refactor of the python code from node-red flow The rationale for this rewrite is to improve the readability, the modularity, the reliability and the future-proofing of the main python script. All in all, this is now 124 commits that are going to be squashed and merged together, spanning more than two weeks of development and testing. Please test away this release and break things. An upgrading guide will be published in the coming days, along with a new image for people to use if they don't want to upgrade on their own. Read along if you want to know all the goodies! As a starter, the python script was extracted from the main flow, and now lives in its own files at `PlantonScope/scripts/*`. We set up the auto formatting of the code by using [Black]( This make the code clearer and uniform. We are using the default settings, so if you just install Black and set your editor to format on save using it, you should be good to go. The code is separated in four main processes, each with a specific set of responsibilities: - The main process controls all the others, starts everything up and cleans up on shutdown - The stepper process manages the stepper movements. It's now possible to have simultaneous movements of both motors (this closes #38 ). - The imager process controls the camera and the streaming server via a state machine. - The segmenter process manages the segmentation and its outputs. The segmentation happens recursively in all folders in `/home/pi/PlanktonScope/img/`. Each folder has its own output archive, and bug #26 is now closed. Those processes communicates together using MQTT and json messages. Each message is adressed to one topic. The high level topic controls which process receives the message. The details of each topic is at the end of this commit message. Every imaging sessions has now its own folder, under the `img` root. Metadata are saved individually for every session, in a JSON file in the same directory as the pictures. The configuration is not parsed from `config.json` anymore and passed directly through MQTT messages to the concerned process. A new configuration file has been created: `hardware.json`. This file contains information related to your specific hardware configuration. You can choose to reverse the connection of the motors for example, but you can also define specific speed limits and steps number for your pump and focus stage. This will make it easier for people who wants to experiment with different kind of hardware. It's not necessary to have this file though. If it doesn't exists, the default configuration will be applied. The code is architectured around 6 modules and about 10 classes. I encourage you to have a look at the files, they're pretty straightforward to understand. There is a lot of work left around the node-red code refactoring, dashboard ui improvements, better and clearer LED messages, OLED screen integration and finer control of the segmentation process, but this is quite good for now. Here is the topic lists for MQTT and the corresponding messages. - actuator : This topic adresses the stepper control thread No publication under this topic should happen from the python process - actuator/pump : Control of the pump The message is a json object {"action":"move", "direction":"FORWARD", "volume":10, "flowrate":1} to move 10mL forward at 1mL/min action can be "move" or "stop" Receive only - actuator/focus : Control of the focus stage The message is a json object, speed is optional {"action":"move", "direction":"UP", "distance":0.26, "speed":1} to move up 10mm action can be "move" or "stop" Receive only - imager/image : This topic adresses the imaging thread Is a json object with {"action":"image","sleep":5,"volume":1,"nb_frame":200} sleep in seconds, volume in mL Can also receive a config update message: {"action":"config","config":[...]} Can also receive a camera settings message: {"action":"settings","iso":100,"shutter_speed":40} Receive only - segmenter/segment : This topic adresses the segmenter process Is a json object with {"action":"segment"} Receive only - status : This topics sends feedback to Node-Red No publication or receive at this level - status/pump : State of the pump Is a json object with {"status":"Start", "time_left":25} Status is one of Started, Ready, Done, Interrupted Publish only - status/focus : State of the focus stage Is a json object with {"status":"Start", "time_left":25} Status is one of Started, Ready, Done, Interrupted Publish only - status/imager : State of the imager Is a json object with {"status":"Start", "time_left":25} Status is one of Started, Ready, Completed or 12_11_15_0.1.jpg has been imaged. Publish only - status/segmenter : Status of the segmentation - status/segmenter/name - status/segmenter/object_id - status/segmenter/metric Here is the original commit history: * Extract python from flow * Fix bug in server addresses These addresses should be the loopback device instead of the network address of the device. Using the loopback address will not necessitate to update the script when the network address changes. * clean up picamera import * changes to main python and flow: update MQTT requests address to localhost (bugfix) update streaming output address to nothing update main flow to remove python script references and location * Automatically initialise imaging led on startup to off state. * Add the ability to invert outputs of the motor We added a key to config.json "hardware_config" with a subkey "stepper_reverse". If this key is present in the config file and set to 1, the output of the motors are inversed (stepper2 becomes the pump motor and stepper1 the focus motor) * move all non main script to a subfolder * add to package * light module rewrite * json cleanup and absolute path for config file * forgot to import subprocess #oups * Add command to turn the leds off * Auto formatting of I've used Black with default settings, see * First commit of Pump parameters still needs to be checked and tuned. * addition of hardware details in config.json * Introduce hardware.json to replace the `hardware_config` of config.json * calibration, typos * creates the MQTT_Client class * pump_max_speed is now in ml/min to help readability * forgot to add self to the class def * addition of threading capabilities to (UNTESTED) * mqtt: fix topic bug * remove counter * mqtt add doc about topics * creates an "actuator/*/state" topic * rename mqtt_client to pump_client * add details about topics * rename pump_client to actuator_client * topic was not split properly and a part was lost * switch to f-strings for * cosmetic update * folder name will be planktoscope change calls * hardware.json became more straightforward * syntax bugs * addition of a received stop command * update to max travel distance * several typos here * rename folder * reword to reflect folder rename * remove logic that has been moved to and * update to add mqtt imaging client * make command and args local to class and output more verbose * make a class * instantiate stepper class and call it * name mqtt client * update to main.json to reflect changes * fix bugs around pump control * update flows to latest version from Thibault * distance can be a small value, and definitevely should be a float. * unify mqtt topics * unify mqtt output in the main flow * first logger implementation, uses loguru * mqtt: add reason to on_connect * mqtt: add on_disconnect handler * stepper: add more logger calls for debug mainly * main: add levels for logger * first move of the imager logic * imager: time import cleanup * imager: morphocut import cleanup * imager: skimage import cleanup * imager: finishing import cleanup * imager: Class creation - WIP Also provides a fix for #26 (see line 190). * imager: threading is needed for Condition() * streamer: get the streamer server its own file * imager: creates start_camera and get the server creation out * imager: subclass multiprocessing.Process * imager: get Pipeline creation its own function * imager: cleanup of self calls * main: code removal and corresponding calls to newly created classes * imager: various formatting changes * main: management of signal shutdown * add requirements.txt * mqtt: messages are now json objects Also, addition of a flag on receiving a new message * mqtt: make message private and add logic to synchronise * stepper: creates the stepper class * stepper: use the new class * stepper: uses the new logic * stepper: add the shutdown event * stepper: add shutdown method * main: add shutdown event * imager: graceful shutdown * stepper: nicer way of checking the Eevnt * self is a required first argument for a method in a class Especially if you use said class private members! * python: various typos and small errors in import * stepper: create mqtt client during init * stepper: instanciate the mqtt client inside run Otherwise it's not accessible from inside the loop. It's a PITA, more information at * stepper: little bugs and typos all around * mqtt: add shutdown method * mqtt: add connect in init * stepper: fix bugs, sanitize inputs * stepper: work on delay prediction improvements * stepper: json is mean, double quote are mandatory inside * mqtt: add details about message exchanged * imager: first implementation of json messages * main.json: add new tab for RPi management + json for payloads * imager: add state_machine class * stepper: publish last will * imager: major refactor * main: make streaming server process a daemon * mqtt: insert debug statement on close * main: reorder imports * imager: make it work! Reinsert the streaming server logic in there, because there is a problem with the synchronisation part otherwise. Also, eventually, StreamingOuput() will have to be made not global Final very critical learning: it's super duper important to make sure the memory split is at least 256Meg for the GPU. Chaos ensues otherwise * main: changes to accomodate the streamer/imager fusino * imager_state_machine: insert states transition description * stepper: cleanup of code * segmenter: creation of the class * python: include segmenter changes * remove unused files * stepper: check existence of hardware.json * main.json: changes to reflect the python script evolution * remove unecessary TODOs and add some others * main: add check for config and directories * imager: update_config is implemented and we have better management of directories now * segmenter: now work recursively in all folders * flow: the configuration is now sent via mqtt * segmenter: better manage pipeline error * segmenter: declaration of archive_fn in init * imager: small bugs and typos * main: add uniqueID output * imager: add the camera settings message We can now update the ISO, shutter speed and resolution from Node-Red * package.json: update dependencies
2020-09-28 11:05:27 +02:00
"wires": [
2020-11-27 11:30:57 +01:00
Extraction and refactor of the python code from node-red flow The rationale for this rewrite is to improve the readability, the modularity, the reliability and the future-proofing of the main python script. All in all, this is now 124 commits that are going to be squashed and merged together, spanning more than two weeks of development and testing. Please test away this release and break things. An upgrading guide will be published in the coming days, along with a new image for people to use if they don't want to upgrade on their own. Read along if you want to know all the goodies! As a starter, the python script was extracted from the main flow, and now lives in its own files at `PlantonScope/scripts/*`. We set up the auto formatting of the code by using [Black]( This make the code clearer and uniform. We are using the default settings, so if you just install Black and set your editor to format on save using it, you should be good to go. The code is separated in four main processes, each with a specific set of responsibilities: - The main process controls all the others, starts everything up and cleans up on shutdown - The stepper process manages the stepper movements. It's now possible to have simultaneous movements of both motors (this closes #38 ). - The imager process controls the camera and the streaming server via a state machine. - The segmenter process manages the segmentation and its outputs. The segmentation happens recursively in all folders in `/home/pi/PlanktonScope/img/`. Each folder has its own output archive, and bug #26 is now closed. Those processes communicates together using MQTT and json messages. Each message is adressed to one topic. The high level topic controls which process receives the message. The details of each topic is at the end of this commit message. Every imaging sessions has now its own folder, under the `img` root. Metadata are saved individually for every session, in a JSON file in the same directory as the pictures. The configuration is not parsed from `config.json` anymore and passed directly through MQTT messages to the concerned process. A new configuration file has been created: `hardware.json`. This file contains information related to your specific hardware configuration. You can choose to reverse the connection of the motors for example, but you can also define specific speed limits and steps number for your pump and focus stage. This will make it easier for people who wants to experiment with different kind of hardware. It's not necessary to have this file though. If it doesn't exists, the default configuration will be applied. The code is architectured around 6 modules and about 10 classes. I encourage you to have a look at the files, they're pretty straightforward to understand. There is a lot of work left around the node-red code refactoring, dashboard ui improvements, better and clearer LED messages, OLED screen integration and finer control of the segmentation process, but this is quite good for now. Here is the topic lists for MQTT and the corresponding messages. - actuator : This topic adresses the stepper control thread No publication under this topic should happen from the python process - actuator/pump : Control of the pump The message is a json object {"action":"move", "direction":"FORWARD", "volume":10, "flowrate":1} to move 10mL forward at 1mL/min action can be "move" or "stop" Receive only - actuator/focus : Control of the focus stage The message is a json object, speed is optional {"action":"move", "direction":"UP", "distance":0.26, "speed":1} to move up 10mm action can be "move" or "stop" Receive only - imager/image : This topic adresses the imaging thread Is a json object with {"action":"image","sleep":5,"volume":1,"nb_frame":200} sleep in seconds, volume in mL Can also receive a config update message: {"action":"config","config":[...]} Can also receive a camera settings message: {"action":"settings","iso":100,"shutter_speed":40} Receive only - segmenter/segment : This topic adresses the segmenter process Is a json object with {"action":"segment"} Receive only - status : This topics sends feedback to Node-Red No publication or receive at this level - status/pump : State of the pump Is a json object with {"status":"Start", "time_left":25} Status is one of Started, Ready, Done, Interrupted Publish only - status/focus : State of the focus stage Is a json object with {"status":"Start", "time_left":25} Status is one of Started, Ready, Done, Interrupted Publish only - status/imager : State of the imager Is a json object with {"status":"Start", "time_left":25} Status is one of Started, Ready, Completed or 12_11_15_0.1.jpg has been imaged. Publish only - status/segmenter : Status of the segmentation - status/segmenter/name - status/segmenter/object_id - status/segmenter/metric Here is the original commit history: * Extract python from flow * Fix bug in server addresses These addresses should be the loopback device instead of the network address of the device. Using the loopback address will not necessitate to update the script when the network address changes. * clean up picamera import * changes to main python and flow: update MQTT requests address to localhost (bugfix) update streaming output address to nothing update main flow to remove python script references and location * Automatically initialise imaging led on startup to off state. * Add the ability to invert outputs of the motor We added a key to config.json "hardware_config" with a subkey "stepper_reverse". If this key is present in the config file and set to 1, the output of the motors are inversed (stepper2 becomes the pump motor and stepper1 the focus motor) * move all non main script to a subfolder * add to package * light module rewrite * json cleanup and absolute path for config file * forgot to import subprocess #oups * Add command to turn the leds off * Auto formatting of I've used Black with default settings, see * First commit of Pump parameters still needs to be checked and tuned. * addition of hardware details in config.json * Introduce hardware.json to replace the `hardware_config` of config.json * calibration, typos * creates the MQTT_Client class * pump_max_speed is now in ml/min to help readability * forgot to add self to the class def * addition of threading capabilities to (UNTESTED) * mqtt: fix topic bug * remove counter * mqtt add doc about topics * creates an "actuator/*/state" topic * rename mqtt_client to pump_client * add details about topics * rename pump_client to actuator_client * topic was not split properly and a part was lost * switch to f-strings for * cosmetic update * folder name will be planktoscope change calls * hardware.json became more straightforward * syntax bugs * addition of a received stop command * update to max travel distance * several typos here * rename folder * reword to reflect folder rename * remove logic that has been moved to and * update to add mqtt imaging client * make command and args local to class and output more verbose * make a class * instantiate stepper class and call it * name mqtt client * update to main.json to reflect changes * fix bugs around pump control * update flows to latest version from Thibault * distance can be a small value, and definitevely should be a float. * unify mqtt topics * unify mqtt output in the main flow * first logger implementation, uses loguru * mqtt: add reason to on_connect * mqtt: add on_disconnect handler * stepper: add more logger calls for debug mainly * main: add levels for logger * first move of the imager logic * imager: time import cleanup * imager: morphocut import cleanup * imager: skimage import cleanup * imager: finishing import cleanup * imager: Class creation - WIP Also provides a fix for #26 (see line 190). * imager: threading is needed for Condition() * streamer: get the streamer server its own file * imager: creates start_camera and get the server creation out * imager: subclass multiprocessing.Process * imager: get Pipeline creation its own function * imager: cleanup of self calls * main: code removal and corresponding calls to newly created classes * imager: various formatting changes * main: management of signal shutdown * add requirements.txt * mqtt: messages are now json objects Also, addition of a flag on receiving a new message * mqtt: make message private and add logic to synchronise * stepper: creates the stepper class * stepper: use the new class * stepper: uses the new logic * stepper: add the shutdown event * stepper: add shutdown method * main: add shutdown event * imager: graceful shutdown * stepper: nicer way of checking the Eevnt * self is a required first argument for a method in a class Especially if you use said class private members! * python: various typos and small errors in import * stepper: create mqtt client during init * stepper: instanciate the mqtt client inside run Otherwise it's not accessible from inside the loop. It's a PITA, more information at * stepper: little bugs and typos all around * mqtt: add shutdown method * mqtt: add connect in init * stepper: fix bugs, sanitize inputs * stepper: work on delay prediction improvements * stepper: json is mean, double quote are mandatory inside * mqtt: add details about message exchanged * imager: first implementation of json messages * main.json: add new tab for RPi management + json for payloads * imager: add state_machine class * stepper: publish last will * imager: major refactor * main: make streaming server process a daemon * mqtt: insert debug statement on close * main: reorder imports * imager: make it work! Reinsert the streaming server logic in there, because there is a problem with the synchronisation part otherwise. Also, eventually, StreamingOuput() will have to be made not global Final very critical learning: it's super duper important to make sure the memory split is at least 256Meg for the GPU. Chaos ensues otherwise * main: changes to accomodate the streamer/imager fusino * imager_state_machine: insert states transition description * stepper: cleanup of code * segmenter: creation of the class * python: include segmenter changes * remove unused files * stepper: check existence of hardware.json * main.json: changes to reflect the python script evolution * remove unecessary TODOs and add some others * main: add check for config and directories * imager: update_config is implemented and we have better management of directories now * segmenter: now work recursively in all folders * flow: the configuration is now sent via mqtt * segmenter: better manage pipeline error * segmenter: declaration of archive_fn in init * imager: small bugs and typos * main: add uniqueID output * imager: add the camera settings message We can now update the ISO, shutter speed and resolution from Node-Red * package.json: update dependencies
2020-09-28 11:05:27 +02:00
2020-11-25 16:58:32 +01:00
"id": "52ea7d01.711034",
"type": "function",
"z": "baa1e3d9.cb29d",
"name": "Encapsulate config",
"func": "if (global.get(\"sample_sampling_gear\")==\"net\") {\n msg.payload = {\n \"action\":\"update_config\", \n \"config\":{\n \"sample_project\":global.get(\"sample_project\"),\n \"sample_id\":global.get(\"sample_id\"),\n \"sample_ship\":global.get(\"sample_ship\"),\n \"sample_operator\":global.get(\"sample_operator\"),\n \"sample_sampling_gear\":global.get(\"sample_sampling_gear\"),\n \n \"acq_id\":global.get(\"acq_id\"),\n \"acq_instrument\":global.get(\"acq_instrument\"),\n \"acq_instrument_id\":global.get(\"acq_instrument_id\"),\n \"acq_celltype\":global.get(\"acq_celltype\"),\n \"acq_minimum_mesh\":global.get(\"acq_minimum_mesh\"),\n \"acq_maximum_mesh\":global.get(\"acq_maximum_mesh\"),\n \"acq_min_esd\":global.get(\"acq_min_esd\"),\n \"acq_max_esd\":global.get(\"acq_max_esd\"),\n \"acq_volume\":global.get(\"acq_volume\"),\n \"acq_magnification\":global.get(\"magnification\"),\n \"acq_fnumber_objective\":global.get(\"acq_fnumber_objective\"),\n \"acq_camera_name\":global.get(\"acq_camera_name\"),\n \"acq_imaged_volume\":global.get(\"acq_imaged_volume\"),\n \"acq_nb_frame\":global.get(\"nb_frame\"),\n \n \"object_date\":global.get(\"object_date\"),\n \"object_time\":global.get(\"object_time\"),\n \"object_lat\":global.get(\"object_lat\"),\n \"object_lon\":global.get(\"object_lon\"),\n \"object_date_end\":global.get(\"object_date_end\"),\n \"object_time_end\":global.get(\"object_time_end\"),\n \"object_lat_end\":global.get(\"object_lat_end\"),\n \"object_lon_end\":global.get(\"object_lon_end\"),\n \"object_depth_min\":global.get(\"object_depth_min\"),\n \"object_depth_max\":global.get(\"object_depth_max\"),\n \n \"process_pixel\":global.get(\"process_pixel\"),\n \"process_id\":global.get(\"process_id\")\n }\n };\n}\nelse {\n msg.payload = {\n \"action\":\"update_config\", \n \"config\":{\n \"sample_project\":global.get(\"sample_project\"),\n \"sample_id\":global.get(\"sample_id\"),\n \"sample_ship\":global.get(\"sample_ship\"),\n \"sample_operator\":global.get(\"sample_operator\"),\n \"sample_sampling_gear\":global.get(\"sample_sampling_gear\"),\n \n \"acq_id\":global.get(\"acq_id\"),\n \"acq_instrument\":global.get(\"acq_instrument\"),\n \"acq_instrument_id\":global.get(\"acq_instrument_id\"),\n \"acq_celltype\":global.get(\"acq_celltype\"),\n \"acq_minimum_mesh\":global.get(\"acq_minimum_mesh\"),\n \"acq_maximum_mesh\":global.get(\"acq_maximum_mesh\"),\n \"acq_min_esd\":global.get(\"acq_min_esd\"),\n \"acq_max_esd\":global.get(\"acq_max_esd\"),\n \"acq_volume\":global.get(\"acq_volume\"),\n \"acq_magnification\":global.get(\"magnification\"),\n \"acq_fnumber_objective\":global.get(\"acq_fnumber_objective\"),\n \"acq_camera_name\":global.get(\"acq_camera_name\"),\n \"acq_nb_frame\":global.get(\"nb_frame\"),\n \n \"object_date\":global.get(\"object_date\"),\n \"object_time\":global.get(\"object_time\"),\n \"object_lat\":global.get(\"object_lat\"),\n \"object_lon\":global.get(\"object_lon\"),\n \"object_depth_min\":global.get(\"object_depth_min\"),\n \"object_depth_max\":global.get(\"object_depth_max\"),\n \n \"process_pixel\":global.get(\"process_pixel\"),\n \"process_id\":global.get(\"process_id\")\n }\n };\n}\nreturn msg;",
2020-11-25 16:58:32 +01:00
"outputs": 1,
"noerr": 0,
"initialize": "",
"finalize": "",
"x": 970,
2020-11-25 16:58:32 +01:00
"y": 540,
Extraction and refactor of the python code from node-red flow The rationale for this rewrite is to improve the readability, the modularity, the reliability and the future-proofing of the main python script. All in all, this is now 124 commits that are going to be squashed and merged together, spanning more than two weeks of development and testing. Please test away this release and break things. An upgrading guide will be published in the coming days, along with a new image for people to use if they don't want to upgrade on their own. Read along if you want to know all the goodies! As a starter, the python script was extracted from the main flow, and now lives in its own files at `PlantonScope/scripts/*`. We set up the auto formatting of the code by using [Black]( This make the code clearer and uniform. We are using the default settings, so if you just install Black and set your editor to format on save using it, you should be good to go. The code is separated in four main processes, each with a specific set of responsibilities: - The main process controls all the others, starts everything up and cleans up on shutdown - The stepper process manages the stepper movements. It's now possible to have simultaneous movements of both motors (this closes #38 ). - The imager process controls the camera and the streaming server via a state machine. - The segmenter process manages the segmentation and its outputs. The segmentation happens recursively in all folders in `/home/pi/PlanktonScope/img/`. Each folder has its own output archive, and bug #26 is now closed. Those processes communicates together using MQTT and json messages. Each message is adressed to one topic. The high level topic controls which process receives the message. The details of each topic is at the end of this commit message. Every imaging sessions has now its own folder, under the `img` root. Metadata are saved individually for every session, in a JSON file in the same directory as the pictures. The configuration is not parsed from `config.json` anymore and passed directly through MQTT messages to the concerned process. A new configuration file has been created: `hardware.json`. This file contains information related to your specific hardware configuration. You can choose to reverse the connection of the motors for example, but you can also define specific speed limits and steps number for your pump and focus stage. This will make it easier for people who wants to experiment with different kind of hardware. It's not necessary to have this file though. If it doesn't exists, the default configuration will be applied. The code is architectured around 6 modules and about 10 classes. I encourage you to have a look at the files, they're pretty straightforward to understand. There is a lot of work left around the node-red code refactoring, dashboard ui improvements, better and clearer LED messages, OLED screen integration and finer control of the segmentation process, but this is quite good for now. Here is the topic lists for MQTT and the corresponding messages. - actuator : This topic adresses the stepper control thread No publication under this topic should happen from the python process - actuator/pump : Control of the pump The message is a json object {"action":"move", "direction":"FORWARD", "volume":10, "flowrate":1} to move 10mL forward at 1mL/min action can be "move" or "stop" Receive only - actuator/focus : Control of the focus stage The message is a json object, speed is optional {"action":"move", "direction":"UP", "distance":0.26, "speed":1} to move up 10mm action can be "move" or "stop" Receive only - imager/image : This topic adresses the imaging thread Is a json object with {"action":"image","sleep":5,"volume":1,"nb_frame":200} sleep in seconds, volume in mL Can also receive a config update message: {"action":"config","config":[...]} Can also receive a camera settings message: {"action":"settings","iso":100,"shutter_speed":40} Receive only - segmenter/segment : This topic adresses the segmenter process Is a json object with {"action":"segment"} Receive only - status : This topics sends feedback to Node-Red No publication or receive at this level - status/pump : State of the pump Is a json object with {"status":"Start", "time_left":25} Status is one of Started, Ready, Done, Interrupted Publish only - status/focus : State of the focus stage Is a json object with {"status":"Start", "time_left":25} Status is one of Started, Ready, Done, Interrupted Publish only - status/imager : State of the imager Is a json object with {"status":"Start", "time_left":25} Status is one of Started, Ready, Completed or 12_11_15_0.1.jpg has been imaged. Publish only - status/segmenter : Status of the segmentation - status/segmenter/name - status/segmenter/object_id - status/segmenter/metric Here is the original commit history: * Extract python from flow * Fix bug in server addresses These addresses should be the loopback device instead of the network address of the device. Using the loopback address will not necessitate to update the script when the network address changes. * clean up picamera import * changes to main python and flow: update MQTT requests address to localhost (bugfix) update streaming output address to nothing update main flow to remove python script references and location * Automatically initialise imaging led on startup to off state. * Add the ability to invert outputs of the motor We added a key to config.json "hardware_config" with a subkey "stepper_reverse". If this key is present in the config file and set to 1, the output of the motors are inversed (stepper2 becomes the pump motor and stepper1 the focus motor) * move all non main script to a subfolder * add to package * light module rewrite * json cleanup and absolute path for config file * forgot to import subprocess #oups * Add command to turn the leds off * Auto formatting of I've used Black with default settings, see * First commit of Pump parameters still needs to be checked and tuned. * addition of hardware details in config.json * Introduce hardware.json to replace the `hardware_config` of config.json * calibration, typos * creates the MQTT_Client class * pump_max_speed is now in ml/min to help readability * forgot to add self to the class def * addition of threading capabilities to (UNTESTED) * mqtt: fix topic bug * remove counter * mqtt add doc about topics * creates an "actuator/*/state" topic * rename mqtt_client to pump_client * add details about topics * rename pump_client to actuator_client * topic was not split properly and a part was lost * switch to f-strings for * cosmetic update * folder name will be planktoscope change calls * hardware.json became more straightforward * syntax bugs * addition of a received stop command * update to max travel distance * several typos here * rename folder * reword to reflect folder rename * remove logic that has been moved to and * update to add mqtt imaging client * make command and args local to class and output more verbose * make a class * instantiate stepper class and call it * name mqtt client * update to main.json to reflect changes * fix bugs around pump control * update flows to latest version from Thibault * distance can be a small value, and definitevely should be a float. * unify mqtt topics * unify mqtt output in the main flow * first logger implementation, uses loguru * mqtt: add reason to on_connect * mqtt: add on_disconnect handler * stepper: add more logger calls for debug mainly * main: add levels for logger * first move of the imager logic * imager: time import cleanup * imager: morphocut import cleanup * imager: skimage import cleanup * imager: finishing import cleanup * imager: Class creation - WIP Also provides a fix for #26 (see line 190). * imager: threading is needed for Condition() * streamer: get the streamer server its own file * imager: creates start_camera and get the server creation out * imager: subclass multiprocessing.Process * imager: get Pipeline creation its own function * imager: cleanup of self calls * main: code removal and corresponding calls to newly created classes * imager: various formatting changes * main: management of signal shutdown * add requirements.txt * mqtt: messages are now json objects Also, addition of a flag on receiving a new message * mqtt: make message private and add logic to synchronise * stepper: creates the stepper class * stepper: use the new class * stepper: uses the new logic * stepper: add the shutdown event * stepper: add shutdown method * main: add shutdown event * imager: graceful shutdown * stepper: nicer way of checking the Eevnt * self is a required first argument for a method in a class Especially if you use said class private members! * python: various typos and small errors in import * stepper: create mqtt client during init * stepper: instanciate the mqtt client inside run Otherwise it's not accessible from inside the loop. It's a PITA, more information at * stepper: little bugs and typos all around * mqtt: add shutdown method * mqtt: add connect in init * stepper: fix bugs, sanitize inputs * stepper: work on delay prediction improvements * stepper: json is mean, double quote are mandatory inside * mqtt: add details about message exchanged * imager: first implementation of json messages * main.json: add new tab for RPi management + json for payloads * imager: add state_machine class * stepper: publish last will * imager: major refactor * main: make streaming server process a daemon * mqtt: insert debug statement on close * main: reorder imports * imager: make it work! Reinsert the streaming server logic in there, because there is a problem with the synchronisation part otherwise. Also, eventually, StreamingOuput() will have to be made not global Final very critical learning: it's super duper important to make sure the memory split is at least 256Meg for the GPU. Chaos ensues otherwise * main: changes to accomodate the streamer/imager fusino * imager_state_machine: insert states transition description * stepper: cleanup of code * segmenter: creation of the class * python: include segmenter changes * remove unused files * stepper: check existence of hardware.json * main.json: changes to reflect the python script evolution * remove unecessary TODOs and add some others * main: add check for config and directories * imager: update_config is implemented and we have better management of directories now * segmenter: now work recursively in all folders * flow: the configuration is now sent via mqtt * segmenter: better manage pipeline error * segmenter: declaration of archive_fn in init * imager: small bugs and typos * main: add uniqueID output * imager: add the camera settings message We can now update the ISO, shutter speed and resolution from Node-Red * package.json: update dependencies
2020-09-28 11:05:27 +02:00
"wires": [
2020-11-25 16:58:32 +01:00
Extraction and refactor of the python code from node-red flow The rationale for this rewrite is to improve the readability, the modularity, the reliability and the future-proofing of the main python script. All in all, this is now 124 commits that are going to be squashed and merged together, spanning more than two weeks of development and testing. Please test away this release and break things. An upgrading guide will be published in the coming days, along with a new image for people to use if they don't want to upgrade on their own. Read along if you want to know all the goodies! As a starter, the python script was extracted from the main flow, and now lives in its own files at `PlantonScope/scripts/*`. We set up the auto formatting of the code by using [Black]( This make the code clearer and uniform. We are using the default settings, so if you just install Black and set your editor to format on save using it, you should be good to go. The code is separated in four main processes, each with a specific set of responsibilities: - The main process controls all the others, starts everything up and cleans up on shutdown - The stepper process manages the stepper movements. It's now possible to have simultaneous movements of both motors (this closes #38 ). - The imager process controls the camera and the streaming server via a state machine. - The segmenter process manages the segmentation and its outputs. The segmentation happens recursively in all folders in `/home/pi/PlanktonScope/img/`. Each folder has its own output archive, and bug #26 is now closed. Those processes communicates together using MQTT and json messages. Each message is adressed to one topic. The high level topic controls which process receives the message. The details of each topic is at the end of this commit message. Every imaging sessions has now its own folder, under the `img` root. Metadata are saved individually for every session, in a JSON file in the same directory as the pictures. The configuration is not parsed from `config.json` anymore and passed directly through MQTT messages to the concerned process. A new configuration file has been created: `hardware.json`. This file contains information related to your specific hardware configuration. You can choose to reverse the connection of the motors for example, but you can also define specific speed limits and steps number for your pump and focus stage. This will make it easier for people who wants to experiment with different kind of hardware. It's not necessary to have this file though. If it doesn't exists, the default configuration will be applied. The code is architectured around 6 modules and about 10 classes. I encourage you to have a look at the files, they're pretty straightforward to understand. There is a lot of work left around the node-red code refactoring, dashboard ui improvements, better and clearer LED messages, OLED screen integration and finer control of the segmentation process, but this is quite good for now. Here is the topic lists for MQTT and the corresponding messages. - actuator : This topic adresses the stepper control thread No publication under this topic should happen from the python process - actuator/pump : Control of the pump The message is a json object {"action":"move", "direction":"FORWARD", "volume":10, "flowrate":1} to move 10mL forward at 1mL/min action can be "move" or "stop" Receive only - actuator/focus : Control of the focus stage The message is a json object, speed is optional {"action":"move", "direction":"UP", "distance":0.26, "speed":1} to move up 10mm action can be "move" or "stop" Receive only - imager/image : This topic adresses the imaging thread Is a json object with {"action":"image","sleep":5,"volume":1,"nb_frame":200} sleep in seconds, volume in mL Can also receive a config update message: {"action":"config","config":[...]} Can also receive a camera settings message: {"action":"settings","iso":100,"shutter_speed":40} Receive only - segmenter/segment : This topic adresses the segmenter process Is a json object with {"action":"segment"} Receive only - status : This topics sends feedback to Node-Red No publication or receive at this level - status/pump : State of the pump Is a json object with {"status":"Start", "time_left":25} Status is one of Started, Ready, Done, Interrupted Publish only - status/focus : State of the focus stage Is a json object with {"status":"Start", "time_left":25} Status is one of Started, Ready, Done, Interrupted Publish only - status/imager : State of the imager Is a json object with {"status":"Start", "time_left":25} Status is one of Started, Ready, Completed or 12_11_15_0.1.jpg has been imaged. Publish only - status/segmenter : Status of the segmentation - status/segmenter/name - status/segmenter/object_id - status/segmenter/metric Here is the original commit history: * Extract python from flow * Fix bug in server addresses These addresses should be the loopback device instead of the network address of the device. Using the loopback address will not necessitate to update the script when the network address changes. * clean up picamera import * changes to main python and flow: update MQTT requests address to localhost (bugfix) update streaming output address to nothing update main flow to remove python script references and location * Automatically initialise imaging led on startup to off state. * Add the ability to invert outputs of the motor We added a key to config.json "hardware_config" with a subkey "stepper_reverse". If this key is present in the config file and set to 1, the output of the motors are inversed (stepper2 becomes the pump motor and stepper1 the focus motor) * move all non main script to a subfolder * add to package * light module rewrite * json cleanup and absolute path for config file * forgot to import subprocess #oups * Add command to turn the leds off * Auto formatting of I've used Black with default settings, see * First commit of Pump parameters still needs to be checked and tuned. * addition of hardware details in config.json * Introduce hardware.json to replace the `hardware_config` of config.json * calibration, typos * creates the MQTT_Client class * pump_max_speed is now in ml/min to help readability * forgot to add self to the class def * addition of threading capabilities to (UNTESTED) * mqtt: fix topic bug * remove counter * mqtt add doc about topics * creates an "actuator/*/state" topic * rename mqtt_client to pump_client * add details about topics * rename pump_client to actuator_client * topic was not split properly and a part was lost * switch to f-strings for * cosmetic update * folder name will be planktoscope change calls * hardware.json became more straightforward * syntax bugs * addition of a received stop command * update to max travel distance * several typos here * rename folder * reword to reflect folder rename * remove logic that has been moved to and * update to add mqtt imaging client * make command and args local to class and output more verbose * make a class * instantiate stepper class and call it * name mqtt client * update to main.json to reflect changes * fix bugs around pump control * update flows to latest version from Thibault * distance can be a small value, and definitevely should be a float. * unify mqtt topics * unify mqtt output in the main flow * first logger implementation, uses loguru * mqtt: add reason to on_connect * mqtt: add on_disconnect handler * stepper: add more logger calls for debug mainly * main: add levels for logger * first move of the imager logic * imager: time import cleanup * imager: morphocut import cleanup * imager: skimage import cleanup * imager: finishing import cleanup * imager: Class creation - WIP Also provides a fix for #26 (see line 190). * imager: threading is needed for Condition() * streamer: get the streamer server its own file * imager: creates start_camera and get the server creation out * imager: subclass multiprocessing.Process * imager: get Pipeline creation its own function * imager: cleanup of self calls * main: code removal and corresponding calls to newly created classes * imager: various formatting changes * main: management of signal shutdown * add requirements.txt * mqtt: messages are now json objects Also, addition of a flag on receiving a new message * mqtt: make message private and add logic to synchronise * stepper: creates the stepper class * stepper: use the new class * stepper: uses the new logic * stepper: add the shutdown event * stepper: add shutdown method * main: add shutdown event * imager: graceful shutdown * stepper: nicer way of checking the Eevnt * self is a required first argument for a method in a class Especially if you use said class private members! * python: various typos and small errors in import * stepper: create mqtt client during init * stepper: instanciate the mqtt client inside run Otherwise it's not accessible from inside the loop. It's a PITA, more information at * stepper: little bugs and typos all around * mqtt: add shutdown method * mqtt: add connect in init * stepper: fix bugs, sanitize inputs * stepper: work on delay prediction improvements * stepper: json is mean, double quote are mandatory inside * mqtt: add details about message exchanged * imager: first implementation of json messages * main.json: add new tab for RPi management + json for payloads * imager: add state_machine class * stepper: publish last will * imager: major refactor * main: make streaming server process a daemon * mqtt: insert debug statement on close * main: reorder imports * imager: make it work! Reinsert the streaming server logic in there, because there is a problem with the synchronisation part otherwise. Also, eventually, StreamingOuput() will have to be made not global Final very critical learning: it's super duper important to make sure the memory split is at least 256Meg for the GPU. Chaos ensues otherwise * main: changes to accomodate the streamer/imager fusino * imager_state_machine: insert states transition description * stepper: cleanup of code * segmenter: creation of the class * python: include segmenter changes * remove unused files * stepper: check existence of hardware.json * main.json: changes to reflect the python script evolution * remove unecessary TODOs and add some others * main: add check for config and directories * imager: update_config is implemented and we have better management of directories now * segmenter: now work recursively in all folders * flow: the configuration is now sent via mqtt * segmenter: better manage pipeline error * segmenter: declaration of archive_fn in init * imager: small bugs and typos * main: add uniqueID output * imager: add the camera settings message We can now update the ISO, shutter speed and resolution from Node-Red * package.json: update dependencies
2020-09-28 11:05:27 +02:00
2020-11-24 17:25:15 +01:00
2020-11-25 16:58:32 +01:00
"id": "40c12463.a1f84c",
2020-11-24 17:25:15 +01:00
"type": "delay",
2020-11-25 16:58:32 +01:00
"z": "baa1e3d9.cb29d",
2020-11-24 17:25:15 +01:00
"name": "",
"pauseType": "delay",
2020-11-25 16:58:32 +01:00
"timeout": "1",
2020-11-24 17:25:15 +01:00
"timeoutUnits": "seconds",
"rate": "1",
"nbRateUnits": "1",
"rateUnits": "second",
"randomFirst": "1",
"randomLast": "5",
"randomUnits": "seconds",
"drop": false,
"x": 940,
2020-11-25 16:58:32 +01:00
"y": 580,
