flow: fix typo in regex coordinates validation

This commit is contained in:
Romain Bazile 2020-12-03 16:08:04 +01:00
parent 68d2a10303
commit 668b4c0a35

View file

@ -858,7 +858,7 @@
"height": 1
"id": "692eec9a.2996cc",
"id": "e53fb724.7feff8",
"type": "ui_spacer",
"name": "spacer",
"group": "3e1ba03d.f01d8",
@ -867,7 +867,7 @@
"height": 1
"id": "9c34106a.4c5998",
"id": "3e6c5bc0.8a0544",
"type": "ui_spacer",
"name": "spacer",
"group": "cf5d9f0e.d57e7",
@ -6151,7 +6151,7 @@
"type": "function",
"z": "b771c342.49603",
"name": "Validate Location",
"func": "function ConvertDDMMToDD(input) {\n // Input Format 36°57.4439' N, 110°4.2100' W\n // From https://stackoverflow.com/questions/1140189/converting-latitude-and-longitude-to-decimal-values\n var parts = input.split(/[^\\d\\w]+/);\n var dd = Number(parts[0]) + (Number(parts[1]) + Number(parts[2])/10000)/60;\n return dd.toFixed(6) + parts[3];\n}\n\nif (flow.get(\"coordinates_type\") == \"ddm\"){\n msg.payload = ConvertDDMMToDD(msg.payload)\n}\n\n// Input Format 36.574439° N, 110.42100° W\nvar direction = msg.payload.match(/[NSEW]/);\nvar position = msg.payload.match(/[\\+\\-\\d\\.]+/);\n\nif (direction === null)\n{\n msg.topic = \"Error with the coordinates\"\n msg.payload = \"You need to explicitely enter N/S/E/W\"\n return [null, msg];\n}\n\n// Test that position is only made of digits!\nif(! /^\\d+$/.test(position)){\n msg.topic = \"Error with the coordinates\"\n msg.payload = \"Use of +/- sign is inconsistent with N/S/E/W letter! Please only use N/S/E/W!\"\n return [null, msg];\n}\ndd = Number(position)\n\n// Check latitude\nif (direction == \"S\" || direction == \"N\") {\n if (dd>90.0){\n msg.topic = \"Error with the coordinates\"\n msg.payload = \"Latitude is more than 90°\"\n return [null, msg];\n }\n}\n\n// Check longitude\nif (direction == \"W\" || direction == \"E\") {\n if (dd>180.0){\n msg.topic = \"Error with the coordinates\"\n msg.payload = \"Longitude is more than 180°\"\n return [null, msg];\n }\n}\n\nif (direction == \"S\" || direction == \"W\") {\n dd = dd * -1;\n} // Don't do anything for N or E\nmsg.payload = dd.toFixed(4);\nreturn [msg, null];\n",
"func": "function ConvertDDMMToDD(input) {\n // Input Format 36°57.4439' N, 110°4.2100' W\n // From https://stackoverflow.com/questions/1140189/converting-latitude-and-longitude-to-decimal-values\n var parts = input.split(/[^\\d\\w]+/);\n var dd = Number(parts[0]) + (Number(parts[1]) + Number(parts[2])/10000)/60;\n return dd.toFixed(6) + parts[3];\n}\n\nif (flow.get(\"coordinates_type\") == \"ddm\"){\n msg.payload = ConvertDDMMToDD(msg.payload)\n}\n\n// Input Format 36.574439° N, 110.42100° W\nvar direction = msg.payload.match(/[NSEW]/);\nvar position = msg.payload.match(/[\\+\\-\\d\\.]+/);\n\nif (direction === null)\n{\n msg.topic = \"Error with the coordinates\"\n msg.payload = \"You need to explicitely enter N/S/E/W\"\n return [null, msg];\n}\n\n// Test that position is only made of digits!\nif(/^[\\+\\-]/.test(position)){\n msg.topic = \"Error with the coordinates\"\n msg.payload = \"Use of +/- sign is inconsistent with N/S/E/W letter! Please only use N/S/E/W!\"\n return [null, msg];\n}\ndd = Number(position)\n\n// Check latitude\nif (direction == \"S\" || direction == \"N\") {\n if (dd>90.0){\n msg.topic = \"Error with the coordinates\"\n msg.payload = \"Latitude is more than 90°\"\n return [null, msg];\n }\n}\n\n// Check longitude\nif (direction == \"W\" || direction == \"E\") {\n if (dd>180.0){\n msg.topic = \"Error with the coordinates\"\n msg.payload = \"Longitude is more than 180°\"\n return [null, msg];\n }\n}\n\nif (direction == \"S\" || direction == \"W\") {\n dd = dd * -1;\n} // Don't do anything for N or E\nmsg.payload = dd.toFixed(4);\nreturn [msg, null];\n",
"outputs": 2,
"noerr": 0,
"initialize": "",