Extraction and refactor of the python code from node-red flow The rationale for this rewrite is to improve the readability, the modularity, the reliability and the future-proofing of the main python script. All in all, this is now 124 commits that are going to be squashed and merged together, spanning more than two weeks of development and testing. Please test away this release and break things. An upgrading guide will be published in the coming days, along with a new image for people to use if they don't want to upgrade on their own. Read along if you want to know all the goodies! As a starter, the python script was extracted from the main flow, and now lives in its own files at `PlantonScope/scripts/*`. We set up the auto formatting of the code by using [Black]( This make the code clearer and uniform. We are using the default settings, so if you just install Black and set your editor to format on save using it, you should be good to go. The code is separated in four main processes, each with a specific set of responsibilities: - The main process controls all the others, starts everything up and cleans up on shutdown - The stepper process manages the stepper movements. It's now possible to have simultaneous movements of both motors (this closes #38 ). - The imager process controls the camera and the streaming server via a state machine. - The segmenter process manages the segmentation and its outputs. The segmentation happens recursively in all folders in `/home/pi/PlanktonScope/img/`. Each folder has its own output archive, and bug #26 is now closed. Those processes communicates together using MQTT and json messages. Each message is adressed to one topic. The high level topic controls which process receives the message. The details of each topic is at the end of this commit message. Every imaging sessions has now its own folder, under the `img` root. Metadata are saved individually for every session, in a JSON file in the same directory as the pictures. The configuration is not parsed from `config.json` anymore and passed directly through MQTT messages to the concerned process. A new configuration file has been created: `hardware.json`. This file contains information related to your specific hardware configuration. You can choose to reverse the connection of the motors for example, but you can also define specific speed limits and steps number for your pump and focus stage. This will make it easier for people who wants to experiment with different kind of hardware. It's not necessary to have this file though. If it doesn't exists, the default configuration will be applied. The code is architectured around 6 modules and about 10 classes. I encourage you to have a look at the files, they're pretty straightforward to understand. There is a lot of work left around the node-red code refactoring, dashboard ui improvements, better and clearer LED messages, OLED screen integration and finer control of the segmentation process, but this is quite good for now. Here is the topic lists for MQTT and the corresponding messages. - actuator : This topic adresses the stepper control thread No publication under this topic should happen from the python process - actuator/pump : Control of the pump The message is a json object {"action":"move", "direction":"FORWARD", "volume":10, "flowrate":1} to move 10mL forward at 1mL/min action can be "move" or "stop" Receive only - actuator/focus : Control of the focus stage The message is a json object, speed is optional {"action":"move", "direction":"UP", "distance":0.26, "speed":1} to move up 10mm action can be "move" or "stop" Receive only - imager/image : This topic adresses the imaging thread Is a json object with {"action":"image","sleep":5,"volume":1,"nb_frame":200} sleep in seconds, volume in mL Can also receive a config update message: {"action":"config","config":[...]} Can also receive a camera settings message: {"action":"settings","iso":100,"shutter_speed":40} Receive only - segmenter/segment : This topic adresses the segmenter process Is a json object with {"action":"segment"} Receive only - status : This topics sends feedback to Node-Red No publication or receive at this level - status/pump : State of the pump Is a json object with {"status":"Start", "time_left":25} Status is one of Started, Ready, Done, Interrupted Publish only - status/focus : State of the focus stage Is a json object with {"status":"Start", "time_left":25} Status is one of Started, Ready, Done, Interrupted Publish only - status/imager : State of the imager Is a json object with {"status":"Start", "time_left":25} Status is one of Started, Ready, Completed or 12_11_15_0.1.jpg has been imaged. Publish only - status/segmenter : Status of the segmentation - status/segmenter/name - status/segmenter/object_id - status/segmenter/metric Here is the original commit history: * Extract python from flow * Fix bug in server addresses These addresses should be the loopback device instead of the network address of the device. Using the loopback address will not necessitate to update the script when the network address changes. * clean up picamera import * changes to main python and flow: update MQTT requests address to localhost (bugfix) update streaming output address to nothing update main flow to remove python script references and location * Automatically initialise imaging led on startup to off state. * Add the ability to invert outputs of the motor We added a key to config.json "hardware_config" with a subkey "stepper_reverse". If this key is present in the config file and set to 1, the output of the motors are inversed (stepper2 becomes the pump motor and stepper1 the focus motor) * move all non main script to a subfolder * add to package * light module rewrite * json cleanup and absolute path for config file * forgot to import subprocess #oups * Add command to turn the leds off * Auto formatting of I've used Black with default settings, see * First commit of Pump parameters still needs to be checked and tuned. * addition of hardware details in config.json * Introduce hardware.json to replace the `hardware_config` of config.json * calibration, typos * creates the MQTT_Client class * pump_max_speed is now in ml/min to help readability * forgot to add self to the class def * addition of threading capabilities to (UNTESTED) * mqtt: fix topic bug * remove counter * mqtt add doc about topics * creates an "actuator/*/state" topic * rename mqtt_client to pump_client * add details about topics * rename pump_client to actuator_client * topic was not split properly and a part was lost * switch to f-strings for * cosmetic update * folder name will be planktoscope change calls * hardware.json became more straightforward * syntax bugs * addition of a received stop command * update to max travel distance * several typos here * rename folder * reword to reflect folder rename * remove logic that has been moved to and * update to add mqtt imaging client * make command and args local to class and output more verbose * make a class * instantiate stepper class and call it * name mqtt client * update to main.json to reflect changes * fix bugs around pump control * update flows to latest version from Thibault * distance can be a small value, and definitevely should be a float. * unify mqtt topics * unify mqtt output in the main flow * first logger implementation, uses loguru * mqtt: add reason to on_connect * mqtt: add on_disconnect handler * stepper: add more logger calls for debug mainly * main: add levels for logger * first move of the imager logic * imager: time import cleanup * imager: morphocut import cleanup * imager: skimage import cleanup * imager: finishing import cleanup * imager: Class creation - WIP Also provides a fix for #26 (see line 190). * imager: threading is needed for Condition() * streamer: get the streamer server its own file * imager: creates start_camera and get the server creation out * imager: subclass multiprocessing.Process * imager: get Pipeline creation its own function * imager: cleanup of self calls * main: code removal and corresponding calls to newly created classes * imager: various formatting changes * main: management of signal shutdown * add requirements.txt * mqtt: messages are now json objects Also, addition of a flag on receiving a new message * mqtt: make message private and add logic to synchronise * stepper: creates the stepper class * stepper: use the new class * stepper: uses the new logic * stepper: add the shutdown event * stepper: add shutdown method * main: add shutdown event * imager: graceful shutdown * stepper: nicer way of checking the Eevnt * self is a required first argument for a method in a class Especially if you use said class private members! * python: various typos and small errors in import * stepper: create mqtt client during init * stepper: instanciate the mqtt client inside run Otherwise it's not accessible from inside the loop. It's a PITA, more information at * stepper: little bugs and typos all around * mqtt: add shutdown method * mqtt: add connect in init * stepper: fix bugs, sanitize inputs * stepper: work on delay prediction improvements * stepper: json is mean, double quote are mandatory inside * mqtt: add details about message exchanged * imager: first implementation of json messages * main.json: add new tab for RPi management + json for payloads * imager: add state_machine class * stepper: publish last will * imager: major refactor * main: make streaming server process a daemon * mqtt: insert debug statement on close * main: reorder imports * imager: make it work! Reinsert the streaming server logic in there, because there is a problem with the synchronisation part otherwise. Also, eventually, StreamingOuput() will have to be made not global Final very critical learning: it's super duper important to make sure the memory split is at least 256Meg for the GPU. Chaos ensues otherwise * main: changes to accomodate the streamer/imager fusino * imager_state_machine: insert states transition description * stepper: cleanup of code * segmenter: creation of the class * python: include segmenter changes * remove unused files * stepper: check existence of hardware.json * main.json: changes to reflect the python script evolution * remove unecessary TODOs and add some others * main: add check for config and directories * imager: update_config is implemented and we have better management of directories now * segmenter: now work recursively in all folders * flow: the configuration is now sent via mqtt * segmenter: better manage pipeline error * segmenter: declaration of archive_fn in init * imager: small bugs and typos * main: add uniqueID output * imager: add the camera settings message We can now update the ISO, shutter speed and resolution from Node-Red * package.json: update dependencies
2020-09-28 11:05:27 +02:00
"wires": [
2020-11-25 16:58:32 +01:00
Extraction and refactor of the python code from node-red flow The rationale for this rewrite is to improve the readability, the modularity, the reliability and the future-proofing of the main python script. All in all, this is now 124 commits that are going to be squashed and merged together, spanning more than two weeks of development and testing. Please test away this release and break things. An upgrading guide will be published in the coming days, along with a new image for people to use if they don't want to upgrade on their own. Read along if you want to know all the goodies! As a starter, the python script was extracted from the main flow, and now lives in its own files at `PlantonScope/scripts/*`. We set up the auto formatting of the code by using [Black]( This make the code clearer and uniform. We are using the default settings, so if you just install Black and set your editor to format on save using it, you should be good to go. The code is separated in four main processes, each with a specific set of responsibilities: - The main process controls all the others, starts everything up and cleans up on shutdown - The stepper process manages the stepper movements. It's now possible to have simultaneous movements of both motors (this closes #38 ). - The imager process controls the camera and the streaming server via a state machine. - The segmenter process manages the segmentation and its outputs. The segmentation happens recursively in all folders in `/home/pi/PlanktonScope/img/`. Each folder has its own output archive, and bug #26 is now closed. Those processes communicates together using MQTT and json messages. Each message is adressed to one topic. The high level topic controls which process receives the message. The details of each topic is at the end of this commit message. Every imaging sessions has now its own folder, under the `img` root. Metadata are saved individually for every session, in a JSON file in the same directory as the pictures. The configuration is not parsed from `config.json` anymore and passed directly through MQTT messages to the concerned process. A new configuration file has been created: `hardware.json`. This file contains information related to your specific hardware configuration. You can choose to reverse the connection of the motors for example, but you can also define specific speed limits and steps number for your pump and focus stage. This will make it easier for people who wants to experiment with different kind of hardware. It's not necessary to have this file though. If it doesn't exists, the default configuration will be applied. The code is architectured around 6 modules and about 10 classes. I encourage you to have a look at the files, they're pretty straightforward to understand. There is a lot of work left around the node-red code refactoring, dashboard ui improvements, better and clearer LED messages, OLED screen integration and finer control of the segmentation process, but this is quite good for now. Here is the topic lists for MQTT and the corresponding messages. - actuator : This topic adresses the stepper control thread No publication under this topic should happen from the python process - actuator/pump : Control of the pump The message is a json object {"action":"move", "direction":"FORWARD", "volume":10, "flowrate":1} to move 10mL forward at 1mL/min action can be "move" or "stop" Receive only - actuator/focus : Control of the focus stage The message is a json object, speed is optional {"action":"move", "direction":"UP", "distance":0.26, "speed":1} to move up 10mm action can be "move" or "stop" Receive only - imager/image : This topic adresses the imaging thread Is a json object with {"action":"image","sleep":5,"volume":1,"nb_frame":200} sleep in seconds, volume in mL Can also receive a config update message: {"action":"config","config":[...]} Can also receive a camera settings message: {"action":"settings","iso":100,"shutter_speed":40} Receive only - segmenter/segment : This topic adresses the segmenter process Is a json object with {"action":"segment"} Receive only - status : This topics sends feedback to Node-Red No publication or receive at this level - status/pump : State of the pump Is a json object with {"status":"Start", "time_left":25} Status is one of Started, Ready, Done, Interrupted Publish only - status/focus : State of the focus stage Is a json object with {"status":"Start", "time_left":25} Status is one of Started, Ready, Done, Interrupted Publish only - status/imager : State of the imager Is a json object with {"status":"Start", "time_left":25} Status is one of Started, Ready, Completed or 12_11_15_0.1.jpg has been imaged. Publish only - status/segmenter : Status of the segmentation - status/segmenter/name - status/segmenter/object_id - status/segmenter/metric Here is the original commit history: * Extract python from flow * Fix bug in server addresses These addresses should be the loopback device instead of the network address of the device. Using the loopback address will not necessitate to update the script when the network address changes. * clean up picamera import * changes to main python and flow: update MQTT requests address to localhost (bugfix) update streaming output address to nothing update main flow to remove python script references and location * Automatically initialise imaging led on startup to off state. * Add the ability to invert outputs of the motor We added a key to config.json "hardware_config" with a subkey "stepper_reverse". If this key is present in the config file and set to 1, the output of the motors are inversed (stepper2 becomes the pump motor and stepper1 the focus motor) * move all non main script to a subfolder * add to package * light module rewrite * json cleanup and absolute path for config file * forgot to import subprocess #oups * Add command to turn the leds off * Auto formatting of I've used Black with default settings, see * First commit of Pump parameters still needs to be checked and tuned. * addition of hardware details in config.json * Introduce hardware.json to replace the `hardware_config` of config.json * calibration, typos * creates the MQTT_Client class * pump_max_speed is now in ml/min to help readability * forgot to add self to the class def * addition of threading capabilities to (UNTESTED) * mqtt: fix topic bug * remove counter * mqtt add doc about topics * creates an "actuator/*/state" topic * rename mqtt_client to pump_client * add details about topics * rename pump_client to actuator_client * topic was not split properly and a part was lost * switch to f-strings for * cosmetic update * folder name will be planktoscope change calls * hardware.json became more straightforward * syntax bugs * addition of a received stop command * update to max travel distance * several typos here * rename folder * reword to reflect folder rename * remove logic that has been moved to and * update to add mqtt imaging client * make command and args local to class and output more verbose * make a class * instantiate stepper class and call it * name mqtt client * update to main.json to reflect changes * fix bugs around pump control * update flows to latest version from Thibault * distance can be a small value, and definitevely should be a float. * unify mqtt topics * unify mqtt output in the main flow * first logger implementation, uses loguru * mqtt: add reason to on_connect * mqtt: add on_disconnect handler * stepper: add more logger calls for debug mainly * main: add levels for logger * first move of the imager logic * imager: time import cleanup * imager: morphocut import cleanup * imager: skimage import cleanup * imager: finishing import cleanup * imager: Class creation - WIP Also provides a fix for #26 (see line 190). * imager: threading is needed for Condition() * streamer: get the streamer server its own file * imager: creates start_camera and get the server creation out * imager: subclass multiprocessing.Process * imager: get Pipeline creation its own function * imager: cleanup of self calls * main: code removal and corresponding calls to newly created classes * imager: various formatting changes * main: management of signal shutdown * add requirements.txt * mqtt: messages are now json objects Also, addition of a flag on receiving a new message * mqtt: make message private and add logic to synchronise * stepper: creates the stepper class * stepper: use the new class * stepper: uses the new logic * stepper: add the shutdown event * stepper: add shutdown method * main: add shutdown event * imager: graceful shutdown * stepper: nicer way of checking the Eevnt * self is a required first argument for a method in a class Especially if you use said class private members! * python: various typos and small errors in import * stepper: create mqtt client during init * stepper: instanciate the mqtt client inside run Otherwise it's not accessible from inside the loop. It's a PITA, more information at * stepper: little bugs and typos all around * mqtt: add shutdown method * mqtt: add connect in init * stepper: fix bugs, sanitize inputs * stepper: work on delay prediction improvements * stepper: json is mean, double quote are mandatory inside * mqtt: add details about message exchanged * imager: first implementation of json messages * main.json: add new tab for RPi management + json for payloads * imager: add state_machine class * stepper: publish last will * imager: major refactor * main: make streaming server process a daemon * mqtt: insert debug statement on close * main: reorder imports * imager: make it work! Reinsert the streaming server logic in there, because there is a problem with the synchronisation part otherwise. Also, eventually, StreamingOuput() will have to be made not global Final very critical learning: it's super duper important to make sure the memory split is at least 256Meg for the GPU. Chaos ensues otherwise * main: changes to accomodate the streamer/imager fusino * imager_state_machine: insert states transition description * stepper: cleanup of code * segmenter: creation of the class * python: include segmenter changes * remove unused files * stepper: check existence of hardware.json * main.json: changes to reflect the python script evolution * remove unecessary TODOs and add some others * main: add check for config and directories * imager: update_config is implemented and we have better management of directories now * segmenter: now work recursively in all folders * flow: the configuration is now sent via mqtt * segmenter: better manage pipeline error * segmenter: declaration of archive_fn in init * imager: small bugs and typos * main: add uniqueID output * imager: add the camera settings message We can now update the ISO, shutter speed and resolution from Node-Red * package.json: update dependencies
2020-09-28 11:05:27 +02:00
2020-11-25 16:58:32 +01:00
"id": "4d1b02cb.83b51c",
Extraction and refactor of the python code from node-red flow The rationale for this rewrite is to improve the readability, the modularity, the reliability and the future-proofing of the main python script. All in all, this is now 124 commits that are going to be squashed and merged together, spanning more than two weeks of development and testing. Please test away this release and break things. An upgrading guide will be published in the coming days, along with a new image for people to use if they don't want to upgrade on their own. Read along if you want to know all the goodies! As a starter, the python script was extracted from the main flow, and now lives in its own files at `PlantonScope/scripts/*`. We set up the auto formatting of the code by using [Black]( This make the code clearer and uniform. We are using the default settings, so if you just install Black and set your editor to format on save using it, you should be good to go. The code is separated in four main processes, each with a specific set of responsibilities: - The main process controls all the others, starts everything up and cleans up on shutdown - The stepper process manages the stepper movements. It's now possible to have simultaneous movements of both motors (this closes #38 ). - The imager process controls the camera and the streaming server via a state machine. - The segmenter process manages the segmentation and its outputs. The segmentation happens recursively in all folders in `/home/pi/PlanktonScope/img/`. Each folder has its own output archive, and bug #26 is now closed. Those processes communicates together using MQTT and json messages. Each message is adressed to one topic. The high level topic controls which process receives the message. The details of each topic is at the end of this commit message. Every imaging sessions has now its own folder, under the `img` root. Metadata are saved individually for every session, in a JSON file in the same directory as the pictures. The configuration is not parsed from `config.json` anymore and passed directly through MQTT messages to the concerned process. A new configuration file has been created: `hardware.json`. This file contains information related to your specific hardware configuration. You can choose to reverse the connection of the motors for example, but you can also define specific speed limits and steps number for your pump and focus stage. This will make it easier for people who wants to experiment with different kind of hardware. It's not necessary to have this file though. If it doesn't exists, the default configuration will be applied. The code is architectured around 6 modules and about 10 classes. I encourage you to have a look at the files, they're pretty straightforward to understand. There is a lot of work left around the node-red code refactoring, dashboard ui improvements, better and clearer LED messages, OLED screen integration and finer control of the segmentation process, but this is quite good for now. Here is the topic lists for MQTT and the corresponding messages. - actuator : This topic adresses the stepper control thread No publication under this topic should happen from the python process - actuator/pump : Control of the pump The message is a json object {"action":"move", "direction":"FORWARD", "volume":10, "flowrate":1} to move 10mL forward at 1mL/min action can be "move" or "stop" Receive only - actuator/focus : Control of the focus stage The message is a json object, speed is optional {"action":"move", "direction":"UP", "distance":0.26, "speed":1} to move up 10mm action can be "move" or "stop" Receive only - imager/image : This topic adresses the imaging thread Is a json object with {"action":"image","sleep":5,"volume":1,"nb_frame":200} sleep in seconds, volume in mL Can also receive a config update message: {"action":"config","config":[...]} Can also receive a camera settings message: {"action":"settings","iso":100,"shutter_speed":40} Receive only - segmenter/segment : This topic adresses the segmenter process Is a json object with {"action":"segment"} Receive only - status : This topics sends feedback to Node-Red No publication or receive at this level - status/pump : State of the pump Is a json object with {"status":"Start", "time_left":25} Status is one of Started, Ready, Done, Interrupted Publish only - status/focus : State of the focus stage Is a json object with {"status":"Start", "time_left":25} Status is one of Started, Ready, Done, Interrupted Publish only - status/imager : State of the imager Is a json object with {"status":"Start", "time_left":25} Status is one of Started, Ready, Completed or 12_11_15_0.1.jpg has been imaged. Publish only - status/segmenter : Status of the segmentation - status/segmenter/name - status/segmenter/object_id - status/segmenter/metric Here is the original commit history: * Extract python from flow * Fix bug in server addresses These addresses should be the loopback device instead of the network address of the device. Using the loopback address will not necessitate to update the script when the network address changes. * clean up picamera import * changes to main python and flow: update MQTT requests address to localhost (bugfix) update streaming output address to nothing update main flow to remove python script references and location * Automatically initialise imaging led on startup to off state. * Add the ability to invert outputs of the motor We added a key to config.json "hardware_config" with a subkey "stepper_reverse". If this key is present in the config file and set to 1, the output of the motors are inversed (stepper2 becomes the pump motor and stepper1 the focus motor) * move all non main script to a subfolder * add to package * light module rewrite * json cleanup and absolute path for config file * forgot to import subprocess #oups * Add command to turn the leds off * Auto formatting of I've used Black with default settings, see * First commit of Pump parameters still needs to be checked and tuned. * addition of hardware details in config.json * Introduce hardware.json to replace the `hardware_config` of config.json * calibration, typos * creates the MQTT_Client class * pump_max_speed is now in ml/min to help readability * forgot to add self to the class def * addition of threading capabilities to (UNTESTED) * mqtt: fix topic bug * remove counter * mqtt add doc about topics * creates an "actuator/*/state" topic * rename mqtt_client to pump_client * add details about topics * rename pump_client to actuator_client * topic was not split properly and a part was lost * switch to f-strings for * cosmetic update * folder name will be planktoscope change calls * hardware.json became more straightforward * syntax bugs * addition of a received stop command * update to max travel distance * several typos here * rename folder * reword to reflect folder rename * remove logic that has been moved to and * update to add mqtt imaging client * make command and args local to class and output more verbose * make a class * instantiate stepper class and call it * name mqtt client * update to main.json to reflect changes * fix bugs around pump control * update flows to latest version from Thibault * distance can be a small value, and definitevely should be a float. * unify mqtt topics * unify mqtt output in the main flow * first logger implementation, uses loguru * mqtt: add reason to on_connect * mqtt: add on_disconnect handler * stepper: add more logger calls for debug mainly * main: add levels for logger * first move of the imager logic * imager: time import cleanup * imager: morphocut import cleanup * imager: skimage import cleanup * imager: finishing import cleanup * imager: Class creation - WIP Also provides a fix for #26 (see line 190). * imager: threading is needed for Condition() * streamer: get the streamer server its own file * imager: creates start_camera and get the server creation out * imager: subclass multiprocessing.Process * imager: get Pipeline creation its own function * imager: cleanup of self calls * main: code removal and corresponding calls to newly created classes * imager: various formatting changes * main: management of signal shutdown * add requirements.txt * mqtt: messages are now json objects Also, addition of a flag on receiving a new message * mqtt: make message private and add logic to synchronise * stepper: creates the stepper class * stepper: use the new class * stepper: uses the new logic * stepper: add the shutdown event * stepper: add shutdown method * main: add shutdown event * imager: graceful shutdown * stepper: nicer way of checking the Eevnt * self is a required first argument for a method in a class Especially if you use said class private members! * python: various typos and small errors in import * stepper: create mqtt client during init * stepper: instanciate the mqtt client inside run Otherwise it's not accessible from inside the loop. It's a PITA, more information at * stepper: little bugs and typos all around * mqtt: add shutdown method * mqtt: add connect in init * stepper: fix bugs, sanitize inputs * stepper: work on delay prediction improvements * stepper: json is mean, double quote are mandatory inside * mqtt: add details about message exchanged * imager: first implementation of json messages * main.json: add new tab for RPi management + json for payloads * imager: add state_machine class * stepper: publish last will * imager: major refactor * main: make streaming server process a daemon * mqtt: insert debug statement on close * main: reorder imports * imager: make it work! Reinsert the streaming server logic in there, because there is a problem with the synchronisation part otherwise. Also, eventually, StreamingOuput() will have to be made not global Final very critical learning: it's super duper important to make sure the memory split is at least 256Meg for the GPU. Chaos ensues otherwise * main: changes to accomodate the streamer/imager fusino * imager_state_machine: insert states transition description * stepper: cleanup of code * segmenter: creation of the class * python: include segmenter changes * remove unused files * stepper: check existence of hardware.json * main.json: changes to reflect the python script evolution * remove unecessary TODOs and add some others * main: add check for config and directories * imager: update_config is implemented and we have better management of directories now * segmenter: now work recursively in all folders * flow: the configuration is now sent via mqtt * segmenter: better manage pipeline error * segmenter: declaration of archive_fn in init * imager: small bugs and typos * main: add uniqueID output * imager: add the camera settings message We can now update the ISO, shutter speed and resolution from Node-Red * package.json: update dependencies
2020-09-28 11:05:27 +02:00
"type": "ui_button",
2020-11-25 16:58:32 +01:00
"z": "baa1e3d9.cb29d",
"name": "",
"group": "4322c187.e73e5",
2020-11-27 11:30:57 +01:00
"order": 8,
2020-11-25 16:58:32 +01:00
"width": 5,
2020-10-06 17:22:25 +02:00
"height": 1,
Extraction and refactor of the python code from node-red flow The rationale for this rewrite is to improve the readability, the modularity, the reliability and the future-proofing of the main python script. All in all, this is now 124 commits that are going to be squashed and merged together, spanning more than two weeks of development and testing. Please test away this release and break things. An upgrading guide will be published in the coming days, along with a new image for people to use if they don't want to upgrade on their own. Read along if you want to know all the goodies! As a starter, the python script was extracted from the main flow, and now lives in its own files at `PlantonScope/scripts/*`. We set up the auto formatting of the code by using [Black]( This make the code clearer and uniform. We are using the default settings, so if you just install Black and set your editor to format on save using it, you should be good to go. The code is separated in four main processes, each with a specific set of responsibilities: - The main process controls all the others, starts everything up and cleans up on shutdown - The stepper process manages the stepper movements. It's now possible to have simultaneous movements of both motors (this closes #38 ). - The imager process controls the camera and the streaming server via a state machine. - The segmenter process manages the segmentation and its outputs. The segmentation happens recursively in all folders in `/home/pi/PlanktonScope/img/`. Each folder has its own output archive, and bug #26 is now closed. Those processes communicates together using MQTT and json messages. Each message is adressed to one topic. The high level topic controls which process receives the message. The details of each topic is at the end of this commit message. Every imaging sessions has now its own folder, under the `img` root. Metadata are saved individually for every session, in a JSON file in the same directory as the pictures. The configuration is not parsed from `config.json` anymore and passed directly through MQTT messages to the concerned process. A new configuration file has been created: `hardware.json`. This file contains information related to your specific hardware configuration. You can choose to reverse the connection of the motors for example, but you can also define specific speed limits and steps number for your pump and focus stage. This will make it easier for people who wants to experiment with different kind of hardware. It's not necessary to have this file though. If it doesn't exists, the default configuration will be applied. The code is architectured around 6 modules and about 10 classes. I encourage you to have a look at the files, they're pretty straightforward to understand. There is a lot of work left around the node-red code refactoring, dashboard ui improvements, better and clearer LED messages, OLED screen integration and finer control of the segmentation process, but this is quite good for now. Here is the topic lists for MQTT and the corresponding messages. - actuator : This topic adresses the stepper control thread No publication under this topic should happen from the python process - actuator/pump : Control of the pump The message is a json object {"action":"move", "direction":"FORWARD", "volume":10, "flowrate":1} to move 10mL forward at 1mL/min action can be "move" or "stop" Receive only - actuator/focus : Control of the focus stage The message is a json object, speed is optional {"action":"move", "direction":"UP", "distance":0.26, "speed":1} to move up 10mm action can be "move" or "stop" Receive only - imager/image : This topic adresses the imaging thread Is a json object with {"action":"image","sleep":5,"volume":1,"nb_frame":200} sleep in seconds, volume in mL Can also receive a config update message: {"action":"config","config":[...]} Can also receive a camera settings message: {"action":"settings","iso":100,"shutter_speed":40} Receive only - segmenter/segment : This topic adresses the segmenter process Is a json object with {"action":"segment"} Receive only - status : This topics sends feedback to Node-Red No publication or receive at this level - status/pump : State of the pump Is a json object with {"status":"Start", "time_left":25} Status is one of Started, Ready, Done, Interrupted Publish only - status/focus : State of the focus stage Is a json object with {"status":"Start", "time_left":25} Status is one of Started, Ready, Done, Interrupted Publish only - status/imager : State of the imager Is a json object with {"status":"Start", "time_left":25} Status is one of Started, Ready, Completed or 12_11_15_0.1.jpg has been imaged. Publish only - status/segmenter : Status of the segmentation - status/segmenter/name - status/segmenter/object_id - status/segmenter/metric Here is the original commit history: * Extract python from flow * Fix bug in server addresses These addresses should be the loopback device instead of the network address of the device. Using the loopback address will not necessitate to update the script when the network address changes. * clean up picamera import * changes to main python and flow: update MQTT requests address to localhost (bugfix) update streaming output address to nothing update main flow to remove python script references and location * Automatically initialise imaging led on startup to off state. * Add the ability to invert outputs of the motor We added a key to config.json "hardware_config" with a subkey "stepper_reverse". If this key is present in the config file and set to 1, the output of the motors are inversed (stepper2 becomes the pump motor and stepper1 the focus motor) * move all non main script to a subfolder * add to package * light module rewrite * json cleanup and absolute path for config file * forgot to import subprocess #oups * Add command to turn the leds off * Auto formatting of I've used Black with default settings, see * First commit of Pump parameters still needs to be checked and tuned. * addition of hardware details in config.json * Introduce hardware.json to replace the `hardware_config` of config.json * calibration, typos * creates the MQTT_Client class * pump_max_speed is now in ml/min to help readability * forgot to add self to the class def * addition of threading capabilities to (UNTESTED) * mqtt: fix topic bug * remove counter * mqtt add doc about topics * creates an "actuator/*/state" topic * rename mqtt_client to pump_client * add details about topics * rename pump_client to actuator_client * topic was not split properly and a part was lost * switch to f-strings for * cosmetic update * folder name will be planktoscope change calls * hardware.json became more straightforward * syntax bugs * addition of a received stop command * update to max travel distance * several typos here * rename folder * reword to reflect folder rename * remove logic that has been moved to and * update to add mqtt imaging client * make command and args local to class and output more verbose * make a class * instantiate stepper class and call it * name mqtt client * update to main.json to reflect changes * fix bugs around pump control * update flows to latest version from Thibault * distance can be a small value, and definitevely should be a float. * unify mqtt topics * unify mqtt output in the main flow * first logger implementation, uses loguru * mqtt: add reason to on_connect * mqtt: add on_disconnect handler * stepper: add more logger calls for debug mainly * main: add levels for logger * first move of the imager logic * imager: time import cleanup * imager: morphocut import cleanup * imager: skimage import cleanup * imager: finishing import cleanup * imager: Class creation - WIP Also provides a fix for #26 (see line 190). * imager: threading is needed for Condition() * streamer: get the streamer server its own file * imager: creates start_camera and get the server creation out * imager: subclass multiprocessing.Process * imager: get Pipeline creation its own function * imager: cleanup of self calls * main: code removal and corresponding calls to newly created classes * imager: various formatting changes * main: management of signal shutdown * add requirements.txt * mqtt: messages are now json objects Also, addition of a flag on receiving a new message * mqtt: make message private and add logic to synchronise * stepper: creates the stepper class * stepper: use the new class * stepper: uses the new logic * stepper: add the shutdown event * stepper: add shutdown method * main: add shutdown event * imager: graceful shutdown * stepper: nicer way of checking the Eevnt * self is a required first argument for a method in a class Especially if you use said class private members! * python: various typos and small errors in import * stepper: create mqtt client during init * stepper: instanciate the mqtt client inside run Otherwise it's not accessible from inside the loop. It's a PITA, more information at * stepper: little bugs and typos all around * mqtt: add shutdown method * mqtt: add connect in init * stepper: fix bugs, sanitize inputs * stepper: work on delay prediction improvements * stepper: json is mean, double quote are mandatory inside * mqtt: add details about message exchanged * imager: first implementation of json messages * main.json: add new tab for RPi management + json for payloads * imager: add state_machine class * stepper: publish last will * imager: major refactor * main: make streaming server process a daemon * mqtt: insert debug statement on close * main: reorder imports * imager: make it work! Reinsert the streaming server logic in there, because there is a problem with the synchronisation part otherwise. Also, eventually, StreamingOuput() will have to be made not global Final very critical learning: it's super duper important to make sure the memory split is at least 256Meg for the GPU. Chaos ensues otherwise * main: changes to accomodate the streamer/imager fusino * imager_state_machine: insert states transition description * stepper: cleanup of code * segmenter: creation of the class * python: include segmenter changes * remove unused files * stepper: check existence of hardware.json * main.json: changes to reflect the python script evolution * remove unecessary TODOs and add some others * main: add check for config and directories * imager: update_config is implemented and we have better management of directories now * segmenter: now work recursively in all folders * flow: the configuration is now sent via mqtt * segmenter: better manage pipeline error * segmenter: declaration of archive_fn in init * imager: small bugs and typos * main: add uniqueID output * imager: add the camera settings message We can now update the ISO, shutter speed and resolution from Node-Red * package.json: update dependencies
2020-09-28 11:05:27 +02:00
"passthru": false,
2020-11-25 16:58:32 +01:00
"label": "Update config",
Extraction and refactor of the python code from node-red flow The rationale for this rewrite is to improve the readability, the modularity, the reliability and the future-proofing of the main python script. All in all, this is now 124 commits that are going to be squashed and merged together, spanning more than two weeks of development and testing. Please test away this release and break things. An upgrading guide will be published in the coming days, along with a new image for people to use if they don't want to upgrade on their own. Read along if you want to know all the goodies! As a starter, the python script was extracted from the main flow, and now lives in its own files at `PlantonScope/scripts/*`. We set up the auto formatting of the code by using [Black]( This make the code clearer and uniform. We are using the default settings, so if you just install Black and set your editor to format on save using it, you should be good to go. The code is separated in four main processes, each with a specific set of responsibilities: - The main process controls all the others, starts everything up and cleans up on shutdown - The stepper process manages the stepper movements. It's now possible to have simultaneous movements of both motors (this closes #38 ). - The imager process controls the camera and the streaming server via a state machine. - The segmenter process manages the segmentation and its outputs. The segmentation happens recursively in all folders in `/home/pi/PlanktonScope/img/`. Each folder has its own output archive, and bug #26 is now closed. Those processes communicates together using MQTT and json messages. Each message is adressed to one topic. The high level topic controls which process receives the message. The details of each topic is at the end of this commit message. Every imaging sessions has now its own folder, under the `img` root. Metadata are saved individually for every session, in a JSON file in the same directory as the pictures. The configuration is not parsed from `config.json` anymore and passed directly through MQTT messages to the concerned process. A new configuration file has been created: `hardware.json`. This file contains information related to your specific hardware configuration. You can choose to reverse the connection of the motors for example, but you can also define specific speed limits and steps number for your pump and focus stage. This will make it easier for people who wants to experiment with different kind of hardware. It's not necessary to have this file though. If it doesn't exists, the default configuration will be applied. The code is architectured around 6 modules and about 10 classes. I encourage you to have a look at the files, they're pretty straightforward to understand. There is a lot of work left around the node-red code refactoring, dashboard ui improvements, better and clearer LED messages, OLED screen integration and finer control of the segmentation process, but this is quite good for now. Here is the topic lists for MQTT and the corresponding messages. - actuator : This topic adresses the stepper control thread No publication under this topic should happen from the python process - actuator/pump : Control of the pump The message is a json object {"action":"move", "direction":"FORWARD", "volume":10, "flowrate":1} to move 10mL forward at 1mL/min action can be "move" or "stop" Receive only - actuator/focus : Control of the focus stage The message is a json object, speed is optional {"action":"move", "direction":"UP", "distance":0.26, "speed":1} to move up 10mm action can be "move" or "stop" Receive only - imager/image : This topic adresses the imaging thread Is a json object with {"action":"image","sleep":5,"volume":1,"nb_frame":200} sleep in seconds, volume in mL Can also receive a config update message: {"action":"config","config":[...]} Can also receive a camera settings message: {"action":"settings","iso":100,"shutter_speed":40} Receive only - segmenter/segment : This topic adresses the segmenter process Is a json object with {"action":"segment"} Receive only - status : This topics sends feedback to Node-Red No publication or receive at this level - status/pump : State of the pump Is a json object with {"status":"Start", "time_left":25} Status is one of Started, Ready, Done, Interrupted Publish only - status/focus : State of the focus stage Is a json object with {"status":"Start", "time_left":25} Status is one of Started, Ready, Done, Interrupted Publish only - status/imager : State of the imager Is a json object with {"status":"Start", "time_left":25} Status is one of Started, Ready, Completed or 12_11_15_0.1.jpg has been imaged. Publish only - status/segmenter : Status of the segmentation - status/segmenter/name - status/segmenter/object_id - status/segmenter/metric Here is the original commit history: * Extract python from flow * Fix bug in server addresses These addresses should be the loopback device instead of the network address of the device. Using the loopback address will not necessitate to update the script when the network address changes. * clean up picamera import * changes to main python and flow: update MQTT requests address to localhost (bugfix) update streaming output address to nothing update main flow to remove python script references and location * Automatically initialise imaging led on startup to off state. * Add the ability to invert outputs of the motor We added a key to config.json "hardware_config" with a subkey "stepper_reverse". If this key is present in the config file and set to 1, the output of the motors are inversed (stepper2 becomes the pump motor and stepper1 the focus motor) * move all non main script to a subfolder * add to package * light module rewrite * json cleanup and absolute path for config file * forgot to import subprocess #oups * Add command to turn the leds off * Auto formatting of I've used Black with default settings, see * First commit of Pump parameters still needs to be checked and tuned. * addition of hardware details in config.json * Introduce hardware.json to replace the `hardware_config` of config.json * calibration, typos * creates the MQTT_Client class * pump_max_speed is now in ml/min to help readability * forgot to add self to the class def * addition of threading capabilities to (UNTESTED) * mqtt: fix topic bug * remove counter * mqtt add doc about topics * creates an "actuator/*/state" topic * rename mqtt_client to pump_client * add details about topics * rename pump_client to actuator_client * topic was not split properly and a part was lost * switch to f-strings for * cosmetic update * folder name will be planktoscope change calls * hardware.json became more straightforward * syntax bugs * addition of a received stop command * update to max travel distance * several typos here * rename folder * reword to reflect folder rename * remove logic that has been moved to and * update to add mqtt imaging client * make command and args local to class and output more verbose * make a class * instantiate stepper class and call it * name mqtt client * update to main.json to reflect changes * fix bugs around pump control * update flows to latest version from Thibault * distance can be a small value, and definitevely should be a float. * unify mqtt topics * unify mqtt output in the main flow * first logger implementation, uses loguru * mqtt: add reason to on_connect * mqtt: add on_disconnect handler * stepper: add more logger calls for debug mainly * main: add levels for logger * first move of the imager logic * imager: time import cleanup * imager: morphocut import cleanup * imager: skimage import cleanup * imager: finishing import cleanup * imager: Class creation - WIP Also provides a fix for #26 (see line 190). * imager: threading is needed for Condition() * streamer: get the streamer server its own file * imager: creates start_camera and get the server creation out * imager: subclass multiprocessing.Process * imager: get Pipeline creation its own function * imager: cleanup of self calls * main: code removal and corresponding calls to newly created classes * imager: various formatting changes * main: management of signal shutdown * add requirements.txt * mqtt: messages are now json objects Also, addition of a flag on receiving a new message * mqtt: make message private and add logic to synchronise * stepper: creates the stepper class * stepper: use the new class * stepper: uses the new logic * stepper: add the shutdown event * stepper: add shutdown method * main: add shutdown event * imager: graceful shutdown * stepper: nicer way of checking the Eevnt * self is a required first argument for a method in a class Especially if you use said class private members! * python: various typos and small errors in import * stepper: create mqtt client during init * stepper: instanciate the mqtt client inside run Otherwise it's not accessible from inside the loop. It's a PITA, more information at * stepper: little bugs and typos all around * mqtt: add shutdown method * mqtt: add connect in init * stepper: fix bugs, sanitize inputs * stepper: work on delay prediction improvements * stepper: json is mean, double quote are mandatory inside * mqtt: add details about message exchanged * imager: first implementation of json messages * main.json: add new tab for RPi management + json for payloads * imager: add state_machine class * stepper: publish last will * imager: major refactor * main: make streaming server process a daemon * mqtt: insert debug statement on close * main: reorder imports * imager: make it work! Reinsert the streaming server logic in there, because there is a problem with the synchronisation part otherwise. Also, eventually, StreamingOuput() will have to be made not global Final very critical learning: it's super duper important to make sure the memory split is at least 256Meg for the GPU. Chaos ensues otherwise * main: changes to accomodate the streamer/imager fusino * imager_state_machine: insert states transition description * stepper: cleanup of code * segmenter: creation of the class * python: include segmenter changes * remove unused files * stepper: check existence of hardware.json * main.json: changes to reflect the python script evolution * remove unecessary TODOs and add some others * main: add check for config and directories * imager: update_config is implemented and we have better management of directories now * segmenter: now work recursively in all folders * flow: the configuration is now sent via mqtt * segmenter: better manage pipeline error * segmenter: declaration of archive_fn in init * imager: small bugs and typos * main: add uniqueID output * imager: add the camera settings message We can now update the ISO, shutter speed and resolution from Node-Red * package.json: update dependencies
2020-09-28 11:05:27 +02:00
"tooltip": "",
"color": "",
2020-11-25 16:58:32 +01:00
"bgcolor": "",
"icon": "",
2020-11-24 17:25:15 +01:00
"payload": "",
"payloadType": "str",
2020-11-25 16:58:32 +01:00
"topic": "imager/image",
"x": 520,
"y": 540,
Extraction and refactor of the python code from node-red flow The rationale for this rewrite is to improve the readability, the modularity, the reliability and the future-proofing of the main python script. All in all, this is now 124 commits that are going to be squashed and merged together, spanning more than two weeks of development and testing. Please test away this release and break things. An upgrading guide will be published in the coming days, along with a new image for people to use if they don't want to upgrade on their own. Read along if you want to know all the goodies! As a starter, the python script was extracted from the main flow, and now lives in its own files at `PlantonScope/scripts/*`. We set up the auto formatting of the code by using [Black]( This make the code clearer and uniform. We are using the default settings, so if you just install Black and set your editor to format on save using it, you should be good to go. The code is separated in four main processes, each with a specific set of responsibilities: - The main process controls all the others, starts everything up and cleans up on shutdown - The stepper process manages the stepper movements. It's now possible to have simultaneous movements of both motors (this closes #38 ). - The imager process controls the camera and the streaming server via a state machine. - The segmenter process manages the segmentation and its outputs. The segmentation happens recursively in all folders in `/home/pi/PlanktonScope/img/`. Each folder has its own output archive, and bug #26 is now closed. Those processes communicates together using MQTT and json messages. Each message is adressed to one topic. The high level topic controls which process receives the message. The details of each topic is at the end of this commit message. Every imaging sessions has now its own folder, under the `img` root. Metadata are saved individually for every session, in a JSON file in the same directory as the pictures. The configuration is not parsed from `config.json` anymore and passed directly through MQTT messages to the concerned process. A new configuration file has been created: `hardware.json`. This file contains information related to your specific hardware configuration. You can choose to reverse the connection of the motors for example, but you can also define specific speed limits and steps number for your pump and focus stage. This will make it easier for people who wants to experiment with different kind of hardware. It's not necessary to have this file though. If it doesn't exists, the default configuration will be applied. The code is architectured around 6 modules and about 10 classes. I encourage you to have a look at the files, they're pretty straightforward to understand. There is a lot of work left around the node-red code refactoring, dashboard ui improvements, better and clearer LED messages, OLED screen integration and finer control of the segmentation process, but this is quite good for now. Here is the topic lists for MQTT and the corresponding messages. - actuator : This topic adresses the stepper control thread No publication under this topic should happen from the python process - actuator/pump : Control of the pump The message is a json object {"action":"move", "direction":"FORWARD", "volume":10, "flowrate":1} to move 10mL forward at 1mL/min action can be "move" or "stop" Receive only - actuator/focus : Control of the focus stage The message is a json object, speed is optional {"action":"move", "direction":"UP", "distance":0.26, "speed":1} to move up 10mm action can be "move" or "stop" Receive only - imager/image : This topic adresses the imaging thread Is a json object with {"action":"image","sleep":5,"volume":1,"nb_frame":200} sleep in seconds, volume in mL Can also receive a config update message: {"action":"config","config":[...]} Can also receive a camera settings message: {"action":"settings","iso":100,"shutter_speed":40} Receive only - segmenter/segment : This topic adresses the segmenter process Is a json object with {"action":"segment"} Receive only - status : This topics sends feedback to Node-Red No publication or receive at this level - status/pump : State of the pump Is a json object with {"status":"Start", "time_left":25} Status is one of Started, Ready, Done, Interrupted Publish only - status/focus : State of the focus stage Is a json object with {"status":"Start", "time_left":25} Status is one of Started, Ready, Done, Interrupted Publish only - status/imager : State of the imager Is a json object with {"status":"Start", "time_left":25} Status is one of Started, Ready, Completed or 12_11_15_0.1.jpg has been imaged. Publish only - status/segmenter : Status of the segmentation - status/segmenter/name - status/segmenter/object_id - status/segmenter/metric Here is the original commit history: * Extract python from flow * Fix bug in server addresses These addresses should be the loopback device instead of the network address of the device. Using the loopback address will not necessitate to update the script when the network address changes. * clean up picamera import * changes to main python and flow: update MQTT requests address to localhost (bugfix) update streaming output address to nothing update main flow to remove python script references and location * Automatically initialise imaging led on startup to off state. * Add the ability to invert outputs of the motor We added a key to config.json "hardware_config" with a subkey "stepper_reverse". If this key is present in the config file and set to 1, the output of the motors are inversed (stepper2 becomes the pump motor and stepper1 the focus motor) * move all non main script to a subfolder * add to package * light module rewrite * json cleanup and absolute path for config file * forgot to import subprocess #oups * Add command to turn the leds off * Auto formatting of I've used Black with default settings, see * First commit of Pump parameters still needs to be checked and tuned. * addition of hardware details in config.json * Introduce hardware.json to replace the `hardware_config` of config.json * calibration, typos * creates the MQTT_Client class * pump_max_speed is now in ml/min to help readability * forgot to add self to the class def * addition of threading capabilities to (UNTESTED) * mqtt: fix topic bug * remove counter * mqtt add doc about topics * creates an "actuator/*/state" topic * rename mqtt_client to pump_client * add details about topics * rename pump_client to actuator_client * topic was not split properly and a part was lost * switch to f-strings for * cosmetic update * folder name will be planktoscope change calls * hardware.json became more straightforward * syntax bugs * addition of a received stop command * update to max travel distance * several typos here * rename folder * reword to reflect folder rename * remove logic that has been moved to and * update to add mqtt imaging client * make command and args local to class and output more verbose * make a class * instantiate stepper class and call it * name mqtt client * update to main.json to reflect changes * fix bugs around pump control * update flows to latest version from Thibault * distance can be a small value, and definitevely should be a float. * unify mqtt topics * unify mqtt output in the main flow * first logger implementation, uses loguru * mqtt: add reason to on_connect * mqtt: add on_disconnect handler * stepper: add more logger calls for debug mainly * main: add levels for logger * first move of the imager logic * imager: time import cleanup * imager: morphocut import cleanup * imager: skimage import cleanup * imager: finishing import cleanup * imager: Class creation - WIP Also provides a fix for #26 (see line 190). * imager: threading is needed for Condition() * streamer: get the streamer server its own file * imager: creates start_camera and get the server creation out * imager: subclass multiprocessing.Process * imager: get Pipeline creation its own function * imager: cleanup of self calls * main: code removal and corresponding calls to newly created classes * imager: various formatting changes * main: management of signal shutdown * add requirements.txt * mqtt: messages are now json objects Also, addition of a flag on receiving a new message * mqtt: make message private and add logic to synchronise * stepper: creates the stepper class * stepper: use the new class * stepper: uses the new logic * stepper: add the shutdown event * stepper: add shutdown method * main: add shutdown event * imager: graceful shutdown * stepper: nicer way of checking the Eevnt * self is a required first argument for a method in a class Especially if you use said class private members! * python: various typos and small errors in import * stepper: create mqtt client during init * stepper: instanciate the mqtt client inside run Otherwise it's not accessible from inside the loop. It's a PITA, more information at * stepper: little bugs and typos all around * mqtt: add shutdown method * mqtt: add connect in init * stepper: fix bugs, sanitize inputs * stepper: work on delay prediction improvements * stepper: json is mean, double quote are mandatory inside * mqtt: add details about message exchanged * imager: first implementation of json messages * main.json: add new tab for RPi management + json for payloads * imager: add state_machine class * stepper: publish last will * imager: major refactor * main: make streaming server process a daemon * mqtt: insert debug statement on close * main: reorder imports * imager: make it work! Reinsert the streaming server logic in there, because there is a problem with the synchronisation part otherwise. Also, eventually, StreamingOuput() will have to be made not global Final very critical learning: it's super duper important to make sure the memory split is at least 256Meg for the GPU. Chaos ensues otherwise * main: changes to accomodate the streamer/imager fusino * imager_state_machine: insert states transition description * stepper: cleanup of code * segmenter: creation of the class * python: include segmenter changes * remove unused files * stepper: check existence of hardware.json * main.json: changes to reflect the python script evolution * remove unecessary TODOs and add some others * main: add check for config and directories * imager: update_config is implemented and we have better management of directories now * segmenter: now work recursively in all folders * flow: the configuration is now sent via mqtt * segmenter: better manage pipeline error * segmenter: declaration of archive_fn in init * imager: small bugs and typos * main: add uniqueID output * imager: add the camera settings message We can now update the ISO, shutter speed and resolution from Node-Red * package.json: update dependencies
2020-09-28 11:05:27 +02:00
"wires": [
2020-11-25 16:58:32 +01:00
2020-11-27 11:30:57 +01:00
2020-11-25 16:58:32 +01:00
"id": "452af41c.43940c",
"type": "python3-function",
"z": "1371dec5.76e671",
"name": "Get MachineName",
"func": "import sys\nsys.path.append('/home/pi/PlanktonScope/scripts')\nimport planktoscope.uuidName\n\nmsg['payload'] = planktoscope.uuidName.machineName(machine=planktoscope.uuidName.getSerial())\nmsg['topic'] = \"acq_instrument_id\";\nreturn msg",
"outputs": 1,
"x": 490,
"y": 760,
"wires": [
Extraction and refactor of the python code from node-red flow The rationale for this rewrite is to improve the readability, the modularity, the reliability and the future-proofing of the main python script. All in all, this is now 124 commits that are going to be squashed and merged together, spanning more than two weeks of development and testing. Please test away this release and break things. An upgrading guide will be published in the coming days, along with a new image for people to use if they don't want to upgrade on their own. Read along if you want to know all the goodies! As a starter, the python script was extracted from the main flow, and now lives in its own files at `PlantonScope/scripts/*`. We set up the auto formatting of the code by using [Black]( This make the code clearer and uniform. We are using the default settings, so if you just install Black and set your editor to format on save using it, you should be good to go. The code is separated in four main processes, each with a specific set of responsibilities: - The main process controls all the others, starts everything up and cleans up on shutdown - The stepper process manages the stepper movements. It's now possible to have simultaneous movements of both motors (this closes #38 ). - The imager process controls the camera and the streaming server via a state machine. - The segmenter process manages the segmentation and its outputs. The segmentation happens recursively in all folders in `/home/pi/PlanktonScope/img/`. Each folder has its own output archive, and bug #26 is now closed. Those processes communicates together using MQTT and json messages. Each message is adressed to one topic. The high level topic controls which process receives the message. The details of each topic is at the end of this commit message. Every imaging sessions has now its own folder, under the `img` root. Metadata are saved individually for every session, in a JSON file in the same directory as the pictures. The configuration is not parsed from `config.json` anymore and passed directly through MQTT messages to the concerned process. A new configuration file has been created: `hardware.json`. This file contains information related to your specific hardware configuration. You can choose to reverse the connection of the motors for example, but you can also define specific speed limits and steps number for your pump and focus stage. This will make it easier for people who wants to experiment with different kind of hardware. It's not necessary to have this file though. If it doesn't exists, the default configuration will be applied. The code is architectured around 6 modules and about 10 classes. I encourage you to have a look at the files, they're pretty straightforward to understand. There is a lot of work left around the node-red code refactoring, dashboard ui improvements, better and clearer LED messages, OLED screen integration and finer control of the segmentation process, but this is quite good for now. Here is the topic lists for MQTT and the corresponding messages. - actuator : This topic adresses the stepper control thread No publication under this topic should happen from the python process - actuator/pump : Control of the pump The message is a json object {"action":"move", "direction":"FORWARD", "volume":10, "flowrate":1} to move 10mL forward at 1mL/min action can be "move" or "stop" Receive only - actuator/focus : Control of the focus stage The message is a json object, speed is optional {"action":"move", "direction":"UP", "distance":0.26, "speed":1} to move up 10mm action can be "move" or "stop" Receive only - imager/image : This topic adresses the imaging thread Is a json object with {"action":"image","sleep":5,"volume":1,"nb_frame":200} sleep in seconds, volume in mL Can also receive a config update message: {"action":"config","config":[...]} Can also receive a camera settings message: {"action":"settings","iso":100,"shutter_speed":40} Receive only - segmenter/segment : This topic adresses the segmenter process Is a json object with {"action":"segment"} Receive only - status : This topics sends feedback to Node-Red No publication or receive at this level - status/pump : State of the pump Is a json object with {"status":"Start", "time_left":25} Status is one of Started, Ready, Done, Interrupted Publish only - status/focus : State of the focus stage Is a json object with {"status":"Start", "time_left":25} Status is one of Started, Ready, Done, Interrupted Publish only - status/imager : State of the imager Is a json object with {"status":"Start", "time_left":25} Status is one of Started, Ready, Completed or 12_11_15_0.1.jpg has been imaged. Publish only - status/segmenter : Status of the segmentation - status/segmenter/name - status/segmenter/object_id - status/segmenter/metric Here is the original commit history: * Extract python from flow * Fix bug in server addresses These addresses should be the loopback device instead of the network address of the device. Using the loopback address will not necessitate to update the script when the network address changes. * clean up picamera import * changes to main python and flow: update MQTT requests address to localhost (bugfix) update streaming output address to nothing update main flow to remove python script references and location * Automatically initialise imaging led on startup to off state. * Add the ability to invert outputs of the motor We added a key to config.json "hardware_config" with a subkey "stepper_reverse". If this key is present in the config file and set to 1, the output of the motors are inversed (stepper2 becomes the pump motor and stepper1 the focus motor) * move all non main script to a subfolder * add to package * light module rewrite * json cleanup and absolute path for config file * forgot to import subprocess #oups * Add command to turn the leds off * Auto formatting of I've used Black with default settings, see * First commit of Pump parameters still needs to be checked and tuned. * addition of hardware details in config.json * Introduce hardware.json to replace the `hardware_config` of config.json * calibration, typos * creates the MQTT_Client class * pump_max_speed is now in ml/min to help readability * forgot to add self to the class def * addition of threading capabilities to (UNTESTED) * mqtt: fix topic bug * remove counter * mqtt add doc about topics * creates an "actuator/*/state" topic * rename mqtt_client to pump_client * add details about topics * rename pump_client to actuator_client * topic was not split properly and a part was lost * switch to f-strings for * cosmetic update * folder name will be planktoscope change calls * hardware.json became more straightforward * syntax bugs * addition of a received stop command * update to max travel distance * several typos here * rename folder * reword to reflect folder rename * remove logic that has been moved to and * update to add mqtt imaging client * make command and args local to class and output more verbose * make a class * instantiate stepper class and call it * name mqtt client * update to main.json to reflect changes * fix bugs around pump control * update flows to latest version from Thibault * distance can be a small value, and definitevely should be a float. * unify mqtt topics * unify mqtt output in the main flow * first logger implementation, uses loguru * mqtt: add reason to on_connect * mqtt: add on_disconnect handler * stepper: add more logger calls for debug mainly * main: add levels for logger * first move of the imager logic * imager: time import cleanup * imager: morphocut import cleanup * imager: skimage import cleanup * imager: finishing import cleanup * imager: Class creation - WIP Also provides a fix for #26 (see line 190). * imager: threading is needed for Condition() * streamer: get the streamer server its own file * imager: creates start_camera and get the server creation out * imager: subclass multiprocessing.Process * imager: get Pipeline creation its own function * imager: cleanup of self calls * main: code removal and corresponding calls to newly created classes * imager: various formatting changes * main: management of signal shutdown * add requirements.txt * mqtt: messages are now json objects Also, addition of a flag on receiving a new message * mqtt: make message private and add logic to synchronise * stepper: creates the stepper class * stepper: use the new class * stepper: uses the new logic * stepper: add the shutdown event * stepper: add shutdown method * main: add shutdown event * imager: graceful shutdown * stepper: nicer way of checking the Eevnt * self is a required first argument for a method in a class Especially if you use said class private members! * python: various typos and small errors in import * stepper: create mqtt client during init * stepper: instanciate the mqtt client inside run Otherwise it's not accessible from inside the loop. It's a PITA, more information at * stepper: little bugs and typos all around * mqtt: add shutdown method * mqtt: add connect in init * stepper: fix bugs, sanitize inputs * stepper: work on delay prediction improvements * stepper: json is mean, double quote are mandatory inside * mqtt: add details about message exchanged * imager: first implementation of json messages * main.json: add new tab for RPi management + json for payloads * imager: add state_machine class * stepper: publish last will * imager: major refactor * main: make streaming server process a daemon * mqtt: insert debug statement on close * main: reorder imports * imager: make it work! Reinsert the streaming server logic in there, because there is a problem with the synchronisation part otherwise. Also, eventually, StreamingOuput() will have to be made not global Final very critical learning: it's super duper important to make sure the memory split is at least 256Meg for the GPU. Chaos ensues otherwise * main: changes to accomodate the streamer/imager fusino * imager_state_machine: insert states transition description * stepper: cleanup of code * segmenter: creation of the class * python: include segmenter changes * remove unused files * stepper: check existence of hardware.json * main.json: changes to reflect the python script evolution * remove unecessary TODOs and add some others * main: add check for config and directories * imager: update_config is implemented and we have better management of directories now * segmenter: now work recursively in all folders * flow: the configuration is now sent via mqtt * segmenter: better manage pipeline error * segmenter: declaration of archive_fn in init * imager: small bugs and typos * main: add uniqueID output * imager: add the camera settings message We can now update the ISO, shutter speed and resolution from Node-Red * package.json: update dependencies
2020-09-28 11:05:27 +02:00
2020-11-25 16:58:32 +01:00
"id": "4828d2f4.7c712c",
2020-11-24 17:25:15 +01:00
"type": "function",
"z": "1371dec5.76e671",
2020-11-25 16:58:32 +01:00
"name": "set global",
2020-11-27 11:30:57 +01:00
"func": "global.set(msg.topic,msg.payload);\n",
2020-11-24 17:25:15 +01:00
"outputs": 1,
"noerr": 0,
"initialize": "",
"finalize": "",
2020-11-25 16:58:32 +01:00
"x": 780,
"y": 800,
Extraction and refactor of the python code from node-red flow The rationale for this rewrite is to improve the readability, the modularity, the reliability and the future-proofing of the main python script. All in all, this is now 124 commits that are going to be squashed and merged together, spanning more than two weeks of development and testing. Please test away this release and break things. An upgrading guide will be published in the coming days, along with a new image for people to use if they don't want to upgrade on their own. Read along if you want to know all the goodies! As a starter, the python script was extracted from the main flow, and now lives in its own files at `PlantonScope/scripts/*`. We set up the auto formatting of the code by using [Black]( This make the code clearer and uniform. We are using the default settings, so if you just install Black and set your editor to format on save using it, you should be good to go. The code is separated in four main processes, each with a specific set of responsibilities: - The main process controls all the others, starts everything up and cleans up on shutdown - The stepper process manages the stepper movements. It's now possible to have simultaneous movements of both motors (this closes #38 ). - The imager process controls the camera and the streaming server via a state machine. - The segmenter process manages the segmentation and its outputs. The segmentation happens recursively in all folders in `/home/pi/PlanktonScope/img/`. Each folder has its own output archive, and bug #26 is now closed. Those processes communicates together using MQTT and json messages. Each message is adressed to one topic. The high level topic controls which process receives the message. The details of each topic is at the end of this commit message. Every imaging sessions has now its own folder, under the `img` root. Metadata are saved individually for every session, in a JSON file in the same directory as the pictures. The configuration is not parsed from `config.json` anymore and passed directly through MQTT messages to the concerned process. A new configuration file has been created: `hardware.json`. This file contains information related to your specific hardware configuration. You can choose to reverse the connection of the motors for example, but you can also define specific speed limits and steps number for your pump and focus stage. This will make it easier for people who wants to experiment with different kind of hardware. It's not necessary to have this file though. If it doesn't exists, the default configuration will be applied. The code is architectured around 6 modules and about 10 classes. I encourage you to have a look at the files, they're pretty straightforward to understand. There is a lot of work left around the node-red code refactoring, dashboard ui improvements, better and clearer LED messages, OLED screen integration and finer control of the segmentation process, but this is quite good for now. Here is the topic lists for MQTT and the corresponding messages. - actuator : This topic adresses the stepper control thread No publication under this topic should happen from the python process - actuator/pump : Control of the pump The message is a json object {"action":"move", "direction":"FORWARD", "volume":10, "flowrate":1} to move 10mL forward at 1mL/min action can be "move" or "stop" Receive only - actuator/focus : Control of the focus stage The message is a json object, speed is optional {"action":"move", "direction":"UP", "distance":0.26, "speed":1} to move up 10mm action can be "move" or "stop" Receive only - imager/image : This topic adresses the imaging thread Is a json object with {"action":"image","sleep":5,"volume":1,"nb_frame":200} sleep in seconds, volume in mL Can also receive a config update message: {"action":"config","config":[...]} Can also receive a camera settings message: {"action":"settings","iso":100,"shutter_speed":40} Receive only - segmenter/segment : This topic adresses the segmenter process Is a json object with {"action":"segment"} Receive only - status : This topics sends feedback to Node-Red No publication or receive at this level - status/pump : State of the pump Is a json object with {"status":"Start", "time_left":25} Status is one of Started, Ready, Done, Interrupted Publish only - status/focus : State of the focus stage Is a json object with {"status":"Start", "time_left":25} Status is one of Started, Ready, Done, Interrupted Publish only - status/imager : State of the imager Is a json object with {"status":"Start", "time_left":25} Status is one of Started, Ready, Completed or 12_11_15_0.1.jpg has been imaged. Publish only - status/segmenter : Status of the segmentation - status/segmenter/name - status/segmenter/object_id - status/segmenter/metric Here is the original commit history: * Extract python from flow * Fix bug in server addresses These addresses should be the loopback device instead of the network address of the device. Using the loopback address will not necessitate to update the script when the network address changes. * clean up picamera import * changes to main python and flow: update MQTT requests address to localhost (bugfix) update streaming output address to nothing update main flow to remove python script references and location * Automatically initialise imaging led on startup to off state. * Add the ability to invert outputs of the motor We added a key to config.json "hardware_config" with a subkey "stepper_reverse". If this key is present in the config file and set to 1, the output of the motors are inversed (stepper2 becomes the pump motor and stepper1 the focus motor) * move all non main script to a subfolder * add to package * light module rewrite * json cleanup and absolute path for config file * forgot to import subprocess #oups * Add command to turn the leds off * Auto formatting of I've used Black with default settings, see * First commit of Pump parameters still needs to be checked and tuned. * addition of hardware details in config.json * Introduce hardware.json to replace the `hardware_config` of config.json * calibration, typos * creates the MQTT_Client class * pump_max_speed is now in ml/min to help readability * forgot to add self to the class def * addition of threading capabilities to (UNTESTED) * mqtt: fix topic bug * remove counter * mqtt add doc about topics * creates an "actuator/*/state" topic * rename mqtt_client to pump_client * add details about topics * rename pump_client to actuator_client * topic was not split properly and a part was lost * switch to f-strings for * cosmetic update * folder name will be planktoscope change calls * hardware.json became more straightforward * syntax bugs * addition of a received stop command * update to max travel distance * several typos here * rename folder * reword to reflect folder rename * remove logic that has been moved to and * update to add mqtt imaging client * make command and args local to class and output more verbose * make a class * instantiate stepper class and call it * name mqtt client * update to main.json to reflect changes * fix bugs around pump control * update flows to latest version from Thibault * distance can be a small value, and definitevely should be a float. * unify mqtt topics * unify mqtt output in the main flow * first logger implementation, uses loguru * mqtt: add reason to on_connect * mqtt: add on_disconnect handler * stepper: add more logger calls for debug mainly * main: add levels for logger * first move of the imager logic * imager: time import cleanup * imager: morphocut import cleanup * imager: skimage import cleanup * imager: finishing import cleanup * imager: Class creation - WIP Also provides a fix for #26 (see line 190). * imager: threading is needed for Condition() * streamer: get the streamer server its own file * imager: creates start_camera and get the server creation out * imager: subclass multiprocessing.Process * imager: get Pipeline creation its own function * imager: cleanup of self calls * main: code removal and corresponding calls to newly created classes * imager: various formatting changes * main: management of signal shutdown * add requirements.txt * mqtt: messages are now json objects Also, addition of a flag on receiving a new message * mqtt: make message private and add logic to synchronise * stepper: creates the stepper class * stepper: use the new class * stepper: uses the new logic * stepper: add the shutdown event * stepper: add shutdown method * main: add shutdown event * imager: graceful shutdown * stepper: nicer way of checking the Eevnt * self is a required first argument for a method in a class Especially if you use said class private members! * python: various typos and small errors in import * stepper: create mqtt client during init * stepper: instanciate the mqtt client inside run Otherwise it's not accessible from inside the loop. It's a PITA, more information at * stepper: little bugs and typos all around * mqtt: add shutdown method * mqtt: add connect in init * stepper: fix bugs, sanitize inputs * stepper: work on delay prediction improvements * stepper: json is mean, double quote are mandatory inside * mqtt: add details about message exchanged * imager: first implementation of json messages * main.json: add new tab for RPi management + json for payloads * imager: add state_machine class * stepper: publish last will * imager: major refactor * main: make streaming server process a daemon * mqtt: insert debug statement on close * main: reorder imports * imager: make it work! Reinsert the streaming server logic in there, because there is a problem with the synchronisation part otherwise. Also, eventually, StreamingOuput() will have to be made not global Final very critical learning: it's super duper important to make sure the memory split is at least 256Meg for the GPU. Chaos ensues otherwise * main: changes to accomodate the streamer/imager fusino * imager_state_machine: insert states transition description * stepper: cleanup of code * segmenter: creation of the class * python: include segmenter changes * remove unused files * stepper: check existence of hardware.json * main.json: changes to reflect the python script evolution * remove unecessary TODOs and add some others * main: add check for config and directories * imager: update_config is implemented and we have better management of directories now * segmenter: now work recursively in all folders * flow: the configuration is now sent via mqtt * segmenter: better manage pipeline error * segmenter: declaration of archive_fn in init * imager: small bugs and typos * main: add uniqueID output * imager: add the camera settings message We can now update the ISO, shutter speed and resolution from Node-Red * package.json: update dependencies
2020-09-28 11:05:27 +02:00
"wires": [
2020-11-25 16:58:32 +01:00
Extraction and refactor of the python code from node-red flow The rationale for this rewrite is to improve the readability, the modularity, the reliability and the future-proofing of the main python script. All in all, this is now 124 commits that are going to be squashed and merged together, spanning more than two weeks of development and testing. Please test away this release and break things. An upgrading guide will be published in the coming days, along with a new image for people to use if they don't want to upgrade on their own. Read along if you want to know all the goodies! As a starter, the python script was extracted from the main flow, and now lives in its own files at `PlantonScope/scripts/*`. We set up the auto formatting of the code by using [Black]( This make the code clearer and uniform. We are using the default settings, so if you just install Black and set your editor to format on save using it, you should be good to go. The code is separated in four main processes, each with a specific set of responsibilities: - The main process controls all the others, starts everything up and cleans up on shutdown - The stepper process manages the stepper movements. It's now possible to have simultaneous movements of both motors (this closes #38 ). - The imager process controls the camera and the streaming server via a state machine. - The segmenter process manages the segmentation and its outputs. The segmentation happens recursively in all folders in `/home/pi/PlanktonScope/img/`. Each folder has its own output archive, and bug #26 is now closed. Those processes communicates together using MQTT and json messages. Each message is adressed to one topic. The high level topic controls which process receives the message. The details of each topic is at the end of this commit message. Every imaging sessions has now its own folder, under the `img` root. Metadata are saved individually for every session, in a JSON file in the same directory as the pictures. The configuration is not parsed from `config.json` anymore and passed directly through MQTT messages to the concerned process. A new configuration file has been created: `hardware.json`. This file contains information related to your specific hardware configuration. You can choose to reverse the connection of the motors for example, but you can also define specific speed limits and steps number for your pump and focus stage. This will make it easier for people who wants to experiment with different kind of hardware. It's not necessary to have this file though. If it doesn't exists, the default configuration will be applied. The code is architectured around 6 modules and about 10 classes. I encourage you to have a look at the files, they're pretty straightforward to understand. There is a lot of work left around the node-red code refactoring, dashboard ui improvements, better and clearer LED messages, OLED screen integration and finer control of the segmentation process, but this is quite good for now. Here is the topic lists for MQTT and the corresponding messages. - actuator : This topic adresses the stepper control thread No publication under this topic should happen from the python process - actuator/pump : Control of the pump The message is a json object {"action":"move", "direction":"FORWARD", "volume":10, "flowrate":1} to move 10mL forward at 1mL/min action can be "move" or "stop" Receive only - actuator/focus : Control of the focus stage The message is a json object, speed is optional {"action":"move", "direction":"UP", "distance":0.26, "speed":1} to move up 10mm action can be "move" or "stop" Receive only - imager/image : This topic adresses the imaging thread Is a json object with {"action":"image","sleep":5,"volume":1,"nb_frame":200} sleep in seconds, volume in mL Can also receive a config update message: {"action":"config","config":[...]} Can also receive a camera settings message: {"action":"settings","iso":100,"shutter_speed":40} Receive only - segmenter/segment : This topic adresses the segmenter process Is a json object with {"action":"segment"} Receive only - status : This topics sends feedback to Node-Red No publication or receive at this level - status/pump : State of the pump Is a json object with {"status":"Start", "time_left":25} Status is one of Started, Ready, Done, Interrupted Publish only - status/focus : State of the focus stage Is a json object with {"status":"Start", "time_left":25} Status is one of Started, Ready, Done, Interrupted Publish only - status/imager : State of the imager Is a json object with {"status":"Start", "time_left":25} Status is one of Started, Ready, Completed or 12_11_15_0.1.jpg has been imaged. Publish only - status/segmenter : Status of the segmentation - status/segmenter/name - status/segmenter/object_id - status/segmenter/metric Here is the original commit history: * Extract python from flow * Fix bug in server addresses These addresses should be the loopback device instead of the network address of the device. Using the loopback address will not necessitate to update the script when the network address changes. * clean up picamera import * changes to main python and flow: update MQTT requests address to localhost (bugfix) update streaming output address to nothing update main flow to remove python script references and location * Automatically initialise imaging led on startup to off state. * Add the ability to invert outputs of the motor We added a key to config.json "hardware_config" with a subkey "stepper_reverse". If this key is present in the config file and set to 1, the output of the motors are inversed (stepper2 becomes the pump motor and stepper1 the focus motor) * move all non main script to a subfolder * add to package * light module rewrite * json cleanup and absolute path for config file * forgot to import subprocess #oups * Add command to turn the leds off * Auto formatting of I've used Black with default settings, see * First commit of Pump parameters still needs to be checked and tuned. * addition of hardware details in config.json * Introduce hardware.json to replace the `hardware_config` of config.json * calibration, typos * creates the MQTT_Client class * pump_max_speed is now in ml/min to help readability * forgot to add self to the class def * addition of threading capabilities to (UNTESTED) * mqtt: fix topic bug * remove counter * mqtt add doc about topics * creates an "actuator/*/state" topic * rename mqtt_client to pump_client * add details about topics * rename pump_client to actuator_client * topic was not split properly and a part was lost * switch to f-strings for * cosmetic update * folder name will be planktoscope change calls * hardware.json became more straightforward * syntax bugs * addition of a received stop command * update to max travel distance * several typos here * rename folder * reword to reflect folder rename * remove logic that has been moved to and * update to add mqtt imaging client * make command and args local to class and output more verbose * make a class * instantiate stepper class and call it * name mqtt client * update to main.json to reflect changes * fix bugs around pump control * update flows to latest version from Thibault * distance can be a small value, and definitevely should be a float. * unify mqtt topics * unify mqtt output in the main flow * first logger implementation, uses loguru * mqtt: add reason to on_connect * mqtt: add on_disconnect handler * stepper: add more logger calls for debug mainly * main: add levels for logger * first move of the imager logic * imager: time import cleanup * imager: morphocut import cleanup * imager: skimage import cleanup * imager: finishing import cleanup * imager: Class creation - WIP Also provides a fix for #26 (see line 190). * imager: threading is needed for Condition() * streamer: get the streamer server its own file * imager: creates start_camera and get the server creation out * imager: subclass multiprocessing.Process * imager: get Pipeline creation its own function * imager: cleanup of self calls * main: code removal and corresponding calls to newly created classes * imager: various formatting changes * main: management of signal shutdown * add requirements.txt * mqtt: messages are now json objects Also, addition of a flag on receiving a new message * mqtt: make message private and add logic to synchronise * stepper: creates the stepper class * stepper: use the new class * stepper: uses the new logic * stepper: add the shutdown event * stepper: add shutdown method * main: add shutdown event * imager: graceful shutdown * stepper: nicer way of checking the Eevnt * self is a required first argument for a method in a class Especially if you use said class private members! * python: various typos and small errors in import * stepper: create mqtt client during init * stepper: instanciate the mqtt client inside run Otherwise it's not accessible from inside the loop. It's a PITA, more information at * stepper: little bugs and typos all around * mqtt: add shutdown method * mqtt: add connect in init * stepper: fix bugs, sanitize inputs * stepper: work on delay prediction improvements * stepper: json is mean, double quote are mandatory inside * mqtt: add details about message exchanged * imager: first implementation of json messages * main.json: add new tab for RPi management + json for payloads * imager: add state_machine class * stepper: publish last will * imager: major refactor * main: make streaming server process a daemon * mqtt: insert debug statement on close * main: reorder imports * imager: make it work! Reinsert the streaming server logic in there, because there is a problem with the synchronisation part otherwise. Also, eventually, StreamingOuput() will have to be made not global Final very critical learning: it's super duper important to make sure the memory split is at least 256Meg for the GPU. Chaos ensues otherwise * main: changes to accomodate the streamer/imager fusino * imager_state_machine: insert states transition description * stepper: cleanup of code * segmenter: creation of the class * python: include segmenter changes * remove unused files * stepper: check existence of hardware.json * main.json: changes to reflect the python script evolution * remove unecessary TODOs and add some others * main: add check for config and directories * imager: update_config is implemented and we have better management of directories now * segmenter: now work recursively in all folders * flow: the configuration is now sent via mqtt * segmenter: better manage pipeline error * segmenter: declaration of archive_fn in init * imager: small bugs and typos * main: add uniqueID output * imager: add the camera settings message We can now update the ISO, shutter speed and resolution from Node-Red * package.json: update dependencies
2020-09-28 11:05:27 +02:00
2020-11-25 16:58:32 +01:00
"id": "2200e2ae.0d183e",
"type": "rpi-gpio out",
2020-11-24 17:25:15 +01:00
"z": "1371dec5.76e671",
2020-11-25 16:58:32 +01:00
"name": "Pump Enable",
"pin": "7",
"set": true,
"level": "1",
"freq": "",
"out": "out",
"x": 470,
"y": 600,
Extraction and refactor of the python code from node-red flow The rationale for this rewrite is to improve the readability, the modularity, the reliability and the future-proofing of the main python script. All in all, this is now 124 commits that are going to be squashed and merged together, spanning more than two weeks of development and testing. Please test away this release and break things. An upgrading guide will be published in the coming days, along with a new image for people to use if they don't want to upgrade on their own. Read along if you want to know all the goodies! As a starter, the python script was extracted from the main flow, and now lives in its own files at `PlantonScope/scripts/*`. We set up the auto formatting of the code by using [Black]( This make the code clearer and uniform. We are using the default settings, so if you just install Black and set your editor to format on save using it, you should be good to go. The code is separated in four main processes, each with a specific set of responsibilities: - The main process controls all the others, starts everything up and cleans up on shutdown - The stepper process manages the stepper movements. It's now possible to have simultaneous movements of both motors (this closes #38 ). - The imager process controls the camera and the streaming server via a state machine. - The segmenter process manages the segmentation and its outputs. The segmentation happens recursively in all folders in `/home/pi/PlanktonScope/img/`. Each folder has its own output archive, and bug #26 is now closed. Those processes communicates together using MQTT and json messages. Each message is adressed to one topic. The high level topic controls which process receives the message. The details of each topic is at the end of this commit message. Every imaging sessions has now its own folder, under the `img` root. Metadata are saved individually for every session, in a JSON file in the same directory as the pictures. The configuration is not parsed from `config.json` anymore and passed directly through MQTT messages to the concerned process. A new configuration file has been created: `hardware.json`. This file contains information related to your specific hardware configuration. You can choose to reverse the connection of the motors for example, but you can also define specific speed limits and steps number for your pump and focus stage. This will make it easier for people who wants to experiment with different kind of hardware. It's not necessary to have this file though. If it doesn't exists, the default configuration will be applied. The code is architectured around 6 modules and about 10 classes. I encourage you to have a look at the files, they're pretty straightforward to understand. There is a lot of work left around the node-red code refactoring, dashboard ui improvements, better and clearer LED messages, OLED screen integration and finer control of the segmentation process, but this is quite good for now. Here is the topic lists for MQTT and the corresponding messages. - actuator : This topic adresses the stepper control thread No publication under this topic should happen from the python process - actuator/pump : Control of the pump The message is a json object {"action":"move", "direction":"FORWARD", "volume":10, "flowrate":1} to move 10mL forward at 1mL/min action can be "move" or "stop" Receive only - actuator/focus : Control of the focus stage The message is a json object, speed is optional {"action":"move", "direction":"UP", "distance":0.26, "speed":1} to move up 10mm action can be "move" or "stop" Receive only - imager/image : This topic adresses the imaging thread Is a json object with {"action":"image","sleep":5,"volume":1,"nb_frame":200} sleep in seconds, volume in mL Can also receive a config update message: {"action":"config","config":[...]} Can also receive a camera settings message: {"action":"settings","iso":100,"shutter_speed":40} Receive only - segmenter/segment : This topic adresses the segmenter process Is a json object with {"action":"segment"} Receive only - status : This topics sends feedback to Node-Red No publication or receive at this level - status/pump : State of the pump Is a json object with {"status":"Start", "time_left":25} Status is one of Started, Ready, Done, Interrupted Publish only - status/focus : State of the focus stage Is a json object with {"status":"Start", "time_left":25} Status is one of Started, Ready, Done, Interrupted Publish only - status/imager : State of the imager Is a json object with {"status":"Start", "time_left":25} Status is one of Started, Ready, Completed or 12_11_15_0.1.jpg has been imaged. Publish only - status/segmenter : Status of the segmentation - status/segmenter/name - status/segmenter/object_id - status/segmenter/metric Here is the original commit history: * Extract python from flow * Fix bug in server addresses These addresses should be the loopback device instead of the network address of the device. Using the loopback address will not necessitate to update the script when the network address changes. * clean up picamera import * changes to main python and flow: update MQTT requests address to localhost (bugfix) update streaming output address to nothing update main flow to remove python script references and location * Automatically initialise imaging led on startup to off state. * Add the ability to invert outputs of the motor We added a key to config.json "hardware_config" with a subkey "stepper_reverse". If this key is present in the config file and set to 1, the output of the motors are inversed (stepper2 becomes the pump motor and stepper1 the focus motor) * move all non main script to a subfolder * add to package * light module rewrite * json cleanup and absolute path for config file * forgot to import subprocess #oups * Add command to turn the leds off * Auto formatting of I've used Black with default settings, see * First commit of Pump parameters still needs to be checked and tuned. * addition of hardware details in config.json * Introduce hardware.json to replace the `hardware_config` of config.json * calibration, typos * creates the MQTT_Client class * pump_max_speed is now in ml/min to help readability * forgot to add self to the class def * addition of threading capabilities to (UNTESTED) * mqtt: fix topic bug * remove counter * mqtt add doc about topics * creates an "actuator/*/state" topic * rename mqtt_client to pump_client * add details about topics * rename pump_client to actuator_client * topic was not split properly and a part was lost * switch to f-strings for * cosmetic update * folder name will be planktoscope change calls * hardware.json became more straightforward * syntax bugs * addition of a received stop command * update to max travel distance * several typos here * rename folder * reword to reflect folder rename * remove logic that has been moved to and * update to add mqtt imaging client * make command and args local to class and output more verbose * make a class * instantiate stepper class and call it * name mqtt client * update to main.json to reflect changes * fix bugs around pump control * update flows to latest version from Thibault * distance can be a small value, and definitevely should be a float. * unify mqtt topics * unify mqtt output in the main flow * first logger implementation, uses loguru * mqtt: add reason to on_connect * mqtt: add on_disconnect handler * stepper: add more logger calls for debug mainly * main: add levels for logger * first move of the imager logic * imager: time import cleanup * imager: morphocut import cleanup * imager: skimage import cleanup * imager: finishing import cleanup * imager: Class creation - WIP Also provides a fix for #26 (see line 190). * imager: threading is needed for Condition() * streamer: get the streamer server its own file * imager: creates start_camera and get the server creation out * imager: subclass multiprocessing.Process * imager: get Pipeline creation its own function * imager: cleanup of self calls * main: code removal and corresponding calls to newly created classes * imager: various formatting changes * main: management of signal shutdown * add requirements.txt * mqtt: messages are now json objects Also, addition of a flag on receiving a new message * mqtt: make message private and add logic to synchronise * stepper: creates the stepper class * stepper: use the new class * stepper: uses the new logic * stepper: add the shutdown event * stepper: add shutdown method * main: add shutdown event * imager: graceful shutdown * stepper: nicer way of checking the Eevnt * self is a required first argument for a method in a class Especially if you use said class private members! * python: various typos and small errors in import * stepper: create mqtt client during init * stepper: instanciate the mqtt client inside run Otherwise it's not accessible from inside the loop. It's a PITA, more information at * stepper: little bugs and typos all around * mqtt: add shutdown method * mqtt: add connect in init * stepper: fix bugs, sanitize inputs * stepper: work on delay prediction improvements * stepper: json is mean, double quote are mandatory inside * mqtt: add details about message exchanged * imager: first implementation of json messages * main.json: add new tab for RPi management + json for payloads * imager: add state_machine class * stepper: publish last will * imager: major refactor * main: make streaming server process a daemon * mqtt: insert debug statement on close * main: reorder imports * imager: make it work! Reinsert the streaming server logic in there, because there is a problem with the synchronisation part otherwise. Also, eventually, StreamingOuput() will have to be made not global Final very critical learning: it's super duper important to make sure the memory split is at least 256Meg for the GPU. Chaos ensues otherwise * main: changes to accomodate the streamer/imager fusino * imager_state_machine: insert states transition description * stepper: cleanup of code * segmenter: creation of the class * python: include segmenter changes * remove unused files * stepper: check existence of hardware.json * main.json: changes to reflect the python script evolution * remove unecessary TODOs and add some others * main: add check for config and directories * imager: update_config is implemented and we have better management of directories now * segmenter: now work recursively in all folders * flow: the configuration is now sent via mqtt * segmenter: better manage pipeline error * segmenter: declaration of archive_fn in init * imager: small bugs and typos * main: add uniqueID output * imager: add the camera settings message We can now update the ISO, shutter speed and resolution from Node-Red * package.json: update dependencies
2020-09-28 11:05:27 +02:00
"wires": []
2020-11-25 16:58:32 +01:00
"id": "592c4dac.b8a9dc",
"type": "rpi-gpio out",
2020-11-24 17:25:15 +01:00
"z": "1371dec5.76e671",
2020-11-25 16:58:32 +01:00
"name": "Focus Enable",
"pin": "32",
"set": true,
"level": "1",
"freq": "",
"out": "out",
"x": 480,
"y": 640,
"wires": []
"id": "d027a6bf.7049e8",
"type": "function",
"z": "b771c342.49603",
"name": "get sample_projet",
"func": "msg.payload = msg.payload.sample_project;\nreturn msg;",
"outputs": 1,
"noerr": 0,
"initialize": "",
"finalize": "",
"x": 350,
"y": 300,
2020-11-24 17:25:15 +01:00
"wires": [
2020-11-25 16:58:32 +01:00
2020-11-24 17:25:15 +01:00
Extraction and refactor of the python code from node-red flow The rationale for this rewrite is to improve the readability, the modularity, the reliability and the future-proofing of the main python script. All in all, this is now 124 commits that are going to be squashed and merged together, spanning more than two weeks of development and testing. Please test away this release and break things. An upgrading guide will be published in the coming days, along with a new image for people to use if they don't want to upgrade on their own. Read along if you want to know all the goodies! As a starter, the python script was extracted from the main flow, and now lives in its own files at `PlantonScope/scripts/*`. We set up the auto formatting of the code by using [Black]( This make the code clearer and uniform. We are using the default settings, so if you just install Black and set your editor to format on save using it, you should be good to go. The code is separated in four main processes, each with a specific set of responsibilities: - The main process controls all the others, starts everything up and cleans up on shutdown - The stepper process manages the stepper movements. It's now possible to have simultaneous movements of both motors (this closes #38 ). - The imager process controls the camera and the streaming server via a state machine. - The segmenter process manages the segmentation and its outputs. The segmentation happens recursively in all folders in `/home/pi/PlanktonScope/img/`. Each folder has its own output archive, and bug #26 is now closed. Those processes communicates together using MQTT and json messages. Each message is adressed to one topic. The high level topic controls which process receives the message. The details of each topic is at the end of this commit message. Every imaging sessions has now its own folder, under the `img` root. Metadata are saved individually for every session, in a JSON file in the same directory as the pictures. The configuration is not parsed from `config.json` anymore and passed directly through MQTT messages to the concerned process. A new configuration file has been created: `hardware.json`. This file contains information related to your specific hardware configuration. You can choose to reverse the connection of the motors for example, but you can also define specific speed limits and steps number for your pump and focus stage. This will make it easier for people who wants to experiment with different kind of hardware. It's not necessary to have this file though. If it doesn't exists, the default configuration will be applied. The code is architectured around 6 modules and about 10 classes. I encourage you to have a look at the files, they're pretty straightforward to understand. There is a lot of work left around the node-red code refactoring, dashboard ui improvements, better and clearer LED messages, OLED screen integration and finer control of the segmentation process, but this is quite good for now. Here is the topic lists for MQTT and the corresponding messages. - actuator : This topic adresses the stepper control thread No publication under this topic should happen from the python process - actuator/pump : Control of the pump The message is a json object {"action":"move", "direction":"FORWARD", "volume":10, "flowrate":1} to move 10mL forward at 1mL/min action can be "move" or "stop" Receive only - actuator/focus : Control of the focus stage The message is a json object, speed is optional {"action":"move", "direction":"UP", "distance":0.26, "speed":1} to move up 10mm action can be "move" or "stop" Receive only - imager/image : This topic adresses the imaging thread Is a json object with {"action":"image","sleep":5,"volume":1,"nb_frame":200} sleep in seconds, volume in mL Can also receive a config update message: {"action":"config","config":[...]} Can also receive a camera settings message: {"action":"settings","iso":100,"shutter_speed":40} Receive only - segmenter/segment : This topic adresses the segmenter process Is a json object with {"action":"segment"} Receive only - status : This topics sends feedback to Node-Red No publication or receive at this level - status/pump : State of the pump Is a json object with {"status":"Start", "time_left":25} Status is one of Started, Ready, Done, Interrupted Publish only - status/focus : State of the focus stage Is a json object with {"status":"Start", "time_left":25} Status is one of Started, Ready, Done, Interrupted Publish only - status/imager : State of the imager Is a json object with {"status":"Start", "time_left":25} Status is one of Started, Ready, Completed or 12_11_15_0.1.jpg has been imaged. Publish only - status/segmenter : Status of the segmentation - status/segmenter/name - status/segmenter/object_id - status/segmenter/metric Here is the original commit history: * Extract python from flow * Fix bug in server addresses These addresses should be the loopback device instead of the network address of the device. Using the loopback address will not necessitate to update the script when the network address changes. * clean up picamera import * changes to main python and flow: update MQTT requests address to localhost (bugfix) update streaming output address to nothing update main flow to remove python script references and location * Automatically initialise imaging led on startup to off state. * Add the ability to invert outputs of the motor We added a key to config.json "hardware_config" with a subkey "stepper_reverse". If this key is present in the config file and set to 1, the output of the motors are inversed (stepper2 becomes the pump motor and stepper1 the focus motor) * move all non main script to a subfolder * add to package * light module rewrite * json cleanup and absolute path for config file * forgot to import subprocess #oups * Add command to turn the leds off * Auto formatting of I've used Black with default settings, see * First commit of Pump parameters still needs to be checked and tuned. * addition of hardware details in config.json * Introduce hardware.json to replace the `hardware_config` of config.json * calibration, typos * creates the MQTT_Client class * pump_max_speed is now in ml/min to help readability * forgot to add self to the class def * addition of threading capabilities to (UNTESTED) * mqtt: fix topic bug * remove counter * mqtt add doc about topics * creates an "actuator/*/state" topic * rename mqtt_client to pump_client * add details about topics * rename pump_client to actuator_client * topic was not split properly and a part was lost * switch to f-strings for * cosmetic update * folder name will be planktoscope change calls * hardware.json became more straightforward * syntax bugs * addition of a received stop command * update to max travel distance * several typos here * rename folder * reword to reflect folder rename * remove logic that has been moved to and * update to add mqtt imaging client * make command and args local to class and output more verbose * make a class * instantiate stepper class and call it * name mqtt client * update to main.json to reflect changes * fix bugs around pump control * update flows to latest version from Thibault * distance can be a small value, and definitevely should be a float. * unify mqtt topics * unify mqtt output in the main flow * first logger implementation, uses loguru * mqtt: add reason to on_connect * mqtt: add on_disconnect handler * stepper: add more logger calls for debug mainly * main: add levels for logger * first move of the imager logic * imager: time import cleanup * imager: morphocut import cleanup * imager: skimage import cleanup * imager: finishing import cleanup * imager: Class creation - WIP Also provides a fix for #26 (see line 190). * imager: threading is needed for Condition() * streamer: get the streamer server its own file * imager: creates start_camera and get the server creation out * imager: subclass multiprocessing.Process * imager: get Pipeline creation its own function * imager: cleanup of self calls * main: code removal and corresponding calls to newly created classes * imager: various formatting changes * main: management of signal shutdown * add requirements.txt * mqtt: messages are now json objects Also, addition of a flag on receiving a new message * mqtt: make message private and add logic to synchronise * stepper: creates the stepper class * stepper: use the new class * stepper: uses the new logic * stepper: add the shutdown event * stepper: add shutdown method * main: add shutdown event * imager: graceful shutdown * stepper: nicer way of checking the Eevnt * self is a required first argument for a method in a class Especially if you use said class private members! * python: various typos and small errors in import * stepper: create mqtt client during init * stepper: instanciate the mqtt client inside run Otherwise it's not accessible from inside the loop. It's a PITA, more information at * stepper: little bugs and typos all around * mqtt: add shutdown method * mqtt: add connect in init * stepper: fix bugs, sanitize inputs * stepper: work on delay prediction improvements * stepper: json is mean, double quote are mandatory inside * mqtt: add details about message exchanged * imager: first implementation of json messages * main.json: add new tab for RPi management + json for payloads * imager: add state_machine class * stepper: publish last will * imager: major refactor * main: make streaming server process a daemon * mqtt: insert debug statement on close * main: reorder imports * imager: make it work! Reinsert the streaming server logic in there, because there is a problem with the synchronisation part otherwise. Also, eventually, StreamingOuput() will have to be made not global Final very critical learning: it's super duper important to make sure the memory split is at least 256Meg for the GPU. Chaos ensues otherwise * main: changes to accomodate the streamer/imager fusino * imager_state_machine: insert states transition description * stepper: cleanup of code * segmenter: creation of the class * python: include segmenter changes * remove unused files * stepper: check existence of hardware.json * main.json: changes to reflect the python script evolution * remove unecessary TODOs and add some others * main: add check for config and directories * imager: update_config is implemented and we have better management of directories now * segmenter: now work recursively in all folders * flow: the configuration is now sent via mqtt * segmenter: better manage pipeline error * segmenter: declaration of archive_fn in init * imager: small bugs and typos * main: add uniqueID output * imager: add the camera settings message We can now update the ISO, shutter speed and resolution from Node-Red * package.json: update dependencies
2020-09-28 11:05:27 +02:00
2020-11-25 16:58:32 +01:00
"id": "5a811caf.0f3144",
"type": "function",
"z": "b771c342.49603",
"name": "get sample_ship",
"func": "msg.payload = msg.payload.sample_ship;\nreturn msg;",
"outputs": 1,
"noerr": 0,
"initialize": "",
"finalize": "",
"x": 340,
"y": 340,
"wires": [
Extraction and refactor of the python code from node-red flow The rationale for this rewrite is to improve the readability, the modularity, the reliability and the future-proofing of the main python script. All in all, this is now 124 commits that are going to be squashed and merged together, spanning more than two weeks of development and testing. Please test away this release and break things. An upgrading guide will be published in the coming days, along with a new image for people to use if they don't want to upgrade on their own. Read along if you want to know all the goodies! As a starter, the python script was extracted from the main flow, and now lives in its own files at `PlantonScope/scripts/*`. We set up the auto formatting of the code by using [Black]( This make the code clearer and uniform. We are using the default settings, so if you just install Black and set your editor to format on save using it, you should be good to go. The code is separated in four main processes, each with a specific set of responsibilities: - The main process controls all the others, starts everything up and cleans up on shutdown - The stepper process manages the stepper movements. It's now possible to have simultaneous movements of both motors (this closes #38 ). - The imager process controls the camera and the streaming server via a state machine. - The segmenter process manages the segmentation and its outputs. The segmentation happens recursively in all folders in `/home/pi/PlanktonScope/img/`. Each folder has its own output archive, and bug #26 is now closed. Those processes communicates together using MQTT and json messages. Each message is adressed to one topic. The high level topic controls which process receives the message. The details of each topic is at the end of this commit message. Every imaging sessions has now its own folder, under the `img` root. Metadata are saved individually for every session, in a JSON file in the same directory as the pictures. The configuration is not parsed from `config.json` anymore and passed directly through MQTT messages to the concerned process. A new configuration file has been created: `hardware.json`. This file contains information related to your specific hardware configuration. You can choose to reverse the connection of the motors for example, but you can also define specific speed limits and steps number for your pump and focus stage. This will make it easier for people who wants to experiment with different kind of hardware. It's not necessary to have this file though. If it doesn't exists, the default configuration will be applied. The code is architectured around 6 modules and about 10 classes. I encourage you to have a look at the files, they're pretty straightforward to understand. There is a lot of work left around the node-red code refactoring, dashboard ui improvements, better and clearer LED messages, OLED screen integration and finer control of the segmentation process, but this is quite good for now. Here is the topic lists for MQTT and the corresponding messages. - actuator : This topic adresses the stepper control thread No publication under this topic should happen from the python process - actuator/pump : Control of the pump The message is a json object {"action":"move", "direction":"FORWARD", "volume":10, "flowrate":1} to move 10mL forward at 1mL/min action can be "move" or "stop" Receive only - actuator/focus : Control of the focus stage The message is a json object, speed is optional {"action":"move", "direction":"UP", "distance":0.26, "speed":1} to move up 10mm action can be "move" or "stop" Receive only - imager/image : This topic adresses the imaging thread Is a json object with {"action":"image","sleep":5,"volume":1,"nb_frame":200} sleep in seconds, volume in mL Can also receive a config update message: {"action":"config","config":[...]} Can also receive a camera settings message: {"action":"settings","iso":100,"shutter_speed":40} Receive only - segmenter/segment : This topic adresses the segmenter process Is a json object with {"action":"segment"} Receive only - status : This topics sends feedback to Node-Red No publication or receive at this level - status/pump : State of the pump Is a json object with {"status":"Start", "time_left":25} Status is one of Started, Ready, Done, Interrupted Publish only - status/focus : State of the focus stage Is a json object with {"status":"Start", "time_left":25} Status is one of Started, Ready, Done, Interrupted Publish only - status/imager : State of the imager Is a json object with {"status":"Start", "time_left":25} Status is one of Started, Ready, Completed or 12_11_15_0.1.jpg has been imaged. Publish only - status/segmenter : Status of the segmentation - status/segmenter/name - status/segmenter/object_id - status/segmenter/metric Here is the original commit history: * Extract python from flow * Fix bug in server addresses These addresses should be the loopback device instead of the network address of the device. Using the loopback address will not necessitate to update the script when the network address changes. * clean up picamera import * changes to main python and flow: update MQTT requests address to localhost (bugfix) update streaming output address to nothing update main flow to remove python script references and location * Automatically initialise imaging led on startup to off state. * Add the ability to invert outputs of the motor We added a key to config.json "hardware_config" with a subkey "stepper_reverse". If this key is present in the config file and set to 1, the output of the motors are inversed (stepper2 becomes the pump motor and stepper1 the focus motor) * move all non main script to a subfolder * add to package * light module rewrite * json cleanup and absolute path for config file * forgot to import subprocess #oups * Add command to turn the leds off * Auto formatting of I've used Black with default settings, see * First commit of Pump parameters still needs to be checked and tuned. * addition of hardware details in config.json * Introduce hardware.json to replace the `hardware_config` of config.json * calibration, typos * creates the MQTT_Client class * pump_max_speed is now in ml/min to help readability * forgot to add self to the class def * addition of threading capabilities to (UNTESTED) * mqtt: fix topic bug * remove counter * mqtt add doc about topics * creates an "actuator/*/state" topic * rename mqtt_client to pump_client * add details about topics * rename pump_client to actuator_client * topic was not split properly and a part was lost * switch to f-strings for * cosmetic update * folder name will be planktoscope change calls * hardware.json became more straightforward * syntax bugs * addition of a received stop command * update to max travel distance * several typos here * rename folder * reword to reflect folder rename * remove logic that has been moved to and * update to add mqtt imaging client * make command and args local to class and output more verbose * make a class * instantiate stepper class and call it * name mqtt client * update to main.json to reflect changes * fix bugs around pump control * update flows to latest version from Thibault * distance can be a small value, and definitevely should be a float. * unify mqtt topics * unify mqtt output in the main flow * first logger implementation, uses loguru * mqtt: add reason to on_connect * mqtt: add on_disconnect handler * stepper: add more logger calls for debug mainly * main: add levels for logger * first move of the imager logic * imager: time import cleanup * imager: morphocut import cleanup * imager: skimage import cleanup * imager: finishing import cleanup * imager: Class creation - WIP Also provides a fix for #26 (see line 190). * imager: threading is needed for Condition() * streamer: get the streamer server its own file * imager: creates start_camera and get the server creation out * imager: subclass multiprocessing.Process * imager: get Pipeline creation its own function * imager: cleanup of self calls * main: code removal and corresponding calls to newly created classes * imager: various formatting changes * main: management of signal shutdown * add requirements.txt * mqtt: messages are now json objects Also, addition of a flag on receiving a new message * mqtt: make message private and add logic to synchronise * stepper: creates the stepper class * stepper: use the new class * stepper: uses the new logic * stepper: add the shutdown event * stepper: add shutdown method * main: add shutdown event * imager: graceful shutdown * stepper: nicer way of checking the Eevnt * self is a required first argument for a method in a class Especially if you use said class private members! * python: various typos and small errors in import * stepper: create mqtt client during init * stepper: instanciate the mqtt client inside run Otherwise it's not accessible from inside the loop. It's a PITA, more information at * stepper: little bugs and typos all around * mqtt: add shutdown method * mqtt: add connect in init * stepper: fix bugs, sanitize inputs * stepper: work on delay prediction improvements * stepper: json is mean, double quote are mandatory inside * mqtt: add details about message exchanged * imager: first implementation of json messages * main.json: add new tab for RPi management + json for payloads * imager: add state_machine class * stepper: publish last will * imager: major refactor * main: make streaming server process a daemon * mqtt: insert debug statement on close * main: reorder imports * imager: make it work! Reinsert the streaming server logic in there, because there is a problem with the synchronisation part otherwise. Also, eventually, StreamingOuput() will have to be made not global Final very critical learning: it's super duper important to make sure the memory split is at least 256Meg for the GPU. Chaos ensues otherwise * main: changes to accomodate the streamer/imager fusino * imager_state_machine: insert states transition description * stepper: cleanup of code * segmenter: creation of the class * python: include segmenter changes * remove unused files * stepper: check existence of hardware.json * main.json: changes to reflect the python script evolution * remove unecessary TODOs and add some others * main: add check for config and directories * imager: update_config is implemented and we have better management of directories now * segmenter: now work recursively in all folders * flow: the configuration is now sent via mqtt * segmenter: better manage pipeline error * segmenter: declaration of archive_fn in init * imager: small bugs and typos * main: add uniqueID output * imager: add the camera settings message We can now update the ISO, shutter speed and resolution from Node-Red * package.json: update dependencies
2020-09-28 11:05:27 +02:00
2020-11-25 16:58:32 +01:00
"id": "45911c98.2bd83c",
"type": "function",
"z": "b771c342.49603",
"name": "get sample_id",
"func": "msg.payload = msg.payload.sample_id;\nreturn msg;",
"outputs": 1,
"noerr": 0,
"initialize": "",
"finalize": "",
"x": 340,
"y": 380,
Extraction and refactor of the python code from node-red flow The rationale for this rewrite is to improve the readability, the modularity, the reliability and the future-proofing of the main python script. All in all, this is now 124 commits that are going to be squashed and merged together, spanning more than two weeks of development and testing. Please test away this release and break things. An upgrading guide will be published in the coming days, along with a new image for people to use if they don't want to upgrade on their own. Read along if you want to know all the goodies! As a starter, the python script was extracted from the main flow, and now lives in its own files at `PlantonScope/scripts/*`. We set up the auto formatting of the code by using [Black]( This make the code clearer and uniform. We are using the default settings, so if you just install Black and set your editor to format on save using it, you should be good to go. The code is separated in four main processes, each with a specific set of responsibilities: - The main process controls all the others, starts everything up and cleans up on shutdown - The stepper process manages the stepper movements. It's now possible to have simultaneous movements of both motors (this closes #38 ). - The imager process controls the camera and the streaming server via a state machine. - The segmenter process manages the segmentation and its outputs. The segmentation happens recursively in all folders in `/home/pi/PlanktonScope/img/`. Each folder has its own output archive, and bug #26 is now closed. Those processes communicates together using MQTT and json messages. Each message is adressed to one topic. The high level topic controls which process receives the message. The details of each topic is at the end of this commit message. Every imaging sessions has now its own folder, under the `img` root. Metadata are saved individually for every session, in a JSON file in the same directory as the pictures. The configuration is not parsed from `config.json` anymore and passed directly through MQTT messages to the concerned process. A new configuration file has been created: `hardware.json`. This file contains information related to your specific hardware configuration. You can choose to reverse the connection of the motors for example, but you can also define specific speed limits and steps number for your pump and focus stage. This will make it easier for people who wants to experiment with different kind of hardware. It's not necessary to have this file though. If it doesn't exists, the default configuration will be applied. The code is architectured around 6 modules and about 10 classes. I encourage you to have a look at the files, they're pretty straightforward to understand. There is a lot of work left around the node-red code refactoring, dashboard ui improvements, better and clearer LED messages, OLED screen integration and finer control of the segmentation process, but this is quite good for now. Here is the topic lists for MQTT and the corresponding messages. - actuator : This topic adresses the stepper control thread No publication under this topic should happen from the python process - actuator/pump : Control of the pump The message is a json object {"action":"move", "direction":"FORWARD", "volume":10, "flowrate":1} to move 10mL forward at 1mL/min action can be "move" or "stop" Receive only - actuator/focus : Control of the focus stage The message is a json object, speed is optional {"action":"move", "direction":"UP", "distance":0.26, "speed":1} to move up 10mm action can be "move" or "stop" Receive only - imager/image : This topic adresses the imaging thread Is a json object with {"action":"image","sleep":5,"volume":1,"nb_frame":200} sleep in seconds, volume in mL Can also receive a config update message: {"action":"config","config":[...]} Can also receive a camera settings message: {"action":"settings","iso":100,"shutter_speed":40} Receive only - segmenter/segment : This topic adresses the segmenter process Is a json object with {"action":"segment"} Receive only - status : This topics sends feedback to Node-Red No publication or receive at this level - status/pump : State of the pump Is a json object with {"status":"Start", "time_left":25} Status is one of Started, Ready, Done, Interrupted Publish only - status/focus : State of the focus stage Is a json object with {"status":"Start", "time_left":25} Status is one of Started, Ready, Done, Interrupted Publish only - status/imager : State of the imager Is a json object with {"status":"Start", "time_left":25} Status is one of Started, Ready, Completed or 12_11_15_0.1.jpg has been imaged. Publish only - status/segmenter : Status of the segmentation - status/segmenter/name - status/segmenter/object_id - status/segmenter/metric Here is the original commit history: * Extract python from flow * Fix bug in server addresses These addresses should be the loopback device instead of the network address of the device. Using the loopback address will not necessitate to update the script when the network address changes. * clean up picamera import * changes to main python and flow: update MQTT requests address to localhost (bugfix) update streaming output address to nothing update main flow to remove python script references and location * Automatically initialise imaging led on startup to off state. * Add the ability to invert outputs of the motor We added a key to config.json "hardware_config" with a subkey "stepper_reverse". If this key is present in the config file and set to 1, the output of the motors are inversed (stepper2 becomes the pump motor and stepper1 the focus motor) * move all non main script to a subfolder * add to package * light module rewrite * json cleanup and absolute path for config file * forgot to import subprocess #oups * Add command to turn the leds off * Auto formatting of I've used Black with default settings, see * First commit of Pump parameters still needs to be checked and tuned. * addition of hardware details in config.json * Introduce hardware.json to replace the `hardware_config` of config.json * calibration, typos * creates the MQTT_Client class * pump_max_speed is now in ml/min to help readability * forgot to add self to the class def * addition of threading capabilities to (UNTESTED) * mqtt: fix topic bug * remove counter * mqtt add doc about topics * creates an "actuator/*/state" topic * rename mqtt_client to pump_client * add details about topics * rename pump_client to actuator_client * topic was not split properly and a part was lost * switch to f-strings for * cosmetic update * folder name will be planktoscope change calls * hardware.json became more straightforward * syntax bugs * addition of a received stop command * update to max travel distance * several typos here * rename folder * reword to reflect folder rename * remove logic that has been moved to and * update to add mqtt imaging client * make command and args local to class and output more verbose * make a class * instantiate stepper class and call it * name mqtt client * update to main.json to reflect changes * fix bugs around pump control * update flows to latest version from Thibault * distance can be a small value, and definitevely should be a float. * unify mqtt topics * unify mqtt output in the main flow * first logger implementation, uses loguru * mqtt: add reason to on_connect * mqtt: add on_disconnect handler * stepper: add more logger calls for debug mainly * main: add levels for logger * first move of the imager logic * imager: time import cleanup * imager: morphocut import cleanup * imager: skimage import cleanup * imager: finishing import cleanup * imager: Class creation - WIP Also provides a fix for #26 (see line 190). * imager: threading is needed for Condition() * streamer: get the streamer server its own file * imager: creates start_camera and get the server creation out * imager: subclass multiprocessing.Process * imager: get Pipeline creation its own function * imager: cleanup of self calls * main: code removal and corresponding calls to newly created classes * imager: various formatting changes * main: management of signal shutdown * add requirements.txt * mqtt: messages are now json objects Also, addition of a flag on receiving a new message * mqtt: make message private and add logic to synchronise * stepper: creates the stepper class * stepper: use the new class * stepper: uses the new logic * stepper: add the shutdown event * stepper: add shutdown method * main: add shutdown event * imager: graceful shutdown * stepper: nicer way of checking the Eevnt * self is a required first argument for a method in a class Especially if you use said class private members! * python: various typos and small errors in import * stepper: create mqtt client during init * stepper: instanciate the mqtt client inside run Otherwise it's not accessible from inside the loop. It's a PITA, more information at * stepper: little bugs and typos all around * mqtt: add shutdown method * mqtt: add connect in init * stepper: fix bugs, sanitize inputs * stepper: work on delay prediction improvements * stepper: json is mean, double quote are mandatory inside * mqtt: add details about message exchanged * imager: first implementation of json messages * main.json: add new tab for RPi management + json for payloads * imager: add state_machine class * stepper: publish last will * imager: major refactor * main: make streaming server process a daemon * mqtt: insert debug statement on close * main: reorder imports * imager: make it work! Reinsert the streaming server logic in there, because there is a problem with the synchronisation part otherwise. Also, eventually, StreamingOuput() will have to be made not global Final very critical learning: it's super duper important to make sure the memory split is at least 256Meg for the GPU. Chaos ensues otherwise * main: changes to accomodate the streamer/imager fusino * imager_state_machine: insert states transition description * stepper: cleanup of code * segmenter: creation of the class * python: include segmenter changes * remove unused files * stepper: check existence of hardware.json * main.json: changes to reflect the python script evolution * remove unecessary TODOs and add some others * main: add check for config and directories * imager: update_config is implemented and we have better management of directories now * segmenter: now work recursively in all folders * flow: the configuration is now sent via mqtt * segmenter: better manage pipeline error * segmenter: declaration of archive_fn in init * imager: small bugs and typos * main: add uniqueID output * imager: add the camera settings message We can now update the ISO, shutter speed and resolution from Node-Red * package.json: update dependencies
2020-09-28 11:05:27 +02:00
"wires": [
2020-11-25 16:58:32 +01:00
Extraction and refactor of the python code from node-red flow The rationale for this rewrite is to improve the readability, the modularity, the reliability and the future-proofing of the main python script. All in all, this is now 124 commits that are going to be squashed and merged together, spanning more than two weeks of development and testing. Please test away this release and break things. An upgrading guide will be published in the coming days, along with a new image for people to use if they don't want to upgrade on their own. Read along if you want to know all the goodies! As a starter, the python script was extracted from the main flow, and now lives in its own files at `PlantonScope/scripts/*`. We set up the auto formatting of the code by using [Black]( This make the code clearer and uniform. We are using the default settings, so if you just install Black and set your editor to format on save using it, you should be good to go. The code is separated in four main processes, each with a specific set of responsibilities: - The main process controls all the others, starts everything up and cleans up on shutdown - The stepper process manages the stepper movements. It's now possible to have simultaneous movements of both motors (this closes #38 ). - The imager process controls the camera and the streaming server via a state machine. - The segmenter process manages the segmentation and its outputs. The segmentation happens recursively in all folders in `/home/pi/PlanktonScope/img/`. Each folder has its own output archive, and bug #26 is now closed. Those processes communicates together using MQTT and json messages. Each message is adressed to one topic. The high level topic controls which process receives the message. The details of each topic is at the end of this commit message. Every imaging sessions has now its own folder, under the `img` root. Metadata are saved individually for every session, in a JSON file in the same directory as the pictures. The configuration is not parsed from `config.json` anymore and passed directly through MQTT messages to the concerned process. A new configuration file has been created: `hardware.json`. This file contains information related to your specific hardware configuration. You can choose to reverse the connection of the motors for example, but you can also define specific speed limits and steps number for your pump and focus stage. This will make it easier for people who wants to experiment with different kind of hardware. It's not necessary to have this file though. If it doesn't exists, the default configuration will be applied. The code is architectured around 6 modules and about 10 classes. I encourage you to have a look at the files, they're pretty straightforward to understand. There is a lot of work left around the node-red code refactoring, dashboard ui improvements, better and clearer LED messages, OLED screen integration and finer control of the segmentation process, but this is quite good for now. Here is the topic lists for MQTT and the corresponding messages. - actuator : This topic adresses the stepper control thread No publication under this topic should happen from the python process - actuator/pump : Control of the pump The message is a json object {"action":"move", "direction":"FORWARD", "volume":10, "flowrate":1} to move 10mL forward at 1mL/min action can be "move" or "stop" Receive only - actuator/focus : Control of the focus stage The message is a json object, speed is optional {"action":"move", "direction":"UP", "distance":0.26, "speed":1} to move up 10mm action can be "move" or "stop" Receive only - imager/image : This topic adresses the imaging thread Is a json object with {"action":"image","sleep":5,"volume":1,"nb_frame":200} sleep in seconds, volume in mL Can also receive a config update message: {"action":"config","config":[...]} Can also receive a camera settings message: {"action":"settings","iso":100,"shutter_speed":40} Receive only - segmenter/segment : This topic adresses the segmenter process Is a json object with {"action":"segment"} Receive only - status : This topics sends feedback to Node-Red No publication or receive at this level - status/pump : State of the pump Is a json object with {"status":"Start", "time_left":25} Status is one of Started, Ready, Done, Interrupted Publish only - status/focus : State of the focus stage Is a json object with {"status":"Start", "time_left":25} Status is one of Started, Ready, Done, Interrupted Publish only - status/imager : State of the imager Is a json object with {"status":"Start", "time_left":25} Status is one of Started, Ready, Completed or 12_11_15_0.1.jpg has been imaged. Publish only - status/segmenter : Status of the segmentation - status/segmenter/name - status/segmenter/object_id - status/segmenter/metric Here is the original commit history: * Extract python from flow * Fix bug in server addresses These addresses should be the loopback device instead of the network address of the device. Using the loopback address will not necessitate to update the script when the network address changes. * clean up picamera import * changes to main python and flow: update MQTT requests address to localhost (bugfix) update streaming output address to nothing update main flow to remove python script references and location * Automatically initialise imaging led on startup to off state. * Add the ability to invert outputs of the motor We added a key to config.json "hardware_config" with a subkey "stepper_reverse". If this key is present in the config file and set to 1, the output of the motors are inversed (stepper2 becomes the pump motor and stepper1 the focus motor) * move all non main script to a subfolder * add to package * light module rewrite * json cleanup and absolute path for config file * forgot to import subprocess #oups * Add command to turn the leds off * Auto formatting of I've used Black with default settings, see * First commit of Pump parameters still needs to be checked and tuned. * addition of hardware details in config.json * Introduce hardware.json to replace the `hardware_config` of config.json * calibration, typos * creates the MQTT_Client class * pump_max_speed is now in ml/min to help readability * forgot to add self to the class def * addition of threading capabilities to (UNTESTED) * mqtt: fix topic bug * remove counter * mqtt add doc about topics * creates an "actuator/*/state" topic * rename mqtt_client to pump_client * add details about topics * rename pump_client to actuator_client * topic was not split properly and a part was lost * switch to f-strings for * cosmetic update * folder name will be planktoscope change calls * hardware.json became more straightforward * syntax bugs * addition of a received stop command * update to max travel distance * several typos here * rename folder * reword to reflect folder rename * remove logic that has been moved to and * update to add mqtt imaging client * make command and args local to class and output more verbose * make a class * instantiate stepper class and call it * name mqtt client * update to main.json to reflect changes * fix bugs around pump control * update flows to latest version from Thibault * distance can be a small value, and definitevely should be a float. * unify mqtt topics * unify mqtt output in the main flow * first logger implementation, uses loguru * mqtt: add reason to on_connect * mqtt: add on_disconnect handler * stepper: add more logger calls for debug mainly * main: add levels for logger * first move of the imager logic * imager: time import cleanup * imager: morphocut import cleanup * imager: skimage import cleanup * imager: finishing import cleanup * imager: Class creation - WIP Also provides a fix for #26 (see line 190). * imager: threading is needed for Condition() * streamer: get the streamer server its own file * imager: creates start_camera and get the server creation out * imager: subclass multiprocessing.Process * imager: get Pipeline creation its own function * imager: cleanup of self calls * main: code removal and corresponding calls to newly created classes * imager: various formatting changes * main: management of signal shutdown * add requirements.txt * mqtt: messages are now json objects Also, addition of a flag on receiving a new message * mqtt: make message private and add logic to synchronise * stepper: creates the stepper class * stepper: use the new class * stepper: uses the new logic * stepper: add the shutdown event * stepper: add shutdown method * main: add shutdown event * imager: graceful shutdown * stepper: nicer way of checking the Eevnt * self is a required first argument for a method in a class Especially if you use said class private members! * python: various typos and small errors in import * stepper: create mqtt client during init * stepper: instanciate the mqtt client inside run Otherwise it's not accessible from inside the loop. It's a PITA, more information at * stepper: little bugs and typos all around * mqtt: add shutdown method * mqtt: add connect in init * stepper: fix bugs, sanitize inputs * stepper: work on delay prediction improvements * stepper: json is mean, double quote are mandatory inside * mqtt: add details about message exchanged * imager: first implementation of json messages * main.json: add new tab for RPi management + json for payloads * imager: add state_machine class * stepper: publish last will * imager: major refactor * main: make streaming server process a daemon * mqtt: insert debug statement on close * main: reorder imports * imager: make it work! Reinsert the streaming server logic in there, because there is a problem with the synchronisation part otherwise. Also, eventually, StreamingOuput() will have to be made not global Final very critical learning: it's super duper important to make sure the memory split is at least 256Meg for the GPU. Chaos ensues otherwise * main: changes to accomodate the streamer/imager fusino * imager_state_machine: insert states transition description * stepper: cleanup of code * segmenter: creation of the class * python: include segmenter changes * remove unused files * stepper: check existence of hardware.json * main.json: changes to reflect the python script evolution * remove unecessary TODOs and add some others * main: add check for config and directories * imager: update_config is implemented and we have better management of directories now * segmenter: now work recursively in all folders * flow: the configuration is now sent via mqtt * segmenter: better manage pipeline error * segmenter: declaration of archive_fn in init * imager: small bugs and typos * main: add uniqueID output * imager: add the camera settings message We can now update the ISO, shutter speed and resolution from Node-Red * package.json: update dependencies
2020-09-28 11:05:27 +02:00
2020-11-25 16:58:32 +01:00
"id": "1e09a4ab.72996b",
"type": "function",
"z": "b771c342.49603",
"name": "get sample_operator",
"func": "msg.payload = msg.payload.sample_operator;\nreturn msg;",
"outputs": 1,
"noerr": 0,
"initialize": "",
"finalize": "",
"x": 360,
"y": 420,
"wires": [
"id": "a3272681.f271c8",
"type": "function",
"z": "b771c342.49603",
"name": "get sample_sampling_gear",
"func": "msg.payload = msg.payload.sample_sampling_gear;\nreturn msg;",
"outputs": 1,
"noerr": 0,
"x": 380,
"y": 460,
"wires": [
"id": "6465bdd5.15eb8c",
"type": "file in",
"z": "1c24ad9c.bebec2",
2020-11-24 17:25:15 +01:00
"name": "",
2020-11-25 16:58:32 +01:00
"filename": "/home/pi/PlanktonScope/config.json",
"format": "utf8",
"chunk": false,
"sendError": false,
"encoding": "none",
"x": 660,
"y": 300,
"wires": [
"info": "# PlanktonScope Help\nThis Node will read the content of the file named **config.txt** containing all the input placeholders.\n"
"id": "15ceb135.6628bf",
"type": "json",
"z": "1c24ad9c.bebec2",
"name": "config.json",
"property": "payload",
"action": "",
"pretty": false,
"x": 910,
"y": 300,
Extraction and refactor of the python code from node-red flow The rationale for this rewrite is to improve the readability, the modularity, the reliability and the future-proofing of the main python script. All in all, this is now 124 commits that are going to be squashed and merged together, spanning more than two weeks of development and testing. Please test away this release and break things. An upgrading guide will be published in the coming days, along with a new image for people to use if they don't want to upgrade on their own. Read along if you want to know all the goodies! As a starter, the python script was extracted from the main flow, and now lives in its own files at `PlantonScope/scripts/*`. We set up the auto formatting of the code by using [Black]( This make the code clearer and uniform. We are using the default settings, so if you just install Black and set your editor to format on save using it, you should be good to go. The code is separated in four main processes, each with a specific set of responsibilities: - The main process controls all the others, starts everything up and cleans up on shutdown - The stepper process manages the stepper movements. It's now possible to have simultaneous movements of both motors (this closes #38 ). - The imager process controls the camera and the streaming server via a state machine. - The segmenter process manages the segmentation and its outputs. The segmentation happens recursively in all folders in `/home/pi/PlanktonScope/img/`. Each folder has its own output archive, and bug #26 is now closed. Those processes communicates together using MQTT and json messages. Each message is adressed to one topic. The high level topic controls which process receives the message. The details of each topic is at the end of this commit message. Every imaging sessions has now its own folder, under the `img` root. Metadata are saved individually for every session, in a JSON file in the same directory as the pictures. The configuration is not parsed from `config.json` anymore and passed directly through MQTT messages to the concerned process. A new configuration file has been created: `hardware.json`. This file contains information related to your specific hardware configuration. You can choose to reverse the connection of the motors for example, but you can also define specific speed limits and steps number for your pump and focus stage. This will make it easier for people who wants to experiment with different kind of hardware. It's not necessary to have this file though. If it doesn't exists, the default configuration will be applied. The code is architectured around 6 modules and about 10 classes. I encourage you to have a look at the files, they're pretty straightforward to understand. There is a lot of work left around the node-red code refactoring, dashboard ui improvements, better and clearer LED messages, OLED screen integration and finer control of the segmentation process, but this is quite good for now. Here is the topic lists for MQTT and the corresponding messages. - actuator : This topic adresses the stepper control thread No publication under this topic should happen from the python process - actuator/pump : Control of the pump The message is a json object {"action":"move", "direction":"FORWARD", "volume":10, "flowrate":1} to move 10mL forward at 1mL/min action can be "move" or "stop" Receive only - actuator/focus : Control of the focus stage The message is a json object, speed is optional {"action":"move", "direction":"UP", "distance":0.26, "speed":1} to move up 10mm action can be "move" or "stop" Receive only - imager/image : This topic adresses the imaging thread Is a json object with {"action":"image","sleep":5,"volume":1,"nb_frame":200} sleep in seconds, volume in mL Can also receive a config update message: {"action":"config","config":[...]} Can also receive a camera settings message: {"action":"settings","iso":100,"shutter_speed":40} Receive only - segmenter/segment : This topic adresses the segmenter process Is a json object with {"action":"segment"} Receive only - status : This topics sends feedback to Node-Red No publication or receive at this level - status/pump : State of the pump Is a json object with {"status":"Start", "time_left":25} Status is one of Started, Ready, Done, Interrupted Publish only - status/focus : State of the focus stage Is a json object with {"status":"Start", "time_left":25} Status is one of Started, Ready, Done, Interrupted Publish only - status/imager : State of the imager Is a json object with {"status":"Start", "time_left":25} Status is one of Started, Ready, Completed or 12_11_15_0.1.jpg has been imaged. Publish only - status/segmenter : Status of the segmentation - status/segmenter/name - status/segmenter/object_id - status/segmenter/metric Here is the original commit history: * Extract python from flow * Fix bug in server addresses These addresses should be the loopback device instead of the network address of the device. Using the loopback address will not necessitate to update the script when the network address changes. * clean up picamera import * changes to main python and flow: update MQTT requests address to localhost (bugfix) update streaming output address to nothing update main flow to remove python script references and location * Automatically initialise imaging led on startup to off state. * Add the ability to invert outputs of the motor We added a key to config.json "hardware_config" with a subkey "stepper_reverse". If this key is present in the config file and set to 1, the output of the motors are inversed (stepper2 becomes the pump motor and stepper1 the focus motor) * move all non main script to a subfolder * add to package * light module rewrite * json cleanup and absolute path for config file * forgot to import subprocess #oups * Add command to turn the leds off * Auto formatting of I've used Black with default settings, see * First commit of Pump parameters still needs to be checked and tuned. * addition of hardware details in config.json * Introduce hardware.json to replace the `hardware_config` of config.json * calibration, typos * creates the MQTT_Client class * pump_max_speed is now in ml/min to help readability * forgot to add self to the class def * addition of threading capabilities to (UNTESTED) * mqtt: fix topic bug * remove counter * mqtt add doc about topics * creates an "actuator/*/state" topic * rename mqtt_client to pump_client * add details about topics * rename pump_client to actuator_client * topic was not split properly and a part was lost * switch to f-strings for * cosmetic update * folder name will be planktoscope change calls * hardware.json became more straightforward * syntax bugs * addition of a received stop command * update to max travel distance * several typos here * rename folder * reword to reflect folder rename * remove logic that has been moved to and * update to add mqtt imaging client * make command and args local to class and output more verbose * make a class * instantiate stepper class and call it * name mqtt client * update to main.json to reflect changes * fix bugs around pump control * update flows to latest version from Thibault * distance can be a small value, and definitevely should be a float. * unify mqtt topics * unify mqtt output in the main flow * first logger implementation, uses loguru * mqtt: add reason to on_connect * mqtt: add on_disconnect handler * stepper: add more logger calls for debug mainly * main: add levels for logger * first move of the imager logic * imager: time import cleanup * imager: morphocut import cleanup * imager: skimage import cleanup * imager: finishing import cleanup * imager: Class creation - WIP Also provides a fix for #26 (see line 190). * imager: threading is needed for Condition() * streamer: get the streamer server its own file * imager: creates start_camera and get the server creation out * imager: subclass multiprocessing.Process * imager: get Pipeline creation its own function * imager: cleanup of self calls * main: code removal and corresponding calls to newly created classes * imager: various formatting changes * main: management of signal shutdown * add requirements.txt * mqtt: messages are now json objects Also, addition of a flag on receiving a new message * mqtt: make message private and add logic to synchronise * stepper: creates the stepper class * stepper: use the new class * stepper: uses the new logic * stepper: add the shutdown event * stepper: add shutdown method * main: add shutdown event * imager: graceful shutdown * stepper: nicer way of checking the Eevnt * self is a required first argument for a method in a class Especially if you use said class private members! * python: various typos and small errors in import * stepper: create mqtt client during init * stepper: instanciate the mqtt client inside run Otherwise it's not accessible from inside the loop. It's a PITA, more information at * stepper: little bugs and typos all around * mqtt: add shutdown method * mqtt: add connect in init * stepper: fix bugs, sanitize inputs * stepper: work on delay prediction improvements * stepper: json is mean, double quote are mandatory inside * mqtt: add details about message exchanged * imager: first implementation of json messages * main.json: add new tab for RPi management + json for payloads * imager: add state_machine class * stepper: publish last will * imager: major refactor * main: make streaming server process a daemon * mqtt: insert debug statement on close * main: reorder imports * imager: make it work! Reinsert the streaming server logic in there, because there is a problem with the synchronisation part otherwise. Also, eventually, StreamingOuput() will have to be made not global Final very critical learning: it's super duper important to make sure the memory split is at least 256Meg for the GPU. Chaos ensues otherwise * main: changes to accomodate the streamer/imager fusino * imager_state_machine: insert states transition description * stepper: cleanup of code * segmenter: creation of the class * python: include segmenter changes * remove unused files * stepper: check existence of hardware.json * main.json: changes to reflect the python script evolution * remove unecessary TODOs and add some others * main: add check for config and directories * imager: update_config is implemented and we have better management of directories now * segmenter: now work recursively in all folders * flow: the configuration is now sent via mqtt * segmenter: better manage pipeline error * segmenter: declaration of archive_fn in init * imager: small bugs and typos * main: add uniqueID output * imager: add the camera settings message We can now update the ISO, shutter speed and resolution from Node-Red * package.json: update dependencies
2020-09-28 11:05:27 +02:00
"wires": [
2020-11-25 16:58:32 +01:00
Extraction and refactor of the python code from node-red flow The rationale for this rewrite is to improve the readability, the modularity, the reliability and the future-proofing of the main python script. All in all, this is now 124 commits that are going to be squashed and merged together, spanning more than two weeks of development and testing. Please test away this release and break things. An upgrading guide will be published in the coming days, along with a new image for people to use if they don't want to upgrade on their own. Read along if you want to know all the goodies! As a starter, the python script was extracted from the main flow, and now lives in its own files at `PlantonScope/scripts/*`. We set up the auto formatting of the code by using [Black]( This make the code clearer and uniform. We are using the default settings, so if you just install Black and set your editor to format on save using it, you should be good to go. The code is separated in four main processes, each with a specific set of responsibilities: - The main process controls all the others, starts everything up and cleans up on shutdown - The stepper process manages the stepper movements. It's now possible to have simultaneous movements of both motors (this closes #38 ). - The imager process controls the camera and the streaming server via a state machine. - The segmenter process manages the segmentation and its outputs. The segmentation happens recursively in all folders in `/home/pi/PlanktonScope/img/`. Each folder has its own output archive, and bug #26 is now closed. Those processes communicates together using MQTT and json messages. Each message is adressed to one topic. The high level topic controls which process receives the message. The details of each topic is at the end of this commit message. Every imaging sessions has now its own folder, under the `img` root. Metadata are saved individually for every session, in a JSON file in the same directory as the pictures. The configuration is not parsed from `config.json` anymore and passed directly through MQTT messages to the concerned process. A new configuration file has been created: `hardware.json`. This file contains information related to your specific hardware configuration. You can choose to reverse the connection of the motors for example, but you can also define specific speed limits and steps number for your pump and focus stage. This will make it easier for people who wants to experiment with different kind of hardware. It's not necessary to have this file though. If it doesn't exists, the default configuration will be applied. The code is architectured around 6 modules and about 10 classes. I encourage you to have a look at the files, they're pretty straightforward to understand. There is a lot of work left around the node-red code refactoring, dashboard ui improvements, better and clearer LED messages, OLED screen integration and finer control of the segmentation process, but this is quite good for now. Here is the topic lists for MQTT and the corresponding messages. - actuator : This topic adresses the stepper control thread No publication under this topic should happen from the python process - actuator/pump : Control of the pump The message is a json object {"action":"move", "direction":"FORWARD", "volume":10, "flowrate":1} to move 10mL forward at 1mL/min action can be "move" or "stop" Receive only - actuator/focus : Control of the focus stage The message is a json object, speed is optional {"action":"move", "direction":"UP", "distance":0.26, "speed":1} to move up 10mm action can be "move" or "stop" Receive only - imager/image : This topic adresses the imaging thread Is a json object with {"action":"image","sleep":5,"volume":1,"nb_frame":200} sleep in seconds, volume in mL Can also receive a config update message: {"action":"config","config":[...]} Can also receive a camera settings message: {"action":"settings","iso":100,"shutter_speed":40} Receive only - segmenter/segment : This topic adresses the segmenter process Is a json object with {"action":"segment"} Receive only - status : This topics sends feedback to Node-Red No publication or receive at this level - status/pump : State of the pump Is a json object with {"status":"Start", "time_left":25} Status is one of Started, Ready, Done, Interrupted Publish only - status/focus : State of the focus stage Is a json object with {"status":"Start", "time_left":25} Status is one of Started, Ready, Done, Interrupted Publish only - status/imager : State of the imager Is a json object with {"status":"Start", "time_left":25} Status is one of Started, Ready, Completed or 12_11_15_0.1.jpg has been imaged. Publish only - status/segmenter : Status of the segmentation - status/segmenter/name - status/segmenter/object_id - status/segmenter/metric Here is the original commit history: * Extract python from flow * Fix bug in server addresses These addresses should be the loopback device instead of the network address of the device. Using the loopback address will not necessitate to update the script when the network address changes. * clean up picamera import * changes to main python and flow: update MQTT requests address to localhost (bugfix) update streaming output address to nothing update main flow to remove python script references and location * Automatically initialise imaging led on startup to off state. * Add the ability to invert outputs of the motor We added a key to config.json "hardware_config" with a subkey "stepper_reverse". If this key is present in the config file and set to 1, the output of the motors are inversed (stepper2 becomes the pump motor and stepper1 the focus motor) * move all non main script to a subfolder * add to package * light module rewrite * json cleanup and absolute path for config file * forgot to import subprocess #oups * Add command to turn the leds off * Auto formatting of I've used Black with default settings, see * First commit of Pump parameters still needs to be checked and tuned. * addition of hardware details in config.json * Introduce hardware.json to replace the `hardware_config` of config.json * calibration, typos * creates the MQTT_Client class * pump_max_speed is now in ml/min to help readability * forgot to add self to the class def * addition of threading capabilities to (UNTESTED) * mqtt: fix topic bug * remove counter * mqtt add doc about topics * creates an "actuator/*/state" topic * rename mqtt_client to pump_client * add details about topics * rename pump_client to actuator_client * topic was not split properly and a part was lost * switch to f-strings for * cosmetic update * folder name will be planktoscope change calls * hardware.json became more straightforward * syntax bugs * addition of a received stop command * update to max travel distance * several typos here * rename folder * reword to reflect folder rename * remove logic that has been moved to and * update to add mqtt imaging client * make command and args local to class and output more verbose * make a class * instantiate stepper class and call it * name mqtt client * update to main.json to reflect changes * fix bugs around pump control * update flows to latest version from Thibault * distance can be a small value, and definitevely should be a float. * unify mqtt topics * unify mqtt output in the main flow * first logger implementation, uses loguru * mqtt: add reason to on_connect * mqtt: add on_disconnect handler * stepper: add more logger calls for debug mainly * main: add levels for logger * first move of the imager logic * imager: time import cleanup * imager: morphocut import cleanup * imager: skimage import cleanup * imager: finishing import cleanup * imager: Class creation - WIP Also provides a fix for #26 (see line 190). * imager: threading is needed for Condition() * streamer: get the streamer server its own file * imager: creates start_camera and get the server creation out * imager: subclass multiprocessing.Process * imager: get Pipeline creation its own function * imager: cleanup of self calls * main: code removal and corresponding calls to newly created classes * imager: various formatting changes * main: management of signal shutdown * add requirements.txt * mqtt: messages are now json objects Also, addition of a flag on receiving a new message * mqtt: make message private and add logic to synchronise * stepper: creates the stepper class * stepper: use the new class * stepper: uses the new logic * stepper: add the shutdown event * stepper: add shutdown method * main: add shutdown event * imager: graceful shutdown * stepper: nicer way of checking the Eevnt * self is a required first argument for a method in a class Especially if you use said class private members! * python: various typos and small errors in import * stepper: create mqtt client during init * stepper: instanciate the mqtt client inside run Otherwise it's not accessible from inside the loop. It's a PITA, more information at * stepper: little bugs and typos all around * mqtt: add shutdown method * mqtt: add connect in init * stepper: fix bugs, sanitize inputs * stepper: work on delay prediction improvements * stepper: json is mean, double quote are mandatory inside * mqtt: add details about message exchanged * imager: first implementation of json messages * main.json: add new tab for RPi management + json for payloads * imager: add state_machine class * stepper: publish last will * imager: major refactor * main: make streaming server process a daemon * mqtt: insert debug statement on close * main: reorder imports * imager: make it work! Reinsert the streaming server logic in there, because there is a problem with the synchronisation part otherwise. Also, eventually, StreamingOuput() will have to be made not global Final very critical learning: it's super duper important to make sure the memory split is at least 256Meg for the GPU. Chaos ensues otherwise * main: changes to accomodate the streamer/imager fusino * imager_state_machine: insert states transition description * stepper: cleanup of code * segmenter: creation of the class * python: include segmenter changes * remove unused files * stepper: check existence of hardware.json * main.json: changes to reflect the python script evolution * remove unecessary TODOs and add some others * main: add check for config and directories * imager: update_config is implemented and we have better management of directories now * segmenter: now work recursively in all folders * flow: the configuration is now sent via mqtt * segmenter: better manage pipeline error * segmenter: declaration of archive_fn in init * imager: small bugs and typos * main: add uniqueID output * imager: add the camera settings message We can now update the ISO, shutter speed and resolution from Node-Red * package.json: update dependencies
2020-09-28 11:05:27 +02:00
2020-11-25 16:58:32 +01:00
"id": "b584292a.24b08",
"type": "function",
2020-11-27 11:30:57 +01:00
"z": "20ae9e26.17d73a",
2020-11-25 16:58:32 +01:00
"name": "get global",
2020-11-27 11:30:57 +01:00
"func": "msg.payload={\n \"sample_project\":global.get(\"sample_project\"),\n \"sample_id\":global.get(\"sample_id\"),\n \"sample_ship\":global.get(\"sample_ship\"),\n \"sample_operator\":global.get(\"sample_operator\"),\n \"sample_sampling_gear\":global.get(\"sample_sampling_gear\"),\n \n \n \"acq_id\":global.get(\"acq_id\"),\n \"acq_instrument\":global.get(\"acq_instrument\"),\n \"acq_instrument_id\":global.get(\"machine_name\"),\n \"acq_celltype\":global.get(\"acq_celltype\"),\n \"acq_minimum_mesh\":global.get(\"acq_minimum_mesh\"),\n \"acq_maximum_mesh\":global.get(\"acq_maximum_mesh\"),\n \"acq_min_esd\":global.get(\"acq_min_esd\"),\n \"acq_max_esd\":global.get(\"acq_max_esd\"),\n \"acq_volume\":global.get(\"acq_volume\"),\n \"acq_magnification\":global.get(\"magnification\"),\n \"acq_fnumber_objective\":global.get(\"acq_fnumber_objective\"),\n \"acq_camera\":global.get(\"camera\"),\n \n \"object_depth_min\":global.get(\"object_depth_min\"),\n \"object_depth_max\":global.get(\"object_depth_max\"),\n \"process_pixel\":global.get(\"process_pixel\"),\n \"process_id\":global.get(\"process_id\")\n};\nreturn msg;",
2020-11-25 16:58:32 +01:00
"outputs": 1,
"noerr": 0,
"initialize": "",
"finalize": "",
2020-11-27 11:30:57 +01:00
"x": 200,
"y": 80,
Extraction and refactor of the python code from node-red flow The rationale for this rewrite is to improve the readability, the modularity, the reliability and the future-proofing of the main python script. All in all, this is now 124 commits that are going to be squashed and merged together, spanning more than two weeks of development and testing. Please test away this release and break things. An upgrading guide will be published in the coming days, along with a new image for people to use if they don't want to upgrade on their own. Read along if you want to know all the goodies! As a starter, the python script was extracted from the main flow, and now lives in its own files at `PlantonScope/scripts/*`. We set up the auto formatting of the code by using [Black]( This make the code clearer and uniform. We are using the default settings, so if you just install Black and set your editor to format on save using it, you should be good to go. The code is separated in four main processes, each with a specific set of responsibilities: - The main process controls all the others, starts everything up and cleans up on shutdown - The stepper process manages the stepper movements. It's now possible to have simultaneous movements of both motors (this closes #38 ). - The imager process controls the camera and the streaming server via a state machine. - The segmenter process manages the segmentation and its outputs. The segmentation happens recursively in all folders in `/home/pi/PlanktonScope/img/`. Each folder has its own output archive, and bug #26 is now closed. Those processes communicates together using MQTT and json messages. Each message is adressed to one topic. The high level topic controls which process receives the message. The details of each topic is at the end of this commit message. Every imaging sessions has now its own folder, under the `img` root. Metadata are saved individually for every session, in a JSON file in the same directory as the pictures. The configuration is not parsed from `config.json` anymore and passed directly through MQTT messages to the concerned process. A new configuration file has been created: `hardware.json`. This file contains information related to your specific hardware configuration. You can choose to reverse the connection of the motors for example, but you can also define specific speed limits and steps number for your pump and focus stage. This will make it easier for people who wants to experiment with different kind of hardware. It's not necessary to have this file though. If it doesn't exists, the default configuration will be applied. The code is architectured around 6 modules and about 10 classes. I encourage you to have a look at the files, they're pretty straightforward to understand. There is a lot of work left around the node-red code refactoring, dashboard ui improvements, better and clearer LED messages, OLED screen integration and finer control of the segmentation process, but this is quite good for now. Here is the topic lists for MQTT and the corresponding messages. - actuator : This topic adresses the stepper control thread No publication under this topic should happen from the python process - actuator/pump : Control of the pump The message is a json object {"action":"move", "direction":"FORWARD", "volume":10, "flowrate":1} to move 10mL forward at 1mL/min action can be "move" or "stop" Receive only - actuator/focus : Control of the focus stage The message is a json object, speed is optional {"action":"move", "direction":"UP", "distance":0.26, "speed":1} to move up 10mm action can be "move" or "stop" Receive only - imager/image : This topic adresses the imaging thread Is a json object with {"action":"image","sleep":5,"volume":1,"nb_frame":200} sleep in seconds, volume in mL Can also receive a config update message: {"action":"config","config":[...]} Can also receive a camera settings message: {"action":"settings","iso":100,"shutter_speed":40} Receive only - segmenter/segment : This topic adresses the segmenter process Is a json object with {"action":"segment"} Receive only - status : This topics sends feedback to Node-Red No publication or receive at this level - status/pump : State of the pump Is a json object with {"status":"Start", "time_left":25} Status is one of Started, Ready, Done, Interrupted Publish only - status/focus : State of the focus stage Is a json object with {"status":"Start", "time_left":25} Status is one of Started, Ready, Done, Interrupted Publish only - status/imager : State of the imager Is a json object with {"status":"Start", "time_left":25} Status is one of Started, Ready, Completed or 12_11_15_0.1.jpg has been imaged. Publish only - status/segmenter : Status of the segmentation - status/segmenter/name - status/segmenter/object_id - status/segmenter/metric Here is the original commit history: * Extract python from flow * Fix bug in server addresses These addresses should be the loopback device instead of the network address of the device. Using the loopback address will not necessitate to update the script when the network address changes. * clean up picamera import * changes to main python and flow: update MQTT requests address to localhost (bugfix) update streaming output address to nothing update main flow to remove python script references and location * Automatically initialise imaging led on startup to off state. * Add the ability to invert outputs of the motor We added a key to config.json "hardware_config" with a subkey "stepper_reverse". If this key is present in the config file and set to 1, the output of the motors are inversed (stepper2 becomes the pump motor and stepper1 the focus motor) * move all non main script to a subfolder * add to package * light module rewrite * json cleanup and absolute path for config file * forgot to import subprocess #oups * Add command to turn the leds off * Auto formatting of I've used Black with default settings, see * First commit of Pump parameters still needs to be checked and tuned. * addition of hardware details in config.json * Introduce hardware.json to replace the `hardware_config` of config.json * calibration, typos * creates the MQTT_Client class * pump_max_speed is now in ml/min to help readability * forgot to add self to the class def * addition of threading capabilities to (UNTESTED) * mqtt: fix topic bug * remove counter * mqtt add doc about topics * creates an "actuator/*/state" topic * rename mqtt_client to pump_client * add details about topics * rename pump_client to actuator_client * topic was not split properly and a part was lost * switch to f-strings for * cosmetic update * folder name will be planktoscope change calls * hardware.json became more straightforward * syntax bugs * addition of a received stop command * update to max travel distance * several typos here * rename folder * reword to reflect folder rename * remove logic that has been moved to and * update to add mqtt imaging client * make command and args local to class and output more verbose * make a class * instantiate stepper class and call it * name mqtt client * update to main.json to reflect changes * fix bugs around pump control * update flows to latest version from Thibault * distance can be a small value, and definitevely should be a float. * unify mqtt topics * unify mqtt output in the main flow * first logger implementation, uses loguru * mqtt: add reason to on_connect * mqtt: add on_disconnect handler * stepper: add more logger calls for debug mainly * main: add levels for logger * first move of the imager logic * imager: time import cleanup * imager: morphocut import cleanup * imager: skimage import cleanup * imager: finishing import cleanup * imager: Class creation - WIP Also provides a fix for #26 (see line 190). * imager: threading is needed for Condition() * streamer: get the streamer server its own file * imager: creates start_camera and get the server creation out * imager: subclass multiprocessing.Process * imager: get Pipeline creation its own function * imager: cleanup of self calls * main: code removal and corresponding calls to newly created classes * imager: various formatting changes * main: management of signal shutdown * add requirements.txt * mqtt: messages are now json objects Also, addition of a flag on receiving a new message * mqtt: make message private and add logic to synchronise * stepper: creates the stepper class * stepper: use the new class * stepper: uses the new logic * stepper: add the shutdown event * stepper: add shutdown method * main: add shutdown event * imager: graceful shutdown * stepper: nicer way of checking the Eevnt * self is a required first argument for a method in a class Especially if you use said class private members! * python: various typos and small errors in import * stepper: create mqtt client during init * stepper: instanciate the mqtt client inside run Otherwise it's not accessible from inside the loop. It's a PITA, more information at * stepper: little bugs and typos all around * mqtt: add shutdown method * mqtt: add connect in init * stepper: fix bugs, sanitize inputs * stepper: work on delay prediction improvements * stepper: json is mean, double quote are mandatory inside * mqtt: add details about message exchanged * imager: first implementation of json messages * main.json: add new tab for RPi management + json for payloads * imager: add state_machine class * stepper: publish last will * imager: major refactor * main: make streaming server process a daemon * mqtt: insert debug statement on close * main: reorder imports * imager: make it work! Reinsert the streaming server logic in there, because there is a problem with the synchronisation part otherwise. Also, eventually, StreamingOuput() will have to be made not global Final very critical learning: it's super duper important to make sure the memory split is at least 256Meg for the GPU. Chaos ensues otherwise * main: changes to accomodate the streamer/imager fusino * imager_state_machine: insert states transition description * stepper: cleanup of code * segmenter: creation of the class * python: include segmenter changes * remove unused files * stepper: check existence of hardware.json * main.json: changes to reflect the python script evolution * remove unecessary TODOs and add some others * main: add check for config and directories * imager: update_config is implemented and we have better management of directories now * segmenter: now work recursively in all folders * flow: the configuration is now sent via mqtt * segmenter: better manage pipeline error * segmenter: declaration of archive_fn in init * imager: small bugs and typos * main: add uniqueID output * imager: add the camera settings message We can now update the ISO, shutter speed and resolution from Node-Red * package.json: update dependencies
2020-09-28 11:05:27 +02:00
"wires": [
2020-11-27 11:30:57 +01:00
Extraction and refactor of the python code from node-red flow The rationale for this rewrite is to improve the readability, the modularity, the reliability and the future-proofing of the main python script. All in all, this is now 124 commits that are going to be squashed and merged together, spanning more than two weeks of development and testing. Please test away this release and break things. An upgrading guide will be published in the coming days, along with a new image for people to use if they don't want to upgrade on their own. Read along if you want to know all the goodies! As a starter, the python script was extracted from the main flow, and now lives in its own files at `PlantonScope/scripts/*`. We set up the auto formatting of the code by using [Black]( This make the code clearer and uniform. We are using the default settings, so if you just install Black and set your editor to format on save using it, you should be good to go. The code is separated in four main processes, each with a specific set of responsibilities: - The main process controls all the others, starts everything up and cleans up on shutdown - The stepper process manages the stepper movements. It's now possible to have simultaneous movements of both motors (this closes #38 ). - The imager process controls the camera and the streaming server via a state machine. - The segmenter process manages the segmentation and its outputs. The segmentation happens recursively in all folders in `/home/pi/PlanktonScope/img/`. Each folder has its own output archive, and bug #26 is now closed. Those processes communicates together using MQTT and json messages. Each message is adressed to one topic. The high level topic controls which process receives the message. The details of each topic is at the end of this commit message. Every imaging sessions has now its own folder, under the `img` root. Metadata are saved individually for every session, in a JSON file in the same directory as the pictures. The configuration is not parsed from `config.json` anymore and passed directly through MQTT messages to the concerned process. A new configuration file has been created: `hardware.json`. This file contains information related to your specific hardware configuration. You can choose to reverse the connection of the motors for example, but you can also define specific speed limits and steps number for your pump and focus stage. This will make it easier for people who wants to experiment with different kind of hardware. It's not necessary to have this file though. If it doesn't exists, the default configuration will be applied. The code is architectured around 6 modules and about 10 classes. I encourage you to have a look at the files, they're pretty straightforward to understand. There is a lot of work left around the node-red code refactoring, dashboard ui improvements, better and clearer LED messages, OLED screen integration and finer control of the segmentation process, but this is quite good for now. Here is the topic lists for MQTT and the corresponding messages. - actuator : This topic adresses the stepper control thread No publication under this topic should happen from the python process - actuator/pump : Control of the pump The message is a json object {"action":"move", "direction":"FORWARD", "volume":10, "flowrate":1} to move 10mL forward at 1mL/min action can be "move" or "stop" Receive only - actuator/focus : Control of the focus stage The message is a json object, speed is optional {"action":"move", "direction":"UP", "distance":0.26, "speed":1} to move up 10mm action can be "move" or "stop" Receive only - imager/image : This topic adresses the imaging thread Is a json object with {"action":"image","sleep":5,"volume":1,"nb_frame":200} sleep in seconds, volume in mL Can also receive a config update message: {"action":"config","config":[...]} Can also receive a camera settings message: {"action":"settings","iso":100,"shutter_speed":40} Receive only - segmenter/segment : This topic adresses the segmenter process Is a json object with {"action":"segment"} Receive only - status : This topics sends feedback to Node-Red No publication or receive at this level - status/pump : State of the pump Is a json object with {"status":"Start", "time_left":25} Status is one of Started, Ready, Done, Interrupted Publish only - status/focus : State of the focus stage Is a json object with {"status":"Start", "time_left":25} Status is one of Started, Ready, Done, Interrupted Publish only - status/imager : State of the imager Is a json object with {"status":"Start", "time_left":25} Status is one of Started, Ready, Completed or 12_11_15_0.1.jpg has been imaged. Publish only - status/segmenter : Status of the segmentation - status/segmenter/name - status/segmenter/object_id - status/segmenter/metric Here is the original commit history: * Extract python from flow * Fix bug in server addresses These addresses should be the loopback device instead of the network address of the device. Using the loopback address will not necessitate to update the script when the network address changes. * clean up picamera import * changes to main python and flow: update MQTT requests address to localhost (bugfix) update streaming output address to nothing update main flow to remove python script references and location * Automatically initialise imaging led on startup to off state. * Add the ability to invert outputs of the motor We added a key to config.json "hardware_config" with a subkey "stepper_reverse". If this key is present in the config file and set to 1, the output of the motors are inversed (stepper2 becomes the pump motor and stepper1 the focus motor) * move all non main script to a subfolder * add to package * light module rewrite * json cleanup and absolute path for config file * forgot to import subprocess #oups * Add command to turn the leds off * Auto formatting of I've used Black with default settings, see * First commit of Pump parameters still needs to be checked and tuned. * addition of hardware details in config.json * Introduce hardware.json to replace the `hardware_config` of config.json * calibration, typos * creates the MQTT_Client class * pump_max_speed is now in ml/min to help readability * forgot to add self to the class def * addition of threading capabilities to (UNTESTED) * mqtt: fix topic bug * remove counter * mqtt add doc about topics * creates an "actuator/*/state" topic * rename mqtt_client to pump_client * add details about topics * rename pump_client to actuator_client * topic was not split properly and a part was lost * switch to f-strings for * cosmetic update * folder name will be planktoscope change calls * hardware.json became more straightforward * syntax bugs * addition of a received stop command * update to max travel distance * several typos here * rename folder * reword to reflect folder rename * remove logic that has been moved to and * update to add mqtt imaging client * make command and args local to class and output more verbose * make a class * instantiate stepper class and call it * name mqtt client * update to main.json to reflect changes * fix bugs around pump control * update flows to latest version from Thibault * distance can be a small value, and definitevely should be a float. * unify mqtt topics * unify mqtt output in the main flow * first logger implementation, uses loguru * mqtt: add reason to on_connect * mqtt: add on_disconnect handler * stepper: add more logger calls for debug mainly * main: add levels for logger * first move of the imager logic * imager: time import cleanup * imager: morphocut import cleanup * imager: skimage import cleanup * imager: finishing import cleanup * imager: Class creation - WIP Also provides a fix for #26 (see line 190). * imager: threading is needed for Condition() * streamer: get the streamer server its own file * imager: creates start_camera and get the server creation out * imager: subclass multiprocessing.Process * imager: get Pipeline creation its own function * imager: cleanup of self calls * main: code removal and corresponding calls to newly created classes * imager: various formatting changes * main: management of signal shutdown * add requirements.txt * mqtt: messages are now json objects Also, addition of a flag on receiving a new message * mqtt: make message private and add logic to synchronise * stepper: creates the stepper class * stepper: use the new class * stepper: uses the new logic * stepper: add the shutdown event * stepper: add shutdown method * main: add shutdown event * imager: graceful shutdown * stepper: nicer way of checking the Eevnt * self is a required first argument for a method in a class Especially if you use said class private members! * python: various typos and small errors in import * stepper: create mqtt client during init * stepper: instanciate the mqtt client inside run Otherwise it's not accessible from inside the loop. It's a PITA, more information at * stepper: little bugs and typos all around * mqtt: add shutdown method * mqtt: add connect in init * stepper: fix bugs, sanitize inputs * stepper: work on delay prediction improvements * stepper: json is mean, double quote are mandatory inside * mqtt: add details about message exchanged * imager: first implementation of json messages * main.json: add new tab for RPi management + json for payloads * imager: add state_machine class * stepper: publish last will * imager: major refactor * main: make streaming server process a daemon * mqtt: insert debug statement on close * main: reorder imports * imager: make it work! Reinsert the streaming server logic in there, because there is a problem with the synchronisation part otherwise. Also, eventually, StreamingOuput() will have to be made not global Final very critical learning: it's super duper important to make sure the memory split is at least 256Meg for the GPU. Chaos ensues otherwise * main: changes to accomodate the streamer/imager fusino * imager_state_machine: insert states transition description * stepper: cleanup of code * segmenter: creation of the class * python: include segmenter changes * remove unused files * stepper: check existence of hardware.json * main.json: changes to reflect the python script evolution * remove unecessary TODOs and add some others * main: add check for config and directories * imager: update_config is implemented and we have better management of directories now * segmenter: now work recursively in all folders * flow: the configuration is now sent via mqtt * segmenter: better manage pipeline error * segmenter: declaration of archive_fn in init * imager: small bugs and typos * main: add uniqueID output * imager: add the camera settings message We can now update the ISO, shutter speed and resolution from Node-Red * package.json: update dependencies
2020-09-28 11:05:27 +02:00
2020-11-25 16:58:32 +01:00
"id": "7205d267.36adcc",
"type": "file",
"z": "1c24ad9c.bebec2",
2020-11-24 17:25:15 +01:00
"name": "",
2020-11-25 16:58:32 +01:00
"filename": "/home/pi/PlanktonScope/config.json",
"appendNewline": true,
"createDir": true,
"overwriteFile": "true",
"encoding": "none",
2020-11-27 11:30:57 +01:00
"x": 1040,
2020-11-25 16:58:32 +01:00
"y": 860,
2020-11-24 17:25:15 +01:00
"wires": [
2020-11-25 16:58:32 +01:00
"id": "2e6ddf51.c0dba",
"type": "json",
"z": "1c24ad9c.bebec2",
"name": "config.json",
"property": "payload",
"action": "str",
"pretty": true,
2020-11-27 11:30:57 +01:00
"x": 810,
2020-11-25 16:58:32 +01:00
"y": 860,
Extraction and refactor of the python code from node-red flow The rationale for this rewrite is to improve the readability, the modularity, the reliability and the future-proofing of the main python script. All in all, this is now 124 commits that are going to be squashed and merged together, spanning more than two weeks of development and testing. Please test away this release and break things. An upgrading guide will be published in the coming days, along with a new image for people to use if they don't want to upgrade on their own. Read along if you want to know all the goodies! As a starter, the python script was extracted from the main flow, and now lives in its own files at `PlantonScope/scripts/*`. We set up the auto formatting of the code by using [Black]( This make the code clearer and uniform. We are using the default settings, so if you just install Black and set your editor to format on save using it, you should be good to go. The code is separated in four main processes, each with a specific set of responsibilities: - The main process controls all the others, starts everything up and cleans up on shutdown - The stepper process manages the stepper movements. It's now possible to have simultaneous movements of both motors (this closes #38 ). - The imager process controls the camera and the streaming server via a state machine. - The segmenter process manages the segmentation and its outputs. The segmentation happens recursively in all folders in `/home/pi/PlanktonScope/img/`. Each folder has its own output archive, and bug #26 is now closed. Those processes communicates together using MQTT and json messages. Each message is adressed to one topic. The high level topic controls which process receives the message. The details of each topic is at the end of this commit message. Every imaging sessions has now its own folder, under the `img` root. Metadata are saved individually for every session, in a JSON file in the same directory as the pictures. The configuration is not parsed from `config.json` anymore and passed directly through MQTT messages to the concerned process. A new configuration file has been created: `hardware.json`. This file contains information related to your specific hardware configuration. You can choose to reverse the connection of the motors for example, but you can also define specific speed limits and steps number for your pump and focus stage. This will make it easier for people who wants to experiment with different kind of hardware. It's not necessary to have this file though. If it doesn't exists, the default configuration will be applied. The code is architectured around 6 modules and about 10 classes. I encourage you to have a look at the files, they're pretty straightforward to understand. There is a lot of work left around the node-red code refactoring, dashboard ui improvements, better and clearer LED messages, OLED screen integration and finer control of the segmentation process, but this is quite good for now. Here is the topic lists for MQTT and the corresponding messages. - actuator : This topic adresses the stepper control thread No publication under this topic should happen from the python process - actuator/pump : Control of the pump The message is a json object {"action":"move", "direction":"FORWARD", "volume":10, "flowrate":1} to move 10mL forward at 1mL/min action can be "move" or "stop" Receive only - actuator/focus : Control of the focus stage The message is a json object, speed is optional {"action":"move", "direction":"UP", "distance":0.26, "speed":1} to move up 10mm action can be "move" or "stop" Receive only - imager/image : This topic adresses the imaging thread Is a json object with {"action":"image","sleep":5,"volume":1,"nb_frame":200} sleep in seconds, volume in mL Can also receive a config update message: {"action":"config","config":[...]} Can also receive a camera settings message: {"action":"settings","iso":100,"shutter_speed":40} Receive only - segmenter/segment : This topic adresses the segmenter process Is a json object with {"action":"segment"} Receive only - status : This topics sends feedback to Node-Red No publication or receive at this level - status/pump : State of the pump Is a json object with {"status":"Start", "time_left":25} Status is one of Started, Ready, Done, Interrupted Publish only - status/focus : State of the focus stage Is a json object with {"status":"Start", "time_left":25} Status is one of Started, Ready, Done, Interrupted Publish only - status/imager : State of the imager Is a json object with {"status":"Start", "time_left":25} Status is one of Started, Ready, Completed or 12_11_15_0.1.jpg has been imaged. Publish only - status/segmenter : Status of the segmentation - status/segmenter/name - status/segmenter/object_id - status/segmenter/metric Here is the original commit history: * Extract python from flow * Fix bug in server addresses These addresses should be the loopback device instead of the network address of the device. Using the loopback address will not necessitate to update the script when the network address changes. * clean up picamera import * changes to main python and flow: update MQTT requests address to localhost (bugfix) update streaming output address to nothing update main flow to remove python script references and location * Automatically initialise imaging led on startup to off state. * Add the ability to invert outputs of the motor We added a key to config.json "hardware_config" with a subkey "stepper_reverse". If this key is present in the config file and set to 1, the output of the motors are inversed (stepper2 becomes the pump motor and stepper1 the focus motor) * move all non main script to a subfolder * add to package * light module rewrite * json cleanup and absolute path for config file * forgot to import subprocess #oups * Add command to turn the leds off * Auto formatting of I've used Black with default settings, see * First commit of Pump parameters still needs to be checked and tuned. * addition of hardware details in config.json * Introduce hardware.json to replace the `hardware_config` of config.json * calibration, typos * creates the MQTT_Client class * pump_max_speed is now in ml/min to help readability * forgot to add self to the class def * addition of threading capabilities to (UNTESTED) * mqtt: fix topic bug * remove counter * mqtt add doc about topics * creates an "actuator/*/state" topic * rename mqtt_client to pump_client * add details about topics * rename pump_client to actuator_client * topic was not split properly and a part was lost * switch to f-strings for * cosmetic update * folder name will be planktoscope change calls * hardware.json became more straightforward * syntax bugs * addition of a received stop command * update to max travel distance * several typos here * rename folder * reword to reflect folder rename * remove logic that has been moved to and * update to add mqtt imaging client * make command and args local to class and output more verbose * make a class * instantiate stepper class and call it * name mqtt client * update to main.json to reflect changes * fix bugs around pump control * update flows to latest version from Thibault * distance can be a small value, and definitevely should be a float. * unify mqtt topics * unify mqtt output in the main flow * first logger implementation, uses loguru * mqtt: add reason to on_connect * mqtt: add on_disconnect handler * stepper: add more logger calls for debug mainly * main: add levels for logger * first move of the imager logic * imager: time import cleanup * imager: morphocut import cleanup * imager: skimage import cleanup * imager: finishing import cleanup * imager: Class creation - WIP Also provides a fix for #26 (see line 190). * imager: threading is needed for Condition() * streamer: get the streamer server its own file * imager: creates start_camera and get the server creation out * imager: subclass multiprocessing.Process * imager: get Pipeline creation its own function * imager: cleanup of self calls * main: code removal and corresponding calls to newly created classes * imager: various formatting changes * main: management of signal shutdown * add requirements.txt * mqtt: messages are now json objects Also, addition of a flag on receiving a new message * mqtt: make message private and add logic to synchronise * stepper: creates the stepper class * stepper: use the new class * stepper: uses the new logic * stepper: add the shutdown event * stepper: add shutdown method * main: add shutdown event * imager: graceful shutdown * stepper: nicer way of checking the Eevnt * self is a required first argument for a method in a class Especially if you use said class private members! * python: various typos and small errors in import * stepper: create mqtt client during init * stepper: instanciate the mqtt client inside run Otherwise it's not accessible from inside the loop. It's a PITA, more information at * stepper: little bugs and typos all around * mqtt: add shutdown method * mqtt: add connect in init * stepper: fix bugs, sanitize inputs * stepper: work on delay prediction improvements * stepper: json is mean, double quote are mandatory inside * mqtt: add details about message exchanged * imager: first implementation of json messages * main.json: add new tab for RPi management + json for payloads * imager: add state_machine class * stepper: publish last will * imager: major refactor * main: make streaming server process a daemon * mqtt: insert debug statement on close * main: reorder imports * imager: make it work! Reinsert the streaming server logic in there, because there is a problem with the synchronisation part otherwise. Also, eventually, StreamingOuput() will have to be made not global Final very critical learning: it's super duper important to make sure the memory split is at least 256Meg for the GPU. Chaos ensues otherwise * main: changes to accomodate the streamer/imager fusino * imager_state_machine: insert states transition description * stepper: cleanup of code * segmenter: creation of the class * python: include segmenter changes * remove unused files * stepper: check existence of hardware.json * main.json: changes to reflect the python script evolution * remove unecessary TODOs and add some others * main: add check for config and directories * imager: update_config is implemented and we have better management of directories now * segmenter: now work recursively in all folders * flow: the configuration is now sent via mqtt * segmenter: better manage pipeline error * segmenter: declaration of archive_fn in init * imager: small bugs and typos * main: add uniqueID output * imager: add the camera settings message We can now update the ISO, shutter speed and resolution from Node-Red * package.json: update dependencies
2020-09-28 11:05:27 +02:00
"wires": [
2020-11-25 16:58:32 +01:00
Extraction and refactor of the python code from node-red flow The rationale for this rewrite is to improve the readability, the modularity, the reliability and the future-proofing of the main python script. All in all, this is now 124 commits that are going to be squashed and merged together, spanning more than two weeks of development and testing. Please test away this release and break things. An upgrading guide will be published in the coming days, along with a new image for people to use if they don't want to upgrade on their own. Read along if you want to know all the goodies! As a starter, the python script was extracted from the main flow, and now lives in its own files at `PlantonScope/scripts/*`. We set up the auto formatting of the code by using [Black]( This make the code clearer and uniform. We are using the default settings, so if you just install Black and set your editor to format on save using it, you should be good to go. The code is separated in four main processes, each with a specific set of responsibilities: - The main process controls all the others, starts everything up and cleans up on shutdown - The stepper process manages the stepper movements. It's now possible to have simultaneous movements of both motors (this closes #38 ). - The imager process controls the camera and the streaming server via a state machine. - The segmenter process manages the segmentation and its outputs. The segmentation happens recursively in all folders in `/home/pi/PlanktonScope/img/`. Each folder has its own output archive, and bug #26 is now closed. Those processes communicates together using MQTT and json messages. Each message is adressed to one topic. The high level topic controls which process receives the message. The details of each topic is at the end of this commit message. Every imaging sessions has now its own folder, under the `img` root. Metadata are saved individually for every session, in a JSON file in the same directory as the pictures. The configuration is not parsed from `config.json` anymore and passed directly through MQTT messages to the concerned process. A new configuration file has been created: `hardware.json`. This file contains information related to your specific hardware configuration. You can choose to reverse the connection of the motors for example, but you can also define specific speed limits and steps number for your pump and focus stage. This will make it easier for people who wants to experiment with different kind of hardware. It's not necessary to have this file though. If it doesn't exists, the default configuration will be applied. The code is architectured around 6 modules and about 10 classes. I encourage you to have a look at the files, they're pretty straightforward to understand. There is a lot of work left around the node-red code refactoring, dashboard ui improvements, better and clearer LED messages, OLED screen integration and finer control of the segmentation process, but this is quite good for now. Here is the topic lists for MQTT and the corresponding messages. - actuator : This topic adresses the stepper control thread No publication under this topic should happen from the python process - actuator/pump : Control of the pump The message is a json object {"action":"move", "direction":"FORWARD", "volume":10, "flowrate":1} to move 10mL forward at 1mL/min action can be "move" or "stop" Receive only - actuator/focus : Control of the focus stage The message is a json object, speed is optional {"action":"move", "direction":"UP", "distance":0.26, "speed":1} to move up 10mm action can be "move" or "stop" Receive only - imager/image : This topic adresses the imaging thread Is a json object with {"action":"image","sleep":5,"volume":1,"nb_frame":200} sleep in seconds, volume in mL Can also receive a config update message: {"action":"config","config":[...]} Can also receive a camera settings message: {"action":"settings","iso":100,"shutter_speed":40} Receive only - segmenter/segment : This topic adresses the segmenter process Is a json object with {"action":"segment"} Receive only - status : This topics sends feedback to Node-Red No publication or receive at this level - status/pump : State of the pump Is a json object with {"status":"Start", "time_left":25} Status is one of Started, Ready, Done, Interrupted Publish only - status/focus : State of the focus stage Is a json object with {"status":"Start", "time_left":25} Status is one of Started, Ready, Done, Interrupted Publish only - status/imager : State of the imager Is a json object with {"status":"Start", "time_left":25} Status is one of Started, Ready, Completed or 12_11_15_0.1.jpg has been imaged. Publish only - status/segmenter : Status of the segmentation - status/segmenter/name - status/segmenter/object_id - status/segmenter/metric Here is the original commit history: * Extract python from flow * Fix bug in server addresses These addresses should be the loopback device instead of the network address of the device. Using the loopback address will not necessitate to update the script when the network address changes. * clean up picamera import * changes to main python and flow: update MQTT requests address to localhost (bugfix) update streaming output address to nothing update main flow to remove python script references and location * Automatically initialise imaging led on startup to off state. * Add the ability to invert outputs of the motor We added a key to config.json "hardware_config" with a subkey "stepper_reverse". If this key is present in the config file and set to 1, the output of the motors are inversed (stepper2 becomes the pump motor and stepper1 the focus motor) * move all non main script to a subfolder * add to package * light module rewrite * json cleanup and absolute path for config file * forgot to import subprocess #oups * Add command to turn the leds off * Auto formatting of I've used Black with default settings, see * First commit of Pump parameters still needs to be checked and tuned. * addition of hardware details in config.json * Introduce hardware.json to replace the `hardware_config` of config.json * calibration, typos * creates the MQTT_Client class * pump_max_speed is now in ml/min to help readability * forgot to add self to the class def * addition of threading capabilities to (UNTESTED) * mqtt: fix topic bug * remove counter * mqtt add doc about topics * creates an "actuator/*/state" topic * rename mqtt_client to pump_client * add details about topics * rename pump_client to actuator_client * topic was not split properly and a part was lost * switch to f-strings for * cosmetic update * folder name will be planktoscope change calls * hardware.json became more straightforward * syntax bugs * addition of a received stop command * update to max travel distance * several typos here * rename folder * reword to reflect folder rename * remove logic that has been moved to and * update to add mqtt imaging client * make command and args local to class and output more verbose * make a class * instantiate stepper class and call it * name mqtt client * update to main.json to reflect changes * fix bugs around pump control * update flows to latest version from Thibault * distance can be a small value, and definitevely should be a float. * unify mqtt topics * unify mqtt output in the main flow * first logger implementation, uses loguru * mqtt: add reason to on_connect * mqtt: add on_disconnect handler * stepper: add more logger calls for debug mainly * main: add levels for logger * first move of the imager logic * imager: time import cleanup * imager: morphocut import cleanup * imager: skimage import cleanup * imager: finishing import cleanup * imager: Class creation - WIP Also provides a fix for #26 (see line 190). * imager: threading is needed for Condition() * streamer: get the streamer server its own file * imager: creates start_camera and get the server creation out * imager: subclass multiprocessing.Process * imager: get Pipeline creation its own function * imager: cleanup of self calls * main: code removal and corresponding calls to newly created classes * imager: various formatting changes * main: management of signal shutdown * add requirements.txt * mqtt: messages are now json objects Also, addition of a flag on receiving a new message * mqtt: make message private and add logic to synchronise * stepper: creates the stepper class * stepper: use the new class * stepper: uses the new logic * stepper: add the shutdown event * stepper: add shutdown method * main: add shutdown event * imager: graceful shutdown * stepper: nicer way of checking the Eevnt * self is a required first argument for a method in a class Especially if you use said class private members! * python: various typos and small errors in import * stepper: create mqtt client during init * stepper: instanciate the mqtt client inside run Otherwise it's not accessible from inside the loop. It's a PITA, more information at * stepper: little bugs and typos all around * mqtt: add shutdown method * mqtt: add connect in init * stepper: fix bugs, sanitize inputs * stepper: work on delay prediction improvements * stepper: json is mean, double quote are mandatory inside * mqtt: add details about message exchanged * imager: first implementation of json messages * main.json: add new tab for RPi management + json for payloads * imager: add state_machine class * stepper: publish last will * imager: major refactor * main: make streaming server process a daemon * mqtt: insert debug statement on close * main: reorder imports * imager: make it work! Reinsert the streaming server logic in there, because there is a problem with the synchronisation part otherwise. Also, eventually, StreamingOuput() will have to be made not global Final very critical learning: it's super duper important to make sure the memory split is at least 256Meg for the GPU. Chaos ensues otherwise * main: changes to accomodate the streamer/imager fusino * imager_state_machine: insert states transition description * stepper: cleanup of code * segmenter: creation of the class * python: include segmenter changes * remove unused files * stepper: check existence of hardware.json * main.json: changes to reflect the python script evolution * remove unecessary TODOs and add some others * main: add check for config and directories * imager: update_config is implemented and we have better management of directories now * segmenter: now work recursively in all folders * flow: the configuration is now sent via mqtt * segmenter: better manage pipeline error * segmenter: declaration of archive_fn in init * imager: small bugs and typos * main: add uniqueID output * imager: add the camera settings message We can now update the ISO, shutter speed and resolution from Node-Red * package.json: update dependencies
2020-09-28 11:05:27 +02:00
2020-11-25 16:58:32 +01:00
"id": "ad541674.4791c8",
Extraction and refactor of the python code from node-red flow The rationale for this rewrite is to improve the readability, the modularity, the reliability and the future-proofing of the main python script. All in all, this is now 124 commits that are going to be squashed and merged together, spanning more than two weeks of development and testing. Please test away this release and break things. An upgrading guide will be published in the coming days, along with a new image for people to use if they don't want to upgrade on their own. Read along if you want to know all the goodies! As a starter, the python script was extracted from the main flow, and now lives in its own files at `PlantonScope/scripts/*`. We set up the auto formatting of the code by using [Black]( This make the code clearer and uniform. We are using the default settings, so if you just install Black and set your editor to format on save using it, you should be good to go. The code is separated in four main processes, each with a specific set of responsibilities: - The main process controls all the others, starts everything up and cleans up on shutdown - The stepper process manages the stepper movements. It's now possible to have simultaneous movements of both motors (this closes #38 ). - The imager process controls the camera and the streaming server via a state machine. - The segmenter process manages the segmentation and its outputs. The segmentation happens recursively in all folders in `/home/pi/PlanktonScope/img/`. Each folder has its own output archive, and bug #26 is now closed. Those processes communicates together using MQTT and json messages. Each message is adressed to one topic. The high level topic controls which process receives the message. The details of each topic is at the end of this commit message. Every imaging sessions has now its own folder, under the `img` root. Metadata are saved individually for every session, in a JSON file in the same directory as the pictures. The configuration is not parsed from `config.json` anymore and passed directly through MQTT messages to the concerned process. A new configuration file has been created: `hardware.json`. This file contains information related to your specific hardware configuration. You can choose to reverse the connection of the motors for example, but you can also define specific speed limits and steps number for your pump and focus stage. This will make it easier for people who wants to experiment with different kind of hardware. It's not necessary to have this file though. If it doesn't exists, the default configuration will be applied. The code is architectured around 6 modules and about 10 classes. I encourage you to have a look at the files, they're pretty straightforward to understand. There is a lot of work left around the node-red code refactoring, dashboard ui improvements, better and clearer LED messages, OLED screen integration and finer control of the segmentation process, but this is quite good for now. Here is the topic lists for MQTT and the corresponding messages. - actuator : This topic adresses the stepper control thread No publication under this topic should happen from the python process - actuator/pump : Control of the pump The message is a json object {"action":"move", "direction":"FORWARD", "volume":10, "flowrate":1} to move 10mL forward at 1mL/min action can be "move" or "stop" Receive only - actuator/focus : Control of the focus stage The message is a json object, speed is optional {"action":"move", "direction":"UP", "distance":0.26, "speed":1} to move up 10mm action can be "move" or "stop" Receive only - imager/image : This topic adresses the imaging thread Is a json object with {"action":"image","sleep":5,"volume":1,"nb_frame":200} sleep in seconds, volume in mL Can also receive a config update message: {"action":"config","config":[...]} Can also receive a camera settings message: {"action":"settings","iso":100,"shutter_speed":40} Receive only - segmenter/segment : This topic adresses the segmenter process Is a json object with {"action":"segment"} Receive only - status : This topics sends feedback to Node-Red No publication or receive at this level - status/pump : State of the pump Is a json object with {"status":"Start", "time_left":25} Status is one of Started, Ready, Done, Interrupted Publish only - status/focus : State of the focus stage Is a json object with {"status":"Start", "time_left":25} Status is one of Started, Ready, Done, Interrupted Publish only - status/imager : State of the imager Is a json object with {"status":"Start", "time_left":25} Status is one of Started, Ready, Completed or 12_11_15_0.1.jpg has been imaged. Publish only - status/segmenter : Status of the segmentation - status/segmenter/name - status/segmenter/object_id - status/segmenter/metric Here is the original commit history: * Extract python from flow * Fix bug in server addresses These addresses should be the loopback device instead of the network address of the device. Using the loopback address will not necessitate to update the script when the network address changes. * clean up picamera import * changes to main python and flow: update MQTT requests address to localhost (bugfix) update streaming output address to nothing update main flow to remove python script references and location * Automatically initialise imaging led on startup to off state. * Add the ability to invert outputs of the motor We added a key to config.json "hardware_config" with a subkey "stepper_reverse". If this key is present in the config file and set to 1, the output of the motors are inversed (stepper2 becomes the pump motor and stepper1 the focus motor) * move all non main script to a subfolder * add to package * light module rewrite * json cleanup and absolute path for config file * forgot to import subprocess #oups * Add command to turn the leds off * Auto formatting of I've used Black with default settings, see * First commit of Pump parameters still needs to be checked and tuned. * addition of hardware details in config.json * Introduce hardware.json to replace the `hardware_config` of config.json * calibration, typos * creates the MQTT_Client class * pump_max_speed is now in ml/min to help readability * forgot to add self to the class def * addition of threading capabilities to (UNTESTED) * mqtt: fix topic bug * remove counter * mqtt add doc about topics * creates an "actuator/*/state" topic * rename mqtt_client to pump_client * add details about topics * rename pump_client to actuator_client * topic was not split properly and a part was lost * switch to f-strings for * cosmetic update * folder name will be planktoscope change calls * hardware.json became more straightforward * syntax bugs * addition of a received stop command * update to max travel distance * several typos here * rename folder * reword to reflect folder rename * remove logic that has been moved to and * update to add mqtt imaging client * make command and args local to class and output more verbose * make a class * instantiate stepper class and call it * name mqtt client * update to main.json to reflect changes * fix bugs around pump control * update flows to latest version from Thibault * distance can be a small value, and definitevely should be a float. * unify mqtt topics * unify mqtt output in the main flow * first logger implementation, uses loguru * mqtt: add reason to on_connect * mqtt: add on_disconnect handler * stepper: add more logger calls for debug mainly * main: add levels for logger * first move of the imager logic * imager: time import cleanup * imager: morphocut import cleanup * imager: skimage import cleanup * imager: finishing import cleanup * imager: Class creation - WIP Also provides a fix for #26 (see line 190). * imager: threading is needed for Condition() * streamer: get the streamer server its own file * imager: creates start_camera and get the server creation out * imager: subclass multiprocessing.Process * imager: get Pipeline creation its own function * imager: cleanup of self calls * main: code removal and corresponding calls to newly created classes * imager: various formatting changes * main: management of signal shutdown * add requirements.txt * mqtt: messages are now json objects Also, addition of a flag on receiving a new message * mqtt: make message private and add logic to synchronise * stepper: creates the stepper class * stepper: use the new class * stepper: uses the new logic * stepper: add the shutdown event * stepper: add shutdown method * main: add shutdown event * imager: graceful shutdown * stepper: nicer way of checking the Eevnt * self is a required first argument for a method in a class Especially if you use said class private members! * python: various typos and small errors in import * stepper: create mqtt client during init * stepper: instanciate the mqtt client inside run Otherwise it's not accessible from inside the loop. It's a PITA, more information at * stepper: little bugs and typos all around * mqtt: add shutdown method * mqtt: add connect in init * stepper: fix bugs, sanitize inputs * stepper: work on delay prediction improvements * stepper: json is mean, double quote are mandatory inside * mqtt: add details about message exchanged * imager: first implementation of json messages * main.json: add new tab for RPi management + json for payloads * imager: add state_machine class * stepper: publish last will * imager: major refactor * main: make streaming server process a daemon * mqtt: insert debug statement on close * main: reorder imports * imager: make it work! Reinsert the streaming server logic in there, because there is a problem with the synchronisation part otherwise. Also, eventually, StreamingOuput() will have to be made not global Final very critical learning: it's super duper important to make sure the memory split is at least 256Meg for the GPU. Chaos ensues otherwise * main: changes to accomodate the streamer/imager fusino * imager_state_machine: insert states transition description * stepper: cleanup of code * segmenter: creation of the class * python: include segmenter changes * remove unused files * stepper: check existence of hardware.json * main.json: changes to reflect the python script evolution * remove unecessary TODOs and add some others * main: add check for config and directories * imager: update_config is implemented and we have better management of directories now * segmenter: now work recursively in all folders * flow: the configuration is now sent via mqtt * segmenter: better manage pipeline error * segmenter: declaration of archive_fn in init * imager: small bugs and typos * main: add uniqueID output * imager: add the camera settings message We can now update the ISO, shutter speed and resolution from Node-Red * package.json: update dependencies
2020-09-28 11:05:27 +02:00
"type": "function",
2020-11-25 16:58:32 +01:00
"z": "1c24ad9c.bebec2",
"name": "Global Set",
"func": "for (const key in msg.payload) {\n global.set(key, msg.payload[key]);\n}\n\nreturn msg;",
Extraction and refactor of the python code from node-red flow The rationale for this rewrite is to improve the readability, the modularity, the reliability and the future-proofing of the main python script. All in all, this is now 124 commits that are going to be squashed and merged together, spanning more than two weeks of development and testing. Please test away this release and break things. An upgrading guide will be published in the coming days, along with a new image for people to use if they don't want to upgrade on their own. Read along if you want to know all the goodies! As a starter, the python script was extracted from the main flow, and now lives in its own files at `PlantonScope/scripts/*`. We set up the auto formatting of the code by using [Black]( This make the code clearer and uniform. We are using the default settings, so if you just install Black and set your editor to format on save using it, you should be good to go. The code is separated in four main processes, each with a specific set of responsibilities: - The main process controls all the others, starts everything up and cleans up on shutdown - The stepper process manages the stepper movements. It's now possible to have simultaneous movements of both motors (this closes #38 ). - The imager process controls the camera and the streaming server via a state machine. - The segmenter process manages the segmentation and its outputs. The segmentation happens recursively in all folders in `/home/pi/PlanktonScope/img/`. Each folder has its own output archive, and bug #26 is now closed. Those processes communicates together using MQTT and json messages. Each message is adressed to one topic. The high level topic controls which process receives the message. The details of each topic is at the end of this commit message. Every imaging sessions has now its own folder, under the `img` root. Metadata are saved individually for every session, in a JSON file in the same directory as the pictures. The configuration is not parsed from `config.json` anymore and passed directly through MQTT messages to the concerned process. A new configuration file has been created: `hardware.json`. This file contains information related to your specific hardware configuration. You can choose to reverse the connection of the motors for example, but you can also define specific speed limits and steps number for your pump and focus stage. This will make it easier for people who wants to experiment with different kind of hardware. It's not necessary to have this file though. If it doesn't exists, the default configuration will be applied. The code is architectured around 6 modules and about 10 classes. I encourage you to have a look at the files, they're pretty straightforward to understand. There is a lot of work left around the node-red code refactoring, dashboard ui improvements, better and clearer LED messages, OLED screen integration and finer control of the segmentation process, but this is quite good for now. Here is the topic lists for MQTT and the corresponding messages. - actuator : This topic adresses the stepper control thread No publication under this topic should happen from the python process - actuator/pump : Control of the pump The message is a json object {"action":"move", "direction":"FORWARD", "volume":10, "flowrate":1} to move 10mL forward at 1mL/min action can be "move" or "stop" Receive only - actuator/focus : Control of the focus stage The message is a json object, speed is optional {"action":"move", "direction":"UP", "distance":0.26, "speed":1} to move up 10mm action can be "move" or "stop" Receive only - imager/image : This topic adresses the imaging thread Is a json object with {"action":"image","sleep":5,"volume":1,"nb_frame":200} sleep in seconds, volume in mL Can also receive a config update message: {"action":"config","config":[...]} Can also receive a camera settings message: {"action":"settings","iso":100,"shutter_speed":40} Receive only - segmenter/segment : This topic adresses the segmenter process Is a json object with {"action":"segment"} Receive only - status : This topics sends feedback to Node-Red No publication or receive at this level - status/pump : State of the pump Is a json object with {"status":"Start", "time_left":25} Status is one of Started, Ready, Done, Interrupted Publish only - status/focus : State of the focus stage Is a json object with {"status":"Start", "time_left":25} Status is one of Started, Ready, Done, Interrupted Publish only - status/imager : State of the imager Is a json object with {"status":"Start", "time_left":25} Status is one of Started, Ready, Completed or 12_11_15_0.1.jpg has been imaged. Publish only - status/segmenter : Status of the segmentation - status/segmenter/name - status/segmenter/object_id - status/segmenter/metric Here is the original commit history: * Extract python from flow * Fix bug in server addresses These addresses should be the loopback device instead of the network address of the device. Using the loopback address will not necessitate to update the script when the network address changes. * clean up picamera import * changes to main python and flow: update MQTT requests address to localhost (bugfix) update streaming output address to nothing update main flow to remove python script references and location * Automatically initialise imaging led on startup to off state. * Add the ability to invert outputs of the motor We added a key to config.json "hardware_config" with a subkey "stepper_reverse". If this key is present in the config file and set to 1, the output of the motors are inversed (stepper2 becomes the pump motor and stepper1 the focus motor) * move all non main script to a subfolder * add to package * light module rewrite * json cleanup and absolute path for config file * forgot to import subprocess #oups * Add command to turn the leds off * Auto formatting of I've used Black with default settings, see * First commit of Pump parameters still needs to be checked and tuned. * addition of hardware details in config.json * Introduce hardware.json to replace the `hardware_config` of config.json * calibration, typos * creates the MQTT_Client class * pump_max_speed is now in ml/min to help readability * forgot to add self to the class def * addition of threading capabilities to (UNTESTED) * mqtt: fix topic bug * remove counter * mqtt add doc about topics * creates an "actuator/*/state" topic * rename mqtt_client to pump_client * add details about topics * rename pump_client to actuator_client * topic was not split properly and a part was lost * switch to f-strings for * cosmetic update * folder name will be planktoscope change calls * hardware.json became more straightforward * syntax bugs * addition of a received stop command * update to max travel distance * several typos here * rename folder * reword to reflect folder rename * remove logic that has been moved to and * update to add mqtt imaging client * make command and args local to class and output more verbose * make a class * instantiate stepper class and call it * name mqtt client * update to main.json to reflect changes * fix bugs around pump control * update flows to latest version from Thibault * distance can be a small value, and definitevely should be a float. * unify mqtt topics * unify mqtt output in the main flow * first logger implementation, uses loguru * mqtt: add reason to on_connect * mqtt: add on_disconnect handler * stepper: add more logger calls for debug mainly * main: add levels for logger * first move of the imager logic * imager: time import cleanup * imager: morphocut import cleanup * imager: skimage import cleanup * imager: finishing import cleanup * imager: Class creation - WIP Also provides a fix for #26 (see line 190). * imager: threading is needed for Condition() * streamer: get the streamer server its own file * imager: creates start_camera and get the server creation out * imager: subclass multiprocessing.Process * imager: get Pipeline creation its own function * imager: cleanup of self calls * main: code removal and corresponding calls to newly created classes * imager: various formatting changes * main: management of signal shutdown * add requirements.txt * mqtt: messages are now json objects Also, addition of a flag on receiving a new message * mqtt: make message private and add logic to synchronise * stepper: creates the stepper class * stepper: use the new class * stepper: uses the new logic * stepper: add the shutdown event * stepper: add shutdown method * main: add shutdown event * imager: graceful shutdown * stepper: nicer way of checking the Eevnt * self is a required first argument for a method in a class Especially if you use said class private members! * python: various typos and small errors in import * stepper: create mqtt client during init * stepper: instanciate the mqtt client inside run Otherwise it's not accessible from inside the loop. It's a PITA, more information at * stepper: little bugs and typos all around * mqtt: add shutdown method * mqtt: add connect in init * stepper: fix bugs, sanitize inputs * stepper: work on delay prediction improvements * stepper: json is mean, double quote are mandatory inside * mqtt: add details about message exchanged * imager: first implementation of json messages * main.json: add new tab for RPi management + json for payloads * imager: add state_machine class * stepper: publish last will * imager: major refactor * main: make streaming server process a daemon * mqtt: insert debug statement on close * main: reorder imports * imager: make it work! Reinsert the streaming server logic in there, because there is a problem with the synchronisation part otherwise. Also, eventually, StreamingOuput() will have to be made not global Final very critical learning: it's super duper important to make sure the memory split is at least 256Meg for the GPU. Chaos ensues otherwise * main: changes to accomodate the streamer/imager fusino * imager_state_machine: insert states transition description * stepper: cleanup of code * segmenter: creation of the class * python: include segmenter changes * remove unused files * stepper: check existence of hardware.json * main.json: changes to reflect the python script evolution * remove unecessary TODOs and add some others * main: add check for config and directories * imager: update_config is implemented and we have better management of directories now * segmenter: now work recursively in all folders * flow: the configuration is now sent via mqtt * segmenter: better manage pipeline error * segmenter: declaration of archive_fn in init * imager: small bugs and typos * main: add uniqueID output * imager: add the camera settings message We can now update the ISO, shutter speed and resolution from Node-Red * package.json: update dependencies
2020-09-28 11:05:27 +02:00
"outputs": 1,
"noerr": 0,
"initialize": "",
"finalize": "",
2020-11-25 16:58:32 +01:00
"x": 1090,
"y": 300,
Extraction and refactor of the python code from node-red flow The rationale for this rewrite is to improve the readability, the modularity, the reliability and the future-proofing of the main python script. All in all, this is now 124 commits that are going to be squashed and merged together, spanning more than two weeks of development and testing. Please test away this release and break things. An upgrading guide will be published in the coming days, along with a new image for people to use if they don't want to upgrade on their own. Read along if you want to know all the goodies! As a starter, the python script was extracted from the main flow, and now lives in its own files at `PlantonScope/scripts/*`. We set up the auto formatting of the code by using [Black]( This make the code clearer and uniform. We are using the default settings, so if you just install Black and set your editor to format on save using it, you should be good to go. The code is separated in four main processes, each with a specific set of responsibilities: - The main process controls all the others, starts everything up and cleans up on shutdown - The stepper process manages the stepper movements. It's now possible to have simultaneous movements of both motors (this closes #38 ). - The imager process controls the camera and the streaming server via a state machine. - The segmenter process manages the segmentation and its outputs. The segmentation happens recursively in all folders in `/home/pi/PlanktonScope/img/`. Each folder has its own output archive, and bug #26 is now closed. Those processes communicates together using MQTT and json messages. Each message is adressed to one topic. The high level topic controls which process receives the message. The details of each topic is at the end of this commit message. Every imaging sessions has now its own folder, under the `img` root. Metadata are saved individually for every session, in a JSON file in the same directory as the pictures. The configuration is not parsed from `config.json` anymore and passed directly through MQTT messages to the concerned process. A new configuration file has been created: `hardware.json`. This file contains information related to your specific hardware configuration. You can choose to reverse the connection of the motors for example, but you can also define specific speed limits and steps number for your pump and focus stage. This will make it easier for people who wants to experiment with different kind of hardware. It's not necessary to have this file though. If it doesn't exists, the default configuration will be applied. The code is architectured around 6 modules and about 10 classes. I encourage you to have a look at the files, they're pretty straightforward to understand. There is a lot of work left around the node-red code refactoring, dashboard ui improvements, better and clearer LED messages, OLED screen integration and finer control of the segmentation process, but this is quite good for now. Here is the topic lists for MQTT and the corresponding messages. - actuator : This topic adresses the stepper control thread No publication under this topic should happen from the python process - actuator/pump : Control of the pump The message is a json object {"action":"move", "direction":"FORWARD", "volume":10, "flowrate":1} to move 10mL forward at 1mL/min action can be "move" or "stop" Receive only - actuator/focus : Control of the focus stage The message is a json object, speed is optional {"action":"move", "direction":"UP", "distance":0.26, "speed":1} to move up 10mm action can be "move" or "stop" Receive only - imager/image : This topic adresses the imaging thread Is a json object with {"action":"image","sleep":5,"volume":1,"nb_frame":200} sleep in seconds, volume in mL Can also receive a config update message: {"action":"config","config":[...]} Can also receive a camera settings message: {"action":"settings","iso":100,"shutter_speed":40} Receive only - segmenter/segment : This topic adresses the segmenter process Is a json object with {"action":"segment"} Receive only - status : This topics sends feedback to Node-Red No publication or receive at this level - status/pump : State of the pump Is a json object with {"status":"Start", "time_left":25} Status is one of Started, Ready, Done, Interrupted Publish only - status/focus : State of the focus stage Is a json object with {"status":"Start", "time_left":25} Status is one of Started, Ready, Done, Interrupted Publish only - status/imager : State of the imager Is a json object with {"status":"Start", "time_left":25} Status is one of Started, Ready, Completed or 12_11_15_0.1.jpg has been imaged. Publish only - status/segmenter : Status of the segmentation - status/segmenter/name - status/segmenter/object_id - status/segmenter/metric Here is the original commit history: * Extract python from flow * Fix bug in server addresses These addresses should be the loopback device instead of the network address of the device. Using the loopback address will not necessitate to update the script when the network address changes. * clean up picamera import * changes to main python and flow: update MQTT requests address to localhost (bugfix) update streaming output address to nothing update main flow to remove python script references and location * Automatically initialise imaging led on startup to off state. * Add the ability to invert outputs of the motor We added a key to config.json "hardware_config" with a subkey "stepper_reverse". If this key is present in the config file and set to 1, the output of the motors are inversed (stepper2 becomes the pump motor and stepper1 the focus motor) * move all non main script to a subfolder * add to package * light module rewrite * json cleanup and absolute path for config file * forgot to import subprocess #oups * Add command to turn the leds off * Auto formatting of I've used Black with default settings, see * First commit of Pump parameters still needs to be checked and tuned. * addition of hardware details in config.json * Introduce hardware.json to replace the `hardware_config` of config.json * calibration, typos * creates the MQTT_Client class * pump_max_speed is now in ml/min to help readability * forgot to add self to the class def * addition of threading capabilities to (UNTESTED) * mqtt: fix topic bug * remove counter * mqtt add doc about topics * creates an "actuator/*/state" topic * rename mqtt_client to pump_client * add details about topics * rename pump_client to actuator_client * topic was not split properly and a part was lost * switch to f-strings for * cosmetic update * folder name will be planktoscope change calls * hardware.json became more straightforward * syntax bugs * addition of a received stop command * update to max travel distance * several typos here * rename folder * reword to reflect folder rename * remove logic that has been moved to and * update to add mqtt imaging client * make command and args local to class and output more verbose * make a class * instantiate stepper class and call it * name mqtt client * update to main.json to reflect changes * fix bugs around pump control * update flows to latest version from Thibault * distance can be a small value, and definitevely should be a float. * unify mqtt topics * unify mqtt output in the main flow * first logger implementation, uses loguru * mqtt: add reason to on_connect * mqtt: add on_disconnect handler * stepper: add more logger calls for debug mainly * main: add levels for logger * first move of the imager logic * imager: time import cleanup * imager: morphocut import cleanup * imager: skimage import cleanup * imager: finishing import cleanup * imager: Class creation - WIP Also provides a fix for #26 (see line 190). * imager: threading is needed for Condition() * streamer: get the streamer server its own file * imager: creates start_camera and get the server creation out * imager: subclass multiprocessing.Process * imager: get Pipeline creation its own function * imager: cleanup of self calls * main: code removal and corresponding calls to newly created classes * imager: various formatting changes * main: management of signal shutdown * add requirements.txt * mqtt: messages are now json objects Also, addition of a flag on receiving a new message * mqtt: make message private and add logic to synchronise * stepper: creates the stepper class * stepper: use the new class * stepper: uses the new logic * stepper: add the shutdown event * stepper: add shutdown method * main: add shutdown event * imager: graceful shutdown * stepper: nicer way of checking the Eevnt * self is a required first argument for a method in a class Especially if you use said class private members! * python: various typos and small errors in import * stepper: create mqtt client during init * stepper: instanciate the mqtt client inside run Otherwise it's not accessible from inside the loop. It's a PITA, more information at * stepper: little bugs and typos all around * mqtt: add shutdown method * mqtt: add connect in init * stepper: fix bugs, sanitize inputs * stepper: work on delay prediction improvements * stepper: json is mean, double quote are mandatory inside * mqtt: add details about message exchanged * imager: first implementation of json messages * main.json: add new tab for RPi management + json for payloads * imager: add state_machine class * stepper: publish last will * imager: major refactor * main: make streaming server process a daemon * mqtt: insert debug statement on close * main: reorder imports * imager: make it work! Reinsert the streaming server logic in there, because there is a problem with the synchronisation part otherwise. Also, eventually, StreamingOuput() will have to be made not global Final very critical learning: it's super duper important to make sure the memory split is at least 256Meg for the GPU. Chaos ensues otherwise * main: changes to accomodate the streamer/imager fusino * imager_state_machine: insert states transition description * stepper: cleanup of code * segmenter: creation of the class * python: include segmenter changes * remove unused files * stepper: check existence of hardware.json * main.json: changes to reflect the python script evolution * remove unecessary TODOs and add some others * main: add check for config and directories * imager: update_config is implemented and we have better management of directories now * segmenter: now work recursively in all folders * flow: the configuration is now sent via mqtt * segmenter: better manage pipeline error * segmenter: declaration of archive_fn in init * imager: small bugs and typos * main: add uniqueID output * imager: add the camera settings message We can now update the ISO, shutter speed and resolution from Node-Red * package.json: update dependencies
2020-09-28 11:05:27 +02:00
"wires": [
2020-11-25 16:58:32 +01:00
Extraction and refactor of the python code from node-red flow The rationale for this rewrite is to improve the readability, the modularity, the reliability and the future-proofing of the main python script. All in all, this is now 124 commits that are going to be squashed and merged together, spanning more than two weeks of development and testing. Please test away this release and break things. An upgrading guide will be published in the coming days, along with a new image for people to use if they don't want to upgrade on their own. Read along if you want to know all the goodies! As a starter, the python script was extracted from the main flow, and now lives in its own files at `PlantonScope/scripts/*`. We set up the auto formatting of the code by using [Black]( This make the code clearer and uniform. We are using the default settings, so if you just install Black and set your editor to format on save using it, you should be good to go. The code is separated in four main processes, each with a specific set of responsibilities: - The main process controls all the others, starts everything up and cleans up on shutdown - The stepper process manages the stepper movements. It's now possible to have simultaneous movements of both motors (this closes #38 ). - The imager process controls the camera and the streaming server via a state machine. - The segmenter process manages the segmentation and its outputs. The segmentation happens recursively in all folders in `/home/pi/PlanktonScope/img/`. Each folder has its own output archive, and bug #26 is now closed. Those processes communicates together using MQTT and json messages. Each message is adressed to one topic. The high level topic controls which process receives the message. The details of each topic is at the end of this commit message. Every imaging sessions has now its own folder, under the `img` root. Metadata are saved individually for every session, in a JSON file in the same directory as the pictures. The configuration is not parsed from `config.json` anymore and passed directly through MQTT messages to the concerned process. A new configuration file has been created: `hardware.json`. This file contains information related to your specific hardware configuration. You can choose to reverse the connection of the motors for example, but you can also define specific speed limits and steps number for your pump and focus stage. This will make it easier for people who wants to experiment with different kind of hardware. It's not necessary to have this file though. If it doesn't exists, the default configuration will be applied. The code is architectured around 6 modules and about 10 classes. I encourage you to have a look at the files, they're pretty straightforward to understand. There is a lot of work left around the node-red code refactoring, dashboard ui improvements, better and clearer LED messages, OLED screen integration and finer control of the segmentation process, but this is quite good for now. Here is the topic lists for MQTT and the corresponding messages. - actuator : This topic adresses the stepper control thread No publication under this topic should happen from the python process - actuator/pump : Control of the pump The message is a json object {"action":"move", "direction":"FORWARD", "volume":10, "flowrate":1} to move 10mL forward at 1mL/min action can be "move" or "stop" Receive only - actuator/focus : Control of the focus stage The message is a json object, speed is optional {"action":"move", "direction":"UP", "distance":0.26, "speed":1} to move up 10mm action can be "move" or "stop" Receive only - imager/image : This topic adresses the imaging thread Is a json object with {"action":"image","sleep":5,"volume":1,"nb_frame":200} sleep in seconds, volume in mL Can also receive a config update message: {"action":"config","config":[...]} Can also receive a camera settings message: {"action":"settings","iso":100,"shutter_speed":40} Receive only - segmenter/segment : This topic adresses the segmenter process Is a json object with {"action":"segment"} Receive only - status : This topics sends feedback to Node-Red No publication or receive at this level - status/pump : State of the pump Is a json object with {"status":"Start", "time_left":25} Status is one of Started, Ready, Done, Interrupted Publish only - status/focus : State of the focus stage Is a json object with {"status":"Start", "time_left":25} Status is one of Started, Ready, Done, Interrupted Publish only - status/imager : State of the imager Is a json object with {"status":"Start", "time_left":25} Status is one of Started, Ready, Completed or 12_11_15_0.1.jpg has been imaged. Publish only - status/segmenter : Status of the segmentation - status/segmenter/name - status/segmenter/object_id - status/segmenter/metric Here is the original commit history: * Extract python from flow * Fix bug in server addresses These addresses should be the loopback device instead of the network address of the device. Using the loopback address will not necessitate to update the script when the network address changes. * clean up picamera import * changes to main python and flow: update MQTT requests address to localhost (bugfix) update streaming output address to nothing update main flow to remove python script references and location * Automatically initialise imaging led on startup to off state. * Add the ability to invert outputs of the motor We added a key to config.json "hardware_config" with a subkey "stepper_reverse". If this key is present in the config file and set to 1, the output of the motors are inversed (stepper2 becomes the pump motor and stepper1 the focus motor) * move all non main script to a subfolder * add to package * light module rewrite * json cleanup and absolute path for config file * forgot to import subprocess #oups * Add command to turn the leds off * Auto formatting of I've used Black with default settings, see * First commit of Pump parameters still needs to be checked and tuned. * addition of hardware details in config.json * Introduce hardware.json to replace the `hardware_config` of config.json * calibration, typos * creates the MQTT_Client class * pump_max_speed is now in ml/min to help readability * forgot to add self to the class def * addition of threading capabilities to (UNTESTED) * mqtt: fix topic bug * remove counter * mqtt add doc about topics * creates an "actuator/*/state" topic * rename mqtt_client to pump_client * add details about topics * rename pump_client to actuator_client * topic was not split properly and a part was lost * switch to f-strings for * cosmetic update * folder name will be planktoscope change calls * hardware.json became more straightforward * syntax bugs * addition of a received stop command * update to max travel distance * several typos here * rename folder * reword to reflect folder rename * remove logic that has been moved to and * update to add mqtt imaging client * make command and args local to class and output more verbose * make a class * instantiate stepper class and call it * name mqtt client * update to main.json to reflect changes * fix bugs around pump control * update flows to latest version from Thibault * distance can be a small value, and definitevely should be a float. * unify mqtt topics * unify mqtt output in the main flow * first logger implementation, uses loguru * mqtt: add reason to on_connect * mqtt: add on_disconnect handler * stepper: add more logger calls for debug mainly * main: add levels for logger * first move of the imager logic * imager: time import cleanup * imager: morphocut import cleanup * imager: skimage import cleanup * imager: finishing import cleanup * imager: Class creation - WIP Also provides a fix for #26 (see line 190). * imager: threading is needed for Condition() * streamer: get the streamer server its own file * imager: creates start_camera and get the server creation out * imager: subclass multiprocessing.Process * imager: get Pipeline creation its own function * imager: cleanup of self calls * main: code removal and corresponding calls to newly created classes * imager: various formatting changes * main: management of signal shutdown * add requirements.txt * mqtt: messages are now json objects Also, addition of a flag on receiving a new message * mqtt: make message private and add logic to synchronise * stepper: creates the stepper class * stepper: use the new class * stepper: uses the new logic * stepper: add the shutdown event * stepper: add shutdown method * main: add shutdown event * imager: graceful shutdown * stepper: nicer way of checking the Eevnt * self is a required first argument for a method in a class Especially if you use said class private members! * python: various typos and small errors in import * stepper: create mqtt client during init * stepper: instanciate the mqtt client inside run Otherwise it's not accessible from inside the loop. It's a PITA, more information at * stepper: little bugs and typos all around * mqtt: add shutdown method * mqtt: add connect in init * stepper: fix bugs, sanitize inputs * stepper: work on delay prediction improvements * stepper: json is mean, double quote are mandatory inside * mqtt: add details about message exchanged * imager: first implementation of json messages * main.json: add new tab for RPi management + json for payloads * imager: add state_machine class * stepper: publish last will * imager: major refactor * main: make streaming server process a daemon * mqtt: insert debug statement on close * main: reorder imports * imager: make it work! Reinsert the streaming server logic in there, because there is a problem with the synchronisation part otherwise. Also, eventually, StreamingOuput() will have to be made not global Final very critical learning: it's super duper important to make sure the memory split is at least 256Meg for the GPU. Chaos ensues otherwise * main: changes to accomodate the streamer/imager fusino * imager_state_machine: insert states transition description * stepper: cleanup of code * segmenter: creation of the class * python: include segmenter changes * remove unused files * stepper: check existence of hardware.json * main.json: changes to reflect the python script evolution * remove unecessary TODOs and add some others * main: add check for config and directories * imager: update_config is implemented and we have better management of directories now * segmenter: now work recursively in all folders * flow: the configuration is now sent via mqtt * segmenter: better manage pipeline error * segmenter: declaration of archive_fn in init * imager: small bugs and typos * main: add uniqueID output * imager: add the camera settings message We can now update the ISO, shutter speed and resolution from Node-Red * package.json: update dependencies
2020-09-28 11:05:27 +02:00
2020-11-25 16:58:32 +01:00
"id": "3e9a33c.141384c",
"type": "inject",
"z": "1c24ad9c.bebec2",
"name": "Load config",
"props": [
2020-11-24 17:25:15 +01:00
2020-11-25 16:58:32 +01:00
"p": "topic",
2020-11-24 17:25:15 +01:00
"vt": "str"
Extraction and refactor of the python code from node-red flow The rationale for this rewrite is to improve the readability, the modularity, the reliability and the future-proofing of the main python script. All in all, this is now 124 commits that are going to be squashed and merged together, spanning more than two weeks of development and testing. Please test away this release and break things. An upgrading guide will be published in the coming days, along with a new image for people to use if they don't want to upgrade on their own. Read along if you want to know all the goodies! As a starter, the python script was extracted from the main flow, and now lives in its own files at `PlantonScope/scripts/*`. We set up the auto formatting of the code by using [Black]( This make the code clearer and uniform. We are using the default settings, so if you just install Black and set your editor to format on save using it, you should be good to go. The code is separated in four main processes, each with a specific set of responsibilities: - The main process controls all the others, starts everything up and cleans up on shutdown - The stepper process manages the stepper movements. It's now possible to have simultaneous movements of both motors (this closes #38 ). - The imager process controls the camera and the streaming server via a state machine. - The segmenter process manages the segmentation and its outputs. The segmentation happens recursively in all folders in `/home/pi/PlanktonScope/img/`. Each folder has its own output archive, and bug #26 is now closed. Those processes communicates together using MQTT and json messages. Each message is adressed to one topic. The high level topic controls which process receives the message. The details of each topic is at the end of this commit message. Every imaging sessions has now its own folder, under the `img` root. Metadata are saved individually for every session, in a JSON file in the same directory as the pictures. The configuration is not parsed from `config.json` anymore and passed directly through MQTT messages to the concerned process. A new configuration file has been created: `hardware.json`. This file contains information related to your specific hardware configuration. You can choose to reverse the connection of the motors for example, but you can also define specific speed limits and steps number for your pump and focus stage. This will make it easier for people who wants to experiment with different kind of hardware. It's not necessary to have this file though. If it doesn't exists, the default configuration will be applied. The code is architectured around 6 modules and about 10 classes. I encourage you to have a look at the files, they're pretty straightforward to understand. There is a lot of work left around the node-red code refactoring, dashboard ui improvements, better and clearer LED messages, OLED screen integration and finer control of the segmentation process, but this is quite good for now. Here is the topic lists for MQTT and the corresponding messages. - actuator : This topic adresses the stepper control thread No publication under this topic should happen from the python process - actuator/pump : Control of the pump The message is a json object {"action":"move", "direction":"FORWARD", "volume":10, "flowrate":1} to move 10mL forward at 1mL/min action can be "move" or "stop" Receive only - actuator/focus : Control of the focus stage The message is a json object, speed is optional {"action":"move", "direction":"UP", "distance":0.26, "speed":1} to move up 10mm action can be "move" or "stop" Receive only - imager/image : This topic adresses the imaging thread Is a json object with {"action":"image","sleep":5,"volume":1,"nb_frame":200} sleep in seconds, volume in mL Can also receive a config update message: {"action":"config","config":[...]} Can also receive a camera settings message: {"action":"settings","iso":100,"shutter_speed":40} Receive only - segmenter/segment : This topic adresses the segmenter process Is a json object with {"action":"segment"} Receive only - status : This topics sends feedback to Node-Red No publication or receive at this level - status/pump : State of the pump Is a json object with {"status":"Start", "time_left":25} Status is one of Started, Ready, Done, Interrupted Publish only - status/focus : State of the focus stage Is a json object with {"status":"Start", "time_left":25} Status is one of Started, Ready, Done, Interrupted Publish only - status/imager : State of the imager Is a json object with {"status":"Start", "time_left":25} Status is one of Started, Ready, Completed or 12_11_15_0.1.jpg has been imaged. Publish only - status/segmenter : Status of the segmentation - status/segmenter/name - status/segmenter/object_id - status/segmenter/metric Here is the original commit history: * Extract python from flow * Fix bug in server addresses These addresses should be the loopback device instead of the network address of the device. Using the loopback address will not necessitate to update the script when the network address changes. * clean up picamera import * changes to main python and flow: update MQTT requests address to localhost (bugfix) update streaming output address to nothing update main flow to remove python script references and location * Automatically initialise imaging led on startup to off state. * Add the ability to invert outputs of the motor We added a key to config.json "hardware_config" with a subkey "stepper_reverse". If this key is present in the config file and set to 1, the output of the motors are inversed (stepper2 becomes the pump motor and stepper1 the focus motor) * move all non main script to a subfolder * add to package * light module rewrite * json cleanup and absolute path for config file * forgot to import subprocess #oups * Add command to turn the leds off * Auto formatting of I've used Black with default settings, see * First commit of Pump parameters still needs to be checked and tuned. * addition of hardware details in config.json * Introduce hardware.json to replace the `hardware_config` of config.json * calibration, typos * creates the MQTT_Client class * pump_max_speed is now in ml/min to help readability * forgot to add self to the class def * addition of threading capabilities to (UNTESTED) * mqtt: fix topic bug * remove counter * mqtt add doc about topics * creates an "actuator/*/state" topic * rename mqtt_client to pump_client * add details about topics * rename pump_client to actuator_client * topic was not split properly and a part was lost * switch to f-strings for * cosmetic update * folder name will be planktoscope change calls * hardware.json became more straightforward * syntax bugs * addition of a received stop command * update to max travel distance * several typos here * rename folder * reword to reflect folder rename * remove logic that has been moved to and * update to add mqtt imaging client * make command and args local to class and output more verbose * make a class * instantiate stepper class and call it * name mqtt client * update to main.json to reflect changes * fix bugs around pump control * update flows to latest version from Thibault * distance can be a small value, and definitevely should be a float. * unify mqtt topics * unify mqtt output in the main flow * first logger implementation, uses loguru * mqtt: add reason to on_connect * mqtt: add on_disconnect handler * stepper: add more logger calls for debug mainly * main: add levels for logger * first move of the imager logic * imager: time import cleanup * imager: morphocut import cleanup * imager: skimage import cleanup * imager: finishing import cleanup * imager: Class creation - WIP Also provides a fix for #26 (see line 190). * imager: threading is needed for Condition() * streamer: get the streamer server its own file * imager: creates start_camera and get the server creation out * imager: subclass multiprocessing.Process * imager: get Pipeline creation its own function * imager: cleanup of self calls * main: code removal and corresponding calls to newly created classes * imager: various formatting changes * main: management of signal shutdown * add requirements.txt * mqtt: messages are now json objects Also, addition of a flag on receiving a new message * mqtt: make message private and add logic to synchronise * stepper: creates the stepper class * stepper: use the new class * stepper: uses the new logic * stepper: add the shutdown event * stepper: add shutdown method * main: add shutdown event * imager: graceful shutdown * stepper: nicer way of checking the Eevnt * self is a required first argument for a method in a class Especially if you use said class private members! * python: various typos and small errors in import * stepper: create mqtt client during init * stepper: instanciate the mqtt client inside run Otherwise it's not accessible from inside the loop. It's a PITA, more information at * stepper: little bugs and typos all around * mqtt: add shutdown method * mqtt: add connect in init * stepper: fix bugs, sanitize inputs * stepper: work on delay prediction improvements * stepper: json is mean, double quote are mandatory inside * mqtt: add details about message exchanged * imager: first implementation of json messages * main.json: add new tab for RPi management + json for payloads * imager: add state_machine class * stepper: publish last will * imager: major refactor * main: make streaming server process a daemon * mqtt: insert debug statement on close * main: reorder imports * imager: make it work! Reinsert the streaming server logic in there, because there is a problem with the synchronisation part otherwise. Also, eventually, StreamingOuput() will have to be made not global Final very critical learning: it's super duper important to make sure the memory split is at least 256Meg for the GPU. Chaos ensues otherwise * main: changes to accomodate the streamer/imager fusino * imager_state_machine: insert states transition description * stepper: cleanup of code * segmenter: creation of the class * python: include segmenter changes * remove unused files * stepper: check existence of hardware.json * main.json: changes to reflect the python script evolution * remove unecessary TODOs and add some others * main: add check for config and directories * imager: update_config is implemented and we have better management of directories now * segmenter: now work recursively in all folders * flow: the configuration is now sent via mqtt * segmenter: better manage pipeline error * segmenter: declaration of archive_fn in init * imager: small bugs and typos * main: add uniqueID output * imager: add the camera settings message We can now update the ISO, shutter speed and resolution from Node-Red * package.json: update dependencies
2020-09-28 11:05:27 +02:00
2020-11-25 16:58:32 +01:00
"repeat": "",
"crontab": "",
"once": true,
"onceDelay": 0.1,
"topic": "",
"x": 410,
"y": 300,
Extraction and refactor of the python code from node-red flow The rationale for this rewrite is to improve the readability, the modularity, the reliability and the future-proofing of the main python script. All in all, this is now 124 commits that are going to be squashed and merged together, spanning more than two weeks of development and testing. Please test away this release and break things. An upgrading guide will be published in the coming days, along with a new image for people to use if they don't want to upgrade on their own. Read along if you want to know all the goodies! As a starter, the python script was extracted from the main flow, and now lives in its own files at `PlantonScope/scripts/*`. We set up the auto formatting of the code by using [Black]( This make the code clearer and uniform. We are using the default settings, so if you just install Black and set your editor to format on save using it, you should be good to go. The code is separated in four main processes, each with a specific set of responsibilities: - The main process controls all the others, starts everything up and cleans up on shutdown - The stepper process manages the stepper movements. It's now possible to have simultaneous movements of both motors (this closes #38 ). - The imager process controls the camera and the streaming server via a state machine. - The segmenter process manages the segmentation and its outputs. The segmentation happens recursively in all folders in `/home/pi/PlanktonScope/img/`. Each folder has its own output archive, and bug #26 is now closed. Those processes communicates together using MQTT and json messages. Each message is adressed to one topic. The high level topic controls which process receives the message. The details of each topic is at the end of this commit message. Every imaging sessions has now its own folder, under the `img` root. Metadata are saved individually for every session, in a JSON file in the same directory as the pictures. The configuration is not parsed from `config.json` anymore and passed directly through MQTT messages to the concerned process. A new configuration file has been created: `hardware.json`. This file contains information related to your specific hardware configuration. You can choose to reverse the connection of the motors for example, but you can also define specific speed limits and steps number for your pump and focus stage. This will make it easier for people who wants to experiment with different kind of hardware. It's not necessary to have this file though. If it doesn't exists, the default configuration will be applied. The code is architectured around 6 modules and about 10 classes. I encourage you to have a look at the files, they're pretty straightforward to understand. There is a lot of work left around the node-red code refactoring, dashboard ui improvements, better and clearer LED messages, OLED screen integration and finer control of the segmentation process, but this is quite good for now. Here is the topic lists for MQTT and the corresponding messages. - actuator : This topic adresses the stepper control thread No publication under this topic should happen from the python process - actuator/pump : Control of the pump The message is a json object {"action":"move", "direction":"FORWARD", "volume":10, "flowrate":1} to move 10mL forward at 1mL/min action can be "move" or "stop" Receive only - actuator/focus : Control of the focus stage The message is a json object, speed is optional {"action":"move", "direction":"UP", "distance":0.26, "speed":1} to move up 10mm action can be "move" or "stop" Receive only - imager/image : This topic adresses the imaging thread Is a json object with {"action":"image","sleep":5,"volume":1,"nb_frame":200} sleep in seconds, volume in mL Can also receive a config update message: {"action":"config","config":[...]} Can also receive a camera settings message: {"action":"settings","iso":100,"shutter_speed":40} Receive only - segmenter/segment : This topic adresses the segmenter process Is a json object with {"action":"segment"} Receive only - status : This topics sends feedback to Node-Red No publication or receive at this level - status/pump : State of the pump Is a json object with {"status":"Start", "time_left":25} Status is one of Started, Ready, Done, Interrupted Publish only - status/focus : State of the focus stage Is a json object with {"status":"Start", "time_left":25} Status is one of Started, Ready, Done, Interrupted Publish only - status/imager : State of the imager Is a json object with {"status":"Start", "time_left":25} Status is one of Started, Ready, Completed or 12_11_15_0.1.jpg has been imaged. Publish only - status/segmenter : Status of the segmentation - status/segmenter/name - status/segmenter/object_id - status/segmenter/metric Here is the original commit history: * Extract python from flow * Fix bug in server addresses These addresses should be the loopback device instead of the network address of the device. Using the loopback address will not necessitate to update the script when the network address changes. * clean up picamera import * changes to main python and flow: update MQTT requests address to localhost (bugfix) update streaming output address to nothing update main flow to remove python script references and location * Automatically initialise imaging led on startup to off state. * Add the ability to invert outputs of the motor We added a key to config.json "hardware_config" with a subkey "stepper_reverse". If this key is present in the config file and set to 1, the output of the motors are inversed (stepper2 becomes the pump motor and stepper1 the focus motor) * move all non main script to a subfolder * add to package * light module rewrite * json cleanup and absolute path for config file * forgot to import subprocess #oups * Add command to turn the leds off * Auto formatting of I've used Black with default settings, see * First commit of Pump parameters still needs to be checked and tuned. * addition of hardware details in config.json * Introduce hardware.json to replace the `hardware_config` of config.json * calibration, typos * creates the MQTT_Client class * pump_max_speed is now in ml/min to help readability * forgot to add self to the class def * addition of threading capabilities to (UNTESTED) * mqtt: fix topic bug * remove counter * mqtt add doc about topics * creates an "actuator/*/state" topic * rename mqtt_client to pump_client * add details about topics * rename pump_client to actuator_client * topic was not split properly and a part was lost * switch to f-strings for * cosmetic update * folder name will be planktoscope change calls * hardware.json became more straightforward * syntax bugs * addition of a received stop command * update to max travel distance * several typos here * rename folder * reword to reflect folder rename * remove logic that has been moved to and * update to add mqtt imaging client * make command and args local to class and output more verbose * make a class * instantiate stepper class and call it * name mqtt client * update to main.json to reflect changes * fix bugs around pump control * update flows to latest version from Thibault * distance can be a small value, and definitevely should be a float. * unify mqtt topics * unify mqtt output in the main flow * first logger implementation, uses loguru * mqtt: add reason to on_connect * mqtt: add on_disconnect handler * stepper: add more logger calls for debug mainly * main: add levels for logger * first move of the imager logic * imager: time import cleanup * imager: morphocut import cleanup * imager: skimage import cleanup * imager: finishing import cleanup * imager: Class creation - WIP Also provides a fix for #26 (see line 190). * imager: threading is needed for Condition() * streamer: get the streamer server its own file * imager: creates start_camera and get the server creation out * imager: subclass multiprocessing.Process * imager: get Pipeline creation its own function * imager: cleanup of self calls * main: code removal and corresponding calls to newly created classes * imager: various formatting changes * main: management of signal shutdown * add requirements.txt * mqtt: messages are now json objects Also, addition of a flag on receiving a new message * mqtt: make message private and add logic to synchronise * stepper: creates the stepper class * stepper: use the new class * stepper: uses the new logic * stepper: add the shutdown event * stepper: add shutdown method * main: add shutdown event * imager: graceful shutdown * stepper: nicer way of checking the Eevnt * self is a required first argument for a method in a class Especially if you use said class private members! * python: various typos and small errors in import * stepper: create mqtt client during init * stepper: instanciate the mqtt client inside run Otherwise it's not accessible from inside the loop. It's a PITA, more information at * stepper: little bugs and typos all around * mqtt: add shutdown method * mqtt: add connect in init * stepper: fix bugs, sanitize inputs * stepper: work on delay prediction improvements * stepper: json is mean, double quote are mandatory inside * mqtt: add details about message exchanged * imager: first implementation of json messages * main.json: add new tab for RPi management + json for payloads * imager: add state_machine class * stepper: publish last will * imager: major refactor * main: make streaming server process a daemon * mqtt: insert debug statement on close * main: reorder imports * imager: make it work! Reinsert the streaming server logic in there, because there is a problem with the synchronisation part otherwise. Also, eventually, StreamingOuput() will have to be made not global Final very critical learning: it's super duper important to make sure the memory split is at least 256Meg for the GPU. Chaos ensues otherwise * main: changes to accomodate the streamer/imager fusino * imager_state_machine: insert states transition description * stepper: cleanup of code * segmenter: creation of the class * python: include segmenter changes * remove unused files * stepper: check existence of hardware.json * main.json: changes to reflect the python script evolution * remove unecessary TODOs and add some others * main: add check for config and directories * imager: update_config is implemented and we have better management of directories now * segmenter: now work recursively in all folders * flow: the configuration is now sent via mqtt * segmenter: better manage pipeline error * segmenter: declaration of archive_fn in init * imager: small bugs and typos * main: add uniqueID output * imager: add the camera settings message We can now update the ISO, shutter speed and resolution from Node-Red * package.json: update dependencies
2020-09-28 11:05:27 +02:00
"wires": [
2020-11-25 16:58:32 +01:00
"id": "e2f39a35.f57298",
"type": "subflow:1c24ad9c.bebec2",
"z": "1371dec5.76e671",
"name": "",
"env": [],
"x": 770,
"y": 720,
"wires": [
2020-11-24 17:25:15 +01:00
2020-11-27 18:57:43 +01:00
Extraction and refactor of the python code from node-red flow The rationale for this rewrite is to improve the readability, the modularity, the reliability and the future-proofing of the main python script. All in all, this is now 124 commits that are going to be squashed and merged together, spanning more than two weeks of development and testing. Please test away this release and break things. An upgrading guide will be published in the coming days, along with a new image for people to use if they don't want to upgrade on their own. Read along if you want to know all the goodies! As a starter, the python script was extracted from the main flow, and now lives in its own files at `PlantonScope/scripts/*`. We set up the auto formatting of the code by using [Black]( This make the code clearer and uniform. We are using the default settings, so if you just install Black and set your editor to format on save using it, you should be good to go. The code is separated in four main processes, each with a specific set of responsibilities: - The main process controls all the others, starts everything up and cleans up on shutdown - The stepper process manages the stepper movements. It's now possible to have simultaneous movements of both motors (this closes #38 ). - The imager process controls the camera and the streaming server via a state machine. - The segmenter process manages the segmentation and its outputs. The segmentation happens recursively in all folders in `/home/pi/PlanktonScope/img/`. Each folder has its own output archive, and bug #26 is now closed. Those processes communicates together using MQTT and json messages. Each message is adressed to one topic. The high level topic controls which process receives the message. The details of each topic is at the end of this commit message. Every imaging sessions has now its own folder, under the `img` root. Metadata are saved individually for every session, in a JSON file in the same directory as the pictures. The configuration is not parsed from `config.json` anymore and passed directly through MQTT messages to the concerned process. A new configuration file has been created: `hardware.json`. This file contains information related to your specific hardware configuration. You can choose to reverse the connection of the motors for example, but you can also define specific speed limits and steps number for your pump and focus stage. This will make it easier for people who wants to experiment with different kind of hardware. It's not necessary to have this file though. If it doesn't exists, the default configuration will be applied. The code is architectured around 6 modules and about 10 classes. I encourage you to have a look at the files, they're pretty straightforward to understand. There is a lot of work left around the node-red code refactoring, dashboard ui improvements, better and clearer LED messages, OLED screen integration and finer control of the segmentation process, but this is quite good for now. Here is the topic lists for MQTT and the corresponding messages. - actuator : This topic adresses the stepper control thread No publication under this topic should happen from the python process - actuator/pump : Control of the pump The message is a json object {"action":"move", "direction":"FORWARD", "volume":10, "flowrate":1} to move 10mL forward at 1mL/min action can be "move" or "stop" Receive only - actuator/focus : Control of the focus stage The message is a json object, speed is optional {"action":"move", "direction":"UP", "distance":0.26, "speed":1} to move up 10mm action can be "move" or "stop" Receive only - imager/image : This topic adresses the imaging thread Is a json object with {"action":"image","sleep":5,"volume":1,"nb_frame":200} sleep in seconds, volume in mL Can also receive a config update message: {"action":"config","config":[...]} Can also receive a camera settings message: {"action":"settings","iso":100,"shutter_speed":40} Receive only - segmenter/segment : This topic adresses the segmenter process Is a json object with {"action":"segment"} Receive only - status : This topics sends feedback to Node-Red No publication or receive at this level - status/pump : State of the pump Is a json object with {"status":"Start", "time_left":25} Status is one of Started, Ready, Done, Interrupted Publish only - status/focus : State of the focus stage Is a json object with {"status":"Start", "time_left":25} Status is one of Started, Ready, Done, Interrupted Publish only - status/imager : State of the imager Is a json object with {"status":"Start", "time_left":25} Status is one of Started, Ready, Completed or 12_11_15_0.1.jpg has been imaged. Publish only - status/segmenter : Status of the segmentation - status/segmenter/name - status/segmenter/object_id - status/segmenter/metric Here is the original commit history: * Extract python from flow * Fix bug in server addresses These addresses should be the loopback device instead of the network address of the device. Using the loopback address will not necessitate to update the script when the network address changes. * clean up picamera import * changes to main python and flow: update MQTT requests address to localhost (bugfix) update streaming output address to nothing update main flow to remove python script references and location * Automatically initialise imaging led on startup to off state. * Add the ability to invert outputs of the motor We added a key to config.json "hardware_config" with a subkey "stepper_reverse". If this key is present in the config file and set to 1, the output of the motors are inversed (stepper2 becomes the pump motor and stepper1 the focus motor) * move all non main script to a subfolder * add to package * light module rewrite * json cleanup and absolute path for config file * forgot to import subprocess #oups * Add command to turn the leds off * Auto formatting of I've used Black with default settings, see * First commit of Pump parameters still needs to be checked and tuned. * addition of hardware details in config.json * Introduce hardware.json to replace the `hardware_config` of config.json * calibration, typos * creates the MQTT_Client class * pump_max_speed is now in ml/min to help readability * forgot to add self to the class def * addition of threading capabilities to (UNTESTED) * mqtt: fix topic bug * remove counter * mqtt add doc about topics * creates an "actuator/*/state" topic * rename mqtt_client to pump_client * add details about topics * rename pump_client to actuator_client * topic was not split properly and a part was lost * switch to f-strings for * cosmetic update * folder name will be planktoscope change calls * hardware.json became more straightforward * syntax bugs * addition of a received stop command * update to max travel distance * several typos here * rename folder * reword to reflect folder rename * remove logic that has been moved to and * update to add mqtt imaging client * make command and args local to class and output more verbose * make a class * instantiate stepper class and call it * name mqtt client * update to main.json to reflect changes * fix bugs around pump control * update flows to latest version from Thibault * distance can be a small value, and definitevely should be a float. * unify mqtt topics * unify mqtt output in the main flow * first logger implementation, uses loguru * mqtt: add reason to on_connect * mqtt: add on_disconnect handler * stepper: add more logger calls for debug mainly * main: add levels for logger * first move of the imager logic * imager: time import cleanup * imager: morphocut import cleanup * imager: skimage import cleanup * imager: finishing import cleanup * imager: Class creation - WIP Also provides a fix for #26 (see line 190). * imager: threading is needed for Condition() * streamer: get the streamer server its own file * imager: creates start_camera and get the server creation out * imager: subclass multiprocessing.Process * imager: get Pipeline creation its own function * imager: cleanup of self calls * main: code removal and corresponding calls to newly created classes * imager: various formatting changes * main: management of signal shutdown * add requirements.txt * mqtt: messages are now json objects Also, addition of a flag on receiving a new message * mqtt: make message private and add logic to synchronise * stepper: creates the stepper class * stepper: use the new class * stepper: uses the new logic * stepper: add the shutdown event * stepper: add shutdown method * main: add shutdown event * imager: graceful shutdown * stepper: nicer way of checking the Eevnt * self is a required first argument for a method in a class Especially if you use said class private members! * python: various typos and small errors in import * stepper: create mqtt client during init * stepper: instanciate the mqtt client inside run Otherwise it's not accessible from inside the loop. It's a PITA, more information at * stepper: little bugs and typos all around * mqtt: add shutdown method * mqtt: add connect in init * stepper: fix bugs, sanitize inputs * stepper: work on delay prediction improvements * stepper: json is mean, double quote are mandatory inside * mqtt: add details about message exchanged * imager: first implementation of json messages * main.json: add new tab for RPi management + json for payloads * imager: add state_machine class * stepper: publish last will * imager: major refactor * main: make streaming server process a daemon * mqtt: insert debug statement on close * main: reorder imports * imager: make it work! Reinsert the streaming server logic in there, because there is a problem with the synchronisation part otherwise. Also, eventually, StreamingOuput() will have to be made not global Final very critical learning: it's super duper important to make sure the memory split is at least 256Meg for the GPU. Chaos ensues otherwise * main: changes to accomodate the streamer/imager fusino * imager_state_machine: insert states transition description * stepper: cleanup of code * segmenter: creation of the class * python: include segmenter changes * remove unused files * stepper: check existence of hardware.json * main.json: changes to reflect the python script evolution * remove unecessary TODOs and add some others * main: add check for config and directories * imager: update_config is implemented and we have better management of directories now * segmenter: now work recursively in all folders * flow: the configuration is now sent via mqtt * segmenter: better manage pipeline error * segmenter: declaration of archive_fn in init * imager: small bugs and typos * main: add uniqueID output * imager: add the camera settings message We can now update the ISO, shutter speed and resolution from Node-Red * package.json: update dependencies
2020-09-28 11:05:27 +02:00
2020-11-25 16:58:32 +01:00
"id": "a6907a38.f6611",
"type": "subflow:1c24ad9c.bebec2",
"z": "b771c342.49603",
2020-11-24 17:25:15 +01:00
"name": "",
2020-11-25 16:58:32 +01:00
"env": [],
"x": 90,
"y": 380,
2020-11-24 17:25:15 +01:00
"wires": [
2020-11-25 16:58:32 +01:00
2020-11-24 17:25:15 +01:00
2020-11-25 16:58:32 +01:00
"id": "e2b277c1.07283",
"type": "subflow:1c24ad9c.bebec2",
"z": "b771c342.49603",
Extraction and refactor of the python code from node-red flow The rationale for this rewrite is to improve the readability, the modularity, the reliability and the future-proofing of the main python script. All in all, this is now 124 commits that are going to be squashed and merged together, spanning more than two weeks of development and testing. Please test away this release and break things. An upgrading guide will be published in the coming days, along with a new image for people to use if they don't want to upgrade on their own. Read along if you want to know all the goodies! As a starter, the python script was extracted from the main flow, and now lives in its own files at `PlantonScope/scripts/*`. We set up the auto formatting of the code by using [Black]( This make the code clearer and uniform. We are using the default settings, so if you just install Black and set your editor to format on save using it, you should be good to go. The code is separated in four main processes, each with a specific set of responsibilities: - The main process controls all the others, starts everything up and cleans up on shutdown - The stepper process manages the stepper movements. It's now possible to have simultaneous movements of both motors (this closes #38 ). - The imager process controls the camera and the streaming server via a state machine. - The segmenter process manages the segmentation and its outputs. The segmentation happens recursively in all folders in `/home/pi/PlanktonScope/img/`. Each folder has its own output archive, and bug #26 is now closed. Those processes communicates together using MQTT and json messages. Each message is adressed to one topic. The high level topic controls which process receives the message. The details of each topic is at the end of this commit message. Every imaging sessions has now its own folder, under the `img` root. Metadata are saved individually for every session, in a JSON file in the same directory as the pictures. The configuration is not parsed from `config.json` anymore and passed directly through MQTT messages to the concerned process. A new configuration file has been created: `hardware.json`. This file contains information related to your specific hardware configuration. You can choose to reverse the connection of the motors for example, but you can also define specific speed limits and steps number for your pump and focus stage. This will make it easier for people who wants to experiment with different kind of hardware. It's not necessary to have this file though. If it doesn't exists, the default configuration will be applied. The code is architectured around 6 modules and about 10 classes. I encourage you to have a look at the files, they're pretty straightforward to understand. There is a lot of work left around the node-red code refactoring, dashboard ui improvements, better and clearer LED messages, OLED screen integration and finer control of the segmentation process, but this is quite good for now. Here is the topic lists for MQTT and the corresponding messages. - actuator : This topic adresses the stepper control thread No publication under this topic should happen from the python process - actuator/pump : Control of the pump The message is a json object {"action":"move", "direction":"FORWARD", "volume":10, "flowrate":1} to move 10mL forward at 1mL/min action can be "move" or "stop" Receive only - actuator/focus : Control of the focus stage The message is a json object, speed is optional {"action":"move", "direction":"UP", "distance":0.26, "speed":1} to move up 10mm action can be "move" or "stop" Receive only - imager/image : This topic adresses the imaging thread Is a json object with {"action":"image","sleep":5,"volume":1,"nb_frame":200} sleep in seconds, volume in mL Can also receive a config update message: {"action":"config","config":[...]} Can also receive a camera settings message: {"action":"settings","iso":100,"shutter_speed":40} Receive only - segmenter/segment : This topic adresses the segmenter process Is a json object with {"action":"segment"} Receive only - status : This topics sends feedback to Node-Red No publication or receive at this level - status/pump : State of the pump Is a json object with {"status":"Start", "time_left":25} Status is one of Started, Ready, Done, Interrupted Publish only - status/focus : State of the focus stage Is a json object with {"status":"Start", "time_left":25} Status is one of Started, Ready, Done, Interrupted Publish only - status/imager : State of the imager Is a json object with {"status":"Start", "time_left":25} Status is one of Started, Ready, Completed or 12_11_15_0.1.jpg has been imaged. Publish only - status/segmenter : Status of the segmentation - status/segmenter/name - status/segmenter/object_id - status/segmenter/metric Here is the original commit history: * Extract python from flow * Fix bug in server addresses These addresses should be the loopback device instead of the network address of the device. Using the loopback address will not necessitate to update the script when the network address changes. * clean up picamera import * changes to main python and flow: update MQTT requests address to localhost (bugfix) update streaming output address to nothing update main flow to remove python script references and location * Automatically initialise imaging led on startup to off state. * Add the ability to invert outputs of the motor We added a key to config.json "hardware_config" with a subkey "stepper_reverse". If this key is present in the config file and set to 1, the output of the motors are inversed (stepper2 becomes the pump motor and stepper1 the focus motor) * move all non main script to a subfolder * add to package * light module rewrite * json cleanup and absolute path for config file * forgot to import subprocess #oups * Add command to turn the leds off * Auto formatting of I've used Black with default settings, see * First commit of Pump parameters still needs to be checked and tuned. * addition of hardware details in config.json * Introduce hardware.json to replace the `hardware_config` of config.json * calibration, typos * creates the MQTT_Client class * pump_max_speed is now in ml/min to help readability * forgot to add self to the class def * addition of threading capabilities to (UNTESTED) * mqtt: fix topic bug * remove counter * mqtt add doc about topics * creates an "actuator/*/state" topic * rename mqtt_client to pump_client * add details about topics * rename pump_client to actuator_client * topic was not split properly and a part was lost * switch to f-strings for * cosmetic update * folder name will be planktoscope change calls * hardware.json became more straightforward * syntax bugs * addition of a received stop command * update to max travel distance * several typos here * rename folder * reword to reflect folder rename * remove logic that has been moved to and * update to add mqtt imaging client * make command and args local to class and output more verbose * make a class * instantiate stepper class and call it * name mqtt client * update to main.json to reflect changes * fix bugs around pump control * update flows to latest version from Thibault * distance can be a small value, and definitevely should be a float. * unify mqtt topics * unify mqtt output in the main flow * first logger implementation, uses loguru * mqtt: add reason to on_connect * mqtt: add on_disconnect handler * stepper: add more logger calls for debug mainly * main: add levels for logger * first move of the imager logic * imager: time import cleanup * imager: morphocut import cleanup * imager: skimage import cleanup * imager: finishing import cleanup * imager: Class creation - WIP Also provides a fix for #26 (see line 190). * imager: threading is needed for Condition() * streamer: get the streamer server its own file * imager: creates start_camera and get the server creation out * imager: subclass multiprocessing.Process * imager: get Pipeline creation its own function * imager: cleanup of self calls * main: code removal and corresponding calls to newly created classes * imager: various formatting changes * main: management of signal shutdown * add requirements.txt * mqtt: messages are now json objects Also, addition of a flag on receiving a new message * mqtt: make message private and add logic to synchronise * stepper: creates the stepper class * stepper: use the new class * stepper: uses the new logic * stepper: add the shutdown event * stepper: add shutdown method * main: add shutdown event * imager: graceful shutdown * stepper: nicer way of checking the Eevnt * self is a required first argument for a method in a class Especially if you use said class private members! * python: various typos and small errors in import * stepper: create mqtt client during init * stepper: instanciate the mqtt client inside run Otherwise it's not accessible from inside the loop. It's a PITA, more information at * stepper: little bugs and typos all around * mqtt: add shutdown method * mqtt: add connect in init * stepper: fix bugs, sanitize inputs * stepper: work on delay prediction improvements * stepper: json is mean, double quote are mandatory inside * mqtt: add details about message exchanged * imager: first implementation of json messages * main.json: add new tab for RPi management + json for payloads * imager: add state_machine class * stepper: publish last will * imager: major refactor * main: make streaming server process a daemon * mqtt: insert debug statement on close * main: reorder imports * imager: make it work! Reinsert the streaming server logic in there, because there is a problem with the synchronisation part otherwise. Also, eventually, StreamingOuput() will have to be made not global Final very critical learning: it's super duper important to make sure the memory split is at least 256Meg for the GPU. Chaos ensues otherwise * main: changes to accomodate the streamer/imager fusino * imager_state_machine: insert states transition description * stepper: cleanup of code * segmenter: creation of the class * python: include segmenter changes * remove unused files * stepper: check existence of hardware.json * main.json: changes to reflect the python script evolution * remove unecessary TODOs and add some others * main: add check for config and directories * imager: update_config is implemented and we have better management of directories now * segmenter: now work recursively in all folders * flow: the configuration is now sent via mqtt * segmenter: better manage pipeline error * segmenter: declaration of archive_fn in init * imager: small bugs and typos * main: add uniqueID output * imager: add the camera settings message We can now update the ISO, shutter speed and resolution from Node-Red * package.json: update dependencies
2020-09-28 11:05:27 +02:00
"name": "",
2020-11-27 11:30:57 +01:00
"env": [],
2020-11-25 16:58:32 +01:00
"x": 830,
"y": 1260,
2020-11-25 16:58:32 +01:00
"wires": [
2020-11-24 17:25:15 +01:00
2020-11-25 16:58:32 +01:00
"id": "3cea1f2.20525e",
"type": "ui_text_input",
"z": "b771c342.49603",
"name": "object_lat_end",
"label": "Latitude",
2020-11-25 16:58:32 +01:00
"tooltip": "36°57'9\" N",
"group": "cf5d9f0e.d57e7",
"order": 7,
2020-11-27 11:30:57 +01:00
"width": 5,
2020-11-25 16:58:32 +01:00
"height": 1,
"passthru": true,
2020-11-27 11:30:57 +01:00
"mode": "text",
2020-11-25 16:58:32 +01:00
"delay": 300,
"topic": "object_lat_end",
2020-11-27 11:30:57 +01:00
"x": 660,
"y": 980,
2020-11-25 16:58:32 +01:00
"wires": [
"id": "661818e.5a31368",
"type": "ui_text_input",
"z": "b771c342.49603",
"name": "object_lon_end",
"label": "Longitude",
2020-11-25 16:58:32 +01:00
"tooltip": "110°4'21\" W",
"group": "cf5d9f0e.d57e7",
"order": 8,
2020-11-27 11:30:57 +01:00
"width": 5,
2020-11-24 17:25:15 +01:00
"height": 1,
"passthru": true,
2020-11-27 11:30:57 +01:00
"mode": "text",
2020-11-25 16:58:32 +01:00
"delay": 300,
"topic": "object_lon_end",
2020-11-27 11:30:57 +01:00
"x": 660,
"y": 1020,
Extraction and refactor of the python code from node-red flow The rationale for this rewrite is to improve the readability, the modularity, the reliability and the future-proofing of the main python script. All in all, this is now 124 commits that are going to be squashed and merged together, spanning more than two weeks of development and testing. Please test away this release and break things. An upgrading guide will be published in the coming days, along with a new image for people to use if they don't want to upgrade on their own. Read along if you want to know all the goodies! As a starter, the python script was extracted from the main flow, and now lives in its own files at `PlantonScope/scripts/*`. We set up the auto formatting of the code by using [Black]( This make the code clearer and uniform. We are using the default settings, so if you just install Black and set your editor to format on save using it, you should be good to go. The code is separated in four main processes, each with a specific set of responsibilities: - The main process controls all the others, starts everything up and cleans up on shutdown - The stepper process manages the stepper movements. It's now possible to have simultaneous movements of both motors (this closes #38 ). - The imager process controls the camera and the streaming server via a state machine. - The segmenter process manages the segmentation and its outputs. The segmentation happens recursively in all folders in `/home/pi/PlanktonScope/img/`. Each folder has its own output archive, and bug #26 is now closed. Those processes communicates together using MQTT and json messages. Each message is adressed to one topic. The high level topic controls which process receives the message. The details of each topic is at the end of this commit message. Every imaging sessions has now its own folder, under the `img` root. Metadata are saved individually for every session, in a JSON file in the same directory as the pictures. The configuration is not parsed from `config.json` anymore and passed directly through MQTT messages to the concerned process. A new configuration file has been created: `hardware.json`. This file contains information related to your specific hardware configuration. You can choose to reverse the connection of the motors for example, but you can also define specific speed limits and steps number for your pump and focus stage. This will make it easier for people who wants to experiment with different kind of hardware. It's not necessary to have this file though. If it doesn't exists, the default configuration will be applied. The code is architectured around 6 modules and about 10 classes. I encourage you to have a look at the files, they're pretty straightforward to understand. There is a lot of work left around the node-red code refactoring, dashboard ui improvements, better and clearer LED messages, OLED screen integration and finer control of the segmentation process, but this is quite good for now. Here is the topic lists for MQTT and the corresponding messages. - actuator : This topic adresses the stepper control thread No publication under this topic should happen from the python process - actuator/pump : Control of the pump The message is a json object {"action":"move", "direction":"FORWARD", "volume":10, "flowrate":1} to move 10mL forward at 1mL/min action can be "move" or "stop" Receive only - actuator/focus : Control of the focus stage The message is a json object, speed is optional {"action":"move", "direction":"UP", "distance":0.26, "speed":1} to move up 10mm action can be "move" or "stop" Receive only - imager/image : This topic adresses the imaging thread Is a json object with {"action":"image","sleep":5,"volume":1,"nb_frame":200} sleep in seconds, volume in mL Can also receive a config update message: {"action":"config","config":[...]} Can also receive a camera settings message: {"action":"settings","iso":100,"shutter_speed":40} Receive only - segmenter/segment : This topic adresses the segmenter process Is a json object with {"action":"segment"} Receive only - status : This topics sends feedback to Node-Red No publication or receive at this level - status/pump : State of the pump Is a json object with {"status":"Start", "time_left":25} Status is one of Started, Ready, Done, Interrupted Publish only - status/focus : State of the focus stage Is a json object with {"status":"Start", "time_left":25} Status is one of Started, Ready, Done, Interrupted Publish only - status/imager : State of the imager Is a json object with {"status":"Start", "time_left":25} Status is one of Started, Ready, Completed or 12_11_15_0.1.jpg has been imaged. Publish only - status/segmenter : Status of the segmentation - status/segmenter/name - status/segmenter/object_id - status/segmenter/metric Here is the original commit history: * Extract python from flow * Fix bug in server addresses These addresses should be the loopback device instead of the network address of the device. Using the loopback address will not necessitate to update the script when the network address changes. * clean up picamera import * changes to main python and flow: update MQTT requests address to localhost (bugfix) update streaming output address to nothing update main flow to remove python script references and location * Automatically initialise imaging led on startup to off state. * Add the ability to invert outputs of the motor We added a key to config.json "hardware_config" with a subkey "stepper_reverse". If this key is present in the config file and set to 1, the output of the motors are inversed (stepper2 becomes the pump motor and stepper1 the focus motor) * move all non main script to a subfolder * add to package * light module rewrite * json cleanup and absolute path for config file * forgot to import subprocess #oups * Add command to turn the leds off * Auto formatting of I've used Black with default settings, see * First commit of Pump parameters still needs to be checked and tuned. * addition of hardware details in config.json * Introduce hardware.json to replace the `hardware_config` of config.json * calibration, typos * creates the MQTT_Client class * pump_max_speed is now in ml/min to help readability * forgot to add self to the class def * addition of threading capabilities to (UNTESTED) * mqtt: fix topic bug * remove counter * mqtt add doc about topics * creates an "actuator/*/state" topic * rename mqtt_client to pump_client * add details about topics * rename pump_client to actuator_client * topic was not split properly and a part was lost * switch to f-strings for * cosmetic update * folder name will be planktoscope change calls * hardware.json became more straightforward * syntax bugs * addition of a received stop command * update to max travel distance * several typos here * rename folder * reword to reflect folder rename * remove logic that has been moved to and * update to add mqtt imaging client * make command and args local to class and output more verbose * make a class * instantiate stepper class and call it * name mqtt client * update to main.json to reflect changes * fix bugs around pump control * update flows to latest version from Thibault * distance can be a small value, and definitevely should be a float. * unify mqtt topics * unify mqtt output in the main flow * first logger implementation, uses loguru * mqtt: add reason to on_connect * mqtt: add on_disconnect handler * stepper: add more logger calls for debug mainly * main: add levels for logger * first move of the imager logic * imager: time import cleanup * imager: morphocut import cleanup * imager: skimage import cleanup * imager: finishing import cleanup * imager: Class creation - WIP Also provides a fix for #26 (see line 190). * imager: threading is needed for Condition() * streamer: get the streamer server its own file * imager: creates start_camera and get the server creation out * imager: subclass multiprocessing.Process * imager: get Pipeline creation its own function * imager: cleanup of self calls * main: code removal and corresponding calls to newly created classes * imager: various formatting changes * main: management of signal shutdown * add requirements.txt * mqtt: messages are now json objects Also, addition of a flag on receiving a new message * mqtt: make message private and add logic to synchronise * stepper: creates the stepper class * stepper: use the new class * stepper: uses the new logic * stepper: add the shutdown event * stepper: add shutdown method * main: add shutdown event * imager: graceful shutdown * stepper: nicer way of checking the Eevnt * self is a required first argument for a method in a class Especially if you use said class private members! * python: various typos and small errors in import * stepper: create mqtt client during init * stepper: instanciate the mqtt client inside run Otherwise it's not accessible from inside the loop. It's a PITA, more information at * stepper: little bugs and typos all around * mqtt: add shutdown method * mqtt: add connect in init * stepper: fix bugs, sanitize inputs * stepper: work on delay prediction improvements * stepper: json is mean, double quote are mandatory inside * mqtt: add details about message exchanged * imager: first implementation of json messages * main.json: add new tab for RPi management + json for payloads * imager: add state_machine class * stepper: publish last will * imager: major refactor * main: make streaming server process a daemon * mqtt: insert debug statement on close * main: reorder imports * imager: make it work! Reinsert the streaming server logic in there, because there is a problem with the synchronisation part otherwise. Also, eventually, StreamingOuput() will have to be made not global Final very critical learning: it's super duper important to make sure the memory split is at least 256Meg for the GPU. Chaos ensues otherwise * main: changes to accomodate the streamer/imager fusino * imager_state_machine: insert states transition description * stepper: cleanup of code * segmenter: creation of the class * python: include segmenter changes * remove unused files * stepper: check existence of hardware.json * main.json: changes to reflect the python script evolution * remove unecessary TODOs and add some others * main: add check for config and directories * imager: update_config is implemented and we have better management of directories now * segmenter: now work recursively in all folders * flow: the configuration is now sent via mqtt * segmenter: better manage pipeline error * segmenter: declaration of archive_fn in init * imager: small bugs and typos * main: add uniqueID output * imager: add the camera settings message We can now update the ISO, shutter speed and resolution from Node-Red * package.json: update dependencies
2020-09-28 11:05:27 +02:00
"wires": [
2020-11-25 16:58:32 +01:00
Extraction and refactor of the python code from node-red flow The rationale for this rewrite is to improve the readability, the modularity, the reliability and the future-proofing of the main python script. All in all, this is now 124 commits that are going to be squashed and merged together, spanning more than two weeks of development and testing. Please test away this release and break things. An upgrading guide will be published in the coming days, along with a new image for people to use if they don't want to upgrade on their own. Read along if you want to know all the goodies! As a starter, the python script was extracted from the main flow, and now lives in its own files at `PlantonScope/scripts/*`. We set up the auto formatting of the code by using [Black]( This make the code clearer and uniform. We are using the default settings, so if you just install Black and set your editor to format on save using it, you should be good to go. The code is separated in four main processes, each with a specific set of responsibilities: - The main process controls all the others, starts everything up and cleans up on shutdown - The stepper process manages the stepper movements. It's now possible to have simultaneous movements of both motors (this closes #38 ). - The imager process controls the camera and the streaming server via a state machine. - The segmenter process manages the segmentation and its outputs. The segmentation happens recursively in all folders in `/home/pi/PlanktonScope/img/`. Each folder has its own output archive, and bug #26 is now closed. Those processes communicates together using MQTT and json messages. Each message is adressed to one topic. The high level topic controls which process receives the message. The details of each topic is at the end of this commit message. Every imaging sessions has now its own folder, under the `img` root. Metadata are saved individually for every session, in a JSON file in the same directory as the pictures. The configuration is not parsed from `config.json` anymore and passed directly through MQTT messages to the concerned process. A new configuration file has been created: `hardware.json`. This file contains information related to your specific hardware configuration. You can choose to reverse the connection of the motors for example, but you can also define specific speed limits and steps number for your pump and focus stage. This will make it easier for people who wants to experiment with different kind of hardware. It's not necessary to have this file though. If it doesn't exists, the default configuration will be applied. The code is architectured around 6 modules and about 10 classes. I encourage you to have a look at the files, they're pretty straightforward to understand. There is a lot of work left around the node-red code refactoring, dashboard ui improvements, better and clearer LED messages, OLED screen integration and finer control of the segmentation process, but this is quite good for now. Here is the topic lists for MQTT and the corresponding messages. - actuator : This topic adresses the stepper control thread No publication under this topic should happen from the python process - actuator/pump : Control of the pump The message is a json object {"action":"move", "direction":"FORWARD", "volume":10, "flowrate":1} to move 10mL forward at 1mL/min action can be "move" or "stop" Receive only - actuator/focus : Control of the focus stage The message is a json object, speed is optional {"action":"move", "direction":"UP", "distance":0.26, "speed":1} to move up 10mm action can be "move" or "stop" Receive only - imager/image : This topic adresses the imaging thread Is a json object with {"action":"image","sleep":5,"volume":1,"nb_frame":200} sleep in seconds, volume in mL Can also receive a config update message: {"action":"config","config":[...]} Can also receive a camera settings message: {"action":"settings","iso":100,"shutter_speed":40} Receive only - segmenter/segment : This topic adresses the segmenter process Is a json object with {"action":"segment"} Receive only - status : This topics sends feedback to Node-Red No publication or receive at this level - status/pump : State of the pump Is a json object with {"status":"Start", "time_left":25} Status is one of Started, Ready, Done, Interrupted Publish only - status/focus : State of the focus stage Is a json object with {"status":"Start", "time_left":25} Status is one of Started, Ready, Done, Interrupted Publish only - status/imager : State of the imager Is a json object with {"status":"Start", "time_left":25} Status is one of Started, Ready, Completed or 12_11_15_0.1.jpg has been imaged. Publish only - status/segmenter : Status of the segmentation - status/segmenter/name - status/segmenter/object_id - status/segmenter/metric Here is the original commit history: * Extract python from flow * Fix bug in server addresses These addresses should be the loopback device instead of the network address of the device. Using the loopback address will not necessitate to update the script when the network address changes. * clean up picamera import * changes to main python and flow: update MQTT requests address to localhost (bugfix) update streaming output address to nothing update main flow to remove python script references and location * Automatically initialise imaging led on startup to off state. * Add the ability to invert outputs of the motor We added a key to config.json "hardware_config" with a subkey "stepper_reverse". If this key is present in the config file and set to 1, the output of the motors are inversed (stepper2 becomes the pump motor and stepper1 the focus motor) * move all non main script to a subfolder * add to package * light module rewrite * json cleanup and absolute path for config file * forgot to import subprocess #oups * Add command to turn the leds off * Auto formatting of I've used Black with default settings, see * First commit of Pump parameters still needs to be checked and tuned. * addition of hardware details in config.json * Introduce hardware.json to replace the `hardware_config` of config.json * calibration, typos * creates the MQTT_Client class * pump_max_speed is now in ml/min to help readability * forgot to add self to the class def * addition of threading capabilities to (UNTESTED) * mqtt: fix topic bug * remove counter * mqtt add doc about topics * creates an "actuator/*/state" topic * rename mqtt_client to pump_client * add details about topics * rename pump_client to actuator_client * topic was not split properly and a part was lost * switch to f-strings for * cosmetic update * folder name will be planktoscope change calls * hardware.json became more straightforward * syntax bugs * addition of a received stop command * update to max travel distance * several typos here * rename folder * reword to reflect folder rename * remove logic that has been moved to and * update to add mqtt imaging client * make command and args local to class and output more verbose * make a class * instantiate stepper class and call it * name mqtt client * update to main.json to reflect changes * fix bugs around pump control * update flows to latest version from Thibault * distance can be a small value, and definitevely should be a float. * unify mqtt topics * unify mqtt output in the main flow * first logger implementation, uses loguru * mqtt: add reason to on_connect * mqtt: add on_disconnect handler * stepper: add more logger calls for debug mainly * main: add levels for logger * first move of the imager logic * imager: time import cleanup * imager: morphocut import cleanup * imager: skimage import cleanup * imager: finishing import cleanup * imager: Class creation - WIP Also provides a fix for #26 (see line 190). * imager: threading is needed for Condition() * streamer: get the streamer server its own file * imager: creates start_camera and get the server creation out * imager: subclass multiprocessing.Process * imager: get Pipeline creation its own function * imager: cleanup of self calls * main: code removal and corresponding calls to newly created classes * imager: various formatting changes * main: management of signal shutdown * add requirements.txt * mqtt: messages are now json objects Also, addition of a flag on receiving a new message * mqtt: make message private and add logic to synchronise * stepper: creates the stepper class * stepper: use the new class * stepper: uses the new logic * stepper: add the shutdown event * stepper: add shutdown method * main: add shutdown event * imager: graceful shutdown * stepper: nicer way of checking the Eevnt * self is a required first argument for a method in a class Especially if you use said class private members! * python: various typos and small errors in import * stepper: create mqtt client during init * stepper: instanciate the mqtt client inside run Otherwise it's not accessible from inside the loop. It's a PITA, more information at * stepper: little bugs and typos all around * mqtt: add shutdown method * mqtt: add connect in init * stepper: fix bugs, sanitize inputs * stepper: work on delay prediction improvements * stepper: json is mean, double quote are mandatory inside * mqtt: add details about message exchanged * imager: first implementation of json messages * main.json: add new tab for RPi management + json for payloads * imager: add state_machine class * stepper: publish last will * imager: major refactor * main: make streaming server process a daemon * mqtt: insert debug statement on close * main: reorder imports * imager: make it work! Reinsert the streaming server logic in there, because there is a problem with the synchronisation part otherwise. Also, eventually, StreamingOuput() will have to be made not global Final very critical learning: it's super duper important to make sure the memory split is at least 256Meg for the GPU. Chaos ensues otherwise * main: changes to accomodate the streamer/imager fusino * imager_state_machine: insert states transition description * stepper: cleanup of code * segmenter: creation of the class * python: include segmenter changes * remove unused files * stepper: check existence of hardware.json * main.json: changes to reflect the python script evolution * remove unecessary TODOs and add some others * main: add check for config and directories * imager: update_config is implemented and we have better management of directories now * segmenter: now work recursively in all folders * flow: the configuration is now sent via mqtt * segmenter: better manage pipeline error * segmenter: declaration of archive_fn in init * imager: small bugs and typos * main: add uniqueID output * imager: add the camera settings message We can now update the ISO, shutter speed and resolution from Node-Red * package.json: update dependencies
2020-09-28 11:05:27 +02:00
2020-11-25 16:58:32 +01:00
"id": "f9d71e4b.2940a",
"type": "ui_date_picker",
"z": "b771c342.49603",
"name": "object_date_end",
"label": "Date",
"group": "cf5d9f0e.d57e7",
"order": 9,
2020-11-27 11:30:57 +01:00
"width": 5,
2020-11-25 16:58:32 +01:00
"height": 1,
"passthru": true,
"topic": "object_date_end",
2020-11-27 11:30:57 +01:00
"x": 660,
"y": 1060,
2020-11-25 16:58:32 +01:00
"wires": [
2020-10-06 17:22:25 +02:00
2020-11-25 16:58:32 +01:00
"id": "2a514f3b.97a6b",
"type": "ui_text_input",
"z": "b771c342.49603",
"name": "object_time_end",
"label": "Time",
2020-11-27 11:30:57 +01:00
"tooltip": "UTC time, 03:23:00 or 15:45",
2020-11-25 16:58:32 +01:00
"group": "cf5d9f0e.d57e7",
"order": 10,
2020-11-27 11:30:57 +01:00
"width": 5,
2020-11-24 17:25:15 +01:00
"height": 1,
2020-10-06 17:22:25 +02:00
"passthru": true,
2020-11-27 11:30:57 +01:00
"mode": "text",
2020-11-25 16:58:32 +01:00
"delay": 300,
"topic": "object_time_end",
2020-11-27 11:30:57 +01:00
"x": 660,
"y": 1100,
2020-10-06 17:22:25 +02:00
"wires": [
2020-11-25 16:58:32 +01:00
2020-10-06 17:22:25 +02:00
2020-11-25 16:58:32 +01:00
"id": "1a945afa.d60aad",
2020-11-24 17:25:15 +01:00
"type": "function",
2020-11-25 16:58:32 +01:00
"z": "b771c342.49603",
"name": "set time global",
2020-11-27 11:30:57 +01:00
"func": "msg.payload = msg.payload.replace(/\\D/g, \"\"); // remove non-digit characters\nif (msg.payload.length<5) msg.payload += \"00\";\n\nglobal.set(msg.topic,msg.payload);",
2020-11-24 17:25:15 +01:00
"outputs": 1,
"noerr": 0,
"initialize": "",
"finalize": "",
"x": 960,
"y": 840,
2020-10-06 17:22:25 +02:00
"wires": [
2020-11-25 16:58:32 +01:00
2020-10-06 17:22:25 +02:00
2020-11-25 16:58:32 +01:00
"id": "29f2b365.4327ec",
"type": "function",
"z": "b771c342.49603",
"name": "set date global",
"func": "var date = new Date(msg.payload);\n\nglobal.set(msg.topic,date.toISOString().split('T')[0].replace(/-/gi, ''));",
"outputs": 1,
"noerr": 0,
"initialize": "",
"finalize": "",
"x": 960,
"y": 800,
2020-11-24 17:25:15 +01:00
"wires": [
2020-11-25 16:58:32 +01:00
2020-11-24 17:25:15 +01:00
2020-10-06 17:22:25 +02:00
2020-11-25 16:58:32 +01:00
"id": "b3c21aa9.8c06c",
"type": "exec",
"z": "1371dec5.76e671",
"command": "git --git-dir /home/pi/PlanktonScope/.git/ rev-parse --short master",
"addpay": false,
"append": "",
"useSpawn": "false",
"timer": "",
"oldrc": false,
"name": "git rev",
"x": 450,
"y": 700,
2020-10-06 17:22:25 +02:00
"wires": [
2020-11-27 12:50:35 +01:00
2020-11-25 16:58:32 +01:00
2020-10-06 17:22:25 +02:00
2020-11-25 16:58:32 +01:00
"id": "3e64877a.9684b",
"type": "function",
2020-11-24 17:25:15 +01:00
"z": "1371dec5.76e671",
2020-11-27 11:30:57 +01:00
"name": "store version",
2020-11-25 16:58:32 +01:00
"func": "msg.payload = \"PlanktoScope v2.2-\"+msg.payload.trim()\n\nglobal.set(\"acq_software\",msg.payload);\n\nreturn msg\n",
2020-11-24 17:25:15 +01:00
"outputs": 1,
2020-11-25 16:58:32 +01:00
"noerr": 0,
"initialize": "",
"finalize": "",
"x": 790,
2020-11-27 12:50:35 +01:00
"y": 660,
2020-10-06 17:22:25 +02:00
"wires": [
2020-11-24 17:25:15 +01:00
2020-11-25 16:58:32 +01:00
2020-11-24 17:25:15 +01:00
2020-10-06 17:22:25 +02:00
2020-11-24 17:25:15 +01:00
2020-11-25 16:58:32 +01:00
"id": "68fa1227.dbdd5c",
2020-11-24 17:25:15 +01:00
"type": "function",
2020-11-25 16:58:32 +01:00
"z": "bccd1f23.87219",
"name": "get acq_fnumber_objective",
"func": "msg.payload = msg.payload.acq_fnumber_objective;\nreturn msg;",
2020-11-24 17:25:15 +01:00
"outputs": 1,
"noerr": 0,
"initialize": "",
"finalize": "",
2020-11-25 16:58:32 +01:00
"x": 820,
"y": 100,
2020-10-06 17:22:25 +02:00
"wires": [
2020-11-25 16:58:32 +01:00
2020-10-06 17:22:25 +02:00
2020-11-25 16:58:32 +01:00
"id": "1c45ea1c.80234e",
"type": "subflow:1c24ad9c.bebec2",
"z": "bccd1f23.87219",
"name": "",
"x": 600,
"y": 100,
"wires": [
2020-11-24 17:25:15 +01:00
2020-11-25 16:58:32 +01:00
"id": "5921d0d0.a3d568",
"type": "subflow:1c24ad9c.bebec2",
"z": "baa1e3d9.cb29d",
"name": "",
"x": 90,
"y": 160,
2020-10-06 17:22:25 +02:00
"wires": [
2020-11-25 16:58:32 +01:00
2020-10-06 17:22:25 +02:00
2020-11-25 16:58:32 +01:00
"id": "f3658d30.b8448",
2020-11-24 17:25:15 +01:00
"type": "function",
2020-11-25 16:58:32 +01:00
"z": "baa1e3d9.cb29d",
"name": "get acq_id",
"func": "msg.payload = msg.payload.acq_id;\nreturn msg;",
2020-11-24 17:25:15 +01:00
"outputs": 1,
"noerr": 0,
"initialize": "",
"finalize": "",
2020-11-27 11:30:57 +01:00
"x": 310,
2020-11-25 16:58:32 +01:00
"y": 240,
2020-10-06 17:22:25 +02:00
"wires": [
2020-11-25 16:58:32 +01:00
2020-10-06 17:22:25 +02:00
2020-11-25 16:58:32 +01:00
"id": "de2c90cf.b73b08",
2020-11-24 17:25:15 +01:00
"type": "function",
2020-11-25 16:58:32 +01:00
"z": "baa1e3d9.cb29d",
"name": "get acq_celltype",
"func": "msg.payload = msg.payload.acq_celltype;\nreturn msg;",
2020-11-24 17:25:15 +01:00
"outputs": 1,
"noerr": 0,
2020-11-25 16:58:32 +01:00
"x": 320,
"y": 80,
2020-11-24 17:25:15 +01:00
"wires": [
2020-11-25 16:58:32 +01:00
2020-11-24 17:25:15 +01:00
2020-10-06 17:22:25 +02:00
2020-11-25 16:58:32 +01:00
"id": "5e3dec55.881074",
2020-11-24 17:25:15 +01:00
"type": "function",
2020-11-25 16:58:32 +01:00
"z": "baa1e3d9.cb29d",
"name": "get acq_minimum_mesh",
"func": "msg.payload = msg.payload.acq_minimum_mesh;\nreturn msg;",
2020-11-24 17:25:15 +01:00
"outputs": 1,
"noerr": 0,
2020-11-25 16:58:32 +01:00
"x": 350,
"y": 120,
2020-10-06 17:22:25 +02:00
"wires": [
2020-11-25 16:58:32 +01:00
2020-10-06 17:22:25 +02:00
2020-11-25 16:58:32 +01:00
"id": "d3ca8847.4d1ae",
"type": "function",
"z": "baa1e3d9.cb29d",
"name": "get acq_maximum_mesh",
"func": "msg.payload = msg.payload.acq_maximum_mesh;\nreturn msg;",
"outputs": 1,
"noerr": 0,
"x": 350,
"y": 160,
2020-10-06 17:22:25 +02:00
"wires": [
2020-11-25 16:58:32 +01:00
2020-10-06 17:22:25 +02:00
2020-11-25 16:58:32 +01:00
"id": "1f133196.96564e",
2020-10-06 17:22:25 +02:00
"type": "function",
2020-11-25 16:58:32 +01:00
"z": "baa1e3d9.cb29d",
"name": "get acq_volume",
"func": "msg.payload = msg.payload.acq_volume;\nreturn msg;",
2020-10-06 17:22:25 +02:00
"outputs": 1,
"noerr": 0,
"initialize": "",
"finalize": "",
2020-11-25 16:58:32 +01:00
"x": 320,
"y": 200,
2020-10-06 17:22:25 +02:00
"wires": [
2020-11-25 16:58:32 +01:00
2020-10-06 17:22:25 +02:00
2020-11-25 16:58:32 +01:00
"id": "bdc6718a.dd5d48",
"type": "ui_text",
"z": "1371dec5.76e671",
"group": "ce9e278.781eed8",
"order": 3,
"width": 0,
"height": 0,
2020-11-24 17:25:15 +01:00
"name": "",
2020-11-25 16:58:32 +01:00
"label": "Instrument Type",
"format": "{{msg.payload.acq_instrument}}",
"layout": "row-spread",
"x": 1040,
2020-11-27 18:57:43 +01:00
"y": 720,
2020-11-25 16:58:32 +01:00
"wires": []
"id": "a400a97e.e333a8",
"type": "ui_text",
"z": "1371dec5.76e671",
"group": "ce9e278.781eed8",
"order": 0,
"width": 0,
"height": 0,
"name": "",
"label": "Instrument Name",
"format": "{{msg.payload}}",
"layout": "row-spread",
"x": 810,
"y": 760,
"wires": []
"id": "8343fa69.49339",
"type": "ui_text",
"z": "1371dec5.76e671",
"group": "ce9e278.781eed8",
"order": 1,
"width": 0,
"height": 0,
"name": "",
"label": "Software version",
"format": "{{msg.payload}}",
"layout": "row-spread",
"x": 1040,
2020-11-27 12:50:35 +01:00
"y": 660,
2020-11-25 16:58:32 +01:00
"wires": []
"id": "f783aefd.c3bfd8",
"type": "ui_text",
"z": "1371dec5.76e671",
"group": "ce9e278.781eed8",
"order": 0,
"width": 0,
"height": 0,
"name": "",
"label": "Camera Name",
"format": "{{msg.payload}}",
2020-11-25 16:58:32 +01:00
"layout": "row-spread",
2020-11-27 18:57:43 +01:00
"x": 1220,
"y": 780,
2020-11-25 16:58:32 +01:00
"wires": []
"id": "a0e2d78c.a587e",
"type": "inject",
"z": "1371dec5.76e671",
"name": "Default: ON",
"props": [
"p": "payload"
"repeat": "",
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2020-10-06 17:22:25 +02:00
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2020-11-25 16:58:32 +01:00
2020-10-06 17:22:25 +02:00
2020-11-25 16:58:32 +01:00
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"z": "b771c342.49603",
"d": true,
"name": "GPS Status",
"scope": [],
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2020-10-06 17:22:25 +02:00
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2020-11-25 16:58:32 +01:00
2020-10-06 17:22:25 +02:00
2020-11-25 16:58:32 +01:00
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2020-11-25 16:58:32 +01:00
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"name": "GPS Status Display",
"label": "GPS Status:",
"format": "{{msg.status.text}}",
"layout": "row-left",
"x": 810,
"y": 1500,
2020-11-25 16:58:32 +01:00
"wires": []
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2020-11-24 17:25:15 +01:00
"type": "function",
2020-11-25 16:58:32 +01:00
"z": "b771c342.49603",
2020-11-27 11:30:57 +01:00
"name": "DD to DMS",
2020-11-25 16:58:32 +01:00
"func": "function ConvertDDToDMS(D, lng){\n // from\n return {\n dir : D<0?lng?'W':'S':lng?'E':'N',\n deg : 0|(D<0?D=-D:D),\n min : 0|D%1*60,\n sec :(0|D*60%1*6000)/100\n };\n}\n\nmsg.payload = {\n \"lat\":ConvertDDToDMS(, false),\n \"lon\":ConvertDDToDMS(msg.payload.lon, true)\n};\nreturn msg;",
2020-11-24 17:25:15 +01:00
"outputs": 1,
"noerr": 0,
"initialize": "",
"finalize": "",
"x": 230,
"y": 560,
2020-10-06 17:22:25 +02:00
"wires": [
2020-11-25 16:58:32 +01:00
"id": "48879182.6fd718",
2020-10-06 17:22:25 +02:00
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2020-11-25 16:58:32 +01:00
"z": "baa1e3d9.cb29d",
"name": "Default: 10",
2020-10-06 17:22:25 +02:00
"props": [
2020-11-25 16:58:32 +01:00
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2020-10-06 17:22:25 +02:00
2020-11-24 17:25:15 +01:00
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"vt": "str"
2020-10-06 17:22:25 +02:00
"repeat": "",
"crontab": "",
"once": true,
"onceDelay": 0.1,
"topic": "",
2020-11-25 16:58:32 +01:00
"payload": "10",
"payloadType": "num",
"x": 310,
2020-11-27 11:30:57 +01:00
"y": 280,
2020-10-06 17:22:25 +02:00
"wires": [
2020-11-27 11:30:57 +01:00
2020-10-06 17:22:25 +02:00
2020-11-27 11:30:57 +01:00
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"type": "ui_toast",
"z": "1371dec5.76e671",
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"highlight": "",
"sendall": true,
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"topic": "",
"name": "Update notif",
"x": 570,
"y": 500,
"wires": [
2020-10-06 17:22:25 +02:00
2020-11-27 11:30:57 +01:00
"id": "6451f991.aaac1",
"type": "ui_button",
"z": "bccd1f23.87219",
"name": "stop pump",
"group": "707d9797.c8e798",
"order": 6,
"width": 2,
"height": 1,
"passthru": true,
"label": "STOP PUMP",
"tooltip": "",
"color": "",
"bgcolor": "#AD1625",
"icon": "",
"payload": "{\"action\":\"stop\"}",
"payloadType": "json",
"topic": "actuator/pump",
"x": 170,
"y": 180,
2020-10-06 17:22:25 +02:00
"wires": [
2020-11-27 18:39:09 +01:00
2020-10-06 17:22:25 +02:00
2020-11-27 11:30:57 +01:00
"id": "b402f719.55bc98",
"type": "inject",
"z": "baa1e3d9.cb29d",
"name": "Default: FORWARD",
"props": [
2020-11-25 16:58:32 +01:00
2020-11-27 11:30:57 +01:00
"p": "payload"
2020-11-25 16:58:32 +01:00
2020-11-27 11:30:57 +01:00
"p": "topic",
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2020-11-25 16:58:32 +01:00
2020-11-27 11:30:57 +01:00
"repeat": "",
"crontab": "",
"once": true,
"onceDelay": 0.1,
"topic": "pump_direction",
"payload": "FORWARD",
"payloadType": "str",
"x": 280,
2020-11-27 11:30:57 +01:00
"y": 660,
2020-10-06 17:22:25 +02:00
"wires": [
2020-11-27 11:30:57 +01:00
2020-10-06 17:22:25 +02:00
2020-11-27 11:30:57 +01:00
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2020-11-25 16:58:32 +01:00
"type": "function",
2020-11-27 11:30:57 +01:00
"z": "b771c342.49603",
"name": "DDMM.MMMM to DD",
"func": "// Format 36°57.4439' N, 110°4.2100' W\n// From\nfunction ConvertDDMMToDD(input) {\n var parts = input.split(/[^\\d\\w]+/);\n var dd = Number(parts[0]) + (Number(parts[1]) + Number(parts[2])/10000)/60;\n\n if (parts[3] == \"S\" || parts[3] == \"W\") {\n dd = dd * -1;\n } // Don't do anything for N or E\n return dd.toFixed(6);\n}\n\nmsg.payload = ConvertDDMMToDD(msg.payload)\nreturn msg;",
2020-11-25 16:58:32 +01:00
"outputs": 1,
"noerr": 0,
"initialize": "",
"finalize": "",
"x": 980,
"y": 760,
2020-11-27 11:30:57 +01:00
"wires": [
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2020-10-06 17:22:25 +02:00
"wires": [
2020-11-27 11:30:57 +01:00
2020-10-06 17:22:25 +02:00
2020-11-27 11:30:57 +01:00
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2020-11-25 16:58:32 +01:00
"type": "function",
2020-11-27 11:30:57 +01:00
"z": "baa1e3d9.cb29d",
"name": "set global",
"func": "global.set(msg.topic, msg.payload);",
2020-11-25 16:58:32 +01:00
"outputs": 1,
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"initialize": "",
"finalize": "",
"x": 720,
2020-11-27 11:30:57 +01:00
"y": 660,
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"x": 770,
2020-11-27 11:30:57 +01:00
"y": 460,
"wires": [
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"width": 0,
"height": 0,
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"topic": "nb_frame",
"x": 640,
"y": 280,
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"width": 5,
"height": 1,
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"mode": "number",
"delay": 300,
"topic": "object_depth_max",
"x": 650,
"y": 500,
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"topic": "object_depth_min",
"x": 650,
"y": 540,
2020-10-06 17:22:25 +02:00
"wires": [
2020-11-27 11:30:57 +01:00
2020-10-06 17:22:25 +02:00
2020-11-27 11:30:57 +01:00
"id": "999065ca.27edb8",
2020-11-25 16:58:32 +01:00
"type": "switch",
2020-11-27 11:30:57 +01:00
"z": "baa1e3d9.cb29d",
"name": "topic filter",
2020-11-25 16:58:32 +01:00
"property": "topic",
"propertyType": "msg",
"rules": [
"t": "eq",
2020-11-27 11:30:57 +01:00
"v": "status/pump",
2020-11-25 16:58:32 +01:00
"vt": "str"
"t": "eq",
2020-11-27 11:30:57 +01:00
"v": "status/focus",
2020-11-25 16:58:32 +01:00
"vt": "str"
"t": "eq",
2020-11-27 11:30:57 +01:00
"v": "status/imager",
2020-11-25 16:58:32 +01:00
"vt": "str"
"checkall": "true",
"repair": false,
2020-11-27 11:30:57 +01:00
"outputs": 3,
"x": 660,
2020-11-27 11:30:57 +01:00
"y": 940,
2020-10-06 17:22:25 +02:00
"wires": [
2020-11-27 11:30:57 +01:00
2020-11-25 16:58:32 +01:00
2020-11-27 11:30:57 +01:00
2020-11-25 16:58:32 +01:00
2020-11-27 18:57:43 +01:00
2020-10-06 17:22:25 +02:00
2020-11-27 11:30:57 +01:00
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2020-11-25 16:58:32 +01:00
"height": 2,
2020-11-27 11:30:57 +01:00
"name": "imager",
"label": "Imager status:",
"format": "{{msg.payload.status}}",
"layout": "col-center",
"x": 1110,
2020-11-27 18:57:43 +01:00
"y": 880,
2020-11-27 11:30:57 +01:00
"wires": []
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"width": 5,
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"name": "focus",
"label": "Focus status:",
"format": "{{msg.payload.status}}",
"layout": "col-center",
"x": 1110,
2020-11-27 18:57:43 +01:00
"y": 840,
2020-11-27 11:30:57 +01:00
"wires": []
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"label": "Pump status:",
"format": "{{msg.payload.status}}",
"layout": "col-center",
"x": 1110,
2020-11-27 18:57:43 +01:00
"y": 800,
2020-11-27 11:30:57 +01:00
"wires": []
"id": "bb628f8d.98f108",
"type": "link in",
"z": "baa1e3d9.cb29d",
"name": "Status for fluidic module",
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2020-11-25 16:58:32 +01:00
2020-11-27 11:30:57 +01:00
"x": 515,
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2020-10-06 17:22:25 +02:00
"wires": [
2020-11-27 11:30:57 +01:00
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"datatype": "json",
"broker": "8dc3722c.06efa8",
"x": 290,
"y": 340,
"wires": [
"id": "4a1e9e3e.27506",
"type": "switch",
"z": "9a22e67a.378818",
"name": "Filter segmenter out",
"property": "topic",
"propertyType": "msg",
"rules": [
"t": "else"
"t": "cont",
"v": "status/segmenter",
"vt": "str"
"checkall": "true",
"repair": false,
"outputs": 2,
"x": 620,
"y": 340,
"wires": [
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"type": "json",
"z": "9a22e67a.378818",
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"x": 430,
"y": 340,
"wires": [
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"z": "9a22e67a.378818",
"name": "Fluidic module status",
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"id": "307c851e.fb0f7a",
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"z": "baa1e3d9.cb29d",
"name": "Imaging state",
"property": "payload",
"propertyType": "msg",
"rules": [
"t": "jsonata_exp",
"v": "$contains(msg.payload.status, \"jpg\")\t",
"vt": "jsonata"
"t": "else"
"checkall": "false",
"repair": false,
"outputs": 2,
"x": 890,
2020-11-27 11:30:57 +01:00
"y": 1040,
"wires": [
2020-11-24 17:25:15 +01:00
2020-11-27 11:30:57 +01:00
"id": "db8e3dde.44efb8",
2020-11-24 17:25:15 +01:00
"type": "function",
2020-11-27 11:30:57 +01:00
"z": "baa1e3d9.cb29d",
"name": "img_counter.js",
"func": "img_counter=global.get('img_counter')\nimg_counter=img_counter+1\nglobal.set('img_counter',img_counter)\nmsg.payload = img_counter\nreturn msg;",
2020-11-24 17:25:15 +01:00
"outputs": 1,
"noerr": 0,
"initialize": "",
"finalize": "",
2020-11-27 11:30:57 +01:00
"x": 1140,
"y": 1100,
2020-11-24 17:25:15 +01:00
"wires": [
2020-11-25 16:58:32 +01:00
2020-11-27 11:30:57 +01:00
2020-11-25 16:58:32 +01:00
2020-11-24 17:25:15 +01:00
2020-11-27 11:30:57 +01:00
"id": "59164d65.e7993c",
2020-11-25 16:58:32 +01:00
"type": "ui_toast",
2020-11-27 11:30:57 +01:00
"z": "baa1e3d9.cb29d",
2020-11-25 16:58:32 +01:00
"position": "top right",
"displayTime": "5",
"highlight": "",
"sendall": true,
"outputs": 0,
"ok": "OK",
"cancel": "",
"raw": false,
"topic": "",
"name": "",
2020-11-27 11:30:57 +01:00
"x": 1600,
"y": 980,
2020-11-25 16:58:32 +01:00
"wires": []
2020-11-27 11:30:57 +01:00
"id": "8c7348aa.1962e8",
2020-11-25 16:58:32 +01:00
"type": "template",
2020-11-27 11:30:57 +01:00
"z": "baa1e3d9.cb29d",
2020-11-25 16:58:32 +01:00
"name": "Create sentence",
"field": "payload",
"fieldType": "msg",
"format": "handlebars",
"syntax": "mustache",
"template": "The {{topic}} is {{payload.status}}",
"output": "str",
2020-11-27 11:30:57 +01:00
"x": 1400,
"y": 980,
2020-11-24 17:25:15 +01:00
"wires": [
2020-11-27 11:30:57 +01:00
2020-11-24 17:25:15 +01:00
2020-11-27 11:30:57 +01:00
"id": "6742014e.1bb238",
2020-11-25 16:58:32 +01:00
"type": "change",
2020-11-27 11:30:57 +01:00
"z": "baa1e3d9.cb29d",
2020-11-25 16:58:32 +01:00
"name": "Remove high-level topic",
"rules": [
"t": "change",
"p": "topic",
"pt": "msg",
"from": "status/",
"fromt": "str",
"to": "",
"tot": "str"
"action": "",
"property": "",
"from": "",
"to": "",
"reg": false,
2020-11-27 11:30:57 +01:00
"x": 1170,
"y": 980,
2020-11-24 17:25:15 +01:00
"wires": [
2020-11-27 11:30:57 +01:00
2020-11-24 17:25:15 +01:00
2020-11-27 11:30:57 +01:00
"id": "b7c3a3ad.9bf32",
2020-11-25 16:58:32 +01:00
"type": "ui_text",
2020-11-27 11:30:57 +01:00
"z": "baa1e3d9.cb29d",
2020-11-25 16:58:32 +01:00
"group": "b5d61bc7.54fe48",
"order": 4,
"width": 5,
"height": 2,
"name": "Image Count",
"label": "Images count",
"format": "{{msg.payload}}",
"layout": "col-center",
2020-11-27 11:30:57 +01:00
"x": 1590,
"y": 1120,
2020-11-25 16:58:32 +01:00
"wires": []
2020-11-27 11:30:57 +01:00
"id": "1a2e721a.f5e876",
2020-11-25 16:58:32 +01:00
"type": "ui_gauge",
2020-11-27 11:30:57 +01:00
"z": "baa1e3d9.cb29d",
2020-11-25 16:58:32 +01:00
"name": "Image Donut",
"group": "b5d61bc7.54fe48",
"order": 1,
"width": 4,
"height": 3,
"gtype": "donut",
"title": "progress",
"label": "%",
"format": "{{value}}",
"min": 0,
"max": "100",
"colors": [
"seg1": "50",
"seg2": "75",
2020-11-27 11:30:57 +01:00
"x": 1590,
"y": 1080,
2020-11-24 17:25:15 +01:00
"wires": []
2020-11-27 11:30:57 +01:00
"id": "39812a27.6cb10e",
2020-11-25 16:58:32 +01:00
"type": "function",
2020-11-27 11:30:57 +01:00
"z": "baa1e3d9.cb29d",
2020-11-25 16:58:32 +01:00
"name": "percent image",
2020-11-27 11:30:57 +01:00
"func": "msg.payload = (100 * msg.payload/global.get('nb_frame')).toFixed(2)\nreturn msg;",
2020-11-25 16:58:32 +01:00
"outputs": 1,
"noerr": 0,
"initialize": "",
"finalize": "",
2020-11-27 11:30:57 +01:00
"x": 1400,
"y": 1080,
2020-11-25 16:58:32 +01:00
"wires": [
2020-11-27 11:30:57 +01:00
2020-11-25 16:58:32 +01:00
2020-11-27 11:30:57 +01:00
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"type": "function",
"z": "baa1e3d9.cb29d",
"name": "img_counter init",
"func": "img_counter=0\nglobal.set('img_counter',img_counter)\nmsg.payload = img_counter\nreturn msg;",
2020-11-25 16:58:32 +01:00
"outputs": 1,
2020-11-27 11:30:57 +01:00
"noerr": 0,
"initialize": "",
"finalize": "",
"x": 1340,
"y": 1160,
2020-11-25 16:58:32 +01:00
"wires": [
2020-11-27 11:30:57 +01:00
2020-11-25 16:58:32 +01:00
2020-11-27 11:30:57 +01:00
"id": "e1a2f1b3.fe1758",
"type": "inject",
2020-11-25 16:58:32 +01:00
"z": "baa1e3d9.cb29d",
2020-11-27 11:30:57 +01:00
"name": "Init graphs",
"props": [
"p": "payload"
2020-11-25 16:58:32 +01:00
"p": "topic",
"vt": "str"
2020-11-25 16:58:32 +01:00
"repeat": "",
"crontab": "",
"once": true,
2020-11-25 16:58:32 +01:00
"onceDelay": 0.1,
2020-11-27 11:30:57 +01:00
"topic": "",
"payload": "0",
"payloadType": "num",
"x": 1130,
"y": 1160,
"wires": [
2020-11-27 11:30:57 +01:00
2020-11-27 11:30:57 +01:00
"id": "8f3788f6.ddcf98",
2020-11-25 16:58:32 +01:00
"type": "function",
2020-11-27 11:30:57 +01:00
"z": "cb95299c.2817c8",
"name": "obj_counter.js",
"func": "obj_counter=global.get('obj_counter')\nobj_counter=obj_counter+1\nglobal.set('obj_counter',obj_counter)\nmsg.payload = obj_counter\nreturn msg;",
2020-11-25 16:58:32 +01:00
"outputs": 1,
"noerr": 0,
"initialize": "",
"finalize": "",
2020-11-27 11:30:57 +01:00
"x": 820,
"y": 840,
"wires": [
2020-11-27 11:30:57 +01:00
"id": "aa38dbbc.cf0a9",
"type": "switch",
"z": "cb95299c.2817c8",
"name": "Segmenter",
"property": "topic",
"propertyType": "msg",
"rules": [
"t": "eq",
"v": "status/segmenter",
"vt": "str"
"t": "eq",
"v": "status/segmenter/name",
"vt": "str"
"t": "eq",
"v": "status/segmenter/object_id",
"vt": "str"
"t": "eq",
"v": "status/segmenter/metric",
"vt": "str"
"checkall": "true",
"repair": false,
"outputs": 4,
"x": 490,
"y": 740,
"wires": [
"id": "9d53dbe2.dbffe8",
"type": "ui_chart",
"z": "cb95299c.2817c8",
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2020-11-27 11:30:57 +01:00
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2020-11-27 11:30:57 +01:00
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2020-11-27 11:30:57 +01:00
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2020-11-27 11:30:57 +01:00
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"wires": [
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"type": "function",
"z": "cb95299c.2817c8",
"name": "ex : area",
"func": "msg.payload=msg.payload.object_area\nmsg.topic=\"area\"\n\nreturn msg;",
"outputs": 1,
"noerr": 0,
"initialize": "",
"finalize": "",
"x": 800,
"y": 920,
2020-11-27 11:30:57 +01:00
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"x": 1340,
"y": 680,
"wires": []
"id": "458cd82e.03d258",
"type": "ui_chart",
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2020-11-27 11:30:57 +01:00
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"nodata": "Objects area will be shown here once the segmentation is started",
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"removeOlder": 1,
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"removeOlderUnit": "3600",
"cutout": 0,
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2020-11-27 11:30:57 +01:00
"wires": [
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"console": false,
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"targetType": "full",
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"x": 830,
"y": 760,
"wires": []
"id": "7088a5be.0c79a4",
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"z": "cb95299c.2817c8",
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"fieldType": "msg",
"format": "handlebars",
"syntax": "mustache",
"template": "The {{topic}} is {{payload.status}}",
"output": "str",
"x": 1100,
"y": 680,
"wires": [
2020-11-24 17:25:15 +01:00
2020-11-27 11:30:57 +01:00
"id": "b9a23b91.93638",
2020-11-25 16:58:32 +01:00
"type": "change",
2020-11-27 11:30:57 +01:00
"z": "cb95299c.2817c8",
"name": "Remove high-level topic",
2020-11-25 16:58:32 +01:00
"rules": [
2020-11-27 11:30:57 +01:00
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"p": "topic",
"pt": "msg",
"from": "status/",
"fromt": "str",
"to": "",
"tot": "str"
2020-11-25 16:58:32 +01:00
"action": "",
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"from": "",
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2020-11-27 11:30:57 +01:00
"x": 850,
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2020-11-24 17:25:15 +01:00
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2020-11-27 11:30:57 +01:00
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2020-11-27 11:30:57 +01:00
"height": 1,
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"label": "Segmenter status:",
"format": "{{msg.payload.status}}",
"layout": "row-spread",
2020-11-27 11:30:57 +01:00
"x": 810,
"y": 720,
"wires": []
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2020-11-27 11:30:57 +01:00
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"label": "",
2020-11-27 11:30:57 +01:00
"format": "{{msg.payload}}",
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"name": "Init graphs",
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"vt": "str"
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"x": 810,
"y": 800,
"wires": [
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"z": "cb95299c.2817c8",
"name": "obj_counter init",
"func": "obj_counter=0\nglobal.set('obj_counter',obj_counter)\nmsg.payload = obj_counter\nreturn msg;",
"outputs": 1,
"noerr": 0,
"initialize": "",
"finalize": "",
"x": 1000,
"y": 800,
"wires": [
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"z": "cb95299c.2817c8",
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"useSpawn": "false",
"timer": "1",
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"name": "git",
"x": 1160,
"y": 420,
"wires": [
2020-11-24 17:25:15 +01:00
2020-11-27 11:30:57 +01:00
"id": "cc205a38.f86ea",
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"z": "1371dec5.76e671",
"name": "git config",
"field": "payload",
"fieldType": "msg",
"format": "handlebars",
"syntax": "mustache",
"template": "git config --global --replace-all \"{{payload}}\"",
"output": "str",
"x": 980,
"y": 420,
"wires": [
"id": "c1d4934c.9bb628",
"type": "link in",
"z": "1371dec5.76e671",
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2020-11-27 18:39:09 +01:00
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2020-11-27 11:30:57 +01:00
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2020-11-27 18:39:09 +01:00
2020-11-27 11:30:57 +01:00
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"order": 4,
"width": 5,
"height": 1,
"name": "Imaged volume",
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"format": "{{msg.payload}}",
"layout": "row-spread",
"x": 1180,
2020-11-27 11:30:57 +01:00
"y": 260,
"wires": []
"id": "99b11fe4.2795d",
"type": "function",
"z": "baa1e3d9.cb29d",
"name": "imaged volume calc",
"func": "camera = global.get(\"acq_camera\");\n\nif (camera == \"HQ Camera\"){\n volume = (4.15*3.14*msg.payload/1000) / 1000\n}\nelse if (camera == \"Camera v2.1\"){\n volume = (2.31*1.74*msg.payload/1000) / 1000\n}\nelse{\n msg.payload = \"The camera is not known to this system\"\n return msg;\n}\nglobal.set(\"acq_imaged_volume\", volume.toFixed(4))\nmsg.payload = volume.toFixed(4) + \" mL\"\nreturn msg;",
2020-11-27 11:30:57 +01:00
"outputs": 1,
"noerr": 0,
"initialize": "",
"finalize": "",
"x": 960,
2020-11-27 11:30:57 +01:00
"y": 260,
"wires": [
"info": "### Focusing\n##### `nb_step` `orientation`\n\n- `nb_step` : **integer** (from 1 to 100000) - number of step to perform by the stage (about 31um/step)\n- `orientation` : **string** - orientation of the focus either `up` or `down`\n\nExample:\n\n python3.7 $HOME/PlanktonScope/scripts/ 650 up\n"
"id": "8e16aa2f.e40398",
"type": "ui_text",
"z": "baa1e3d9.cb29d",
"group": "4322c187.e73e5",
"order": 5,
"width": 5,
"height": 1,
"name": "Pump volume",
"label": "Pump volume",
"format": "{{msg.payload}}",
"layout": "row-spread",
"x": 1180,
"y": 300,
"wires": []
"id": "67091ac0.8f9f6c",
"type": "function",
"z": "baa1e3d9.cb29d",
"name": "pump volume calc",
"func": "var acq_volume = global.get(\"acq_volume\");\nvar nb_frame = global.get(\"nb_frame\");\n\nvar pump_volume = Math.max((Number(acq_volume) / Number(nb_frame)), 0.01).toFixed(4)\n\nglobal.set(\"imaging_pump_volume\", pump_volume)\n\nmsg.payload = pump_volume + \" mL per frame\"\nreturn msg;",
"outputs": 1,
"noerr": 0,
"initialize": "",
"finalize": "",
"x": 950,
"y": 300,
"wires": [
2020-11-27 18:57:43 +01:00
2020-11-27 11:30:57 +01:00
"info": "### Focusing\n##### `nb_step` `orientation`\n\n- `nb_step` : **integer** (from 1 to 100000) - number of step to perform by the stage (about 31um/step)\n- `orientation` : **string** - orientation of the focus either `up` or `down`\n\nExample:\n\n python3.7 $HOME/PlanktonScope/scripts/ 650 up\n"
2020-11-27 12:45:22 +01:00
"id": "43737d43.eb0e9c",
"type": "ui_slider",
"z": "bccd1f23.87219",
"name": "WB Red slider",
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"tooltip": "from 1.0 to 8.0",
2020-11-27 12:45:22 +01:00
"group": "8c38a81e.9897a8",
"order": 4,
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2020-11-27 12:45:22 +01:00
"height": 1,
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"outs": "end",
"topic": "imager/image",
"min": "1.0",
"max": "8.0",
2020-11-27 12:45:22 +01:00
"step": "0.01",
"x": 380,
"y": 940,
"wires": [
"id": "5e147425.7666ec",
"type": "function",
"z": "bccd1f23.87219",
"name": "Encapsulate settings",
"func": "msg.payload = {\n \"action\":\"settings\", \n \"settings\":{\"white_balance_gain\":{\n \"red\":Math.round(msg.payload*100)\n }\n }\n}\nmsg.topic = \"imager/image\"\nreturn msg;",
"outputs": 1,
"noerr": 0,
"initialize": "",
"finalize": "",
"x": 720,
"y": 940,
"wires": [
2020-11-27 18:39:09 +01:00
2020-11-27 12:45:22 +01:00
"id": "4b708426.adeeb4",
"type": "function",
"z": "bccd1f23.87219",
"name": "Encapsulate settings",
"func": "msg.payload = {\n \"action\":\"settings\", \n \"settings\":{\"white_balance_gain\":{\n \"blue\":Math.round(msg.payload*100)\n }\n }\n}\nmsg.topic = \"imager/image\"\nreturn msg;",
"outputs": 1,
"noerr": 0,
"initialize": "",
"finalize": "",
"x": 720,
"y": 1000,
"wires": [
2020-11-27 18:39:09 +01:00
2020-11-27 12:45:22 +01:00
"id": "5ca6cdb6.3a6684",
"type": "inject",
"z": "bccd1f23.87219",
"name": "Default: WB 2.0",
"props": [
"p": "payload"
"repeat": "",
"crontab": "",
"once": true,
"onceDelay": "1",
"topic": "",
"payload": "2.0",
"payloadType": "num",
"x": 120,
"y": 940,
"wires": [
"id": "7b699798.3d568",
"type": "ui_slider",
"z": "bccd1f23.87219",
"name": "WB Blue slider",
"label": "WB: Blue",
"tooltip": "from 1.0 to 8.0",
2020-11-27 12:45:22 +01:00
"group": "8c38a81e.9897a8",
"order": 5,
"width": 8,
2020-11-27 12:45:22 +01:00
"height": 1,
"passthru": true,
"outs": "end",
"topic": "imager/image",
"min": "1.0",
"max": "8.0",
2020-11-27 12:45:22 +01:00
"step": "0.01",
"x": 380,
"y": 1000,
"wires": [
"id": "7db56b9d.37f52c",
"type": "inject",
"z": "bccd1f23.87219",
"name": "Default: WB 1.4",
"props": [
"p": "payload"
"repeat": "",
"crontab": "",
"once": true,
"onceDelay": "1",
"topic": "",
"payload": "1.4",
"payloadType": "num",
"x": 120,
"y": 1000,
"wires": [
2020-11-27 18:39:09 +01:00
"id": "227b4b67.5a0f2c",
"type": "exec",
"z": "1371dec5.76e671",
"command": "",
"addpay": true,
"append": "",
"useSpawn": "false",
"timer": "1",
"oldrc": false,
"name": "git",
"x": 1150,
"y": 500,
"wires": [
"id": "93478941.a80e18",
"type": "template",
"z": "1371dec5.76e671",
"name": "git config",
"field": "payload",
"fieldType": "msg",
"format": "handlebars",
"syntax": "mustache",
"template": "git config --global --replace-all \"{{payload}}\"",
"output": "str",
"x": 980,
"y": 500,
"wires": [
"id": "daedda1b.9805b8",
"type": "function",
"z": "bccd1f23.87219",
"name": "Encapsulate settings",
"func": "msg.payload = {\n \"action\":\"settings\", \n \"settings\":{\"white_balance\":msg.payload}\n}\nmsg.topic = \"imager/image\"\nreturn msg;",
"outputs": 1,
"noerr": 0,
"initialize": "",
"finalize": "",
"x": 720,
"y": 1060,
"wires": [
"id": "82722a3c.846b3",
"type": "inject",
"z": "bccd1f23.87219",
"name": "Default: OFF",
"props": [
"p": "payload"
"repeat": "",
"crontab": "",
"once": true,
"onceDelay": "1",
"topic": "",
"payload": "false",
"payloadType": "bool",
"x": 110,
"y": 1060,
"wires": [
"id": "60e44330.50bdec",
"type": "ui_switch",
"z": "bccd1f23.87219",
"name": "AWB",
"label": "Auto White Balance",
"tooltip": "",
"group": "8c38a81e.9897a8",
"order": 3,
"width": 2,
"height": 2,
2020-11-27 18:39:09 +01:00
"passthru": true,
"decouple": "false",
"topic": "imager/image",
"style": "",
"onvalue": "auto",
"onvalueType": "str",
"onicon": "",
"oncolor": "",
"offvalue": "off",
"offvalueType": "str",
"officon": "",
"offcolor": "",
"x": 410,
"y": 1060,
"wires": [
2020-11-27 18:57:43 +01:00
"id": "2b9d6988.d84836",
"type": "switch",
"z": "baa1e3d9.cb29d",
"name": "",
"property": "payload",
"propertyType": "msg",
"rules": [
"t": "hask",
"v": "status",
"vt": "str"
"t": "hask",
"v": "camera_name",
"vt": "str"
"checkall": "true",
"repair": false,
"outputs": 2,
"x": 990,
"y": 900,
"wires": [
"id": "3bbb756a.84190a",
"type": "function",
"z": "baa1e3d9.cb29d",
"name": "set camera name",
"func": "global.set(\"acq_camera\", msg.payload.camera_name);\n\nmsg.payload = msg.payload.camera_name;\n\nreturn msg;",
2020-11-27 18:57:43 +01:00
"outputs": 1,
"noerr": 0,
"initialize": "",
"finalize": "",
"x": 1150,
"y": 920,
"wires": [
"id": "559a8085.1d6b9",
"type": "link out",
"z": "baa1e3d9.cb29d",
"name": "Camera Name",
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"x": 1305,
"y": 920,
"wires": []
"id": "30067f35.532f2",
"type": "link in",
"z": "1371dec5.76e671",
"name": "Camera Name",
"links": [
"x": 1075,
2020-11-27 18:57:43 +01:00
"y": 780,
"wires": [
"id": "11b51f8f.acd308",
"type": "python3-function",
"z": "1371dec5.76e671",
"name": "",
"func": "import smbus\nbus = smbus.SMBus(1)\n\naddr = 0x0d\nfan_reg = 0x08\n\ntemp = float( msg[\"payload\"])\n\nif temp <= 35:\n bus.write_byte_data(addr, fan_reg, 0x00)\nelif temp <= 38:\n bus.write_byte_data(addr, fan_reg, 0x04)\nelif temp <= 43:\n bus.write_byte_data(addr, fan_reg, 0x06)\nelif temp <= 48:\n bus.write_byte_data(addr, fan_reg, 0x08)\nelif temp <= 52:\n bus.write_byte_data(addr, fan_reg, 0x09)\nelse:\n bus.write_byte_data(addr, fan_reg, 0x01)\n\nreturn msg",
"outputs": 1,
"x": 1100,
"y": 200,
"wires": [
"id": "d7c68899.f8f678",
"type": "switch",
"z": "b771c342.49603",
"name": "Check if net",
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"propertyType": "msg",
"rules": [
"t": "eq",
"v": "net",
"vt": "str"
"t": "else"
"checkall": "false",
"repair": false,
"outputs": 2,
"x": 1210,
"y": 460,
"wires": [
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"z": "b771c342.49603",
"name": "Activate",
"rules": [
"t": "set",
"p": "payload",
"pt": "msg",
"to": "{\"group\":{\"show\":[\"Sample_Sample_Net_Location\"],\"hide\":[\"Sample_Sample_Location\"]}}",
"tot": "json"
"t": "set",
"p": "enabled",
"pt": "msg",
"to": "true",
"tot": "bool"
"action": "",
"property": "",
"from": "",
"to": "",
"reg": false,
"x": 1380,
"y": 440,
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"z": "b771c342.49603",
"name": "Deactivate",
"rules": [
"t": "set",
"p": "payload",
"pt": "msg",
"to": "{\"group\":{\"hide\":[\"Sample_Sample_Net_Location\"],\"show\":[\"Sample_Sample_Location\"]}}",
"tot": "json"
"t": "set",
"p": "enabled",
"pt": "msg",
"to": "false",
"tot": "bool"
"action": "",
"property": "",
"from": "",
"to": "",
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"y": 740,
"wires": [
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"z": "b771c342.49603",
"group": "cf5d9f0e.d57e7",
"name": "Net throw retrieval",
"order": 6,
"width": 0,
"height": 0,
"format": "<div><h3>Net throw retrieval</h3></div>",
"storeOutMessages": true,
"fwdInMessages": true,
"resendOnRefresh": true,
"templateScope": "local",
"x": 650,
"y": 940,
"wires": [
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"type": "ui_text_input",
"z": "cb95299c.2817c8",
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"label": "Process unique ID*",
"tooltip": "",
"group": "abeb6dad.635a2",
"order": 1,
"width": 10,
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"passthru": true,
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"type": "inject",
"z": "cb95299c.2817c8",
"name": "Default: 1",
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"p": "payload"
"p": "topic",
"vt": "str"
"repeat": "",
"crontab": "",
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"onceDelay": 0.1,
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"payloadType": "num",
"x": 160,
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"z": "cb95299c.2817c8",
"name": "set global",
"func": "global.set(msg.topic, msg.payload);",
"outputs": 1,
"noerr": 0,
"initialize": "",
"finalize": "",
"x": 720,
"y": 180,
"wires": [
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"format": "<div><center><h2>Object counts</h2></center></div>",
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"y": 760,
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"x": 1320,
"y": 880,
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2020-01-08 14:32:46 +01:00
2020-11-25 16:58:32 +01:00